Make interpretation pullable
Reviewers: mislav.bradac, teon.banek Reviewed By: teon.banek Subscribers: pullbot Differential Revision:
This commit is contained in:
@ -124,9 +124,10 @@ State HandleRun(TSession &session, State state, Marker marker) {
auto ¶ms_map = params.ValueMap();
std::map<std::string, query::TypedValue> params_tv(params_map.begin(),
session.interpreter_.Interpret(query.ValueString(), *session.db_accessor_,
session.output_stream_, params_tv,
.interpreter_(query.ValueString(), *session.db_accessor_, params_tv,
if (!in_explicit_transaction) {
@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
// Copyright 2017 Memgraph
// Created by Florijan Stamenkovic on 23.03.17.
#include "console.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
@ -69,7 +65,7 @@ void query::Repl(GraphDb &db) {
try {
GraphDbAccessor dba(db);
ResultStreamFaker results;
interpeter.Interpret(command, dba, results, {}, false);
interpeter(command, dba, {}, false).PullAll(results);
std::cout << results;
} catch (const query::SyntaxException &e) {
@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
// Copyright 2017 Memgraph
// Created by Florijan Stamenkovic on 23.03.17.
#pragma once
#include "database/graph_db.hpp"
@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "query/exceptions.hpp"
#include "query/exceptions.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/ast/cypher_main_visitor.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/opencypher/parser.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/semantic/symbol_generator.hpp"
#include "query/plan/planner.hpp"
#include "query/plan/vertex_count_cache.hpp"
#include "utils/flag_validation.hpp"
@ -16,6 +20,124 @@ DEFINE_VALIDATED_int32(query_plan_cache_ttl, 60,
namespace query {
Interpreter::Results Interpreter::operator()(
const std::string &query, GraphDbAccessor &db_accessor,
const std::map<std::string, TypedValue> ¶ms,
bool in_explicit_transaction) {
utils::Timer frontend_timer;
Context ctx(db_accessor);
ctx.in_explicit_transaction_ = in_explicit_transaction;
ctx.is_query_cached_ = true;
// query -> stripped query
StrippedQuery stripped(query);
// Update context with provided parameters.
ctx.parameters_ = stripped.literals();
for (const auto ¶m_pair : stripped.parameters()) {
auto param_it = params.find(param_pair.second);
if (param_it == params.end()) {
throw query::UnprovidedParameterError(
fmt::format("Parameter$ {} not provided", param_pair.second));
ctx.parameters_.Add(param_pair.first, param_it->second);
// Check if we have a cached logical plan ready, so that we can skip the
// whole query -> AST -> logical_plan process.
auto cached_plan = [&]() -> std::shared_ptr<CachedPlan> {
auto plan_cache_accessor = plan_cache_.access();
auto plan_cache_it = plan_cache_accessor.find(stripped.hash());
if (plan_cache_it != plan_cache_accessor.end() &&
plan_cache_it->second->IsExpired()) {
// Remove the expired plan.
plan_cache_it = plan_cache_accessor.end();
if (plan_cache_it != plan_cache_accessor.end()) {
return plan_cache_it->second;
return nullptr;
auto frontend_time = frontend_timer.Elapsed();
utils::Timer planning_timer;
if (!cached_plan) {
AstTreeStorage ast_storage = QueryToAst(stripped, ctx);
SymbolGenerator symbol_generator(ctx.symbol_table_);
std::unique_ptr<plan::LogicalOperator> tmp_logical_plan;
double query_plan_cost_estimation = 0.0;
std::tie(tmp_logical_plan, query_plan_cost_estimation) =
MakeLogicalPlan(ast_storage, db_accessor, ctx);
cached_plan = std::make_shared<CachedPlan>(
std::move(tmp_logical_plan), query_plan_cost_estimation,
ctx.symbol_table_, std::move(ast_storage));
if (FLAGS_query_plan_cache) {
// Cache the generated plan.
auto plan_cache_accessor = plan_cache_.access();
auto plan_cache_it =
plan_cache_accessor.insert(stripped.hash(), cached_plan).first;
cached_plan = plan_cache_it->second;
auto *logical_plan = &cached_plan->plan();
// TODO review: is the check below necessary?
DCHECK(dynamic_cast<const plan::Produce *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::Skip *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::Limit *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::OrderBy *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::Distinct *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::Union *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::CreateNode *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::CreateExpand *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::SetProperty *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::SetProperties *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::SetLabels *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::RemoveProperty *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::RemoveLabels *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::Delete *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::Merge *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::CreateIndex *>(logical_plan))
<< "Unknown top level LogicalOperator";
ctx.symbol_table_ = cached_plan->symbol_table();
auto planning_time = planning_timer.Elapsed();
std::map<std::string, TypedValue> summary;
summary["parsing_time"] = frontend_time.count();
summary["planning_time"] = planning_time.count();
summary["cost_estimate"] = cached_plan->cost();
// TODO: set summary['type'] based on transaction metadata
// the type can't be determined based only on top level LogicalOp
// (for example MATCH DELETE RETURN will have Produce as it's top)
// for now always use "rw" because something must be set, but it doesn't
// have to be correct (for Bolt clients)
summary["type"] = "rw";
auto cursor = logical_plan->MakeCursor(ctx.db_accessor_);
std::vector<std::string> header;
std::vector<Symbol> output_symbols(
for (const auto &symbol : output_symbols) {
// When the symbol is aliased or expanded from '*' (inside RETURN or
// WITH), then there is no token position, so use symbol name.
// Otherwise, find the name from stripped query.
return Results(std::move(ctx), std::move(cursor), output_symbols, header,
summary, plan_cache_);
AstTreeStorage Interpreter::QueryToAst(const StrippedQuery &stripped,
Context &ctx) {
if (!ctx.is_query_cached_) {
@ -9,18 +9,13 @@
#include "data_structures/concurrent/concurrent_map.hpp"
#include "database/graph_db_accessor.hpp"
#include "query/context.hpp"
#include "query/exceptions.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/ast/cypher_main_visitor.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/opencypher/parser.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/semantic/symbol_generator.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/ast/ast.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/stripped.hpp"
#include "query/interpret/frame.hpp"
#include "query/plan/operator.hpp"
#include "threading/sync/spinlock.hpp"
#include "utils/timer.hpp"
namespace query {
@ -55,112 +50,110 @@ class Interpreter {
* Encapsulates all what's necessary for the interpretation of a query into a
* single object that can be pulled (into the given Stream).
class Results {
friend Interpreter;
Results(Context ctx, std::unique_ptr<query::plan::Cursor> cursor,
std::vector<Symbol> output_symbols, std::vector<std::string> header,
std::map<std::string, TypedValue> summary,
ConcurrentMap<HashType, std::shared_ptr<CachedPlan>> &plan_cache)
: ctx_(std::move(ctx)),
plan_cache_(plan_cache) {}
Results(const Results &) = delete;
Results(Results &&) = default;
Results &operator=(const Results &) = delete;
Results &operator=(Results &&) = default;
* Make the interpreter perform a single Pull. Results (if they exists) are
* pushed into the given stream. On first Pull the header is written to the
* stream, on last the summary.
* @param stream - The stream to push the header, results and summary into.
* @return - If this Results is eligible for another Pull. If Pulling
* after `false` has been returned, the behavior is undefined.
* @tparam TStream - Stream type.
template <typename TStream>
bool Pull(TStream &stream) {
if (!header_written_) {
header_written_ = true;
bool return_value = cursor_->Pull(frame_, ctx_);
if (return_value && !output_symbols_.empty()) {
std::vector<TypedValue> values;
for (const auto &symbol : output_symbols_) {
if (!return_value) {
auto execution_time = execution_timer_.Elapsed();
summary_["plan_execution_time"] = execution_time.count();
if (ctx_.is_index_created_) {
// If index is created we invalidate cache so that we can try to
// generate better plan with that cache.
auto accessor = plan_cache_.access();
for (const auto &cached_plan : accessor) {
return return_value;
/** Calls Pull() until exhausted. */
template <typename TStream>
void PullAll(TStream &stream) {
while (Pull(stream)) continue;
Context ctx_;
std::unique_ptr<query::plan::Cursor> cursor_;
Frame frame_;
std::vector<Symbol> output_symbols_;
bool header_written_{false};
std::vector<std::string> header_;
std::map<std::string, TypedValue> summary_;
utils::Timer execution_timer_;
// Gets invalidated after if an index has been built.
ConcurrentMap<HashType, std::shared_ptr<CachedPlan>> &plan_cache_;
Interpreter() = default;
Interpreter(const Interpreter &) = delete;
Interpreter &operator=(const Interpreter &) = delete;
Interpreter(Interpreter &&) = delete;
Interpreter &operator=(Interpreter &&) = delete;
template <typename Stream>
void Interpret(const std::string &query, GraphDbAccessor &db_accessor,
Stream &stream,
const std::map<std::string, TypedValue> ¶ms,
bool in_explicit_transaction) {
utils::Timer frontend_timer;
Context ctx(db_accessor);
ctx.in_explicit_transaction_ = in_explicit_transaction;
ctx.is_query_cached_ = true;
std::map<std::string, TypedValue> summary;
// query -> stripped query
StrippedQuery stripped(query);
// Update context with provided parameters.
ctx.parameters_ = stripped.literals();
for (const auto ¶m_pair : stripped.parameters()) {
auto param_it = params.find(param_pair.second);
if (param_it == params.end()) {
throw query::UnprovidedParameterError(
fmt::format("Parameter$ {} not provided", param_pair.second));
ctx.parameters_.Add(param_pair.first, param_it->second);
// Check if we have a cached logical plan ready, so that we can skip the
// whole query -> AST -> logical_plan process.
auto cached_plan = [&]() -> std::shared_ptr<CachedPlan> {
auto plan_cache_accessor = plan_cache_.access();
auto plan_cache_it = plan_cache_accessor.find(stripped.hash());
if (plan_cache_it != plan_cache_accessor.end() &&
plan_cache_it->second->IsExpired()) {
// Remove the expired plan.
plan_cache_it = plan_cache_accessor.end();
if (plan_cache_it != plan_cache_accessor.end()) {
return plan_cache_it->second;
return nullptr;
auto frontend_time = frontend_timer.Elapsed();
utils::Timer planning_timer;
if (!cached_plan) {
AstTreeStorage ast_storage = QueryToAst(stripped, ctx);
SymbolGenerator symbol_generator(ctx.symbol_table_);
std::unique_ptr<plan::LogicalOperator> tmp_logical_plan;
double query_plan_cost_estimation = 0.0;
std::tie(tmp_logical_plan, query_plan_cost_estimation) =
MakeLogicalPlan(ast_storage, db_accessor, ctx);
cached_plan = std::make_shared<CachedPlan>(
std::move(tmp_logical_plan), query_plan_cost_estimation,
ctx.symbol_table_, std::move(ast_storage));
if (FLAGS_query_plan_cache) {
// Cache the generated plan.
auto plan_cache_accessor = plan_cache_.access();
auto plan_cache_it =
plan_cache_accessor.insert(stripped.hash(), cached_plan).first;
cached_plan = plan_cache_it->second;
ctx.symbol_table_ = cached_plan->symbol_table();
auto planning_time = planning_timer.Elapsed();
utils::Timer execution_timer;
ExecutePlan(stream, &cached_plan->plan(), ctx, stripped);
auto execution_time = execution_timer.Elapsed();
if (ctx.is_index_created_) {
// If index is created we invalidate cache so that we can try to generate
// better plan with that cache.
auto accessor = plan_cache_.access();
for (const auto &cached_plan : accessor) {
summary["parsing_time"] = frontend_time.count();
summary["planning_time"] = planning_time.count();
summary["plan_execution_time"] = execution_time.count();
summary["cost_estimate"] = cached_plan->cost();
// TODO: set summary['type'] based on transaction metadata
// the type can't be determined based only on top level LogicalOp
// (for example MATCH DELETE RETURN will have Produce as it's top)
// for now always use "rw" because something must be set, but it doesn't
// have to be correct (for Bolt clients)
summary["type"] = "rw";
DLOG(INFO) << "Executed '" << query << "', params: " << params
<< ", summary: " << summary;
* Generates an Results object for the parameters. The resulting object
* can the be Pulled with it's results written to an arbitrary stream.
Results operator()(const std::string &query, GraphDbAccessor &db_accessor,
const std::map<std::string, TypedValue> ¶ms,
bool in_explicit_transaction);
// stripped query -> high level tree
@ -171,59 +164,6 @@ class Interpreter {
std::pair<std::unique_ptr<plan::LogicalOperator>, double> MakeLogicalPlan(
AstTreeStorage &, const GraphDbAccessor &, Context &);
template <typename Stream>
void ExecutePlan(Stream &stream, const plan::LogicalOperator *logical_plan,
Context &ctx, const StrippedQuery &stripped) {
// Generate frame based on symbol table max_position.
Frame frame(ctx.symbol_table_.max_position());
std::vector<std::string> header;
std::vector<Symbol> output_symbols(
if (!output_symbols.empty()) {
// Since we have output symbols, this means that the query contains RETURN
// clause, so stream out the results.
// Generate header.
for (const auto &symbol : output_symbols) {
// When the symbol is aliased or expanded from '*' (inside RETURN or
// WITH), then there is no token position, so use symbol name.
// Otherwise, find the name from stripped query.
// Stream out results.
auto cursor = logical_plan->MakeCursor(ctx.db_accessor_);
while (cursor->Pull(frame, ctx)) {
std::vector<TypedValue> values;
for (const auto &symbol : output_symbols) {
if (dynamic_cast<const plan::CreateNode *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::CreateExpand *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::SetProperty *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::SetProperties *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::SetLabels *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::RemoveProperty *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::RemoveLabels *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::Delete *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::Merge *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::CreateIndex *>(logical_plan)) {
auto cursor = logical_plan->MakeCursor(ctx.db_accessor_);
while (cursor->Pull(frame, ctx)) continue;
} else {
throw QueryRuntimeException("Unknown top level LogicalOperator");
ConcurrentMap<HashType, AstTreeStorage> ast_cache_;
ConcurrentMap<HashType, std::shared_ptr<CachedPlan>> plan_cache_;
// Antlr has singleton instance that is shared between threads. It is
@ -134,10 +134,11 @@ class LogicalOperator
/** @brief Return @c Symbol vector where the results will be stored.
* Currently, outputs symbols are only generated in @c Produce operator.
* @c Skip, @c Limit and @c OrderBy propagate the symbols from @c Produce (if
* it exists as input operator). In the future, we may want this method to
* return the symbols that will be set in this operator.
* Currently, outputs symbols are generated in @c Produce and @c Union
* operators. @c Skip, @c Limit, @c OrderBy and @c Distinct propagate the
* symbols from @c Produce (if it exists as input operator). In the future, we
* may want this method to return the symbols that will be set in this
* operator.
* @param SymbolTable used to find symbols for expressions.
* @return std::vector<Symbol> used for results.
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ BENCHMARK_DEFINE_F(ExpansionBenchFixture, Match)(benchmark::State &state) {
GraphDbAccessor dba(*db_);
while (state.KeepRunning()) {
ResultStreamFaker results;
interpeter_.Interpret(query, dba, results, {}, false);
interpeter_(query, dba, {}, false).PullAll(results);
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ BENCHMARK_DEFINE_F(ExpansionBenchFixture, Expand)(benchmark::State &state) {
GraphDbAccessor dba(*db_);
while (state.KeepRunning()) {
ResultStreamFaker results;
interpeter_.Interpret(query, dba, results, {}, false);
interpeter_(query, dba, {}, false).PullAll(results);
@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
GraphDb db;
GraphDbAccessor dba(db);
ResultStreamFaker results;
query::Interpreter interpeter;
interpeter.Interpret(argv[1], dba, results, {}, false);
query::Interpreter()(argv[1], dba, {}, false).PullAll(results);
std::cout << results;
return 0;
@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ def expected_result_step(context):
def check_exception(context):
if context.exception is not None:
||||"Exception when eqecuting query!")
||||"Exception when executing query!")
@ -1,38 +1,32 @@
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "communication/result_stream_faker.hpp"
#include "query/exceptions.hpp"
#include "query/interpreter.hpp"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
TEST(TransactionTimeout, TransactionTimeout) {
FLAGS_query_execution_time_sec = 3;
GraphDb db;
query::Interpreter interpreter;
auto interpret = [&](auto &dba, const std::string &query) {
ResultStreamFaker stream;
interpreter(query, dba, {}, false).PullAll(stream);
GraphDbAccessor dba(db);
interpreter.Interpret("MATCH (n) RETURN n", dba, stream, {}, false);
interpret(dba, "MATCH (n) RETURN n");
ResultStreamFaker stream;
GraphDbAccessor dba(db);
interpreter.Interpret("MATCH (n) RETURN n", dba, stream, {}, false),
ASSERT_THROW(interpret(dba, "MATCH (n) RETURN n"), query::HintedAbortError);
ResultStreamFaker stream;
GraphDbAccessor dba(db);
interpreter.Interpret("MATCH (n) RETURN n", dba, stream, {}, false);
interpret(dba, "MATCH (n) RETURN n");
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
@ -12,17 +12,26 @@
// TODO: This is not a unit test, but tests/integration dir is chaotic at the
// moment. After tests refactoring is done, move/rename this.
namespace {
class InterpreterTest : public ::testing::Test {
query::Interpreter interpreter_;
GraphDb db_;
ResultStreamFaker Interpret(
const std::string &query,
const std::map<std::string, query::TypedValue> params = {}) {
GraphDbAccessor dba(db_);
ResultStreamFaker result;
interpreter_(query, dba, params, false).PullAll(result);
return result;
// Run query with different ast twice to see if query executes correctly when
// ast is read from cache.
TEST(Interpreter, AstCache) {
query::Interpreter interpreter;
GraphDb db;
TEST_F(InterpreterTest, AstCache) {
ResultStreamFaker stream;
GraphDbAccessor dba(db);
interpreter.Interpret("RETURN 2 + 3", dba, stream, {}, false);
auto stream = Interpret("RETURN 2 + 3");
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 1U);
EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader()[0], "2 + 3");
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U);
@ -31,54 +40,42 @@ TEST(Interpreter, AstCache) {
// Cached ast, different literals.
ResultStreamFaker stream;
GraphDbAccessor dba(db);
interpreter.Interpret("RETURN 5 + 4", dba, stream, {}, false);
auto stream = Interpret("RETURN 5 + 4");
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U);
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U);
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].Value<int64_t>(), 9);
// Different ast (because of different types).
ResultStreamFaker stream;
GraphDbAccessor dba(db);
interpreter.Interpret("RETURN 5.5 + 4", dba, stream, {}, false);
auto stream = Interpret("RETURN 5.5 + 4");
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U);
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U);
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].Value<double>(), 9.5);
// Cached ast, same literals.
ResultStreamFaker stream;
GraphDbAccessor dba(db);
interpreter.Interpret("RETURN 2 + 3", dba, stream, {}, false);
auto stream = Interpret("RETURN 2 + 3");
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U);
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U);
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].Value<int64_t>(), 5);
// Cached ast, different literals.
ResultStreamFaker stream;
GraphDbAccessor dba(db);
interpreter.Interpret("RETURN 10.5 + 1", dba, stream, {}, false);
auto stream = Interpret("RETURN 10.5 + 1");
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U);
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U);
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].Value<double>(), 11.5);
// Cached ast, same literals, different whitespaces.
ResultStreamFaker stream;
GraphDbAccessor dba(db);
interpreter.Interpret("RETURN 10.5 + 1", dba, stream, {}, false);
auto stream = Interpret("RETURN 10.5 + 1");
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U);
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U);
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].Value<double>(), 11.5);
// Cached ast, same literals, different named header.
ResultStreamFaker stream;
GraphDbAccessor dba(db);
interpreter.Interpret("RETURN 10.5+1", dba, stream, {}, false);
auto stream = Interpret("RETURN 10.5+1");
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 1U);
EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader()[0], "10.5+1");
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U);
@ -88,14 +85,11 @@ TEST(Interpreter, AstCache) {
// Run query with same ast multiple times with different parameters.
TEST(Interpreter, Parameters) {
TEST_F(InterpreterTest, Parameters) {
query::Interpreter interpreter;
GraphDb db;
ResultStreamFaker stream;
GraphDbAccessor dba(db);
interpreter.Interpret("RETURN $2 + $`a b`", dba, stream,
{{"2", 10}, {"a b", 15}}, false);
auto stream = Interpret("RETURN $2 + $`a b`", {{"2", 10}, {"a b", 15}});
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 1U);
EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader()[0], "$2 + $`a b`");
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U);
@ -104,10 +98,8 @@ TEST(Interpreter, Parameters) {
// Not needed parameter.
ResultStreamFaker stream;
GraphDbAccessor dba(db);
interpreter.Interpret("RETURN $2 + $`a b`", dba, stream,
{{"2", 10}, {"a b", 15}, {"c", 10}}, false);
auto stream =
Interpret("RETURN $2 + $`a b`", {{"2", 10}, {"a b", 15}, {"c", 10}});
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 1U);
EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader()[0], "$2 + $`a b`");
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U);
@ -116,21 +108,15 @@ TEST(Interpreter, Parameters) {
// Cached ast, different parameters.
ResultStreamFaker stream;
GraphDbAccessor dba(db);
interpreter.Interpret("RETURN $2 + $`a b`", dba, stream,
{{"2", "da"}, {"a b", "ne"}}, false);
auto stream = Interpret("RETURN $2 + $`a b`", {{"2", "da"}, {"a b", "ne"}});
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U);
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U);
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0][0].Value<std::string>(), "dane");
// Non-primitive literal.
ResultStreamFaker stream;
GraphDbAccessor dba(db);
interpreter.Interpret("RETURN $2", dba, stream,
{{"2", std::vector<query::TypedValue>{5, 2, 3}}},
auto stream = Interpret("RETURN $2",
{{"2", std::vector<query::TypedValue>{5, 2, 3}}});
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 1U);
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetResults()[0].size(), 1U);
auto result = query::test_common::ToList<int64_t>(
@ -139,16 +125,13 @@ TEST(Interpreter, Parameters) {
// Cached ast, unprovided parameter.
ResultStreamFaker stream;
GraphDbAccessor dba(db);
ASSERT_THROW(interpreter.Interpret("RETURN $2 + $`a b`", dba, stream,
{{"2", "da"}, {"ab", "ne"}}, false),
ASSERT_THROW(Interpret("RETURN $2 + $`a b`", {{"2", "da"}, {"ab", "ne"}}),
// Test bfs end to end.
TEST(Interpreter, Bfs) {
TEST_F(InterpreterTest, Bfs) {
const auto kNumLevels = 10;
const auto kNumNodesPerLevel = 100;
@ -158,15 +141,12 @@ TEST(Interpreter, Bfs) {
const auto kReachable = "reachable";
const auto kId = "id";
query::Interpreter interpreter;
GraphDb db;
ResultStreamFaker stream;
std::vector<std::vector<VertexAccessor>> levels(kNumLevels);
int id = 0;
// Set up.
GraphDbAccessor dba(db);
GraphDbAccessor dba(db_);
auto add_node = [&](int level, bool reachable) {
auto node = dba.InsertVertex();
node.PropsSet(dba.Property(kId), id++);
@ -219,12 +199,13 @@ TEST(Interpreter, Bfs) {
GraphDbAccessor dba(db);
"MATCH (n {id: 0})-[r *bfs..5 (e, n | n.reachable and e.reachable)]->(m) "
dba, stream, {}, false);
GraphDbAccessor dba(db_);
ResultStreamFaker stream;
"MATCH (n {id: 0})-[r *bfs..5 (e, n | n.reachable and "
"e.reachable)]->(m) RETURN r",
dba, {}, false)
ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 1U);
EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader()[0], "r");
@ -241,7 +222,9 @@ TEST(Interpreter, Bfs) {
// shorter to longer ones.
EXPECT_EQ(edges.size(), expected_level);
// Check that starting node is correct.
EXPECT_EQ(edges[0].from().PropsAt(dba.Property(kId)).Value<int64_t>(), 0);
edges[0].from().PropsAt(dba.Property(kId)).template Value<int64_t>(),
for (int i = 1; i < static_cast<int>(edges.size()); ++i) {
// Check that edges form a connected path.
EXPECT_EQ(edges[i - 1].to(), edges[i].from());
@ -260,21 +243,10 @@ TEST(Interpreter, Bfs) {
TEST(Interpreter, CreateIndexInMulticommandTransaction) {
query::Interpreter interpreter;
GraphDb db;
ResultStreamFaker stream;
GraphDbAccessor dba(db);
interpreter.Interpret("CREATE INDEX ON :X(y)", dba, stream, {}, true),
} // namespace
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
TEST_F(InterpreterTest, CreateIndexInMulticommandTransaction) {
ResultStreamFaker stream;
GraphDbAccessor dba(db_);
interpreter_("CREATE INDEX ON :X(y)", dba, {}, true).PullAll(stream),
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
#include "communication/result_stream_faker.hpp"
#include "query/interpreter.hpp"
class QueryExecution : public testing::Test {
std::experimental::optional<GraphDb> db_;
@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ class QueryExecution : public testing::Test {
* Does NOT commit the transaction */
auto Execute(const std::string &query) {
ResultStreamFaker results;
query::Interpreter().Interpret(query, *dba_, results, {}, false);
query::Interpreter()(query, *dba_, {}, false).PullAll(results);
return results.GetResults();
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