diff --git a/tests/qa/tck_engine/tests/stackoverflow_answers/features/wsp.feature b/tests/qa/tck_engine/tests/stackoverflow_answers/features/wsp.feature
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7a0e9035
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/qa/tck_engine/tests/stackoverflow_answers/features/wsp.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Feature: Queries related to all Stackoverflow questions related to WSP
+  Scenario: Dijkstra with pre calculated cost
+    Given graph "wsp1"
+    When executing query:
+      """
+      MATCH (a {id: 1})-[
+        edges *wShortest
+        (e, n | (e.distance * 0.25) + (e.noise_level * 0.25) + (e.pollution_level * 0.5))
+        total_weight
+      ]-(b {id: 4})
+      RETURN startNode(head(edges)).id + reduce(acc = "", edge IN edges | acc + " -> " + endNode(edge).id) AS hops, total_weight;
+      """
+    Then the result should be:
+      | hops        | total_weight |
+      |'1 -> 2 -> 4'| 4.75         |
+  Scenario: Using more than one property Dijkstra
+    Given graph "wsp2"
+    When executing query:
+      """
+      MATCH (a {id: 1})-[edges *wShortest (e, n | e.weight1 + e.weight2) total_weight]-(b {id: 4})
+      RETURN startNode(head(edges)).id + reduce(acc = "", edge IN edges | acc + " -> " + endNode(edge).id) AS hops, total_weight;
+      """
+    Then the result should be:
+      | hops        | total_weight |
+      |'1 -> 3 -> 4'| 17.0         |
diff --git a/tests/qa/tck_engine/tests/stackoverflow_answers/graphs/wsp1.cypher b/tests/qa/tck_engine/tests/stackoverflow_answers/graphs/wsp1.cypher
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..588a51d66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/qa/tck_engine/tests/stackoverflow_answers/graphs/wsp1.cypher
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+CREATE (n1 {id: 1}) CREATE (n2 {id: 2}) CREATE (n3 {id: 3}) CREATE (n4 {id: 4})
+CREATE (n1)-[:E {pollution_level: 1, distance: 1.0, noise_level: 5}]->(n2)
+CREATE (n1)-[:E {pollution_level: 2, distance: 2.0, noise_level: 4}]->(n3)
+CREATE (n2)-[:E {pollution_level: 3, distance: 2.0, noise_level: 3}]->(n4)
+CREATE (n3)-[:E {pollution_level: 4, distance: 1.0, noise_level: 2}]->(n4);
diff --git a/tests/qa/tck_engine/tests/stackoverflow_answers/graphs/wsp2.cypher b/tests/qa/tck_engine/tests/stackoverflow_answers/graphs/wsp2.cypher
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a19a3745
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/qa/tck_engine/tests/stackoverflow_answers/graphs/wsp2.cypher
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+CREATE (n1 {id: 1}) CREATE (n2 {id: 2}) CREATE (n3 {id: 3}) CREATE (n4 {id: 4})
+CREATE (n1)-[:E {weight1: 1, weight2: 1}]->(n2)
+CREATE (n1)-[:E {weight1: 2, weight2: 10}]->(n3)
+CREATE (n2)-[:E {weight1: 3, weight2: 100}]->(n4)
+CREATE (n3)-[:E {weight1: 4, weight2: 1}]->(n4);