diff --git a/include/_mgp.hpp b/include/_mgp.hpp
index 17d4bc1e0..cc1daebf7 100644
--- a/include/_mgp.hpp
+++ b/include/_mgp.hpp
@@ -367,6 +367,10 @@ inline mgp_map_item *map_items_iterator_next(mgp_map_items_iterator *it) {
 inline mgp_vertex_id vertex_get_id(mgp_vertex *v) { return MgInvoke<mgp_vertex_id>(mgp_vertex_get_id, v); }
+inline size_t vertex_get_in_degree(mgp_vertex *v) { return MgInvoke<size_t>(mgp_vertex_get_in_degree, v); }
+inline size_t vertex_get_out_degree(mgp_vertex *v) { return MgInvoke<size_t>(mgp_vertex_get_out_degree, v); }
 inline mgp_vertex *vertex_copy(mgp_vertex *v, mgp_memory *memory) {
   return MgInvoke<mgp_vertex *>(mgp_vertex_copy, v, memory);
diff --git a/include/mg_procedure.h b/include/mg_procedure.h
index 3ade1dfa6..4c771b4d2 100644
--- a/include/mg_procedure.h
+++ b/include/mg_procedure.h
@@ -647,6 +647,12 @@ struct mgp_vertex_id {
 /// Get the ID of given vertex.
 enum mgp_error mgp_vertex_get_id(struct mgp_vertex *v, struct mgp_vertex_id *result);
+/// Get the in degree of given vertex.
+enum mgp_error mgp_vertex_get_in_degree(struct mgp_vertex *v, size_t *result);
+/// Get the out degree of given vertex.
+enum mgp_error mgp_vertex_get_out_degree(struct mgp_vertex *v, size_t *result);
 /// Result is non-zero if the vertex can be modified.
 /// The mutability of the vertex is the same as the graph which it is part of. If a vertex is immutable, then edges
 /// cannot be created or deleted, properties and labels cannot be set or removed and all of the returned edges will be
diff --git a/include/mgp.hpp b/include/mgp.hpp
index 43436fd61..2b1f0318d 100644
--- a/include/mgp.hpp
+++ b/include/mgp.hpp
@@ -752,6 +752,12 @@ class Node {
   /// @brief returns the string representation
   const std::string ToString() const;
+  /// @brief returns the in degree of a node
+  inline size_t InDegree() const;
+  /// @brief returns the out degree of a node
+  inline size_t OutDegree() const;
   mgp_vertex *ptr_;
@@ -2790,6 +2796,10 @@ inline const std::string Node::ToString() const {
   return "(id: " + std::to_string(Id().AsInt()) + labels + ", properties: {" + properties + "})";
+inline size_t Node::InDegree() const { return mgp::vertex_get_in_degree(ptr_); }
+inline size_t Node::OutDegree() const { return mgp::vertex_get_out_degree(ptr_); }
 // Relationship:
 inline Relationship::Relationship(mgp_edge *ptr) : ptr_(mgp::MemHandlerCallback(edge_copy, ptr)) {}
diff --git a/src/query/db_accessor.hpp b/src/query/db_accessor.hpp
index cec29feed..aa40c6a2d 100644
--- a/src/query/db_accessor.hpp
+++ b/src/query/db_accessor.hpp
@@ -242,6 +242,10 @@ class SubgraphVertexAccessor final {
   storage::Gid Gid() const noexcept { return impl_.Gid(); }
+  storage::Result<size_t> InDegree(storage::View view) const { return impl_.InDegree(view); }
+  storage::Result<size_t> OutDegree(storage::View view) const { return impl_.OutDegree(view); }
   storage::Result<storage::PropertyValue> SetProperty(storage::PropertyId key, const storage::PropertyValue &value) {
     return impl_.SetProperty(key, value);
diff --git a/src/query/procedure/mg_procedure_impl.cpp b/src/query/procedure/mg_procedure_impl.cpp
index 4c845eec5..5e3a147e3 100644
--- a/src/query/procedure/mg_procedure_impl.cpp
+++ b/src/query/procedure/mg_procedure_impl.cpp
@@ -1605,6 +1605,48 @@ mgp_error mgp_vertex_get_id(mgp_vertex *v, mgp_vertex_id *result) {
+mgp_error mgp_vertex_get_in_degree(struct mgp_vertex *v, size_t *result) {
+  return WrapExceptions(
+      [v]() -> size_t {
+        auto maybe_in_degree = std::visit([v](const auto &impl) { return impl.InDegree(v->graph->view); }, v->impl);
+        if (maybe_in_degree.HasError()) {
+          switch (maybe_in_degree.GetError()) {
+            case memgraph::storage::Error::DELETED_OBJECT:
+              throw DeletedObjectException{"Cannot get the degree of a deleted vertex!"};
+            case memgraph::storage::Error::NONEXISTENT_OBJECT:
+              LOG_FATAL("Query modules shouldn't have access to nonexistent objects when getting vertex degree!");
+            case memgraph::storage::Error::PROPERTIES_DISABLED:
+            case memgraph::storage::Error::VERTEX_HAS_EDGES:
+            case memgraph::storage::Error::SERIALIZATION_ERROR:
+              LOG_FATAL("Unexpected error when getting vertex degree.");
+          }
+        }
+        return *maybe_in_degree;
+      },
+      result);
+mgp_error mgp_vertex_get_out_degree(struct mgp_vertex *v, size_t *result) {
+  return WrapExceptions(
+      [v]() -> size_t {
+        auto maybe_out_degree = std::visit([v](const auto &impl) { return impl.OutDegree(v->graph->view); }, v->impl);
+        if (maybe_out_degree.HasError()) {
+          switch (maybe_out_degree.GetError()) {
+            case memgraph::storage::Error::DELETED_OBJECT:
+              throw DeletedObjectException{"Cannot get the degree of a deleted vertex!"};
+            case memgraph::storage::Error::NONEXISTENT_OBJECT:
+              LOG_FATAL("Query modules shouldn't have access to nonexistent objects when getting vertex degree!");
+            case memgraph::storage::Error::PROPERTIES_DISABLED:
+            case memgraph::storage::Error::VERTEX_HAS_EDGES:
+            case memgraph::storage::Error::SERIALIZATION_ERROR:
+              LOG_FATAL("Unexpected error when getting vertex degree.");
+          }
+        }
+        return *maybe_out_degree;
+      },
+      result);
 mgp_error mgp_vertex_underlying_graph_is_mutable(mgp_vertex *v, int *result) {
   return mgp_graph_is_mutable(v->graph, result);
diff --git a/tests/unit/cpp_api.cpp b/tests/unit/cpp_api.cpp
index 57411f723..0acf2d18c 100644
--- a/tests/unit/cpp_api.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/cpp_api.cpp
@@ -689,3 +689,25 @@ TYPED_TEST(CppApiTestFixture, TestValueToString) {
       "(id: 2, :Label1:Label2, properties: {})-[type: Loves, id: 0, properties: {key: property}]->(id: 3, properties: "
       "{key: node_property, key2: node_property2})-[type: Loves2, id: 1, properties: {}]->(id: 4, properties: {})");
+TYPED_TEST(CppApiTestFixture, TestInAndOutDegrees) {
+  mgp_graph raw_graph = this->CreateGraph(memgraph::storage::View::NEW);
+  auto graph = mgp::Graph(&raw_graph);
+  auto node_1 = graph.CreateNode();
+  auto node_2 = graph.CreateNode();
+  auto node_3 = graph.CreateNode();
+  auto relationship = graph.CreateRelationship(node_1, node_2, "Relationship1");
+  auto relationship2 = graph.CreateRelationship(node_1, node_2, "Relationship2");
+  auto relationship3 = graph.CreateRelationship(node_1, node_2, "Relationship3");
+  auto relationship4 = graph.CreateRelationship(node_1, node_2, "Relationship4");
+  auto relationship5 = graph.CreateRelationship(node_1, node_3, "Relationship5");
+  auto relationship6 = graph.CreateRelationship(node_1, node_3, "Relationship6");
+  ASSERT_EQ(node_1.OutDegree(), 6);
+  ASSERT_EQ(node_2.InDegree(), 4);
+  ASSERT_EQ(node_3.InDegree(), 2);
+  ASSERT_EQ(node_1.InDegree(), 0);
+  ASSERT_EQ(node_2.OutDegree(), 0);
+  ASSERT_EQ(node_3.OutDegree(), 0);