From 332afadf21b13e48ffa87595b93b943eeebe96f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?J=C3=A1nos=20Benjamin=20Antal?=
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 10:27:13 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Split file parsing (#600)

Add temporary support for split files. This is only temporary solution until we
get the shard splitting implemented.
 src/coordinator/shard_map.cpp        | 433 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/coordinator/shard_map.hpp        | 306 ++-----------------
 src/memgraph.cpp                     |  28 +-
 src/query/v2/CMakeLists.txt          |   2 +-
 tests/simulation/shard_rsm.cpp       |   1 -
 tests/unit/CMakeLists.txt            |  45 +--
 tests/unit/coordinator_shard_map.cpp | 104 +++++++
 7 files changed, 604 insertions(+), 315 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/unit/coordinator_shard_map.cpp

diff --git a/src/coordinator/shard_map.cpp b/src/coordinator/shard_map.cpp
index 88f878b4e..87b449301 100644
--- a/src/coordinator/shard_map.cpp
+++ b/src/coordinator/shard_map.cpp
@@ -9,8 +9,17 @@
 // by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
 // licenses/APL.txt.
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <vector>
+#include "common/types.hpp"
 #include "coordinator/shard_map.hpp"
+#include "spdlog/spdlog.h"
+#include "storage/v3/schemas.hpp"
 #include "storage/v3/temporal.hpp"
+#include "utils/cast.hpp"
+#include "utils/exceptions.hpp"
+#include "utils/string.hpp"
 namespace memgraph::coordinator {
@@ -57,6 +66,259 @@ PrimaryKey SchemaToMinKey(const std::vector<SchemaProperty> &schema) {
   return ret;
+ShardMap ShardMap::Parse(std::istream &input_stream) {
+  ShardMap shard_map;
+  const auto read_size = [&input_stream] {
+    size_t size{0};
+    input_stream >> size;
+    return size;
+  };
+  // Reads a string until the next whitespace
+  const auto read_word = [&input_stream] {
+    std::string word;
+    input_stream >> word;
+    return word;
+  };
+  const auto read_names = [&read_size, &read_word] {
+    const auto number_of_names = read_size();
+    spdlog::trace("Reading {} names", number_of_names);
+    std::vector<std::string> names;
+    names.reserve(number_of_names);
+    for (auto name_index = 0; name_index < number_of_names; ++name_index) {
+      names.push_back(read_word());
+      spdlog::trace("Read '{}'", names.back());
+    }
+    return names;
+  };
+  const auto read_line = [&input_stream] {
+    std::string line;
+    std::getline(input_stream, line);
+    return line;
+  };
+  const auto parse_type = [](const std::string &type) {
+    static const auto type_map = std::unordered_map<std::string, common::SchemaType>{
+        {"string", common::SchemaType::STRING}, {"int", common::SchemaType::INT}, {"bool", common::SchemaType::BOOL}};
+    const auto lower_case_type = utils::ToLowerCase(type);
+    auto it = type_map.find(lower_case_type);
+    MG_ASSERT(it != type_map.end(), "Invalid type in split files: {}", type);
+    return it->second;
+  };
+  const auto parse_property_value = [](std::string text, const common::SchemaType type) {
+    if (type == common::SchemaType::STRING) {
+      return storage::v3::PropertyValue{std::move(text)};
+    }
+    if (type == common::SchemaType::INT) {
+      size_t processed{0};
+      int64_t value = std::stoll(text, &processed);
+      MG_ASSERT(processed == text.size() || text[processed] == ' ', "Invalid integer format: '{}'", text);
+      return storage::v3::PropertyValue{value};
+    }
+    LOG_FATAL("Not supported type: {}", utils::UnderlyingCast(type));
+  };
+  spdlog::debug("Reading properties");
+  const auto properties = read_names();
+  MG_ASSERT(shard_map.AllocatePropertyIds(properties).size() == properties.size(),
+            "Unexpected number of properties created!");
+  spdlog::debug("Reading edge types");
+  const auto edge_types = read_names();
+  MG_ASSERT(shard_map.AllocateEdgeTypeIds(edge_types).size() == edge_types.size(),
+            "Unexpected number of properties created!");
+  spdlog::debug("Reading primary labels");
+  const auto number_of_primary_labels = read_size();
+  spdlog::debug("Reading {} primary labels", number_of_primary_labels);
+  for (auto label_index = 0; label_index < number_of_primary_labels; ++label_index) {
+    const auto primary_label = read_word();
+    spdlog::debug("Reading primary label named '{}'", primary_label);
+    const auto number_of_primary_properties = read_size();
+    spdlog::debug("Reading {} primary properties", number_of_primary_properties);
+    std::vector<std::string> pp_names;
+    std::vector<common::SchemaType> pp_types;
+    pp_names.reserve(number_of_primary_properties);
+    pp_types.reserve(number_of_primary_properties);
+    for (auto property_index = 0; property_index < number_of_primary_properties; ++property_index) {
+      pp_names.push_back(read_word());
+      spdlog::debug("Reading primary property named '{}'", pp_names.back());
+      pp_types.push_back(parse_type(read_word()));
+    }
+    auto pp_mapping = shard_map.AllocatePropertyIds(pp_names);
+    std::vector<SchemaProperty> schema;
+    schema.reserve(number_of_primary_properties);
+    for (auto property_index = 0; property_index < number_of_primary_properties; ++property_index) {
+      schema.push_back(storage::v3::SchemaProperty{[property_index]), pp_types[property_index]});
+    }
+    const auto hlc = shard_map.GetHlc();
+    MG_ASSERT(shard_map.InitializeNewLabel(primary_label, schema, 1, hlc).has_value(),
+              "Cannot initialize new label: {}", primary_label);
+    const auto number_of_split_points = read_size();
+    spdlog::debug("Reading {} split points", number_of_split_points);
+    [[maybe_unused]] const auto remainder_from_last_line = read_line();
+    for (auto split_point_index = 0; split_point_index < number_of_split_points; ++split_point_index) {
+      const auto line = read_line();
+      spdlog::debug("Read split point '{}'", line);
+      MG_ASSERT(line.front() == '[', "Invalid split file format!");
+      MG_ASSERT(line.back() == ']', "Invalid split file format!");
+      std::string_view line_view{line};
+      line_view.remove_prefix(1);
+      line_view.remove_suffix(1);
+      static constexpr std::string_view kDelimiter{","};
+      auto pk_values_as_text = utils::Split(line_view, kDelimiter);
+      std::vector<PropertyValue> pk;
+      pk.reserve(number_of_primary_properties);
+      MG_ASSERT(pk_values_as_text.size() == number_of_primary_properties,
+                "Split point contains invalid number of values '{}'", line);
+      for (auto property_index = 0; property_index < number_of_primary_properties; ++property_index) {
+        pk.push_back(parse_property_value(std::move(pk_values_as_text[property_index]), schema[property_index].type));
+      }
+      shard_map.SplitShard(shard_map.GetHlc(),, pk);
+    }
+  }
+  return shard_map;
+std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &in, const ShardMap &shard_map) {
+  using utils::print_helpers::operator<<;
+  in << "ShardMap { shard_map_version: " << shard_map.shard_map_version;
+  in << ", max_property_id: " << shard_map.max_property_id;
+  in << ", max_edge_type_id: " << shard_map.max_edge_type_id;
+  in << ", properties: " <<;
+  in << ", edge_types: " << shard_map.edge_types;
+  in << ", max_label_id: " << shard_map.max_label_id;
+  in << ", labels: " << shard_map.labels;
+  in << ", label_spaces: " << shard_map.label_spaces;
+  in << ", schemas: " << shard_map.schemas;
+  in << "}";
+  return in;
+Shards ShardMap::GetShards(const LabelName &label) {
+  const auto id =;
+  auto &shards =;
+  return shards;
+// TODO(gabor) later we will want to update the wallclock time with
+// the given Io<impl>'s time as well
+Hlc ShardMap::IncrementShardMapVersion() noexcept {
+  ++shard_map_version.logical_id;
+  return shard_map_version;
+Hlc ShardMap::GetHlc() const noexcept { return shard_map_version; }
+std::vector<ShardToInitialize> ShardMap::AssignShards(Address storage_manager,
+                                                      std::set<boost::uuids::uuid> initialized) {
+  std::vector<ShardToInitialize> ret{};
+  bool mutated = false;
+  for (auto &[label_id, label_space] : label_spaces) {
+    for (auto it = label_space.shards.begin(); it != label_space.shards.end(); it++) {
+      auto &[low_key, shard] = *it;
+      std::optional<PrimaryKey> high_key;
+      if (const auto next_it = std::next(it); next_it != label_space.shards.end()) {
+        high_key = next_it->first;
+      }
+      // TODO(tyler) avoid these triple-nested loops by having the heartbeat include better info
+      bool machine_contains_shard = false;
+      for (auto &aas : shard) {
+        if (initialized.contains(aas.address.unique_id)) {
+          machine_contains_shard = true;
+          if (aas.status != Status::CONSENSUS_PARTICIPANT) {
+            spdlog::info("marking shard as full consensus participant: {}", aas.address.unique_id);
+            aas.status = Status::CONSENSUS_PARTICIPANT;
+          }
+        } else {
+          const bool same_machine = aas.address.last_known_ip == storage_manager.last_known_ip &&
+                                    aas.address.last_known_port == storage_manager.last_known_port;
+          if (same_machine) {
+            machine_contains_shard = true;
+            spdlog::info("reminding shard manager that they should begin participating in shard");
+            ret.push_back(ShardToInitialize{
+                .uuid = aas.address.unique_id,
+                .label_id = label_id,
+                .min_key = low_key,
+                .max_key = high_key,
+                .schema = schemas[label_id],
+                .config = Config{},
+            });
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      if (!machine_contains_shard && shard.size() < label_space.replication_factor) {
+        Address address = storage_manager;
+        // TODO(tyler) use deterministic UUID so that coordinators don't diverge here
+        address.unique_id = boost::uuids::uuid{boost::uuids::random_generator()()},
+        spdlog::info("assigning shard manager to shard");
+        ret.push_back(ShardToInitialize{
+            .uuid = address.unique_id,
+            .label_id = label_id,
+            .min_key = low_key,
+            .max_key = high_key,
+            .schema = schemas[label_id],
+            .config = Config{},
+        });
+        AddressAndStatus aas = {
+            .address = address,
+            .status = Status::INITIALIZING,
+        };
+        shard.emplace_back(aas);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (mutated) {
+    IncrementShardMapVersion();
+  }
+  return ret;
+bool ShardMap::SplitShard(Hlc previous_shard_map_version, LabelId label_id, const PrimaryKey &key) {
+  if (previous_shard_map_version != shard_map_version) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  auto &label_space =;
+  auto &shards_in_map = label_space.shards;
+  MG_ASSERT(!shards_in_map.empty());
+  MG_ASSERT(!shards_in_map.contains(key));
+  MG_ASSERT(label_spaces.contains(label_id));
+  // Finding the Shard that the new PrimaryKey should map to.
+  auto prev = std::prev(shards_in_map.upper_bound(key));
+  Shard duplicated_shard = prev->second;
+  // Apply the split
+  shards_in_map[key] = duplicated_shard;
+  IncrementShardMapVersion();
+  return true;
 std::optional<LabelId> ShardMap::InitializeNewLabel(std::string label_name, std::vector<SchemaProperty> schema,
                                                     size_t replication_factor, Hlc last_shard_map_version) {
   if (shard_map_version != last_shard_map_version || labels.contains(label_name)) {
@@ -88,4 +350,175 @@ std::optional<LabelId> ShardMap::InitializeNewLabel(std::string label_name, std:
   return label_id;
+void ShardMap::AddServer(Address server_address) {
+  // Find a random place for the server to plug in
+std::optional<LabelId> ShardMap::GetLabelId(const std::string &label) const {
+  if (const auto it = labels.find(label); it != labels.end()) {
+    return it->second;
+  }
+  return std::nullopt;
+std::string ShardMap::GetLabelName(const LabelId label) const {
+  if (const auto it =
+          std::ranges::find_if(labels, [label](const auto &name_id_pair) { return name_id_pair.second == label; });
+      it != labels.end()) {
+    return it->first;
+  }
+  throw utils::BasicException("GetLabelName fails on the given label id!");
+std::optional<PropertyId> ShardMap::GetPropertyId(const std::string &property_name) const {
+  if (const auto it = properties.find(property_name); it != properties.end()) {
+    return it->second;
+  }
+  return std::nullopt;
+std::string ShardMap::GetPropertyName(const PropertyId property) const {
+  if (const auto it = std::ranges::find_if(
+          properties, [property](const auto &name_id_pair) { return name_id_pair.second == property; });
+      it != properties.end()) {
+    return it->first;
+  }
+  throw utils::BasicException("PropertyId not found!");
+std::optional<EdgeTypeId> ShardMap::GetEdgeTypeId(const std::string &edge_type) const {
+  if (const auto it = edge_types.find(edge_type); it != edge_types.end()) {
+    return it->second;
+  }
+  return std::nullopt;
+std::string ShardMap::GetEdgeTypeName(const EdgeTypeId property) const {
+  if (const auto it = std::ranges::find_if(
+          edge_types, [property](const auto &name_id_pair) { return name_id_pair.second == property; });
+      it != edge_types.end()) {
+    return it->first;
+  }
+  throw utils::BasicException("EdgeTypeId not found!");
+Shards ShardMap::GetShardsForRange(const LabelName &label_name, const PrimaryKey &start_key,
+                                   const PrimaryKey &end_key) const {
+  MG_ASSERT(start_key <= end_key);
+  MG_ASSERT(labels.contains(label_name));
+  LabelId label_id =;
+  const auto &label_space =;
+  const auto &shards_for_label = label_space.shards;
+  MG_ASSERT(shards_for_label.begin()->first <= start_key,
+            "the ShardMap must always contain a minimal key that is less than or equal to any requested key");
+  auto it = std::prev(shards_for_label.upper_bound(start_key));
+  const auto end_it = shards_for_label.upper_bound(end_key);
+  Shards shards{};
+  std::copy(it, end_it, std::inserter(shards, shards.end()));
+  return shards;
+Shard ShardMap::GetShardForKey(const LabelName &label_name, const PrimaryKey &key) const {
+  MG_ASSERT(labels.contains(label_name));
+  LabelId label_id =;
+  const auto &label_space =;
+  MG_ASSERT(label_space.shards.begin()->first <= key,
+            "the ShardMap must always contain a minimal key that is less than or equal to any requested key");
+  return std::prev(label_space.shards.upper_bound(key))->second;
+Shard ShardMap::GetShardForKey(const LabelId &label_id, const PrimaryKey &key) const {
+  MG_ASSERT(label_spaces.contains(label_id));
+  const auto &label_space =;
+  MG_ASSERT(label_space.shards.begin()->first <= key,
+            "the ShardMap must always contain a minimal key that is less than or equal to any requested key");
+  return std::prev(label_space.shards.upper_bound(key))->second;
+PropertyMap ShardMap::AllocatePropertyIds(const std::vector<PropertyName> &new_properties) {
+  PropertyMap ret{};
+  bool mutated = false;
+  for (const auto &property_name : new_properties) {
+    if (properties.contains(property_name)) {
+      auto property_id =;
+      ret.emplace(property_name, property_id);
+    } else {
+      mutated = true;
+      const PropertyId property_id = PropertyId::FromUint(++max_property_id);
+      ret.emplace(property_name, property_id);
+      properties.emplace(property_name, property_id);
+    }
+  }
+  if (mutated) {
+    IncrementShardMapVersion();
+  }
+  return ret;
+EdgeTypeIdMap ShardMap::AllocateEdgeTypeIds(const std::vector<EdgeTypeName> &new_edge_types) {
+  EdgeTypeIdMap ret;
+  bool mutated = false;
+  for (const auto &edge_type_name : new_edge_types) {
+    if (edge_types.contains(edge_type_name)) {
+      auto edge_type_id =;
+      ret.emplace(edge_type_name, edge_type_id);
+    } else {
+      mutated = true;
+      const EdgeTypeId edge_type_id = EdgeTypeId::FromUint(++max_edge_type_id);
+      ret.emplace(edge_type_name, edge_type_id);
+      edge_types.emplace(edge_type_name, edge_type_id);
+    }
+  }
+  if (mutated) {
+    IncrementShardMapVersion();
+  }
+  return ret;
+bool ShardMap::ClusterInitialized() const {
+  for (const auto &[label_id, label_space] : label_spaces) {
+    for (const auto &[low_key, shard] : label_space.shards) {
+      if (shard.size() < label_space.replication_factor) {
+        spdlog::info("label_space below desired replication factor");
+        return false;
+      }
+      for (const auto &aas : shard) {
+        if (aas.status != Status::CONSENSUS_PARTICIPANT) {
+          spdlog::info("shard member not yet a CONSENSUS_PARTICIPANT");
+          return false;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
 }  // namespace memgraph::coordinator
diff --git a/src/coordinator/shard_map.hpp b/src/coordinator/shard_map.hpp
index aa0f13d09..b637e2300 100644
--- a/src/coordinator/shard_map.hpp
+++ b/src/coordinator/shard_map.hpp
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ PrimaryKey SchemaToMinKey(const std::vector<SchemaProperty> &schema);
 struct LabelSpace {
   std::vector<SchemaProperty> schema;
+  // Maps between the smallest primary key stored in the shard and the shard
   std::map<PrimaryKey, Shard> shards;
   size_t replication_factor;
@@ -123,311 +124,48 @@ struct ShardMap {
   std::map<LabelId, LabelSpace> label_spaces;
   std::map<LabelId, std::vector<SchemaProperty>> schemas;
-  friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &in, const ShardMap &shard_map) {
-    using utils::print_helpers::operator<<;
+  [[nodiscard]] static ShardMap Parse(std::istream &input_stream);
+  friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &in, const ShardMap &shard_map);
-    in << "ShardMap { shard_map_version: " << shard_map.shard_map_version;
-    in << ", max_property_id: " << shard_map.max_property_id;
-    in << ", max_edge_type_id: " << shard_map.max_edge_type_id;
-    in << ", properties: " <<;
-    in << ", edge_types: " << shard_map.edge_types;
-    in << ", max_label_id: " << shard_map.max_label_id;
-    in << ", labels: " << shard_map.labels;
-    in << ", label_spaces: " << shard_map.label_spaces;
-    in << ", schemas: " << shard_map.schemas;
-    in << "}";
-    return in;
-  }
-  Shards GetShards(const LabelName &label) {
-    const auto id =;
-    auto &shards =;
-    return shards;
-  }
+  Shards GetShards(const LabelName &label);
   // TODO(gabor) later we will want to update the wallclock time with
   // the given Io<impl>'s time as well
-  Hlc IncrementShardMapVersion() noexcept {
-    ++shard_map_version.logical_id;
-    return shard_map_version;
-  }
-  Hlc GetHlc() const noexcept { return shard_map_version; }
+  Hlc IncrementShardMapVersion() noexcept;
+  Hlc GetHlc() const noexcept;
   // Returns the shard UUIDs that have been assigned but not yet acknowledged for this storage manager
-  std::vector<ShardToInitialize> AssignShards(Address storage_manager, std::set<boost::uuids::uuid> initialized) {
-    std::vector<ShardToInitialize> ret{};
+  std::vector<ShardToInitialize> AssignShards(Address storage_manager, std::set<boost::uuids::uuid> initialized);
-    bool mutated = false;
-    for (auto &[label_id, label_space] : label_spaces) {
-      for (auto it = label_space.shards.begin(); it != label_space.shards.end(); it++) {
-        auto &[low_key, shard] = *it;
-        std::optional<PrimaryKey> high_key;
-        if (const auto next_it = std::next(it); next_it != label_space.shards.end()) {
-          high_key = next_it->first;
-        }
-        // TODO(tyler) avoid these triple-nested loops by having the heartbeat include better info
-        bool machine_contains_shard = false;
-        for (auto &aas : shard) {
-          if (initialized.contains(aas.address.unique_id)) {
-            machine_contains_shard = true;
-            if (aas.status != Status::CONSENSUS_PARTICIPANT) {
-              spdlog::info("marking shard as full consensus participant: {}", aas.address.unique_id);
-              aas.status = Status::CONSENSUS_PARTICIPANT;
-            }
-          } else {
-            const bool same_machine = aas.address.last_known_ip == storage_manager.last_known_ip &&
-                                      aas.address.last_known_port == storage_manager.last_known_port;
-            if (same_machine) {
-              machine_contains_shard = true;
-              spdlog::info("reminding shard manager that they should begin participating in shard");
-              ret.push_back(ShardToInitialize{
-                  .uuid = aas.address.unique_id,
-                  .label_id = label_id,
-                  .min_key = low_key,
-                  .max_key = high_key,
-                  .schema = schemas[label_id],
-                  .config = Config{},
-              });
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        if (!machine_contains_shard && shard.size() < label_space.replication_factor) {
-          Address address = storage_manager;
-          // TODO(tyler) use deterministic UUID so that coordinators don't diverge here
-          address.unique_id = boost::uuids::uuid{boost::uuids::random_generator()()},
-          spdlog::info("assigning shard manager to shard");
-          ret.push_back(ShardToInitialize{
-              .uuid = address.unique_id,
-              .label_id = label_id,
-              .min_key = low_key,
-              .max_key = high_key,
-              .schema = schemas[label_id],
-              .config = Config{},
-          });
-          AddressAndStatus aas = {
-              .address = address,
-              .status = Status::INITIALIZING,
-          };
-          shard.emplace_back(aas);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (mutated) {
-      IncrementShardMapVersion();
-    }
-    return ret;
-  }
-  bool SplitShard(Hlc previous_shard_map_version, LabelId label_id, const PrimaryKey &key) {
-    if (previous_shard_map_version != shard_map_version) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    auto &label_space =;
-    auto &shards_in_map = label_space.shards;
-    MG_ASSERT(!shards_in_map.empty());
-    MG_ASSERT(!shards_in_map.contains(key));
-    MG_ASSERT(label_spaces.contains(label_id));
-    // Finding the Shard that the new PrimaryKey should map to.
-    auto prev = std::prev(shards_in_map.upper_bound(key));
-    Shard duplicated_shard = prev->second;
-    // Apply the split
-    shards_in_map[key] = duplicated_shard;
-    return true;
-  }
+  bool SplitShard(Hlc previous_shard_map_version, LabelId label_id, const PrimaryKey &key);
   std::optional<LabelId> InitializeNewLabel(std::string label_name, std::vector<SchemaProperty> schema,
                                             size_t replication_factor, Hlc last_shard_map_version);
-  void AddServer(Address server_address) {
-    // Find a random place for the server to plug in
-  }
+  void AddServer(Address server_address);
-  std::optional<LabelId> GetLabelId(const std::string &label) const {
-    if (const auto it = labels.find(label); it != labels.end()) {
-      return it->second;
-    }
+  std::optional<LabelId> GetLabelId(const std::string &label) const;
+  // TODO(antaljanosbenjamin): Remove this and instead use NameIdMapper
+  std::string GetLabelName(LabelId label) const;
+  std::optional<PropertyId> GetPropertyId(const std::string &property_name) const;
+  std::string GetPropertyName(PropertyId property) const;
+  std::optional<EdgeTypeId> GetEdgeTypeId(const std::string &edge_type) const;
+  std::string GetEdgeTypeName(EdgeTypeId property) const;
-    return std::nullopt;
-  }
+  Shards GetShardsForRange(const LabelName &label_name, const PrimaryKey &start_key, const PrimaryKey &end_key) const;
-  std::string GetLabelName(const LabelId label) const {
-    if (const auto it =
-            std::ranges::find_if(labels, [label](const auto &name_id_pair) { return name_id_pair.second == label; });
-        it != labels.end()) {
-      return it->first;
-    }
-    throw utils::BasicException("GetLabelName fails on the given label id!");
-  }
+  Shard GetShardForKey(const LabelName &label_name, const PrimaryKey &key) const;
-  std::optional<PropertyId> GetPropertyId(const std::string &property_name) const {
-    if (const auto it = properties.find(property_name); it != properties.end()) {
-      return it->second;
-    }
+  Shard GetShardForKey(const LabelId &label_id, const PrimaryKey &key) const;
-    return std::nullopt;
-  }
+  PropertyMap AllocatePropertyIds(const std::vector<PropertyName> &new_properties);
-  std::string GetPropertyName(const PropertyId property) const {
-    if (const auto it = std::ranges::find_if(
-            properties, [property](const auto &name_id_pair) { return name_id_pair.second == property; });
-        it != properties.end()) {
-      return it->first;
-    }
-    throw utils::BasicException("PropertyId not found!");
-  }
-  std::optional<EdgeTypeId> GetEdgeTypeId(const std::string &edge_type) const {
-    if (const auto it = edge_types.find(edge_type); it != edge_types.end()) {
-      return it->second;
-    }
-    return std::nullopt;
-  }
-  std::string GetEdgeTypeName(const EdgeTypeId property) const {
-    if (const auto it = std::ranges::find_if(
-            edge_types, [property](const auto &name_id_pair) { return name_id_pair.second == property; });
-        it != edge_types.end()) {
-      return it->first;
-    }
-    throw utils::BasicException("EdgeTypeId not found!");
-  }
-  Shards GetShardsForRange(const LabelName &label_name, const PrimaryKey &start_key, const PrimaryKey &end_key) const {
-    MG_ASSERT(start_key <= end_key);
-    MG_ASSERT(labels.contains(label_name));
-    LabelId label_id =;
-    const auto &label_space =;
-    const auto &shards_for_label = label_space.shards;
-    MG_ASSERT(shards_for_label.begin()->first <= start_key,
-              "the ShardMap must always contain a minimal key that is less than or equal to any requested key");
-    auto it = std::prev(shards_for_label.upper_bound(start_key));
-    const auto end_it = shards_for_label.upper_bound(end_key);
-    Shards shards{};
-    std::copy(it, end_it, std::inserter(shards, shards.end()));
-    return shards;
-  }
-  Shard GetShardForKey(const LabelName &label_name, const PrimaryKey &key) const {
-    MG_ASSERT(labels.contains(label_name));
-    LabelId label_id =;
-    const auto &label_space =;
-    MG_ASSERT(label_space.shards.begin()->first <= key,
-              "the ShardMap must always contain a minimal key that is less than or equal to any requested key");
-    return std::prev(label_space.shards.upper_bound(key))->second;
-  }
-  Shard GetShardForKey(const LabelId &label_id, const PrimaryKey &key) const {
-    MG_ASSERT(label_spaces.contains(label_id));
-    const auto &label_space =;
-    MG_ASSERT(label_space.shards.begin()->first <= key,
-              "the ShardMap must always contain a minimal key that is less than or equal to any requested key");
-    return std::prev(label_space.shards.upper_bound(key))->second;
-  }
-  PropertyMap AllocatePropertyIds(const std::vector<PropertyName> &new_properties) {
-    PropertyMap ret{};
-    bool mutated = false;
-    for (const auto &property_name : new_properties) {
-      if (properties.contains(property_name)) {
-        auto property_id =;
-        ret.emplace(property_name, property_id);
-      } else {
-        mutated = true;
-        const PropertyId property_id = PropertyId::FromUint(++max_property_id);
-        ret.emplace(property_name, property_id);
-        properties.emplace(property_name, property_id);
-      }
-    }
-    if (mutated) {
-      IncrementShardMapVersion();
-    }
-    return ret;
-  }
-  EdgeTypeIdMap AllocateEdgeTypeIds(const std::vector<EdgeTypeName> &new_edge_types) {
-    EdgeTypeIdMap ret;
-    bool mutated = false;
-    for (const auto &edge_type_name : new_edge_types) {
-      if (edge_types.contains(edge_type_name)) {
-        auto edge_type_id =;
-        ret.emplace(edge_type_name, edge_type_id);
-      } else {
-        mutated = true;
-        const EdgeTypeId edge_type_id = EdgeTypeId::FromUint(++max_edge_type_id);
-        ret.emplace(edge_type_name, edge_type_id);
-        edge_types.emplace(edge_type_name, edge_type_id);
-      }
-    }
-    if (mutated) {
-      IncrementShardMapVersion();
-    }
-    return ret;
-  }
+  EdgeTypeIdMap AllocateEdgeTypeIds(const std::vector<EdgeTypeName> &new_edge_types);
   /// Returns true if all shards have the desired number of replicas and they are in
   /// the CONSENSUS_PARTICIPANT state. Note that this does not necessarily mean that
   /// there is also an active leader for each shard.
-  bool ClusterInitialized() const {
-    for (const auto &[label_id, label_space] : label_spaces) {
-      for (const auto &[low_key, shard] : label_space.shards) {
-        if (shard.size() < label_space.replication_factor) {
-          spdlog::info("label_space below desired replication factor");
-          return false;
-        }
-        for (const auto &aas : shard) {
-          if (aas.status != Status::CONSENSUS_PARTICIPANT) {
-            spdlog::info("shard member not yet a CONSENSUS_PARTICIPANT");
-            return false;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
+  bool ClusterInitialized() const;
 }  // namespace memgraph::coordinator
diff --git a/src/memgraph.cpp b/src/memgraph.cpp
index 9c4d71e94..c696615b5 100644
--- a/src/memgraph.cpp
+++ b/src/memgraph.cpp
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 #include <cstdint>
 #include <exception>
 #include <filesystem>
+#include <fstream>
 #include <functional>
 #include <limits>
 #include <map>
@@ -265,6 +266,10 @@ DEFINE_uint64(
     "Total memory limit in MiB. Set to 0 to use the default values which are 100\% of the phyisical memory if the swap "
     "is enabled and 90\% of the physical memory otherwise.");
+// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-avoid-non-const-global-variables)
+DEFINE_string(split_file, "",
+              "Path to the split file which contains the predefined labels, properties, edge types and shard-ranges.");
 namespace {
 using namespace std::literals;
 inline constexpr std::array isolation_level_mappings{
@@ -639,15 +644,22 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
       .listen_port = unique_local_addr_query.last_known_port,
-  const std::string property{"property"};
-  const std::string label{"label"};
   memgraph::coordinator::ShardMap sm;
-  auto prop_map = sm.AllocatePropertyIds(std::vector<std::string>{property});
-  auto edge_type_map = sm.AllocateEdgeTypeIds(std::vector<std::string>{"TO"});
-  std::vector<memgraph::storage::v3::SchemaProperty> schema{{, memgraph::common::SchemaType::INT}};
-  sm.InitializeNewLabel(label, schema, 1, sm.shard_map_version);
-  sm.SplitShard(sm.GetHlc(), *sm.GetLabelId(label),
-                std::vector<memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue>{memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue{2}});
+  if (FLAGS_split_file.empty()) {
+    const std::string property{"property"};
+    const std::string label{"label"};
+    auto prop_map = sm.AllocatePropertyIds(std::vector<std::string>{property});
+    auto edge_type_map = sm.AllocateEdgeTypeIds(std::vector<std::string>{"TO"});
+    std::vector<memgraph::storage::v3::SchemaProperty> schema{
+        {, memgraph::common::SchemaType::INT}};
+    sm.InitializeNewLabel(label, schema, 1, sm.shard_map_version);
+    sm.SplitShard(sm.GetHlc(), *sm.GetLabelId(label),
+                  std::vector<memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue>{memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue{2}});
+  } else {
+    std::ifstream input{FLAGS_split_file, std::ios::in};
+    MG_ASSERT(input.is_open(), "Cannot open split file to read: {}", FLAGS_split_file);
+    sm = memgraph::coordinator::ShardMap::Parse(input);
+  }
   memgraph::coordinator::Coordinator coordinator{sm};
diff --git a/src/query/v2/CMakeLists.txt b/src/query/v2/CMakeLists.txt
index 03167341a..3c3f780c8 100644
--- a/src/query/v2/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/query/v2/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ add_dependencies(mg-query-v2 generate_lcp_query_v2)
 target_include_directories(mg-query-v2 PUBLIC ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include)
 target_include_directories(mg-query-v2 PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/bindings)
 target_link_libraries(mg-query-v2 dl cppitertools Boost::headers)
-target_link_libraries(mg-query-v2 mg-integrations-pulsar mg-integrations-kafka mg-storage-v3 mg-license mg-utils mg-kvstore mg-memory)
+target_link_libraries(mg-query-v2 mg-integrations-pulsar mg-integrations-kafka mg-storage-v3 mg-license mg-utils mg-kvstore mg-memory mg-coordinator)
 target_link_libraries(mg-query-v2 mg-expr)
diff --git a/tests/simulation/shard_rsm.cpp b/tests/simulation/shard_rsm.cpp
index cadc66702..64d0a0861 100644
--- a/tests/simulation/shard_rsm.cpp
+++ b/tests/simulation/shard_rsm.cpp
@@ -1046,7 +1046,6 @@ void TestExpandOneGraphTwo(ShardClient &client) {
     MG_ASSERT(AttemptToCreateVertex(client, unique_prop_val_2));
     auto edge_type_id = EdgeTypeId::FromUint(GetUniqueInteger());
-    auto wrong_edge_type_id = EdgeTypeId::FromUint(GetUniqueInteger());
     auto edge_gid_1 = GetUniqueInteger();
     auto edge_gid_2 = GetUniqueInteger();
diff --git a/tests/unit/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/unit/CMakeLists.txt
index d70c4d867..f3a95c1d3 100644
--- a/tests/unit/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/unit/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -333,36 +333,35 @@ target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}storage_v3_schema mg-storage-v3)
 # Test mg-query-v2
 # These are commented out because of the new TypedValue in the query engine
-#add_unit_test(query_v2_interpreter.cpp ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/glue/v2/communication.cpp)
-#target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}query_v2_interpreter mg-storage-v3 mg-query-v2 mg-communication)
+# add_unit_test(query_v2_interpreter.cpp ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/glue/v2/communication.cpp)
+# target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}query_v2_interpreter mg-storage-v3 mg-query-v2 mg-communication)
-#target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}query_v2_query_plan_accumulate_aggregate mg-query-v2)
+# add_unit_test(query_v2_query_plan_accumulate_aggregate.cpp)
+# target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}query_v2_query_plan_accumulate_aggregate mg-query-v2)
-#target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}query_v2_query_plan_create_set_remove_delete mg-query-v2 mg-expr)
+# add_unit_test(query_v2_query_plan_create_set_remove_delete.cpp)
+# target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}query_v2_query_plan_create_set_remove_delete mg-query-v2 mg-expr)
-#target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}query_v2_query_plan_bag_semantics mg-query-v2)
+# add_unit_test(query_v2_query_plan_bag_semantics.cpp)
+# target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}query_v2_query_plan_bag_semantics mg-query-v2)
-#add_unit_test(query_v2_query_plan_edge_cases.cpp ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/glue/v2/communication.cpp)
-#target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}query_v2_query_plan_edge_cases mg-communication mg-query-v2)
+# add_unit_test(query_v2_query_plan_edge_cases.cpp ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/glue/v2/communication.cpp)
+# target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}query_v2_query_plan_edge_cases mg-communication mg-query-v2)
-#target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}query_v2_query_plan_v2_create_set_remove_delete mg-query-v2)
+# add_unit_test(query_v2_query_plan_v2_create_set_remove_delete.cpp)
+# target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}query_v2_query_plan_v2_create_set_remove_delete mg-query-v2)
-#target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}query_v2_query_plan_match_filter_return mg-query-v2)
+# add_unit_test(query_v2_query_plan_match_filter_return.cpp)
+# target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}query_v2_query_plan_match_filter_return mg-query-v2)
-#target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}query_v2_cypher_main_visitor mg-query-v2)
+# add_unit_test(query_v2_cypher_main_visitor.cpp)
+# target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}query_v2_cypher_main_visitor mg-query-v2)
-#target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}query_v2_query_required_privileges mg-query-v2)
+# add_unit_test(query_v2_query_required_privileges.cpp)
+# target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}query_v2_query_required_privileges mg-query-v2)
-#target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}replication_persistence_helper mg-storage-v2)
+# add_unit_test(replication_persistence_helper.cpp)
+# target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}replication_persistence_helper mg-storage-v2)
 target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}query_v2_dummy_test mg-query-v2)
@@ -436,3 +435,7 @@ target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}machine_manager mg-io mg-coordinator mg-stor
 target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}pretty_print_ast_to_original_expression_test mg-io mg-expr mg-query-v2)
+# Tests for mg-coordinator
+target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}coordinator_shard_map mg-coordinator)
diff --git a/tests/unit/coordinator_shard_map.cpp b/tests/unit/coordinator_shard_map.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4bfb43a24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/coordinator_shard_map.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+// Copyright 2022 Memgraph Ltd.
+// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
+// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
+// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
+// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
+// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
+// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
+// licenses/APL.txt.
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include "common/types.hpp"
+#include "coordinator/shard_map.hpp"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "storage/v3/id_types.hpp"
+#include "storage/v3/property_value.hpp"
+#include "storage/v3/schemas.hpp"
+namespace memgraph::coordinator::tests {
+TEST(ShardMap, Parse) {
+  std::string input = R"(4
+[first,1 ,2]
+[     second   ,-1,  -9223372036854775808]
+  std::stringstream stream(input);
+  auto shard_map = ShardMap::Parse(stream);
+  EXPECT_EQ(, 6);
+  EXPECT_EQ(shard_map.edge_types.size(), 3);
+  EXPECT_EQ(shard_map.label_spaces.size(), 2);
+  EXPECT_EQ(shard_map.schemas.size(), 2);
+  auto check_label = [&shard_map](const std::string &label_name, const std::vector<SchemaProperty> &expected_schema,
+                                  const std::vector<PrimaryKey> &expected_split_points) {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(shard_map.labels.contains(label_name));
+    const auto label_id =;
+    const auto &schema =;
+    ASSERT_EQ(schema.size(), expected_schema.size());
+    for (auto pp_index = 0; pp_index < schema.size(); ++pp_index) {
+      EXPECT_EQ(schema[pp_index].property_id, expected_schema[pp_index].property_id);
+      EXPECT_EQ(schema[pp_index].type, expected_schema[pp_index].type);
+    }
+    const auto &label_space =;
+    ASSERT_EQ(label_space.shards.size(), expected_split_points.size());
+    for (const auto &split_point : expected_split_points) {
+      EXPECT_TRUE(label_space.shards.contains(split_point)) << split_point[0];
+    }
+  };
+  check_label("label_1",
+              {SchemaProperty{"primary_property_name_1"), common::SchemaType::STRING}},
+              std::vector<PrimaryKey>{
+                  PrimaryKey{PropertyValue{""}},
+                  PrimaryKey{PropertyValue{"asdasd"}},
+                  PrimaryKey{PropertyValue{"qweqwe"}},
+                  PrimaryKey{PropertyValue{"bnm"}},
+                  PrimaryKey{PropertyValue{"tryuryturtyur"}},
+              });
+  static constexpr int64_t kMinInt = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min();
+  check_label("label_2",
+              {SchemaProperty{"property_1"), common::SchemaType::STRING},
+               SchemaProperty{"property_2"), common::SchemaType::INT},
+               SchemaProperty{"primary_property_name_2"), common::SchemaType::INT}},
+              std::vector<PrimaryKey>{
+                  PrimaryKey{PropertyValue{""}, PropertyValue{kMinInt}, PropertyValue{kMinInt}},
+                  PrimaryKey{PropertyValue{"first"}, PropertyValue{1}, PropertyValue{2}},
+                  PrimaryKey{PropertyValue{"     second   "}, PropertyValue{-1},
+                             PropertyValue{int64_t{-9223372036854775807LL - 1LL}}},
+              });
+}  // namespace memgraph::coordinator::tests

From ca2351124b582866d0e96323d95535473484d5a6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: gvolfing <>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 19:48:17 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Make primary labels act as label indices (#605)

Because of the lexicographical sharding, the primary labels themselves are
acting as indexes. If a primary label is specified in a MATCH query we can
safely narrow the range of shards we have to scan through based on that label.
This PR introduces the necessary changes in order to achieve that.
 src/coordinator/shard_map.cpp            | 18 ++++++--
 src/coordinator/shard_map.hpp            | 10 ++--
 src/query/v2/plan/operator.cpp           |  3 +-
 src/query/v2/plan/vertex_count_cache.hpp |  3 +-
 src/query/v2/shard_request_manager.hpp   | 58 +++++++++++++++---------
 5 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/coordinator/shard_map.cpp b/src/coordinator/shard_map.cpp
index 87b449301..bd21dea3e 100644
--- a/src/coordinator/shard_map.cpp
+++ b/src/coordinator/shard_map.cpp
@@ -206,12 +206,20 @@ std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &in, const ShardMap &shard_map) {
   return in;
-Shards ShardMap::GetShards(const LabelName &label) {
+Shards ShardMap::GetShardsForLabel(const LabelName &label) const {
   const auto id =;
-  auto &shards =;
+  const auto &shards =;
   return shards;
+std::vector<Shards> ShardMap::GetAllShards() const {
+  std::vector<Shards> all_shards;
+  all_shards.reserve(label_spaces.size());
+  std::transform(label_spaces.begin(), label_spaces.end(), std::back_inserter(all_shards),
+                 [](const auto &label_space) { return label_space.second.shards; });
+  return all_shards;
 // TODO(gabor) later we will want to update the wallclock time with
 // the given Io<impl>'s time as well
 Hlc ShardMap::IncrementShardMapVersion() noexcept {
@@ -361,7 +369,7 @@ std::optional<LabelId> ShardMap::GetLabelId(const std::string &label) const {
   return std::nullopt;
-std::string ShardMap::GetLabelName(const LabelId label) const {
+const std::string &ShardMap::GetLabelName(const LabelId label) const {
   if (const auto it =
           std::ranges::find_if(labels, [label](const auto &name_id_pair) { return name_id_pair.second == label; });
       it != labels.end()) {
@@ -378,7 +386,7 @@ std::optional<PropertyId> ShardMap::GetPropertyId(const std::string &property_na
   return std::nullopt;
-std::string ShardMap::GetPropertyName(const PropertyId property) const {
+const std::string &ShardMap::GetPropertyName(const PropertyId property) const {
   if (const auto it = std::ranges::find_if(
           properties, [property](const auto &name_id_pair) { return name_id_pair.second == property; });
       it != properties.end()) {
@@ -395,7 +403,7 @@ std::optional<EdgeTypeId> ShardMap::GetEdgeTypeId(const std::string &edge_type)
   return std::nullopt;
-std::string ShardMap::GetEdgeTypeName(const EdgeTypeId property) const {
+const std::string &ShardMap::GetEdgeTypeName(const EdgeTypeId property) const {
   if (const auto it = std::ranges::find_if(
           edge_types, [property](const auto &name_id_pair) { return name_id_pair.second == property; });
       it != edge_types.end()) {
diff --git a/src/coordinator/shard_map.hpp b/src/coordinator/shard_map.hpp
index b637e2300..63274aa76 100644
--- a/src/coordinator/shard_map.hpp
+++ b/src/coordinator/shard_map.hpp
@@ -127,7 +127,9 @@ struct ShardMap {
   [[nodiscard]] static ShardMap Parse(std::istream &input_stream);
   friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &in, const ShardMap &shard_map);
-  Shards GetShards(const LabelName &label);
+  Shards GetShardsForLabel(const LabelName &label) const;
+  std::vector<Shards> GetAllShards() const;
   // TODO(gabor) later we will want to update the wallclock time with
   // the given Io<impl>'s time as well
@@ -146,11 +148,11 @@ struct ShardMap {
   std::optional<LabelId> GetLabelId(const std::string &label) const;
   // TODO(antaljanosbenjamin): Remove this and instead use NameIdMapper
-  std::string GetLabelName(LabelId label) const;
+  const std::string &GetLabelName(LabelId label) const;
   std::optional<PropertyId> GetPropertyId(const std::string &property_name) const;
-  std::string GetPropertyName(PropertyId property) const;
+  const std::string &GetPropertyName(PropertyId property) const;
   std::optional<EdgeTypeId> GetEdgeTypeId(const std::string &edge_type) const;
-  std::string GetEdgeTypeName(EdgeTypeId property) const;
+  const std::string &GetEdgeTypeName(EdgeTypeId property) const;
   Shards GetShardsForRange(const LabelName &label_name, const PrimaryKey &start_key, const PrimaryKey &end_key) const;
diff --git a/src/query/v2/plan/operator.cpp b/src/query/v2/plan/operator.cpp
index 3c36559c9..4243c6bd1 100644
--- a/src/query/v2/plan/operator.cpp
+++ b/src/query/v2/plan/operator.cpp
@@ -381,6 +381,8 @@ class DistributedScanAllAndFilterCursor : public Cursor {
+    request_state_.label = label_.has_value() ? std::make_optional(shard_manager.LabelToName(*label_)) : std::nullopt;
     if (current_vertex_it == current_batch.end()) {
       if (request_state_.state == State::COMPLETED || !MakeRequest(shard_manager)) {
@@ -399,7 +401,6 @@ class DistributedScanAllAndFilterCursor : public Cursor {
     current_vertex_it = current_batch.end();
     request_state_ = msgs::ExecutionState<msgs::ScanVerticesRequest>{};
-    request_state_.label = "label";
   void Reset() override {
diff --git a/src/query/v2/plan/vertex_count_cache.hpp b/src/query/v2/plan/vertex_count_cache.hpp
index f1be8e1a1..a7bfbdf85 100644
--- a/src/query/v2/plan/vertex_count_cache.hpp
+++ b/src/query/v2/plan/vertex_count_cache.hpp
@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ class VertexCountCache {
     return 1;
-  bool LabelIndexExists(storage::v3::LabelId /*label*/) { return false; }
+  // For now return true if label is primary label
+  bool LabelIndexExists(storage::v3::LabelId label) { return shard_request_manager_->IsPrimaryLabel(label); }
   bool LabelPropertyIndexExists(storage::v3::LabelId /*label*/, storage::v3::PropertyId /*property*/) { return false; }
diff --git a/src/query/v2/shard_request_manager.hpp b/src/query/v2/shard_request_manager.hpp
index 4ee36ec4a..79794aa1a 100644
--- a/src/query/v2/shard_request_manager.hpp
+++ b/src/query/v2/shard_request_manager.hpp
@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ class ShardRequestManagerInterface {
   virtual const std::string &PropertyToName(memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyId prop) const = 0;
   virtual const std::string &LabelToName(memgraph::storage::v3::LabelId label) const = 0;
   virtual const std::string &EdgeTypeToName(memgraph::storage::v3::EdgeTypeId type) const = 0;
+  virtual bool IsPrimaryLabel(LabelId label) const = 0;
   virtual bool IsPrimaryKey(LabelId primary_label, PropertyId property) const = 0;
@@ -222,17 +223,14 @@ class ShardRequestManager : public ShardRequestManagerInterface {
     return shards_map_.GetLabelId(name).value();
-  const std::string &PropertyToName(memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyId /*prop*/) const override {
-    static std::string str{"dummy__prop"};
-    return str;
+  const std::string &PropertyToName(memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyId prop) const override {
+    return shards_map_.GetPropertyName(prop);
-  const std::string &LabelToName(memgraph::storage::v3::LabelId /*label*/) const override {
-    static std::string str{"dummy__label"};
-    return str;
+  const std::string &LabelToName(memgraph::storage::v3::LabelId label) const override {
+    return shards_map_.GetLabelName(label);
-  const std::string &EdgeTypeToName(memgraph::storage::v3::EdgeTypeId /*type*/) const override {
-    static std::string str{"dummy__edgetype"};
-    return str;
+  const std::string &EdgeTypeToName(memgraph::storage::v3::EdgeTypeId type) const override {
+    return shards_map_.GetEdgeTypeName(type);
   bool IsPrimaryKey(LabelId primary_label, PropertyId property) const override {
@@ -244,9 +242,10 @@ class ShardRequestManager : public ShardRequestManagerInterface {
            }) != schema_it->second.end();
+  bool IsPrimaryLabel(LabelId label) const override { return shards_map_.label_spaces.contains(label); }
   // TODO(kostasrim) Simplify return result
   std::vector<VertexAccessor> Request(ExecutionState<ScanVerticesRequest> &state) override {
-    spdlog::info("shards_map_.size(): {}", shards_map_.GetShards(*state.label).size());
     std::vector<ScanVerticesResponse> responses;
@@ -455,15 +454,26 @@ class ShardRequestManager : public ShardRequestManagerInterface {
     if (ShallNotInitializeState(state)) {
+    std::vector<coordinator::Shards> multi_shards;
     state.transaction_id = transaction_id_;
-    auto shards = shards_map_.GetShards(*state.label);
-    for (auto &[key, shard] : shards) {
-      MG_ASSERT(!shard.empty());
-      state.shard_cache.push_back(std::move(shard));
-      ScanVerticesRequest rqst;
-      rqst.transaction_id = transaction_id_;
-      rqst.start_id.second = storage::conversions::ConvertValueVector(key);
-      state.requests.push_back(std::move(rqst));
+    if (!state.label) {
+      multi_shards = shards_map_.GetAllShards();
+    } else {
+      const auto label_id = shards_map_.GetLabelId(*state.label);
+      MG_ASSERT(label_id);
+      MG_ASSERT(IsPrimaryLabel(*label_id));
+      multi_shards = {shards_map_.GetShardsForLabel(*state.label)};
+    }
+    for (auto &shards : multi_shards) {
+      for (auto &[key, shard] : shards) {
+        MG_ASSERT(!shard.empty());
+        state.shard_cache.push_back(std::move(shard));
+        ScanVerticesRequest rqst;
+        rqst.transaction_id = transaction_id_;
+        rqst.start_id.second = storage::conversions::ConvertValueVector(key);
+        state.requests.push_back(std::move(rqst));
+      }
     state.state = ExecutionState<ScanVerticesRequest>::EXECUTING;
@@ -521,11 +531,15 @@ class ShardRequestManager : public ShardRequestManagerInterface {
   void SendAllRequests(ExecutionState<ScanVerticesRequest> &state) {
+    int64_t shard_idx = 0;
     for (const auto &request : state.requests) {
-      auto &storage_client =
-          GetStorageClientForShard(*state.label, storage::conversions::ConvertPropertyVector(request.start_id.second));
+      const auto &current_shard = state.shard_cache[shard_idx];
+      auto &storage_client = GetStorageClientForShard(current_shard);
       ReadRequests req = request;
+      ++shard_idx;
@@ -647,8 +661,8 @@ class ShardRequestManager : public ShardRequestManagerInterface {
-      auto &storage_client = GetStorageClientForShard(
-          *state.label, storage::conversions::ConvertPropertyVector(state.requests[request_idx].start_id.second));
+      auto &storage_client = GetStorageClientForShard(*shard_it);
       auto await_result = storage_client.AwaitAsyncReadRequest();
       if (!await_result) {