diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 201c9dfbb..14b31f933 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -204,6 +204,7 @@ set(memgraph_src_files
+    ${src_dir}/query/plan/preprocess.cpp
diff --git a/src/query/plan/planner.hpp b/src/query/plan/planner.hpp
index ea75e8528..ee80952bf 100644
--- a/src/query/plan/planner.hpp
+++ b/src/query/plan/planner.hpp
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 #pragma once
+#include "query/plan/preprocess.hpp"
 #include "query/plan/rule_based_planner.hpp"
 #include "query/plan/variable_start_planner.hpp"
diff --git a/src/query/plan/preprocess.cpp b/src/query/plan/preprocess.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..729d7b75d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/query/plan/preprocess.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+#include "query/plan/preprocess.hpp"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <functional>
+#include <stack>
+namespace query::plan {
+namespace {
+void ForEachPattern(
+    Pattern &pattern, std::function<void(NodeAtom *)> base,
+    std::function<void(NodeAtom *, EdgeAtom *, NodeAtom *)> collect) {
+  DCHECK(!pattern.atoms_.empty()) << "Missing atoms in pattern";
+  auto atoms_it = pattern.atoms_.begin();
+  auto current_node = dynamic_cast<NodeAtom *>(*atoms_it++);
+  DCHECK(current_node) << "First pattern atom is not a node";
+  base(current_node);
+  // Remaining atoms need to follow sequentially as (EdgeAtom, NodeAtom)*
+  while (atoms_it != pattern.atoms_.end()) {
+    auto edge = dynamic_cast<EdgeAtom *>(*atoms_it++);
+    DCHECK(edge) << "Expected an edge atom in pattern.";
+    DCHECK(atoms_it != pattern.atoms_.end())
+        << "Edge atom should not end the pattern.";
+    auto prev_node = current_node;
+    current_node = dynamic_cast<NodeAtom *>(*atoms_it++);
+    DCHECK(current_node) << "Expected a node atom in pattern.";
+    collect(prev_node, edge, current_node);
+  }
+// Collects symbols from identifiers found in visited AST nodes.
+class UsedSymbolsCollector : public HierarchicalTreeVisitor {
+ public:
+  explicit UsedSymbolsCollector(const SymbolTable &symbol_table)
+      : symbol_table_(symbol_table) {}
+  using HierarchicalTreeVisitor::PostVisit;
+  using HierarchicalTreeVisitor::PreVisit;
+  using HierarchicalTreeVisitor::Visit;
+  bool PostVisit(All &all) override {
+    // Remove the symbol which is bound by all, because we are only interested
+    // in free (unbound) symbols.
+    symbols_.erase(symbol_table_.at(*all.identifier_));
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool Visit(Identifier &ident) override {
+    symbols_.insert(symbol_table_.at(ident));
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool Visit(PrimitiveLiteral &) override { return true; }
+  bool Visit(ParameterLookup &) override { return true; }
+  bool Visit(query::CreateIndex &) override { return true; }
+  std::unordered_set<Symbol> symbols_;
+  const SymbolTable &symbol_table_;
+// Converts multiple Patterns to Expansions. Each Pattern can contain an
+// arbitrarily long chain of nodes and edges. The conversion to an Expansion is
+// done by splitting a pattern into triplets (node1, edge, node2). The triplets
+// conserve the semantics of the pattern. For example, in a pattern:
+// (m) -[e]- (n) -[f]- (o) the same can be achieved with:
+// (m) -[e]- (n), (n) -[f]- (o).
+// This representation makes it easier to permute from which node or edge we
+// want to start expanding.
+std::vector<Expansion> NormalizePatterns(
+    const SymbolTable &symbol_table, const std::vector<Pattern *> &patterns) {
+  std::vector<Expansion> expansions;
+  auto ignore_node = [&](auto *) {};
+  auto collect_expansion = [&](auto *prev_node, auto *edge,
+                               auto *current_node) {
+    UsedSymbolsCollector collector(symbol_table);
+    // Remove symbols which are bound by variable expansions.
+    if (edge->IsVariable()) {
+      if (edge->lower_bound_) edge->lower_bound_->Accept(collector);
+      if (edge->upper_bound_) edge->upper_bound_->Accept(collector);
+      collector.symbols_.erase(symbol_table.at(*edge->inner_edge_));
+      collector.symbols_.erase(symbol_table.at(*edge->inner_node_));
+      if (edge->filter_expression_) edge->filter_expression_->Accept(collector);
+    }
+    expansions.emplace_back(Expansion{prev_node, edge, edge->direction_, false,
+                                      collector.symbols_, current_node});
+  };
+  for (const auto &pattern : patterns) {
+    if (pattern->atoms_.size() == 1U) {
+      auto *node = dynamic_cast<NodeAtom *>(pattern->atoms_[0]);
+      DCHECK(node) << "First pattern atom is not a node";
+      expansions.emplace_back(Expansion{node});
+    } else {
+      ForEachPattern(*pattern, ignore_node, collect_expansion);
+    }
+  }
+  return expansions;
+// Fills the given Matching, by converting the Match patterns to normalized
+// representation as Expansions. Filters used in the Match are also collected,
+// as well as edge symbols which determine Cyphermorphism. Collecting filters
+// will lift them out of a pattern and generate new expressions (just like they
+// were in a Where clause).
+void AddMatching(const std::vector<Pattern *> &patterns, Where *where,
+                 SymbolTable &symbol_table, AstTreeStorage &storage,
+                 Matching &matching) {
+  auto expansions = NormalizePatterns(symbol_table, patterns);
+  std::unordered_set<Symbol> edge_symbols;
+  for (const auto &expansion : expansions) {
+    // Matching may already have some expansions, so offset our index.
+    const int expansion_ix = matching.expansions.size();
+    // Map node1 symbol to expansion
+    const auto &node1_sym = symbol_table.at(*expansion.node1->identifier_);
+    matching.node_symbol_to_expansions[node1_sym].insert(expansion_ix);
+    // Add node1 to all symbols.
+    matching.expansion_symbols.insert(node1_sym);
+    if (expansion.edge) {
+      const auto &edge_sym = symbol_table.at(*expansion.edge->identifier_);
+      // Fill edge symbols for Cyphermorphism.
+      edge_symbols.insert(edge_sym);
+      // Map node2 symbol to expansion
+      const auto &node2_sym = symbol_table.at(*expansion.node2->identifier_);
+      matching.node_symbol_to_expansions[node2_sym].insert(expansion_ix);
+      // Add edge and node2 to all symbols
+      matching.expansion_symbols.insert(edge_sym);
+      matching.expansion_symbols.insert(node2_sym);
+    }
+    matching.expansions.push_back(expansion);
+  }
+  if (!edge_symbols.empty()) {
+    matching.edge_symbols.emplace_back(edge_symbols);
+  }
+  for (auto *pattern : patterns) {
+    matching.filters.CollectPatternFilters(*pattern, symbol_table, storage);
+    if (pattern->identifier_->user_declared_) {
+      std::vector<Symbol> path_elements;
+      for (auto *pattern_atom : pattern->atoms_)
+        path_elements.emplace_back(symbol_table.at(*pattern_atom->identifier_));
+      matching.named_paths.emplace(symbol_table.at(*pattern->identifier_),
+                                   std::move(path_elements));
+    }
+  }
+  if (where) {
+    matching.filters.CollectWhereFilter(*where, symbol_table);
+  }
+void AddMatching(const Match &match, SymbolTable &symbol_table,
+                 AstTreeStorage &storage, Matching &matching) {
+  return AddMatching(match.patterns_, match.where_, symbol_table, storage,
+                     matching);
+auto SplitExpressionOnAnd(Expression *expression) {
+  std::vector<Expression *> expressions;
+  std::stack<Expression *> pending_expressions;
+  pending_expressions.push(expression);
+  while (!pending_expressions.empty()) {
+    auto *current_expression = pending_expressions.top();
+    pending_expressions.pop();
+    if (auto *and_op = dynamic_cast<AndOperator *>(current_expression)) {
+      pending_expressions.push(and_op->expression1_);
+      pending_expressions.push(and_op->expression2_);
+    } else {
+      expressions.push_back(current_expression);
+    }
+  }
+  return expressions;
+}  // namespace
+PropertyFilter::PropertyFilter(const SymbolTable &symbol_table,
+                               const Symbol &symbol,
+                               const GraphDbTypes::Property &property,
+                               Expression *value)
+    : symbol_(symbol), property_(property), value_(value) {
+  UsedSymbolsCollector collector(symbol_table);
+  value->Accept(collector);
+  is_symbol_in_value_ = utils::Contains(collector.symbols_, symbol);
+    const SymbolTable &symbol_table, const Symbol &symbol,
+    const GraphDbTypes::Property &property,
+    const std::experimental::optional<PropertyFilter::Bound> &lower_bound,
+    const std::experimental::optional<PropertyFilter::Bound> &upper_bound)
+    : symbol_(symbol),
+      property_(property),
+      lower_bound_(lower_bound),
+      upper_bound_(upper_bound) {
+  UsedSymbolsCollector collector(symbol_table);
+  if (lower_bound) {
+    lower_bound->value()->Accept(collector);
+  }
+  if (upper_bound) {
+    upper_bound->value()->Accept(collector);
+  }
+  is_symbol_in_value_ = utils::Contains(collector.symbols_, symbol);
+bool operator==(const PropertyFilter &a, const PropertyFilter &b) {
+  auto bound_eq = [](const auto &a_bound, const auto &b_bound) {
+    if (!a_bound && !b_bound) return true;
+    if (a_bound && b_bound)
+      return a_bound->value() == b_bound->value() &&
+             a_bound->type() == b_bound->type();
+    return false;
+  };
+  return a.symbol_ == b.symbol_ && a.property_ == b.property_ &&
+         a.is_symbol_in_value_ == b.is_symbol_in_value_ &&
+         a.value_ == b.value_ && bound_eq(a.lower_bound_, b.lower_bound_) &&
+         bound_eq(a.upper_bound_, b.upper_bound_);
+bool operator==(const FilterInfo &a, const FilterInfo &b) {
+  return a.type == b.type && a.expression == b.expression &&
+         a.used_symbols == b.used_symbols && a.labels == b.labels &&
+         a.property_filter == b.property_filter;
+void Filters::EraseFilter(const FilterInfo &filter) {
+  auto filter_it = std::find(all_filters_.begin(), all_filters_.end(), filter);
+  if (filter_it == all_filters_.end()) return;
+  all_filters_.erase(filter_it);
+void Filters::EraseLabelFilter(const Symbol &symbol,
+                               const GraphDbTypes::Label &label) {
+  for (auto filter_it = all_filters_.begin();
+       filter_it != all_filters_.end();) {
+    if (filter_it->type != FilterInfo::Type::Label) {
+      ++filter_it;
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (!utils::Contains(filter_it->used_symbols, symbol)) {
+      ++filter_it;
+      continue;
+    }
+    auto label_it =
+        std::find(filter_it->labels.begin(), filter_it->labels.end(), label);
+    if (label_it == filter_it->labels.end()) {
+      ++filter_it;
+      continue;
+    }
+    filter_it->labels.erase(label_it);
+    DCHECK(!utils::Contains(filter_it->labels, label))
+        << "Didn't expect duplicated labels";
+    if (filter_it->labels.empty()) {
+      // If there are no labels to filter, then erase the whole FilterInfo.
+      filter_it = all_filters_.erase(filter_it);
+    } else {
+      ++filter_it;
+    }
+  }
+void Filters::CollectPatternFilters(Pattern &pattern, SymbolTable &symbol_table,
+                                    AstTreeStorage &storage) {
+  UsedSymbolsCollector collector(symbol_table);
+  auto add_properties_variable = [&](EdgeAtom *atom) {
+    const auto &symbol = symbol_table.at(*atom->identifier_);
+    for (auto &prop_pair : atom->properties_) {
+      // We need to store two property-lookup filters in all_filters. One is
+      // used for inlining property filters into variable expansion, and
+      // utilizes the inner_edge symbol. The other is used for post-expansion
+      // filtering and does not use the inner_edge symbol, but the edge symbol
+      // (a list of edges).
+      {
+        collector.symbols_.clear();
+        prop_pair.second->Accept(collector);
+        collector.symbols_.emplace(symbol_table.at(*atom->inner_node_));
+        collector.symbols_.emplace(symbol_table.at(*atom->inner_edge_));
+        // First handle the inline property filter.
+        auto *property_lookup =
+            storage.Create<PropertyLookup>(atom->inner_edge_, prop_pair.first);
+        auto *prop_equal =
+            storage.Create<EqualOperator>(property_lookup, prop_pair.second);
+        // Currently, variable expand has no gains if we set PropertyFilter.
+        all_filters_.emplace_back(FilterInfo{FilterInfo::Type::Generic,
+                                             prop_equal, collector.symbols_});
+      }
+      {
+        collector.symbols_.clear();
+        prop_pair.second->Accept(collector);
+        collector.symbols_.insert(symbol);  // PropertyLookup uses the symbol.
+        // Now handle the post-expansion filter.
+        // Create a new identifier and a symbol which will be filled in All.
+        auto *identifier = atom->identifier_->Clone(storage);
+        symbol_table[*identifier] =
+            symbol_table.CreateSymbol(identifier->name_, false);
+        // Create an equality expression and store it in all_filters_.
+        auto *property_lookup =
+            storage.Create<PropertyLookup>(identifier, prop_pair.first);
+        auto *prop_equal =
+            storage.Create<EqualOperator>(property_lookup, prop_pair.second);
+        // Currently, variable expand has no gains if we set PropertyFilter.
+        all_filters_.emplace_back(
+            FilterInfo{FilterInfo::Type::Generic,
+                       storage.Create<All>(identifier, atom->identifier_,
+                                           storage.Create<Where>(prop_equal)),
+                       collector.symbols_});
+      }
+    }
+  };
+  auto add_properties = [&](auto *atom) {
+    const auto &symbol = symbol_table.at(*atom->identifier_);
+    for (auto &prop_pair : atom->properties_) {
+      // Create an equality expression and store it in all_filters_.
+      auto *property_lookup =
+          storage.Create<PropertyLookup>(atom->identifier_, prop_pair.first);
+      auto *prop_equal =
+          storage.Create<EqualOperator>(property_lookup, prop_pair.second);
+      collector.symbols_.clear();
+      prop_equal->Accept(collector);
+      FilterInfo filter_info{FilterInfo::Type::Property, prop_equal,
+                             collector.symbols_};
+      // Store a PropertyFilter on the value of the property.
+      filter_info.property_filter.emplace(
+          symbol_table, symbol, prop_pair.first.second, prop_pair.second);
+      all_filters_.emplace_back(filter_info);
+    }
+  };
+  auto add_node_filter = [&](NodeAtom *node) {
+    const auto &node_symbol = symbol_table.at(*node->identifier_);
+    if (!node->labels_.empty()) {
+      // Create a LabelsTest and store it.
+      auto *labels_test =
+          storage.Create<LabelsTest>(node->identifier_, node->labels_);
+      auto label_filter = FilterInfo{FilterInfo::Type::Label, labels_test,
+                                     std::unordered_set<Symbol>{node_symbol}};
+      label_filter.labels = node->labels_;
+      all_filters_.emplace_back(label_filter);
+    }
+    add_properties(node);
+  };
+  auto add_expand_filter = [&](NodeAtom *, EdgeAtom *edge, NodeAtom *node) {
+    if (edge->IsVariable())
+      add_properties_variable(edge);
+    else
+      add_properties(edge);
+    add_node_filter(node);
+  };
+  ForEachPattern(pattern, add_node_filter, add_expand_filter);
+// Adds the where filter expression to `all_filters_` and collects additional
+// information for potential property and label indexing.
+void Filters::CollectWhereFilter(Where &where,
+                                 const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
+  auto where_filters = SplitExpressionOnAnd(where.expression_);
+  for (const auto &filter : where_filters) {
+    all_filters_.emplace_back(AnalyzeFilter(filter, symbol_table));
+  }
+// Analyzes the filter expression by collecting information on filtering labels
+// and properties to be used with indexing.
+FilterInfo Filters::AnalyzeFilter(Expression *expr,
+                                  const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
+  using Bound = PropertyFilter::Bound;
+  // Create the base filter info.
+  FilterInfo filter{FilterInfo::Type::Generic, expr};
+  {
+    UsedSymbolsCollector collector(symbol_table);
+    expr->Accept(collector);
+    filter.used_symbols = collector.symbols_;
+  }
+  auto get_property_lookup = [](auto *maybe_lookup, auto *&prop_lookup,
+                                auto *&ident) {
+    return (prop_lookup = dynamic_cast<PropertyLookup *>(maybe_lookup)) &&
+           (ident = dynamic_cast<Identifier *>(prop_lookup->expression_));
+  };
+  auto add_prop_equal = [&](auto *maybe_lookup, auto *val_expr) {
+    PropertyLookup *prop_lookup = nullptr;
+    Identifier *ident = nullptr;
+    if (get_property_lookup(maybe_lookup, prop_lookup, ident)) {
+      filter.type = FilterInfo::Type::Property;
+      filter.property_filter =
+          PropertyFilter(symbol_table, symbol_table.at(*ident),
+                         prop_lookup->property_, val_expr);
+    }
+  };
+  auto add_prop_greater = [&](auto *expr1, auto *expr2, auto bound_type) {
+    PropertyLookup *prop_lookup = nullptr;
+    Identifier *ident = nullptr;
+    if (get_property_lookup(expr1, prop_lookup, ident)) {
+      // n.prop > value
+      filter.type = FilterInfo::Type::Property;
+      filter.property_filter.emplace(
+          symbol_table, symbol_table.at(*ident), prop_lookup->property_,
+          Bound(expr2, bound_type), std::experimental::nullopt);
+    }
+    if (get_property_lookup(expr2, prop_lookup, ident)) {
+      // value > n.prop
+      filter.type = FilterInfo::Type::Property;
+      filter.property_filter.emplace(
+          symbol_table, symbol_table.at(*ident), prop_lookup->property_,
+          std::experimental::nullopt, Bound(expr1, bound_type));
+    }
+  };
+  // We are only interested to see the insides of And, because Or prevents
+  // indexing since any labels and properties found there may be optional.
+  DCHECK(!dynamic_cast<AndOperator *>(expr))
+      << "Expected AndOperators have been split.";
+  if (auto *labels_test = dynamic_cast<LabelsTest *>(expr)) {
+    // Since LabelsTest may contain any expression, we can only use the
+    // simplest test on an identifier.
+    if (auto *ident = dynamic_cast<Identifier *>(labels_test->expression_)) {
+      filter.type = FilterInfo::Type::Label;
+      filter.labels = labels_test->labels_;
+    }
+  } else if (auto *eq = dynamic_cast<EqualOperator *>(expr)) {
+    // Try to get property equality test from the top expressions.
+    // Unfortunately, we cannot go deeper inside Equal, because chained equals
+    // need not correspond to And. For example, `(n.prop = value) = false)`:
+    //         EQ
+    //       /    \
+    //      EQ   false  -- top expressions
+    //    /    \
+    // n.prop  value
+    // Here the `prop` may be different than `value` resulting in `false`. This
+    // would compare with the top level `false`, producing `true`. Therefore, it
+    // is incorrect to pick up `n.prop = value` for scanning by property index.
+    add_prop_equal(eq->expression1_, eq->expression2_);
+    // And reversed.
+    add_prop_equal(eq->expression2_, eq->expression1_);
+    // TODO: What about n.prop = m.prop case? Do we generate 2 PropertyFilters?
+  } else if (auto *gt = dynamic_cast<GreaterOperator *>(expr)) {
+    add_prop_greater(gt->expression1_, gt->expression2_,
+                     Bound::Type::EXCLUSIVE);
+  } else if (auto *ge = dynamic_cast<GreaterEqualOperator *>(expr)) {
+    add_prop_greater(ge->expression1_, ge->expression2_,
+                     Bound::Type::INCLUSIVE);
+  } else if (auto *lt = dynamic_cast<LessOperator *>(expr)) {
+    // Like greater, but in reverse.
+    add_prop_greater(lt->expression2_, lt->expression1_,
+                     Bound::Type::EXCLUSIVE);
+  } else if (auto *le = dynamic_cast<LessEqualOperator *>(expr)) {
+    // Like greater equal, but in reverse.
+    add_prop_greater(le->expression2_, le->expression1_,
+                     Bound::Type::INCLUSIVE);
+  }
+  // TODO: Collect comparisons like `expr1 < n.prop < expr2` for potential
+  // indexing by range. Note, that the generated Ast uses AND for chained
+  // relation operators. Therefore, `expr1 < n.prop < expr2` will be represented
+  // as `expr1 < n.prop AND n.prop < expr2`.
+  return filter;
+// Converts a Query to multiple QueryParts. In the process new Ast nodes may be
+// created, e.g. filter expressions.
+std::vector<QueryPart> CollectQueryParts(SymbolTable &symbol_table,
+                                         AstTreeStorage &storage) {
+  auto query = storage.query();
+  std::vector<QueryPart> query_parts(1);
+  auto *query_part = &query_parts.back();
+  for (auto &clause : query->clauses_) {
+    if (auto *match = dynamic_cast<Match *>(clause)) {
+      if (match->optional_) {
+        query_part->optional_matching.emplace_back(Matching{});
+        AddMatching(*match, symbol_table, storage,
+                    query_part->optional_matching.back());
+      } else {
+        DCHECK(query_part->optional_matching.empty())
+            << "Match clause cannot follow optional match.";
+        AddMatching(*match, symbol_table, storage, query_part->matching);
+      }
+    } else {
+      query_part->remaining_clauses.push_back(clause);
+      if (auto *merge = dynamic_cast<query::Merge *>(clause)) {
+        query_part->merge_matching.emplace_back(Matching{});
+        AddMatching({merge->pattern_}, nullptr, symbol_table, storage,
+                    query_part->merge_matching.back());
+      } else if (dynamic_cast<With *>(clause) ||
+                 dynamic_cast<query::Unwind *>(clause)) {
+        // This query part is done, continue with a new one.
+        query_parts.emplace_back(QueryPart{});
+        query_part = &query_parts.back();
+      } else if (dynamic_cast<Return *>(clause)) {
+        // TODO: Support RETURN UNION ...
+        return query_parts;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return query_parts;
+}  // namespace query::plan
diff --git a/src/query/plan/preprocess.hpp b/src/query/plan/preprocess.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f2023437
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/query/plan/preprocess.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+/// @file
+#pragma once
+#include <experimental/optional>
+#include <set>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include <vector>
+#include "query/frontend/ast/ast.hpp"
+#include "query/frontend/semantic/symbol_table.hpp"
+#include "query/plan/operator.hpp"
+namespace query::plan {
+/// Normalized representation of a pattern that needs to be matched.
+struct Expansion {
+  /// The first node in the expansion, it can be a single node.
+  NodeAtom *node1 = nullptr;
+  /// Optional edge which connects the 2 nodes.
+  EdgeAtom *edge = nullptr;
+  /// Direction of the edge, it may be flipped compared to original
+  /// @c EdgeAtom during plan generation.
+  EdgeAtom::Direction direction = EdgeAtom::Direction::BOTH;
+  /// True if the direction and nodes were flipped.
+  bool is_flipped = false;
+  /// Set of symbols found inside the range expressions of a variable path edge.
+  std::unordered_set<Symbol> symbols_in_range{};
+  /// Optional node at the other end of an edge. If the expansion
+  /// contains an edge, then this node is required.
+  NodeAtom *node2 = nullptr;
+/// Stores the symbols and expression used to filter a property.
+class PropertyFilter {
+ public:
+  using Bound = ScanAllByLabelPropertyRange::Bound;
+  PropertyFilter(const SymbolTable &, const Symbol &,
+                 const GraphDbTypes::Property &, Expression *);
+  PropertyFilter(const SymbolTable &, const Symbol &,
+                 const GraphDbTypes::Property &,
+                 const std::experimental::optional<Bound> &,
+                 const std::experimental::optional<Bound> &);
+  /// Symbol whose property is looked up.
+  Symbol symbol_;
+  GraphDbTypes::Property property_;
+  /// True if the same symbol is used in expressions for value or bounds.
+  bool is_symbol_in_value_ = false;
+  /// Expression which when evaluated produces the value a property must
+  /// equal.
+  Expression *value_ = nullptr;
+  /// Expressions which produce lower and upper bounds for a property.
+  std::experimental::optional<Bound> lower_bound_{};
+  std::experimental::optional<Bound> upper_bound_{};
+bool operator==(const PropertyFilter &, const PropertyFilter &);
+inline bool operator!=(const PropertyFilter &a, const PropertyFilter &b) {
+  return !(a == b);
+/// Stores additional information for a filter expression.
+struct FilterInfo {
+  /// A FilterInfo can be a generic filter expression or a specific filtering
+  /// applied for labels or a property. Non generic types contain extra
+  /// information which can be used to produce indexed scans of graph
+  /// elements.
+  enum class Type { Generic, Label, Property };
+  Type type;
+  /// The filter expression which must be satisfied.
+  Expression *expression;
+  /// Set of used symbols by the filter @c expression.
+  std::unordered_set<Symbol> used_symbols;
+  /// Labels for Type::Label filtering.
+  std::vector<GraphDbTypes::Label> labels;
+  /// Property information for Type::Property filtering.
+  std::experimental::optional<PropertyFilter> property_filter;
+bool operator==(const FilterInfo &, const FilterInfo &);
+inline bool operator!=(const FilterInfo &a, const FilterInfo &b) {
+  return !(a == b);
+/// Stores information on filters used inside the @c Matching of a @c QueryPart.
+/// Info is stored as a list of FilterInfo objects corresponding to all filter
+/// expressions that should be generated.
+class Filters {
+ public:
+  using iterator = std::vector<FilterInfo>::iterator;
+  using const_iterator = std::vector<FilterInfo>::const_iterator;
+  auto begin() { return all_filters_.begin(); }
+  auto begin() const { return all_filters_.begin(); }
+  auto end() { return all_filters_.end(); }
+  auto end() const { return all_filters_.end(); }
+  auto empty() const { return all_filters_.empty(); }
+  auto erase(iterator pos) { return all_filters_.erase(pos); }
+  auto erase(const_iterator pos) { return all_filters_.erase(pos); }
+  auto erase(iterator first, iterator last) {
+    return all_filters_.erase(first, last);
+  }
+  auto erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last) {
+    return all_filters_.erase(first, last);
+  }
+  auto FilteredLabels(const Symbol &symbol) const {
+    std::unordered_set<GraphDbTypes::Label> labels;
+    for (const auto &filter : all_filters_) {
+      if (filter.type == FilterInfo::Type::Label &&
+          utils::Contains(filter.used_symbols, symbol)) {
+        DCHECK(filter.used_symbols.size() == 1U)
+            << "Expected a single used symbol for label filter";
+        labels.insert(filter.labels.begin(), filter.labels.end());
+      }
+    }
+    return labels;
+  }
+  // Remove a filter; may invalidate iterators.
+  void EraseFilter(const FilterInfo &);
+  // Remove a label filter for symbol; may invalidate iterators.
+  void EraseLabelFilter(const Symbol &, const GraphDbTypes::Label &);
+  // Returns a vector of FilterInfo for properties.
+  auto PropertyFilters(const Symbol &symbol) const {
+    std::vector<FilterInfo> filters;
+    for (const auto &filter : all_filters_) {
+      if (filter.type == FilterInfo::Type::Property) {
+        filters.push_back(filter);
+      }
+    }
+    return filters;
+  }
+  /// Collects filtering information from a pattern.
+  ///
+  /// Goes through all the atoms in a pattern and generates filter expressions
+  /// for found labels, properties and edge types. The generated expressions are
+  /// stored.
+  void CollectPatternFilters(Pattern &, SymbolTable &, AstTreeStorage &);
+  /// Collects filtering information from a where expression.
+  ///
+  /// Takes the where expression and stores it, then analyzes the expression for
+  /// additional information. The additional information is used to populate
+  /// label filters and property filters, so that indexed scanning can use it.
+  void CollectWhereFilter(Where &, const SymbolTable &);
+ private:
+  FilterInfo AnalyzeFilter(Expression *, const SymbolTable &);
+  std::vector<FilterInfo> all_filters_;
+/// Normalized representation of a single or multiple Match clauses.
+/// For example, `MATCH (a :Label) -[e1]- (b) -[e2]- (c) MATCH (n) -[e3]- (m)
+/// WHERE c.prop < 42` will produce the following.
+/// Expansions will store `(a) -[e1]-(b)`, `(b) -[e2]- (c)` and
+/// `(n) -[e3]- (m)`.
+/// Edge symbols for Cyphermorphism will only contain the set `{e1, e2}` for the
+/// first `MATCH` and the set `{e3}` for the second.
+/// Filters will contain 2 pairs. One for testing `:Label` on symbol `a` and the
+/// other obtained from `WHERE` on symbol `c`.
+struct Matching {
+  /// All expansions that need to be performed across @c Match clauses.
+  std::vector<Expansion> expansions;
+  /// Symbols for edges established in match, used to ensure Cyphermorphism.
+  ///
+  /// There are multiple sets, because each Match clause determines a single
+  /// set.
+  std::vector<std::unordered_set<Symbol>> edge_symbols;
+  /// Information on used filter expressions while matching.
+  Filters filters;
+  /// Maps node symbols to expansions which bind them.
+  std::unordered_map<Symbol, std::set<int>> node_symbol_to_expansions{};
+  /// Maps named path symbols to a vector of Symbols that define its pattern.
+  std::unordered_map<Symbol, std::vector<Symbol>> named_paths{};
+  /// All node and edge symbols across all expansions (from all matches).
+  std::unordered_set<Symbol> expansion_symbols{};
+/// @brief Represents a read (+ write) part of a query. Parts are split on
+/// `WITH` clauses.
+/// Each part ends with either:
+///  * `RETURN` clause;
+///  * `WITH` clause or
+///  * any of the write clauses.
+/// For a query `MATCH (n) MERGE (n) -[e]- (m) SET n.x = 42 MERGE (l)` the
+/// generated QueryPart will have `matching` generated for the `MATCH`.
+/// `remaining_clauses` will contain `Merge`, `SetProperty` and `Merge` clauses
+/// in that exact order. The pattern inside the first `MERGE` will be used to
+/// generate the first `merge_matching` element, and the second `MERGE` pattern
+/// will produce the second `merge_matching` element. This way, if someone
+/// traverses `remaining_clauses`, the order of appearance of `Merge` clauses is
+/// in the same order as their respective `merge_matching` elements.
+struct QueryPart {
+  /// @brief All `MATCH` clauses merged into one @c Matching.
+  Matching matching;
+  /// @brief Each `OPTIONAL MATCH` converted to @c Matching.
+  std::vector<Matching> optional_matching{};
+  /// @brief @c Matching for each `MERGE` clause.
+  ///
+  /// Storing the normalized pattern of a @c Merge does not preclude storing the
+  /// @c Merge clause itself inside `remaining_clauses`. The reason is that we
+  /// need to have access to other parts of the clause, such as `SET` clauses
+  /// which need to be run.
+  ///
+  /// Since @c Merge is contained in `remaining_clauses`, this vector contains
+  /// matching in the same order as @c Merge appears.
+  std::vector<Matching> merge_matching{};
+  /// @brief All the remaining clauses (without @c Match).
+  std::vector<Clause *> remaining_clauses{};
+/// @brief Convert the AST to multiple @c QueryParts.
+/// This function will normalize patterns inside @c Match and @c Merge clauses
+/// and do some other preprocessing in order to generate multiple @c QueryPart
+/// structures. @c AstTreeStorage and @c SymbolTable may be used to create new
+/// AST nodes.
+std::vector<QueryPart> CollectQueryParts(SymbolTable &, AstTreeStorage &);
+}  // namespace query::plan
diff --git a/src/query/plan/rule_based_planner.cpp b/src/query/plan/rule_based_planner.cpp
index c12a10cce..7987ad83e 100644
--- a/src/query/plan/rule_based_planner.cpp
+++ b/src/query/plan/rule_based_planner.cpp
@@ -62,27 +62,6 @@ auto ReducePattern(
   return last_res;
-void ForEachPattern(
-    Pattern &pattern, std::function<void(NodeAtom *)> base,
-    std::function<void(NodeAtom *, EdgeAtom *, NodeAtom *)> collect) {
-  DCHECK(!pattern.atoms_.empty()) << "Missing atoms in pattern";
-  auto atoms_it = pattern.atoms_.begin();
-  auto current_node = dynamic_cast<NodeAtom *>(*atoms_it++);
-  DCHECK(current_node) << "First pattern atom is not a node";
-  base(current_node);
-  // Remaining atoms need to follow sequentially as (EdgeAtom, NodeAtom)*
-  while (atoms_it != pattern.atoms_.end()) {
-    auto edge = dynamic_cast<EdgeAtom *>(*atoms_it++);
-    DCHECK(edge) << "Expected an edge atom in pattern.";
-    DCHECK(atoms_it != pattern.atoms_.end())
-        << "Edge atom should not end the pattern.";
-    auto prev_node = current_node;
-    current_node = dynamic_cast<NodeAtom *>(*atoms_it++);
-    DCHECK(current_node) << "Expected a node atom in pattern.";
-    collect(prev_node, edge, current_node);
-  }
 auto GenCreate(Create &create, LogicalOperator *input_op,
                const SymbolTable &symbol_table,
                std::unordered_set<Symbol> &bound_symbols) {
@@ -94,38 +73,8 @@ auto GenCreate(Create &create, LogicalOperator *input_op,
   return last_op;
-// Collects symbols from identifiers found in visited AST nodes.
-class UsedSymbolsCollector : public HierarchicalTreeVisitor {
- public:
-  explicit UsedSymbolsCollector(const SymbolTable &symbol_table)
-      : symbol_table_(symbol_table) {}
-  using HierarchicalTreeVisitor::PostVisit;
-  using HierarchicalTreeVisitor::PreVisit;
-  using HierarchicalTreeVisitor::Visit;
-  bool PostVisit(All &all) override {
-    // Remove the symbol which is bound by all, because we are only interested
-    // in free (unbound) symbols.
-    symbols_.erase(symbol_table_.at(*all.identifier_));
-    return true;
-  }
-  bool Visit(Identifier &ident) override {
-    symbols_.insert(symbol_table_.at(ident));
-    return true;
-  }
-  bool Visit(PrimitiveLiteral &) override { return true; }
-  bool Visit(ParameterLookup &) override { return true; }
-  bool Visit(query::CreateIndex &) override { return true; }
-  std::unordered_set<Symbol> symbols_;
-  const SymbolTable &symbol_table_;
 bool HasBoundFilterSymbols(const std::unordered_set<Symbol> &bound_symbols,
-                           const Filters::FilterInfo &filter) {
+                           const FilterInfo &filter) {
   for (const auto &symbol : filter.used_symbols) {
     if (bound_symbols.find(symbol) == bound_symbols.end()) {
       return false;
@@ -505,137 +454,18 @@ auto GenReturnBody(LogicalOperator *input_op, bool advance_command,
   return last_op;
-// Converts multiple Patterns to Expansions. Each Pattern can contain an
-// arbitrarily long chain of nodes and edges. The conversion to an Expansion is
-// done by splitting a pattern into triplets (node1, edge, node2). The triplets
-// conserve the semantics of the pattern. For example, in a pattern:
-// (m) -[e]- (n) -[f]- (o) the same can be achieved with:
-// (m) -[e]- (n), (n) -[f]- (o).
-// This representation makes it easier to permute from which node or edge we
-// want to start expanding.
-std::vector<Expansion> NormalizePatterns(
-    const SymbolTable &symbol_table, const std::vector<Pattern *> &patterns) {
-  std::vector<Expansion> expansions;
-  auto ignore_node = [&](auto *) {};
-  auto collect_expansion = [&](auto *prev_node, auto *edge,
-                               auto *current_node) {
-    UsedSymbolsCollector collector(symbol_table);
-    // Remove symbols which are bound by variable expansions.
-    if (edge->IsVariable()) {
-      if (edge->lower_bound_) edge->lower_bound_->Accept(collector);
-      if (edge->upper_bound_) edge->upper_bound_->Accept(collector);
-      collector.symbols_.erase(symbol_table.at(*edge->inner_edge_));
-      collector.symbols_.erase(symbol_table.at(*edge->inner_node_));
-      if (edge->filter_expression_) edge->filter_expression_->Accept(collector);
-    }
-    expansions.emplace_back(Expansion{prev_node, edge, edge->direction_, false,
-                                      collector.symbols_, current_node});
-  };
-  for (const auto &pattern : patterns) {
-    if (pattern->atoms_.size() == 1U) {
-      auto *node = dynamic_cast<NodeAtom *>(pattern->atoms_[0]);
-      DCHECK(node) << "First pattern atom is not a node";
-      expansions.emplace_back(Expansion{node});
-    } else {
-      ForEachPattern(*pattern, ignore_node, collect_expansion);
-    }
-  }
-  return expansions;
-// Fills the given Matching, by converting the Match patterns to normalized
-// representation as Expansions. Filters used in the Match are also collected,
-// as well as edge symbols which determine Cyphermorphism. Collecting filters
-// will lift them out of a pattern and generate new expressions (just like they
-// were in a Where clause).
-void AddMatching(const std::vector<Pattern *> &patterns, Where *where,
-                 SymbolTable &symbol_table, AstTreeStorage &storage,
-                 Matching &matching) {
-  auto expansions = NormalizePatterns(symbol_table, patterns);
-  std::unordered_set<Symbol> edge_symbols;
-  for (const auto &expansion : expansions) {
-    // Matching may already have some expansions, so offset our index.
-    const int expansion_ix = matching.expansions.size();
-    // Map node1 symbol to expansion
-    const auto &node1_sym = symbol_table.at(*expansion.node1->identifier_);
-    matching.node_symbol_to_expansions[node1_sym].insert(expansion_ix);
-    // Add node1 to all symbols.
-    matching.expansion_symbols.insert(node1_sym);
-    if (expansion.edge) {
-      const auto &edge_sym = symbol_table.at(*expansion.edge->identifier_);
-      // Fill edge symbols for Cyphermorphism.
-      edge_symbols.insert(edge_sym);
-      // Map node2 symbol to expansion
-      const auto &node2_sym = symbol_table.at(*expansion.node2->identifier_);
-      matching.node_symbol_to_expansions[node2_sym].insert(expansion_ix);
-      // Add edge and node2 to all symbols
-      matching.expansion_symbols.insert(edge_sym);
-      matching.expansion_symbols.insert(node2_sym);
-    }
-    matching.expansions.push_back(expansion);
-  }
-  if (!edge_symbols.empty()) {
-    matching.edge_symbols.emplace_back(edge_symbols);
-  }
-  for (auto *pattern : patterns) {
-    matching.filters.CollectPatternFilters(*pattern, symbol_table, storage);
-    if (pattern->identifier_->user_declared_) {
-      std::vector<Symbol> path_elements;
-      for (auto *pattern_atom : pattern->atoms_)
-        path_elements.emplace_back(symbol_table.at(*pattern_atom->identifier_));
-      matching.named_paths.emplace(symbol_table.at(*pattern->identifier_),
-                                   std::move(path_elements));
-    }
-  }
-  if (where) {
-    matching.filters.CollectWhereFilter(*where, symbol_table);
-  }
-void AddMatching(const Match &match, SymbolTable &symbol_table,
-                 AstTreeStorage &storage, Matching &matching) {
-  return AddMatching(match.patterns_, match.where_, symbol_table, storage,
-                     matching);
-auto SplitExpressionOnAnd(Expression *expression) {
-  std::vector<Expression *> expressions;
-  std::stack<Expression *> pending_expressions;
-  pending_expressions.push(expression);
-  while (!pending_expressions.empty()) {
-    auto *current_expression = pending_expressions.top();
-    pending_expressions.pop();
-    if (auto *and_op = dynamic_cast<AndOperator *>(current_expression)) {
-      pending_expressions.push(and_op->expression1_);
-      pending_expressions.push(and_op->expression2_);
-    } else {
-      expressions.push_back(current_expression);
-    }
-  }
-  return expressions;
 }  // namespace
 namespace impl {
-// Returns false if the symbol was already bound, otherwise binds it and
-// returns true.
-bool BindSymbol(std::unordered_set<Symbol> &bound_symbols,
-                const Symbol &symbol) {
-  auto insertion = bound_symbols.insert(symbol);
-  return insertion.second;
 Expression *ExtractFilters(const std::unordered_set<Symbol> &bound_symbols,
-                           std::vector<Filters::FilterInfo> &all_filters,
-                           AstTreeStorage &storage) {
+                           Filters &filters, AstTreeStorage &storage) {
   Expression *filter_expr = nullptr;
-  for (auto filters_it = all_filters.begin();
-       filters_it != all_filters.end();) {
+  for (auto filters_it = filters.begin(); filters_it != filters.end();) {
     if (HasBoundFilterSymbols(bound_symbols, *filters_it)) {
       filter_expr = impl::BoolJoin<AndOperator>(storage, filter_expr,
-      filters_it = all_filters.erase(filters_it);
+      filters_it = filters.erase(filters_it);
     } else {
@@ -645,9 +475,8 @@ Expression *ExtractFilters(const std::unordered_set<Symbol> &bound_symbols,
 LogicalOperator *GenFilters(LogicalOperator *last_op,
                             const std::unordered_set<Symbol> &bound_symbols,
-                            std::vector<Filters::FilterInfo> &all_filters,
-                            AstTreeStorage &storage) {
-  auto *filter_expr = ExtractFilters(bound_symbols, all_filters, storage);
+                            Filters &filters, AstTreeStorage &storage) {
+  auto *filter_expr = ExtractFilters(bound_symbols, filters, storage);
   if (filter_expr) {
     last_op =
         new Filter(std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>(last_op), filter_expr);
@@ -700,7 +529,7 @@ LogicalOperator *GenCreateForPattern(
     const SymbolTable &symbol_table,
     std::unordered_set<Symbol> &bound_symbols) {
   auto base = [&](NodeAtom *node) -> LogicalOperator * {
-    if (BindSymbol(bound_symbols, symbol_table.at(*node->identifier_)))
+    if (bound_symbols.insert(symbol_table.at(*node->identifier_)).second)
       return new CreateNode(node, std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>(input_op));
       return input_op;
@@ -713,10 +542,10 @@ LogicalOperator *GenCreateForPattern(
     // If the expand node was already bound, then we need to indicate this,
     // so that CreateExpand only creates an edge.
     bool node_existing = false;
-    if (!BindSymbol(bound_symbols, symbol_table.at(*node->identifier_))) {
+    if (!bound_symbols.insert(symbol_table.at(*node->identifier_)).second) {
       node_existing = true;
-    if (!BindSymbol(bound_symbols, symbol_table.at(*edge->identifier_))) {
+    if (!bound_symbols.insert(symbol_table.at(*edge->identifier_)).second) {
       LOG(FATAL) << "Symbols used for created edges cannot be redeclared.";
     return new CreateExpand(node, edge,
@@ -792,238 +621,11 @@ LogicalOperator *GenWith(With &with, LogicalOperator *input_op,
   // Reset bound symbols, so that only those in WITH are exposed.
   for (const auto &symbol : body.output_symbols()) {
-    BindSymbol(bound_symbols, symbol);
+    bound_symbols.insert(symbol);
   return last_op;
 }  // namespace impl
-// Analyzes the filter expression by collecting information on filtering labels
-// and properties to be used with indexing. Note that `all_filters_` are never
-// updated here, but only `label_filters_` and `property_filters_` are.
-void Filters::AnalyzeFilter(Expression *expr, const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
-  using Bound = ScanAllByLabelPropertyRange::Bound;
-  auto get_property_lookup = [](auto *maybe_lookup, auto *&prop_lookup,
-                                auto *&ident) {
-    return (prop_lookup = dynamic_cast<PropertyLookup *>(maybe_lookup)) &&
-           (ident = dynamic_cast<Identifier *>(prop_lookup->expression_));
-  };
-  auto add_prop_equal = [&](auto *maybe_lookup, auto *val_expr) {
-    PropertyLookup *prop_lookup = nullptr;
-    Identifier *ident = nullptr;
-    if (get_property_lookup(maybe_lookup, prop_lookup, ident)) {
-      UsedSymbolsCollector collector(symbol_table);
-      val_expr->Accept(collector);
-      property_filters_[symbol_table.at(*ident)][prop_lookup->property_]
-          .emplace_back(PropertyFilter{collector.symbols_, val_expr});
-    }
-  };
-  auto add_prop_greater = [&](auto *expr1, auto *expr2, auto bound_type) {
-    PropertyLookup *prop_lookup = nullptr;
-    Identifier *ident = nullptr;
-    if (get_property_lookup(expr1, prop_lookup, ident)) {
-      // n.prop > value
-      UsedSymbolsCollector collector(symbol_table);
-      expr2->Accept(collector);
-      auto prop_filter = PropertyFilter{collector.symbols_};
-      prop_filter.lower_bound = Bound{expr2, bound_type};
-      property_filters_[symbol_table.at(*ident)][prop_lookup->property_]
-          .emplace_back(std::move(prop_filter));
-    }
-    if (get_property_lookup(expr2, prop_lookup, ident)) {
-      // value > n.prop
-      UsedSymbolsCollector collector(symbol_table);
-      expr1->Accept(collector);
-      auto prop_filter = PropertyFilter{collector.symbols_};
-      prop_filter.upper_bound = Bound{expr1, bound_type};
-      property_filters_[symbol_table.at(*ident)][prop_lookup->property_]
-          .emplace_back(std::move(prop_filter));
-    }
-  };
-  // We are only interested to see the insides of And, because Or prevents
-  // indexing since any labels and properties found there may be optional.
-  if (auto *and_op = dynamic_cast<AndOperator *>(expr)) {
-    AnalyzeFilter(and_op->expression1_, symbol_table);
-    AnalyzeFilter(and_op->expression2_, symbol_table);
-  } else if (auto *labels_test = dynamic_cast<LabelsTest *>(expr)) {
-    // Since LabelsTest may contain any expression, we can only use the
-    // simplest test on an identifier.
-    if (auto *ident = dynamic_cast<Identifier *>(labels_test->expression_)) {
-      const auto &symbol = symbol_table.at(*ident);
-      label_filters_[symbol].insert(labels_test->labels_.begin(),
-                                    labels_test->labels_.end());
-    }
-  } else if (auto *eq = dynamic_cast<EqualOperator *>(expr)) {
-    // Try to get property equality test from the top expressions.
-    // Unfortunately, we cannot go deeper inside Equal, because chained equals
-    // need not correspond to And. For example, `(n.prop = value) = false)`:
-    //         EQ
-    //       /    \
-    //      EQ   false  -- top expressions
-    //    /    \
-    // n.prop  value
-    // Here the `prop` may be different than `value` resulting in `false`. This
-    // would compare with the top level `false`, producing `true`. Therefore, it
-    // is incorrect to pick up `n.prop = value` for scanning by property index.
-    add_prop_equal(eq->expression1_, eq->expression2_);
-    // And reversed.
-    add_prop_equal(eq->expression2_, eq->expression1_);
-  } else if (auto *gt = dynamic_cast<GreaterOperator *>(expr)) {
-    add_prop_greater(gt->expression1_, gt->expression2_,
-                     Bound::Type::EXCLUSIVE);
-  } else if (auto *ge = dynamic_cast<GreaterEqualOperator *>(expr)) {
-    add_prop_greater(ge->expression1_, ge->expression2_,
-                     Bound::Type::INCLUSIVE);
-  } else if (auto *lt = dynamic_cast<LessOperator *>(expr)) {
-    // Like greater, but in reverse.
-    add_prop_greater(lt->expression2_, lt->expression1_,
-                     Bound::Type::EXCLUSIVE);
-  } else if (auto *le = dynamic_cast<LessEqualOperator *>(expr)) {
-    // Like greater equal, but in reverse.
-    add_prop_greater(le->expression2_, le->expression1_,
-                     Bound::Type::INCLUSIVE);
-  }
-  // TODO: Collect comparisons like `expr1 < n.prop < expr2` for potential
-  // indexing by range. Note, that the generated Ast uses AND for chained
-  // relation operators. Therefore, `expr1 < n.prop < expr2` will be represented
-  // as `expr1 < n.prop AND n.prop < expr2`.
-void Filters::CollectPatternFilters(Pattern &pattern, SymbolTable &symbol_table,
-                                    AstTreeStorage &storage) {
-  UsedSymbolsCollector collector(symbol_table);
-  auto add_properties_variable = [&](EdgeAtom *atom) {
-    const auto &symbol = symbol_table.at(*atom->identifier_);
-    for (auto &prop_pair : atom->properties_) {
-      // We need to store two property-lookup filters in all_filters. One is
-      // used for inlining property filters into variable expansion, and
-      // utilizes the inner_edge symbol. The other is used for post-expansion
-      // filtering and does not use the inner_edge symbol, but the edge symbol
-      // (a list of edges).
-      {
-        collector.symbols_.clear();
-        prop_pair.second->Accept(collector);
-        collector.symbols_.emplace(symbol_table.at(*atom->inner_node_));
-        collector.symbols_.emplace(symbol_table.at(*atom->inner_edge_));
-        // First handle the inline property filter.
-        auto *property_lookup =
-            storage.Create<PropertyLookup>(atom->inner_edge_, prop_pair.first);
-        auto *prop_equal =
-            storage.Create<EqualOperator>(property_lookup, prop_pair.second);
-        all_filters_.emplace_back(FilterInfo{prop_equal, collector.symbols_});
-      }
-      {
-        collector.symbols_.clear();
-        prop_pair.second->Accept(collector);
-        collector.symbols_.insert(symbol);  // PropertyLookup uses the symbol.
-        // Now handle the post-expansion filter.
-        // Create a new identifier and a symbol which will be filled in All.
-        auto *identifier = atom->identifier_->Clone(storage);
-        symbol_table[*identifier] =
-            symbol_table.CreateSymbol(identifier->name_, false);
-        // Create an equality expression and store it in all_filters_.
-        auto *property_lookup =
-            storage.Create<PropertyLookup>(identifier, prop_pair.first);
-        auto *prop_equal =
-            storage.Create<EqualOperator>(property_lookup, prop_pair.second);
-        all_filters_.emplace_back(
-            FilterInfo{storage.Create<All>(identifier, atom->identifier_,
-                                           storage.Create<Where>(prop_equal)),
-                       collector.symbols_});
-      }
-    }
-  };
-  auto add_properties = [&](auto *atom) {
-    const auto &symbol = symbol_table.at(*atom->identifier_);
-    for (auto &prop_pair : atom->properties_) {
-      collector.symbols_.clear();
-      prop_pair.second->Accept(collector);
-      // Store a PropertyFilter on the value of the property.
-      property_filters_[symbol][prop_pair.first.second].emplace_back(
-          PropertyFilter{collector.symbols_, prop_pair.second});
-      // Create an equality expression and store it in all_filters_.
-      auto *property_lookup =
-          storage.Create<PropertyLookup>(atom->identifier_, prop_pair.first);
-      auto *prop_equal =
-          storage.Create<EqualOperator>(property_lookup, prop_pair.second);
-      collector.symbols_.insert(symbol);  // PropertyLookup uses the symbol.
-      all_filters_.emplace_back(FilterInfo{prop_equal, collector.symbols_});
-    }
-  };
-  auto add_node_filter = [&](NodeAtom *node) {
-    const auto &node_symbol = symbol_table.at(*node->identifier_);
-    if (!node->labels_.empty()) {
-      // Store the filtered labels.
-      label_filters_[node_symbol].insert(node->labels_.begin(),
-                                         node->labels_.end());
-      // Create a LabelsTest and store it in all_filters_.
-      all_filters_.emplace_back(FilterInfo{
-          storage.Create<LabelsTest>(node->identifier_, node->labels_),
-          std::unordered_set<Symbol>{node_symbol}});
-    }
-    add_properties(node);
-  };
-  auto add_expand_filter = [&](NodeAtom *, EdgeAtom *edge, NodeAtom *node) {
-    if (edge->IsVariable())
-      add_properties_variable(edge);
-    else
-      add_properties(edge);
-    add_node_filter(node);
-  };
-  ForEachPattern(pattern, add_node_filter, add_expand_filter);
-// Adds the where filter expression to `all_filters_` and collects additional
-// information for potential property and label indexing.
-void Filters::CollectWhereFilter(Where &where,
-                                 const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
-  auto where_filters = SplitExpressionOnAnd(where.expression_);
-  for (const auto &filter : where_filters) {
-    UsedSymbolsCollector collector(symbol_table);
-    filter->Accept(collector);
-    all_filters_.emplace_back(FilterInfo{filter, collector.symbols_});
-    AnalyzeFilter(filter, symbol_table);
-  }
-// Converts a Query to multiple QueryParts. In the process new Ast nodes may be
-// created, e.g. filter expressions.
-std::vector<QueryPart> CollectQueryParts(SymbolTable &symbol_table,
-                                         AstTreeStorage &storage) {
-  auto query = storage.query();
-  std::vector<QueryPart> query_parts(1);
-  auto *query_part = &query_parts.back();
-  for (auto &clause : query->clauses_) {
-    if (auto *match = dynamic_cast<Match *>(clause)) {
-      if (match->optional_) {
-        query_part->optional_matching.emplace_back(Matching{});
-        AddMatching(*match, symbol_table, storage,
-                    query_part->optional_matching.back());
-      } else {
-        DCHECK(query_part->optional_matching.empty())
-            << "Match clause cannot follow optional match.";
-        AddMatching(*match, symbol_table, storage, query_part->matching);
-      }
-    } else {
-      query_part->remaining_clauses.push_back(clause);
-      if (auto *merge = dynamic_cast<query::Merge *>(clause)) {
-        query_part->merge_matching.emplace_back(Matching{});
-        AddMatching({merge->pattern_}, nullptr, symbol_table, storage,
-                    query_part->merge_matching.back());
-      } else if (dynamic_cast<With *>(clause) ||
-                 dynamic_cast<query::Unwind *>(clause)) {
-        // This query part is done, continue with a new one.
-        query_parts.emplace_back(QueryPart{});
-        query_part = &query_parts.back();
-      } else if (dynamic_cast<Return *>(clause)) {
-        // TODO: Support RETURN UNION ...
-        return query_parts;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return query_parts;
 }  // namespace query::plan
diff --git a/src/query/plan/rule_based_planner.hpp b/src/query/plan/rule_based_planner.hpp
index ecbdcc9d2..e6c3df470 100644
--- a/src/query/plan/rule_based_planner.hpp
+++ b/src/query/plan/rule_based_planner.hpp
@@ -7,159 +7,12 @@
 #include "query/frontend/ast/ast.hpp"
 #include "query/plan/operator.hpp"
+#include "query/plan/preprocess.hpp"
 namespace query::plan {
-/// Normalized representation of a pattern that needs to be matched.
-struct Expansion {
-  /// The first node in the expansion, it can be a single node.
-  NodeAtom *node1 = nullptr;
-  /// Optional edge which connects the 2 nodes.
-  EdgeAtom *edge = nullptr;
-  /// Direction of the edge, it may be flipped compared to original
-  /// @c EdgeAtom during plan generation.
-  EdgeAtom::Direction direction = EdgeAtom::Direction::BOTH;
-  /// True if the direction and nodes were flipped.
-  bool is_flipped = false;
-  /// Set of symbols found inside the range expressions of a variable path edge.
-  std::unordered_set<Symbol> symbols_in_range{};
-  /// Optional node at the other end of an edge. If the expansion
-  /// contains an edge, then this node is required.
-  NodeAtom *node2 = nullptr;
-/// Stores information on filters used inside the @c Matching of a @c QueryPart.
-class Filters {
- public:
-  /// Stores the symbols and expression used to filter a property.
-  struct PropertyFilter {
-    using Bound = ScanAllByLabelPropertyRange::Bound;
-    /// Set of used symbols in the @c expression.
-    std::unordered_set<Symbol> used_symbols;
-    /// Expression which when evaluated produces the value a property must
-    /// equal.
-    Expression *expression = nullptr;
-    std::experimental::optional<Bound> lower_bound{};
-    std::experimental::optional<Bound> upper_bound{};
-  };
-  /// Stores additional information for a filter expression.
-  struct FilterInfo {
-    /// The filter expression which must be satisfied.
-    Expression *expression;
-    /// Set of used symbols by the filter @c expression.
-    std::unordered_set<Symbol> used_symbols;
-  };
-  /// List of FilterInfo objects corresponding to all filter expressions that
-  /// should be generated.
-  auto &all_filters() { return all_filters_; }
-  const auto &all_filters() const { return all_filters_; }
-  /// Mapping from a symbol to labels that are filtered on it. These should be
-  /// used only for generating indexed scans.
-  const auto &label_filters() const { return label_filters_; }
-  /// Mapping from a symbol to edge types that are filtered on it. These should
-  /// be used for generating indexed expansions.
-  const auto &edge_type_filters() const { return edge_type_filters_; }
-  /// Mapping from a symbol to properties that are filtered on it. These should
-  /// be used only for generating indexed scans.
-  const auto &property_filters() const { return property_filters_; }
-  /// Collects filtering information from a pattern.
-  ///
-  /// Goes through all the atoms in a pattern and generates filter expressions
-  /// for found labels, properties and edge types. The generated expressions are
-  /// stored in @c all_filters. Also, @c label_filters and @c property_filters
-  /// are populated.
-  void CollectPatternFilters(Pattern &, SymbolTable &, AstTreeStorage &);
-  /// Collects filtering information from a where expression.
-  ///
-  /// Takes the where expression and stores it in @c all_filters, then analyzes
-  /// the expression for additional information. The additional information is
-  /// used to populate @c label_filters and @c property_filters, so that indexed
-  /// scanning can use it.
-  void CollectWhereFilter(Where &, const SymbolTable &);
- private:
-  void AnalyzeFilter(Expression *, const SymbolTable &);
-  std::vector<FilterInfo> all_filters_;
-  std::unordered_map<Symbol, std::unordered_set<GraphDbTypes::Label>>
-      label_filters_;
-  std::unordered_map<Symbol, std::unordered_set<GraphDbTypes::EdgeType>>
-      edge_type_filters_;
-  std::unordered_map<Symbol, std::unordered_map<GraphDbTypes::Property,
-                                                std::vector<PropertyFilter>>>
-      property_filters_;
-/// Normalized representation of a single or multiple Match clauses.
-/// For example, `MATCH (a :Label) -[e1]- (b) -[e2]- (c) MATCH (n) -[e3]- (m)
-/// WHERE c.prop < 42` will produce the following.
-/// Expansions will store `(a) -[e1]-(b)`, `(b) -[e2]- (c)` and
-/// `(n) -[e3]- (m)`.
-/// Edge symbols for Cyphermorphism will only contain the set `{e1, e2}` for the
-/// first `MATCH` and the set `{e3}` for the second.
-/// Filters will contain 2 pairs. One for testing `:Label` on symbol `a` and the
-/// other obtained from `WHERE` on symbol `c`.
-struct Matching {
-  /// All expansions that need to be performed across @c Match clauses.
-  std::vector<Expansion> expansions;
-  /// Symbols for edges established in match, used to ensure Cyphermorphism.
-  ///
-  /// There are multiple sets, because each Match clause determines a single
-  /// set.
-  std::vector<std::unordered_set<Symbol>> edge_symbols;
-  /// Information on used filter expressions while matching.
-  Filters filters;
-  /// Maps node symbols to expansions which bind them.
-  std::unordered_map<Symbol, std::set<int>> node_symbol_to_expansions{};
-  /// Maps named path symbols to a vector of Symbols that define its pattern.
-  std::unordered_map<Symbol, std::vector<Symbol>> named_paths{};
-  /// All node and edge symbols across all expansions (from all matches).
-  std::unordered_set<Symbol> expansion_symbols{};
-/// @brief Represents a read (+ write) part of a query. Parts are split on
-/// `WITH` clauses.
-/// Each part ends with either:
-///  * `RETURN` clause;
-///  * `WITH` clause or
-///  * any of the write clauses.
-/// For a query `MATCH (n) MERGE (n) -[e]- (m) SET n.x = 42 MERGE (l)` the
-/// generated QueryPart will have `matching` generated for the `MATCH`.
-/// `remaining_clauses` will contain `Merge`, `SetProperty` and `Merge` clauses
-/// in that exact order. The pattern inside the first `MERGE` will be used to
-/// generate the first `merge_matching` element, and the second `MERGE` pattern
-/// will produce the second `merge_matching` element. This way, if someone
-/// traverses `remaining_clauses`, the order of appearance of `Merge` clauses is
-/// in the same order as their respective `merge_matching` elements.
-struct QueryPart {
-  /// @brief All `MATCH` clauses merged into one @c Matching.
-  Matching matching;
-  /// @brief Each `OPTIONAL MATCH` converted to @c Matching.
-  std::vector<Matching> optional_matching{};
-  /// @brief @c Matching for each `MERGE` clause.
-  ///
-  /// Storing the normalized pattern of a @c Merge does not preclude storing the
-  /// @c Merge clause itself inside `remaining_clauses`. The reason is that we
-  /// need to have access to other parts of the clause, such as `SET` clauses
-  /// which need to be run.
-  ///
-  /// Since @c Merge is contained in `remaining_clauses`, this vector contains
-  /// matching in the same order as @c Merge appears.
-  std::vector<Matching> merge_matching{};
-  /// @brief All the remaining clauses (without @c Match).
-  std::vector<Clause *> remaining_clauses{};
 /// @brief Context which contains variables commonly used during planning.
 template <class TDbAccessor>
 struct PlanningContext {
@@ -205,40 +58,26 @@ struct MatchContext {
   std::vector<Symbol> new_symbols{};
-/// @brief Convert the AST to multiple @c QueryParts.
-/// This function will normalize patterns inside @c Match and @c Merge clauses
-/// and do some other preprocessing in order to generate multiple @c QueryPart
-/// structures. @c AstTreeStorage and @c SymbolTable may be used to create new
-/// AST nodes.
-std::vector<QueryPart> CollectQueryParts(SymbolTable &, AstTreeStorage &);
 namespace impl {
 // These functions are an internal implementation of RuleBasedPlanner. To avoid
 // writing the whole code inline in this header file, they are declared here and
 // defined in the cpp file.
-bool BindSymbol(std::unordered_set<Symbol> &bound_symbols,
-                const Symbol &symbol);
+// Iterates over `Filters` joining them in one expression via
+// `AndOperator` if symbols they use are bound.. All the joined filters are
+// removed from `Filters`.
+Expression *ExtractFilters(const std::unordered_set<Symbol> &, Filters &,
+                           AstTreeStorage &);
-// Iterates over `all_filters` joining them in one expression via
-// `AndOperator`. Filters which use unbound symbols are skipped
-// The function takes a single argument, `FilterInfo`. All the joined filters
-// are removed from `all_filters`.
-Expression *ExtractFilters(const std::unordered_set<Symbol> &bound_symbols,
-                           std::vector<Filters::FilterInfo> &all_filters,
-                           AstTreeStorage &storage);
+LogicalOperator *GenFilters(LogicalOperator *,
+                            const std::unordered_set<Symbol> &, Filters &,
+                            AstTreeStorage &);
-LogicalOperator *GenFilters(LogicalOperator *last_op,
-                            const std::unordered_set<Symbol> &bound_symbols,
-                            std::vector<Filters::FilterInfo> &all_filters,
-                            AstTreeStorage &storage);
-/// For all given `named_paths` checks if the all it's symbols have been bound.
-/// If so it creates a logical operator for named path generation, binds it's
-/// symbol, removes that path from the collection of unhandled ones and returns
-/// the new op. Otherwise it returns nullptr.
+// For all given `named_paths` checks if all its symbols have been bound.
+// If so, it creates a logical operator for named path generation, binds its
+// symbol, removes that path from the collection of unhandled ones and returns
+// the new op. Otherwise, returns `nullptr`.
 LogicalOperator *GenNamedPaths(
     LogicalOperator *last_op, std::unordered_set<Symbol> &bound_symbols,
     std::unordered_map<Symbol, std::vector<Symbol>> &named_paths);
@@ -306,7 +145,7 @@ class RuleBasedPlanner {
       int merge_id = 0;
       for (auto &clause : query_part.remaining_clauses) {
-        DCHECK(dynamic_cast<Match *>(clause) == nullptr)
+        DCHECK(!dynamic_cast<Match *>(clause))
             << "Unexpected Match in remaining clauses";
         if (auto *ret = dynamic_cast<Return *>(clause)) {
           input_op =
@@ -332,7 +171,7 @@ class RuleBasedPlanner {
         } else if (auto *unwind = dynamic_cast<query::Unwind *>(clause)) {
           const auto &symbol =
-          impl::BindSymbol(context.bound_symbols, symbol);
+          context.bound_symbols.insert(symbol);
           input_op =
               new plan::Unwind(std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>(input_op),
                                unwind->named_expression_->expression_, symbol);
@@ -352,59 +191,49 @@ class RuleBasedPlanner {
   TPlanningContext &context_;
+  struct LabelPropertyIndex {
+    GraphDbTypes::Label label;
+    // FilterInfo with PropertyFilter.
+    FilterInfo filter;
+    int64_t vertex_count;
+  };
   // Finds the label-property combination which has indexed the lowest amount of
-  // vertices. `best_label` and `best_property` will be set to that combination
-  // and the function will return (`true`, vertex count in index). If the index
-  // cannot be found, the function will return (`false`, maximum int64_t), while
-  // leaving `best_label` and `best_property` unchanged.
-  std::pair<bool, int64_t> FindBestLabelPropertyIndex(
-      const std::unordered_set<GraphDbTypes::Label> &labels,
-      const std::unordered_map<GraphDbTypes::Property,
-                               std::vector<Filters::PropertyFilter>>
-          &property_filters,
-      const Symbol &symbol, const std::unordered_set<Symbol> &bound_symbols,
-      GraphDbTypes::Label &best_label,
-      std::pair<GraphDbTypes::Property, Filters::PropertyFilter>
-          &best_property) {
+  // vertices. If the index cannot be found, nullopt is returned.
+  std::experimental::optional<LabelPropertyIndex> FindBestLabelPropertyIndex(
+      const Symbol &symbol, const Filters &filters,
+      const std::unordered_set<Symbol> &bound_symbols) {
     auto are_bound = [&bound_symbols](const auto &used_symbols) {
       for (const auto &used_symbol : used_symbols) {
-        if (bound_symbols.find(used_symbol) == bound_symbols.end()) {
+        if (!utils::Contains(bound_symbols, used_symbol)) {
           return false;
       return true;
-    bool found = false;
-    int64_t min_count = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
-    for (const auto &label : labels) {
-      for (const auto &prop_pair : property_filters) {
-        const auto &property = prop_pair.first;
+    std::experimental::optional<LabelPropertyIndex> found;
+    for (const auto &label : filters.FilteredLabels(symbol)) {
+      for (const auto &filter : filters.PropertyFilters(symbol)) {
+        const auto &property = filter.property_filter->property_;
         if (context_.db.LabelPropertyIndexExists(label, property)) {
-          int64_t vertices_count = context_.db.VerticesCount(label, property);
-          if (vertices_count < min_count) {
-            for (const auto &prop_filter : prop_pair.second) {
-              if (prop_filter.used_symbols.find(symbol) !=
-                  prop_filter.used_symbols.end()) {
-                // Skip filter expressions which use the symbol whose property
-                // we are looking up. We cannot scan by such expressions. For
-                // example, in `n.a = 2 + n.b` both sides of `=` refer to `n`,
-                // so we cannot scan `n` by property index.
-                continue;
-              }
-              if (are_bound(prop_filter.used_symbols)) {
-                // Take the first property filter which uses bound symbols.
-                best_label = label;
-                best_property = {property, prop_filter};
-                min_count = vertices_count;
-                found = true;
-                break;
-              }
+          int64_t vertex_count = context_.db.VerticesCount(label, property);
+          if (!found || vertex_count < found->vertex_count) {
+            if (filter.property_filter->is_symbol_in_value_) {
+              // Skip filter expressions which use the symbol whose property
+              // we are looking up. We cannot scan by such expressions. For
+              // example, in `n.a = 2 + n.b` both sides of `=` refer to `n`,
+              // so we cannot scan `n` by property index.
+              continue;
+            }
+            if (are_bound(filter.used_symbols)) {
+              // Take the property filter which uses bound symbols.
+              found = LabelPropertyIndex{label, filter, vertex_count};
-    return {found, min_count};
+    return found;
   const GraphDbTypes::Label &FindBestLabelIndex(
@@ -426,45 +255,37 @@ class RuleBasedPlanner {
   // vertex count in the best index exceeds this number. In such a case,
   // `nullptr` is returned and `last_op` is not chained.
   ScanAll *GenScanByIndex(LogicalOperator *last_op, const Symbol &node_symbol,
-                          const MatchContext &match_ctx,
+                          const MatchContext &match_ctx, Filters &filters,
                           const std::experimental::optional<int64_t>
                               &max_vertex_count = std::experimental::nullopt) {
-    const auto labels =
-        utils::FindOr(match_ctx.matching.filters.label_filters(), node_symbol,
-                      std::unordered_set<GraphDbTypes::Label>())
-            .first;
+    const auto labels = filters.FilteredLabels(node_symbol);
     if (labels.empty()) {
       // Without labels, we cannot generated any indexed ScanAll.
       return nullptr;
-    const auto properties =
-        utils::FindOr(
-            match_ctx.matching.filters.property_filters(), node_symbol,
-            std::unordered_map<GraphDbTypes::Property,
-                               std::vector<Filters::PropertyFilter>>())
-            .first;
     // First, try to see if we can use label+property index. If not, use just
     // the label index (which ought to exist).
-    GraphDbTypes::Label best_label;
-    std::pair<GraphDbTypes::Property, Filters::PropertyFilter> best_property;
-    auto found_index = FindBestLabelPropertyIndex(
-        labels, properties, node_symbol, match_ctx.bound_symbols, best_label,
-        best_property);
-    if (found_index.first &&
+    auto found_index = FindBestLabelPropertyIndex(node_symbol, filters,
+                                                  match_ctx.bound_symbols);
+    if (found_index &&
         // Use label+property index if we satisfy max_vertex_count.
-        (!max_vertex_count || *max_vertex_count >= found_index.second)) {
-      const auto &prop_filter = best_property.second;
-      if (prop_filter.lower_bound || prop_filter.upper_bound) {
+        (!max_vertex_count || *max_vertex_count >= found_index->vertex_count)) {
+      // Copy the property filter and then erase it from filters.
+      const auto prop_filter = *found_index->filter.property_filter;
+      filters.EraseFilter(found_index->filter);
+      filters.EraseLabelFilter(node_symbol, found_index->label);
+      if (prop_filter.lower_bound_ || prop_filter.upper_bound_) {
         return new ScanAllByLabelPropertyRange(
-            std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>(last_op), node_symbol, best_label,
-            best_property.first, prop_filter.lower_bound,
-            prop_filter.upper_bound, match_ctx.graph_view);
+            std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>(last_op), node_symbol,
+            found_index->label, prop_filter.property_, prop_filter.lower_bound_,
+            prop_filter.upper_bound_, match_ctx.graph_view);
       } else {
-        DCHECK(prop_filter.expression)
-            << "Property filter should either have bounds or an expression.";
+        DCHECK(prop_filter.value_) << "Property filter should either have "
+                                      "bounds or a value expression.";
         return new ScanAllByLabelPropertyValue(
-            std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>(last_op), node_symbol, best_label,
-            best_property.first, prop_filter.expression, match_ctx.graph_view);
+            std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>(last_op), node_symbol,
+            found_index->label, prop_filter.property_, prop_filter.value_,
+            match_ctx.graph_view);
     auto label = FindBestLabelIndex(labels);
@@ -474,6 +295,7 @@ class RuleBasedPlanner {
       // than the allowed count.
       return nullptr;
+    filters.EraseLabelFilter(node_symbol, label);
     return new ScanAllByLabel(std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>(last_op),
                               node_symbol, label, match_ctx.graph_view);
@@ -484,21 +306,20 @@ class RuleBasedPlanner {
     auto &storage = context_.ast_storage;
     const auto &symbol_table = match_context.symbol_table;
     const auto &matching = match_context.matching;
-    // Copy all_filters, because we will modify the list as we generate Filters.
-    auto all_filters = matching.filters.all_filters();
+    // Copy filters, because we will modify them as we generate Filters.
+    auto filters = matching.filters;
     // Copy the named_paths for the same reason.
     auto named_paths = matching.named_paths;
     // Try to generate any filters even before the 1st match operator. This
     // optimizes the optional match which filters only on symbols bound in
     // regular match.
-    auto *last_op =
-        impl::GenFilters(input_op, bound_symbols, all_filters, storage);
+    auto *last_op = impl::GenFilters(input_op, bound_symbols, filters, storage);
     for (const auto &expansion : matching.expansions) {
       const auto &node1_symbol = symbol_table.at(*expansion.node1->identifier_);
-      if (impl::BindSymbol(bound_symbols, node1_symbol)) {
+      if (bound_symbols.insert(node1_symbol).second) {
         // We have just bound this symbol, so generate ScanAll which fills it.
         if (auto *indexed_scan =
-                GenScanByIndex(last_op, node1_symbol, match_context)) {
+                GenScanByIndex(last_op, node1_symbol, match_context, filters)) {
           // First, try to get an indexed scan.
           last_op = indexed_scan;
         } else {
@@ -508,11 +329,9 @@ class RuleBasedPlanner {
                                 node1_symbol, match_context.graph_view);
-        last_op =
-            impl::GenFilters(last_op, bound_symbols, all_filters, storage);
+        last_op = impl::GenFilters(last_op, bound_symbols, filters, storage);
         last_op = impl::GenNamedPaths(last_op, bound_symbols, named_paths);
-        last_op =
-            impl::GenFilters(last_op, bound_symbols, all_filters, storage);
+        last_op = impl::GenFilters(last_op, bound_symbols, filters, storage);
       // We have an edge, so generate Expand.
       if (expansion.edge) {
@@ -533,28 +352,30 @@ class RuleBasedPlanner {
             // Bind the inner edge and node symbols so they're available for
             // inline filtering in ExpandVariable.
             bool inner_edge_bound =
-                impl::BindSymbol(bound_symbols, inner_edge_symbol);
+                bound_symbols.insert(inner_edge_symbol).second;
             bool inner_node_bound =
-                impl::BindSymbol(bound_symbols, inner_node_symbol);
+                bound_symbols.insert(inner_node_symbol).second;
             DCHECK(inner_edge_bound && inner_node_bound)
                 << "An inner edge and node can't be bound from before";
+          // Join regular filters with lambda filter expression, so that they
+          // are done inline together. Semantic analysis should guarantee that
+          // lambda filtering uses bound symbols.
           auto *filter_expr = impl::BoolJoin<AndOperator>(
-              storage,
-              impl::ExtractFilters(bound_symbols, all_filters, storage),
+              storage, impl::ExtractFilters(bound_symbols, filters, storage),
           // At this point it's possible we have leftover filters for inline
           // filtering (they use the inner symbols. If they were not collected,
           // we have to remove them manually because no other filter-extraction
           // will ever bind them again.
-          all_filters.erase(
-              std::remove_if(all_filters.begin(), all_filters.end(),
-                             [ e = inner_edge_symbol, n = inner_node_symbol ](
-                                 Filters::FilterInfo & fi) {
+          filters.erase(
+              std::remove_if(filters.begin(), filters.end(),
+                             [ e = inner_edge_symbol,
+                               n = inner_node_symbol ](FilterInfo & fi) {
                                return utils::Contains(fi.used_symbols, e) ||
                                       utils::Contains(fi.used_symbols, n);
-              all_filters.end());
+              filters.end());
           last_op = new ExpandVariable(
               node_symbol, edge_symbol, edge->type_, expansion.direction,
@@ -572,7 +393,7 @@ class RuleBasedPlanner {
             // It would be better to somehow test whether the input vertex
             // degree is larger than the destination vertex index count.
             auto *indexed_scan =
-                GenScanByIndex(last_op, node_symbol, match_context,
+                GenScanByIndex(last_op, node_symbol, match_context, filters,
             if (indexed_scan) {
               last_op = indexed_scan;
@@ -586,9 +407,9 @@ class RuleBasedPlanner {
         // Bind the expanded edge and node.
-        impl::BindSymbol(bound_symbols, edge_symbol);
+        bound_symbols.insert(edge_symbol);
-        if (impl::BindSymbol(bound_symbols, node_symbol)) {
+        if (bound_symbols.insert(node_symbol).second) {
@@ -612,14 +433,12 @@ class RuleBasedPlanner {
-        last_op =
-            impl::GenFilters(last_op, bound_symbols, all_filters, storage);
+        last_op = impl::GenFilters(last_op, bound_symbols, filters, storage);
         last_op = impl::GenNamedPaths(last_op, bound_symbols, named_paths);
-        last_op =
-            impl::GenFilters(last_op, bound_symbols, all_filters, storage);
+        last_op = impl::GenFilters(last_op, bound_symbols, filters, storage);
-    DCHECK(all_filters.empty()) << "Expected to generate all filters";
+    DCHECK(filters.empty()) << "Expected to generate all filters";
     return last_op;
diff --git a/tests/unit/query_planner.cpp b/tests/unit/query_planner.cpp
index 65c5721a6..011d575dc 100644
--- a/tests/unit/query_planner.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/query_planner.cpp
@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ TEST(TestLogicalPlanner, MatchLabeledNodes) {
   auto dba = dbms.active();
   auto label = dba->Label("label");
   QUERY(MATCH(PATTERN(NODE("n", label))), RETURN("n"));
-  CheckPlan(storage, ExpectScanAllByLabel(), ExpectFilter(), ExpectProduce());
+  CheckPlan(storage, ExpectScanAllByLabel(), ExpectProduce());
 TEST(TestLogicalPlanner, MatchPathReturn) {
@@ -1132,7 +1132,7 @@ TEST(TestLogicalPlanner, WhereIndexedLabelProperty) {
   auto plan = MakeLogicalPlan<RuleBasedPlanner>(planning_context);
   CheckPlan(*plan, symbol_table,
             ExpectScanAllByLabelPropertyValue(label, property, lit_42),
-            ExpectFilter(), ExpectProduce());
+            ExpectProduce());
 TEST(TestLogicalPlanner, BestPropertyIndexed) {
@@ -1194,9 +1194,8 @@ TEST(TestLogicalPlanner, MultiPropertyIndexScan) {
   auto plan = MakeLogicalPlan<RuleBasedPlanner>(planning_context);
   CheckPlan(*plan, symbol_table,
             ExpectScanAllByLabelPropertyValue(label1, prop1, lit_1),
-            ExpectFilter(),
             ExpectScanAllByLabelPropertyValue(label2, prop2, lit_2),
-            ExpectFilter(), ExpectProduce());
+            ExpectProduce());
 TEST(TestLogicalPlanner, WhereIndexedLabelPropertyRange) {
@@ -1223,7 +1222,7 @@ TEST(TestLogicalPlanner, WhereIndexedLabelPropertyRange) {
     CheckPlan(*plan, symbol_table,
               ExpectScanAllByLabelPropertyRange(label, property, lower_bound,
-              ExpectFilter(), ExpectProduce());
+              ExpectProduce());
     // Test relation operators which form an upper bound for range.
@@ -1373,7 +1372,7 @@ TEST(TestLogicalPlanner, MatchDoubleScanToExpandExisting) {
   // We expect 2x ScanAll and then Expand, since we are guessing that is
   // faster (due to low label index vertex count).
   CheckPlan(*plan, symbol_table, ExpectScanAll(), ExpectScanAllByLabel(),
-            ExpectExpand(), ExpectFilter(), ExpectProduce());
+            ExpectExpand(), ExpectProduce());
 TEST(TestLogicalPlanner, MatchScanToExpand) {