diff --git a/tests/macro_benchmark/harness/harness.py b/tests/macro_benchmark/harness/harness.py
index c7db01301..40376a807 100755
--- a/tests/macro_benchmark/harness/harness.py
+++ b/tests/macro_benchmark/harness/harness.py
@@ -39,9 +39,11 @@ class _QuerySuite:
     # what the QuerySuite can work with
     KNOWN_KEYS = {"config", "setup", "itersetup", "run", "iterteardown",
                   "teardown", "common"}
-    summary = "Macro benchmark summary:\n" \
-              "{:>27}{:>27}{:>27}{:>27}{:>27}{:>27}\n".format(
-                      "scenario_name", "query_parsing_time",
+    FORMAT = ["{:>24}", "{:>28}", "{:>22}", "{:>24}", "{:>28}",
+              "{:>16}", "{:>16}"]
+    FULL_FORMAT = "".join(FORMAT) + "\n"
+    summary = FULL_FORMAT.format(
+                      "group_name", "scenario_name", "query_parsing_time",
                       "query_planning_time", "query_plan_execution_time",
                       WALL_TIME, CPU_TIME)
@@ -186,7 +188,7 @@ class _QuerySuite:
         return group_scenarios
-    def run(self, scenario, scenario_name, runner):
+    def run(self, scenario, group_name, scenario_name, runner):
         log.debug("QuerySuite.run() with scenario: %s", scenario)
         scenario_config = scenario.get("config")
         scenario_config = next(scenario_config()) if scenario_config else {}
@@ -252,20 +254,21 @@ class _QuerySuite:
         # TODO value outlier detection and warning across iterations
-        self.append_scenario_summary(scenario_name, measurement_sums,
-                                     num_iterations)
+        self.append_scenario_summary(group_name, scenario_name,
+                                     measurement_sums, num_iterations)
         return measurements
-    def append_scenario_summary(self, scenario_name, measurement_sums,
-                                num_iterations):
-        self.summary += "{:>27}".format(scenario_name)
-        for key in ("query_parsing_time", "query_planning_time",
-                    "query_plan_execution_time", WALL_TIME, CPU_TIME):
+    def append_scenario_summary(self, group_name, scenario_name,
+                                measurement_sums, num_iterations):
+        self.summary += self.FORMAT[0].format(group_name)
+        self.summary += self.FORMAT[1].format(scenario_name)
+        for i, key in enumerate(("query_parsing_time", "query_planning_time",
+                    "query_plan_execution_time", WALL_TIME, CPU_TIME)):
             if key not in measurement_sums:
                 time = "-"
                 time = "{:.10f}".format(measurement_sums[key] / num_iterations)
-            self.summary += "{:>27}".format(time)
+            self.summary += self.FORMAT[i + 2].format(time)
         self.summary += "\n"
     def runners(self):
@@ -523,7 +526,7 @@ def main():
     for (group, scenario_name), scenario in filtered_scenarios.items():
         log.info("Executing group.scenario '%s.%s' with elements %s",
                  group, scenario_name, list(scenario.keys()))
-        for iter_result in suite.run(scenario, scenario_name, runner):
+        for iter_result in suite.run(scenario, group, scenario_name, runner):
             iter_result["group"] = group
             iter_result["scenario"] = scenario_name
@@ -534,7 +537,8 @@ def main():
     for result in results:
-    print("\n\n{}\n".format(suite.summary))
+    print("\n\nMacro benchmark summary:")
+    print("{}\n".format(suite.summary))
     with open(os.path.join(DIR_PATH, ".harness_summary"), "w") as f:
         print(suite.summary, file=f)
diff --git a/tests/qa/continuous_integration b/tests/qa/continuous_integration
index 37d3dc2c3..775840231 100755
--- a/tests/qa/continuous_integration
+++ b/tests/qa/continuous_integration
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ everything which is needed for the CI environment.
 List of responsibilities:
     * execute default suites
     * terminate execution if any of internal scenarios fails
-    * creates the report file that is needed by the Jenkins plugin
+    * creates the report file that is needed by the Apollo plugin
       to post the status on Phabricator. (.quality_assurance_status)
@@ -43,18 +43,46 @@ def get_newest_path(folder, suffix):
     return os.path.join(folder, name_list.pop())
-def generate_status(suite, f):
+def generate_status(suite, f, required = False):
     :param suite: Test suite name.
     :param f: Json file with status report.
+    :param required: Adds status ticks to the message if required.
     :return: Status string.
     result = json.load(f)
     total = result["total"]
     passed = result["passed"]
-    return ("SUITE: %s, PASSED SCENARIOS: %s, TOTAL SCENARIOS: %s (%.2f%%)" %
-            (suite, passed, total, 100.0 * passed / total)), passed, total
+    ratio = passed / total
+    msg = "{} / {} //({:.2%})//".format(passed, total, ratio)
+    if required:
+        if passed == total:
+            msg += " {icon check color=green}"
+        else:
+            msg += " {icon times color=red}"
+    return (msg, passed, total)
+def generate_remarkup(data):
+    """
+    :param data: Tabular data to convert to remarkup.
+    :return: Remarkup formatted status string.
+    """
+    ret = "==== Quality assurance status: ====\n\n"
+    ret += "<table>\n"
+    for row in data:
+        ret += "  <tr>\n"
+        for item in row:
+            if row == data[0]:
+                fmt = "    <th>{}</th>\n"
+            else:
+                fmt = "    <td>{}</td>\n"
+            ret += fmt.format(item)
+        ret += "  </tr>\n"
+    ret += "</table>\n"
+    return ret
 if __name__ == "__main__":
@@ -73,13 +101,14 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     log.info("Memgraph result path is {}".format(memgraph_result_path))
+    # status table headers
+    status_data = [["Suite", "Scenarios"]]
     # read internal scenarios
     with open(memgraph_result_path) as f:
         memgraph_status, memgraph_passed, memgraph_total \
-            = generate_status(memgraph_suite, f)
-    # create status message
-    qa_status_message = "Quality Assurance Status\n" + memgraph_status + "\n"
+            = generate_status(memgraph_suite, f, required = True)
+    status_data.append([memgraph_suite, memgraph_status])
     # read extra scenarios
     for suite in extra_suites:
@@ -87,7 +116,10 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         log.info("Extra suite '{}' result path is {}".format(suite, result_path))
         with open(result_path) as f:
             suite_status, _, _ = generate_status(suite, f)
-        qa_status_message += suite_status + "\n"
+        status_data.append([suite, suite_status])
+    # create status message
+    qa_status_message = generate_remarkup(status_data)
     # create the report file
     with open(qa_status_path, "w") as f:
diff --git a/tools/apollo/build_diff b/tools/apollo/build_diff
index 2ec14464a..26897d01d 100644
--- a/tools/apollo/build_diff
+++ b/tools/apollo/build_diff
@@ -3,7 +3,11 @@
 # From the manpage: "If the  -j  option is given without an argument, make will not limit the number of jobs that can run simultaneously."
 # That means that the whole build will be started simultaneously and IT WILL CRASH YOUR COMPUTER!
-cd ../..
+cd ../../..
+cp -r memgraph parent
+cd memgraph
 TIMEOUT=600 ./init
 bash -c "doxygen Doxyfile >/dev/null 2>/dev/null"
@@ -14,11 +18,20 @@ TIMEOUT=1000 make -j$THREADS
 cd ..
 mkdir build_release
-cd build_release
+cd build_release
 cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release ..
 TIMEOUT=1000 make -j$THREADS memgraph_link_target
-cd ../tools/apollo
+cd ../../parent
+git checkout HEAD~1
+TIMEOUT=600 ./init
+cd build
+cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release ..
+TIMEOUT=1000 make -j$THREADS memgraph_link_target
+cd ../../memgraph/tools/apollo
 ./generate diff
diff --git a/tools/apollo/cppcheck b/tools/apollo/cppcheck
index 4f504bb13..d2baf7982 100755
--- a/tools/apollo/cppcheck
+++ b/tools/apollo/cppcheck
@@ -24,5 +24,5 @@ cat "$errfile" >&2
 len="$( cat "$errfile" | wc -l )"
 if [ $len -gt 0 ]; then
-    echo -e "Cppcheck errors:\n$( cat "$errfile" )" > "$errfile"
+    echo -e "==== Cppcheck errors: ====\n\n\`\`\`\n$( cat "$errfile" )\n\`\`\`" > "$errfile"
diff --git a/tools/apollo/generate b/tools/apollo/generate
index 05c89ff1c..914fea54a 100755
--- a/tools/apollo/generate
+++ b/tools/apollo/generate
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ OUTPUT_DIR = os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, "apollo")
 # output lists
 RUNS = []
 # generation mode
 if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
@@ -47,6 +48,10 @@ def run_cmd(cmd, cwd):
     ret = subprocess.run(cmd, cwd = cwd, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, check = True)
     return ret.stdout.decode("utf-8")
+def find_memgraph_binary(loc):
+    return run_cmd(["find", ".", "-maxdepth", "1", "-executable", "-type",
+            "f", "-name", "memgraph*"], loc).split("\n")[0][2:]
 def generate_run(name, typ = "run", supervisor = "", commands = "",
         arguments = "", enable_network = False,
         outfile_paths = "", infile = ""):
@@ -77,12 +82,9 @@ if os.path.exists(OUTPUT_DIR):
 # store memgraph binary to archive
-binary_name = run_cmd(["find", ".", "-maxdepth", "1", "-executable", "-type",
-        "f", "-name", "memgraph*"], BUILD_DIR).split("\n")[0][2:]
-binary_link_name = run_cmd(["find", ".", "-maxdepth", "1", "-executable", "-type",
-        "l", "-name", "memgraph*"], BUILD_DIR).split("\n")[0][2:]
+binary_name = find_memgraph_binary(BUILD_DIR)
 binary_path = os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, binary_name)
-binary_link_path = os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, binary_link_name)
+binary_link_path = os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, "memgraph")
 config_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "config")
 config_copy_path = os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, "config")
 if os.path.exists(config_copy_path):
@@ -183,24 +185,55 @@ if mode == "release":
     BUILD_RELEASE_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "build")
     BUILD_RELEASE_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "build_release")
-binary_release_name = run_cmd(["find", ".", "-maxdepth", "1", "-executable",
-        "-type", "f", "-name", "memgraph*"], BUILD_RELEASE_DIR).split("\n")[0][2:]
+binary_release_name = find_memgraph_binary(BUILD_RELEASE_DIR)
 binary_release_path = os.path.join(BUILD_RELEASE_DIR, binary_release_name)
 binary_release_link_path = os.path.join(BUILD_RELEASE_DIR, "memgraph")
 # macro benchmark tests
+MACRO_BENCHMARK_ARGS = "QuerySuite MemgraphRunner --groups aggregation"
 macro_bench_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "tests", "macro_benchmark")
 stress_common = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "tests", "stress", "common.py")
 infile = create_archive("macro_benchmark", [binary_release_path,
         macro_bench_path, stress_common, config_path],
         cwd = WORKSPACE_DIR)
 supervisor = "./{}/tests/macro_benchmark/harness/harness.py".format(BASE_DIR_NAME)
-args = "QuerySuite MemgraphRunner --groups aggregation --RunnerBin " + binary_release_path
+args = MACRO_BENCHMARK_ARGS + " --RunnerBin " + binary_release_path
 outfile_paths = "\./{}/tests/macro_benchmark/harness/\.harness_summary".format(
 RUNS.append(generate_run("macro_benchmark", supervisor = supervisor,
         arguments = args, infile = infile, outfile_paths = outfile_paths))
+# macro benchmark parent tests
+if mode == "diff":
+    PARENT_DIR = os.path.join(WORKSPACE_DIR, "parent")
+    BUILD_PARENT_DIR = os.path.join(PARENT_DIR, "build")
+    binary_parent_name = find_memgraph_binary(BUILD_PARENT_DIR)
+    binary_parent_path = os.path.join(BUILD_PARENT_DIR, binary_parent_name)
+    parent_config_path = os.path.join(PARENT_DIR, "config")
+    parent_macro_bench_path = os.path.join(PARENT_DIR, "tests", "macro_benchmark")
+    parent_stress_common = os.path.join(PARENT_DIR, "tests", "stress", "common.py")
+    infile = create_archive("macro_benchmark_parent", [binary_parent_path,
+            parent_macro_bench_path, parent_stress_common, parent_config_path],
+            cwd = WORKSPACE_DIR)
+    supervisor = "./parent/tests/macro_benchmark/harness/harness.py"
+    args = MACRO_BENCHMARK_ARGS + " --RunnerBin " + binary_parent_path
+    outfile_paths = "\./parent/tests/macro_benchmark/harness/\.harness_summary"
+    RUNS.append(generate_run("macro_benchmark_parent", supervisor = supervisor,
+            arguments = args, infile = infile, outfile_paths = outfile_paths))
+    # macro benchmark comparison data process
+    script_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "tools", "apollo",
+            "macro_benchmark_summary")
+    infile = create_archive("macro_benchmark_summary", [script_path],
+            cwd = WORKSPACE_DIR)
+    cmd = "./memgraph/tools/apollo/macro_benchmark_summary " \
+            "macro_benchmark/memgraph/tests/macro_benchmark/harness/.harness_summary " \
+            "macro_benchmark_parent/parent/tests/macro_benchmark/harness/.harness_summary " \
+            ".harness_summary"
+    outfile_paths = "\./.harness_summary"
+    DATA_PROCESS.append(generate_run("macro_benchmark_summary", typ = "data process",
+            commands = cmd, infile = infile, outfile_paths = outfile_paths))
 # stress tests
 stress_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "tests", "stress")
 infile = create_archive("stress", [binary_release_path,
@@ -212,4 +245,4 @@ RUNS.append(generate_run("stress", commands = cmd, infile = infile))
 # store ARCHIVES and RUNS
 store_metadata(OUTPUT_DIR, "archives", ARCHIVES)
-store_metadata(OUTPUT_DIR, "runs", RUNS)
+store_metadata(OUTPUT_DIR, "runs", RUNS + DATA_PROCESS)
diff --git a/tools/apollo/macro_benchmark_summary b/tools/apollo/macro_benchmark_summary
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..2a396f53b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/apollo/macro_benchmark_summary
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+import os
+import sys
+def convert2float(val):
+    try:
+        return float(val)
+    except:
+        return val
+def parse_file(fname):
+    with open(fname) as f:
+        data = f.readlines()
+    ret = []
+    for row in data:
+        row = row.strip()
+        if row == "": continue
+        ret.append(list(map(convert2float, row.split())))
+    return ret
+def strip_integers(row):
+    return list(filter(lambda x: type(x) == str, row))
+def find_item(data, header, row):
+    headers = data[0]
+    row = strip_integers(row)
+    pos_x = -1
+    for i in range(len(data)):
+        s = strip_integers(data[i])
+        if s != row: continue
+        pos_x = i
+        break
+    if pos_x == -1: return None
+    pos_y = -1
+    for j in range(len(headers)):
+        if headers[j] != header: continue
+        pos_y = j
+        break
+    if pos_y == -1: return None
+    return data[pos_x][pos_y]
+def compare_values(data_cur, data_prev):
+    ret = []
+    headers = data_cur[0]
+    for i in range(len(data_cur)):
+        ret.append([])
+        row_cur = data_cur[i]
+        for j in range(len(row_cur)):
+            item_cur = row_cur[j]
+            if type(item_cur) == str:
+                item = " ".join(item_cur.split("_")).capitalize()
+            else:
+                item_prev = find_item(data_prev, headers[j], row_cur)
+                if item_prev != None:
+                    if item_prev != 0.0:
+                        diff = (item_cur - item_prev) / item_prev
+                    else:
+                        diff = 0.0
+                    if diff < -0.05:
+                        sign = " {icon arrow-down color=green}"
+                    elif diff > 0.05:
+                        sign = " {icon arrow-up color=red}"
+                    else:
+                        sign = ""
+                    item = "{:.9f} //({:+.2%})//{}".format(item_cur, diff, sign)
+                else:
+                    item = "{:.9f} //(new)// {{icon plus color=blue}}".format(item_cur)
+            ret[i].append(item)
+    return ret
+def generate_remarkup(data):
+    ret = "==== Macro benchmark summary: ====\n\n"
+    ret += "<table>\n"
+    for row in data:
+        ret += "  <tr>\n"
+        for item in row:
+            if row == data[0]:
+                fmt = "    <th>{}</th>\n"
+            else:
+                fmt = "    <td>{}</td>\n"
+            ret += fmt.format(item)
+        ret += "  </tr>\n"
+    ret += "</table>\n"
+    return ret
+if len(sys.argv) > 4 or len(sys.argv) < 3:
+    print("usage: {} current_values previous_values output_file".format(sys.argv[0]))
+    print("    output_file is optional, if not specified the script outputs")
+    print("    to stdout, if set to '-' then it overwrites current_values")
+    sys.exit(1)
+if len(sys.argv) == 4:
+    infile_cur, infile_prev, outfile = sys.argv[1:]
+    infile_cur, infile_prev = sys.argv[1:]
+    outfile = ""
+data_cur = parse_file(infile_cur)
+data_prev = parse_file(infile_prev)
+markup = generate_remarkup(compare_values(data_cur, data_prev))
+if outfile == "":
+    sys.stdout.write(markup)
+    sys.exit(0)
+if outfile == "-":
+    outfile = infile_cur
+with open(outfile, "w") as f:
+    f.write(generate_remarkup(compare_values(data_cur, data_prev)))