tmp commit
tmp commit v2
Finished reimplementation of propertys.
They now can be placed in a holder with different source of type information.
Tmp commit
Implemented untested UniqueOrderedIndex.
Introduced TypeGroupEdge/Vertex into database.
Added Index capabilityes to PropertyFamily.
Added method for adding index.
Added method for removing index.
Squashed messages from 9 commits:
Properties now uses PropertyFamily and contained classes.
Fetching,seting,clearing properties can be done with PropertyFamilyKey or PropertyTypeKey.
Hierarchy of newly added clases is:
Vertices -n-> PropertyFamily {name: String} <-1-n-> PropertyType {type: Property::Flags}
Edges -n-> PropertyFamily {name: String} <-1-n-> PropertyType {type: Property::Flags}
PropertyFamilyKey -> PropertyType
PropertyTypeKey -> PropertyType
PropertyType t0,t1;
let t0!=t1 be true
let be true
then next is true
Intermedate commit.
Noticed that integration queries throw SEGFAULT.
Defined interface for indexes.
Fixed three memory leaks.
Fixed integration_queries test which now passes.
Commit which return Xorshift128plus to valid shape.
Tmp commit.
Label Index is compiling.
Vertex::Accessor now updates Label index.
Applied changes for code review.
.FIX T67
.FIX T65
Modifed astar main for benchmark.
Experimented with map of best visited and confirmed:
-it is faster by 25%
-observed that it founds best resoult
-loses some non best resoults
Added convinent method at() to get property from RecordAccessor.
Method requires value_ref() method on property object.
-Guarantees that access to Vertex and Edge is possible only through
Vertex::Accessor and Edge::Accessor.
-Guarantees that changing Vertex and Edge is possible only using
Vertex::Accessor returned by vertex_insert() method and
Edge::Accessor returned by edge_insert() method.
-Offers CRUD for Vertex and Edge except iterating over all edges.
Squashed commit messages:
First step in database accessor refactoring done.
It's compiling.
All tests with exception of integration_querys pass
Tests now initialize logging facilities.
Refactored accessors.
RecordAccessor now has 3 states.
From,To,Out,In in there respecive Accessors return unfilled RecordAccessor.
Added iterator classes into utils/itearator/.
Minor fixes to tests.
MultiIterator & MultiMap work.
There are some unfinished optimizations in the code commented.
All tests pass. Some common parts from tests have been moved.