diff --git a/src/query/frontend/ast/ast.lcp b/src/query/frontend/ast/ast.lcp
index e734912da..6e959fc95 100644
--- a/src/query/frontend/ast/ast.lcp
+++ b/src/query/frontend/ast/ast.lcp
@@ -2629,5 +2629,39 @@ cpp<#
   (:serialize (:slk))
+(lcp:define-class foreach (clause)
+  ((named_expression "NamedExpression *" :initval "nullptr" :scope :public
+          :slk-save #'slk-save-ast-pointer
+          :slk-load (slk-load-ast-pointer "Expression"))
+   (clauses "std::vector<Clause *>"
+          :scope :public
+          :slk-save #'slk-save-ast-vector
+          :slk-load (slk-load-ast-vector "Clause")))
+  (:public
+    #>cpp
+    Foreach() = default;
+    bool Accept(HierarchicalTreeVisitor &visitor) override {
+      if (visitor.PreVisit(*this)) {
+          named_expression_->Accept(visitor);
+          for (auto &clause : clauses_) {
+            clause->Accept(visitor);
+          }
+      }
+      return visitor.PostVisit(*this);
+    }
+    cpp<#)
+  (:protected
+    #>cpp
+    Foreach(NamedExpression *expression, std::vector<Clause *> clauses)
+        : named_expression_(expression), clauses_(clauses) {}
+    cpp<#)
+  (:private
+    #>cpp
+    friend class AstStorage;
+    cpp<#)
+  (:serialize (:slk))
+  (:clone))
 (lcp:pop-namespace) ;; namespace query
 (lcp:pop-namespace) ;; namespace memgraph
diff --git a/src/query/frontend/ast/ast_visitor.hpp b/src/query/frontend/ast/ast_visitor.hpp
index c5182479c..0e4a6012c 100644
--- a/src/query/frontend/ast/ast_visitor.hpp
+++ b/src/query/frontend/ast/ast_visitor.hpp
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ class CreateSnapshotQuery;
 class StreamQuery;
 class SettingQuery;
 class VersionQuery;
+class Foreach;
 using TreeCompositeVisitor = utils::CompositeVisitor<
     SingleQuery, CypherUnion, NamedExpression, OrOperator, XorOperator, AndOperator, NotOperator, AdditionOperator,
@@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ using TreeCompositeVisitor = utils::CompositeVisitor<
     ListSlicingOperator, IfOperator, UnaryPlusOperator, UnaryMinusOperator, IsNullOperator, ListLiteral, MapLiteral,
     PropertyLookup, LabelsTest, Aggregation, Function, Reduce, Coalesce, Extract, All, Single, Any, None, CallProcedure,
     Create, Match, Return, With, Pattern, NodeAtom, EdgeAtom, Delete, Where, SetProperty, SetProperties, SetLabels,
-    RemoveProperty, RemoveLabels, Merge, Unwind, RegexMatch, LoadCsv>;
+    RemoveProperty, RemoveLabels, Merge, Unwind, RegexMatch, LoadCsv, Foreach>;
 using TreeLeafVisitor = utils::LeafVisitor<Identifier, PrimitiveLiteral, ParameterLookup>;
diff --git a/src/query/frontend/ast/cypher_main_visitor.cpp b/src/query/frontend/ast/cypher_main_visitor.cpp
index 9e7f3c5d4..2544ea663 100644
--- a/src/query/frontend/ast/cypher_main_visitor.cpp
+++ b/src/query/frontend/ast/cypher_main_visitor.cpp
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
 #include "utils/exceptions.hpp"
 #include "utils/logging.hpp"
 #include "utils/string.hpp"
+#include "utils/typeinfo.hpp"
 namespace memgraph::query::frontend {
@@ -956,7 +957,8 @@ antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitSingleQuery(MemgraphCypher::SingleQueryCon
                utils::IsSubtype(clause_type, SetProperty::kType) ||
                utils::IsSubtype(clause_type, SetProperties::kType) || utils::IsSubtype(clause_type, SetLabels::kType) ||
                utils::IsSubtype(clause_type, RemoveProperty::kType) ||
-               utils::IsSubtype(clause_type, RemoveLabels::kType) || utils::IsSubtype(clause_type, Merge::kType)) {
+               utils::IsSubtype(clause_type, RemoveLabels::kType) || utils::IsSubtype(clause_type, Merge::kType) ||
+               utils::IsSubtype(clause_type, Foreach::kType)) {
       if (has_return) {
         throw SemanticException("Update clause can't be used after RETURN.");
@@ -1036,6 +1038,9 @@ antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitClause(MemgraphCypher::ClauseContext *ctx)
   if (ctx->loadCsv()) {
     return static_cast<Clause *>(ctx->loadCsv()->accept(this).as<LoadCsv *>());
+  if (ctx->foreach ()) {
+    return static_cast<Clause *>(ctx->foreach ()->accept(this).as<Foreach *>());
+  }
   // TODO: implement other clauses.
   throw utils::NotYetImplemented("clause '{}'", ctx->getText());
   return 0;
@@ -2283,6 +2288,37 @@ antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitFilterExpression(MemgraphCypher::FilterExp
   return 0;
+antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitForeach(MemgraphCypher::ForeachContext *ctx) {
+  auto *for_each = storage_->Create<Foreach>();
+  auto *named_expr = storage_->Create<NamedExpression>();
+  named_expr->expression_ = ctx->expression()->accept(this);
+  named_expr->name_ = std::string(ctx->variable()->accept(this).as<std::string>());
+  for_each->named_expression_ = named_expr;
+  for (auto *update_clause_ctx : ctx->updateClause()) {
+    if (auto *set = update_clause_ctx->set(); set) {
+      auto set_items = visitSet(set).as<std::vector<Clause *>>();
+      std::copy(set_items.begin(), set_items.end(), std::back_inserter(for_each->clauses_));
+    } else if (auto *remove = update_clause_ctx->remove(); remove) {
+      auto remove_items = visitRemove(remove).as<std::vector<Clause *>>();
+      std::copy(remove_items.begin(), remove_items.end(), std::back_inserter(for_each->clauses_));
+    } else if (auto *merge = update_clause_ctx->merge(); merge) {
+      for_each->clauses_.push_back(visitMerge(merge).as<Merge *>());
+    } else if (auto *create = update_clause_ctx->create(); create) {
+      for_each->clauses_.push_back(visitCreate(create).as<Create *>());
+    } else if (auto *cypher_delete = update_clause_ctx->cypherDelete(); cypher_delete) {
+      for_each->clauses_.push_back(visitCypherDelete(cypher_delete).as<Delete *>());
+    } else {
+      auto *nested_for_each = update_clause_ctx->foreach ();
+      MG_ASSERT(nested_for_each != nullptr, "Unexpected clause in FOREACH");
+      for_each->clauses_.push_back(visitForeach(nested_for_each).as<Foreach *>());
+    }
+  }
+  return for_each;
 LabelIx CypherMainVisitor::AddLabel(const std::string &name) { return storage_->GetLabelIx(name); }
 PropertyIx CypherMainVisitor::AddProperty(const std::string &name) { return storage_->GetPropertyIx(name); }
diff --git a/src/query/frontend/ast/cypher_main_visitor.hpp b/src/query/frontend/ast/cypher_main_visitor.hpp
index 4d01e7773..2a6b8ff5e 100644
--- a/src/query/frontend/ast/cypher_main_visitor.hpp
+++ b/src/query/frontend/ast/cypher_main_visitor.hpp
@@ -844,6 +844,11 @@ class CypherMainVisitor : public antlropencypher::MemgraphCypherBaseVisitor {
   antlrcpp::Any visitFilterExpression(MemgraphCypher::FilterExpressionContext *) override;
+  /**
+   * @return Foreach*
+   */
+  antlrcpp::Any visitForeach(MemgraphCypher::ForeachContext *ctx) override;
   Query *query() { return query_; }
   const static std::string kAnonPrefix;
diff --git a/src/query/frontend/opencypher/grammar/MemgraphCypher.g4 b/src/query/frontend/opencypher/grammar/MemgraphCypher.g4
index e4c13c342..76fd3038a 100644
--- a/src/query/frontend/opencypher/grammar/MemgraphCypher.g4
+++ b/src/query/frontend/opencypher/grammar/MemgraphCypher.g4
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ memgraphCypherKeyword : cypherKeyword
                       | DUMP
                       | EXECUTE
                       | FOR
+                      | FOREACH
                       | FREE
                       | FROM
                       | GLOBAL
@@ -163,8 +164,19 @@ clause : cypherMatch
        | cypherReturn
        | callProcedure
        | loadCsv
+       | foreach
+updateClause : set
+             | remove
+             | create
+             | merge
+             | cypherDelete
+             | foreach
+             ;
+foreach :  FOREACH '(' variable IN expression '|' updateClause+  ')' ;
 streamQuery : checkStream
             | createStream
             | dropStream
diff --git a/src/query/frontend/opencypher/grammar/MemgraphCypherLexer.g4 b/src/query/frontend/opencypher/grammar/MemgraphCypherLexer.g4
index 7e95c295f..55e5d53a2 100644
--- a/src/query/frontend/opencypher/grammar/MemgraphCypherLexer.g4
+++ b/src/query/frontend/opencypher/grammar/MemgraphCypherLexer.g4
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ DUMP                : D U M P ;
 DURABILITY          : D U R A B I L I T Y ;
 EXECUTE             : E X E C U T E ;
 FOR                 : F O R ;
+FOREACH             : F O R E A C H;
 FREE                : F R E E ;
 FROM                : F R O M ;
diff --git a/src/query/frontend/semantic/symbol_generator.cpp b/src/query/frontend/semantic/symbol_generator.cpp
index 7c9fa97ca..0df1f3771 100644
--- a/src/query/frontend/semantic/symbol_generator.cpp
+++ b/src/query/frontend/semantic/symbol_generator.cpp
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@
 #include "query/frontend/semantic/symbol_generator.hpp"
+#include <algorithm>
 #include <optional>
+#include <ranges>
 #include <unordered_set>
 #include <variant>
@@ -39,35 +41,56 @@ std::unordered_map<std::string, Identifier *> GeneratePredefinedIdentifierMap(
 }  // namespace
 SymbolGenerator::SymbolGenerator(SymbolTable *symbol_table, const std::vector<Identifier *> &predefined_identifiers)
-    : symbol_table_(symbol_table), predefined_identifiers_{GeneratePredefinedIdentifierMap(predefined_identifiers)} {}
+    : symbol_table_(symbol_table),
+      predefined_identifiers_{GeneratePredefinedIdentifierMap(predefined_identifiers)},
+      scopes_(1, Scope()) {}
-auto SymbolGenerator::CreateSymbol(const std::string &name, bool user_declared, Symbol::Type type, int token_position) {
-  auto symbol = symbol_table_->CreateSymbol(name, user_declared, type, token_position);
-  scope_.symbols[name] = symbol;
-  return symbol;
-auto SymbolGenerator::GetOrCreateSymbol(const std::string &name, bool user_declared, Symbol::Type type) {
-  auto search = scope_.symbols.find(name);
-  if (search != scope_.symbols.end()) {
-    auto symbol = search->second;
+std::optional<Symbol> SymbolGenerator::FindSymbolInScope(const std::string &name, const Scope &scope,
+                                                         Symbol::Type type) {
+  if (auto it = scope.symbols.find(name); it != scope.symbols.end()) {
+    const auto &symbol = it->second;
     // Unless we have `ANY` type, check that types match.
     if (type != Symbol::Type::ANY && symbol.type() != Symbol::Type::ANY && type != symbol.type()) {
       throw TypeMismatchError(name, Symbol::TypeToString(symbol.type()), Symbol::TypeToString(type));
-    return search->second;
+    return symbol;
+  }
+  return std::nullopt;
+auto SymbolGenerator::CreateSymbol(const std::string &name, bool user_declared, Symbol::Type type, int token_position) {
+  auto symbol = symbol_table_->CreateSymbol(name, user_declared, type, token_position);
+  scopes_.back().symbols[name] = symbol;
+  return symbol;
+auto SymbolGenerator::GetOrCreateSymbolLocalScope(const std::string &name, bool user_declared, Symbol::Type type) {
+  auto &scope = scopes_.back();
+  if (auto maybe_symbol = FindSymbolInScope(name, scope, type); maybe_symbol) {
+    return *maybe_symbol;
+  }
+  return CreateSymbol(name, user_declared, type);
+auto SymbolGenerator::GetOrCreateSymbol(const std::string &name, bool user_declared, Symbol::Type type) {
+  for (auto scope = scopes_.rbegin(); scope != scopes_.rend(); ++scope) {
+    if (auto maybe_symbol = FindSymbolInScope(name, *scope, type); maybe_symbol) {
+      return *maybe_symbol;
+    }
   return CreateSymbol(name, user_declared, type);
 void SymbolGenerator::VisitReturnBody(ReturnBody &body, Where *where) {
+  auto &scope = scopes_.back();
   for (auto &expr : body.named_expressions) {
   std::vector<Symbol> user_symbols;
   if (body.all_identifiers) {
     // Carry over user symbols because '*' appeared.
-    for (auto sym_pair : scope_.symbols) {
+    for (const auto &sym_pair : scope.symbols) {
       if (!sym_pair.second.user_declared()) {
@@ -81,18 +104,18 @@ void SymbolGenerator::VisitReturnBody(ReturnBody &body, Where *where) {
   // declares only those established through named expressions. New declarations
   // must not be visible inside named expressions themselves.
   bool removed_old_names = false;
-  if ((!where && body.order_by.empty()) || scope_.has_aggregation) {
+  if ((!where && body.order_by.empty()) || scope.has_aggregation) {
     // WHERE and ORDER BY need to see both the old and new symbols, unless we
     // have an aggregation. Therefore, we can clear the symbols immediately if
     // there is neither ORDER BY nor WHERE, or we have an aggregation.
-    scope_.symbols.clear();
+    scope.symbols.clear();
     removed_old_names = true;
   // Create symbols for named expressions.
   std::unordered_set<std::string> new_names;
   for (const auto &user_sym : user_symbols) {
-    scope_.symbols[user_sym.name()] = user_sym;
+    scope.symbols[user_sym.name()] = user_sym;
   for (auto &named_expr : body.named_expressions) {
     const auto &name = named_expr->name_;
@@ -103,35 +126,35 @@ void SymbolGenerator::VisitReturnBody(ReturnBody &body, Where *where) {
     // new symbol would have a more specific type.
     named_expr->MapTo(CreateSymbol(name, true, Symbol::Type::ANY, named_expr->token_position_));
-  scope_.in_order_by = true;
+  scope.in_order_by = true;
   for (const auto &order_pair : body.order_by) {
-  scope_.in_order_by = false;
+  scope.in_order_by = false;
   if (body.skip) {
-    scope_.in_skip = true;
+    scope.in_skip = true;
-    scope_.in_skip = false;
+    scope.in_skip = false;
   if (body.limit) {
-    scope_.in_limit = true;
+    scope.in_limit = true;
-    scope_.in_limit = false;
+    scope.in_limit = false;
   if (where) where->Accept(*this);
   if (!removed_old_names) {
     // We have an ORDER BY or WHERE, but no aggregation, which means we didn't
     // clear the old symbols, so do it now. We cannot just call clear, because
     // we've added new symbols.
-    for (auto sym_it = scope_.symbols.begin(); sym_it != scope_.symbols.end();) {
+    for (auto sym_it = scope.symbols.begin(); sym_it != scope.symbols.end();) {
       if (new_names.find(sym_it->first) == new_names.end()) {
-        sym_it = scope_.symbols.erase(sym_it);
+        sym_it = scope.symbols.erase(sym_it);
       } else {
-  scope_.has_aggregation = false;
+  scopes_.back().has_aggregation = false;
 // Query
@@ -145,7 +168,7 @@ bool SymbolGenerator::PreVisit(SingleQuery &) {
 // Union
 bool SymbolGenerator::PreVisit(CypherUnion &) {
-  scope_ = Scope();
+  scopes_.back() = Scope();
   return true;
@@ -166,11 +189,11 @@ bool SymbolGenerator::PostVisit(CypherUnion &cypher_union) {
 // Clauses
 bool SymbolGenerator::PreVisit(Create &) {
-  scope_.in_create = true;
+  scopes_.back().in_create = true;
   return true;
 bool SymbolGenerator::PostVisit(Create &) {
-  scope_.in_create = false;
+  scopes_.back().in_create = false;
   return true;
@@ -183,7 +206,7 @@ bool SymbolGenerator::PreVisit(CallProcedure &call_proc) {
 bool SymbolGenerator::PostVisit(CallProcedure &call_proc) {
   for (auto *ident : call_proc.result_identifiers_) {
-    if (HasSymbol(ident->name_)) {
+    if (HasSymbolLocalScope(ident->name_)) {
       throw RedeclareVariableError(ident->name_);
     ident->MapTo(CreateSymbol(ident->name_, true));
@@ -194,7 +217,7 @@ bool SymbolGenerator::PostVisit(CallProcedure &call_proc) {
 bool SymbolGenerator::PreVisit(LoadCsv &load_csv) { return false; }
 bool SymbolGenerator::PostVisit(LoadCsv &load_csv) {
-  if (HasSymbol(load_csv.row_var_->name_)) {
+  if (HasSymbolLocalScope(load_csv.row_var_->name_)) {
     throw RedeclareVariableError(load_csv.row_var_->name_);
   load_csv.row_var_->MapTo(CreateSymbol(load_csv.row_var_->name_, true));
@@ -202,45 +225,47 @@ bool SymbolGenerator::PostVisit(LoadCsv &load_csv) {
 bool SymbolGenerator::PreVisit(Return &ret) {
-  scope_.in_return = true;
+  auto &scope = scopes_.back();
+  scope.in_return = true;
-  scope_.in_return = false;
+  scope.in_return = false;
   return false;  // We handled the traversal ourselves.
 bool SymbolGenerator::PostVisit(Return &) {
-  for (const auto &name_symbol : scope_.symbols) curr_return_names_.insert(name_symbol.first);
+  for (const auto &name_symbol : scopes_.back().symbols) curr_return_names_.insert(name_symbol.first);
   return true;
 bool SymbolGenerator::PreVisit(With &with) {
-  scope_.in_with = true;
+  auto &scope = scopes_.back();
+  scope.in_with = true;
   VisitReturnBody(with.body_, with.where_);
-  scope_.in_with = false;
+  scope.in_with = false;
   return false;  // We handled the traversal ourselves.
 bool SymbolGenerator::PreVisit(Where &) {
-  scope_.in_where = true;
+  scopes_.back().in_where = true;
   return true;
 bool SymbolGenerator::PostVisit(Where &) {
-  scope_.in_where = false;
+  scopes_.back().in_where = false;
   return true;
 bool SymbolGenerator::PreVisit(Merge &) {
-  scope_.in_merge = true;
+  scopes_.back().in_merge = true;
   return true;
 bool SymbolGenerator::PostVisit(Merge &) {
-  scope_.in_merge = false;
+  scopes_.back().in_merge = false;
   return true;
 bool SymbolGenerator::PostVisit(Unwind &unwind) {
   const auto &name = unwind.named_expression_->name_;
-  if (HasSymbol(name)) {
+  if (HasSymbolLocalScope(name)) {
     throw RedeclareVariableError(name);
   unwind.named_expression_->MapTo(CreateSymbol(name, true));
@@ -248,55 +273,70 @@ bool SymbolGenerator::PostVisit(Unwind &unwind) {
 bool SymbolGenerator::PreVisit(Match &) {
-  scope_.in_match = true;
+  scopes_.back().in_match = true;
   return true;
 bool SymbolGenerator::PostVisit(Match &) {
-  scope_.in_match = false;
+  auto &scope = scopes_.back();
+  scope.in_match = false;
   // Check variables in property maps after visiting Match, so that they can
   // reference symbols out of bind order.
-  for (auto &ident : scope_.identifiers_in_match) {
-    if (!HasSymbol(ident->name_) && !ConsumePredefinedIdentifier(ident->name_))
+  for (auto &ident : scope.identifiers_in_match) {
+    if (!HasSymbolLocalScope(ident->name_) && !ConsumePredefinedIdentifier(ident->name_))
       throw UnboundVariableError(ident->name_);
-    ident->MapTo(scope_.symbols[ident->name_]);
+    ident->MapTo(scope.symbols[ident->name_]);
-  scope_.identifiers_in_match.clear();
+  scope.identifiers_in_match.clear();
+  return true;
+bool SymbolGenerator::PreVisit(Foreach &for_each) {
+  const auto &name = for_each.named_expression_->name_;
+  scopes_.emplace_back(Scope());
+  scopes_.back().in_foreach = true;
+  for_each.named_expression_->MapTo(
+      CreateSymbol(name, true, Symbol::Type::ANY, for_each.named_expression_->token_position_));
+  return true;
+bool SymbolGenerator::PostVisit([[maybe_unused]] Foreach &for_each) {
+  scopes_.pop_back();
   return true;
 // Expressions
 SymbolGenerator::ReturnType SymbolGenerator::Visit(Identifier &ident) {
-  if (scope_.in_skip || scope_.in_limit) {
-    throw SemanticException("Variables are not allowed in {}.", scope_.in_skip ? "SKIP" : "LIMIT");
+  auto &scope = scopes_.back();
+  if (scope.in_skip || scope.in_limit) {
+    throw SemanticException("Variables are not allowed in {}.", scope.in_skip ? "SKIP" : "LIMIT");
   Symbol symbol;
-  if (scope_.in_pattern && !(scope_.in_node_atom || scope_.visiting_edge)) {
+  if (scope.in_pattern && !(scope.in_node_atom || scope.visiting_edge)) {
     // If we are in the pattern, and outside of a node or an edge, the
     // identifier is the pattern name.
-    symbol = GetOrCreateSymbol(ident.name_, ident.user_declared_, Symbol::Type::PATH);
-  } else if (scope_.in_pattern && scope_.in_pattern_atom_identifier) {
+    symbol = GetOrCreateSymbolLocalScope(ident.name_, ident.user_declared_, Symbol::Type::PATH);
+  } else if (scope.in_pattern && scope.in_pattern_atom_identifier) {
     //  Patterns used to create nodes and edges cannot redeclare already
     //  established bindings. Declaration only happens in single node
     //  patterns and in edge patterns. OpenCypher example,
     //  `MATCH (n) CREATE (n)` should throw an error that `n` is already
     //  declared. While `MATCH (n) CREATE (n) -[:R]-> (n)` is allowed,
     //  since `n` now references the bound node instead of declaring it.
-    if ((scope_.in_create_node || scope_.in_create_edge) && HasSymbol(ident.name_)) {
+    if ((scope.in_create_node || scope.in_create_edge) && HasSymbolLocalScope(ident.name_)) {
       throw RedeclareVariableError(ident.name_);
     auto type = Symbol::Type::VERTEX;
-    if (scope_.visiting_edge) {
+    if (scope.visiting_edge) {
       // Edge referencing is not allowed (like in Neo4j):
       // `MATCH (n) - [r] -> (n) - [r] -> (n) RETURN r` is not allowed.
-      if (HasSymbol(ident.name_)) {
+      if (HasSymbolLocalScope(ident.name_)) {
         throw RedeclareVariableError(ident.name_);
-      type = scope_.visiting_edge->IsVariable() ? Symbol::Type::EDGE_LIST : Symbol::Type::EDGE;
+      type = scope.visiting_edge->IsVariable() ? Symbol::Type::EDGE_LIST : Symbol::Type::EDGE;
-    symbol = GetOrCreateSymbol(ident.name_, ident.user_declared_, type);
-  } else if (scope_.in_pattern && !scope_.in_pattern_atom_identifier && scope_.in_match) {
-    if (scope_.in_edge_range && scope_.visiting_edge->identifier_->name_ == ident.name_) {
+    symbol = GetOrCreateSymbolLocalScope(ident.name_, ident.user_declared_, type);
+  } else if (scope.in_pattern && !scope.in_pattern_atom_identifier && scope.in_match) {
+    if (scope.in_edge_range && scope.visiting_edge->identifier_->name_ == ident.name_) {
       // Prevent variable path bounds to reference the identifier which is bound
       // by the variable path itself.
       throw UnboundVariableError(ident.name_);
@@ -304,30 +344,30 @@ SymbolGenerator::ReturnType SymbolGenerator::Visit(Identifier &ident) {
     // Variables in property maps or bounds of variable length path during MATCH
     // can reference symbols bound later in the same MATCH. We collect them
     // here, so that they can be checked after visiting Match.
-    scope_.identifiers_in_match.emplace_back(&ident);
+    scope.identifiers_in_match.emplace_back(&ident);
   } else {
     // Everything else references a bound symbol.
     if (!HasSymbol(ident.name_) && !ConsumePredefinedIdentifier(ident.name_)) throw UnboundVariableError(ident.name_);
-    symbol = scope_.symbols[ident.name_];
+    symbol = GetOrCreateSymbol(ident.name_, ident.user_declared_, Symbol::Type::ANY);
   return true;
 bool SymbolGenerator::PreVisit(Aggregation &aggr) {
+  auto &scope = scopes_.back();
   // Check if the aggregation can be used in this context. This check should
   // probably move to a separate phase, which checks if the query is well
   // formed.
-  if ((!scope_.in_return && !scope_.in_with) || scope_.in_order_by || scope_.in_skip || scope_.in_limit ||
-      scope_.in_where) {
+  if ((!scope.in_return && !scope.in_with) || scope.in_order_by || scope.in_skip || scope.in_limit || scope.in_where) {
     throw SemanticException("Aggregation functions are only allowed in WITH and RETURN.");
-  if (scope_.in_aggregation) {
+  if (scope.in_aggregation) {
     throw SemanticException(
         "Using aggregation functions inside aggregation functions is not "
-  if (scope_.num_if_operators) {
+  if (scope.num_if_operators) {
     // Neo allows aggregations here and produces very interesting behaviors.
     // To simplify implementation at this moment we decided to completely
     // disallow aggregations inside of the CASE.
@@ -341,23 +381,23 @@ bool SymbolGenerator::PreVisit(Aggregation &aggr) {
   // Currently, we only have aggregation operators which return numbers.
   auto aggr_name = Aggregation::OpToString(aggr.op_) + std::to_string(aggr.symbol_pos_);
   aggr.MapTo(CreateSymbol(aggr_name, false, Symbol::Type::NUMBER));
-  scope_.in_aggregation = true;
-  scope_.has_aggregation = true;
+  scope.in_aggregation = true;
+  scope.has_aggregation = true;
   return true;
 bool SymbolGenerator::PostVisit(Aggregation &) {
-  scope_.in_aggregation = false;
+  scopes_.back().in_aggregation = false;
   return true;
 bool SymbolGenerator::PreVisit(IfOperator &) {
-  ++scope_.num_if_operators;
+  ++scopes_.back().num_if_operators;
   return true;
 bool SymbolGenerator::PostVisit(IfOperator &) {
-  --scope_.num_if_operators;
+  --scopes_.back().num_if_operators;
   return true;
@@ -401,33 +441,36 @@ bool SymbolGenerator::PreVisit(Extract &extract) {
 // Pattern and its subparts.
 bool SymbolGenerator::PreVisit(Pattern &pattern) {
-  scope_.in_pattern = true;
-  if ((scope_.in_create || scope_.in_merge) && pattern.atoms_.size() == 1U) {
+  auto &scope = scopes_.back();
+  scope.in_pattern = true;
+  if ((scope.in_create || scope.in_merge) && pattern.atoms_.size() == 1U) {
     MG_ASSERT(utils::IsSubtype(*pattern.atoms_[0], NodeAtom::kType), "Expected a single NodeAtom in Pattern");
-    scope_.in_create_node = true;
+    scope.in_create_node = true;
   return true;
 bool SymbolGenerator::PostVisit(Pattern &) {
-  scope_.in_pattern = false;
-  scope_.in_create_node = false;
+  auto &scope = scopes_.back();
+  scope.in_pattern = false;
+  scope.in_create_node = false;
   return true;
 bool SymbolGenerator::PreVisit(NodeAtom &node_atom) {
-  auto check_node_semantic = [&node_atom, this](const bool props_or_labels) {
+  auto &scope = scopes_.back();
+  auto check_node_semantic = [&node_atom, &scope, this](const bool props_or_labels) {
     const auto &node_name = node_atom.identifier_->name_;
-    if ((scope_.in_create || scope_.in_merge) && props_or_labels && HasSymbol(node_name)) {
+    if ((scope.in_create || scope.in_merge) && props_or_labels && HasSymbolLocalScope(node_name)) {
       throw SemanticException("Cannot create node '" + node_name +
                               "' with labels or properties, because it is already declared.");
-    scope_.in_pattern_atom_identifier = true;
+    scope.in_pattern_atom_identifier = true;
-    scope_.in_pattern_atom_identifier = false;
+    scope.in_pattern_atom_identifier = false;
-  scope_.in_node_atom = true;
+  scope.in_node_atom = true;
   if (auto *properties = std::get_if<std::unordered_map<PropertyIx, Expression *>>(&node_atom.properties_)) {
     bool props_or_labels = !properties->empty() || !node_atom.labels_.empty();
@@ -447,20 +490,21 @@ bool SymbolGenerator::PreVisit(NodeAtom &node_atom) {
 bool SymbolGenerator::PostVisit(NodeAtom &) {
-  scope_.in_node_atom = false;
+  scopes_.back().in_node_atom = false;
   return true;
 bool SymbolGenerator::PreVisit(EdgeAtom &edge_atom) {
-  scope_.visiting_edge = &edge_atom;
-  if (scope_.in_create || scope_.in_merge) {
-    scope_.in_create_edge = true;
+  auto &scope = scopes_.back();
+  scope.visiting_edge = &edge_atom;
+  if (scope.in_create || scope.in_merge) {
+    scope.in_create_edge = true;
     if (edge_atom.edge_types_.size() != 1U) {
       throw SemanticException(
           "A single relationship type must be specified "
           "when creating an edge.");
-    if (scope_.in_create &&  // Merge allows bidirectionality
+    if (scope.in_create &&  // Merge allows bidirectionality
         edge_atom.direction_ == EdgeAtom::Direction::BOTH) {
       throw SemanticException(
           "Bidirectional relationship are not supported "
@@ -480,15 +524,15 @@ bool SymbolGenerator::PreVisit(EdgeAtom &edge_atom) {
     std::get<ParameterLookup *>(edge_atom.properties_)->Accept(*this);
   if (edge_atom.IsVariable()) {
-    scope_.in_edge_range = true;
+    scope.in_edge_range = true;
     if (edge_atom.lower_bound_) {
     if (edge_atom.upper_bound_) {
-    scope_.in_edge_range = false;
-    scope_.in_pattern = false;
+    scope.in_edge_range = false;
+    scope.in_pattern = false;
     if (edge_atom.filter_lambda_.expression) {
                            {edge_atom.filter_lambda_.inner_edge, edge_atom.filter_lambda_.inner_node});
@@ -505,34 +549,36 @@ bool SymbolGenerator::PreVisit(EdgeAtom &edge_atom) {
                            {edge_atom.weight_lambda_.inner_edge, edge_atom.weight_lambda_.inner_node});
-    scope_.in_pattern = true;
+    scope.in_pattern = true;
-  scope_.in_pattern_atom_identifier = true;
+  scope.in_pattern_atom_identifier = true;
-  scope_.in_pattern_atom_identifier = false;
+  scope.in_pattern_atom_identifier = false;
   if (edge_atom.total_weight_) {
-    if (HasSymbol(edge_atom.total_weight_->name_)) {
+    if (HasSymbolLocalScope(edge_atom.total_weight_->name_)) {
       throw RedeclareVariableError(edge_atom.total_weight_->name_);
-    edge_atom.total_weight_->MapTo(GetOrCreateSymbol(edge_atom.total_weight_->name_,
-                                                     edge_atom.total_weight_->user_declared_, Symbol::Type::NUMBER));
+    edge_atom.total_weight_->MapTo(GetOrCreateSymbolLocalScope(
+        edge_atom.total_weight_->name_, edge_atom.total_weight_->user_declared_, Symbol::Type::NUMBER));
   return false;
 bool SymbolGenerator::PostVisit(EdgeAtom &) {
-  scope_.visiting_edge = nullptr;
-  scope_.in_create_edge = false;
+  auto &scope = scopes_.back();
+  scope.visiting_edge = nullptr;
+  scope.in_create_edge = false;
   return true;
 void SymbolGenerator::VisitWithIdentifiers(Expression *expr, const std::vector<Identifier *> &identifiers) {
+  auto &scope = scopes_.back();
   std::vector<std::pair<std::optional<Symbol>, Identifier *>> prev_symbols;
   // Collect previous symbols if they exist.
   for (const auto &identifier : identifiers) {
     std::optional<Symbol> prev_symbol;
-    auto prev_symbol_it = scope_.symbols.find(identifier->name_);
-    if (prev_symbol_it != scope_.symbols.end()) {
+    auto prev_symbol_it = scope.symbols.find(identifier->name_);
+    if (prev_symbol_it != scope.symbols.end()) {
       prev_symbol = prev_symbol_it->second;
     identifier->MapTo(CreateSymbol(identifier->name_, identifier->user_declared_));
@@ -545,14 +591,20 @@ void SymbolGenerator::VisitWithIdentifiers(Expression *expr, const std::vector<I
     const auto &prev_symbol = prev.first;
     const auto &identifier = prev.second;
     if (prev_symbol) {
-      scope_.symbols[identifier->name_] = *prev_symbol;
+      scope.symbols[identifier->name_] = *prev_symbol;
     } else {
-      scope_.symbols.erase(identifier->name_);
+      scope.symbols.erase(identifier->name_);
-bool SymbolGenerator::HasSymbol(const std::string &name) { return scope_.symbols.find(name) != scope_.symbols.end(); }
+bool SymbolGenerator::HasSymbol(const std::string &name) const {
+  return std::ranges::any_of(scopes_, [&name](const auto &scope) { return scope.symbols.contains(name); });
+bool SymbolGenerator::HasSymbolLocalScope(const std::string &name) const {
+  return scopes_.back().symbols.contains(name);
 bool SymbolGenerator::ConsumePredefinedIdentifier(const std::string &name) {
   auto it = predefined_identifiers_.find(name);
diff --git a/src/query/frontend/semantic/symbol_generator.hpp b/src/query/frontend/semantic/symbol_generator.hpp
index fd57175bc..8703fd4e6 100644
--- a/src/query/frontend/semantic/symbol_generator.hpp
+++ b/src/query/frontend/semantic/symbol_generator.hpp
@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@
 #pragma once
+#include <optional>
+#include <vector>
 #include "query/exceptions.hpp"
 #include "query/frontend/ast/ast.hpp"
 #include "query/frontend/semantic/symbol_table.hpp"
@@ -59,6 +62,8 @@ class SymbolGenerator : public HierarchicalTreeVisitor {
   bool PostVisit(Unwind &) override;
   bool PreVisit(Match &) override;
   bool PostVisit(Match &) override;
+  bool PreVisit(Foreach &) override;
+  bool PostVisit(Foreach &) override;
   // Expressions
   ReturnType Visit(Identifier &) override;
@@ -107,6 +112,7 @@ class SymbolGenerator : public HierarchicalTreeVisitor {
     bool in_order_by{false};
     bool in_where{false};
     bool in_match{false};
+    bool in_foreach{false};
     // True when visiting a pattern atom (node or edge) identifier, which can be
     // reused or created in the pattern itself.
     bool in_pattern_atom_identifier{false};
@@ -125,7 +131,10 @@ class SymbolGenerator : public HierarchicalTreeVisitor {
     int num_if_operators{0};
-  bool HasSymbol(const std::string &name);
+  static std::optional<Symbol> FindSymbolInScope(const std::string &name, const Scope &scope, Symbol::Type type);
+  bool HasSymbol(const std::string &name) const;
+  bool HasSymbolLocalScope(const std::string &name) const;
   // @return true if it added a predefined identifier with that name
   bool ConsumePredefinedIdentifier(const std::string &name);
@@ -135,9 +144,10 @@ class SymbolGenerator : public HierarchicalTreeVisitor {
   auto CreateSymbol(const std::string &name, bool user_declared, Symbol::Type type = Symbol::Type::ANY,
                     int token_position = -1);
+  auto GetOrCreateSymbol(const std::string &name, bool user_declared, Symbol::Type type = Symbol::Type::ANY);
   // Returns the symbol by name. If the mapping already exists, checks if the
   // types match. Otherwise, returns a new symbol.
-  auto GetOrCreateSymbol(const std::string &name, bool user_declared, Symbol::Type type = Symbol::Type::ANY);
+  auto GetOrCreateSymbolLocalScope(const std::string &name, bool user_declared, Symbol::Type type = Symbol::Type::ANY);
   void VisitReturnBody(ReturnBody &body, Where *where = nullptr);
@@ -148,7 +158,7 @@ class SymbolGenerator : public HierarchicalTreeVisitor {
   // Identifiers which are injected from outside the query. Each identifier
   // is mapped by its name.
   std::unordered_map<std::string, Identifier *> predefined_identifiers_;
-  Scope scope_;
+  std::vector<Scope> scopes_;
   std::unordered_set<std::string> prev_return_names_;
   std::unordered_set<std::string> curr_return_names_;
diff --git a/src/query/frontend/stripped_lexer_constants.hpp b/src/query/frontend/stripped_lexer_constants.hpp
index 0dd697c06..42b7b4aeb 100644
--- a/src/query/frontend/stripped_lexer_constants.hpp
+++ b/src/query/frontend/stripped_lexer_constants.hpp
@@ -204,7 +204,8 @@ const trie::Trie kKeywords = {"union",
-                              "websocket"};
+                              "websocket"
+                              "foreach"};
 // Unicode codepoints that are allowed at the start of the unescaped name.
 const std::bitset<kBitsetSize> kUnescapedNameAllowedStarts(
diff --git a/src/query/plan/cost_estimator.hpp b/src/query/plan/cost_estimator.hpp
index b9f26db00..0b3e7f867 100644
--- a/src/query/plan/cost_estimator.hpp
+++ b/src/query/plan/cost_estimator.hpp
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ class CostEstimator : public HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor {
     static constexpr double kFilter{1.5};
     static constexpr double kEdgeUniquenessFilter{1.5};
     static constexpr double kUnwind{1.3};
+    static constexpr double kForeach{1.0};
   struct CardParam {
@@ -72,6 +73,7 @@ class CostEstimator : public HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor {
   struct MiscParam {
     static constexpr double kUnwindNoLiteral{10.0};
+    static constexpr double kForeachNoLiteral{10.0};
   using HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor::PostVisit;
@@ -193,6 +195,23 @@ class CostEstimator : public HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor {
     return true;
+  bool PostVisit(Foreach &foreach) override {
+    // Foreach cost depends both on the number elements in the list that get unwound
+    // as well as the total clauses that get called for each unwounded element.
+    // First estimate cardinality and then increment the cost.
+    double foreach_elements{0};
+    if (auto *literal = utils::Downcast<query::ListLiteral>(foreach.expression_)) {
+      foreach_elements = literal->elements_.size();
+    } else {
+      foreach_elements = MiscParam::kForeachNoLiteral;
+    }
+    cardinality_ *= foreach_elements;
+    IncrementCost(CostParam::kForeach);
+    return true;
+  }
   bool Visit(Once &) override { return true; }
   auto cost() const { return cost_; }
diff --git a/src/query/plan/operator.cpp b/src/query/plan/operator.cpp
index c3f0afbf4..5349812ec 100644
--- a/src/query/plan/operator.cpp
+++ b/src/query/plan/operator.cpp
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
 #include "utils/fnv.hpp"
 #include "utils/likely.hpp"
 #include "utils/logging.hpp"
+#include "utils/memory.hpp"
 #include "utils/pmr/unordered_map.hpp"
 #include "utils/pmr/unordered_set.hpp"
 #include "utils/pmr/vector.hpp"
@@ -105,6 +106,7 @@ extern const Event DistinctOperator;
 extern const Event UnionOperator;
 extern const Event CartesianOperator;
 extern const Event CallProcedureOperator;
+extern const Event ForeachOperator;
 }  // namespace EventCounter
 namespace memgraph::query::plan {
@@ -4024,4 +4026,85 @@ UniqueCursorPtr LoadCsv::MakeCursor(utils::MemoryResource *mem) const {
   return MakeUniqueCursorPtr<LoadCsvCursor>(mem, this, mem);
+class ForeachCursor : public Cursor {
+ public:
+  explicit ForeachCursor(const Foreach &foreach, utils::MemoryResource *mem)
+      : loop_variable_symbol_(foreach.loop_variable_symbol_),
+        input_(foreach.input_->MakeCursor(mem)),
+        updates_(foreach.update_clauses_->MakeCursor(mem)),
+        expression(foreach.expression_) {}
+  bool Pull(Frame &frame, ExecutionContext &context) override {
+    SCOPED_PROFILE_OP(op_name_);
+    if (!input_->Pull(frame, context)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    ExpressionEvaluator evaluator(&frame, context.symbol_table, context.evaluation_context, context.db_accessor,
+                                  storage::View::NEW);
+    TypedValue expr_result = expression->Accept(evaluator);
+    if (expr_result.IsNull()) {
+      return true;
+    }
+    if (!expr_result.IsList()) {
+      throw QueryRuntimeException("FOREACH expression must resolve to a list, but got '{}'.", expr_result.type());
+    }
+    const auto &cache_ = expr_result.ValueList();
+    for (const auto &index : cache_) {
+      frame[loop_variable_symbol_] = index;
+      while (updates_->Pull(frame, context)) {
+      }
+      ResetUpdates();
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  void Shutdown() override { input_->Shutdown(); }
+  void ResetUpdates() { updates_->Reset(); }
+  void Reset() override {
+    input_->Reset();
+    ResetUpdates();
+  }
+ private:
+  const Symbol loop_variable_symbol_;
+  const UniqueCursorPtr input_;
+  const UniqueCursorPtr updates_;
+  Expression *expression;
+  const char *op_name_{"Foreach"};
+Foreach::Foreach(std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input, std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> updates, Expression *expr,
+                 Symbol loop_variable_symbol)
+    : input_(input ? std::move(input) : std::make_shared<Once>()),
+      update_clauses_(std::move(updates)),
+      expression_(expr),
+      loop_variable_symbol_(loop_variable_symbol) {}
+UniqueCursorPtr Foreach::MakeCursor(utils::MemoryResource *mem) const {
+  EventCounter::IncrementCounter(EventCounter::ForeachOperator);
+  return MakeUniqueCursorPtr<ForeachCursor>(mem, *this, mem);
+std::vector<Symbol> Foreach::ModifiedSymbols(const SymbolTable &table) const {
+  auto symbols = input_->ModifiedSymbols(table);
+  symbols.emplace_back(loop_variable_symbol_);
+  return symbols;
+bool Foreach::Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) {
+  if (visitor.PreVisit(*this)) {
+    input_->Accept(visitor);
+    update_clauses_->Accept(visitor);
+  }
+  return visitor.PostVisit(*this);
 }  // namespace memgraph::query::plan
diff --git a/src/query/plan/operator.lcp b/src/query/plan/operator.lcp
index 346036df3..1a3b4b43e 100644
--- a/src/query/plan/operator.lcp
+++ b/src/query/plan/operator.lcp
@@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ class Union;
 class Cartesian;
 class CallProcedure;
 class LoadCsv;
+class Foreach;
 using LogicalOperatorCompositeVisitor = utils::CompositeVisitor<
     Once, CreateNode, CreateExpand, ScanAll, ScanAllByLabel,
@@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ using LogicalOperatorCompositeVisitor = utils::CompositeVisitor<
     Expand, ExpandVariable, ConstructNamedPath, Filter, Produce, Delete,
     SetProperty, SetProperties, SetLabels, RemoveProperty, RemoveLabels,
     EdgeUniquenessFilter, Accumulate, Aggregate, Skip, Limit, OrderBy, Merge,
-    Optional, Unwind, Distinct, Union, Cartesian, CallProcedure, LoadCsv>;
+    Optional, Unwind, Distinct, Union, Cartesian, CallProcedure, LoadCsv, Foreach>;
 using LogicalOperatorLeafVisitor = utils::LeafVisitor<Once>;
@@ -2261,6 +2262,42 @@ at once. Instead, each call of the callback should return a single row of the ta
   (:serialize (:slk))
+(lcp:define-class foreach (logical-operator)
+  ((input "std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>" :scope :public
+          :slk-save #'slk-save-operator-pointer
+          :slk-load #'slk-load-operator-pointer)
+   (update-clauses "std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>" :scope :public
+          :slk-save #'slk-save-operator-pointer
+          :slk-load #'slk-load-operator-pointer)
+   (expression "Expression *" :scope :public
+           :slk-save #'slk-save-ast-pointer
+           :slk-load (slk-load-ast-pointer "Expression"))
+   (loop-variable-symbol "Symbol" :scope :public))
+  (:documentation
+   "Iterates over a collection of elements and applies one or more update
+  (:public
+   #>cpp
+   Foreach() = default;
+   Foreach(std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input, 
+           std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> updates,
+           Expression *named_expr, 
+           Symbol loop_variable_symbol);
+   bool Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) override;
+   UniqueCursorPtr MakeCursor(utils::MemoryResource *) const override;
+   std::vector<Symbol> ModifiedSymbols(const SymbolTable &) const override;
+   bool HasSingleInput() const override { return true; }
+   std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input() const override { return input_; }
+   void set_input(std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input) override {
+     input_ = std::move(input);
+   }
+   cpp<#)
+  (:serialize (:slk))
+  (:clone))
 (lcp:pop-namespace) ;; plan
 (lcp:pop-namespace) ;; query
 (lcp:pop-namespace) ;; memgraph
diff --git a/src/query/plan/preprocess.cpp b/src/query/plan/preprocess.cpp
index ca5300b53..cd0ebd965 100644
--- a/src/query/plan/preprocess.cpp
+++ b/src/query/plan/preprocess.cpp
@@ -17,8 +17,10 @@
 #include <variant>
 #include "query/exceptions.hpp"
+#include "query/frontend/ast/ast.hpp"
 #include "query/frontend/ast/ast_visitor.hpp"
 #include "query/plan/preprocess.hpp"
+#include "utils/typeinfo.hpp"
 namespace memgraph::query::plan {
@@ -526,6 +528,18 @@ void Filters::AnalyzeAndStoreFilter(Expression *expr, const SymbolTable &symbol_
   // as `expr1 < n.prop AND n.prop < expr2`.
+static void ParseForeach(query::Foreach &foreach, SingleQueryPart &query_part, AstStorage &storage,
+                         SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
+  for (auto *clause : foreach.clauses_) {
+    if (auto *merge = utils::Downcast<query::Merge>(clause)) {
+      query_part.merge_matching.emplace_back(Matching{});
+      AddMatching({merge->pattern_}, nullptr, symbol_table, storage, query_part.merge_matching.back());
+    } else if (auto *nested = utils::Downcast<query::Foreach>(clause)) {
+      ParseForeach(*nested, query_part, storage, symbol_table);
+    }
+  }
 // Converts a Query to multiple QueryParts. In the process new Ast nodes may be
 // created, e.g. filter expressions.
 std::vector<SingleQueryPart> CollectSingleQueryParts(SymbolTable &symbol_table, AstStorage &storage,
@@ -546,6 +560,8 @@ std::vector<SingleQueryPart> CollectSingleQueryParts(SymbolTable &symbol_table,
       if (auto *merge = utils::Downcast<query::Merge>(clause)) {
         AddMatching({merge->pattern_}, nullptr, symbol_table, storage, query_part->merge_matching.back());
+      } else if (auto *foreach = utils::Downcast<query::Foreach>(clause)) {
+        ParseForeach(*foreach, *query_part, storage, symbol_table);
       } else if (utils::IsSubtype(*clause, With::kType) || utils::IsSubtype(*clause, query::Unwind::kType) ||
                  utils::IsSubtype(*clause, query::CallProcedure::kType) ||
                  utils::IsSubtype(*clause, query::LoadCsv::kType)) {
diff --git a/src/query/plan/preprocess.hpp b/src/query/plan/preprocess.hpp
index d567ff070..35a3002ec 100644
--- a/src/query/plan/preprocess.hpp
+++ b/src/query/plan/preprocess.hpp
@@ -306,6 +306,10 @@ struct Matching {
 /// will produce the second `merge_matching` element. This way, if someone
 /// traverses `remaining_clauses`, the order of appearance of `Merge` clauses is
 /// in the same order as their respective `merge_matching` elements.
+/// An exception to the above rule is Foreach. Its update clauses will not be contained in
+/// the `remaining_clauses`, but rather inside the foreach itself. The order guarantee is not
+/// violated because the update clauses of the foreach are immediately processed in
+/// the `RuleBasedPlanner` as if as they were pushed into the `remaining_clauses`.
 struct SingleQueryPart {
   /// @brief All `MATCH` clauses merged into one @c Matching.
   Matching matching;
@@ -320,6 +324,10 @@ struct SingleQueryPart {
   /// Since @c Merge is contained in `remaining_clauses`, this vector contains
   /// matching in the same order as @c Merge appears.
+  //
+  /// Foreach @c does not violate this gurantee. However, update clauses are not stored
+  /// in the `remaining_clauses` but rather in the `Foreach` itself and are guranteed
+  /// to be processed in the same order by the semantics of the `RuleBasedPlanner`.
   std::vector<Matching> merge_matching{};
   /// @brief All the remaining clauses (without @c Match).
   std::vector<Clause *> remaining_clauses{};
diff --git a/src/query/plan/pretty_print.cpp b/src/query/plan/pretty_print.cpp
index fea2b4dd9..b44b8986c 100644
--- a/src/query/plan/pretty_print.cpp
+++ b/src/query/plan/pretty_print.cpp
@@ -241,6 +241,12 @@ bool PlanPrinter::PreVisit(query::plan::Cartesian &op) {
   return false;
+bool PlanPrinter::PreVisit(query::plan::Foreach &op) {
+  WithPrintLn([](auto &out) { out << "* Foreach"; });
+  Branch(*op.update_clauses_);
+  op.input_->Accept(*this);
+  return false;
 #undef PRE_VISIT
 bool PlanPrinter::DefaultPreVisit() {
@@ -883,6 +889,21 @@ bool PlanToJsonVisitor::PreVisit(Cartesian &op) {
   output_ = std::move(self);
   return false;
+bool PlanToJsonVisitor::PreVisit(Foreach &op) {
+  json self;
+  self["name"] = "Foreach";
+  self["loop_variable_symbol"] = ToJson(op.loop_variable_symbol_);
+  self["expression"] = ToJson(op.expression_);
+  op.input_->Accept(*this);
+  self["input"] = PopOutput();
+  op.update_clauses_->Accept(*this);
+  self["update_clauses"] = PopOutput();
+  output_ = std::move(self);
+  return false;
 }  // namespace impl
diff --git a/src/query/plan/pretty_print.hpp b/src/query/plan/pretty_print.hpp
index fe2954954..44ae102a5 100644
--- a/src/query/plan/pretty_print.hpp
+++ b/src/query/plan/pretty_print.hpp
@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ class PlanPrinter : public virtual HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor {
   bool PreVisit(Unwind &) override;
   bool PreVisit(CallProcedure &) override;
   bool PreVisit(LoadCsv &) override;
+  bool PreVisit(Foreach &) override;
   bool Visit(Once &) override;
@@ -204,6 +205,7 @@ class PlanToJsonVisitor : public virtual HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor {
   bool PreVisit(Union &) override;
   bool PreVisit(Unwind &) override;
+  bool PreVisit(Foreach &) override;
   bool PreVisit(CallProcedure &) override;
   bool PreVisit(LoadCsv &) override;
diff --git a/src/query/plan/read_write_type_checker.cpp b/src/query/plan/read_write_type_checker.cpp
index a2e65f295..1d2e752d4 100644
--- a/src/query/plan/read_write_type_checker.cpp
+++ b/src/query/plan/read_write_type_checker.cpp
@@ -79,6 +79,11 @@ bool ReadWriteTypeChecker::PreVisit(CallProcedure &op) {
   return true;
+bool ReadWriteTypeChecker::PreVisit([[maybe_unused]] Foreach &op) {
+  UpdateType(RWType::RW);
+  return false;
 #undef PRE_VISIT
 bool ReadWriteTypeChecker::Visit(Once &op) { return false; }
diff --git a/src/query/plan/read_write_type_checker.hpp b/src/query/plan/read_write_type_checker.hpp
index 95b014caa..8b7f53987 100644
--- a/src/query/plan/read_write_type_checker.hpp
+++ b/src/query/plan/read_write_type_checker.hpp
@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ class ReadWriteTypeChecker : public virtual HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor {
   bool PreVisit(Unwind &) override;
   bool PreVisit(CallProcedure &) override;
+  bool PreVisit(Foreach &) override;
   bool Visit(Once &) override;
diff --git a/src/query/plan/rewrite/index_lookup.hpp b/src/query/plan/rewrite/index_lookup.hpp
index 3330011e0..791379018 100644
--- a/src/query/plan/rewrite/index_lookup.hpp
+++ b/src/query/plan/rewrite/index_lookup.hpp
@@ -433,6 +433,16 @@ class IndexLookupRewriter final : public HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor {
     return true;
+  bool PreVisit(Foreach &op) override {
+    prev_ops_.push_back(&op);
+    return false;
+  }
+  bool PostVisit(Foreach &) override {
+    prev_ops_.pop_back();
+    return true;
+  }
   std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> new_root_;
diff --git a/src/query/plan/rule_based_planner.hpp b/src/query/plan/rule_based_planner.hpp
index d769b33e1..8854392e6 100644
--- a/src/query/plan/rule_based_planner.hpp
+++ b/src/query/plan/rule_based_planner.hpp
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 #include "query/plan/operator.hpp"
 #include "query/plan/preprocess.hpp"
 #include "utils/logging.hpp"
+#include "utils/typeinfo.hpp"
 namespace memgraph::query::plan {
@@ -223,6 +224,10 @@ class RuleBasedPlanner {
           input_op =
               std::make_unique<plan::LoadCsv>(std::move(input_op), load_csv->file_, load_csv->with_header_,
                                               load_csv->ignore_bad_, load_csv->delimiter_, load_csv->quote_, row_sym);
+        } else if (auto *foreach = utils::Downcast<query::Foreach>(clause)) {
+          is_write = true;
+          input_op = HandleForeachClause(foreach, std::move(input_op), *context.symbol_table, context.bound_symbols,
+                                         query_part, merge_id);
         } else {
           throw utils::NotYetImplemented("clause '{}' conversion to operator(s)", clause->GetTypeInfo().name);
@@ -530,6 +535,27 @@ class RuleBasedPlanner {
     return std::make_unique<plan::Merge>(std::move(input_op), std::move(on_match), std::move(on_create));
+  std::unique_ptr<LogicalOperator> HandleForeachClause(query::Foreach *foreach,
+                                                       std::unique_ptr<LogicalOperator> input_op,
+                                                       const SymbolTable &symbol_table,
+                                                       std::unordered_set<Symbol> &bound_symbols,
+                                                       const SingleQueryPart &query_part, uint64_t &merge_id) {
+    const auto &symbol = symbol_table.at(*foreach->named_expression_);
+    bound_symbols.insert(symbol);
+    std::unique_ptr<LogicalOperator> op = std::make_unique<plan::Once>();
+    for (auto *clause : foreach->clauses_) {
+      if (auto *nested_for_each = utils::Downcast<query::Foreach>(clause)) {
+        op = HandleForeachClause(nested_for_each, std::move(op), symbol_table, bound_symbols, query_part, merge_id);
+      } else if (auto *merge = utils::Downcast<query::Merge>(clause)) {
+        op = GenMerge(*merge, std::move(op), query_part.merge_matching[merge_id++]);
+      } else {
+        op = HandleWriteClause(clause, op, symbol_table, bound_symbols);
+      }
+    }
+    return std::make_unique<plan::Foreach>(std::move(input_op), std::move(op), foreach->named_expression_->expression_,
+                                           symbol);
+  }
 }  // namespace memgraph::query::plan
diff --git a/src/query/plan/scoped_profile.hpp b/src/query/plan/scoped_profile.hpp
index 969c777fd..e825384d1 100644
--- a/src/query/plan/scoped_profile.hpp
+++ b/src/query/plan/scoped_profile.hpp
@@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ class ScopedProfile {
   query::ExecutionContext *context_;
-  ProfilingStats *root_;
-  ProfilingStats *stats_;
-  unsigned long long start_time_;
+  ProfilingStats *root_{nullptr};
+  ProfilingStats *stats_{nullptr};
+  unsigned long long start_time_{0};
 }  // namespace memgraph::query::plan
diff --git a/src/utils/event_counter.cpp b/src/utils/event_counter.cpp
index bcbb1a166..634b6eae2 100644
--- a/src/utils/event_counter.cpp
+++ b/src/utils/event_counter.cpp
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
   M(UnionOperator, "Number of times Union operator was used.")                                             \
   M(CartesianOperator, "Number of times Cartesian operator was used.")                                     \
   M(CallProcedureOperator, "Number of times CallProcedure operator was used.")                             \
+  M(ForeachOperator, "Number of times Foreach operator was used.")                                         \
   M(FailedQuery, "Number of times executing a query failed.")                                              \
   M(LabelIndexCreated, "Number of times a label index was created.")                                       \
diff --git a/tests/benchmark/query/execution.cpp b/tests/benchmark/query/execution.cpp
index 6bc4b9b01..90d12e78f 100644
--- a/tests/benchmark/query/execution.cpp
+++ b/tests/benchmark/query/execution.cpp
@@ -499,4 +499,39 @@ BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(Unwind, MonotonicBufferResource)
 BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(Unwind, PoolResource)->Ranges({{4, 1U << 7U}, {512, 1U << 13U}})->Unit(benchmark::kMicrosecond);
+template <class TMemory>
+// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-runtime-references)
+static void Foreach(benchmark::State &state) {
+  memgraph::query::AstStorage ast;
+  memgraph::storage::Storage db;
+  memgraph::query::SymbolTable symbol_table;
+  auto list_sym = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("list", false);
+  auto *list_expr = ast.Create<memgraph::query::Identifier>("list")->MapTo(list_sym);
+  auto out_sym = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("out", false);
+  auto create_node =
+      std::make_shared<memgraph::query::plan::CreateNode>(nullptr, memgraph::query::plan::NodeCreationInfo{});
+  auto foreach = std::make_shared<memgraph::query::plan::Foreach>(nullptr, std::move(create_node), list_expr, out_sym);
+  auto storage_dba = db.Access();
+  memgraph::query::DbAccessor dba(&storage_dba);
+  TMemory per_pull_memory;
+  memgraph::query::EvaluationContext evaluation_context{per_pull_memory.get()};
+  while (state.KeepRunning()) {
+    memgraph::query::ExecutionContext execution_context{&dba, symbol_table, evaluation_context};
+    TMemory memory;
+    memgraph::query::Frame frame(symbol_table.max_position(), memory.get());
+    frame[list_sym] = memgraph::query::TypedValue(std::vector<memgraph::query::TypedValue>(state.range(1)));
+    auto cursor = foreach->MakeCursor(memory.get());
+    while (cursor->Pull(frame, execution_context)) per_pull_memory.Reset();
+  }
+  state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations());
+BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(Foreach, PoolResource)->Ranges({{4, 1U << 7U}, {512, 1U << 13U}})->Unit(benchmark::kMicrosecond);
+BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(Foreach, MonotonicBufferResource)
+    ->Ranges({{4, 1U << 7U}, {512, 1U << 13U}})
+    ->Unit(benchmark::kMicrosecond);
+BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(Foreach, PoolResource)->Ranges({{4, 1U << 7U}, {512, 1U << 13U}})->Unit(benchmark::kMicrosecond);
diff --git a/tests/gql_behave/tests/memgraph_V1/features/foreach.feature b/tests/gql_behave/tests/memgraph_V1/features/foreach.feature
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ce1d9c932
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/gql_behave/tests/memgraph_V1/features/foreach.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+# Copyright 2022 Memgraph Ltd.
+# Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
+# included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
+# License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
+# As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
+# the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
+# by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
+# licenses/APL.txt.
+Feature: Foreach
+  Behaviour tests for memgraph FOREACH clause
+  Scenario: Foreach create
+    Given an empty graph
+    And having executed
+      """
+      FOREACH( i IN [1, 2, 3] | CREATE (n {age : i}))
+      """
+    When executing query:
+      """
+      MATCH (n) RETURN n.age
+      """
+    Then the result should be:
+      | n.age |
+      | 1 |
+      | 2 |
+      | 3 |
+    And no side effects
+  Scenario: Foreach Foreach create
+    Given an empty graph
+    And having executed
+      """
+      FOREACH( i IN [1, 2, 3] | CREATE (n {age : i})) FOREACH( i in [4, 5, 6] | CREATE (n {age : i}))
+      """
+    When executing query:
+      """
+      MATCH (n) RETURN n.age
+      """
+    Then the result should be:
+      | n.age |
+      | 1 |
+      | 2 |
+      | 3 |
+      | 4 |
+      | 5 |
+      | 6 |
+    And no side effects
+  Scenario: Foreach shadowing
+    Given an empty graph
+    And having executed
+      """
+      FOREACH( i IN [1] | FOREACH( i in [2, 3, 4] | CREATE (n {age : i})))
+      """
+    When executing query:
+      """
+      MATCH (n) RETURN n.age
+      """
+    Then the result should be:
+      | n.age |
+      | 2 |
+      | 3 |
+      | 4 |
+    And no side effects
+  Scenario: Foreach shadowing in create
+    Given an empty graph
+    And having executed
+      """
+      FOREACH (i IN [1] | FOREACH (j IN [3,4] | CREATE (i {prop: j})));
+      """
+    When executing query:
+      """
+      MATCH (n) RETURN n.prop
+      """
+    Then the result should be:
+      | n.prop |
+      | 3 |
+      | 4 |
+    And no side effects
+  Scenario: Foreach set
+    Given an empty graph
+    And having executed
+    """
+    CREATE (n1 { marked: false })-[:RELATES]->(n2 { marked: false })
+    """
+    And having executed 
+    """
+    MATCH p=(n1)-[*]->(n2)
+    FOREACH (n IN nodes(p) | SET n.marked = true)
+    """
+    When executing query:
+      """
+      MATCH (n)
+      RETURN n.marked
+      """
+    Then the result should be:
+      | n.marked |
+      | true |
+      | true |
+    And no side effects
+  Scenario: Foreach remove
+    Given an empty graph
+    And having executed
+    """
+    CREATE (n1 { marked: false })-[:RELATES]->(n2 { marked: false })
+    """
+    And having executed 
+    """
+    MATCH p=(n1)-[*]->(n2)
+    FOREACH (n IN nodes(p) | REMOVE n.marked)
+    """
+    When executing query:
+      """
+      MATCH (n)
+      RETURN n;
+      """
+    Then the result should be:
+      | n |
+      | () |
+      | () |
+    And no side effects
+  Scenario: Foreach delete
+    Given an empty graph
+    And having executed
+    """
+    CREATE (n1 { marked: false })-[:RELATES]->(n2 { marked: false })
+    """
+    And having executed 
+    """
+    MATCH p=(n1)-[*]->(n2)
+    FOREACH (n IN nodes(p) | DETACH delete n)
+    """
+    When executing query:
+      """
+      MATCH (n)
+      RETURN n;
+      """
+    Then the result should be:
+      | |
+    And no side effects
+  Scenario: Foreach merge
+    Given an empty graph
+    And having executed 
+    """
+    FOREACH (i IN [1, 2, 3] | MERGE (n { age : i }))
+    """
+    When executing query:
+      """
+      MATCH (n)
+      RETURN n.age;
+      """
+    Then the result should be:
+      | n.age |
+      | 1 |
+      | 2 |
+      | 3 |
+    And no side effects
+ Scenario: Foreach nested
+   Given an empty graph
+   And having executed 
+   """
+   FOREACH (i IN [1, 2, 3] | FOREACH( j IN [1] | CREATE (k { prop : j })))
+   """
+   When executing query:
+     """
+     MATCH (n)
+     RETURN n.prop;
+     """
+   Then the result should be:
+     | n.prop |
+     | 1 |
+     | 1 |
+     | 1 |
+ Scenario: Foreach multiple update clauses
+   Given an empty graph
+   And having executed 
+   """
+   CREATE (n1 { marked1: false, marked2: false })-[:RELATES]->(n2 { marked1: false, marked2: false })
+   """
+   And having executed 
+   """
+   MATCH p=(n1)-[*]->(n2)
+   FOREACH (n IN nodes(p) | SET n.marked1 = true SET n.marked2 = true)
+   """
+   When executing query:
+   """
+   MATCH (n)
+   RETURN n
+   """
+   Then the result should be:
+     | n |
+     | ({marked1: true, marked2: true}) |
+     | ({marked1: true, marked2: true}) |
+   And no side effects
+ Scenario: Foreach multiple nested update clauses
+   Given an empty graph
+   And having executed 
+   """
+   CREATE (n1 { marked1: false, marked2: false })-[:RELATES]->(n2 { marked1: false, marked2: false })
+   """
+   And having executed 
+   """
+   MATCH p=(n1)-[*]->(n2)
+   FOREACH (n IN nodes(p) | FOREACH (j IN [1] | SET n.marked1 = true SET n.marked2 = true))
+   """
+   When executing query:
+   """
+   MATCH (n)
+   RETURN n
+   """
+   Then the result should be:
+     | n |
+     | ({marked1: true, marked2: true}) |
+     | ({marked1: true, marked2: true}) |
+   And no side effects
+ Scenario: Foreach match foreach return
+   Given an empty graph
+   And having executed 
+   """
+   CREATE (n {prop: [[], [1,2]]});
+   """
+   When executing query:
+   """
+   MATCH (n) FOREACH (i IN n.prop | CREATE (:V { i: i})) RETURN n;
+   """
+   Then the result should be:
+     | n |
+     | ({prop: [[], [1, 2]]}) |
+   And no side effects
+ Scenario: Foreach on null value
+   Given an empty graph
+   And having executed 
+   """
+   CREATE (n);
+   """
+   When executing query:
+   """
+   MATCH (n) FOREACH (i IN n.prop | CREATE (:V { i: i}));
+   """
+   Then the result should be:
+     | |
+   And no side effects
+ Scenario: Foreach nested merge 
+   Given an empty graph
+   And having executed 
+   """
+   FOREACH(i in [1, 2, 3] | foreach(j in [1] | MERGE (n { age : i })));
+   """
+   When executing query:
+   """
+   MATCH (n)
+   RETURN n
+   """
+   Then the result should be:
+     | n |
+     | ({age: 1}) |
+     | ({age: 2}) |
+     | ({age: 3}) |
+   And no side effects
diff --git a/tests/unit/cypher_main_visitor.cpp b/tests/unit/cypher_main_visitor.cpp
index 061ee90e1..3800a9e01 100644
--- a/tests/unit/cypher_main_visitor.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/cypher_main_visitor.cpp
@@ -4090,3 +4090,89 @@ TEST_P(CypherMainVisitorTest, VersionQuery) {
   TestInvalidQuery("SHOW VERSIONS", ast_generator);
   ASSERT_NO_THROW(ast_generator.ParseQuery("SHOW VERSION"));
+TEST_P(CypherMainVisitorTest, ForeachThrow) {
+  auto &ast_generator = *GetParam();
+  EXPECT_THROW(ast_generator.ParseQuery("FOREACH(i IN [1, 2] | UNWIND [1,2,3] AS j CREATE (n))"), SyntaxException);
+  EXPECT_THROW(ast_generator.ParseQuery("FOREACH(i IN [1, 2] CREATE (:Foo {prop : i}))"), SyntaxException);
+  EXPECT_THROW(ast_generator.ParseQuery("FOREACH(i IN [1, 2] | MATCH (n)"), SyntaxException);
+  EXPECT_THROW(ast_generator.ParseQuery("FOREACH(i IN x | MATCH (n)"), SyntaxException);
+TEST_P(CypherMainVisitorTest, Foreach) {
+  auto &ast_generator = *GetParam();
+  // CREATE
+  {
+    auto *query = dynamic_cast<CypherQuery *>(
+        ast_generator.ParseQuery("FOREACH (age IN [1, 2, 3] | CREATE (m:Age {amount: age}))"));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(query);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(query->single_query_);
+    auto *single_query = query->single_query_;
+    ASSERT_EQ(single_query->clauses_.size(), 1U);
+    auto *foreach = dynamic_cast<Foreach *>(single_query->clauses_[0]);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(foreach);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(foreach->named_expression_);
+    EXPECT_EQ(foreach->named_expression_->name_, "age");
+    auto *expr = foreach->named_expression_->expression_;
+    ASSERT_TRUE(expr);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(dynamic_cast<ListLiteral *>(expr));
+    const auto &clauses = foreach->clauses_;
+    ASSERT_TRUE(clauses.size() == 1);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(dynamic_cast<Create *>(clauses.front()));
+  }
+  // SET
+  {
+    auto *query =
+        dynamic_cast<CypherQuery *>(ast_generator.ParseQuery("FOREACH (i IN nodes(path) | SET i.checkpoint = true)"));
+    auto *foreach = dynamic_cast<Foreach *>(query->single_query_->clauses_[0]);
+    const auto &clauses = foreach->clauses_;
+    ASSERT_TRUE(clauses.size() == 1);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(dynamic_cast<SetProperty *>(clauses.front()));
+  }
+  // REMOVE
+  {
+    auto *query = dynamic_cast<CypherQuery *>(ast_generator.ParseQuery("FOREACH (i IN nodes(path) | REMOVE i.prop)"));
+    auto *foreach = dynamic_cast<Foreach *>(query->single_query_->clauses_[0]);
+    const auto &clauses = foreach->clauses_;
+    ASSERT_TRUE(clauses.size() == 1);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(dynamic_cast<RemoveProperty *>(clauses.front()));
+  }
+  // MERGE
+  {
+    // merge works as create here
+    auto *query =
+        dynamic_cast<CypherQuery *>(ast_generator.ParseQuery("FOREACH (i IN [1, 2, 3] | MERGE (n {no : i}))"));
+    auto *foreach = dynamic_cast<Foreach *>(query->single_query_->clauses_[0]);
+    const auto &clauses = foreach->clauses_;
+    ASSERT_TRUE(clauses.size() == 1);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(dynamic_cast<Merge *>(clauses.front()));
+  }
+  {
+    auto *query = dynamic_cast<CypherQuery *>(ast_generator.ParseQuery("FOREACH (i IN nodes(path) | DETACH DELETE i)"));
+    auto *foreach = dynamic_cast<Foreach *>(query->single_query_->clauses_[0]);
+    const auto &clauses = foreach->clauses_;
+    ASSERT_TRUE(clauses.size() == 1);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(dynamic_cast<Delete *>(clauses.front()));
+  }
+  // nested FOREACH
+  {
+    auto *query = dynamic_cast<CypherQuery *>(ast_generator.ParseQuery(
+        "FOREACH (i IN nodes(path) | FOREACH (age IN i.list | CREATE (m:Age {amount: age})))"));
+    auto *foreach = dynamic_cast<Foreach *>(query->single_query_->clauses_[0]);
+    const auto &clauses = foreach->clauses_;
+    ASSERT_TRUE(clauses.size() == 1);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(dynamic_cast<Foreach *>(clauses.front()));
+  }
+  // Multiple update clauses
+  {
+    auto *query = dynamic_cast<CypherQuery *>(
+        ast_generator.ParseQuery("FOREACH (i IN nodes(path) | SET i.checkpoint = true REMOVE i.prop)"));
+    auto *foreach = dynamic_cast<Foreach *>(query->single_query_->clauses_[0]);
+    const auto &clauses = foreach->clauses_;
+    ASSERT_TRUE(clauses.size() == 2);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(dynamic_cast<SetProperty *>(clauses.front()));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(dynamic_cast<RemoveProperty *>(*++clauses.begin()));
+  }
diff --git a/tests/unit/plan_pretty_print.cpp b/tests/unit/plan_pretty_print.cpp
index 4444bd653..0148a3082 100644
--- a/tests/unit/plan_pretty_print.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/plan_pretty_print.cpp
@@ -911,3 +911,34 @@ TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, CallProcedure) {
             "result_symbols" : ["name_alias", "signature_alias"]
+TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, Foreach) {
+  Symbol x = GetSymbol("x");
+  std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> create =
+      std::make_shared<CreateNode>(nullptr, NodeCreationInfo{GetSymbol("node"), {dba.NameToLabel("Label1")}, {}});
+  std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> foreach =
+      std::make_shared<plan::Foreach>(nullptr, std::move(create), LIST(LITERAL(1)), x);
+  Check(foreach.get(), R"sep(
+          {
+           "expression": "(ListLiteral [1])",
+           "input": {
+            "name": "Once"
+           },
+           "name": "Foreach",
+           "loop_variable_symbol": "x",
+           "update_clauses": {
+            "input": {
+             "name": "Once"
+            },
+            "name": "CreateNode",
+            "node_info": {
+             "labels": [
+              "Label1"
+             ],
+             "properties": null,
+             "symbol": "node"
+            }
+           }
+          })sep");
diff --git a/tests/unit/query_common.hpp b/tests/unit/query_common.hpp
index 60c1685d8..b0dd41a72 100644
--- a/tests/unit/query_common.hpp
+++ b/tests/unit/query_common.hpp
@@ -463,6 +463,11 @@ auto GetCallProcedure(AstStorage &storage, std::string procedure_name,
   return call_procedure;
+/// Create the FOREACH clause with given named expression.
+auto GetForeach(AstStorage &storage, NamedExpression *named_expr, const std::vector<query::Clause *> &clauses) {
+  return storage.Create<query::Foreach>(named_expr, clauses);
 }  // namespace test_common
 }  // namespace memgraph::query
@@ -526,13 +531,14 @@ auto GetCallProcedure(AstStorage &storage, std::string procedure_name,
   memgraph::query::test_common::OnCreate {                 \
     std::vector<memgraph::query::Clause *> { __VA_ARGS__ } \
-#define CREATE_INDEX_ON(label, property)                                                            \
+#define CREATE_INDEX_ON(label, property)                                        \
   storage.Create<memgraph::query::IndexQuery>(memgraph::query::IndexQuery::Action::CREATE, (label), \
-                                              std::vector<memgraph::query::PropertyIx>{(property)})
+                                    std::vector<memgraph::query::PropertyIx>{(property)})
 #define QUERY(...) memgraph::query::test_common::GetQuery(storage, __VA_ARGS__)
 #define SINGLE_QUERY(...) memgraph::query::test_common::GetSingleQuery(storage.Create<SingleQuery>(), __VA_ARGS__)
 #define UNION(...) memgraph::query::test_common::GetCypherUnion(storage.Create<CypherUnion>(true), __VA_ARGS__)
 #define UNION_ALL(...) memgraph::query::test_common::GetCypherUnion(storage.Create<CypherUnion>(false), __VA_ARGS__)
+#define FOREACH(...) memgraph::query::test_common::GetForeach(storage, __VA_ARGS__)
 // Various operators
 #define NOT(expr) storage.Create<memgraph::query::NotOperator>((expr))
 #define UPLUS(expr) storage.Create<memgraph::query::UnaryPlusOperator>((expr))
diff --git a/tests/unit/query_cost_estimator.cpp b/tests/unit/query_cost_estimator.cpp
index b73b24e6f..5adc6f88d 100644
--- a/tests/unit/query_cost_estimator.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/query_cost_estimator.cpp
@@ -181,6 +181,19 @@ TEST_F(QueryCostEstimator, ExpandVariable) {
   EXPECT_COST(CardParam::kExpandVariable * CostParam::kExpandVariable);
+TEST_F(QueryCostEstimator, ForeachListLiteral) {
+  constexpr size_t list_expr_sz = 10;
+  std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> create = std::make_shared<CreateNode>(std::make_shared<Once>(), NodeCreationInfo{});
+  MakeOp<memgraph::query::plan::Foreach>(
+      last_op_, create, storage_.Create<ListLiteral>(std::vector<Expression *>(list_expr_sz, nullptr)), NextSymbol());
+  EXPECT_COST(CostParam::kForeach * list_expr_sz);
+TEST_F(QueryCostEstimator, Foreach) {
+  std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> create = std::make_shared<CreateNode>(std::make_shared<Once>(), NodeCreationInfo{});
+  MakeOp<memgraph::query::plan::Foreach>(last_op_, create, storage_.Create<Identifier>(), NextSymbol());
+  EXPECT_COST(CostParam::kForeach * MiscParam::kForeachNoLiteral);
 // Helper for testing an operations cost and cardinality.
 // Only for operations that first increment cost, then modify cardinality.
 // Intentially a macro (instead of function) for better test feedback.
diff --git a/tests/unit/query_plan.cpp b/tests/unit/query_plan.cpp
index e5cc29296..93d2f33c7 100644
--- a/tests/unit/query_plan.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/query_plan.cpp
@@ -90,7 +90,6 @@ void DeleteListContent(std::list<BaseOpChecker *> *list) {
     delete ptr;
 TYPED_TEST_CASE(TestPlanner, PlannerTypes);
 TYPED_TEST(TestPlanner, MatchNodeReturn) {
@@ -1555,4 +1554,57 @@ TYPED_TEST(TestPlanner, LabelPropertyInListWhereLabelPropertyOnRight) {
+TYPED_TEST(TestPlanner, Foreach) {
+  AstStorage storage;
+  FakeDbAccessor dba;
+  {
+    auto *i = NEXPR("i", IDENT("i"));
+    auto *query = QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(FOREACH(i, {CREATE(PATTERN(NODE("n")))})));
+    auto create = ExpectCreateNode();
+    std::list<BaseOpChecker *> updates{&create};
+    std::list<BaseOpChecker *> input;
+    CheckPlan<TypeParam>(query, storage, ExpectForeach(input, updates));
+  }
+  {
+    auto *i = NEXPR("i", IDENT("i"));
+    auto *query = QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(FOREACH(i, {DELETE(IDENT("i"))})));
+    auto del = ExpectDelete();
+    std::list<BaseOpChecker *> updates{&del};
+    std::list<BaseOpChecker *> input;
+    CheckPlan<TypeParam>(query, storage, ExpectForeach({input}, updates));
+  }
+  {
+    auto prop = dba.Property("prop");
+    auto *i = NEXPR("i", IDENT("i"));
+    auto *query = QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(FOREACH(i, {SET(PROPERTY_LOOKUP("i", prop), LITERAL(10))})));
+    auto set_prop = ExpectSetProperty();
+    std::list<BaseOpChecker *> updates{&set_prop};
+    std::list<BaseOpChecker *> input;
+    CheckPlan<TypeParam>(query, storage, ExpectForeach({input}, updates));
+  }
+  {
+    auto *i = NEXPR("i", IDENT("i"));
+    auto *j = NEXPR("j", IDENT("j"));
+    auto create = ExpectCreateNode();
+    auto del = ExpectDelete();
+    std::list<BaseOpChecker *> input;
+    std::list<BaseOpChecker *> nested_updates{{&create, &del}};
+    auto nested_foreach = ExpectForeach(input, nested_updates);
+    std::list<BaseOpChecker *> updates{&nested_foreach};
+    CheckPlan<TypeParam>(query, storage, ExpectForeach(input, updates));
+  }
+  {
+    auto *i = NEXPR("i", IDENT("i"));
+    auto *j = NEXPR("j", IDENT("j"));
+    auto create = ExpectCreateNode();
+    std::list<BaseOpChecker *> empty;
+    std::list<BaseOpChecker *> updates{&create};
+    auto input_op = ExpectForeach(empty, updates);
+    std::list<BaseOpChecker *> input{&input_op};
+    auto *query =
+    CheckPlan<TypeParam>(query, storage, ExpectForeach(input, updates));
+  }
 }  // namespace
diff --git a/tests/unit/query_plan_checker.hpp b/tests/unit/query_plan_checker.hpp
index a454370a0..335b6ab2b 100644
--- a/tests/unit/query_plan_checker.hpp
+++ b/tests/unit/query_plan_checker.hpp
@@ -90,6 +90,11 @@ class PlanChecker : public virtual HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor {
+  bool PreVisit(Foreach &op) override {
+    CheckOp(op);
+    return false;
+  }
   bool Visit(Once &) override {
     // Ignore checking Once, it is implicitly at the end.
@@ -150,6 +155,25 @@ using ExpectOrderBy = OpChecker<OrderBy>;
 using ExpectUnwind = OpChecker<Unwind>;
 using ExpectDistinct = OpChecker<Distinct>;
+class ExpectForeach : public OpChecker<Foreach> {
+ public:
+  ExpectForeach(const std::list<BaseOpChecker *> &input, const std::list<BaseOpChecker *> &updates)
+      : input_(input), updates_(updates) {}
+  void ExpectOp(Foreach &foreach, const SymbolTable &symbol_table) override {
+    PlanChecker check_input(input_, symbol_table);
+    foreach
+      .input_->Accept(check_input);
+    PlanChecker check_updates(updates_, symbol_table);
+    foreach
+      .update_clauses_->Accept(check_updates);
+  }
+ private:
+  std::list<BaseOpChecker *> input_;
+  std::list<BaseOpChecker *> updates_;
 class ExpectExpandVariable : public OpChecker<ExpandVariable> {
   void ExpectOp(ExpandVariable &op, const SymbolTable &) override {
diff --git a/tests/unit/query_plan_read_write_typecheck.cpp b/tests/unit/query_plan_read_write_typecheck.cpp
index b68202a86..673620ff9 100644
--- a/tests/unit/query_plan_read_write_typecheck.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/query_plan_read_write_typecheck.cpp
@@ -247,3 +247,9 @@ TEST_F(ReadWriteTypeCheckTest, ConstructNamedPath) {
   CheckPlanType(last_op.get(), RWType::R);
+TEST_F(ReadWriteTypeCheckTest, Foreach) {
+  Symbol x = GetSymbol("x");
+  std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> foreach = std::make_shared<plan::Foreach>(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, x);
+  CheckPlanType(foreach.get(), RWType::RW);
diff --git a/tests/unit/query_semantic.cpp b/tests/unit/query_semantic.cpp
index 643d8175d..45e60811a 100644
--- a/tests/unit/query_semantic.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/query_semantic.cpp
@@ -1157,3 +1157,23 @@ TEST_F(TestSymbolGenerator, PredefinedIdentifiers) {
   query = QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(unwind, CREATE(PATTERN(node))));
   ASSERT_THROW(memgraph::query::MakeSymbolTable(query, {first_op}), SemanticException);
+TEST_F(TestSymbolGenerator, Foreach) {
+  auto *i = NEXPR("i", IDENT("i"));
+  EXPECT_THROW(memgraph::query::MakeSymbolTable(query), UnboundVariableError);
+  auto symbol_table = memgraph::query::MakeSymbolTable(query);
+  ASSERT_EQ(symbol_table.max_position(), 6);
+  EXPECT_THROW(memgraph::query::MakeSymbolTable(query), RedeclareVariableError);
+  symbol_table = memgraph::query::MakeSymbolTable(query);
+  ASSERT_EQ(symbol_table.max_position(), 4);
+  EXPECT_THROW(memgraph::query::MakeSymbolTable(query), UnboundVariableError);