Correctly inspect property filters during planning

This change generates multiple PropertyFilters for expressions such as
`n.prop1 = m.prop2`. When choosing one PropertyFilter, we want to also
remove the other one, because they represent the same original
expression.  Therefore, the removal is no longer based on FilterInfo
equality, but on the original expression equality. Additionally,
FilterInfo and PropertyFilter equality operators have been removed to
avoid any pretense they do what you expect or want.

Reviewers: florijan, msantl

Reviewed By: florijan

Subscribers: pullbot

Differential Revision:
This commit is contained in:
Teon Banek 2017-11-30 13:32:22 +01:00
parent ce3638b25e
commit a799351eb0
4 changed files with 101 additions and 71 deletions

View File

@ -152,6 +152,8 @@ void AddMatching(const Match &match, SymbolTable &symbol_table,
auto SplitExpressionOnAnd(Expression *expression) {
// TODO: Think about converting all filtering expression into CNF to improve
// the granularity of filters which can be stand alone.
std::vector<Expression *> expressions;
std::stack<Expression *> pending_expressions;
@ -199,30 +201,14 @@ PropertyFilter::PropertyFilter(
is_symbol_in_value_ = utils::Contains(collector.symbols_, symbol);
bool operator==(const PropertyFilter &a, const PropertyFilter &b) {
auto bound_eq = [](const auto &a_bound, const auto &b_bound) {
if (!a_bound && !b_bound) return true;
if (a_bound && b_bound)
return a_bound->value() == b_bound->value() &&
a_bound->type() == b_bound->type();
return false;
return a.symbol_ == b.symbol_ && a.property_ == b.property_ &&
a.is_symbol_in_value_ == b.is_symbol_in_value_ &&
a.value_ == b.value_ && bound_eq(a.lower_bound_, b.lower_bound_) &&
bound_eq(a.upper_bound_, b.upper_bound_);
bool operator==(const FilterInfo &a, const FilterInfo &b) {
return a.type == b.type && a.expression == b.expression &&
a.used_symbols == b.used_symbols && a.labels == b.labels &&
a.property_filter == b.property_filter;
void Filters::EraseFilter(const FilterInfo &filter) {
auto filter_it = std::find(all_filters_.begin(), all_filters_.end(), filter);
if (filter_it == all_filters_.end()) return;
// TODO: Ideally, we want to determine the equality of both expression trees,
// instead of a simple pointer compare.
all_filters_.erase(std::remove_if(all_filters_.begin(), all_filters_.end(),
[&filter](const auto &f) {
return f.expression == filter.expression;
void Filters::EraseLabelFilter(const Symbol &symbol,
@ -350,54 +336,66 @@ void Filters::CollectWhereFilter(Where &where,
const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
auto where_filters = SplitExpressionOnAnd(where.expression_);
for (const auto &filter : where_filters) {
all_filters_.emplace_back(AnalyzeFilter(filter, symbol_table));
AnalyzeAndStoreFilter(filter, symbol_table);
// Analyzes the filter expression by collecting information on filtering labels
// and properties to be used with indexing.
FilterInfo Filters::AnalyzeFilter(Expression *expr,
void Filters::AnalyzeAndStoreFilter(Expression *expr,
const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
using Bound = PropertyFilter::Bound;
// Create the base filter info.
FilterInfo filter{FilterInfo::Type::Generic, expr};
UsedSymbolsCollector collector(symbol_table);
filter.used_symbols = collector.symbols_;
auto make_filter = [&collector, &expr](FilterInfo::Type type) {
return FilterInfo{type, expr, collector.symbols_};
auto get_property_lookup = [](auto *maybe_lookup, auto *&prop_lookup,
auto *&ident) {
auto *&ident) -> bool {
return (prop_lookup = dynamic_cast<PropertyLookup *>(maybe_lookup)) &&
(ident = dynamic_cast<Identifier *>(prop_lookup->expression_));
auto add_prop_equal = [&](auto *maybe_lookup, auto *val_expr) {
// Checks if maybe_lookup is a property lookup, stores it as a
// PropertyFilter and returns true. If it isn't, returns false.
auto add_prop_equal = [&](auto *maybe_lookup, auto *val_expr) -> bool {
PropertyLookup *prop_lookup = nullptr;
Identifier *ident = nullptr;
if (get_property_lookup(maybe_lookup, prop_lookup, ident)) {
filter.type = FilterInfo::Type::Property;
auto filter = make_filter(FilterInfo::Type::Property);
filter.property_filter =
prop_lookup->property_, val_expr);
return true;
return false;
auto add_prop_greater = [&](auto *expr1, auto *expr2, auto bound_type) {
// Checks if either the expr1 and expr2 are property lookups, adds them as
// PropertyFilter and returns true. Otherwise, returns false.
auto add_prop_greater = [&](auto *expr1, auto *expr2,
auto bound_type) -> bool {
PropertyLookup *prop_lookup = nullptr;
Identifier *ident = nullptr;
bool is_prop_filter = false;
if (get_property_lookup(expr1, prop_lookup, ident)) {
// n.prop > value
filter.type = FilterInfo::Type::Property;
auto filter = make_filter(FilterInfo::Type::Property);
symbol_table,*ident), prop_lookup->property_,
Bound(expr2, bound_type), std::experimental::nullopt);
is_prop_filter = true;
if (get_property_lookup(expr2, prop_lookup, ident)) {
// value > n.prop
filter.type = FilterInfo::Type::Property;
auto filter = make_filter(FilterInfo::Type::Property);
symbol_table,*ident), prop_lookup->property_,
std::experimental::nullopt, Bound(expr1, bound_type));
is_prop_filter = true;
return is_prop_filter;
// We are only interested to see the insides of And, because Or prevents
// indexing since any labels and properties found there may be optional.
@ -407,8 +405,11 @@ FilterInfo Filters::AnalyzeFilter(Expression *expr,
// Since LabelsTest may contain any expression, we can only use the
// simplest test on an identifier.
if (dynamic_cast<Identifier *>(labels_test->expression_)) {
filter.type = FilterInfo::Type::Label;
auto filter = make_filter(FilterInfo::Type::Label);
filter.labels = labels_test->labels_;
} else {
} else if (auto *eq = dynamic_cast<EqualOperator *>(expr)) {
// Try to get property equality test from the top expressions.
@ -422,30 +423,42 @@ FilterInfo Filters::AnalyzeFilter(Expression *expr,
// Here the `prop` may be different than `value` resulting in `false`. This
// would compare with the top level `false`, producing `true`. Therefore, it
// is incorrect to pick up `n.prop = value` for scanning by property index.
add_prop_equal(eq->expression1_, eq->expression2_);
bool is_prop_filter = add_prop_equal(eq->expression1_, eq->expression2_);
// And reversed.
add_prop_equal(eq->expression2_, eq->expression1_);
// TODO: What about n.prop = m.prop case? Do we generate 2 PropertyFilters?
is_prop_filter |= add_prop_equal(eq->expression2_, eq->expression1_);
if (!is_prop_filter) {
// No PropertyFilter was added, so just store a generic filter.
} else if (auto *gt = dynamic_cast<GreaterOperator *>(expr)) {
add_prop_greater(gt->expression1_, gt->expression2_,
if (!add_prop_greater(gt->expression1_, gt->expression2_,
Bound::Type::EXCLUSIVE)) {
} else if (auto *ge = dynamic_cast<GreaterEqualOperator *>(expr)) {
add_prop_greater(ge->expression1_, ge->expression2_,
if (!add_prop_greater(ge->expression1_, ge->expression2_,
Bound::Type::INCLUSIVE)) {
} else if (auto *lt = dynamic_cast<LessOperator *>(expr)) {
// Like greater, but in reverse.
add_prop_greater(lt->expression2_, lt->expression1_,
if (!add_prop_greater(lt->expression2_, lt->expression1_,
Bound::Type::EXCLUSIVE)) {
} else if (auto *le = dynamic_cast<LessEqualOperator *>(expr)) {
// Like greater equal, but in reverse.
add_prop_greater(le->expression2_, le->expression1_,
if (!add_prop_greater(le->expression2_, le->expression1_,
Bound::Type::INCLUSIVE)) {
} else {
// TODO: Collect comparisons like `expr1 < n.prop < expr2` for potential
// indexing by range. Note, that the generated Ast uses AND for chained
// relation operators. Therefore, `expr1 < n.prop < expr2` will be represented
// as `expr1 < n.prop AND n.prop < expr2`.
return filter;
// Converts a Query to multiple QueryParts. In the process new Ast nodes may be

View File

@ -56,11 +56,6 @@ class PropertyFilter {
std::experimental::optional<Bound> upper_bound_{};
bool operator==(const PropertyFilter &, const PropertyFilter &);
inline bool operator!=(const PropertyFilter &a, const PropertyFilter &b) {
return !(a == b);
/// Stores additional information for a filter expression.
struct FilterInfo {
/// A FilterInfo can be a generic filter expression or a specific filtering
@ -80,11 +75,6 @@ struct FilterInfo {
std::experimental::optional<PropertyFilter> property_filter;
bool operator==(const FilterInfo &, const FilterInfo &);
inline bool operator!=(const FilterInfo &a, const FilterInfo &b) {
return !(a == b);
/// Stores information on filters used inside the @c Matching of a @c QueryPart.
/// Info is stored as a list of FilterInfo objects corresponding to all filter
@ -124,6 +114,8 @@ class Filters {
// Remove a filter; may invalidate iterators.
// Removal is done by comparing only the expression, so that multiple
// FilterInfo objects using the same original expression are removed.
void EraseFilter(const FilterInfo &);
// Remove a label filter for symbol; may invalidate iterators.
@ -133,7 +125,8 @@ class Filters {
auto PropertyFilters(const Symbol &symbol) const {
std::vector<FilterInfo> filters;
for (const auto &filter : all_filters_) {
if (filter.type == FilterInfo::Type::Property) {
if (filter.type == FilterInfo::Type::Property &&
filter.property_filter->symbol_ == symbol) {
@ -154,7 +147,7 @@ class Filters {
void CollectWhereFilter(Where &, const SymbolTable &);
FilterInfo AnalyzeFilter(Expression *, const SymbolTable &);
void AnalyzeAndStoreFilter(Expression *, const SymbolTable &);
std::vector<FilterInfo> all_filters_;

View File

@ -1344,6 +1344,31 @@ TEST(TestLogicalPlanner, UnableToUsePropertyIndex) {
TEST(TestLogicalPlanner, SecondPropertyIndex) {
// Test MATCH (n :label), (m :label) WHERE = RETURN n
GraphDb db;
GraphDbAccessor dba(db);
auto label = dba.Label("label");
auto property = PROPERTY_PAIR("property");
dba.BuildIndex(label, dba.Property("property"));
GraphDbAccessor dba(db);
AstTreeStorage storage;
auto n_prop = PROPERTY_LOOKUP("n", property);
auto m_prop = PROPERTY_LOOKUP("m", property);
QUERY(MATCH(PATTERN(NODE("n", label)), PATTERN(NODE("m", label))),
WHERE(EQ(m_prop, n_prop)), RETURN("n"));
auto symbol_table = MakeSymbolTable(*storage.query());
auto planning_context = MakePlanningContext(storage, symbol_table, dba);
auto plan = MakeLogicalPlan<RuleBasedPlanner>(planning_context);
*plan, symbol_table, ExpectScanAllByLabel(),
// Note: We are scanning for m, therefore property should equal n_prop.
ExpectScanAllByLabelPropertyValue(label, property, n_prop),
TEST(TestLogicalPlanner, ReturnSumGroupByAll) {
// Test RETURN sum([1,2,3]), all(x in [1] where x = 1)
AstTreeStorage storage;

View File

@ -53,8 +53,7 @@ TEST(Engine, ConcurrentBegin) {
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
ConcurrentSet<tx::transaction_id_t> tx_ids;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
[&tx_ids, &engine, accessor = tx_ids.access() ]() mutable {
threads.emplace_back([&engine, accessor = tx_ids.access() ]() mutable {
for (int j = 0; j < 100; ++j) {
auto t = engine.Begin();