From c3c8fb66209e6ee8c8e71cbf2f0cc28e10b5cda9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kruno Tomola Fabro <>
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2016 16:44:39 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Commit before branching to chane EdgeModel and EdgeRecord.

 include/mvcc/edge_record.hpp                |  11 +
 include/storage/model/edge_map.hpp          |  31 ++
 src/data_structures/map/rh_hashmap.hpp      | 137 +++++++-
 src/data_structures/map/rh_hashmultimap.hpp | 370 ++++++++++++++++++++
 src/storage/model/vertex_model.hpp          |   6 +-
 tests/unit/rh_hashmap.cpp                   |  60 +++-
 tests/unit/rh_hashmultimap.cpp              | 128 +++++++
 7 files changed, 728 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 include/mvcc/edge_record.hpp
 create mode 100644 include/storage/model/edge_map.hpp
 create mode 100644 src/data_structures/map/rh_hashmultimap.hpp
 create mode 100644 tests/unit/rh_hashmultimap.cpp

diff --git a/include/mvcc/edge_record.hpp b/include/mvcc/edge_record.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0ee9eee80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/mvcc/edge_record.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#include "mvcc/version_list.hpp"
+#include "storage/edge.hpp"
+// class EdgeRecord: public mvcc::VersionList<Edge>{
+// public:
+//     using mvcc::VersionList<Edge>;
+//     VertexRecord* get_key(){
+//         //TODO
+//     }
+// };
diff --git a/include/storage/model/edge_map.hpp b/include/storage/model/edge_map.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69414f465
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/storage/model/edge_map.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "data_structures/map/rh_hashmultimap.hpp"
+#include "mvcc/version_list.hpp"
+class EdgeMap
+    auto begin() { return edges.begin(); }
+    auto begin() const { return edges.begin(); }
+    auto cbegin() const { return edges.begin(); }
+    auto end() { return edges.end(); }
+    auto end() const { return edges.end(); }
+    auto cend() const { return edges.end(); }
+    size_t degree() const { return edges.size(); }
+    void add(EdgeRecord *edge) { edges.add(edge); }
+    void remove(EdgeRecord *edge)
+    {
+        // TODO
+        throw std::bad_function_call::bad_function_call();
+    }
+    void clear() { edges.clear(); }
+    RhHashMultiMap<VertexRecord *, EdgeRecord> edges;
diff --git a/src/data_structures/map/rh_hashmap.hpp b/src/data_structures/map/rh_hashmap.hpp
index d2a5d5561..7e28105ff 100644
--- a/src/data_structures/map/rh_hashmap.hpp
+++ b/src/data_structures/map/rh_hashmap.hpp
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+#include "utils/crtp.hpp"
 #include "utils/option_ptr.hpp"
 // HashMap with RobinHood collision resolution policy.
@@ -33,6 +34,114 @@ private:
         size_t data;
+    template <class It>
+    class IteratorBase : public Crtp<It>
+    {
+    protected:
+        IteratorBase() : map(nullptr) { index = ~((size_t)0); }
+        IteratorBase(const RhHashMap *map) : map(map)
+        {
+            index = 0;
+            while (index < map->capacity && !map->array[index].valid()) {
+                index++;
+            }
+            if (index == map->capacity) {
+                map = nullptr;
+                index = ~((size_t)0);
+            }
+        }
+        const RhHashMap *map;
+        size_t index;
+    public:
+        IteratorBase(const IteratorBase &) = default;
+        IteratorBase(IteratorBase &&) = default;
+        D *operator*()
+        {
+            assert(index < map->capacity && map->array[index].valid());
+            return map->array[index].ptr();
+        }
+        D *operator->()
+        {
+            assert(index < map->capacity && map->array[index].valid());
+            return map->array[index].ptr();
+        }
+        It &operator++()
+        {
+            assert(index < map->capacity && map->array[index].valid());
+            do {
+                index++;
+                if (index >= map->capacity) {
+                    map = nullptr;
+                    index = ~((size_t)0);
+                    break;
+                }
+            } while (!map->array[index].valid());
+            return this->derived();
+        }
+        It &operator++(int) { return operator++(); }
+        friend bool operator==(const It &a, const It &b)
+        {
+            return a.index == b.index && ==;
+        }
+        friend bool operator!=(const It &a, const It &b) { return !(a == b); }
+    };
+    class ConstIterator : public IteratorBase<ConstIterator>
+    {
+        friend class RhHashMap;
+        ConstIterator(const RhHashMap *map) : IteratorBase<ConstIterator>(map)
+        {
+        }
+    public:
+        ConstIterator() = default;
+        ConstIterator(const ConstIterator &) = default;
+        const D *operator->()
+        {
+            return IteratorBase<ConstIterator>::operator->();
+        }
+        const D *operator*()
+        {
+            return IteratorBase<ConstIterator>::operator*();
+        }
+    };
+    class Iterator : public IteratorBase<Iterator>
+    {
+        friend class RhHashMap;
+        Iterator(const RhHashMap *map) : IteratorBase<Iterator>(map) {}
+    public:
+        Iterator() = default;
+        Iterator(const Iterator &) = default;
+    };
+    RhHashMap() {}
+    Iterator begin() { return Iterator(this); }
+    ConstIterator begin() const { return ConstIterator(this); }
+    ConstIterator cbegin() const { return ConstIterator(this); }
+    Iterator end() { return Iterator(); }
+    ConstIterator end() const { return ConstIterator(); }
+    ConstIterator cend() const { return ConstIterator(); }
     void init_array(size_t size)
         size_t bytes = sizeof(Combined) * size;
@@ -61,13 +170,10 @@ private:
-        delete[] a;
+        free(a);
-    RhHashMap() {}
-    OptionPtr<D> get(const K &key)
+    OptionPtr<D> find(const K &key)
         size_t mask = this->mask();
         size_t now = index(key, mask);
@@ -130,16 +236,35 @@ public:
         return insert(data);
+    void clear()
+    {
+        free(array);
+        array = nullptr;
+        capacity = 0;
+        count = 0;
+    }
     size_t size() { return count; }
     size_t index(const K &key, size_t mask)
-        return std::hash<K>()(key) & mask;
+        return hash(std::hash<K>()(key)) & mask;
+    size_t hash(size_t x) const
+    {
+        x = (x ^ (x >> 30)) * UINT64_C(0xbf58476d1ce4e5b9);
+        x = (x ^ (x >> 27)) * UINT64_C(0x94d049bb133111eb);
+        x = x ^ (x >> 31);
+        return x;
+    }
     size_t mask() { return capacity - 1; }
     Combined *array = nullptr;
     size_t capacity = 0;
     size_t count = 0;
+    friend class IteratorBase<Iterator>;
+    friend class IteratorBase<ConstIterator>;
diff --git a/src/data_structures/map/rh_hashmultimap.hpp b/src/data_structures/map/rh_hashmultimap.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..781938bda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/data_structures/map/rh_hashmultimap.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+#include "utils/crtp.hpp"
+#include "utils/option_ptr.hpp"
+// HashMultiMap with RobinHood collision resolution policy.
+// Single threaded.
+// Entrys are saved as pointers alligned to 8B.
+// Entrys must know thers key.
+// D must have method K& get_key()
+// K must be comparable with ==.
+// HashMap behaves as if it isn't owner of entrys.
+template <class K, class D, size_t init_size_pow2 = 2>
+class RhHashMultiMap
+    class Combined
+    {
+    public:
+        Combined() : data(0) {}
+        Combined(D *data, size_t off)
+        {
+            assert((data & 0x7) == 0 && off < 8);
+            this->data = ((size_t)data) | off;
+        }
+        bool valid() { return data != 0; }
+        size_t off() { return data & 0x7; }
+        D *ptr() { return (D *)(data & (~(0x7))); }
+    private:
+        size_t data;
+    };
+    template <class It>
+    class IteratorBase : public Crtp<It>
+    {
+    protected:
+        IteratorBase() : map(nullptr) { advanced = index = ~((size_t)0); }
+        IteratorBase(const RhHashMultiMap *map) : map(map)
+        {
+            index = 0;
+            while (index < map->capacity && !map->array[index].valid()) {
+                index++;
+            }
+            if (index == map->capacity) {
+                map = nullptr;
+                advanced = index = ~((size_t)0);
+            } else {
+                advanced = index;
+            }
+        }
+        IteratorBase(const RhHashMultiMap *map, size_t start)
+            : map(map), index(start), advanced(0)
+        {
+        }
+        const RhHashMultiMap *map;
+        size_t advanced;
+        size_t index;
+    public:
+        IteratorBase(const IteratorBase &) = default;
+        IteratorBase(IteratorBase &&) = default;
+        D *operator*()
+        {
+            assert(index < map->capacity && map->array[index].valid());
+            return map->array[index].ptr();
+        }
+        D *operator->()
+        {
+            assert(index < map->capacity && map->array[index].valid());
+            return map->array[index].ptr();
+        }
+        It &operator++()
+        {
+            assert(index < map->capacity && map->array[index].valid());
+            auto mask = map->mask();
+            do {
+                advanced++;
+                if (advanced >= map->capacity) {
+                    map = nullptr;
+                    advanced = index = ~((size_t)0);
+                    break;
+                }
+                index = advanced & mask;
+            } while (!map->array[index].valid());
+            return this->derived();
+        }
+        //
+        // // True if value is present
+        // bool is_present() { return map != nullptr; }
+        It &operator++(int) { return operator++(); }
+        friend bool operator==(const It &a, const It &b)
+        {
+            return a.index == b.index && ==;
+        }
+        friend bool operator!=(const It &a, const It &b) { return !(a == b); }
+    };
+    class ConstIterator : public IteratorBase<ConstIterator>
+    {
+        friend class RhHashMultiMap;
+        ConstIterator(const RhHashMultiMap *map)
+            : IteratorBase<ConstIterator>(map)
+        {
+        }
+        ConstIterator(const RhHashMultiMap *map, size_t index)
+            : IteratorBase<ConstIterator>(map, index)
+        {
+        }
+    public:
+        ConstIterator() = default;
+        ConstIterator(const ConstIterator &) = default;
+        const D *operator->()
+        {
+            return IteratorBase<ConstIterator>::operator->();
+        }
+        const D *operator*()
+        {
+            return IteratorBase<ConstIterator>::operator*();
+        }
+    };
+    class Iterator : public IteratorBase<Iterator>
+    {
+        friend class RhHashMultiMap;
+        Iterator(const RhHashMultiMap *map) : IteratorBase<Iterator>(map) {}
+        Iterator(const RhHashMultiMap *map, size_t index)
+            : IteratorBase<Iterator>(map, index)
+        {
+        }
+    public:
+        Iterator() = default;
+        Iterator(const Iterator &) = default;
+    };
+    RhHashMultiMap() {}
+    RhHashMultiMap(const RhHashMultiMap &other)
+    {
+        capacity = other.capacity;
+        count = other.count;
+        if (capacity > 0) {
+            size_t bytes = sizeof(Combined) * capacity;
+            array = (Combined *)malloc(bytes);
+            memcpy(array, other.array, bytes);
+        } else {
+            array = nullptr;
+        }
+    }
+    RhHashMultiMap(RhHashMultiMap &&other)
+    {
+        capacity = other.capacity;
+        count = other.count;
+        array = other.array;
+        other.array = nullptr;
+        other.capacity = 0;
+        other.count = 0;
+    }
+    Iterator begin() { return Iterator(this); }
+    ConstIterator begin() const { return ConstIterator(this); }
+    ConstIterator cbegin() const { return ConstIterator(this); }
+    Iterator end() { return Iterator(); }
+    ConstIterator end() const { return ConstIterator(); }
+    ConstIterator cend() const { return ConstIterator(); }
+    void init_array(size_t size)
+    {
+        size_t bytes = sizeof(Combined) * size;
+        array = (Combined *)malloc(bytes);
+        memset(array, 0, bytes);
+        capacity = size;
+    }
+    void increase_size()
+    {
+        if (capacity == 0) {
+            assert(array == nullptr && count == 0);
+            size_t new_size = 1 << init_size_pow2;
+            init_array(new_size);
+            return;
+        }
+        size_t new_size = capacity * 2;
+        size_t old_size = capacity;
+        auto a = array;
+        init_array(new_size);
+        count = 0;
+        for (int i = 0; i < old_size; i++) {
+            if (a[i].valid()) {
+                add(a[i].ptr());
+            }
+        }
+        free(a);
+    }
+    Iterator find(const K &key)
+    {
+        size_t mask = this->mask();
+        size_t now = index(key, mask);
+        size_t off = 0;
+        bool bef_init = false;
+        size_t before_off;
+        K before_key = key;
+        size_t border = 8 <= capacity ? 8 : capacity;
+        while (off < border) {
+            Combined other = array[now];
+            if (other.valid()) {
+                auto other_off =;
+                auto other_key = other.ptr()->get_key();
+                if (other_off == off && key == other_key) {
+                    return Iterator(this, now);
+                } else if (other_off < off) { // Other is rich
+                    break;
+                } else if (bef_init) { // Else other has equal or greater
+                                       // offset, so he is poor.
+                    if (before_off == other_off && before_key == other_key) {
+                        if (count == capacity) {
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        // Proceed
+                    } else {
+                        before_off = other_off;
+                        before_key = other_key;
+                        off++;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    bef_init = true;
+                    before_off = other_off;
+                    before_key = other_key;
+                    off++;
+                }
+            } else {
+                break;
+            }
+            now = (now + 1) & mask;
+        }
+        return end();
+    }
+    // Inserts element with the given key.
+    void add(K key, D *data)
+    {
+        assert(key == data->get_key());
+        size_t mask = this->mask();
+        size_t now = index(key, mask);
+        size_t off = 0;
+        bool bef_init = false;
+        size_t before_off;
+        K before_key = key;
+        size_t border = 8 <= capacity ? 8 : capacity;
+        while (off < border) {
+            Combined other = array[now];
+            if (other.valid()) {
+                auto other_off =;
+                auto other_key = other.ptr()->get_key();
+                if (other_off == off && key == other_key) {
+                    // Proceed
+                } else if (other_off < off) { // Other is rich
+                    array[now] = Combined(data, off);
+                    // Hacked reusing of function
+                    data = other.ptr();
+                    key = other_key;
+                    off = other_off;
+                    off++;
+                } else if (bef_init) { // Else other has equal or greater
+                                       // offset, so he is poor.
+                    if (before_off == other_off && before_key == other_key) {
+                        if (count == capacity) {
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        // Proceed
+                    } else {
+                        before_off = other_off;
+                        before_key = other_key;
+                        off++;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    bef_init = true;
+                    before_off = other_off;
+                    before_key = other_key;
+                    off++;
+                }
+            } else {
+                array[now] = Combined(data, off);
+                count++;
+                return;
+            }
+            now = (now + 1) & mask;
+        }
+        increase_size();
+        add(data);
+    }
+    // Inserts element.
+    void add(D *data) { add(data->get_key(), data); }
+    void clear()
+    {
+        free(array);
+        array = nullptr;
+        capacity = 0;
+        count = 0;
+    }
+    size_t size() const { return count; }
+    size_t index(const K &key, size_t mask) const
+    {
+        return hash(std::hash<K>()(key)) & mask;
+    }
+    size_t hash(size_t x) const
+    {
+        x = (x ^ (x >> 30)) * UINT64_C(0xbf58476d1ce4e5b9);
+        x = (x ^ (x >> 27)) * UINT64_C(0x94d049bb133111eb);
+        x = x ^ (x >> 31);
+        return x;
+    }
+    size_t mask() const { return capacity - 1; }
+    Combined *array = nullptr;
+    size_t capacity = 0;
+    size_t count = 0;
+    friend class IteratorBase<Iterator>;
+    friend class IteratorBase<ConstIterator>;
diff --git a/src/storage/model/vertex_model.hpp b/src/storage/model/vertex_model.hpp
index 60be36072..a6642df89 100644
--- a/src/storage/model/vertex_model.hpp
+++ b/src/storage/model/vertex_model.hpp
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
 #pragma once
+#include "edge_list.hpp"
 #include "property_model.hpp"
 #include "storage/label/label_collection.hpp"
-#include "edge_list.hpp"
+// #include "storage/model/edge_map.hpp"
 class VertexModel : public PropertyModel
-    EdgeList in, out;
+    EdgeList out;
+    EdgeList in;
     LabelCollection labels;
diff --git a/tests/unit/rh_hashmap.cpp b/tests/unit/rh_hashmap.cpp
index b8f7a5874..7a40f1857 100644
--- a/tests/unit/rh_hashmap.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/rh_hashmap.cpp
@@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ TEST_CASE("Robin hood hashmap insert/get check")
     RhHashMap<int, Data> map;
-    REQUIRE(!map.get(0).is_present());
+    REQUIRE(!map.find(0).is_present());
     auto ptr0 = new Data(0);
-    REQUIRE(map.get(0).is_present());
-    REQUIRE(map.get(0).get() == ptr0);
+    REQUIRE(map.find(0).is_present());
+    REQUIRE(map.find(0).get() == ptr0);
 TEST_CASE("Robin hood hashmap double insert")
@@ -49,13 +49,59 @@ TEST_CASE("Robin hood hashmap")
     RhHashMap<int, Data> map;
     for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
-        REQUIRE(!map.get(i).is_present());
+        REQUIRE(!map.find(i).is_present());
         REQUIRE(map.insert(new Data(i)));
-        REQUIRE(map.get(i).is_present());
+        REQUIRE(map.find(i).is_present());
     for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
-        REQUIRE(map.get(i).is_present());
-        REQUIRE(map.get(i).get()->get_key() == i);
+        REQUIRE(map.find(i).is_present());
+        REQUIRE(map.find(i).get()->get_key() == i);
+    }
+TEST_CASE("Robin hood hashmap iterate")
+    RhHashMap<int, Data> map;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
+        REQUIRE(!map.find(i).is_present());
+        REQUIRE(map.insert(new Data(i)));
+        REQUIRE(map.find(i).is_present());
+    }
+    bool seen[128] = {false};
+    for (auto e : map) {
+        auto key = e->get_key();
+        REQUIRE(!seen[key]);
+        seen[key] = true;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
+        REQUIRE(seen[i]);
+    }
+TEST_CASE("Robin hood hashmap checked")
+    RhHashMap<int, Data> map;
+    std::map<int, Data *> s_map;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
+        int key = std::rand();
+        auto data = new Data(key);
+        if (map.insert(data)) {
+            REQUIRE(s_map.find(key) == s_map.end());
+            s_map[key] = data;
+        } else {
+            REQUIRE(s_map.find(key) != s_map.end());
+        }
+    }
+    for (auto e : map) {
+        REQUIRE(s_map.find(e->get_key()) != s_map.end());
+    }
+    for (auto e : s_map) {
+        REQUIRE(map.find(e.first).get() == e.second);
diff --git a/tests/unit/rh_hashmultimap.cpp b/tests/unit/rh_hashmultimap.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6bb916d49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/rh_hashmultimap.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+#include "catch.hpp"
+#include "data_structures/map/rh_hashmultimap.hpp"
+class Data
+    size_t data = 0;
+    int key;
+    Data(int key) : key(key) {}
+    int &get_key() { return key; }
+TEST_CASE("Robin hood hashmultimap basic functionality")
+    RhHashMultiMap<int, Data> map;
+    REQUIRE(map.size() == 0);
+    map.add(new Data(0));
+    REQUIRE(map.size() == 1);
+TEST_CASE("Robin hood hashmultimap insert/get check")
+    RhHashMultiMap<int, Data> map;
+    REQUIRE(map.find(0) == map.end());
+    auto ptr0 = new Data(0);
+    map.add(ptr0);
+    REQUIRE(map.find(0) != map.end());
+    REQUIRE(*map.find(0) == ptr0);
+TEST_CASE("Robin hood hashmultimap double insert")
+    RhHashMultiMap<int, Data> map;
+    auto ptr0 = new Data(0);
+    auto ptr1 = new Data(0);
+    map.add(ptr0);
+    map.add(ptr1);
+    for (auto e : map) {
+        if (ptr0 == e) {
+            ptr0 = nullptr;
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (ptr1 == e) {
+            ptr1 = nullptr;
+            continue;
+        }
+        REQUIRE(false);
+    }
+TEST_CASE("Robin hood hashmultimap")
+    RhHashMultiMap<int, Data> map;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
+        REQUIRE(map.find(i) == map.end());
+        map.add(new Data(i));
+        REQUIRE(map.find(i) != map.end());
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
+        REQUIRE(map.find(i) != map.end());
+        REQUIRE(map.find(i)->get_key() == i);
+    }
+TEST_CASE("Robin hood hashmultimap iterate")
+    RhHashMultiMap<int, Data> map;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
+        REQUIRE(map.find(i) == map.end());
+        map.add(new Data(i));
+        REQUIRE(map.find(i) != map.end());
+    }
+    bool seen[128] = {false};
+    for (auto e : map) {
+        auto key = e->get_key();
+        REQUIRE(!seen[key]);
+        seen[key] = true;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
+        REQUIRE(seen[i]);
+    }
+TEST_CASE("Robin hood hashmultimap checked")
+    RhHashMultiMap<int, Data> map;
+    std::multimap<int, Data *> s_map;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 1638; i++) {
+        int key = (std::rand() % 100) << 3;
+        auto data = new Data(key);
+        map.add(data);
+        s_map.insert(std::pair<int, Data *>(key, data));
+    }
+    for (auto e : map) {
+        auto it = s_map.find(e->get_key());
+        while (it != s_map.end() && it->second != e) {
+            it++;
+        }
+        REQUIRE(it->second == e);
+    }
+    for (auto e : s_map) {
+        auto it = map.find(e.first);
+        while (it != map.end() && *it != e.second) {
+            it++;
+        }
+        REQUIRE(e.second == *it);
+    }