diff --git a/src/communication/bolt/v1/encoder/base_encoder.hpp b/src/communication/bolt/v1/encoder/base_encoder.hpp
index e842128bd..271193509 100644
--- a/src/communication/bolt/v1/encoder/base_encoder.hpp
+++ b/src/communication/bolt/v1/encoder/base_encoder.hpp
@@ -1,101 +1,25 @@
 #pragma once
-#include "communication/bolt/v1/codes.hpp"
+#include "communication/bolt/v1/encoder/primitive_encoder.hpp"
 #include "database/graph_db_accessor.hpp"
 #include "query/typed_value.hpp"
-#include "utils/bswap.hpp"
-#include <string>
 namespace communication::bolt {
- * Bolt BaseEncoder. Has public interfaces for writing Bolt encoded data.
- * Supported types are: Null, Bool, Int, Double, String, List, Map, Vertex, Edge
- *
- * This class has a dual purpose. The first is streaming of bolt data to network
- * clients. The second is streaming to disk in the database snapshotter.
+ * Bolt BaseEncoder. Subclass of PrimitiveEncoder. Extends it with the
+ * capability to encode TypedValues (as well as lists and maps of TypedValues),
+ * Edges, Vertices and Paths.
  * @tparam Buffer the output buffer that should be used
 template <typename Buffer>
-class BaseEncoder {
+class BaseEncoder : public PrimitiveEncoder<Buffer> {
-  BaseEncoder(Buffer &buffer) : buffer_(buffer) {}
-  void WriteRAW(const uint8_t *data, uint64_t len) { buffer_.Write(data, len); }
-  void WriteRAW(const char *data, uint64_t len) {
-    WriteRAW((const uint8_t *)data, len);
-  }
-  void WriteRAW(const uint8_t data) { WriteRAW(&data, 1); }
-  template <class T>
-  void WriteValue(T value) {
-    value = bswap(value);
-    WriteRAW(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(&value), sizeof(value));
-  }
-  void WriteNull() { WriteRAW(underlying_cast(Marker::Null)); }
-  void WriteBool(const bool &value) {
-    if (value)
-      WriteRAW(underlying_cast(Marker::True));
-    else
-      WriteRAW(underlying_cast(Marker::False));
-  }
-  void WriteInt(const int64_t &value) {
-    if (value >= -16L && value < 128L) {
-      WriteRAW(static_cast<uint8_t>(value));
-    } else if (value >= -128L && value < -16L) {
-      WriteRAW(underlying_cast(Marker::Int8));
-      WriteRAW(static_cast<uint8_t>(value));
-    } else if (value >= -32768L && value < 32768L) {
-      WriteRAW(underlying_cast(Marker::Int16));
-      WriteValue(static_cast<int16_t>(value));
-    } else if (value >= -2147483648L && value < 2147483648L) {
-      WriteRAW(underlying_cast(Marker::Int32));
-      WriteValue(static_cast<int32_t>(value));
-    } else {
-      WriteRAW(underlying_cast(Marker::Int64));
-      WriteValue(value);
-    }
-  }
-  void WriteDouble(const double &value) {
-    WriteRAW(underlying_cast(Marker::Float64));
-    WriteValue(*reinterpret_cast<const int64_t *>(&value));
-  }
-  void WriteTypeSize(const size_t size, const uint8_t typ) {
-    if (size <= 15) {
-      uint8_t len = size;
-      len &= 0x0F;
-      WriteRAW(underlying_cast(MarkerTiny[typ]) + len);
-    } else if (size <= 255) {
-      uint8_t len = size;
-      WriteRAW(underlying_cast(Marker8[typ]));
-      WriteRAW(len);
-    } else if (size <= 65535) {
-      uint16_t len = size;
-      WriteRAW(underlying_cast(Marker16[typ]));
-      WriteValue(len);
-    } else {
-      uint32_t len = size;
-      WriteRAW(underlying_cast(Marker32[typ]));
-      WriteValue(len);
-    }
-  }
-  void WriteString(const std::string &value) {
-    WriteTypeSize(value.size(), MarkerString);
-    WriteRAW(value.c_str(), value.size());
-  }
+  BaseEncoder(Buffer &buffer) : PrimitiveEncoder<Buffer>(buffer) {}
   void WriteList(const std::vector<query::TypedValue> &value) {
-    WriteTypeSize(value.size(), MarkerList);
+    this->WriteTypeSize(value.size(), MarkerList);
     for (auto &x : value) WriteTypedValue(x);
@@ -106,36 +30,36 @@ class BaseEncoder {
   template <typename TMap>
   void WriteMap(const TMap &value) {
-    WriteTypeSize(value.size(), MarkerMap);
+    this->WriteTypeSize(value.size(), MarkerMap);
     for (auto &x : value) {
-      WriteString(x.first);
+      this->WriteString(x.first);
   void WriteVertex(const VertexAccessor &vertex) {
-    WriteRAW(underlying_cast(Marker::TinyStruct) + 3);
-    WriteRAW(underlying_cast(Signature::Node));
+    this->WriteRAW(underlying_cast(Marker::TinyStruct) + 3);
+    this->WriteRAW(underlying_cast(Signature::Node));
     // write labels
     const auto &labels = vertex.labels();
-    WriteTypeSize(labels.size(), MarkerList);
+    this->WriteTypeSize(labels.size(), MarkerList);
     for (const auto &label : labels)
-      WriteString(vertex.db_accessor().LabelName(label));
+      this->WriteString(vertex.db_accessor().LabelName(label));
     // write properties
     const auto &props = vertex.Properties();
-    WriteTypeSize(props.size(), MarkerMap);
+    this->WriteTypeSize(props.size(), MarkerMap);
     for (const auto &prop : props) {
-      WriteString(vertex.db_accessor().PropertyName(prop.first));
+      this->WriteString(vertex.db_accessor().PropertyName(prop.first));
   void WriteEdge(const EdgeAccessor &edge, bool unbound = false) {
-    WriteRAW(underlying_cast(Marker::TinyStruct) + (unbound ? 3 : 5));
-    WriteRAW(underlying_cast(unbound ? Signature::UnboundRelationship
+    this->WriteRAW(underlying_cast(Marker::TinyStruct) + (unbound ? 3 : 5));
+    this->WriteRAW(underlying_cast(unbound ? Signature::UnboundRelationship
                                      : Signature::Relationship));
@@ -145,13 +69,13 @@ class BaseEncoder {
     // write type
-    WriteString(edge.db_accessor().EdgeTypeName(edge.EdgeType()));
+    this->WriteString(edge.db_accessor().EdgeTypeName(edge.EdgeType()));
     // write properties
     const auto &props = edge.Properties();
-    WriteTypeSize(props.size(), MarkerMap);
+    this->WriteTypeSize(props.size(), MarkerMap);
     for (const auto &prop : props) {
-      WriteString(edge.db_accessor().PropertyName(prop.first));
+      this->WriteString(edge.db_accessor().PropertyName(prop.first));
@@ -189,32 +113,32 @@ class BaseEncoder {
     // Write data.
-    WriteRAW(underlying_cast(Marker::TinyStruct) + 3);
-    WriteRAW(underlying_cast(Signature::Path));
-    WriteTypeSize(vertices.size(), MarkerList);
+    this->WriteRAW(underlying_cast(Marker::TinyStruct) + 3);
+    this->WriteRAW(underlying_cast(Signature::Path));
+    this->WriteTypeSize(vertices.size(), MarkerList);
     for (auto &v : vertices) WriteVertex(v);
-    WriteTypeSize(edges.size(), MarkerList);
+    this->WriteTypeSize(edges.size(), MarkerList);
     for (auto &e : edges) WriteEdge(e, true);
-    WriteTypeSize(indices.size(), MarkerList);
-    for (auto &i : indices) WriteInt(i);
+    this->WriteTypeSize(indices.size(), MarkerList);
+    for (auto &i : indices) this->WriteInt(i);
   void WriteTypedValue(const query::TypedValue &value) {
     switch (value.type()) {
       case query::TypedValue::Type::Null:
-        WriteNull();
+        this->WriteNull();
       case query::TypedValue::Type::Bool:
-        WriteBool(value.Value<bool>());
+        this->WriteBool(value.Value<bool>());
       case query::TypedValue::Type::Int:
-        WriteInt(value.Value<int64_t>());
+        this->WriteInt(value.Value<int64_t>());
       case query::TypedValue::Type::Double:
-        WriteDouble(value.Value<double>());
+        this->WriteDouble(value.Value<double>());
       case query::TypedValue::Type::String:
-        WriteString(value.Value<std::string>());
+        this->WriteString(value.Value<std::string>());
       case query::TypedValue::Type::List:
@@ -234,12 +158,9 @@ class BaseEncoder {
- protected:
-  Buffer &buffer_;
   void WriteUInt(const uint64_t &value) {
-    WriteInt(*reinterpret_cast<const int64_t *>(&value));
+    this->WriteInt(*reinterpret_cast<const int64_t *>(&value));
diff --git a/src/communication/bolt/v1/encoder/primitive_encoder.hpp b/src/communication/bolt/v1/encoder/primitive_encoder.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..46aaa20a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/communication/bolt/v1/encoder/primitive_encoder.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <string>
+#include "communication/bolt/v1/codes.hpp"
+#include "storage/property_value.hpp"
+#include "utils/bswap.hpp"
+namespace communication::bolt {
+ * Bolt PrimitiveEncoder. Has public interfaces for writing Bolt encoded data.
+ * Supported types are: Null, Bool, Int, Double, String and PropertyValue.
+ *
+ * Bolt encoding is used both for streaming data to network clients and for
+ * database durability.
+ *
+ * @tparam Buffer the output buffer that should be used
+ */
+template <typename Buffer>
+class PrimitiveEncoder {
+ public:
+  PrimitiveEncoder(Buffer &buffer) : buffer_(buffer) {}
+  void WriteRAW(const uint8_t *data, uint64_t len) { buffer_.Write(data, len); }
+  void WriteRAW(const char *data, uint64_t len) {
+    WriteRAW((const uint8_t *)data, len);
+  }
+  void WriteRAW(const uint8_t data) { WriteRAW(&data, 1); }
+  template <class T>
+  void WriteValue(T value) {
+    value = bswap(value);
+    WriteRAW(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(&value), sizeof(value));
+  }
+  void WriteNull() { WriteRAW(underlying_cast(Marker::Null)); }
+  void WriteBool(const bool &value) {
+    if (value)
+      WriteRAW(underlying_cast(Marker::True));
+    else
+      WriteRAW(underlying_cast(Marker::False));
+  }
+  void WriteInt(const int64_t &value) {
+    if (value >= -16L && value < 128L) {
+      WriteRAW(static_cast<uint8_t>(value));
+    } else if (value >= -128L && value < -16L) {
+      WriteRAW(underlying_cast(Marker::Int8));
+      WriteRAW(static_cast<uint8_t>(value));
+    } else if (value >= -32768L && value < 32768L) {
+      WriteRAW(underlying_cast(Marker::Int16));
+      WriteValue(static_cast<int16_t>(value));
+    } else if (value >= -2147483648L && value < 2147483648L) {
+      WriteRAW(underlying_cast(Marker::Int32));
+      WriteValue(static_cast<int32_t>(value));
+    } else {
+      WriteRAW(underlying_cast(Marker::Int64));
+      WriteValue(value);
+    }
+  }
+  void WriteDouble(const double &value) {
+    WriteRAW(underlying_cast(Marker::Float64));
+    WriteValue(*reinterpret_cast<const int64_t *>(&value));
+  }
+  void WriteTypeSize(const size_t size, const uint8_t typ) {
+    if (size <= 15) {
+      uint8_t len = size;
+      len &= 0x0F;
+      WriteRAW(underlying_cast(MarkerTiny[typ]) + len);
+    } else if (size <= 255) {
+      uint8_t len = size;
+      WriteRAW(underlying_cast(Marker8[typ]));
+      WriteRAW(len);
+    } else if (size <= 65535) {
+      uint16_t len = size;
+      WriteRAW(underlying_cast(Marker16[typ]));
+      WriteValue(len);
+    } else {
+      uint32_t len = size;
+      WriteRAW(underlying_cast(Marker32[typ]));
+      WriteValue(len);
+    }
+  }
+  void WriteString(const std::string &value) {
+    WriteTypeSize(value.size(), MarkerString);
+    WriteRAW(value.c_str(), value.size());
+  }
+  void WritePropertyValue(const PropertyValue &value) {
+    auto write_list = [this](const std::vector<PropertyValue> &value) {
+      WriteTypeSize(value.size(), MarkerList);
+      for (auto &x : value) WritePropertyValue(x);
+    };
+    auto write_map = [this](const std::map<std::string, PropertyValue> &value) {
+      WriteTypeSize(value.size(), MarkerMap);
+      for (auto &x : value) {
+        WriteString(x.first);
+        WritePropertyValue(x.second);
+      }
+    };
+    switch (value.type()) {
+      case PropertyValue::Type::Null:
+        WriteNull();
+        break;
+      case PropertyValue::Type::Bool:
+        WriteBool(value.Value<bool>());
+        break;
+      case PropertyValue::Type::Int:
+        WriteInt(value.Value<int64_t>());
+        break;
+      case PropertyValue::Type::Double:
+        WriteDouble(value.Value<double>());
+        break;
+      case PropertyValue::Type::String:
+        WriteString(value.Value<std::string>());
+        break;
+      case PropertyValue::Type::List:
+        write_list(value.Value<std::vector<PropertyValue>>());
+        break;
+      case PropertyValue::Type::Map:
+        write_map(value.Value<std::map<std::string, PropertyValue>>());
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+ protected:
+  Buffer &buffer_;
+}  // namespace communication::bolt