From 905b3ee2dfe9df8727c98953d0737bf7c35f6470 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Lovro Lugovic <>
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2019 14:05:47 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Don't unconditionally start a transaction on Prepare

Reviewers: teon.banek, mferencevic

Reviewed By: teon.banek, mferencevic

Subscribers: pullbot

Differential Revision:
 src/query/exceptions.hpp   |  11 +-
 src/query/interpreter.cpp  | 838 ++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 src/query/interpreter.hpp  |  36 +-
 tests/unit/interpreter.cpp |   6 +-
 4 files changed, 447 insertions(+), 444 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/query/exceptions.hpp b/src/query/exceptions.hpp
index 4511137af..7f64e36e4 100644
--- a/src/query/exceptions.hpp
+++ b/src/query/exceptions.hpp
@@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ class TypeMismatchError : public SemanticException {
   TypeMismatchError(const std::string &name, const std::string &datum,
                     const std::string &expected)
-      : SemanticException(fmt::format(
-            "Type mismatch: {} already defined as {}, expected {}.",
-            name, datum, expected)) {}
+      : SemanticException(
+            fmt::format("Type mismatch: {} already defined as {}, expected {}.",
+                        name, datum, expected)) {}
 class UnprovidedParameterError : public QueryException {
@@ -106,6 +106,11 @@ class HintedAbortError : public utils::BasicException {
             "--query-execution-time-sec flag.") {}
+class ExplicitTransactionUsageException : public QueryRuntimeException {
+ public:
+  using QueryRuntimeException::QueryRuntimeException;
 class ReconstructionException : public QueryException {
diff --git a/src/query/interpreter.cpp b/src/query/interpreter.cpp
index 2c5984daa..72b868f07 100644
--- a/src/query/interpreter.cpp
+++ b/src/query/interpreter.cpp
@@ -35,40 +35,6 @@ DEFINE_VALIDATED_int32(query_plan_cache_ttl, 60,
 namespace query {
-namespace {
-class DumpClosure final {
- public:
-  explicit DumpClosure(DbAccessor *dba) : dump_generator_(dba) {}
-  // Please note that this copy constructor actually moves the other object. We
-  // want this because lambdas are not movable, i.e. its move constructor
-  // actually copies the lambda.
-  DumpClosure(const DumpClosure &other)
-      : dump_generator_(std::move(other.dump_generator_)) {}
-  DumpClosure(DumpClosure &&other) = default;
-  DumpClosure &operator=(const DumpClosure &other) = delete;
-  DumpClosure &operator=(DumpClosure &&other) = delete;
-  ~DumpClosure() {}
-  std::optional<std::vector<TypedValue>> operator()(Frame *frame,
-                                                    ExecutionContext *context) {
-    std::ostringstream oss;
-    if (dump_generator_.NextQuery(&oss)) {
-      return std::make_optional(std::vector<TypedValue>{TypedValue(oss.str())});
-    }
-    return std::nullopt;
-  }
- private:
-  mutable database::CypherDumpGenerator dump_generator_;
-}  // namespace
  * A container for data related to the parsing of a query.
@@ -494,261 +460,6 @@ Callback HandleAuthQuery(AuthQuery *auth_query, auth::Auth *auth,
-Callback HandleIndexQuery(IndexQuery *index_query,
-                          std::function<void()> invalidate_plan_cache,
-                          DbAccessor *db_accessor) {
-  auto label = db_accessor->NameToLabel(index_query->;
-  std::vector<storage::Property> properties;
-  properties.reserve(index_query->properties_.size());
-  for (const auto &prop : index_query->properties_) {
-    properties.push_back(db_accessor->NameToProperty(;
-  }
-  if (properties.size() > 1) {
-    throw utils::NotYetImplemented("index on multiple properties");
-  }
-  Callback callback;
-  switch (index_query->action_) {
-    case IndexQuery::Action::CREATE:
-      callback.fn = [label, properties, db_accessor, invalidate_plan_cache] {
-        CHECK(properties.size() == 1);
-        db_accessor->CreateIndex(label, properties[0]);
-        invalidate_plan_cache();
-        try {
-          CHECK(properties.size() == 1);
-          db_accessor->CreateIndex(label, properties[0]);
-          invalidate_plan_cache();
-        } catch (const database::ConstraintViolationException &e) {
-          throw QueryRuntimeException(e.what());
-        } catch (const database::IndexExistsException &e) {
-          // Ignore creating an existing index.
-        } catch (const database::TransactionException &e) {
-          throw QueryRuntimeException(e.what());
-        }
-        return std::vector<std::vector<TypedValue>>();
-      };
-      return callback;
-    case IndexQuery::Action::DROP:
-      callback.fn = [label, properties, db_accessor, invalidate_plan_cache] {
-        CHECK(properties.size() == 1);
-        db_accessor->DropIndex(label, properties[0]);
-        invalidate_plan_cache();
-        try {
-          CHECK(properties.size() == 1);
-          db_accessor->DropIndex(label, properties[0]);
-          invalidate_plan_cache();
-        } catch (const database::TransactionException &e) {
-          throw QueryRuntimeException(e.what());
-        }
-        return std::vector<std::vector<TypedValue>>();
-      };
-      return callback;
-  }
-Callback HandleInfoQuery(InfoQuery *info_query, DbAccessor *db_accessor) {
-  Callback callback;
-  switch (info_query->info_type_) {
-    case InfoQuery::InfoType::STORAGE:
-#if defined(MG_SINGLE_NODE)
-      callback.header = {"storage info", "value"};
-      callback.fn = [db_accessor] {
-        auto info = db_accessor->StorageInfo();
-        std::vector<std::vector<TypedValue>> results;
-        results.reserve(info.size());
-        for (const auto &pair : info) {
-          results.push_back({TypedValue(pair.first), TypedValue(pair.second)});
-        }
-        return results;
-      };
-#elif defined(MG_SINGLE_NODE_HA)
-      callback.header = {"server id", "storage info", "value"};
-      callback.fn = [db_accessor] {
-        auto info = db_accessor->StorageInfo();
-        std::vector<std::vector<TypedValue>> results;
-        results.reserve(info.size());
-        for (const auto &peer_info : info) {
-          for (const auto &pair : peer_info.second) {
-            results.push_back({TypedValue(peer_info.first),
-                               TypedValue(pair.first),
-                               TypedValue(pair.second)});
-          }
-        }
-        return results;
-      };
-      throw utils::NotYetImplemented("storage info");
-      break;
-    case InfoQuery::InfoType::INDEX:
-      throw utils::NotYetImplemented("IndexInfo");
-      callback.header = {"created index"};
-      callback.fn = [db_accessor] {
-        auto info = db_accessor->IndexInfo();
-        std::vector<std::vector<TypedValue>> results;
-        results.reserve(info.size());
-        for (const auto &index : info) {
-          results.push_back({TypedValue(index)});
-        }
-        return results;
-      };
-      break;
-    case InfoQuery::InfoType::CONSTRAINT:
-      throw utils::NotYetImplemented("ConstraintInfo");
-      callback.header = {"constraint type", "label", "properties"};
-      callback.fn = [db_accessor] {
-        std::vector<std::vector<TypedValue>> results;
-        for (auto &e : db_accessor->ListUniqueConstraints()) {
-          std::vector<std::string> property_names(;
-          std::transform(,,
-                         property_names.begin(), [&db_accessor](const auto &p) {
-                           return db_accessor->PropertyToName(p);
-                         });
-          std::vector<TypedValue> constraint{
-              TypedValue("unique"),
-              TypedValue(db_accessor->LabelToName(e.label)),
-              TypedValue(utils::Join(property_names, ","))};
-          results.emplace_back(constraint);
-        }
-        return results;
-      };
-      break;
-    case InfoQuery::InfoType::RAFT:
-#if defined(MG_SINGLE_NODE_HA)
-      callback.header = {"info", "value"};
-      callback.fn = [db_accessor] {
-        std::vector<std::vector<TypedValue>> results(
-            {{TypedValue("is_leader"),
-              TypedValue(db_accessor->raft()->IsLeader())},
-             {TypedValue("term_id"), TypedValue(static_cast<int64_t>(
-                                         db_accessor->raft()->TermId()))}});
-        return results;
-      };
-      // It is critical to abort this query because it can be executed on
-      // machines that aren't the leader.
-      callback.should_abort_query = true;
-      throw utils::NotYetImplemented("raft info");
-      break;
-  }
-  return callback;
-Callback HandleConstraintQuery(ConstraintQuery *constraint_query,
-                               DbAccessor *db_accessor) {
-  std::vector<storage::Property> properties;
-  auto label =
-      db_accessor->NameToLabel(constraint_query->;
-  properties.reserve(constraint_query->;
-  for (const auto &prop : constraint_query-> {
-    properties.push_back(db_accessor->NameToProperty(;
-  }
-  Callback callback;
-  switch (constraint_query->action_type_) {
-    case ConstraintQuery::ActionType::CREATE: {
-      switch (constraint_query->constraint_.type) {
-        case Constraint::Type::NODE_KEY:
-          throw utils::NotYetImplemented("Node key constraints");
-        case Constraint::Type::EXISTS:
-          if (properties.empty() || properties.size() > 1) {
-            throw SyntaxException(
-                "Exactly one property must be used for existence constraints.");
-          }
-          callback.fn = [label, properties, db_accessor] {
-            auto res =
-                db_accessor->CreateExistenceConstraint(label, properties[0]);
-            if (res.HasError()) {
-              auto violation = res.GetError();
-              auto label_name = db_accessor->LabelToName(violation.label);
-              auto property_name =
-                  db_accessor->PropertyToName(;
-              throw QueryRuntimeException(
-                  "Unable to create a constraint :{}({}), because an existing "
-                  "node violates it.",
-                  label_name, property_name);
-            }
-            return std::vector<std::vector<TypedValue>>();
-          };
-          break;
-          throw utils::NotYetImplemented("Existence constraints");
-        case Constraint::Type::UNIQUE:
-          throw utils::NotYetImplemented("Unique constraints");
-          callback.fn = [label, properties, db_accessor] {
-            try {
-              db_accessor->BuildUniqueConstraint(label, properties);
-              return std::vector<std::vector<TypedValue>>();
-            } catch (const database::ConstraintViolationException &e) {
-              throw QueryRuntimeException(e.what());
-            } catch (const database::TransactionException &e) {
-              throw QueryRuntimeException(e.what());
-            } catch (const mvcc::SerializationError &e) {
-              throw QueryRuntimeException(e.what());
-            }
-          };
-          break;
-      }
-    } break;
-    case ConstraintQuery::ActionType::DROP: {
-      switch (constraint_query->constraint_.type) {
-        case Constraint::Type::NODE_KEY:
-          throw utils::NotYetImplemented("Node key constraints");
-        case Constraint::Type::EXISTS:
-          if (properties.empty() || properties.size() > 1) {
-            throw SyntaxException(
-                "Exactly one property must be used for existence constraints.");
-          }
-          callback.fn = [label, properties, db_accessor] {
-            db_accessor->DropExistenceConstraint(label, properties[0]);
-            return std::vector<std::vector<TypedValue>>();
-          };
-          break;
-          throw utils::NotYetImplemented("Existence constraints");
-        case Constraint::Type::UNIQUE:
-          throw utils::NotYetImplemented("Unique constraints");
-          callback.fn = [label, properties, db_accessor] {
-            try {
-              db_accessor->DeleteUniqueConstraint(label, properties);
-              return std::vector<std::vector<TypedValue>>();
-            } catch (const database::TransactionException &e) {
-              throw QueryRuntimeException(e.what());
-            }
-          };
-          break;
-      }
-    } break;
-  }
-  return callback;
 Interpreter::Interpreter(InterpreterContext *interpreter_context)
     : interpreter_context_(interpreter_context) {
   CHECK(interpreter_context_) << "Interpreter context must not be NULL";
@@ -861,40 +572,62 @@ std::shared_ptr<CachedPlan> CypherQueryToPlan(
-void Interpreter::PrepareTransactionQuery(std::string_view query_upper) {
+PreparedQuery Interpreter::PrepareTransactionQuery(
+    std::string_view query_upper) {
+  std::function<void()> handler;
   if (query_upper == "BEGIN") {
-    if (in_explicit_transaction_) {
-      throw QueryException("Nested transactions are not supported.");
-    }
-    in_explicit_transaction_ = true;
-    expect_rollback_ = false;
+    handler = [this] {
+      if (in_explicit_transaction_) {
+        throw ExplicitTransactionUsageException(
+            "Nested transactions are not supported.");
+      }
+      in_explicit_transaction_ = true;
+      expect_rollback_ = false;
+      db_accessor_.emplace(interpreter_context_->db->Access());
+      execution_db_accessor_.emplace(&*db_accessor_);
+    };
   } else if (query_upper == "COMMIT") {
-    if (!in_explicit_transaction_) {
-      throw QueryException("No current transaction to commit.");
-    }
-    if (expect_rollback_) {
-      throw QueryException(
-          "Transaction can't be committed because there was a previous "
-          "error. Please invoke a rollback instead.");
-    }
+    handler = [this] {
+      if (!in_explicit_transaction_) {
+        throw ExplicitTransactionUsageException(
+            "No current transaction to commit.");
+      }
+      if (expect_rollback_) {
+        throw ExplicitTransactionUsageException(
+            "Transaction can't be committed because there was a previous "
+            "error. Please invoke a rollback instead.");
+      }
-    try {
-      Commit();
-    } catch (const utils::BasicException &) {
-      AbortCommand();
-      throw;
-    }
+      try {
+        Commit();
+      } catch (const utils::BasicException &) {
+        AbortCommand();
+        throw;
+      }
-    expect_rollback_ = false;
-    in_explicit_transaction_ = false;
+      expect_rollback_ = false;
+      in_explicit_transaction_ = false;
+    };
   } else if (query_upper == "ROLLBACK") {
-    if (!in_explicit_transaction_) {
-      throw QueryException("No current transaction to rollback.");
-    }
-    Abort();
-    expect_rollback_ = false;
-    in_explicit_transaction_ = false;
+    handler = [this] {
+      if (!in_explicit_transaction_) {
+        throw ExplicitTransactionUsageException(
+            "No current transaction to rollback.");
+      }
+      Abort();
+      expect_rollback_ = false;
+      in_explicit_transaction_ = false;
+    };
+  } else {
+    LOG(FATAL) << "Should not get here -- unknown transaction query!";
+  return {{}, {}, [handler = std::move(handler)](AnyStream *) {
+            handler();
+            return QueryHandlerResult::NOTHING;
+          }};
 PreparedQuery PrepareCypherQuery(
@@ -930,7 +663,7 @@ PreparedQuery PrepareCypherQuery(
        execution_memory](AnyStream *stream) {
         PullAllPlan(stream, *plan, parameters, output_symbols, false, summary,
                     dba, execution_memory);
-        return true;
+        return QueryHandlerResult::COMMIT;
@@ -997,7 +730,7 @@ PreparedQuery PrepareExplainQuery(
                         dba, execution_memory](AnyStream *stream) {
                          PullAllPlan(stream, *plan, parameters, output_symbols,
                                      false, summary, dba, execution_memory);
-                         return true;
+                         return QueryHandlerResult::COMMIT;
@@ -1097,35 +830,29 @@ PreparedQuery PrepareProfileQuery(
             ProfilingStatsToJson(ctx.stats, ctx.profile_execution_time).dump());
-        return false;
+        return QueryHandlerResult::ABORT;
 PreparedQuery PrepareDumpQuery(
     ParsedQuery parsed_query, std::map<std::string, TypedValue> *summary,
-    InterpreterContext *interpreter_context, DbAccessor *dba,
+    InterpreterContext *interpreter_context,
     utils::MonotonicBufferResource *execution_memory) {
-  SymbolTable symbol_table;
-  auto query_symbol = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("QUERY", false);
-  std::vector<Symbol> output_symbols = {query_symbol};
-  std::vector<std::string> header = {};
-  auto output_plan = std::make_unique<plan::OutputTableStream>(
-      output_symbols, DumpClosure(dba));
-  auto plan =
-      std::make_shared<CachedPlan>(std::make_unique<SingleNodeLogicalPlan>(
-          std::move(output_plan), 0.0, AstStorage{}, symbol_table));
   return PreparedQuery{
-      std::move(header), std::move(parsed_query.required_privileges),
-      [plan = std::move(plan), parameters = std::move(parsed_query.parameters),
-       output_symbols = std::move(output_symbols), summary, dba,
-       execution_memory](AnyStream *stream) {
-        PullAllPlan(stream, *plan, parameters, output_symbols, false, summary,
-                    dba, execution_memory);
-        return true;
+      {"QUERY"},
+      std::move(parsed_query.required_privileges),
+      [interpreter_context](AnyStream *stream) {
+        auto dba = interpreter_context->db->Access();
+        query::DbAccessor query_dba{&dba};
+        std::ostringstream oss;
+        database::CypherDumpGenerator dump_generator{&query_dba};
+        while (dump_generator.NextQuery(&oss)) {
+          stream->Result({TypedValue(oss.str())});
+        }
+        return QueryHandlerResult::NOTHING;
   throw utils::NotYetImplemented("Dump database");
@@ -1142,6 +869,7 @@ PreparedQuery PrepareIndexQuery(
   auto *index_query = utils::Downcast<IndexQuery>(parsed_query.query);
+  std::function<void()> handler;
   // Creating an index influences computed plan costs.
   auto invalidate_plan_cache = [plan_cache = &interpreter_context->plan_cache] {
@@ -1151,30 +879,86 @@ PreparedQuery PrepareIndexQuery(
-  auto callback = HandleIndexQuery(index_query, invalidate_plan_cache, dba);
+  auto label = interpreter_context->db->NameToLabel(index_query->;
+  std::vector<storage::PropertyId> properties;
+  properties.reserve(index_query->properties_.size());
+  for (const auto &prop : index_query->properties_) {
+    properties.push_back(interpreter_context->db->NameToProperty(;
+  }
+  auto label = dba->NameToLabel(index_query->;
+  std::vector<storage::Property> properties;
+  properties.reserve(index_query->properties_.size());
+  for (const auto &prop : index_query->properties_) {
+    properties.push_back(dba->NameToProperty(;
+  }
-  SymbolTable symbol_table;
-  std::vector<Symbol> output_symbols;
-  for (const auto &column : callback.header) {
-    output_symbols.emplace_back(symbol_table.CreateSymbol(column, "false"));
+  if (properties.size() > 1) {
+    throw utils::NotYetImplemented("index on multiple properties");
-  auto plan =
-      std::make_shared<CachedPlan>(std::make_unique<SingleNodeLogicalPlan>(
-          std::make_unique<plan::OutputTable>(
-              output_symbols,
-              [fn = callback.fn](Frame *, ExecutionContext *) { return fn(); }),
-          0.0, AstStorage{}, symbol_table));
+  switch (index_query->action_) {
+    case IndexQuery::Action::CREATE: {
+      handler = [interpreter_context, label, properties = std::move(properties),
+                 invalidate_plan_cache = std::move(invalidate_plan_cache)] {
+        CHECK(properties.size() == 1);
+        interpreter_context->db->CreateIndex(label, properties[0]);
+        invalidate_plan_cache();
+      };
+      handler = [dba, label, properties = std::move(properties),
+                 invalidate_plan_cache = std::move(invalidate_plan_cache)] {
+        try {
+          CHECK(properties.size() == 1);
+          dba->CreateIndex(label, properties[0]);
+          invalidate_plan_cache();
+        } catch (const database::ConstraintViolationException &e) {
+          throw QueryRuntimeException(e.what());
+        } catch (const database::IndexExistsException &e) {
+          // Ignore creating an existing index.
+        } catch (const database::TransactionException &e) {
+          throw QueryRuntimeException(e.what());
+        }
+      };
+      break;
+    }
+    case IndexQuery::Action::DROP: {
+      handler = [interpreter_context, label, properties = std::move(properties),
+                 invalidate_plan_cache = std::move(invalidate_plan_cache)] {
+        CHECK(properties.size() == 1);
+        interpreter_context->db->DropIndex(label, properties[0]);
+        invalidate_plan_cache();
+      };
+      handler = [dba, label, properties = std::move(properties),
+                 invalidate_plan_cache = std::move(invalidate_plan_cache)] {
+        try {
+          CHECK(properties.size() == 1);
+          dba->DropIndex(label, properties[0]);
+          invalidate_plan_cache();
+        } catch (const database::TransactionException &e) {
+          throw QueryRuntimeException(e.what());
+        }
+      };
+      break;
+    }
+  }
-  return PreparedQuery{callback.header,
+  return PreparedQuery{{},
-                       [callback = std::move(callback), plan = std::move(plan),
-                        parameters = std::move(parsed_query.parameters),
-                        output_symbols = std::move(output_symbols), summary,
-                        dba, execution_memory](AnyStream *stream) {
-                         PullAllPlan(stream, *plan, parameters, output_symbols,
-                                     false, summary, dba, execution_memory);
-                         return !callback.should_abort_query;
+                       [handler = std::move(handler)](AnyStream *stream) {
+                         handler();
+                         return QueryHandlerResult::NOTHING;
+                         return QueryHandlerResult::COMMIT;
@@ -1210,17 +994,17 @@ PreparedQuery PrepareAuthQuery(
               [fn = callback.fn](Frame *, ExecutionContext *) { return fn(); }),
           0.0, AstStorage{}, symbol_table));
-  return PreparedQuery{callback.header,
-                       std::move(parsed_query.required_privileges),
-                       [callback = std::move(callback), plan = std::move(plan),
-                        parameters = std::move(parsed_query.parameters),
-                        output_symbols = std::move(output_symbols), summary,
-                        dba, execution_memory](AnyStream *stream) {
-                         PullAllPlan(stream, *plan, parameters, output_symbols,
-                                     false, summary, dba, execution_memory);
-                         return !callback.should_abort_query;
-                       }};
+  return PreparedQuery{
+      callback.header, std::move(parsed_query.required_privileges),
+      [callback = std::move(callback), plan = std::move(plan),
+       parameters = std::move(parsed_query.parameters),
+       output_symbols = std::move(output_symbols), summary, dba,
+       execution_memory](AnyStream *stream) {
+        PullAllPlan(stream, *plan, parameters, output_symbols, false, summary,
+                    dba, execution_memory);
+        return callback.should_abort_query ? QueryHandlerResult::ABORT
+                                           : QueryHandlerResult::COMMIT;
+      }};
@@ -1229,31 +1013,110 @@ PreparedQuery PrepareInfoQuery(
     InterpreterContext *interpreter_context, DbAccessor *dba,
     utils::MonotonicBufferResource *execution_memory) {
   auto *info_query = utils::Downcast<InfoQuery>(parsed_query.query);
+  std::vector<std::string> header;
+  std::function<
+      std::pair<std::vector<std::vector<TypedValue>>, QueryHandlerResult>()>
+      handler;
-  auto callback = HandleInfoQuery(info_query, dba);
+  switch (info_query->info_type_) {
+    case InfoQuery::InfoType::STORAGE:
+#if defined(MG_SINGLE_NODE)
+      header = {"storage info", "value"};
+      handler = [dba] {
+        auto info = dba->StorageInfo();
+        std::vector<std::vector<TypedValue>> results;
+        results.reserve(info.size());
+        for (const auto &pair : info) {
+          results.push_back({TypedValue(pair.first), TypedValue(pair.second)});
+        }
+        return std::pair{results, QueryHandlerResult::COMMIT};
+      };
+#elif defined(MG_SINGLE_NODE_HA)
+      header = {"server id", "storage info", "value"};
+      handler = [dba] {
+        auto info = dba->StorageInfo();
+        std::vector<std::vector<TypedValue>> results;
+        results.reserve(info.size());
+        for (const auto &peer_info : info) {
+          for (const auto &pair : peer_info.second) {
+            results.push_back({TypedValue(peer_info.first),
+                               TypedValue(pair.first),
+                               TypedValue(pair.second)});
+          }
+        }
+        return std::pair{results, QueryHandlerResult::COMMIT};
+      };
+      throw utils::NotYetImplemented("storage info");
+      break;
+    case InfoQuery::InfoType::INDEX:
+      throw utils::NotYetImplemented("IndexInfo");
+      header = {"created index"};
+      handler = [dba] {
+        auto info = dba->IndexInfo();
+        std::vector<std::vector<TypedValue>> results;
+        results.reserve(info.size());
+        for (const auto &index : info) {
+          results.push_back({TypedValue(index)});
+        }
+        return std::pair{results, QueryHandlerResult::COMMIT};
+      };
+      break;
+    case InfoQuery::InfoType::CONSTRAINT:
+      throw utils::NotYetImplemented("ConstraintInfo");
+      header = {"constraint type", "label", "properties"};
+      handler = [dba] {
+        std::vector<std::vector<TypedValue>> results;
+        for (auto &e : dba->ListUniqueConstraints()) {
+          std::vector<std::string> property_names(;
+          std::transform(
+    ,, property_names.begin(),
+              [dba](const auto &p) { return dba->PropertyToName(p); });
-  SymbolTable symbol_table;
-  std::vector<Symbol> output_symbols;
-  for (const auto &column : callback.header) {
-    output_symbols.emplace_back(symbol_table.CreateSymbol(column, "false"));
+          std::vector<TypedValue> constraint{
+              TypedValue("unique"), TypedValue(dba->LabelToName(e.label)),
+              TypedValue(utils::Join(property_names, ","))};
+          results.emplace_back(constraint);
+        }
+        return std::pair{results, QueryHandlerResult::COMMIT};
+      };
+      break;
+    case InfoQuery::InfoType::RAFT:
+#if defined(MG_SINGLE_NODE_HA)
+      header = {"info", "value"};
+      handler = [dba] {
+        std::vector<std::vector<TypedValue>> results(
+            {{TypedValue("is_leader"), TypedValue(dba->raft()->IsLeader())},
+             {TypedValue("term_id"),
+              TypedValue(static_cast<int64_t>(dba->raft()->TermId()))}});
+        // It is critical to abort this query because it can be executed on
+        // machines that aren't the leader.
+        return std::pair{results, QueryHandlerResult::ABORT};
+      };
+      throw utils::NotYetImplemented("raft info");
+      break;
-  auto plan =
-      std::make_shared<CachedPlan>(std::make_unique<SingleNodeLogicalPlan>(
-          std::make_unique<plan::OutputTable>(
-              output_symbols,
-              [fn = callback.fn](Frame *, ExecutionContext *) { return fn(); }),
-          0.0, AstStorage{}, symbol_table));
-  return PreparedQuery{callback.header,
+  return PreparedQuery{std::move(header),
-                       [callback = std::move(callback), plan = std::move(plan),
-                        parameters = std::move(parsed_query.parameters),
-                        output_symbols = std::move(output_symbols), summary,
-                        dba, execution_memory](AnyStream *stream) {
-                         PullAllPlan(stream, *plan, parameters, output_symbols,
-                                     false, summary, dba, execution_memory);
-                         return !callback.should_abort_query;
+                       [handler = std::move(handler)](AnyStream *stream) {
+                         auto [results, action] = handler();
+                         for (const auto &result : results) {
+                           stream->Result(result);
+                         }
+                         return action;
@@ -1262,31 +1125,118 @@ PreparedQuery PrepareConstraintQuery(
     InterpreterContext *interpreter_context, DbAccessor *dba,
     utils::MonotonicBufferResource *execution_memory) {
   auto *constraint_query = utils::Downcast<ConstraintQuery>(parsed_query.query);
+  std::function<void()> handler;
-  auto callback = HandleConstraintQuery(constraint_query, dba);
+  auto label = interpreter_context->db->NameToLabel(
+      constraint_query->;
+  std::vector<storage::PropertyId> properties;
+  properties.reserve(constraint_query->;
+  for (const auto &prop : constraint_query-> {
+    properties.push_back(interpreter_context->db->NameToProperty(;
+  }
+  auto label = dba->NameToLabel(constraint_query->;
+  std::vector<storage::Property> properties;
+  properties.reserve(constraint_query->;
+  for (const auto &prop : constraint_query-> {
+    properties.push_back(dba->NameToProperty(;
+  }
-  SymbolTable symbol_table;
-  std::vector<Symbol> output_symbols;
-  for (const auto &column : callback.header) {
-    output_symbols.emplace_back(symbol_table.CreateSymbol(column, "false"));
+  switch (constraint_query->action_type_) {
+    case ConstraintQuery::ActionType::CREATE: {
+      switch (constraint_query->constraint_.type) {
+        case Constraint::Type::NODE_KEY:
+          throw utils::NotYetImplemented("Node key constraints");
+        case Constraint::Type::EXISTS:
+          if (properties.empty() || properties.size() > 1) {
+            throw SyntaxException(
+                "Exactly one property must be used for existence constraints.");
+          }
+          handler = [interpreter_context, label,
+                     properties = std::move(properties)] {
+            auto res = interpreter_context->db->CreateExistenceConstraint(
+                label, properties[0]);
+            if (res.HasError()) {
+              auto violation = res.GetError();
+              auto label_name =
+                  interpreter_context->db->LabelToName(violation.label);
+              auto property_name =
+                  interpreter_context->db->PropertyToName(;
+              throw QueryRuntimeException(
+                  "Unable to create a constraint :{}({}), because an existing "
+                  "node violates it.",
+                  label_name, property_name);
+            }
+          };
+          break;
+          throw utils::NotYetImplemented("Existence constraints");
+        case Constraint::Type::UNIQUE:
+          throw utils::NotYetImplemented("Unique constraints");
+          handler = [dba, label, properties = std::move(properties)] {
+            try {
+              dba->BuildUniqueConstraint(label, properties);
+            } catch (const database::ConstraintViolationException &e) {
+              throw QueryRuntimeException(e.what());
+            } catch (const database::TransactionException &e) {
+              throw QueryRuntimeException(e.what());
+            } catch (const mvcc::SerializationError &e) {
+              throw QueryRuntimeException(e.what());
+            }
+          };
+          break;
+      }
+    } break;
+    case ConstraintQuery::ActionType::DROP: {
+      switch (constraint_query->constraint_.type) {
+        case Constraint::Type::NODE_KEY:
+          throw utils::NotYetImplemented("Node key constraints");
+        case Constraint::Type::EXISTS:
+          if (properties.empty() || properties.size() > 1) {
+            throw SyntaxException(
+                "Exactly one property must be used for existence constraints.");
+          }
+          handler = [interpreter_context, label,
+                     properties = std::move(properties)] {
+            interpreter_context->db->DropExistenceConstraint(label,
+                                                             properties[0]);
+            return std::vector<std::vector<TypedValue>>();
+          };
+          break;
+          throw utils::NotYetImplemented("Existence constraints");
+        case Constraint::Type::UNIQUE:
+          throw utils::NotYetImplemented("Unique constraints");
+          handler = [dba, label, properties = std::move(properties)] {
+            try {
+              dba->DeleteUniqueConstraint(label, properties);
+              return std::vector<std::vector<TypedValue>>();
+            } catch (const database::TransactionException &e) {
+              throw QueryRuntimeException(e.what());
+            }
+          };
+          break;
+      }
+    } break;
-  auto plan =
-      std::make_shared<CachedPlan>(std::make_unique<SingleNodeLogicalPlan>(
-          std::make_unique<plan::OutputTable>(
-              output_symbols,
-              [fn = callback.fn](Frame *, ExecutionContext *) { return fn(); }),
-          0.0, AstStorage{}, symbol_table));
-  return PreparedQuery{callback.header,
+  return PreparedQuery{{},
-                       [callback = std::move(callback), plan = std::move(plan),
-                        parameters = std::move(parsed_query.parameters),
-                        output_symbols = std::move(output_symbols), summary,
-                        dba, execution_memory](AnyStream *stream) {
-                         PullAllPlan(stream, *plan, parameters, output_symbols,
-                                     false, summary, dba, execution_memory);
-                         return !callback.should_abort_query;
+                       [handler = std::move(handler)](AnyStream *stream) {
+                         handler();
+                         return QueryHandlerResult::COMMIT;
@@ -1302,20 +1252,19 @@ Interpreter::Prepare(const std::string &query_string,
   if (query_upper == "BEGIN" || query_upper == "COMMIT" ||
       query_upper == "ROLLBACK") {
-    PrepareTransactionQuery(query_upper);
-    return {{}, {}};
+    prepared_query_ = PrepareTransactionQuery(query_upper);
+    return {prepared_query_->header, prepared_query_->privileges};
   // All queries other than transaction control queries advance the command in
   // an explicit transaction block.
-  if (in_explicit_transaction_ && db_accessor_) {
+  if (in_explicit_transaction_) {
-  // Create a database accessor if we don't yet have one.
-  if (!db_accessor_) {
-    db_accessor_.emplace(interpreter_context_->db->Access());
-    execution_db_accessor_.emplace(&*db_accessor_);
+  // If we're not in an explicit transaction block and we have an open
+  // transaction, abort it since we're about to prepare a new query.
+  else if (db_accessor_) {
+    AbortCommand();
   try {
@@ -1338,6 +1287,24 @@ Interpreter::Prepare(const std::string &query_string,
     summary_["parsing_time"] = parsing_timer.Elapsed().count();
+    // Some queries require an active transaction in order to be prepared.
+    if (!in_explicit_transaction_ &&
+        !utils::Downcast<IndexQuery>(parsed_query.query) &&
+        !utils::Downcast<DumpQuery>(parsed_query.query) &&
+        !utils::Downcast<ConstraintQuery>(parsed_query.query) &&
+        !utils::Downcast<InfoQuery>(parsed_query.query)) {
+      db_accessor_.emplace(interpreter_context_->db->Access());
+      execution_db_accessor_.emplace(&*db_accessor_);
+    }
+    if (!in_explicit_transaction_ &&
+        !utils::Downcast<DumpQuery>(parsed_query.query)) {
+      db_accessor_.emplace(interpreter_context_->db->Access());
+      execution_db_accessor_.emplace(&*db_accessor_);
+    }
       InfoQuery *info_query = nullptr;
@@ -1365,25 +1332,40 @@ Interpreter::Prepare(const std::string &query_string,
           std::move(parsed_query), in_explicit_transaction_, &summary_,
           interpreter_context_, &*execution_db_accessor_, &execution_memory_);
     } else if (utils::Downcast<DumpQuery>(parsed_query.query)) {
-      prepared_query = PrepareDumpQuery(
-          std::move(parsed_query), &summary_, interpreter_context_,
-          &*execution_db_accessor_, &execution_memory_);
+      prepared_query =
+          PrepareDumpQuery(std::move(parsed_query), &summary_,
+                           interpreter_context_, &execution_memory_);
     } else if (utils::Downcast<IndexQuery>(parsed_query.query)) {
+      DbAccessor *dba = nullptr;
+      auto dba = &*execution_db_accessor_;
       prepared_query = PrepareIndexQuery(
           std::move(parsed_query), in_explicit_transaction_, &summary_,
-          interpreter_context_, &*execution_db_accessor_, &execution_memory_);
+          interpreter_context_, dba, &execution_memory_);
     } else if (utils::Downcast<AuthQuery>(parsed_query.query)) {
       prepared_query = PrepareAuthQuery(
           std::move(parsed_query), in_explicit_transaction_, &summary_,
           interpreter_context_, &*execution_db_accessor_, &execution_memory_);
     } else if (utils::Downcast<InfoQuery>(parsed_query.query)) {
-      prepared_query = PrepareInfoQuery(
-          std::move(parsed_query), &summary_, interpreter_context_,
-          &*execution_db_accessor_, &execution_memory_);
+      DbAccessor *dba = nullptr;
+      auto dba = &*execution_db_accessor_;
+      prepared_query =
+          PrepareInfoQuery(std::move(parsed_query), &summary_,
+                           interpreter_context_, dba, &execution_memory_);
     } else if (utils::Downcast<ConstraintQuery>(parsed_query.query)) {
-      prepared_query = PrepareConstraintQuery(
-          std::move(parsed_query), &summary_, interpreter_context_,
-          &*execution_db_accessor_, &execution_memory_);
+      DbAccessor *dba = nullptr;
+      auto dba = &*execution_db_accessor_;
+      prepared_query =
+          PrepareConstraintQuery(std::move(parsed_query), &summary_,
+                                 interpreter_context_, dba, &execution_memory_);
     } else {
       LOG(FATAL) << "Should not get here -- unknown query type!";
diff --git a/src/query/interpreter.hpp b/src/query/interpreter.hpp
index 3deb96b2c..ea58f04d7 100644
--- a/src/query/interpreter.hpp
+++ b/src/query/interpreter.hpp
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ namespace query {
 static constexpr size_t kExecutionMemoryBlockSize = 1U * 1024U * 1024U;
+enum class QueryHandlerResult { COMMIT, ABORT, NOTHING };
  * `AnyStream` can wrap *any* type implementing the `Stream` concept into a
  * single type.
@@ -79,7 +81,7 @@ class AnyStream final {
 struct PreparedQuery {
   std::vector<std::string> header;
   std::vector<AuthQuery::Privilege> privileges;
-  std::function<bool(AnyStream *stream)> query_handler;
+  std::function<QueryHandlerResult(AnyStream *stream)> query_handler;
 // TODO: Maybe this should move to query/plan/planner.
@@ -252,7 +254,7 @@ class Interpreter final {
   bool expect_rollback_{false};
   utils::MonotonicBufferResource execution_memory_{kExecutionMemoryBlockSize};
-  void PrepareTransactionQuery(std::string_view query_upper);
+  PreparedQuery PrepareTransactionQuery(std::string_view query_upper);
   void Commit();
   void AdvanceCommand();
   void AbortCommand();
@@ -260,23 +262,37 @@ class Interpreter final {
 template <typename TStream>
 std::map<std::string, TypedValue> Interpreter::PullAll(TStream *result_stream) {
-  // If we don't have any results (eg. a transaction command preceeded),
-  // return an empty summary.
-  if (!prepared_query_) return {};
+  CHECK(prepared_query_) << "Trying to call PullAll without a prepared query";
   try {
     // Wrap the (statically polymorphic) stream type into a common type which
     // the handler knows.
     AnyStream stream{result_stream, &execution_memory_};
-    bool commit = prepared_query_->query_handler(&stream);
+    QueryHandlerResult res = prepared_query_->query_handler(&stream);
+    // Erase the prepared query in order to enforce that every call to `PullAll`
+    // must be preceded by a call to `Prepare`.
+    prepared_query_ = std::nullopt;
     if (!in_explicit_transaction_) {
-      if (commit) {
-        Commit();
-      } else {
-        Abort();
+      switch (res) {
+        case QueryHandlerResult::COMMIT:
+          Commit();
+          break;
+        case QueryHandlerResult::ABORT:
+          Abort();
+          break;
+        case QueryHandlerResult::NOTHING:
+          // The only cases in which we have nothing to do are those where we're
+          // either in an explicit transaction or the query is such that a
+          // transaction wasn't started on a call to `Prepare()`.
+          CHECK(in_explicit_transaction_ || !db_accessor_);
+          break;
+  } catch (const ExplicitTransactionUsageException &) {
+    // Just let the exception propagate for error reporting purposes, but don't
+    // abort the current command.
+    throw;
   } catch (const query::HintedAbortError &) {
diff --git a/tests/unit/interpreter.cpp b/tests/unit/interpreter.cpp
index c34d018d6..df97b6c3a 100644
--- a/tests/unit/interpreter.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/interpreter.cpp
@@ -272,10 +272,10 @@ TEST_F(InterpreterTest, Bfs) {
 TEST_F(InterpreterTest, CreateIndexInMulticommandTransaction) {
-  interpreter_.Prepare("BEGIN", {});
-  ASSERT_THROW(interpreter_.Prepare("CREATE INDEX ON :X(y)", {}),
+  Interpret("BEGIN");
-  interpreter_.Prepare("ROLLBACK", {});
+  Interpret("ROLLBACK");
 // Test shortest path end to end.