diff --git a/src/query/frontend/semantic/symbol_table.hpp b/src/query/frontend/semantic/symbol_table.hpp
index 263f0d1b5..5b70c1ccf 100644
--- a/src/query/frontend/semantic/symbol_table.hpp
+++ b/src/query/frontend/semantic/symbol_table.hpp
@@ -23,6 +23,22 @@ class SymbolTable final {
     return got.first->second;
+  // TODO(buda): This is the same logic as in the cypher_main_visitor. During
+  // parsing phase symbol table doesn't exist. Figure out a better solution.
+  const Symbol &CreateAnonymousSymbol(Symbol::Type type = Symbol::Type::ANY) {
+    int id = 1;
+    while (true) {
+      static const std::string &kAnonPrefix = "anon";
+      std::string name_candidate = kAnonPrefix + std::to_string(id++);
+      if (std::find_if(std::begin(table_), std::end(table_),
+                       [&name_candidate](const auto &item) -> bool {
+                         return item.second.name_ == name_candidate;
+                       }) == std::end(table_)) {
+        return CreateSymbol(name_candidate, false, type);
+      }
+    }
+  }
   const Symbol &at(const Identifier &ident) const {
     return table_.at(ident.symbol_pos_);
diff --git a/src/query/plan/operator.cpp b/src/query/plan/operator.cpp
index eaa13554a..74d2d8845 100644
--- a/src/query/plan/operator.cpp
+++ b/src/query/plan/operator.cpp
@@ -391,6 +391,9 @@ UniqueCursorPtr ScanAllByLabel::MakeCursor(utils::MemoryResource *mem) const {
       mem, output_symbol_, input_->MakeCursor(mem), std::move(vertices));
+// TODO(buda): Implement ScanAllByLabelProperty operator to iterate over
+// vertices that have the label and some value for the given property.
     const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input, Symbol output_symbol,
     storage::LabelId label, storage::PropertyId property,
diff --git a/src/query/plan/planner.hpp b/src/query/plan/planner.hpp
index 561c3d74a..f02161b08 100644
--- a/src/query/plan/planner.hpp
+++ b/src/query/plan/planner.hpp
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class PostProcessor final {
   template <class TPlanningContext>
   std::unique_ptr<LogicalOperator> Rewrite(
       std::unique_ptr<LogicalOperator> plan, TPlanningContext *context) {
-    return RewriteWithIndexLookup(std::move(plan), *context->symbol_table,
+    return RewriteWithIndexLookup(std::move(plan), context->symbol_table,
                                   context->ast_storage, context->db);
diff --git a/src/query/plan/preprocess.cpp b/src/query/plan/preprocess.cpp
index 6c1520ab3..cc6cbf662 100644
--- a/src/query/plan/preprocess.cpp
+++ b/src/query/plan/preprocess.cpp
@@ -429,6 +429,22 @@ void Filters::AnalyzeAndStoreFilter(Expression *expr,
     return true;
+  // Checks if maybe_lookup is a property lookup, stores it as a
+  // PropertyFilter and returns true. If it isn't, returns false.
+  auto add_prop_in_list = [&](auto *maybe_lookup, auto *val_expr) -> bool {
+    if (!utils::Downcast<ListLiteral>(val_expr)) return false;
+    PropertyLookup *prop_lookup = nullptr;
+    Identifier *ident = nullptr;
+    if (get_property_lookup(maybe_lookup, prop_lookup, ident)) {
+      auto filter = make_filter(FilterInfo::Type::Property);
+      filter.property_filter = PropertyFilter(
+          symbol_table, symbol_table.at(*ident), prop_lookup->property_,
+          val_expr, PropertyFilter::Type::IN);
+      all_filters_.emplace_back(filter);
+      return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  };
   // We are only interested to see the insides of And, because Or prevents
   // indexing since any labels and properties found there may be optional.
   DCHECK(!utils::IsSubtype(*expr, AndOperator::kType))
@@ -491,6 +507,14 @@ void Filters::AnalyzeAndStoreFilter(Expression *expr,
                           Bound::Type::INCLUSIVE)) {
+  } else if (auto *in = utils::Downcast<InListOperator>(expr)) {
+    // IN isn't equivalent to Equal because IN isn't a symmetric operator. The
+    // IN filter is captured here only if the property lookup occurs on the
+    // left side of the operator. In that case, it's valid to do the IN list
+    // optimization during the index lookup rewrite phase.
+    if (!add_prop_in_list(in->expression1_, in->expression2_)) {
+      all_filters_.emplace_back(make_filter(FilterInfo::Type::Generic));
+    }
   } else {
diff --git a/src/query/plan/preprocess.hpp b/src/query/plan/preprocess.hpp
index 4c298693b..51a4d9eab 100644
--- a/src/query/plan/preprocess.hpp
+++ b/src/query/plan/preprocess.hpp
@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ class PropertyFilter {
   using Bound = ScanAllByLabelPropertyRange::Bound;
   /// Depending on type, this PropertyFilter may be a value equality, regex
-  /// matched value or a range with lower and (or) upper bounds.
-  enum class Type { EQUAL, REGEX_MATCH, RANGE };
+  /// matched value or a range with lower and (or) upper bounds, IN list filter.
+  enum class Type { EQUAL, REGEX_MATCH, RANGE, IN };
   /// Construct with Expression being the equality or regex match check.
   PropertyFilter(const SymbolTable &, const Symbol &, PropertyIx, Expression *,
diff --git a/src/query/plan/rewrite/index_lookup.hpp b/src/query/plan/rewrite/index_lookup.hpp
index 2debbd0ce..61b68379c 100644
--- a/src/query/plan/rewrite/index_lookup.hpp
+++ b/src/query/plan/rewrite/index_lookup.hpp
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Expression *RemoveAndExpressions(
 template <class TDbAccessor>
 class IndexLookupRewriter final : public HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor {
-  IndexLookupRewriter(const SymbolTable *symbol_table, AstStorage *ast_storage,
+  IndexLookupRewriter(SymbolTable *symbol_table, AstStorage *ast_storage,
                       TDbAccessor *db)
       : symbol_table_(symbol_table), ast_storage_(ast_storage), db_(db) {}
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ class IndexLookupRewriter final : public HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor {
   std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> new_root_;
-  const SymbolTable *symbol_table_;
+  SymbolTable *symbol_table_;
   AstStorage *ast_storage_;
   TDbAccessor *db_;
   // Collected filters, pending for examination if they can be used for advanced
@@ -614,6 +614,18 @@ class IndexLookupRewriter final : public HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor {
             input, node_symbol, GetLabel(found_index->label),
             GetProperty(prop_filter.property_), prop_filter.property_.name,
             std::make_optional(lower_bound), std::nullopt, view);
+      } else if (prop_filter.type_ == PropertyFilter::Type::IN) {
+        // TODO(buda): ScanAllByLabelProperty + Filter should be considered
+        // here once the operator and the right cardinality estimation exist.
+        auto const &symbol = symbol_table_->CreateAnonymousSymbol();
+        auto *expression = ast_storage_->Create<Identifier>(symbol.name_);
+        expression->MapTo(symbol);
+        auto unwind_operator =
+            std::make_unique<Unwind>(input, prop_filter.value_, symbol);
+        return std::make_unique<ScanAllByLabelPropertyValue>(
+            std::move(unwind_operator), node_symbol,
+            GetLabel(found_index->label), GetProperty(prop_filter.property_),
+            prop_filter.property_.name, expression, view);
       } else {
         CHECK(prop_filter.value_) << "Property filter should either have "
                                      "bounds or a value expression.";
@@ -645,9 +657,9 @@ class IndexLookupRewriter final : public HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor {
 template <class TDbAccessor>
 std::unique_ptr<LogicalOperator> RewriteWithIndexLookup(
-    std::unique_ptr<LogicalOperator> root_op, const SymbolTable &symbol_table,
+    std::unique_ptr<LogicalOperator> root_op, SymbolTable *symbol_table,
     AstStorage *ast_storage, TDbAccessor *db) {
-  impl::IndexLookupRewriter<TDbAccessor> rewriter(&symbol_table, ast_storage,
+  impl::IndexLookupRewriter<TDbAccessor> rewriter(symbol_table, ast_storage,
   if (rewriter.new_root_) {
diff --git a/tests/unit/query_plan.cpp b/tests/unit/query_plan.cpp
index c7d964c00..0e2e42139 100644
--- a/tests/unit/query_plan.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/query_plan.cpp
@@ -1589,4 +1589,89 @@ TYPED_TEST(TestPlanner, BfsToExisting) {
                        ExpectExpandBfs(), ExpectProduce());
+TYPED_TEST(TestPlanner, LabelPropertyInListValidOptimization) {
+  // Test MATCH (n:label) WHERE n.property IN ['a'] RETURN n
+  AstStorage storage;
+  FakeDbAccessor dba;
+  auto label = dba.Label("label");
+  auto property = PROPERTY_PAIR("property");
+  auto *lit_list_a = LIST(LITERAL('a'));
+  auto *query = QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(
+      MATCH(PATTERN(NODE("n", "label"))),
+      WHERE(IN_LIST(PROPERTY_LOOKUP("n", property), lit_list_a)), RETURN("n")));
+  {
+    auto symbol_table = query::MakeSymbolTable(query);
+    auto planner = MakePlanner<TypeParam>(&dba, storage, symbol_table, query);
+    CheckPlan(planner.plan(), symbol_table, ExpectScanAll(), ExpectFilter(),
+              ExpectProduce());
+  }
+  {
+    dba.SetIndexCount(label, 1);
+    auto symbol_table = query::MakeSymbolTable(query);
+    auto planner = MakePlanner<TypeParam>(&dba, storage, symbol_table, query);
+    CheckPlan(planner.plan(), symbol_table, ExpectScanAllByLabel(),
+              ExpectFilter(), ExpectProduce());
+  }
+  {
+    dba.SetIndexCount(label, property.second, 1);
+    auto symbol_table = query::MakeSymbolTable(query);
+    auto planner = MakePlanner<TypeParam>(&dba, storage, symbol_table, query);
+    CheckPlan(planner.plan(), symbol_table, ExpectUnwind(),
+              ExpectScanAllByLabelPropertyValue(label, property, lit_list_a),
+              ExpectProduce());
+  }
+           LabelPropertyInListWhereLabelPropertyOnLeftNotListOnRight) {
+  // Test MATCH (n:label) WHERE n.property IN 'a' RETURN n
+  AstStorage storage;
+  FakeDbAccessor dba;
+  auto label = dba.Label("label");
+  auto property = PROPERTY_PAIR("property");
+  auto *lit_a = LITERAL('a');
+  auto *query = QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(
+      MATCH(PATTERN(NODE("n", "label"))),
+      WHERE(IN_LIST(PROPERTY_LOOKUP("n", property), lit_a)), RETURN("n")));
+  {
+    dba.SetIndexCount(label, property.second, 1);
+    auto symbol_table = query::MakeSymbolTable(query);
+    auto planner = MakePlanner<TypeParam>(&dba, storage, symbol_table, query);
+    CheckPlan(planner.plan(), symbol_table, ExpectScanAll(), ExpectFilter(),
+              ExpectProduce());
+  }
+TYPED_TEST(TestPlanner, LabelPropertyInListWhereLabelPropertyOnRight) {
+  // Test MATCH (n:label) WHERE ['a'] IN n.property RETURN n
+  AstStorage storage;
+  FakeDbAccessor dba;
+  auto label = dba.Label("label");
+  auto property = PROPERTY_PAIR("property");
+  auto *lit_list_a = LIST(LITERAL('a'));
+  auto *query = QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(
+      MATCH(PATTERN(NODE("n", "label"))),
+      WHERE(IN_LIST(lit_list_a, PROPERTY_LOOKUP("n", property))), RETURN("n")));
+  {
+    auto symbol_table = query::MakeSymbolTable(query);
+    auto planner = MakePlanner<TypeParam>(&dba, storage, symbol_table, query);
+    CheckPlan(planner.plan(), symbol_table, ExpectScanAll(), ExpectFilter(),
+              ExpectProduce());
+  }
+  {
+    dba.SetIndexCount(label, 1);
+    auto symbol_table = query::MakeSymbolTable(query);
+    auto planner = MakePlanner<TypeParam>(&dba, storage, symbol_table, query);
+    CheckPlan(planner.plan(), symbol_table, ExpectScanAllByLabel(),
+              ExpectFilter(), ExpectProduce());
+  }
+  {
+    dba.SetIndexCount(label, property.second, 1);
+    auto symbol_table = query::MakeSymbolTable(query);
+    auto planner = MakePlanner<TypeParam>(&dba, storage, symbol_table, query);
+    CheckPlan(planner.plan(), symbol_table, ExpectScanAllByLabel(),
+              ExpectFilter(), ExpectProduce());
+  }
 }  // namespace
diff --git a/tests/unit/query_semantic.cpp b/tests/unit/query_semantic.cpp
index 91518d8f6..5b1f11982 100644
--- a/tests/unit/query_semantic.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/query_semantic.cpp
@@ -1197,3 +1197,18 @@ TEST_F(TestSymbolGenerator, CallWithoutFieldsReturnAsterisk) {
   auto query = QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(call, ret));
   EXPECT_THROW(query::MakeSymbolTable(query), SemanticException);
+TEST(TestSymbolTable, CreateAnonymousSymbols) {
+  SymbolTable symbol_table;
+  auto anon1 = symbol_table.CreateAnonymousSymbol();
+  ASSERT_EQ(anon1.name_, "anon1");
+  auto anon2 = symbol_table.CreateAnonymousSymbol();
+  ASSERT_EQ(anon2.name_, "anon2");
+TEST(TestSymbolTable, CreateAnonymousSymbolWithExistingUserSymbolCalledAnon) {
+  SymbolTable symbol_table;
+  symbol_table.CreateSymbol("anon1", false);
+  auto anon2 = symbol_table.CreateAnonymousSymbol();
+  ASSERT_EQ(anon2.name_, "anon2");