#include #include #include #include "communication/result_stream_faker.hpp" #include "database/single_node/graph_db.hpp" #include "database/single_node/graph_db_accessor.hpp" #include "query/interpreter.hpp" #include "query/typed_value.hpp" class ExpansionBenchFixture : public benchmark::Fixture { protected: // GraphDb shouldn't be global constructed/destructed. See // documentation in database/single_node/graph_db.hpp for details. std::optional db_; std::optional interpreter_context_; std::optional interpreter_; void SetUp(const benchmark::State &state) override { db_.emplace(); auto dba = db_->Access(); for (int i = 0; i < state.range(0); i++) dba.InsertVertex(); // the fixed part is one vertex expanding to 1000 others auto start = dba.InsertVertex(); start.add_label(dba.Label("Starting")); auto edge_type = dba.EdgeType("edge_type"); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { auto dest = dba.InsertVertex(); dba.InsertEdge(start, dest, edge_type); } dba.Commit(); interpreter_context_.emplace(&*db_); interpreter_.emplace(&*interpreter_context_); } void TearDown(const benchmark::State &) override { auto dba = db_->Access(); for (auto vertex : dba.Vertices(false)) dba.DetachRemoveVertex(vertex); dba.Commit(); db_ = std::nullopt; } auto &interpreter() { return *interpreter_; } }; BENCHMARK_DEFINE_F(ExpansionBenchFixture, Match)(benchmark::State &state) { auto query = "MATCH (s:Starting) return s"; while (state.KeepRunning()) { ResultStreamFaker results; interpreter().Prepare(query, {}); interpreter().PullAll(&results); } } BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(ExpansionBenchFixture, Match) ->RangeMultiplier(1024) ->Range(1, 1 << 20) ->Unit(benchmark::kMillisecond); BENCHMARK_DEFINE_F(ExpansionBenchFixture, Expand)(benchmark::State &state) { auto query = "MATCH (s:Starting) WITH s MATCH (s)--(d) RETURN count(d)"; while (state.KeepRunning()) { ResultStreamFaker results; interpreter().Prepare(query, {}); interpreter().PullAll(&results); } } BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(ExpansionBenchFixture, Expand) ->RangeMultiplier(1024) ->Range(1, 1 << 20) ->Unit(benchmark::kMillisecond); int main(int argc, char **argv) { google::InitGoogleLogging(argv[0]); ::benchmark::Initialize(&argc, argv); ::benchmark::RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(); return 0; }