#!/usr/bin/python3 -u # Copyright 2022 Memgraph Ltd. # # Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License # included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source # License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License. # # As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with # the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed # by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file # licenses/APL.txt. import argparse import atexit import fcntl import os import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time from typing import List SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) PROJECT_DIR = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, "..", "..", "..")) SIGNAL_SIGTERM = 15 def wait_for_server(port: int, delay: float = 0.1) -> float: cmd = ["nc", "-z", "-w", "1", "", str(port)] while subprocess.call(cmd) != 0: time.sleep(0.01) time.sleep(delay) def execute_tester( binary, queries, should_fail=False, failure_message="", username="", password="", check_failure=True, connection_should_fail=False, ): args = [binary, "--username", username, "--password", password] if should_fail: args.append("--should-fail") if failure_message: args.extend(["--failure-message", failure_message]) if check_failure: args.append("--check-failure") if connection_should_fail: args.append("--connection-should-fail") args.extend(queries) subprocess.run(args).check_returncode() def execute_query(binary: str, queries: List[str], username: str = "", password: str = "") -> None: args = [binary, "--username", username, "--password", password] args.extend(queries) subprocess.run(args).check_returncode() def make_non_blocking(fd): flags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL) fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags | os.O_NONBLOCK) def start_memgraph(memgraph_args: List[any]) -> subprocess: memgraph = subprocess.Popen( list(map(str, memgraph_args)), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True ) time.sleep(0.1) assert memgraph.poll() is None, "Memgraph process died prematurely!" wait_for_server(7687) # Make the stdout and stderr pipes non-blocking make_non_blocking(memgraph.stdout.fileno()) make_non_blocking(memgraph.stderr.fileno()) return memgraph def check_flag(tester_binary: str, flag: str, value: str) -> None: args = [tester_binary, "--field", flag, "--value", value] subprocess.run(args).check_returncode() def check_config(tester_binary: str, flag: str, value: str) -> None: args = [tester_binary, "--config", flag, "--value", value] subprocess.run(args).check_returncode() def cleanup(memgraph: subprocess): if memgraph.poll() is None: pid = memgraph.pid try: os.kill(pid, SIGNAL_SIGTERM) except os.OSError: assert False, "Memgraph process didn't exit cleanly!" time.sleep(1) def run_test(tester_binary: str, memgraph_args: List[str], server_name: str, query_tx: str): memgraph = start_memgraph(memgraph_args) atexit.register(cleanup, memgraph) check_flag(tester_binary, "server.name", server_name) check_flag(tester_binary, "query.timeout", query_tx) cleanup(memgraph) atexit.unregister(cleanup) def run_test_w_query(tester_binary: str, memgraph_args: List[str], executor_binary: str): memgraph = start_memgraph(memgraph_args) atexit.register(cleanup, memgraph) execute_query(executor_binary, ["SET DATABASE SETTING 'server.name' TO 'New Name';"]) execute_query(executor_binary, ["SET DATABASE SETTING 'query.timeout' TO '123';"]) check_flag(tester_binary, "server.name", "New Name") check_flag(tester_binary, "query.timeout", "123") cleanup(memgraph) atexit.unregister(cleanup) def consume(stream): res = [] while True: line = stream.readline() if not line: break res.append(line.strip()) return res def run_log_test(tester_binary: str, memgraph_args: List[str], executor_binary: str): # Test if command line parameters work memgraph = start_memgraph(memgraph_args + ["--log-level", "TRACE", "--also-log-to-stderr"]) atexit.register(cleanup, memgraph) std_err = consume(memgraph.stderr) assert len(std_err) > 5, "Failed to log to stderr" # Test if run-time setting log.to_stderr works execute_query(executor_binary, ["SET DATABASE SETTING 'log.to_stderr' TO 'false';"]) consume(memgraph.stderr) execute_query(executor_binary, ["SET DATABASE SETTING 'query.timeout' TO '123';"]) std_err = consume(memgraph.stderr) assert len(std_err) == 0, "Still writing to stderr even after disabling it" # Test if run-time setting log.level works execute_query(executor_binary, ["SET DATABASE SETTING 'log.to_stderr' TO 'true';"]) execute_query(executor_binary, ["SET DATABASE SETTING 'log.level' TO 'CRITICAL';"]) consume(memgraph.stderr) execute_query(executor_binary, ["SET DATABASE SETTING 'query.timeout' TO '123';"]) std_err = consume(memgraph.stderr) assert len(std_err) == 0, "Log level not updated" # Tets that unsupported values cause an exception execute_tester( tester_binary, ["SET DATABASE SETTING 'log.to_stderr' TO 'something'"], should_fail=True, failure_message="'something' not valid for 'log.to_stderr'", ) execute_tester( tester_binary, ["SET DATABASE SETTING 'log.level' TO 'something'"], should_fail=True, failure_message="'something' not valid for 'log.level'", ) cleanup(memgraph) atexit.unregister(cleanup) def run_check_config(tester_binary: str, memgraph_args: List[str], executor_binary: str): memgraph = start_memgraph(memgraph_args) atexit.register(cleanup, memgraph) execute_query(executor_binary, ["SET DATABASE SETTING 'server.name' TO 'New Name';"]) execute_query(executor_binary, ["SET DATABASE SETTING 'query.timeout' TO '123';"]) execute_query(executor_binary, ["SET DATABASE SETTING 'log.level' TO 'CRITICAL';"]) check_config(tester_binary, "bolt_server_name_for_init", "New Name") check_config(tester_binary, "query_execution_timeout_sec", "123") check_config(tester_binary, "log_level", "CRITICAL") cleanup(memgraph) atexit.unregister(cleanup) def execute_test( memgraph_binary: str, tester_binary: str, flag_tester_binary: str, executor_binary: str, test_config_binary: str ) -> None: storage_directory = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() memgraph_args = [memgraph_binary, "--data-directory", storage_directory.name] print("\033[1;36m~~ Starting run-time settings check test ~~\033[0m") print("\033[1;34m~~ server.name and query.timeout ~~\033[0m") # Check default flags run_test(flag_tester_binary, memgraph_args, "Neo4j/v5.11.0 compatible graph database server - Memgraph", "600") # Check changing flags via command-line arguments run_test( flag_tester_binary, memgraph_args + ["--bolt-server-name-for-init", "Memgraph", "--query-execution-timeout-sec", "1000"], "Memgraph", "1000", ) # Check changing flags via query run_test_w_query(flag_tester_binary, memgraph_args, executor_binary) print("\033[1;34m~~ log.level and log.to_stderr ~~\033[0m") # Check log settings run_log_test(tester_binary, memgraph_args, executor_binary) print("\033[1;34m~~ check show config ~~\033[0m") # Check log settings run_check_config(test_config_binary, memgraph_args, executor_binary) print("\033[1;36m~~ Finished run-time settings check test ~~\033[0m") if __name__ == "__main__": memgraph_binary = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, "build", "memgraph") tester_binary = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, "build", "tests", "integration", "run_time_settings", "tester") flag_tester_binary = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, "build", "tests", "integration", "run_time_settings", "flag_tester") executor_binary = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, "build", "tests", "integration", "run_time_settings", "executor") config_checker_binary = os.path.join( PROJECT_DIR, "build", "tests", "integration", "run_time_settings", "config_checker" ) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--memgraph", default=memgraph_binary) parser.add_argument("--tester", default=tester_binary) parser.add_argument("--flag_tester", default=flag_tester_binary) parser.add_argument("--executor", default=executor_binary) parser.add_argument("--config_checker", default=config_checker_binary) args = parser.parse_args() execute_test(args.memgraph, args.tester, args.flag_tester, args.executor, args.config_checker) sys.exit(0)