diff --git a/tests/benchmark/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/benchmark/CMakeLists.txt
index 306cf9661..954809ffc 100644
--- a/tests/benchmark/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/benchmark/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -82,3 +82,9 @@ target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}data_structures_remove mg-utils mg-storage-v
 target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}storage_v3_split mg-storage-v3 mg-query-v2)
+target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}storage_v3_split_1 mg-storage-v3 mg-query-v2)
+target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}storage_v3_split_2 mg-storage-v3 mg-query-v2)
diff --git a/tests/benchmark/storage_v3_split.cpp b/tests/benchmark/storage_v3_split.cpp
index 29ecbd669..82204e1b3 100644
--- a/tests/benchmark/storage_v3_split.cpp
+++ b/tests/benchmark/storage_v3_split.cpp
@@ -212,6 +212,28 @@ BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(ShardSplitBenchmark, BigDataSplitWithFewTransactionsOnVerti
+BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(ShardSplitBenchmark, BigDataSplitWithFewTransactionsOnVertices)
+    ->Args({100'000, 100'000, 100})
+    ->Args({200'000, 100'000, 100})
+    ->Args({300'000, 100'000, 100})
+    ->Args({400'000, 100'000, 100})
+    ->Args({500'000, 100'000, 100})
+    ->Args({600'000, 100'000, 100})
+    ->Args({700'000, 100'000, 100})
+    ->Args({800'000, 100'000, 100})
+    ->Args({900'000, 100'000, 100})
+    ->Args({1'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+    ->Args({2'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+    ->Args({3'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+    ->Args({4'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+    ->Args({6'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+    ->Args({7'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+    ->Args({8'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+    ->Args({9'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+    ->Args({10'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+    ->Unit(::benchmark::kMillisecond)
+    ->Name("IncreaseVertices");
 BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(ShardSplitBenchmark, BigDataSplitWithFewTransactionsOnVertices)
     ->Args({100'000, 100'000, 100})
     ->Args({100'000, 200'000, 100})
diff --git a/tests/benchmark/storage_v3_split_1.cpp b/tests/benchmark/storage_v3_split_1.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9fdcd1abb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/benchmark/storage_v3_split_1.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+// Copyright 2023 Memgraph Ltd.
+// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
+// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
+// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
+// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
+// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
+// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
+// licenses/APL.txt.
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <optional>
+#include <vector>
+#include <benchmark/benchmark.h>
+#include <gflags/gflags.h>
+#include "storage/v3/id_types.hpp"
+#include "storage/v3/key_store.hpp"
+#include "storage/v3/property_value.hpp"
+#include "storage/v3/shard.hpp"
+#include "storage/v3/vertex.hpp"
+#include "storage/v3/vertex_id.hpp"
+namespace memgraph::benchmark {
+class ShardSplitBenchmark : public ::benchmark::Fixture {
+ protected:
+  using PrimaryKey = storage::v3::PrimaryKey;
+  using PropertyId = storage::v3::PropertyId;
+  using PropertyValue = storage::v3::PropertyValue;
+  using LabelId = storage::v3::LabelId;
+  using EdgeTypeId = storage::v3::EdgeTypeId;
+  using Shard = storage::v3::Shard;
+  using VertexId = storage::v3::VertexId;
+  using Gid = storage::v3::Gid;
+  void SetUp(const ::benchmark::State &state) override {
+    storage.emplace(primary_label, min_pk, std::nullopt, schema_property_vector);
+    storage->StoreMapping(
+        {{1, "label"}, {2, "property"}, {3, "edge_property"}, {4, "secondary_label"}, {5, "secondary_prop"}});
+  }
+  void TearDown(const ::benchmark::State &) override { storage = std::nullopt; }
+  const PropertyId primary_property{PropertyId::FromUint(2)};
+  const PropertyId secondary_property{PropertyId::FromUint(5)};
+  std::vector<storage::v3::SchemaProperty> schema_property_vector = {
+      storage::v3::SchemaProperty{primary_property, common::SchemaType::INT}};
+  const std::vector<PropertyValue> min_pk{PropertyValue{0}};
+  const LabelId primary_label{LabelId::FromUint(1)};
+  const LabelId secondary_label{LabelId::FromUint(4)};
+  const EdgeTypeId edge_type_id{EdgeTypeId::FromUint(3)};
+  std::optional<Shard> storage;
+  coordinator::Hlc last_hlc{0, io::Time{}};
+  coordinator::Hlc GetNextHlc() {
+    ++last_hlc.logical_id;
+    last_hlc.coordinator_wall_clock += std::chrono::seconds(1);
+    return last_hlc;
+  }
+BENCHMARK_DEFINE_F(ShardSplitBenchmark, BigDataSplit)(::benchmark::State &state) {
+  const auto number_of_vertices{state.range(0)};
+  std::random_device r;
+  std::default_random_engine e1(r());
+  std::uniform_int_distribution<int> uniform_dist(0, number_of_vertices);
+  for (int64_t i{0}; i < number_of_vertices; ++i) {
+    auto acc = storage->Access(GetNextHlc());
+    MG_ASSERT(acc.CreateVertexAndValidate({secondary_label}, PrimaryKey{PropertyValue(i)},
+                                          {{secondary_property, PropertyValue(i)}})
+                  .HasValue(),
+              "Failed creating with pk {}", i);
+    if (i > 1) {
+      const auto vtx1 = uniform_dist(e1) % i;
+      const auto vtx2 = uniform_dist(e1) % i;
+      MG_ASSERT(acc.CreateEdge(VertexId{primary_label, {PropertyValue(vtx1)}},
+                               VertexId{primary_label, {PropertyValue(vtx2)}}, edge_type_id, Gid::FromUint(i))
+                    .HasValue(),
+                "Failed on {} and {}", vtx1, vtx2);
+    }
+    acc.Commit(GetNextHlc());
+  }
+  for (auto _ : state) {
+    auto data = storage->PerformSplit(PrimaryKey{PropertyValue{number_of_vertices / 2}}, 2);
+  }
+BENCHMARK_DEFINE_F(ShardSplitBenchmark, BigDataSplitWithGc)(::benchmark::State &state) {
+  const auto number_of_vertices{state.range(0)};
+  std::random_device r;
+  std::default_random_engine e1(r());
+  std::uniform_int_distribution<int> uniform_dist(0, number_of_vertices);
+  for (int64_t i{0}; i < number_of_vertices; ++i) {
+    auto acc = storage->Access(GetNextHlc());
+    MG_ASSERT(acc.CreateVertexAndValidate({secondary_label}, PrimaryKey{PropertyValue(i)},
+                                          {{secondary_property, PropertyValue(i)}})
+                  .HasValue(),
+              "Failed creating with pk {}", i);
+    if (i > 1) {
+      const auto vtx1 = uniform_dist(e1) % i;
+      const auto vtx2 = uniform_dist(e1) % i;
+      MG_ASSERT(acc.CreateEdge(VertexId{primary_label, {PropertyValue(vtx1)}},
+                               VertexId{primary_label, {PropertyValue(vtx2)}}, edge_type_id, Gid::FromUint(i))
+                    .HasValue(),
+                "Failed on {} and {}", vtx1, vtx2);
+    }
+    acc.Commit(GetNextHlc());
+  }
+  storage->CollectGarbage(GetNextHlc().coordinator_wall_clock);
+  for (auto _ : state) {
+    auto data = storage->PerformSplit(PrimaryKey{PropertyValue{number_of_vertices / 2}}, 2);
+  }
+BENCHMARK_DEFINE_F(ShardSplitBenchmark, BigDataSplitWithFewTransactionsOnVertices)(::benchmark::State &state) {
+  const auto number_of_vertices = state.range(0);
+  const auto number_of_edges = state.range(1);
+  const auto number_of_transactions = state.range(2);
+  std::random_device r;
+  std::default_random_engine e1(r());
+  std::uniform_int_distribution<int> uniform_dist(0, number_of_vertices - number_of_transactions - 1);
+  // Create Vertices
+  int64_t vertex_count{0};
+  {
+    auto acc = storage->Access(GetNextHlc());
+    for (; vertex_count < number_of_vertices - number_of_transactions; ++vertex_count) {
+      MG_ASSERT(acc.CreateVertexAndValidate({secondary_label}, PrimaryKey{PropertyValue(vertex_count)},
+                                            {{secondary_property, PropertyValue(vertex_count)}})
+                    .HasValue(),
+                "Failed creating with pk {}", vertex_count);
+    }
+    // Create Edges
+    for (int64_t i{0}; i < number_of_edges; ++i) {
+      const auto vtx1 = uniform_dist(e1);
+      const auto vtx2 = uniform_dist(e1);
+      MG_ASSERT(acc.CreateEdge(VertexId{primary_label, {PropertyValue(vtx1)}},
+                               VertexId{primary_label, {PropertyValue(vtx2)}}, edge_type_id, Gid::FromUint(i))
+                    .HasValue(),
+                "Failed on {} and {}", vtx1, vtx2);
+    }
+    acc.Commit(GetNextHlc());
+  }
+  // Clean up transactional data
+  storage->CollectGarbage(GetNextHlc().coordinator_wall_clock);
+  // Create rest of the objects and leave transactions
+  for (; vertex_count < number_of_vertices; ++vertex_count) {
+    auto acc = storage->Access(GetNextHlc());
+    MG_ASSERT(acc.CreateVertexAndValidate({secondary_label}, PrimaryKey{PropertyValue(vertex_count)},
+                                          {{secondary_property, PropertyValue(vertex_count)}})
+                  .HasValue(),
+              "Failed creating with pk {}", vertex_count);
+    acc.Commit(GetNextHlc());
+  }
+  for (auto _ : state) {
+    // Don't create shard since shard deallocation can take some time as well
+    auto data = storage->PerformSplit(PrimaryKey{PropertyValue{number_of_vertices / 2}}, 2);
+  }
+// Range:
+// Number of vertices
+// This run is pessimistic, number of vertices corresponds with number if transactions
+// BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(ShardSplitBenchmark, BigDataSplit)
+//     ->RangeMultiplier(10)
+//     ->Range(100'000, 100'000)
+//     ->Unit(::benchmark::kMillisecond);
+// Range:
+// Number of vertices
+// This run is optimistic, in this run there are no transactions
+// BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(ShardSplitBenchmark, BigDataSplitWithGc)
+//     ->RangeMultiplier(10)
+//     ->Range(100'000, 1'000'000)
+//     ->Unit(::benchmark::kMillisecond);
+// Args:
+// Number of vertices
+// Number of edges
+// Number of transaction
+BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(ShardSplitBenchmark, BigDataSplitWithFewTransactionsOnVertices)
+    // ->Args({100'000, 100'000, 100})
+    // ->Args({200'000, 100'000, 100})
+    // ->Args({300'000, 100'000, 100})
+    // ->Args({400'000, 100'000, 100})
+    // ->Args({500'000, 100'000, 100})
+    // ->Args({600'000, 100'000, 100})
+    ->Args({700'000, 100'000, 100})
+    // ->Args({800'000, 100'000, 100})
+    // ->Args({900'000, 100'000, 100})
+    // ->Args({1'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+    // ->Args({2'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+    // ->Args({3'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+    // ->Args({4'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+    // ->Args({6'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+    // ->Args({7'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+    // ->Args({8'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+    // ->Args({9'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+    // ->Args({10'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+    ->Unit(::benchmark::kMillisecond)
+    ->Name("IncreaseVertices");
+// BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(ShardSplitBenchmark, BigDataSplitWithFewTransactionsOnVertices)
+// ->Args({100'000, 100'000, 100})
+// ->Args({200'000, 100'000, 100})
+// ->Args({300'000, 100'000, 100})
+// ->Args({400'000, 100'000, 100})
+// ->Args({500'000, 100'000, 100})
+// ->Args({600'000, 100'000, 100})
+// ->Args({700'000, 100'000, 100})
+// ->Args({800'000, 100'000, 100})
+// ->Args({900'000, 100'000, 100})
+// ->Args({1'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+// ->Args({2'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+// ->Args({3'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+// ->Args({4'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+// ->Args({6'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+// ->Args({7'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+// ->Args({8'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+// ->Args({9'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+// ->Args({10'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+// ->Unit(::benchmark::kMillisecond)
+// ->Name("IncreaseVertices");
+// BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(ShardSplitBenchmark, BigDataSplitWithFewTransactionsOnVertices)
+//     ->Args({100'000, 100'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 200'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 300'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 400'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 500'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 600'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 700'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 800'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 900'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 1'000'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 2'000'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 3'000'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 4'000'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 5'000'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 6'000'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 7'000'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 8'000'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 9'000'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 10'000'000, 100})
+//     ->Unit(::benchmark::kMillisecond)
+//     ->Name("IncreaseEdges");
+// BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(ShardSplitBenchmark, BigDataSplitWithFewTransactionsOnVertices)
+//     ->Args({100'000, 100'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 100'000, 1'000})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 100'000, 10'000})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 100'000, 100'000})
+//     ->Unit(::benchmark::kMillisecond)
+//     ->Name("IncreaseTransactions");
+}  // namespace memgraph::benchmark
diff --git a/tests/benchmark/storage_v3_split_2.cpp b/tests/benchmark/storage_v3_split_2.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..34b588607
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/benchmark/storage_v3_split_2.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+// Copyright 2023 Memgraph Ltd.
+// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
+// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
+// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
+// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
+// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
+// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
+// licenses/APL.txt.
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <optional>
+#include <vector>
+#include <benchmark/benchmark.h>
+#include <gflags/gflags.h>
+#include "storage/v3/id_types.hpp"
+#include "storage/v3/key_store.hpp"
+#include "storage/v3/property_value.hpp"
+#include "storage/v3/shard.hpp"
+#include "storage/v3/vertex.hpp"
+#include "storage/v3/vertex_id.hpp"
+namespace memgraph::benchmark {
+class ShardSplitBenchmark : public ::benchmark::Fixture {
+ protected:
+  using PrimaryKey = storage::v3::PrimaryKey;
+  using PropertyId = storage::v3::PropertyId;
+  using PropertyValue = storage::v3::PropertyValue;
+  using LabelId = storage::v3::LabelId;
+  using EdgeTypeId = storage::v3::EdgeTypeId;
+  using Shard = storage::v3::Shard;
+  using VertexId = storage::v3::VertexId;
+  using Gid = storage::v3::Gid;
+  void SetUp(const ::benchmark::State &state) override {
+    storage.emplace(primary_label, min_pk, std::nullopt, schema_property_vector);
+    storage->StoreMapping(
+        {{1, "label"}, {2, "property"}, {3, "edge_property"}, {4, "secondary_label"}, {5, "secondary_prop"}});
+  }
+  void TearDown(const ::benchmark::State &) override { storage = std::nullopt; }
+  const PropertyId primary_property{PropertyId::FromUint(2)};
+  const PropertyId secondary_property{PropertyId::FromUint(5)};
+  std::vector<storage::v3::SchemaProperty> schema_property_vector = {
+      storage::v3::SchemaProperty{primary_property, common::SchemaType::INT}};
+  const std::vector<PropertyValue> min_pk{PropertyValue{0}};
+  const LabelId primary_label{LabelId::FromUint(1)};
+  const LabelId secondary_label{LabelId::FromUint(4)};
+  const EdgeTypeId edge_type_id{EdgeTypeId::FromUint(3)};
+  std::optional<Shard> storage;
+  coordinator::Hlc last_hlc{0, io::Time{}};
+  coordinator::Hlc GetNextHlc() {
+    ++last_hlc.logical_id;
+    last_hlc.coordinator_wall_clock += std::chrono::seconds(1);
+    return last_hlc;
+  }
+BENCHMARK_DEFINE_F(ShardSplitBenchmark, BigDataSplit)(::benchmark::State &state) {
+  const auto number_of_vertices{state.range(0)};
+  std::random_device r;
+  std::default_random_engine e1(r());
+  std::uniform_int_distribution<int> uniform_dist(0, number_of_vertices);
+  for (int64_t i{0}; i < number_of_vertices; ++i) {
+    auto acc = storage->Access(GetNextHlc());
+    MG_ASSERT(acc.CreateVertexAndValidate({secondary_label}, PrimaryKey{PropertyValue(i)},
+                                          {{secondary_property, PropertyValue(i)}})
+                  .HasValue(),
+              "Failed creating with pk {}", i);
+    if (i > 1) {
+      const auto vtx1 = uniform_dist(e1) % i;
+      const auto vtx2 = uniform_dist(e1) % i;
+      MG_ASSERT(acc.CreateEdge(VertexId{primary_label, {PropertyValue(vtx1)}},
+                               VertexId{primary_label, {PropertyValue(vtx2)}}, edge_type_id, Gid::FromUint(i))
+                    .HasValue(),
+                "Failed on {} and {}", vtx1, vtx2);
+    }
+    acc.Commit(GetNextHlc());
+  }
+  for (auto _ : state) {
+    auto data = storage->PerformSplit(PrimaryKey{PropertyValue{number_of_vertices / 2}}, 2);
+  }
+BENCHMARK_DEFINE_F(ShardSplitBenchmark, BigDataSplitWithGc)(::benchmark::State &state) {
+  const auto number_of_vertices{state.range(0)};
+  std::random_device r;
+  std::default_random_engine e1(r());
+  std::uniform_int_distribution<int> uniform_dist(0, number_of_vertices);
+  for (int64_t i{0}; i < number_of_vertices; ++i) {
+    auto acc = storage->Access(GetNextHlc());
+    MG_ASSERT(acc.CreateVertexAndValidate({secondary_label}, PrimaryKey{PropertyValue(i)},
+                                          {{secondary_property, PropertyValue(i)}})
+                  .HasValue(),
+              "Failed creating with pk {}", i);
+    if (i > 1) {
+      const auto vtx1 = uniform_dist(e1) % i;
+      const auto vtx2 = uniform_dist(e1) % i;
+      MG_ASSERT(acc.CreateEdge(VertexId{primary_label, {PropertyValue(vtx1)}},
+                               VertexId{primary_label, {PropertyValue(vtx2)}}, edge_type_id, Gid::FromUint(i))
+                    .HasValue(),
+                "Failed on {} and {}", vtx1, vtx2);
+    }
+    acc.Commit(GetNextHlc());
+  }
+  storage->CollectGarbage(GetNextHlc().coordinator_wall_clock);
+  for (auto _ : state) {
+    auto data = storage->PerformSplit(PrimaryKey{PropertyValue{number_of_vertices / 2}}, 2);
+  }
+BENCHMARK_DEFINE_F(ShardSplitBenchmark, BigDataSplitWithFewTransactionsOnVertices)(::benchmark::State &state) {
+  const auto number_of_vertices = state.range(0);
+  const auto number_of_edges = state.range(1);
+  const auto number_of_transactions = state.range(2);
+  std::random_device r;
+  std::default_random_engine e1(r());
+  std::uniform_int_distribution<int> uniform_dist(0, number_of_vertices - number_of_transactions - 1);
+  // Create Vertices
+  int64_t vertex_count{0};
+  {
+    auto acc = storage->Access(GetNextHlc());
+    for (; vertex_count < number_of_vertices - number_of_transactions; ++vertex_count) {
+      MG_ASSERT(acc.CreateVertexAndValidate({secondary_label}, PrimaryKey{PropertyValue(vertex_count)},
+                                            {{secondary_property, PropertyValue(vertex_count)}})
+                    .HasValue(),
+                "Failed creating with pk {}", vertex_count);
+    }
+    // Create Edges
+    for (int64_t i{0}; i < number_of_edges; ++i) {
+      const auto vtx1 = uniform_dist(e1);
+      const auto vtx2 = uniform_dist(e1);
+      MG_ASSERT(acc.CreateEdge(VertexId{primary_label, {PropertyValue(vtx1)}},
+                               VertexId{primary_label, {PropertyValue(vtx2)}}, edge_type_id, Gid::FromUint(i))
+                    .HasValue(),
+                "Failed on {} and {}", vtx1, vtx2);
+    }
+    acc.Commit(GetNextHlc());
+  }
+  // Clean up transactional data
+  storage->CollectGarbage(GetNextHlc().coordinator_wall_clock);
+  // Create rest of the objects and leave transactions
+  for (; vertex_count < number_of_vertices; ++vertex_count) {
+    auto acc = storage->Access(GetNextHlc());
+    MG_ASSERT(acc.CreateVertexAndValidate({secondary_label}, PrimaryKey{PropertyValue(vertex_count)},
+                                          {{secondary_property, PropertyValue(vertex_count)}})
+                  .HasValue(),
+              "Failed creating with pk {}", vertex_count);
+    acc.Commit(GetNextHlc());
+  }
+  for (auto _ : state) {
+    // Don't create shard since shard deallocation can take some time as well
+    auto data = storage->PerformSplit(PrimaryKey{PropertyValue{number_of_vertices / 2}}, 2);
+  }
+// Range:
+// Number of vertices
+// This run is pessimistic, number of vertices corresponds with number if transactions
+// BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(ShardSplitBenchmark, BigDataSplit)
+//     ->RangeMultiplier(10)
+//     ->Range(100'000, 100'000)
+//     ->Unit(::benchmark::kMillisecond);
+// Range:
+// Number of vertices
+// This run is optimistic, in this run there are no transactions
+// BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(ShardSplitBenchmark, BigDataSplitWithGc)
+//     ->RangeMultiplier(10)
+//     ->Range(100'000, 1'000'000)
+//     ->Unit(::benchmark::kMillisecond);
+// Args:
+// Number of vertices
+// Number of edges
+// Number of transaction
+BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(ShardSplitBenchmark, BigDataSplitWithFewTransactionsOnVertices)
+    // ->Args({100'000, 100'000, 100})
+    // ->Args({200'000, 100'000, 100})
+    // ->Args({300'000, 100'000, 100})
+    // ->Args({400'000, 100'000, 100})
+    // ->Args({500'000, 100'000, 100})
+    // ->Args({600'000, 100'000, 100})
+    // ->Args({700'000, 100'000, 100})
+    ->Args({800'000, 100'000, 100})
+    // ->Args({900'000, 100'000, 100})
+    // ->Args({1'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+    // ->Args({2'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+    // ->Args({3'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+    // ->Args({4'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+    // ->Args({6'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+    // ->Args({7'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+    // ->Args({8'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+    // ->Args({9'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+    // ->Args({10'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+    ->Unit(::benchmark::kMillisecond)
+    ->Name("IncreaseVertices");
+// BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(ShardSplitBenchmark, BigDataSplitWithFewTransactionsOnVertices)
+//     ->Args({100'000, 100'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({200'000, 100'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({300'000, 100'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({400'000, 100'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({500'000, 100'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({600'000, 100'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({700'000, 100'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({800'000, 100'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({900'000, 100'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({1'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({2'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({3'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({4'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({6'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({7'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({8'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({9'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({10'000'000, 100'000, 100})
+//     ->Unit(::benchmark::kMillisecond)
+//     ->Name("IncreaseVertices");
+// BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(ShardSplitBenchmark, BigDataSplitWithFewTransactionsOnVertices)
+//     ->Args({100'000, 100'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 200'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 300'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 400'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 500'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 600'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 700'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 800'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 900'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 1'000'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 2'000'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 3'000'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 4'000'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 5'000'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 6'000'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 7'000'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 8'000'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 9'000'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 10'000'000, 100})
+//     ->Unit(::benchmark::kMillisecond)
+//     ->Name("IncreaseEdges");
+// BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(ShardSplitBenchmark, BigDataSplitWithFewTransactionsOnVertices)
+//     ->Args({100'000, 100'000, 100})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 100'000, 1'000})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 100'000, 10'000})
+//     ->Args({100'000, 100'000, 100'000})
+//     ->Unit(::benchmark::kMillisecond)
+//     ->Name("IncreaseTransactions");
+}  // namespace memgraph::benchmark