Kruno Tomola Fabro
Added support for multiset.
Minor fixes to tests.
MultiIterator & MultiMap work.
There are some unfinished optimizations in the code commented.
All tests pass. Some common parts from tests have been moved.
2016-08-02 13:23:39 +01:00
Kruno Tomola Fabro
Reformated code acording to format rules in .clang-format.
2016-07-31 13:56:13 +01:00
Kruno Tomola Fabro
Removed old SkipListMap and skiplist directory.
2016-07-30 23:06:51 +01:00
Kruno Tomola Fabro
Implemented ConncurentMap and updated it's users.
Added tests for ConcurrentMap.
Implemented ~SkipList.
2016-07-30 21:20:21 +01:00
Marko Budiselic
some new header + source files (vertices, vertex_accessor, properties), first version of Index works, skiplist<T> + concurrent_set + concurrent_map (still has to be finished)
2016-07-05 04:01:22 +01:00