* Decouple BoltSession and communication::bolt::Session
* Cover WebSocket session
* Simple session safety implemented via RWLock
* Storage symlinks for backward. compatibility
* Extend the audit log with the DB info
* Add auth part
* Add tenant recovery
* Parallelize edge recovery
* Load vertex labels and properties parallel
* Add parallel connectivity loading
* Add batches information to snapshot
* Introduce `items_per_batch` and `recovery_thread_count` flags
* Make possible to load snapshots with old version
* Add vertex batches to `RecoveryInfo`
* Extend durability integration tests with v15 test cases
* Add `std::vector` based `InitProperties`
* Use `InitProperties` in snapshot loading
Add a report for the case where a sync replica does not confirm within a timeout:
-Add a new exception: ReplicationException to be returned when one sync replica does not confirm the reception of messages (new data, new constraint/index, or for triggers)
-Update the logic to throw the ReplicationException when needed for insertion of new data, triggers, or creation of new constraint/index
-Add end-to-end tests to cover the loss of connection with sync/async replicas when adding new data, adding new constraint/indexes, and triggers
Add end-to-end tests to cover the creation and drop of indexes, existence constraints, and uniqueness constraints
Improved tooling function mg_sleep_and_assert to also show the last result when duration is exceeded
Add a new command that is able to return the set of configurations that that the
given instance of memgraph was started up with. The returned information
currently consists of the name, the default and the current value of each flag.
The hidden property of three flags were removed, namely --query-cost-planner,
--query-vertex-count-to-expand-existing and --query-max-plans. The flag
--log-link-basename was completely removed since it is not used.