diff --git a/src/communication/bolt/v1/session.hpp b/src/communication/bolt/v1/session.hpp
index bb557cb64..d00c7580e 100644
--- a/src/communication/bolt/v1/session.hpp
+++ b/src/communication/bolt/v1/session.hpp
@@ -42,6 +42,11 @@ class Session {
     event_.data.ptr = this;
+  ~Session() {
+    debug_assert(!db_accessor_,
+                 "Transaction should have already be closed in Close");
+  }
    * @return is the session in a valid state
@@ -90,10 +95,11 @@ class Session {
         case State::Idle:
         case State::Result:
-          state_ = StateIdleResultRun(*this, state_);
+        case State::WaitForRollback:
+          state_ = StateExecutingRun(*this, state_);
         case State::ErrorIdle:
-        case State::ErrorResult:
+        case State::ErrorWaitForRollback:
           state_ = StateErrorRun(*this, state_);
         case State::Close:
@@ -136,9 +142,30 @@ class Session {
   void Close() {
     DLOG(INFO) << "Closing session";
+    if (db_accessor_) {
+      Abort();
+    }
+  /**
+   * Commits associated transaction.
+   */
+  void Commit() {
+    debug_assert(db_accessor_, "Commit called and there is no transaction");
+    db_accessor_->commit();
+    db_accessor_ = nullptr;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Aborts associated transaction.
+   */
+  void Abort() {
+    debug_assert(db_accessor_, "Abort called and there is no transaction");
+    db_accessor_->abort();
+    db_accessor_ = nullptr;
+  }
   GraphDbAccessor ActiveDb() { return dbms_.active(); }
   // TODO: Rethink if there is a way to hide some members. At the momemnt all of
@@ -158,8 +185,9 @@ class Session {
   io::network::Epoll::Event event_;
   bool connected_{false};
   State state_{State::Handshake};
-  // Active transaction of the session, can be null.
-  tx::Transaction *transaction_;
+  // GraphDbAccessor of active transaction in the session, can be null if there
+  // is no associated transaction.
+  std::unique_ptr<GraphDbAccessor> db_accessor_;
   void ClientFailureInvalidData() {
@@ -167,6 +195,7 @@ class Session {
     state_ = State::Close;
     // don't care about the return status because this is always
     // called when we are about to close the connection to the client
+    encoder_buffer_.Clear();
     encoder_.MessageFailure({{"code", "Memgraph.InvalidData"},
                              {"message", "The client has sent invalid data!"}});
     // close the connection
diff --git a/src/communication/bolt/v1/state.hpp b/src/communication/bolt/v1/state.hpp
index 305889633..b848ca6cd 100644
--- a/src/communication/bolt/v1/state.hpp
+++ b/src/communication/bolt/v1/state.hpp
@@ -31,6 +31,12 @@ enum class State : uint8_t {
+  /**
+   * There was an acked error in explicitly started transaction, now we are
+   * waiting for "ROLLBACK" in RUN command.
+   */
+  WaitForRollback,
    * This state handles errors, if client handles error response correctly next
    * state is Idle.
@@ -39,9 +45,9 @@ enum class State : uint8_t {
    * This state handles errors, if client handles error response correctly next
-   * state is Result.
+   * state is WaitForRollback.
-  ErrorResult,
+  ErrorWaitForRollback,
    * This is a 'virtual' state (it doesn't have a run function) which tells
diff --git a/src/communication/bolt/v1/states/error.hpp b/src/communication/bolt/v1/states/error.hpp
index 7c99a3186..dfbf35366 100644
--- a/src/communication/bolt/v1/states/error.hpp
+++ b/src/communication/bolt/v1/states/error.hpp
@@ -27,26 +27,35 @@ State StateErrorRun(Session &session, State state) {
   DLOG(INFO) << fmt::format("Message signature is: 0x{:02X}",
-  // clear the data buffer if it has any leftover data
+  // Clear the data buffer if it has any leftover data.
   if (signature == Signature::AckFailure || signature == Signature::Reset) {
-    if (signature == Signature::AckFailure)
+    if (signature == Signature::AckFailure) {
       DLOG(INFO) << "AckFailure received";
-    else
+    } else {
       DLOG(INFO) << "Reset received";
+    }
     if (!session.encoder_.MessageSuccess()) {
       DLOG(WARNING) << "Couldn't send success message!";
       return State::Close;
     if (signature == Signature::Reset) {
+      if (session.db_accessor_) {
+        session.Abort();
+      }
       return State::Idle;
+    // We got AckFailure get back to right state.
     if (state == State::ErrorIdle) {
       return State::Idle;
+    } else if (state == State::ErrorWaitForRollback) {
+      return State::WaitForRollback;
+    } else {
+      permanent_assert(false, "Shouldn't happen");
-    return State::Result;
   } else {
     uint8_t value = underlying_cast(marker);
diff --git a/src/communication/bolt/v1/states/idle_result.hpp b/src/communication/bolt/v1/states/idle_result.hpp
index 58be3af2e..d1ec0662a 100644
--- a/src/communication/bolt/v1/states/idle_result.hpp
+++ b/src/communication/bolt/v1/states/idle_result.hpp
@@ -34,41 +34,93 @@ State HandleRun(Session &session, State state, Marker marker) {
     return State::Close;
-  auto db_accessor = session.dbms_.active();
-  DLOG(INFO) << fmt::format("[ActiveDB] '{}'", db_accessor->name());
+  if (state == State::WaitForRollback) {
+    if (query.Value<std::string>() == "ROLLBACK") {
+      session.Abort();
+      // One MessageSuccess for RUN command should be flushed.
+      session.encoder_.MessageSuccess();
+      // One for PULL_ALL should be chunked.
+      session.encoder_.MessageSuccess({}, false);
+      return State::Result;
+    }
+    DLOG(WARNING) << "Expected RUN \"ROLLBACK\" not received!";
+    // Client could potentially recover if we move to error state, but we don't
+    // implement rollback of single command in transaction, only rollback of
+    // whole transaction so we can't continue in this transaction if we receive
+    // new RUN command.
+    return State::Close;
+  }
   if (state != State::Idle) {
-    // TODO: We shouldn't clear the buffer and move to ErrorIdle state, but send
-    // MessageFailure without sending data that is already in buffer and move to
-    // ErrorResult state.
-    session.encoder_buffer_.Clear();
-    // send failure message
-    bool unexpected_run_fail_sent = session.encoder_.MessageFailure(
-        {{"code", "Memgraph.QueryExecutionFail"},
-         {"message", "Unexpected RUN command"}});
+    // Client could potentially recover if we move to error state, but there is
+    // no legitimate situation in which well working client would end up in this
+    // situation.
     DLOG(WARNING) << "Unexpected RUN command!";
-    if (!unexpected_run_fail_sent) {
-      DLOG(WARNING) << "Couldn't send failure message!";
-      return State::Close;
-    } else {
-      return State::ErrorIdle;
-    }
+    return State::Close;
                "There should be no data to write in this state");
+  DLOG(INFO) << fmt::format("[Run] '{}'", query.Value<std::string>());
+  bool in_explicit_transaction = false;
+  if (session.db_accessor_) {
+    // Transaction already exists.
+    in_explicit_transaction = true;
+  } else {
+    // Create new transaction.
+    session.db_accessor_ = session.dbms_.active();
+  }
+  DLOG(INFO) << fmt::format("[ActiveDB] '{}'", session.db_accessor_->name());
+  // If there was not explicitly started transaction before maybe we are
+  // starting one now.
+  if (!in_explicit_transaction && query.Value<std::string>() == "BEGIN") {
+    // Check if query string is "BEGIN". If it is then we should start
+    // transaction and wait for in-transaction queries.
+    // TODO: "BEGIN" is not defined by bolt protocol or opencypher so we should
+    // test if all drivers really denote transaction start with "BEGIN" string.
+    // Same goes for "ROLLBACK" and "COMMIT".
+    //
+    // One MessageSuccess for RUN command should be flushed.
+    session.encoder_.MessageSuccess();
+    // One for PULL_ALL should be chunked.
+    session.encoder_.MessageSuccess({}, false);
+    return State::Result;
+  }
+  if (in_explicit_transaction) {
+    if (query.Value<std::string>() == "COMMIT") {
+      session.Commit();
+      // One MessageSuccess for RUN command should be flushed.
+      session.encoder_.MessageSuccess();
+      // One for PULL_ALL should be chunked.
+      session.encoder_.MessageSuccess({}, false);
+      return State::Result;
+    } else if (query.Value<std::string>() == "ROLLBACK") {
+      session.Abort();
+      // One MessageSuccess for RUN command should be flushed.
+      session.encoder_.MessageSuccess();
+      // One for PULL_ALL should be chunked.
+      session.encoder_.MessageSuccess({}, false);
+      return State::Result;
+    }
+    session.db_accessor_->advance_command();
+  }
   try {
-    DLOG(INFO) << fmt::format("[Run] '{}'", query.Value<std::string>());
     auto is_successfully_executed = session.query_engine_.Run(
-        query.Value<std::string>(), *db_accessor, session.output_stream_,
+        query.Value<std::string>(), *session.db_accessor_,
+        session.output_stream_,
         params.Value<std::map<std::string, query::TypedValue>>());
+    // TODO: once we remove compiler from query_engine we can change return type
+    // to void and not do this checks here.
     if (!is_successfully_executed) {
-      // abort transaction
-      db_accessor->abort();
+      if (!in_explicit_transaction) {
+        session.Abort();
+      }
       // clear any leftover messages in the buffer
@@ -86,26 +138,33 @@ State HandleRun(Session &session, State state, Marker marker) {
       if (!exec_fail_sent) {
         DLOG(WARNING) << "Couldn't send failure message!";
         return State::Close;
-      } else {
-        return State::ErrorIdle;
-    } else {
-      db_accessor->commit();
-      // The query engine has already stored all query data in the buffer.
-      // We should only send the first chunk now which is the success
-      // message which contains header data. The rest of this data (records
-      // and summary) will be sent after a PULL_ALL command from the client.
-      if (!session.encoder_buffer_.FlushFirstChunk()) {
-        DLOG(WARNING) << "Couldn't flush header data from the buffer!";
-        return State::Close;
+      if (in_explicit_transaction) {
+        // TODO: Neo4j only discards changes from last query and can possible
+        // continue. We can't discard changes from one or multiple commands in
+        // same transaction so we need to rollback whole transaction. One day
+        // we should probably support neo4j's way.
+        return State::ErrorWaitForRollback;
-      return State::Result;
+      return State::ErrorIdle;
+    if (!in_explicit_transaction) {
+      session.Commit();
+    }
+    // The query engine has already stored all query data in the buffer.
+    // We should only send the first chunk now which is the success
+    // message which contains header data. The rest of this data (records
+    // and summary) will be sent after a PULL_ALL command from the client.
+    if (!session.encoder_buffer_.FlushFirstChunk()) {
+      DLOG(WARNING) << "Couldn't flush header data from the buffer!";
+      return State::Close;
+    }
+    return State::Result;
+    // TODO: Remove duplication in error handling.
   } catch (const utils::BasicException &e) {
     // clear header success message
-    db_accessor->abort();
     bool fail_sent = session.encoder_.MessageFailure(
         {{"code", "Memgraph.Exception"}, {"message", e.what()}});
     DLOG(WARNING) << fmt::format("Error message: {}", e.what());
@@ -113,12 +172,14 @@ State HandleRun(Session &session, State state, Marker marker) {
       DLOG(WARNING) << "Couldn't send failure message!";
       return State::Close;
-    return State::ErrorIdle;
+    if (!in_explicit_transaction) {
+      session.Abort();
+      return State::ErrorIdle;
+    }
+    return State::ErrorWaitForRollback;
   } catch (const utils::StacktraceException &e) {
     // clear header success message
-    db_accessor->abort();
     bool fail_sent = session.encoder_.MessageFailure(
         {{"code", "Memgraph.Exception"}, {"message", e.what()}});
     DLOG(WARNING) << fmt::format("Error message: {}", e.what());
@@ -127,12 +188,14 @@ State HandleRun(Session &session, State state, Marker marker) {
       DLOG(WARNING) << "Couldn't send failure message!";
       return State::Close;
-    return State::ErrorIdle;
-  } catch (std::exception &e) {
+    if (!in_explicit_transaction) {
+      session.Abort();
+      return State::ErrorIdle;
+    }
+    return State::ErrorWaitForRollback;
+  } catch (const std::exception &e) {
     // clear header success message
-    db_accessor->abort();
     bool fail_sent = session.encoder_.MessageFailure(
         {{"code", "Memgraph.Exception"},
@@ -143,10 +206,15 @@ State HandleRun(Session &session, State state, Marker marker) {
       DLOG(WARNING) << "Couldn't send failure message!";
       return State::Close;
-    return State::ErrorIdle;
+    if (!in_explicit_transaction) {
+      session.Abort();
+      return State::ErrorIdle;
+    }
+    return State::ErrorWaitForRollback;
+// TODO: Get rid of duplications in PullAll/DiscardAll functions.
 template <typename Session>
 State HandlePullAll(Session &session, State state, Marker marker) {
   DLOG(INFO) << "[PullAll]";
@@ -156,21 +224,14 @@ State HandlePullAll(Session &session, State state, Marker marker) {
     return State::Close;
   if (state != State::Result) {
-    // the buffer doesn't have data, return a failure message
-    bool data_fail_sent = session.encoder_.MessageFailure(
-        {{"code", "Memgraph.Exception"},
-         {"message",
-          "There is no data to "
-          "send, you have to execute a RUN command before a PULL_ALL!"}});
-    if (!data_fail_sent) {
-      DLOG(WARNING) << "Couldn't send failure message!";
-      return State::Close;
-    }
-    return State::ErrorIdle;
+    DLOG(WARNING) << "Unexpected PULL_ALL!";
+    // Same as `unexpected RUN` case.
+    return State::Close;
-  // flush pending data to the client, the success message is streamed
-  // from the query engine, it contains statistics from the query run
+  // Flush pending data to the client, the success message is streamed
+  // from the query engine, it contains statistics from the query run.
   if (!session.encoder_buffer_.Flush()) {
     DLOG(WARNING) << "Couldn't flush data from the buffer!";
     return State::Close;
@@ -189,19 +250,11 @@ State HandleDiscardAll(Session &session, State state, Marker marker) {
   if (state != State::Result) {
-    bool data_fail_discard = session.encoder_.MessageFailure(
-        {{"code", "Memgraph.Exception"},
-         {"message",
-          "There is no data to "
-          "discard, you have to execute a RUN command before a "
-          "DISCARD_ALL!"}});
-    if (!data_fail_discard) {
-      DLOG(WARNING) << "Couldn't send failure message!";
-      return State::Close;
-    }
-    return State::ErrorIdle;
+    DLOG(WARNING) << "Unexpected DISCARD_ALL!";
+    // Same as `unexpected RUN` case.
+    return State::Close;
-  // clear all pending data and send a success message
+  // Clear all pending data and send a success message.
   if (!session.encoder_.MessageSuccess()) {
     DLOG(WARNING) << "Couldn't send success message!";
@@ -233,6 +286,9 @@ State HandleReset(Session &session, State, Marker marker) {
     DLOG(WARNING) << "Couldn't send success message!";
     return State::Close;
+  if (session.db_accessor_) {
+    session.Abort();
+  }
   return State::Idle;
@@ -243,7 +299,7 @@ State HandleReset(Session &session, State, Marker marker) {
  * @param session the session that should be used for the run
 template <typename Session>
-State StateIdleResultRun(Session &session, State state) {
+State StateExecutingRun(Session &session, State state) {
   Marker marker;
   Signature signature;
   if (!session.decoder_.ReadMessageHeader(&signature, &marker)) {
diff --git a/tests/drivers/python/transactions.py b/tests/drivers/python/transactions.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..94ff95e01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/drivers/python/transactions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from neo4j.v1 import GraphDatabase, basic_auth, CypherError
+driver = GraphDatabase.driver("bolt://localhost:7687",
+                              auth=basic_auth("", ""),
+                              encrypted=False)
+def tx_error(tx, name, name2):
+    a = tx.run("CREATE (a:Person {name: $name}) RETURN a", name=name).data()
+    print(a[0]['a'])
+    tx.run("CREATE (").consume()
+    a = tx.run("CREATE (a:Person {name: $name}) RETURN a", name=name2).data()
+    print(a[0]['a'])
+def tx_good(tx, name, name2):
+    a = tx.run("CREATE (a:Person {name: $name}) RETURN a", name=name).data()
+    print(a[0]['a'])
+    a = tx.run("CREATE (a:Person {name: $name}) RETURN a", name=name2).data()
+    print(a[0]['a'])
+def add_person(f, name, name2):
+    with driver.session() as session:
+        session.write_transaction(f, name, name2)
+    add_person(tx_error, "mirko", "slavko")
+except CypherError:
+    pass
+add_person(tx_good, "mirka", "slavka")
+print("All ok!")
diff --git a/tests/unit/bolt_session.cpp b/tests/unit/bolt_session.cpp
index 0ff88ba0f..bc693481f 100644
--- a/tests/unit/bolt_session.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/bolt_session.cpp
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
+// TODO: This could be done in fixture.
 // Shortcuts for writing variable initializations in tests
 #define INIT_VARS                                          \
   Dbms dbms;                                               \
@@ -54,12 +55,33 @@ void WriteChunkHeader(SessionT &session, uint16_t len) {
 // Write bolt chunk tail (two zeros)
 void WriteChunkTail(SessionT &session) { WriteChunkHeader(session, 0); }
-// Check that the server responded with a failure message
+// Check that the server responded with a failure message.
 void CheckFailureMessage(std::vector<uint8_t> &output) {
   ASSERT_GE(output.size(), 6);
   // skip the first two bytes because they are the chunk header
   ASSERT_EQ(output[2], 0xB1);  // tiny struct 1
   ASSERT_EQ(output[3], 0x7F);  // signature failure
+  output.clear();
+// Check that the server responded with a success message.
+void CheckSuccessMessage(std::vector<uint8_t> &output, bool clear = true) {
+  ASSERT_GE(output.size(), 6);
+  // skip the first two bytes because they are the chunk header
+  ASSERT_EQ(output[2], 0xB1);  // tiny struct 1
+  ASSERT_EQ(output[3], 0x70);  // signature success
+  if (clear) {
+    output.clear();
+  }
+// Check that the server responded with a ignore message.
+void CheckIgnoreMessage(std::vector<uint8_t> &output) {
+  ASSERT_GE(output.size(), 6);
+  // skip the first two bytes because they are the chunk header
+  ASSERT_EQ(output[2], 0xB0);
+  ASSERT_EQ(output[3], 0x7E);  // signature ignore
+  output.clear();
 // Execute and check a correct handshake
@@ -330,13 +352,11 @@ TEST(BoltSession, ExecutePullAllBufferEmpty) {
     session.socket_.SetWriteSuccess(i == 0);
     ExecuteCommand(session, pullall_req, sizeof(pullall_req));
+    ASSERT_EQ(session.state_, StateT::Close);
+    ASSERT_FALSE(session.socket_.IsOpen());
     if (i == 0) {
-      ASSERT_EQ(session.state_, StateT::ErrorIdle);
-      ASSERT_TRUE(session.socket_.IsOpen());
     } else {
-      ASSERT_EQ(session.state_, StateT::Close);
-      ASSERT_FALSE(session.socket_.IsOpen());
       ASSERT_EQ(output.size(), 0);
@@ -440,11 +460,8 @@ TEST(BoltSession, ErrorRunAfterRun) {
   WriteRunRequest(session, "MATCH (n) RETURN n");
-  // Run after run fails, but we still keep results.
-  // TODO: actually we don't, but we should. Change state to ErrorResult once
-  // that is fixed.
-  ASSERT_EQ(session.state_, StateT::ErrorIdle);
-  ASSERT_TRUE(session.socket_.IsOpen());
+  ASSERT_EQ(session.state_, StateT::Close);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(session.socket_.IsOpen());
 TEST(BoltSession, ErrorCantCleanup) {
@@ -591,8 +608,8 @@ TEST(BoltSession, PartialChunk) {
-  ASSERT_EQ(session.state_, StateT::ErrorIdle);
-  ASSERT_TRUE(session.socket_.IsOpen());
+  ASSERT_EQ(session.state_, StateT::Close);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(session.socket_.IsOpen());
   ASSERT_GT(output.size(), 0);
@@ -613,6 +630,121 @@ TEST(BoltSession, InvalidChunk) {
+TEST(BoltSession, ExplicitTransactionValidQueries) {
+  // It is not really easy to check if we commited or aborted transaction except
+  // by faking GraphDb/TxEngine...
+  std::vector<std::string> transaction_ends = {"COMMIT", "ROLLBACK"};
+  for (const auto &transaction_end : transaction_ends) {
+    ExecuteHandshake(session, output);
+    ExecuteInit(session, output);
+    WriteRunRequest(session, "BEGIN");
+    session.Execute();
+    ASSERT_EQ(session.state_, StateT::Result);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(session.db_accessor_);
+    CheckSuccessMessage(output);
+    ExecuteCommand(session, pullall_req, sizeof(pullall_req));
+    session.Execute();
+    ASSERT_EQ(session.state_, StateT::Idle);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(session.db_accessor_);
+    CheckSuccessMessage(output);
+    WriteRunRequest(session, "MATCH (n) RETURN n");
+    session.Execute();
+    ASSERT_EQ(session.state_, StateT::Result);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(session.db_accessor_);
+    CheckSuccessMessage(output);
+    ExecuteCommand(session, pullall_req, sizeof(pullall_req));
+    session.Execute();
+    ASSERT_EQ(session.state_, StateT::Idle);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(session.db_accessor_);
+    CheckSuccessMessage(output);
+    WriteRunRequest(session, transaction_end.c_str());
+    session.Execute();
+    ASSERT_FALSE(session.db_accessor_);
+    CheckSuccessMessage(output);
+    ASSERT_EQ(session.state_, StateT::Result);
+    ExecuteCommand(session, pullall_req, sizeof(pullall_req));
+    session.Execute();
+    ASSERT_EQ(session.state_, StateT::Idle);
+    ASSERT_FALSE(session.db_accessor_);
+    CheckSuccessMessage(output);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(session.socket_.IsOpen());
+  }
+TEST(BoltSession, ExplicitTransactionInvalidQuery) {
+  std::vector<std::string> transaction_ends = {"COMMIT", "ROLLBACK"};
+  for (const auto &transaction_end : transaction_ends) {
+    ExecuteHandshake(session, output);
+    ExecuteInit(session, output);
+    WriteRunRequest(session, "BEGIN");
+    session.Execute();
+    ASSERT_EQ(session.state_, StateT::Result);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(session.db_accessor_);
+    CheckSuccessMessage(output);
+    ExecuteCommand(session, pullall_req, sizeof(pullall_req));
+    session.Execute();
+    ASSERT_EQ(session.state_, StateT::Idle);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(session.db_accessor_);
+    CheckSuccessMessage(output);
+    WriteRunRequest(session, "MATCH (");
+    session.Execute();
+    ASSERT_EQ(session.state_, StateT::ErrorWaitForRollback);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(session.db_accessor_);
+    CheckFailureMessage(output);
+    ExecuteCommand(session, pullall_req, sizeof(pullall_req));
+    session.Execute();
+    ASSERT_EQ(session.state_, StateT::ErrorWaitForRollback);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(session.db_accessor_);
+    CheckIgnoreMessage(output);
+    ExecuteCommand(session, ackfailure_req, sizeof(ackfailure_req));
+    session.Execute();
+    ASSERT_EQ(session.state_, StateT::WaitForRollback);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(session.db_accessor_);
+    CheckSuccessMessage(output);
+    WriteRunRequest(session, transaction_end.c_str());
+    session.Execute();
+    if (transaction_end == "ROLLBACK") {
+      ASSERT_EQ(session.state_, StateT::Result);
+      ASSERT_FALSE(session.db_accessor_);
+      ASSERT_TRUE(session.socket_.IsOpen());
+      CheckSuccessMessage(output);
+      ExecuteCommand(session, pullall_req, sizeof(pullall_req));
+      session.Execute();
+      ASSERT_EQ(session.state_, StateT::Idle);
+      ASSERT_FALSE(session.db_accessor_);
+      ASSERT_TRUE(session.socket_.IsOpen());
+      CheckSuccessMessage(output);
+    } else {
+      ASSERT_EQ(session.state_, StateT::Close);
+      ASSERT_FALSE(session.db_accessor_);
+      ASSERT_FALSE(session.socket_.IsOpen());
+      CheckFailureMessage(output);
+    }
+  }
 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
   // Set the interpret to true to avoid calling the compiler which only