# Copyright 2021 Memgraph Ltd.
# Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
# included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
# License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
# As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
# the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
# by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
# licenses/APL.txt.

import atexit
import json
import os
import re
import subprocess
import tempfile
import time

def wait_for_server(port, delay=0.1):
    cmd = ["nc", "-z", "-w", "1", "", str(port)]
    while subprocess.call(cmd) != 0:

def _convert_args_to_flags(*args, **kwargs):
    flags = list(args)
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        key = "--" + key.replace("_", "-")
        if type(value) == bool:
            flags.append(key + "=" + str(value).lower())
    return flags

def _get_usage(pid):
    total_cpu = 0
    with open("/proc/{}/stat".format(pid)) as f:
        total_cpu = sum(map(int, f.read().split(")")[1].split()[11:15])) / os.sysconf(os.sysconf_names["SC_CLK_TCK"])
    peak_rss = 0
    with open("/proc/{}/status".format(pid)) as f:
        for row in f:
            tmp = row.split()
            if tmp[0] == "VmHWM:":
                peak_rss = int(tmp[1]) * 1024
    return {"cpu": total_cpu, "memory": peak_rss}

class Memgraph:
    def __init__(self, memgraph_binary, temporary_dir, properties_on_edges, extra_args):
        self._memgraph_binary = memgraph_binary
        self._directory = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=temporary_dir)
        self._properties_on_edges = properties_on_edges
        self._proc_mg = None
        self._extra_args = extra_args

        # Determine Memgraph version
        ret = subprocess.run([memgraph_binary, "--version"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True)
        version = re.search(r"[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+", ret.stdout.decode("utf-8")).group(0)
        self._memgraph_version = tuple(map(int, version.split(".")))

    def __del__(self):

    def _get_args(self, **kwargs):
        data_directory = os.path.join(self._directory.name, "memgraph")
        if self._memgraph_version >= (0, 50, 0):
            kwargs["data_directory"] = data_directory
            kwargs["durability_directory"] = data_directory
        if self._memgraph_version >= (0, 50, 0):
            kwargs["storage_properties_on_edges"] = self._properties_on_edges
            assert self._properties_on_edges, "Older versions of Memgraph can't disable properties on edges!"

        if self._extra_args != "":
            args_list = self._extra_args.split(" ")
            assert len(args_list) % 2 == 0
            for i in range(0, len(args_list), 2):
                kwargs[args_list[i]] = args_list[i + 1]

        return _convert_args_to_flags(self._memgraph_binary, **kwargs)

    def _start(self, **kwargs):
        if self._proc_mg is not None:
            raise Exception("The database process is already running!")
        args = self._get_args(**kwargs)
        self._proc_mg = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
        if self._proc_mg.poll() is not None:
            self._proc_mg = None
            raise Exception("The database process died prematurely!")
        ret = self._proc_mg.poll()
        assert ret is None, "The database process died prematurely " "({})!".format(ret)

    def _cleanup(self):
        if self._proc_mg is None:
            return 0
        usage = _get_usage(self._proc_mg.pid)
        ret = self._proc_mg.wait()
        self._proc_mg = None
        return ret, usage

    def start_preparation(self):
        if self._memgraph_version >= (0, 50, 0):

    def start_benchmark(self):
        # TODO: support custom benchmarking config files!
        if self._memgraph_version >= (0, 50, 0):

    def stop(self):
        ret, usage = self._cleanup()
        assert ret == 0, "The database process exited with a non-zero " "status ({})!".format(ret)
        return usage

class Client:
    def __init__(self, client_binary, temporary_directory):
        self._client_binary = client_binary
        self._directory = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=temporary_directory)

    def _get_args(self, **kwargs):
        return _convert_args_to_flags(self._client_binary, **kwargs)

    def execute(self, queries=None, file_path=None, num_workers=1):
        if (queries is None and file_path is None) or (queries is not None and file_path is not None):
            raise ValueError("Either queries or input_path must be specified!")

        # TODO: check `file_path.endswith(".json")` to support advanced
        # input queries

        queries_json = False
        if queries is not None:
            queries_json = True
            file_path = os.path.join(self._directory.name, "queries.json")
            with open(file_path, "w") as f:
                for query in queries:
                    json.dump(query, f)

        args = self._get_args(input=file_path, num_workers=num_workers, queries_json=queries_json)
        ret = subprocess.run(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True)
        data = ret.stdout.decode("utf-8").strip().split("\n")
        data = [x for x in data if not x.startswith("[")]
        return list(map(json.loads, data))