During the following scenario:
- start a HA cluster with 3 machines
- find the leader and start sending queries
- SIGTERM the leader but leave other 2 machines untouched
The leader would be stuck in the shutdown phase.
This was happening because during the shutdown phase of the Bolt server, a
`graph_db_accessor` would try to commit a transaction after we've already shut
down Raft server. Raft, although not running, is still thinking it's in the
Leader mode. Tx Engine calls the `SafeToCommit` method to Commit transactions,
and ends up in an infinite loop.
Since Raft was shut down it won't handle any of the incoming RPCs and won't
change it's mode.
The fix here is to shut down the Bolt server before Raft, so we don't have any
pending commits once Raft is shut down.
Reviewers: ipaljak
Reviewed By: ipaljak
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
Added a new awesome function called `storageInfo`. This function
returns a list of key-value pairs containing the following (useful?)
* number of vertices
* number of edges
* average degree
* memory usage
* disk usage
The current implementation is in `awesome_memgraph_functions` but it will end up
as a separate clause for better access control.
Reviewers: teon.banek, mtomic, mferencevic
Reviewed By: teon.banek
Subscribers: pullbot, buda
Differential Revision:
In this part of log compaction for raft, I've implemented snapshooting
and snapshot recovery. I've also refactored the code a bit, so `RaftServer` now
has a pointer to the `GraphDb` and it can do some things by itself.
Log compaction requires some further work. Since snapshooting isn't synchronous
between peers, and each peer can work at their own pace, once we've compacted
the log so that the next log to be sent to peer `x` isn't available anymore, we
need to send the snapshot over the wire. This means that the next part will
contain the `InstallSnapshotRPC` and then maybe one more that will implement the
logic of sending `LogEntry` or the whole snapshot.
Reviewers: ipaljak
Reviewed By: ipaljak
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
Once a leader loses it's leadership, in order to handle hanging
transactions, we reset the storage and the transaction engine.
This requires to re-apply all the commited entries from the log.
Once we add snapshot (log compaction) we would need to do that also.
One thing to have in mind is the `election_timeout_min` parameter. If it's set
too low it could trigger leader re-election too often.
Reviewers: ipaljak
Reviewed By: ipaljak
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
Before I wrongly assumed `Shutdown` will always be called on Cursors and
removed BFS subcursors there. Now it is done using transactional cache clean-up
mechanism. There's a separate clean-up for `BfsSubcursorStorage` (for actual
subcursors) and `BfsRpcServer` (for database accessors created by the server).
I've changed `BfsRpcServer` to have a `GraphDbAccessor` per transaction,
instead of per `BfsSubcursor`. Mainly because there is no reliable way to check
if the transaction tied to the accessor has expired as it is not safe to call
`transaction_id` method (since `GraphDbAccessor` is holding only a reference to
`Transaction` object).
Reviewers: teon.banek, mferencevic
Reviewed By: teon.banek
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
Creating Raft noop logs on leader change will trigger the whole
log replication procedure that ends up committing/applying state deltas on newly
elected leaders that didn't receive the last commit index from the previous
I also included a small tweak that won't trigger add logs when a transaction
contains only BEGIN and ABORT StateDeltas, because we don't want to replicate
read queries.
Reviewers: ipaljak
Reviewed By: ipaljak
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
TransactionReplicator replicates transactions on follower machines in
HA memgraph. Our DB accessor API doesn't provide us with the functionality to
begin transactions with non-increasing ids. This is why the
`TransactionReplicator` uses a internal map that maps tx ids from the leader
node to transactions on the follower node (whose id doesn't have to match the
leaders tx id).
If the leader has the following transaction timeline:
| tx2
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| tx2
`tx2` will commit first and will be replicated. When applying `tx2` on follower
nodes, they will start a new transaction with tx id `1`. When `tx1` starts
replicating, followers will start a new transaction with tx id `2`. And this is
wehre `TransactionReplicator` kicks in.
Reviewers: ipaljak
Reviewed By: ipaljak
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
Explicitly start and stop raft server.
This way we can be sure that raft won't try to use coordination after it's
shutdown, and we can define the start of th raft protocol easier.
Reviewers: ipaljak
Reviewed By: ipaljak
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
This is just the first diff that tries to wire the raft protocol into
In this diff I'm introducing transaction engine reset functionality. I also
introduced `RaftInterface` which should be used wherever someone wants to access
Raft from Memgraph.
For design decisions see the feature spec.
Reviewers: ipaljak, teon.banek
Reviewed By: ipaljak
Subscribers: pullbot, teon.banek
Differential Revision:
GraphDb now has GetStorageStat method that returns live view to
object containing vertex_count, edge_count and avg_degree().
Stat is updated on each garbage collection run and represents number of
objects that are visible to any transaction.
Reviewers: teon.banek, msantl, ipaljak
Reviewed By: teon.banek
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
Since we need to send `StateDelta`s over the wire in HA, we need to be
able to serialize those bad boys.
This diff hopefully does this the right way.
Reviewers: teon.banek, mferencevic, ipaljak
Reviewed By: teon.banek
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
Initial for fork (in form of a c/p) form the current single node
version. Once we finish HA we plan to re-link the files to the single node
versions if they don't change.
Reviewers: ipaljak, buda, mferencevic
Reviewed By: ipaljak
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
Blocking transaction has the ability to stop the transaction engine from
starting new transactions (regular or blocking) and to wait all other active
transactions to finish (to become non active, committed or aborted). One thing
that blocking transactions support is defining the parent transaction which
does not need to end in order for the blocking one to start. This is because of
a use case where we start nested transactions.
One could thing we should build indexes inside those blocking transactions. This
is true and I wanted to implement this, but this would require some digging in
the interpreter which I didn't want to do in this change.
Reviewers: mferencevic, vkasljevic, teon.banek
Reviewed By: mferencevic, teon.banek
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
As Tom requested in the #graphileon slack channel, I changed the error
message when node can't be updated.
Reviewers: mferencevic, ipaljak
Reviewed By: ipaljak
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
LabelPropertyIndex now has the ability to enforce unique constraint.
This doesn't lock the tx engine.
Reviewers: teon.banek, mferencevic
Reviewed By: teon.banek
Subscribers: pullbot, vkasljevic, buda
Differential Revision:
Start removing `is_remote` from `Address`
Remove `GlobalAddress`
Remove `GlobalizedAddress`
Remove bitmasks from `Address`
Remove `is_local` from `Address`
Remove `is_local` from `RecordAccessor`
Remove `worker_id` from `Address`
Remove `worker_id` from `GidGenerator`
Unfriend `IndexRpcServer` from `Storage`
Remove `LocalizedAddressIfPossible`
Make member private
Remove `worker_id` from `Storage`
Copy function to ease removal of distributed logic
Remove `worker_id` from `WriteAheadLog`
Remove `worker_id` from `GraphDb`
Remove `worker_id` from durability
Remove nonexistant function
Remove `gid` from `Address`
Remove usage of `Address`
Remove `Address`
Remove `VertexAddress` and `EdgeAddress`
Fix Id test
Remove `cypher_id` from `VersionList`
Remove `cypher_id` from durability
Remove `cypher_id` member from `VersionList`
Remove `cypher_id` from database
Fix recovery (revert D1142)
Remove unnecessary functions from `GraphDbAccessor`
Revert `InsertEdge` implementation to the way it was in/before D1142
Remove leftover `VertexAddress` from `Edge`
Remove `PostCreateIndex` and `PopulateIndexFromBuildIndex`
Split durability paths into single node and distributed
Fix `TransactionIdFromWalFilename` implementation
Fix tests
Remove `cypher_id` from `snapshooter` and `durability` test
Reviewers: msantl, teon.banek
Reviewed By: msantl
Subscribers: msantl, pullbot
Differential Revision:
To clean the working directory after this diff you should execute:
rm src/database/counters_rpc_messages.capnp
rm src/database/counters_rpc_messages.hpp
rm src/database/serialization.capnp
rm src/database/serialization.hpp
Reviewers: teon.banek, msantl
Reviewed By: msantl
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
This diff splits single node and distributed storage from each other.
Currently all of the storage code is copied into two directories (one single
node, one distributed). The logic used in the storage implementation isn't
touched, it will be refactored in following diffs.
To clean the working directory after this diff you should execute:
rm database/state_delta.capnp
rm database/state_delta.hpp
rm storage/concurrent_id_mapper_rpc_messages.capnp
rm storage/concurrent_id_mapper_rpc_messages.hpp
Reviewers: teon.banek, buda, msantl
Reviewed By: teon.banek, msantl
Subscribers: teon.banek, pullbot
Differential Revision:
~~1. Figure out how to propagate exceptions during lambda evaluation to master.~~
~~2. Make some more complicated test cases to see if everything is~~
~~sent over the network properly (lambdas depending on frame, evaluation context).~~
~~3. Support only `GraphView::OLD`.~~
4. [MAYBE] Send only parts of the frame necessary for lambda evaluation.
~~5. Fix EdgeType handling~~
Serialize frame and send it in PrepareForExpand RPC
Move Lambda out of ExpandVariable
Send symbol table and filter lambda in CreateBfsSubcursor RPC
Evaluate filter lambda during the expansion
Send evaluation context in CreateBfsSubcursor RPC
Reviewers: teon.banek, msantl
Reviewed By: teon.banek
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
This should allow us to more easily decouple the code which should be
open sourced. Unfortunately, the downside of this approach is that we
cannot rely on virtual calls to dispatch the serialization to correct
type. Another downside is that members need to be publicly accessible
for serialization.
Reviewers: mtomic, msantl
Reviewed By: mtomic
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
This diff changes the RPC layer to directly return `TResponse` to the user when
issuing a `Call<...>` RPC call. The call throws an exception on failure
(instead of the previous return `nullopt`).
All servers (network, RPC and distributed) are set to have explicit `Shutdown`
methods so that a controlled shutdown can always be performed. The object
destructors now have `CHECK`s to enforce that the `AwaitShutdown` methods were
The distributed memgraph is changed that none of the binaries (master/workers)
crash when there is a communication failure. Instead, the whole cluster starts
a graceful shutdown when a persistent communication error is detected.
Transient errors are allowed during execution. The transaction that errored out
will be aborted on the whole cluster. The cluster state is managed using a new
Heartbeat RPC call.
Reviewers: buda, teon.banek, msantl
Reviewed By: teon.banek
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
With this diff we should be able to support dynamic worker addition.
This is ofcourse a minimal effort maximal impact approach.
This diff introduces new RPC calls when a worker registers.
The `DynamicWorkerAddition` doesn't use `GraphDbAccessor` to get indices because
they create WAL entries.
Reviewers: vkasljevic, ipaljak, buda
Reviewed By: ipaljak
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
In a bunch of places `TypedValue` was used where `PropertyValue` should be. A lot of times it was only because `TypedValue` serialization code could be reused for `PropertyValue`, only without providing callbacks for `VERTEX`, `EDGE` and `PATH`. So first I wrote separate serialization code for `PropertyValue` and put it into storage folder. Then I fixed all the places where `TypedValue` was incorrectly used instead of `PropertyValue`. I also disabled implicit `TypedValue` to `PropertyValue` conversion in hopes of preventing misuse in the future.
After that, I wrote code for `VertexAccessor` and `EdgeAccessor` serialization and put it into `storage` folder because it was almost duplicated in distributed BFS and pull produce RPC messages. On the sender side, some subset of records (old or new or both) is serialized, and on the reciever side, records are deserialized and immediately put into transaction cache.
Then I rewrote the `TypedValue` serialization functions (`SaveCapnpTypedValue` and `LoadCapnpTypedValue`) to not take callbacks for `VERTEX`, `EDGE` and `PATH`, but use accessor serialization functions instead. That means that any code that wants to use `TypedValue` serialization must hold a reference to `GraphDbAccessor` and `DataManager`, so that should make clients reconsider if they really want to use `TypedValue` instead of `PropertyValue`.
Reviewers: teon.banek, msantl
Reviewed By: teon.banek
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
This change introduces a pure virtual initial implementation of the transaction
engine which is then implemented in two versions: single node and distributed.
The interface classes now have the following hierarchy:
Engine (pure interface)
+----+---------- EngineDistributed (common logic)
| |
EngineSingleNode +-------+--------+
| |
EngineMaster EngineWorker
In addition to this layout the `EngineMaster` uses `EngineSingleNode` as its
underlying storage engine and only changes the necessary functions to make
them work with the `EngineWorker`.
After this change I recommend that you delete the following leftover files:
rm src/distributed/transactional_cache_cleaner_rpc_messages.*
rm src/transactions/common.*
rm src/transactions/engine_rpc_messages.*
Reviewers: teon.banek, msantl, buda
Reviewed By: teon.banek
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
This change improves detection of errorneous situations when starting a
distributed cluster on a single machine. It asserts that the user hasn't
started more memgraph nodes on the same machine with the same durability
directory. Also, this diff improves worker registration. Now workers don't have
to have explicitly set IP addresses. The master will deduce them from the
connecting IP when the worker registers.
Reviewers: teon.banek, buda, msantl
Reviewed By: teon.banek
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
This diff introduces a new flags
* `--synchronous-commit`
The `--synchronous-commit` tells the WAL when should the deltas be flushed to
the disk drive. By default this is off and the WAL flushes deltas every `N`
milliseconds. If it's turned on, on every transaction end, commit or abort, the
WAL will first flush the deltas and only after that will return from ending a
Reviewers: buda, vkasljevic, mferencevic, teon.banek, ipaljak
Reviewed By: mferencevic
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
Instead of DataManager returning Cache which can fetch data when needed,
I refactored the code so that the Cache is simple wrapper around
unordered_map and the DataManager is one that is fetching data. Also Cache
is not visible from outside of the DataManager so we can add LRU policy
without changing anything else.
Reviewers: msantl, ipaljak, teon.banek, buda
Reviewed By: msantl, teon.banek
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
Since RecordAccessor is often instantiated and copied, using a
factory-like function to allocate concrete types on the heap would be
too costly. The approach in this diff uses a Strategy pattern (see
"Design Patterns" by Gamma et al.), where the Strategy interface is
given as RecordAccessor::Impl. Concrete implementations are then created
for each GraphDb. This allows us to instantiate the concrete
RecordAccessors::Impl *once* and *share* it among all RecordAccessors.
Reviewers: msantl, vkasljevic
Reviewed By: msantl
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
GraphDbAccessor is now constructed only through GraphDb. This allows the
concrete GraphDb to instantiate a concrete GraphDbAccessor. This allows
us to use virtual calls, so that the implementation may be kept
separate. The major downside of doing things this way is heap allocation
of GraphDbAccessor. In case it turns out to be a real performance
issues, another solution with pointer to static implementation may be
InsertVertexIntoRemote is now a non-member function, which reduces
coupling. It made no sense for it to be member function because it used
only the public parts of GraphDbAccessor.
Reviewers: msantl, mtomic, mferencevic
Reviewed By: msantl
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
This change, hopefully, simplifies the implementation of different kinds
of GraphDb. The pimpl idiom is now simplified by removing all of the
crazy inheritance. Implementations classes are just plain data stores,
without any methods. The interface classes now have a more flat
GraphDb (pure interface)
+----+---------- DistributedGraphDb (pure interface)
| |
Single Node +-----+------+
| |
Master Worker
DistributedGraphDb is used as an intermediate interface for all the
things that should work only in distributed. Therefore, virtual calls
for distributed stuff have been removed from GraphDb. Some are exposed
via DistributedGraphDb, other's are only in concrete Master and Worker
classes. The code which relied on those virtual calls has been
refactored to either use DistributedGraphDb, take a pointer to what is
actually needed or use dynamic_cast. Obviously, dynamic_cast is a
temporary solution and should be replaced with another mechanism (e.g.
virtual call, or some other function pointer style).
The cost of the above change is some code duplication in constructors
and destructors of classes. This duplication has a lot of little tweaks
that make it hard to generalize, not to mention that virtual calls do
not work in constructor and destructor. If we really care about
generalizing this, we should think about abandoning RAII in favor of
constructor + Init method.
The next steps for splitting the dependencies that seem logical are:
1) Split GraphDbAccessor implementation, either via inheritance or
passing in an implementation pointer. GraphDbAccessor should then
only be created by a virtual call on GraphDb.
2) Split Interpreter implementation. Besides allowing single node
interpreter to exist without depending on distributed, this will
enable the planner and operators to be correctly separated.
Reviewers: msantl, mferencevic, ipaljak
Reviewed By: msantl
Subscribers: dgleich, pullbot
Differential Revision:
First iteration in implementing kafka.
Currently, memgraph streams won't use the transform script provided in the
There is a manual test that serves a POC purpose which we'll use to fully wire
kafka in memgraph.
Since streams need to download the script, I moved curl init from
Reviewers: teon.banek, mferencevic
Reviewed By: mferencevic
Subscribers: ipaljak, pullbot, buda
Differential Revision:
During the creation of indexes there could be a case in which a vertex contains a label/property but is not a part of index after
index building completes.
This happens if vertices are being inserted while the index is being built.
Reviewers: buda, msantl
Reviewed By: msantl
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
Session specifics have been move out of the Bolt `executing` state, and
are accessed via pure virtual Session type. Our server is templated on
the session and we are setting the concrete type, so there should be no
virtual call overhead. Abstract Session is used to indicate the
interface, this could have also been templated, but the explicit
interface definition makes it clearer.
Specific session implementation for running Memgraph is now implemented
in memgraph_bolt, which instantiates the concrete session type. This may
not be 100% appropriate place, but Memgraph specific session isn't
needed anywhere else.
Bolt/communication tests now use a dummy session and depend only on
communication, which significantly improves test run times.
All these changes make the communication a library which doesn't depend
on storage nor the database. Only shared connection points, which aren't
part of the base communication library are:
* glue/conversion -- which converts between storage and bolt types, and
* communication/result_stream_faker -- templated, but used in tests and query/repl
Depends on D1453
Reviewers: mferencevic, buda, mtomic, msantl
Reviewed By: mferencevic, mtomic
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
This is the first step in cutting the crazy dependencies of
communication module to the whole database. Includes have been
reorganized and conversion between DecodedValue and other Memgraph types
(TypedValue and PropertyValue) has been extracted to a higher level
component called `communication/conversion`. Encoder, like Decoder, now
relies only on DecodedValue. Hopefully the conversion operations will
not significantly slow down streaming Bolt data.
Additionally, Bolt ID is now wrapped in a class. Our storage model uses
*unsigned* int64, while Bolt expects *signed* int64. The implicit
conversions may lead to encode/decode errors, so the wrapper should
enforce some type safety to prevent such errors.
Reviewers: mferencevic, buda, msantl, mtomic
Reviewed By: mferencevic, mtomic
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
Integrated kafka library into memgraph. This version supports all opencypher
features and will only output messages consumed from kafka.
Depends on D1434
Next steps are persisting stream metadata and transforming messages in order to
store them in the graph.
Reviewers: teon.banek, mtomic, mferencevic, buda
Reviewed By: teon.banek
Subscribers: mferencevic, pullbot, buda
Differential Revision:
Wal on workers didn't contain committed transactions ids, this is needed for
distributed recovery so that the master may decide which transactions are
present on all the workers.
Reviewers: buda, msantl
Reviewed By: buda
Subscribers: pullbot, msantl, buda
Differential Revision:
Converts the RPC stack to use Cap'n Proto for serialization instead of
boost. There are still some traces of boost in other places in the code,
but most of it is removed. A future diff should cleanup boost for good.
The RPC API is now changed to be more flexible with regards to how
serialize data. This makes the simplest cases a bit more verbose, but
allows complex serialization code to be correctly written instead of
relying on hacks. (For reference, look for the old serialization of
`PullRpc` which had a nasty pointer hacks to inject accessors in
Since RPC messages were uselessly modeled via inheritance of Message
base class, that class is now removed. Furthermore, that approach
doesn't really work with Cap'n Proto. Instead, each message type is
required to have some type information. This can be automated, so
`define-rpc` has been added to LCP, which hopefully simplifies defining
new RPC request and response messages.
Specify Cap'n Proto schema ID in cmake
This preserves Cap'n Proto generated typeIds across multiple generations
of capnp schemas through LCP. It is imperative that typeId stays the
same to ensure that different compilations of Memgraph may communicate
via RPC in a distributed cluster.
Use CLOS for meta information on C++ types in LCP
Since some structure slots and functions have started to repeat
themselves, it makes sense to model C++ meta information via Common Lisp
Object System.
Depends on D1391
Reviewers: buda, dgleich, mferencevic, mtomic, mculinovic, msantl
Reviewed By: msantl
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
A simplified end-to-end implementation
POD interface set-up, still have bugs with HDDkeys
Version bug fix and first iterator implementation
Fixed out-of-scope reference in PVS iterator
Added PVS unit tests
Reviewers: buda, mferencevic, dgleich, teon.banek
Reviewed By: buda, dgleich
Subscribers: mferencevic, pullbot
Differential Revision:
Summary: Global address of `from` was stored in Edge record when created via CreateEdge RPC.
Reviewers: buda, msantl, dgleich
Reviewed By: dgleich
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
This binary is installed and packaged for release. This is just a quick
solution for releasing the Community 0.10 version. We still need to
setup the installation and packaging for both the Enterprise and
Community versions. Additionally, the automated build system needs to
test both binaries for correct behaviour. Obviously, some tests can only
be run on one of the 2 versions.
Reviewers: mferencevic, buda
Reviewed By: buda
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
Summary: Locks should be released as early as possible
Reviewers: msantl, florijan
Reviewed By: msantl
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
- Removed a lot of stuff that was incorrect and/or unnecessary
- Fixed const-correctness in the skiplist family
Reviewers: dgleich, teon.banek, buda
Reviewed By: dgleich
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
After the commit log was cleared there was some transaction that tried to acquire
a lock on an object that was taken by a transaction that was not longer active on
the worker. Inquring the commit log about that transaction causes a crash since
the commit log is cleared of that transaction.
Solution is to clear the transaction cache before clearing the commit log, which
forces the transactions to release their locks and as such their ids will never be
queried through the commit log in the future.
Reviewers: florijan, msantl
Reviewed By: msantl
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
Implemented cluster discovery in distributed memgraph.
When a worker registers, it sends a RPC request to master.
The master assigns that worker an id and sends the information about other
workers (pairs of <worker_id, endpoint>) to the new worker.
Master also sends the information about the new worker to all existing workers
in the process of worker registration.
After the last worker registers, all memgraph instances in the clusters should
know about every other.
Reviewers: mtomic, buda, florijan
Reviewed By: mtomic
Subscribers: teon.banek, dgleich, pullbot
Differential Revision:
Summary: Make synchronized snapshot. This invokese the snapshooter on workers on the master snapshot scheduler interval.
Reviewers: msantl, mtomic
Reviewed By: msantl
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
Summary: Adds a commit log garbage collector, which clears old transactions from the commit log
Reviewers: florijan
Reviewed By: florijan
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
When commiting/aborting a transaction in tx master engine, make a two
phase commit to all workers so they can stop all futures and clear
transactional cache.
Reviewers: dgleich, florijan
Reviewed By: dgleich
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
Snapshot scheduler object was released from unique ptr and not actually freed, which
caused the snapshooter to access the tx_engine after it was destructed.
Reviewers: mferencevic
Reviewed By: mferencevic
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
Master shouldn't stop processing rpc calls immediately on shutdown. It
should wait for all workers to stop, and then destroy itself.
Reviewers: dgleich, mferencevic
Reviewed By: dgleich
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
Before we used `utils::Future` only where it's created by our `ThreadPool`.
I suggest in this diff that we use it everywhere, it's a bit more defensive and
should not have any downsides.
Reviewers: msantl, teon.banek
Reviewed By: msantl
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision:
Add different priority VLOGs for distributed memgraph.
For level 3 you'll get logs for dispatching/consuming plans.
For level 4 you'll get logs for tx start/commit/abort, remote produce, remote
pull, remote result consume,
For level 5 there will be a log for each request/response made by the RPC
Master log snippet P9
Worker log snippet P10
Reviewers: florijan, teon.banek
Reviewed By: florijan
Subscribers: pullbot
Differential Revision: