Add batches information to snapshot
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,9 +24,12 @@
#include "storage/v2/mvcc.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/vertex.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/vertex_accessor.hpp"
#include "utils/concepts.hpp"
#include "utils/file_locker.hpp"
#include "utils/logging.hpp"
#include "utils/message.hpp"
#include "utils/spin_lock.hpp"
#include "utils/synchronized.hpp"
namespace memgraph::storage::durability {
@ -44,6 +47,8 @@ namespace memgraph::storage::durability {
// * offset to the constraints section
// * offset to the mapper section
// * offset to the metadata section
// * offset to the offset-count pair of the first edge batch (`0` if properties on edges are disabled)
// * offset to the offset-count pair of the first vertex batch
// 4) Encoded edges (if properties on edges are enabled); each edge is written
// in the following format:
@ -90,10 +95,22 @@ namespace memgraph::storage::durability {
// applied)
// * number of edges
// * number of vertices
// TODO(antaljanosbenjamin): extend with batch infos
// IMPORTANT: When changing snapshot encoding/decoding bump the snapshot/WAL
// version in `version.hpp`.
struct EdgeBatchInfo {
uint64_t offset;
uint64_t count;
struct VertexBatchInfo {
uint64_t offset;
uint64_t count;
uint64_t first_gid;
// Function used to read information about the snapshot file.
SnapshotInfo ReadSnapshotInfo(const std::filesystem::path &path) {
// Check magic and version.
@ -128,6 +145,8 @@ SnapshotInfo ReadSnapshotInfo(const std::filesystem::path &path) {
info.offset_mapper = read_offset();
info.offset_epoch_history = read_offset();
info.offset_metadata = read_offset();
info.offset_edge_batches = read_offset();
info.offset_vertex_batches = read_offset();
// Read metadata.
@ -161,108 +180,42 @@ SnapshotInfo ReadSnapshotInfo(const std::filesystem::path &path) {
return info;
// n is 0-indexed
uint64_t GetNthEdgeStartOffset(Decoder &snapshot, const uint64_t n) {
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
const auto marker = snapshot.ReadMarker();
if (!marker || *marker != Marker::SECTION_EDGE) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
template <typename T>
concept IsBatchInfo = utils::SameAsAnyOf<T, VertexBatchInfo, EdgeBatchInfo>;
// Skip edge.
auto gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
template <IsBatchInfo TBatchInfo>
std::vector<TBatchInfo> ReadBatchInfos(Decoder &snapshot) {
std::vector<TBatchInfo> infos;
const auto infos_size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!infos_size.has_value()) {
throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
TBatchInfo info;
// Recover properties.
auto props_size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!props_size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
for (uint64_t j = 0; j < *props_size; ++j) {
auto key = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!key) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto value = snapshot.SkipPropertyValue();
if (!value) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
for (auto i{0U}; i < *infos_size; ++i) {
const auto offset = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!offset.has_value()) {
throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
const auto offset = snapshot.GetPosition();
MG_ASSERT(offset.has_value(), "Unexpected");
return *offset;
info.offset = *offset;
// n is 0-indexed
std::pair<uint64_t /*offsest*/, Gid /*gid*/> GetNthVertexStartOffsetAndGid(Decoder &snapshot, const uint64_t n) {
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
auto marker = snapshot.ReadMarker();
if (!marker || *marker != Marker::SECTION_VERTEX) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
const auto count = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!count.has_value()) {
throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
info.count = *count;
// Insert vertex.
auto gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
// Skip labels.
auto labels_size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!labels_size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
for (uint64_t j = 0; j < *labels_size; ++j) {
auto label = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!label) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
if constexpr (std::same_as<TBatchInfo, VertexBatchInfo>) {
const auto first_vertex_gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!first_vertex_gid.has_value()) {
throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
info.first_gid = *first_vertex_gid;
// Skip properties.
auto props_size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!props_size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
for (uint64_t j = 0; j < *props_size; ++j) {
auto key = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!key) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto value = snapshot.SkipPropertyValue();
if (!value) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
// Skip in edges.
auto in_size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!in_size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
for (uint64_t j = 0; j < *in_size; ++j) {
auto edge_gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!edge_gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto from_gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!from_gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto edge_type = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!edge_type) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
// Skip out edges.
auto out_size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!out_size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
for (uint64_t j = 0; j < *out_size; ++j) {
auto edge_gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!edge_gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto to_gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!to_gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto edge_type = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!edge_type) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
const auto offset = snapshot.GetPosition();
MG_ASSERT(offset.has_value(), "Unexpected");
auto marker = snapshot.ReadMarker();
if (!marker || *marker != Marker::SECTION_VERTEX) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
// Insert vertex.
auto gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
return std::make_pair(*offset, Gid::FromUint(*gid));
return infos;
template <typename TFunc>
@ -602,24 +555,29 @@ RecoveredSnapshot LoadSnapshot(const std::filesystem::path &path, utils::SkipLis
// Reset current edge count.
edge_count->store(0, std::memory_order_release);
static constexpr auto kThreadCount = 8;
spdlog::info("Recovering edges.");
static constexpr auto kThreadCount = 2U;
spdlog::info("Recovering edges.");
// Recover edges.
auto edge_acc = edges->access();
if (snapshot_has_edges) {
if (!snapshot.SetPosition(info.offset_edges)) throw RecoveryFailure("Couldn't read data from snapshot!");
std::vector<uint64_t> offsets;
const auto edge_chunk_size = static_cast<uint64_t>(info.edges_count / kThreadCount);
while (offsets.size() < kThreadCount) {
offsets.push_back(GetNthEdgeStartOffset(snapshot, edge_chunk_size));
std::vector<std::jthread> threads;
for (const auto offset : offsets) {
threads.emplace_back([path, edges, offset, edge_chunk_size, items, &get_property_from_id] {
LoadPartialEdges(path, *edges, offset, edge_chunk_size, items, get_property_from_id);
if (!snapshot.SetPosition(info.offset_edge_batches)) {
throw RecoveryFailure("Couldn't read data from snapshot!");
const auto edge_batches = ReadBatchInfos<EdgeBatchInfo>(snapshot);
std::atomic<uint64_t> batch_counter = 0;
for (auto i{0U}; i < kThreadCount; ++i) {
threads.emplace_back([path, edges, &edge_batches, &batch_counter, items, &get_property_from_id]() mutable {
while (true) {
const auto batch_index = batch_counter++;
if (batch_index >= edge_batches.size()) {
const auto &batch = edge_batches[batch_index];
LoadPartialEdges(path, *edges, batch.offset, batch.count, items, get_property_from_id);
@ -627,24 +585,27 @@ RecoveredSnapshot LoadSnapshot(const std::filesystem::path &path, utils::SkipLis
// Recover vertices (labels and properties).
spdlog::info("Recovering vertices.", info.vertices_count);
if (!snapshot.SetPosition(info.offset_vertices)) throw RecoveryFailure("Couldn't read data from snapshot!");
std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, Gid>> vertices_offsets_and_gids;
const auto vertex_chunk_size = static_cast<uint64_t>(info.vertices_count / kThreadCount);
vertices_offsets_and_gids.push_back(GetNthVertexStartOffsetAndGid(snapshot, 0));
while (vertices_offsets_and_gids.size() < kThreadCount) {
vertices_offsets_and_gids.push_back(GetNthVertexStartOffsetAndGid(snapshot, vertex_chunk_size));
if (!snapshot.SetPosition(info.offset_vertex_batches)) {
throw RecoveryFailure("Couldn't read data from snapshot!");
const auto vertex_batches = ReadBatchInfos<VertexBatchInfo>(snapshot);
std::vector<std::jthread> threads;
for (const auto &offset_and_gid : vertices_offsets_and_gids) {
threads.emplace_back([path, vertices, offset = offset_and_gid.first, vertex_chunk_size, name_id_mapper,
&get_label_from_id, &get_property_from_id] {
LoadPartialVertices(path, *vertices, offset, vertex_chunk_size, *name_id_mapper, get_label_from_id,
std::atomic<uint64_t> batch_counter = 0;
for (auto i{0U}; i < kThreadCount; ++i) {
threads.emplace_back([path, vertices, &vertex_batches, &batch_counter, name_id_mapper, &get_label_from_id,
&get_property_from_id]() mutable {
while (true) {
const auto batch_index = batch_counter++;
if (batch_index >= vertex_batches.size()) {
const auto &batch = vertex_batches[batch_index];
LoadPartialVertices(path, *vertices, batch.offset, batch.count, *name_id_mapper, get_label_from_id,
@ -654,12 +615,21 @@ RecoveredSnapshot LoadSnapshot(const std::filesystem::path &path, utils::SkipLis
spdlog::info("Recover connectivity.");
std::vector<std::jthread> threads;
for (const auto &offset_and_gid : vertices_offsets_and_gids) {
[path, vertices, edges, edge_count, &offset_and_gid, vertex_chunk_size, items, &get_edge_type_from_id] {
LoadPartialConnectivity(path, *vertices, *edges, *edge_count, offset_and_gid.first, offset_and_gid.second,
vertex_chunk_size, items, get_edge_type_from_id);
std::atomic<uint64_t> batch_counter = 0;
for (auto i{0U}; i < kThreadCount; ++i) {
threads.emplace_back([path, vertices, edges, edge_count, &vertex_batches, &batch_counter, items,
&get_edge_type_from_id]() mutable {
while (true) {
const auto batch_index = batch_counter++;
if (batch_index >= vertex_batches.size()) {
const auto &batch = vertex_batches[batch_index];
LoadPartialConnectivity(path, *vertices, *edges, *edge_count, batch.offset, Gid::FromUint(batch.first_gid),
batch.count, items, get_edge_type_from_id);
@ -832,6 +802,8 @@ void CreateSnapshot(Transaction *transaction, const std::filesystem::path &snaps
uint64_t offset_mapper = 0;
uint64_t offset_metadata = 0;
uint64_t offset_epoch_history = 0;
uint64_t offset_edge_batches = 0;
uint64_t offset_vertex_batches = 0;
offset_offsets = snapshot.GetPosition();
@ -842,6 +814,8 @@ void CreateSnapshot(Transaction *transaction, const std::filesystem::path &snaps
// Object counters.
@ -855,9 +829,13 @@ void CreateSnapshot(Transaction *transaction, const std::filesystem::path &snaps
std::vector<EdgeBatchInfo> edge_batch_infos;
static constexpr auto kDesiredEdgeCountPerBatch{1'000'000ULL};
auto items_in_current_batch{0UL};
offset_edges = snapshot.GetPosition();
auto batch_start_offset{offset_edges};
// Store all edges.
if (items.properties_on_edges) {
offset_edges = snapshot.GetPosition();
auto acc = edges->access();
for (auto &edge : acc) {
// The edge visibility check must be done here manually because we don't
@ -916,14 +894,32 @@ void CreateSnapshot(Transaction *transaction, const std::filesystem::path &snaps
if (items_in_current_batch == kDesiredEdgeCountPerBatch) {
edge_batch_infos.push_back(EdgeBatchInfo{batch_start_offset, items_in_current_batch});
batch_start_offset = snapshot.GetPosition();
items_in_current_batch = 0;
if (items_in_current_batch > 0) {
edge_batch_infos.push_back(EdgeBatchInfo{batch_start_offset, items_in_current_batch});
std::vector<VertexBatchInfo> vertex_batch_infos;
// Store all vertices.
static constexpr auto kDesiredVertexCountPerBatch{1'000'000ULL};
items_in_current_batch = 0;
offset_vertices = snapshot.GetPosition();
batch_start_offset = offset_vertices;
std::optional<uint64_t> first_vertex_gid;
auto acc = vertices->access();
for (auto &vertex : acc) {
if (!first_vertex_gid.has_value()) {
first_vertex_gid = vertex.gid.AsUint();
// The visibility check is implemented for vertices so we use it here.
auto va = VertexAccessor::Create(&vertex, transaction, indices, constraints, items, View::OLD);
if (!va) continue;
@ -972,6 +968,17 @@ void CreateSnapshot(Transaction *transaction, const std::filesystem::path &snaps
if (items_in_current_batch == kDesiredVertexCountPerBatch) {
vertex_batch_infos.push_back(VertexBatchInfo{batch_start_offset, items_in_current_batch, *first_vertex_gid});
batch_start_offset = snapshot.GetPosition();
items_in_current_batch = 0;
if (items_in_current_batch > 0) {
vertex_batch_infos.push_back(VertexBatchInfo{batch_start_offset, items_in_current_batch, *first_vertex_gid});
@ -1062,6 +1069,27 @@ void CreateSnapshot(Transaction *transaction, const std::filesystem::path &snaps
// Write edge batches
offset_edge_batches = snapshot.GetPosition();
for (const auto &batch_info : edge_batch_infos) {
// Write vertex batches
offset_vertex_batches = snapshot.GetPosition();
for (const auto &batch_info : vertex_batch_infos) {
// Write true offsets.
@ -1072,6 +1100,8 @@ void CreateSnapshot(Transaction *transaction, const std::filesystem::path &snaps
// Finalize snapshot file.
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// Copyright 2022 Memgraph Ltd.
// Copyright 2023 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ struct SnapshotInfo {
uint64_t offset_mapper;
uint64_t offset_epoch_history;
uint64_t offset_metadata;
uint64_t offset_edge_batches;
uint64_t offset_vertex_batches;
std::string uuid;
std::string epoch_id;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// Copyright 2022 Memgraph Ltd.
// Copyright 2023 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ namespace memgraph::storage::durability {
// The current version of snapshot and WAL encoding / decoding.
// IMPORTANT: Please bump this version for every snapshot and/or WAL format
// change!!!
const uint64_t kVersion{14};
const uint64_t kVersion{15};
const uint64_t kOldestSupportedVersion{14};
const uint64_t kUniqueConstraintVersion{13};
Reference in New Issue
Block a user