Add handling of partial results on timeout (#1046)
This commit is contained in:
@ -59,3 +59,5 @@ src/raft/storage_info_rpc_messages.hpp
@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ inline void proc_add_deprecated_result(mgp_proc *proc, const char *name, mgp_typ
MgInvokeVoid(mgp_proc_add_deprecated_result, proc, name, type);
inline bool must_abort(mgp_graph *graph) { return mgp_must_abort(graph); }
inline int must_abort(mgp_graph *graph) { return mgp_must_abort(graph); }
// mgp_result
@ -1460,7 +1460,10 @@ enum mgp_error mgp_log(enum mgp_log_level log_level, const char *output);
/// @{
/// Return non-zero if the currently executing procedure should abort as soon as
/// possible.
/// possible. If non-zero the reasons are:
/// (1) The transaction was requested to be terminated
/// (2) The server is gracefully shutting down
/// (3) The transaction has hit its timeout threshold
/// Procedures which perform heavyweight processing run the risk of running too
/// long and going over the query execution time limit. To prevent this, such
@ -67,6 +67,21 @@ class MustAbortException : public std::exception {
std::string message_;
class TerminatedMustAbortException : public MustAbortException {
explicit TerminatedMustAbortException() : MustAbortException("Query was asked to terminate directly.") {}
class ShutdownMustAbortException : public MustAbortException {
explicit ShutdownMustAbortException() : MustAbortException("Query was asked to because of server shutdown.") {}
class TimeoutMustAbortException : public MustAbortException {
explicit TimeoutMustAbortException() : MustAbortException("Query was asked to because of timeout was hit.") {}
// Forward declarations
class Nodes;
using GraphNodes = Nodes;
@ -109,6 +124,19 @@ class Id {
int64_t id_;
enum class AbortReason : uint8_t {
// transaction has been requested to terminate, ie. "TERMINATE TRANSACTIONS ..."
// server is gracefully shutting down
// the transaction timeout has been reached. Either via "--query-execution-timeout-sec", or a per-transaction timeout
/// @brief Wrapper class for @ref mgp_graph.
class Graph {
@ -153,8 +181,13 @@ class Graph {
/// @brief Deletes a relationship from the graph.
void DeleteRelationship(const Relationship &relationship);
bool MustAbort() const;
/// @brief Checks if process must abort
/// @return AbortReason the reason to abort, if no need to abort then AbortReason::NO_ABORT is returned
AbortReason MustAbort() const;
/// @brief Checks if process must abort
/// @throws MustAbortException If process must abort for any reason
/// @note For the reason why the process must abort consider using MustAbort method instead
void CheckMustAbort() const;
@ -1709,11 +1742,31 @@ inline Id::Id(int64_t id) : id_(id) {}
inline Graph::Graph(mgp_graph *graph) : graph_(graph) {}
inline bool Graph::MustAbort() const { return must_abort(graph_); }
inline AbortReason Graph::MustAbort() const {
const auto reason = must_abort(graph_);
switch (reason) {
case 1:
return AbortReason::TERMINATED;
case 2:
return AbortReason::SHUTDOWN;
case 3:
return AbortReason::TIMEOUT;
return AbortReason::NO_ABORT;
inline void Graph::CheckMustAbort() const {
if (MustAbort()) {
throw MustAbortException("Query was asked to abort.");
switch (MustAbort()) {
case AbortReason::TERMINATED:
throw TerminatedMustAbortException();
case AbortReason::SHUTDOWN:
throw ShutdownMustAbortException();
case AbortReason::TIMEOUT:
throw TimeoutMustAbortException();
case AbortReason::NO_ABORT:
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ inline constexpr uint8_t kPreamble[4] = {0x60, 0x60, 0xB0, 0x17};
enum class Signature : uint8_t {
Noop = 0x00,
Init = 0x01,
Init = 0x01, // v3+ now HELLO
LogOn = 0x6A,
LogOff = 0x6B,
AckFailure = 0x0E, // only v1
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class Session {
virtual std::pair<std::vector<std::string>, std::optional<int>> Interpret(
const std::string &query, const std::map<std::string, Value> ¶ms,
const std::map<std::string, memgraph::communication::bolt::Value> &metadata) = 0;
const std::map<std::string, memgraph::communication::bolt::Value> &extra) = 0;
* Put results of the processed query in the `encoder`.
@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ State StateExecutingRun(TSession &session, State state) {
return RunHandlerV4<TSession>(signature, session, state, marker);
case 5:
return RunHandlerV5<TSession>(signature, session, state, marker);
spdlog::trace("Unsupported bolt version:{}.{})!", session.version_.major, session.version_.minor);
@ -73,23 +73,6 @@ inline std::pair<std::string, std::string> ExceptionToErrorMessage(const std::ex
"should be in database logs."};
namespace helpers {
/** Extracts metadata from the extras field.
* NOTE: In order to avoid a copy, the metadata in moved.
* TODO: Update if extra field is used for anything else.
inline std::map<std::string, Value> ConsumeMetadata(Value &extra) {
std::map<std::string, Value> md;
auto &md_tv = extra.ValueMap()["tx_metadata"];
if (md_tv.IsMap()) {
md = std::move(md_tv.ValueMap());
return md;
} // namespace helpers
namespace details {
template <bool is_pull, typename TSession>
@ -286,8 +269,7 @@ State HandleRunV4(TSession &session, const State state, const Marker marker) {
try {
// Interpret can throw.
const auto [header, qid] =
session.Interpret(query.ValueString(), params.ValueMap(), helpers::ConsumeMetadata(extra));
const auto [header, qid] = session.Interpret(query.ValueString(), params.ValueMap(), extra.ValueMap());
// Convert std::string to Value
std::vector<Value> vec;
std::map<std::string, Value> data;
@ -399,7 +381,7 @@ State HandleBegin(TSession &session, const State state, const Marker marker) {
try {
} catch (const std::exception &e) {
return HandleFailure(session, e);
@ -503,6 +503,25 @@ namespace memgraph::metrics {
extern const Event ActiveBoltSessions;
} // namespace memgraph::metrics
auto ToQueryExtras(memgraph::communication::bolt::Value const &extra) -> memgraph::query::QueryExtras {
auto const &as_map = extra.ValueMap();
auto metadata_pv = std::map<std::string, memgraph::storage::PropertyValue>{};
if (auto const it = as_map.find("tx_metadata"); it != as_map.cend() && it->second.IsMap()) {
for (const auto &[key, bolt_md] : it->second.ValueMap()) {
metadata_pv.emplace(key, memgraph::glue::ToPropertyValue(bolt_md));
auto tx_timeout = std::optional<int64_t>{};
if (auto const it = as_map.find("tx_timeout"); it != as_map.cend() && it->second.IsInt()) {
tx_timeout = it->second.ValueInt();
return memgraph::query::QueryExtras{std::move(metadata_pv), tx_timeout};
class BoltSession final : public memgraph::communication::bolt::Session<memgraph::communication::v2::InputStream,
memgraph::communication::v2::OutputStream> {
@ -531,12 +550,8 @@ class BoltSession final : public memgraph::communication::bolt::Session<memgraph
using memgraph::communication::bolt::Session<memgraph::communication::v2::InputStream,
void BeginTransaction(const std::map<std::string, memgraph::communication::bolt::Value> &metadata) override {
std::map<std::string, memgraph::storage::PropertyValue> metadata_pv;
for (const auto &[key, bolt_value] : metadata) {
metadata_pv.emplace(key, memgraph::glue::ToPropertyValue(bolt_value));
void BeginTransaction(const std::map<std::string, memgraph::communication::bolt::Value> &extra) override {
void CommitTransaction() override { interpreter_.CommitTransaction(); }
@ -545,15 +560,11 @@ class BoltSession final : public memgraph::communication::bolt::Session<memgraph
std::pair<std::vector<std::string>, std::optional<int>> Interpret(
const std::string &query, const std::map<std::string, memgraph::communication::bolt::Value> ¶ms,
const std::map<std::string, memgraph::communication::bolt::Value> &metadata) override {
const std::map<std::string, memgraph::communication::bolt::Value> &extra) override {
std::map<std::string, memgraph::storage::PropertyValue> params_pv;
std::map<std::string, memgraph::storage::PropertyValue> metadata_pv;
for (const auto &[key, bolt_param] : params) {
params_pv.emplace(key, memgraph::glue::ToPropertyValue(bolt_param));
for (const auto &[key, bolt_md] : metadata) {
metadata_pv.emplace(key, memgraph::glue::ToPropertyValue(bolt_md));
const std::string *username{nullptr};
if (user_) {
username = &user_->username();
@ -565,7 +576,7 @@ class BoltSession final : public memgraph::communication::bolt::Session<memgraph
try {
auto result = interpreter_.Prepare(query, params_pv, username, metadata_pv);
auto result = interpreter_.Prepare(query, params_pv, username, ToQueryExtras(extra));
if (user_ && !memgraph::glue::AuthChecker::IsUserAuthorized(*user_, result.privileges)) {
throw memgraph::communication::bolt::ClientError(
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ struct ExecutionContext {
ExecutionStats execution_stats;
TriggerContextCollector *trigger_context_collector{nullptr};
FrameChangeCollector *frame_change_collector{nullptr};
utils::AsyncTimer timer;
std::shared_ptr<utils::AsyncTimer> timer;
std::unique_ptr<FineGrainedAuthChecker> auth_checker{nullptr};
@ -94,11 +94,18 @@ struct ExecutionContext {
static_assert(std::is_move_assignable_v<ExecutionContext>, "ExecutionContext must be move assignable!");
static_assert(std::is_move_constructible_v<ExecutionContext>, "ExecutionContext must be move constructible!");
inline bool MustAbort(const ExecutionContext &context) noexcept {
return (context.transaction_status != nullptr &&
context.transaction_status->load(std::memory_order_acquire) == TransactionStatus::TERMINATED) ||
(context.is_shutting_down != nullptr && context.is_shutting_down->load(std::memory_order_acquire)) ||
inline auto MustAbort(const ExecutionContext &context) noexcept -> AbortReason {
if (context.transaction_status != nullptr &&
context.transaction_status->load(std::memory_order_acquire) == TransactionStatus::TERMINATED) {
return AbortReason::TERMINATED;
if (context.is_shutting_down != nullptr && context.is_shutting_down->load(std::memory_order_acquire)) {
return AbortReason::SHUTDOWN;
if (context.timer && context.timer->IsExpired()) {
return AbortReason::TIMEOUT;
return AbortReason::NO_ABORT;
inline plan::ProfilingStatsWithTotalTime GetStatsWithTotalTime(const ExecutionContext &context) {
@ -112,16 +112,45 @@ class QueryRuntimeException : public QueryException {
using QueryException::QueryException;
enum class AbortReason : uint8_t {
// transaction has been requested to terminate, ie. "TERMINATE TRANSACTIONS ..."
// server is gracefully shutting down
// the transaction timeout has been reached. Either via "--query-execution-timeout-sec", or a per-transaction timeout
// This one is inherited from BasicException and will be treated as
// TransientError, i. e. client will be encouraged to retry execution because it
// could succeed if executed again.
class HintedAbortError : public utils::BasicException {
using utils::BasicException::BasicException;
: utils::BasicException(
"Transaction was asked to abort either because it was executing longer than time specified or another user "
"asked it to abort.") {}
explicit HintedAbortError(AbortReason reason) : utils::BasicException(AsMsg(reason)), reason_{reason} {}
auto Reason() const -> AbortReason { return reason_; }
static auto AsMsg(AbortReason reason) -> std::string_view {
using namespace std::string_view_literals;
switch (reason) {
case AbortReason::TERMINATED:
return "Transaction was asked to abort by another user."sv;
case AbortReason::SHUTDOWN:
return "Transaction was asked to abort because of database shutdown."sv;
case AbortReason::TIMEOUT:
return "Transaction was asked to abort because of transaction timeout."sv;
// should never happen
return "Transaction was asked to abort for an unknown reason."sv;
AbortReason reason_;
class ExplicitTransactionUsageException : public QueryRuntimeException {
@ -1018,10 +1018,28 @@ struct PullPlanVector {
std::vector<std::vector<TypedValue>> values_;
struct TxTimeout {
TxTimeout() = default;
explicit TxTimeout(std::chrono::duration<double> value) noexcept : value_{std::in_place, value} {
// validation
// - negative timeout makes no sense
// - zero timeout means no timeout
if (value_ <= std::chrono::milliseconds{0}) value_.reset();
explicit operator bool() const { return value_.has_value(); }
/// Must call operator bool() first to know if safe
auto ValueUnsafe() const -> std::chrono::duration<double> const & { return *value_; }
std::optional<std::chrono::duration<double>> value_;
struct PullPlan {
explicit PullPlan(std::shared_ptr<CachedPlan> plan, const Parameters ¶meters, bool is_profile_query,
DbAccessor *dba, InterpreterContext *interpreter_context, utils::MemoryResource *execution_memory,
std::optional<std::string> username, std::atomic<TransactionStatus> *transaction_status,
std::shared_ptr<utils::AsyncTimer> tx_timer,
TriggerContextCollector *trigger_context_collector = nullptr,
std::optional<size_t> memory_limit = {}, bool use_monotonic_memory = true,
FrameChangeCollector *frame_change_collector_ = nullptr);
@ -1061,8 +1079,9 @@ struct PullPlan {
PullPlan::PullPlan(const std::shared_ptr<CachedPlan> plan, const Parameters ¶meters, const bool is_profile_query,
DbAccessor *dba, InterpreterContext *interpreter_context, utils::MemoryResource *execution_memory,
std::optional<std::string> username, std::atomic<TransactionStatus> *transaction_status,
TriggerContextCollector *trigger_context_collector, const std::optional<size_t> memory_limit,
bool use_monotonic_memory, FrameChangeCollector *frame_change_collector)
std::shared_ptr<utils::AsyncTimer> tx_timer, TriggerContextCollector *trigger_context_collector,
const std::optional<size_t> memory_limit, bool use_monotonic_memory,
FrameChangeCollector *frame_change_collector)
: plan_(plan),
frame_(plan->symbol_table().max_position(), execution_memory),
@ -1086,9 +1105,7 @@ PullPlan::PullPlan(const std::shared_ptr<CachedPlan> plan, const Parameters &par
if (interpreter_context->config.execution_timeout_sec > 0) {
ctx_.timer = utils::AsyncTimer{interpreter_context->config.execution_timeout_sec};
ctx_.timer = std::move(tx_timer);
ctx_.is_shutting_down = &interpreter_context->is_shutting_down;
ctx_.transaction_status = transaction_status;
ctx_.is_profile_query = is_profile_query;
@ -1236,14 +1253,30 @@ Interpreter::Interpreter(InterpreterContext *interpreter_context) : interpreter_
MG_ASSERT(interpreter_context_, "Interpreter context must not be NULL");
PreparedQuery Interpreter::PrepareTransactionQuery(std::string_view query_upper,
const std::map<std::string, storage::PropertyValue> &metadata) {
auto DetermineTxTimeout(std::optional<int64_t> tx_timeout_ms, InterpreterConfig const &config) -> TxTimeout {
using double_seconds = std::chrono::duration<double>;
auto const global_tx_timeout = double_seconds{config.execution_timeout_sec};
auto const valid_global_tx_timeout = global_tx_timeout > double_seconds{0};
if (tx_timeout_ms) {
auto const timeout = std::chrono::duration_cast<double_seconds>(std::chrono::milliseconds{*tx_timeout_ms});
if (valid_global_tx_timeout) return TxTimeout{std::min(global_tx_timeout, timeout)};
return TxTimeout{timeout};
if (valid_global_tx_timeout) {
return TxTimeout{global_tx_timeout};
return TxTimeout{};
PreparedQuery Interpreter::PrepareTransactionQuery(std::string_view query_upper, QueryExtras const &extras) {
std::function<void()> handler;
if (query_upper == "BEGIN") {
// TODO: Evaluate doing move(metadata). Currently the metadata is very small, but this will be important if it ever
// TODO: Evaluate doing move(extras). Currently the extras is very small, but this will be important if it ever
// becomes large.
handler = [this, metadata] {
handler = [this, extras = extras] {
if (in_explicit_transaction_) {
throw ExplicitTransactionUsageException("Nested transactions are not supported.");
@ -1252,7 +1285,11 @@ PreparedQuery Interpreter::PrepareTransactionQuery(std::string_view query_upper,
in_explicit_transaction_ = true;
expect_rollback_ = false;
metadata_ = GenOptional(metadata);
metadata_ = GenOptional(extras.metadata_pv);
auto const timeout = DetermineTxTimeout(extras.tx_timeout, interpreter_context_->config);
explicit_transaction_timer_ =
timeout ? std::make_shared<utils::AsyncTimer>(timeout.ValueUnsafe().count()) : nullptr;
db_accessor_ = interpreter_context_->db->Access(GetIsolationLevelOverride());
@ -1283,6 +1320,7 @@ PreparedQuery Interpreter::PrepareTransactionQuery(std::string_view query_upper,
expect_rollback_ = false;
in_explicit_transaction_ = false;
metadata_ = std::nullopt;
} else if (query_upper == "ROLLBACK") {
handler = [this] {
@ -1296,6 +1334,7 @@ PreparedQuery Interpreter::PrepareTransactionQuery(std::string_view query_upper,
expect_rollback_ = false;
in_explicit_transaction_ = false;
metadata_ = std::nullopt;
} else {
LOG_FATAL("Should not get here -- unknown transaction query!");
@ -1354,6 +1393,7 @@ PreparedQuery PrepareCypherQuery(ParsedQuery parsed_query, std::map<std::string,
InterpreterContext *interpreter_context, DbAccessor *dba,
utils::MemoryResource *execution_memory, std::vector<Notification> *notifications,
const std::string *username, std::atomic<TransactionStatus> *transaction_status,
std::shared_ptr<utils::AsyncTimer> tx_timer,
TriggerContextCollector *trigger_context_collector = nullptr,
FrameChangeCollector *frame_change_collector = nullptr) {
auto *cypher_query = utils::Downcast<CypherQuery>(parsed_query.query);
@ -1403,10 +1443,11 @@ PreparedQuery PrepareCypherQuery(ParsedQuery parsed_query, std::map<std::string,
utils::FindOr(parsed_query.stripped_query.named_expressions(), symbol.token_position(),;
auto pull_plan = std::make_shared<PullPlan>(
plan, parsed_query.parameters, false, dba, interpreter_context, execution_memory,
StringPointerToOptional(username), transaction_status, trigger_context_collector, memory_limit,
use_monotonic_memory, frame_change_collector->IsTrackingValues() ? frame_change_collector : nullptr);
auto pull_plan =
std::make_shared<PullPlan>(plan, parsed_query.parameters, false, dba, interpreter_context, execution_memory,
StringPointerToOptional(username), transaction_status, std::move(tx_timer),
trigger_context_collector, memory_limit, use_monotonic_memory,
frame_change_collector->IsTrackingValues() ? frame_change_collector : nullptr);
return PreparedQuery{std::move(header), std::move(parsed_query.required_privileges),
[pull_plan = std::move(pull_plan), output_symbols = std::move(output_symbols), summary](
AnyStream *stream, std::optional<int> n) -> std::optional<QueryHandlerResult> {
@ -1468,6 +1509,7 @@ PreparedQuery PrepareProfileQuery(ParsedQuery parsed_query, bool in_explicit_tra
std::map<std::string, TypedValue> *summary, InterpreterContext *interpreter_context,
DbAccessor *dba, utils::MemoryResource *execution_memory, const std::string *username,
std::atomic<TransactionStatus> *transaction_status,
std::shared_ptr<utils::AsyncTimer> tx_timer,
FrameChangeCollector *frame_change_collector) {
const std::string kProfileQueryStart = "profile ";
@ -1533,36 +1575,37 @@ PreparedQuery PrepareProfileQuery(ParsedQuery parsed_query, bool in_explicit_tra
rw_type_checker.InferRWType(const_cast<plan::LogicalOperator &>(cypher_query_plan->plan()));
return PreparedQuery{
[plan = std::move(cypher_query_plan), parameters = std::move(parsed_inner_query.parameters), summary, dba,
interpreter_context, execution_memory, memory_limit, optional_username,
// We want to execute the query we are profiling lazily, so we delay
// the construction of the corresponding context.
stats_and_total_time = std::optional<plan::ProfilingStatsWithTotalTime>{},
pull_plan = std::shared_ptr<PullPlanVector>(nullptr), transaction_status, use_monotonic_memory,
frame_change_collector](AnyStream *stream, std::optional<int> n) mutable -> std::optional<QueryHandlerResult> {
// No output symbols are given so that nothing is streamed.
if (!stats_and_total_time) {
stats_and_total_time =
PullPlan(plan, parameters, true, dba, interpreter_context, execution_memory, optional_username,
transaction_status, nullptr, memory_limit, use_monotonic_memory,
frame_change_collector->IsTrackingValues() ? frame_change_collector : nullptr)
.Pull(stream, {}, {}, summary);
pull_plan = std::make_shared<PullPlanVector>(ProfilingStatsToTable(*stats_and_total_time));
[plan = std::move(cypher_query_plan), parameters = std::move(parsed_inner_query.parameters),
summary, dba, interpreter_context, execution_memory, memory_limit, optional_username,
// We want to execute the query we are profiling lazily, so we delay
// the construction of the corresponding context.
stats_and_total_time = std::optional<plan::ProfilingStatsWithTotalTime>{},
pull_plan = std::shared_ptr<PullPlanVector>(nullptr), transaction_status, use_monotonic_memory,
frame_change_collector, tx_timer = std::move(tx_timer)](
AnyStream *stream, std::optional<int> n) mutable -> std::optional<QueryHandlerResult> {
// No output symbols are given so that nothing is streamed.
if (!stats_and_total_time) {
stats_and_total_time =
PullPlan(plan, parameters, true, dba, interpreter_context, execution_memory,
optional_username, transaction_status, std::move(tx_timer), nullptr,
memory_limit, use_monotonic_memory,
frame_change_collector->IsTrackingValues() ? frame_change_collector : nullptr)
.Pull(stream, {}, {}, summary);
pull_plan = std::make_shared<PullPlanVector>(ProfilingStatsToTable(*stats_and_total_time));
MG_ASSERT(stats_and_total_time, "Failed to execute the query!");
MG_ASSERT(stats_and_total_time, "Failed to execute the query!");
if (pull_plan->Pull(stream, n)) {
summary->insert_or_assign("profile", ProfilingStatsToJson(*stats_and_total_time).dump());
return QueryHandlerResult::ABORT;
if (pull_plan->Pull(stream, n)) {
summary->insert_or_assign("profile", ProfilingStatsToJson(*stats_and_total_time).dump());
return QueryHandlerResult::ABORT;
return std::nullopt;
return std::nullopt;
PreparedQuery PrepareDumpQuery(ParsedQuery parsed_query, std::map<std::string, TypedValue> *summary, DbAccessor *dba,
@ -1947,7 +1990,8 @@ PreparedQuery PrepareIndexQuery(ParsedQuery parsed_query, bool in_explicit_trans
PreparedQuery PrepareAuthQuery(ParsedQuery parsed_query, bool in_explicit_transaction,
std::map<std::string, TypedValue> *summary, InterpreterContext *interpreter_context,
DbAccessor *dba, utils::MemoryResource *execution_memory, const std::string *username,
std::atomic<TransactionStatus> *transaction_status) {
std::atomic<TransactionStatus> *transaction_status,
std::shared_ptr<utils::AsyncTimer> tx_timer) {
if (in_explicit_transaction) {
throw UserModificationInMulticommandTxException();
@ -1967,8 +2011,9 @@ PreparedQuery PrepareAuthQuery(ParsedQuery parsed_query, bool in_explicit_transa
[fn = callback.fn](Frame *, ExecutionContext *) { return fn(); }),
0.0, AstStorage{}, symbol_table));
auto pull_plan = std::make_shared<PullPlan>(plan, parsed_query.parameters, false, dba, interpreter_context,
execution_memory, StringPointerToOptional(username), transaction_status);
auto pull_plan =
std::make_shared<PullPlan>(plan, parsed_query.parameters, false, dba, interpreter_context, execution_memory,
StringPointerToOptional(username), transaction_status, std::move(tx_timer));
return PreparedQuery{
callback.header, std::move(parsed_query.required_privileges),
[pull_plan = std::move(pull_plan), callback = std::move(callback), output_symbols = std::move(output_symbols),
@ -2362,7 +2407,8 @@ Callback SwitchMemoryDevice(storage::StorageMode current_mode, storage::StorageM
if (SwitchingFromDiskToInMemory(current_mode, requested_mode)) {
throw utils::BasicException(
"You cannot switch from the on-disk storage mode to an in-memory storage mode while the database is running. "
"To make the switch, delete the data directory and restart the database. Once restarted, Memgraph will automatically "
"To make the switch, delete the data directory and restart the database. Once restarted, Memgraph will "
"automatically "
"start in the default in-memory transactional storage mode.");
if (SwitchingFromInMemoryToDisk(current_mode, requested_mode)) {
@ -3051,8 +3097,8 @@ std::optional<uint64_t> Interpreter::GetTransactionId() const {
return {};
void Interpreter::BeginTransaction(const std::map<std::string, storage::PropertyValue> &metadata) {
const auto prepared_query = PrepareTransactionQuery("BEGIN", metadata);
void Interpreter::BeginTransaction(QueryExtras const &extras) {
const auto prepared_query = PrepareTransactionQuery("BEGIN", extras);
prepared_query.query_handler(nullptr, {});
@ -3072,13 +3118,17 @@ void Interpreter::RollbackTransaction() {
Interpreter::PrepareResult Interpreter::Prepare(const std::string &query_string,
const std::map<std::string, storage::PropertyValue> ¶ms,
const std::string *username,
const std::map<std::string, storage::PropertyValue> &metadata) {
const std::string *username, QueryExtras const &extras) {
std::shared_ptr<utils::AsyncTimer> current_timer;
if (!in_explicit_transaction_) {
// Handle user-defined metadata in auto-transactions
metadata_ = GenOptional(metadata);
metadata_ = GenOptional(extras.metadata_pv);
auto const timeout = DetermineTxTimeout(extras.tx_timeout, interpreter_context_->config);
current_timer = timeout ? std::make_shared<utils::AsyncTimer>(timeout.ValueUnsafe().count()) : nullptr;
} else {
current_timer = explicit_transaction_timer_;
// This will be done in the handle transaction query. Our handler can save username and then send it to the kill and
@ -3098,7 +3148,7 @@ Interpreter::PrepareResult Interpreter::Prepare(const std::string &query_string,
std::optional<int> qid =
in_explicit_transaction_ ? static_cast<int>(query_executions_.size() - 1) : std::optional<int>{};
query_execution->prepared_query.emplace(PrepareTransactionQuery(trimmed_query, metadata));
query_execution->prepared_query.emplace(PrepareTransactionQuery(trimmed_query, extras));
return {query_execution->prepared_query->header, query_execution->prepared_query->privileges, qid};
@ -3184,7 +3234,7 @@ Interpreter::PrepareResult Interpreter::Prepare(const std::string &query_string,
if (utils::Downcast<CypherQuery>(parsed_query.query)) {
prepared_query = PrepareCypherQuery(
std::move(parsed_query), &query_execution->summary, interpreter_context_, &*execution_db_accessor_,
memory_resource, &query_execution->notifications, username, &transaction_status_,
memory_resource, &query_execution->notifications, username, &transaction_status_, std::move(current_timer),
trigger_context_collector_ ? &*trigger_context_collector_ : nullptr, &*frame_change_collector_);
} else if (utils::Downcast<ExplainQuery>(parsed_query.query)) {
prepared_query = PrepareExplainQuery(std::move(parsed_query), &query_execution->summary, interpreter_context_,
@ -3193,7 +3243,7 @@ Interpreter::PrepareResult Interpreter::Prepare(const std::string &query_string,
prepared_query = PrepareProfileQuery(std::move(parsed_query), in_explicit_transaction_, &query_execution->summary,
interpreter_context_, &*execution_db_accessor_,
&query_execution->execution_memory_with_exception, username,
&transaction_status_, &*frame_change_collector_);
&transaction_status_, std::move(current_timer), &*frame_change_collector_);
} else if (utils::Downcast<DumpQuery>(parsed_query.query)) {
prepared_query = PrepareDumpQuery(std::move(parsed_query), &query_execution->summary, &*execution_db_accessor_,
@ -3204,9 +3254,10 @@ Interpreter::PrepareResult Interpreter::Prepare(const std::string &query_string,
prepared_query = PrepareAnalyzeGraphQuery(std::move(parsed_query), in_explicit_transaction_,
&*execution_db_accessor_, interpreter_context_);
} else if (utils::Downcast<AuthQuery>(parsed_query.query)) {
prepared_query = PrepareAuthQuery(
std::move(parsed_query), in_explicit_transaction_, &query_execution->summary, interpreter_context_,
&*execution_db_accessor_, &query_execution->execution_memory_with_exception, username, &transaction_status_);
prepared_query = PrepareAuthQuery(std::move(parsed_query), in_explicit_transaction_, &query_execution->summary,
interpreter_context_, &*execution_db_accessor_,
&query_execution->execution_memory_with_exception, username,
&transaction_status_, std::move(current_timer));
} else if (utils::Downcast<InfoQuery>(parsed_query.query)) {
prepared_query = PrepareInfoQuery(std::move(parsed_query), in_explicit_transaction_, &query_execution->summary,
interpreter_context_, interpreter_context_->db.get(),
@ -3299,6 +3350,7 @@ void Interpreter::Abort() {
expect_rollback_ = false;
in_explicit_transaction_ = false;
metadata_ = std::nullopt;
@ -204,6 +204,15 @@ struct PreparedQuery {
plan::ReadWriteTypeChecker::RWType rw_type;
* Holds data for the Query which is extra
* NOTE: maybe need to parse more in the future, ATM we ignore some parts from BOLT
struct QueryExtras {
std::map<std::string, memgraph::storage::PropertyValue> metadata_pv;
std::optional<int64_t> tx_timeout;
class Interpreter;
@ -268,6 +277,7 @@ class Interpreter final {
std::optional<std::string> username_;
bool in_explicit_transaction_{false};
bool expect_rollback_{false};
std::shared_ptr<utils::AsyncTimer> explicit_transaction_timer_{};
std::optional<std::map<std::string, storage::PropertyValue>> metadata_{}; //!< User defined transaction metadata
@ -279,8 +289,7 @@ class Interpreter final {
* @throw query::QueryException
PrepareResult Prepare(const std::string &query, const std::map<std::string, storage::PropertyValue> ¶ms,
const std::string *username,
const std::map<std::string, storage::PropertyValue> &metadata = {});
const std::string *username, QueryExtras const &extras = {});
* Execute the last prepared query and stream *all* of the results into the
@ -324,7 +333,7 @@ class Interpreter final {
std::map<std::string, TypedValue> Pull(TStream *result_stream, std::optional<int> n = {},
std::optional<int> qid = {});
void BeginTransaction(const std::map<std::string, storage::PropertyValue> &metadata = {});
void BeginTransaction(QueryExtras const &extras = {});
std::optional<uint64_t> GetTransactionId() const;
@ -419,8 +428,7 @@ class Interpreter final {
std::optional<storage::IsolationLevel> interpreter_isolation_level;
std::optional<storage::IsolationLevel> next_transaction_isolation_level;
PreparedQuery PrepareTransactionQuery(std::string_view query_upper,
const std::map<std::string, storage::PropertyValue> &metadata = {});
PreparedQuery PrepareTransactionQuery(std::string_view query_upper, QueryExtras const &extras = {});
void Commit();
void AdvanceCommand();
void AbortCommand(std::unique_ptr<QueryExecution> *query_execution);
@ -158,6 +158,10 @@ uint64_t ComputeProfilingKey(const T *obj) {
return reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(obj);
inline void AbortCheck(ExecutionContext const &context) {
if (auto const reason = MustAbort(context); reason != AbortReason::NO_ABORT) throw HintedAbortError(reason);
} // namespace
#define SCOPED_PROFILE_OP(name) ScopedProfile profile{ComputeProfilingKey(this), name, &context};
@ -430,7 +434,7 @@ class ScanAllCursor : public Cursor {
bool Pull(Frame &frame, ExecutionContext &context) override {
if (MustAbort(context)) throw HintedAbortError();
while (!vertices_ || vertices_it_.value() == vertices_.value().end()) {
if (!input_cursor_->Pull(frame, context)) return false;
@ -738,7 +742,7 @@ bool Expand::ExpandCursor::Pull(Frame &frame, ExecutionContext &context) {
while (true) {
if (MustAbort(context)) throw HintedAbortError();
// attempt to get a value from the incoming edges
if (in_edges_ && *in_edges_it_ != in_edges_->end()) {
auto edge = *(*in_edges_it_)++;
@ -1001,7 +1005,7 @@ class ExpandVariableCursor : public Cursor {
// Input Vertex could be null if it is created by a failed optional match.
// In those cases we skip that input pull and continue with the next.
while (true) {
if (MustAbort(context)) throw HintedAbortError();
if (!input_cursor_->Pull(frame, context)) return false;
TypedValue &vertex_value = frame[self_.input_symbol_];
@ -1071,7 +1075,7 @@ class ExpandVariableCursor : public Cursor {
// existing_node criterions, so expand in a loop until either the input
// vertex is exhausted or a valid variable-length expansion is available.
while (true) {
if (MustAbort(context)) throw HintedAbortError();
// pop from the stack while there is stuff to pop and the current
// level is exhausted
while (!edges_.empty() && edges_it_.back() == edges_.back().end()) {
@ -1269,7 +1273,7 @@ class STShortestPathCursor : public query::plan::Cursor {
out_edge[sink] = std::nullopt;
while (true) {
if (MustAbort(context)) throw HintedAbortError();
// Top-down step (expansion from the source).
if (current_length > upper_bound) return false;
@ -1475,7 +1479,7 @@ class SingleSourceShortestPathCursor : public query::plan::Cursor {
// do it all in a loop because we skip some elements
while (true) {
if (MustAbort(context)) throw HintedAbortError();
// if we have nothing to visit on the current depth, switch to next
if (to_visit_current_.empty()) to_visit_current_.swap(to_visit_next_);
@ -1681,7 +1685,7 @@ class ExpandWeightedShortestPathCursor : public query::plan::Cursor {
while (true) {
if (MustAbort(context)) throw HintedAbortError();
if (pq_.empty()) {
if (!input_cursor_->Pull(frame, context)) return false;
const auto &vertex_value = frame[self_.input_symbol_];
@ -1718,7 +1722,7 @@ class ExpandWeightedShortestPathCursor : public query::plan::Cursor {
while (!pq_.empty()) {
if (MustAbort(context)) throw HintedAbortError();
auto [current_weight, current_depth, current_vertex, current_edge] =;
@ -2017,7 +2021,7 @@ class ExpandAllShortestPathsCursor : public query::plan::Cursor {
auto create_DFS_traversal_tree = [this, &context, &memory, &create_state, &expand_from_vertex]() {
while (!pq_.empty()) {
if (MustAbort(context)) throw HintedAbortError();
const auto [current_weight, current_depth, current_vertex, directed_edge] =;
@ -2068,7 +2072,7 @@ class ExpandAllShortestPathsCursor : public query::plan::Cursor {
// On each subsequent Pull run, paths are created from the traversal stack and returned.
while (true) {
// Check if there is an external error.
if (MustAbort(context)) throw HintedAbortError();
// The algorithm is run all at once by create_DFS_traversal_tree, after which we
// traverse the tree iteratively by preserving the traversal state on stack.
@ -2486,7 +2490,7 @@ bool Delete::DeleteCursor::Pull(Frame &frame, ExecutionContext &context) {
auto &dba = *context.db_accessor;
// delete edges first
for (TypedValue &expression_result : expression_results) {
if (MustAbort(context)) throw HintedAbortError();
if (expression_result.type() == TypedValue::Type::Edge) {
auto &ea = expression_result.ValueEdge();
@ -2518,7 +2522,7 @@ bool Delete::DeleteCursor::Pull(Frame &frame, ExecutionContext &context) {
// delete vertices
for (TypedValue &expression_result : expression_results) {
if (MustAbort(context)) throw HintedAbortError();
switch (expression_result.type()) {
case TypedValue::Type::Vertex: {
auto &va = expression_result.ValueVertex();
@ -3197,9 +3201,7 @@ class EmptyResultCursor : public Cursor {
if (!pulled_all_input_) {
while (input_cursor_->Pull(frame, context)) {
if (MustAbort(context)) {
throw HintedAbortError();
pulled_all_input_ = true;
@ -3255,7 +3257,7 @@ class AccumulateCursor : public Cursor {
if (self_.advance_command_) dba.AdvanceCommand();
if (MustAbort(context)) throw HintedAbortError();
if (cache_it_ == cache_.end()) return false;
auto row_it = (cache_it_++)->begin();
for (const Symbol &symbol : self_.symbols_) {
@ -3831,7 +3833,7 @@ class OrderByCursor : public Cursor {
if (cache_it_ == cache_.end()) return false;
if (MustAbort(context)) throw HintedAbortError();
// place the output values on the frame
DMG_ASSERT(self_.output_symbols_.size() == cache_it_->remember.size(),
@ -4055,7 +4057,7 @@ class UnwindCursor : public Cursor {
bool Pull(Frame &frame, ExecutionContext &context) override {
while (true) {
if (MustAbort(context)) throw HintedAbortError();
// if we reached the end of our list of values
// pull from the input
if (input_value_it_ == input_value_.end()) {
@ -4314,7 +4316,7 @@ class CartesianCursor : public Cursor {
restore_frame(self_.right_symbols_, right_op_frame_);
if (MustAbort(context)) throw HintedAbortError();
restore_frame(self_.left_symbols_, *left_op_frames_it_);
@ -4565,7 +4567,7 @@ class CallProcedureCursor : public Cursor {
bool Pull(Frame &frame, ExecutionContext &context) override {
if (MustAbort(context)) throw HintedAbortError();
// We need to fetch new procedure results after pulling from input.
// TODO: Look into openCypher's distinction between procedures returning an
@ -4786,7 +4788,7 @@ class LoadCsvCursor : public Cursor {
bool Pull(Frame &frame, ExecutionContext &context) override {
if (MustAbort(context)) throw HintedAbortError();
// ToDo(the-joksim):
// - this is an ungodly hack because the pipeline of creating a plan
@ -2962,7 +2962,18 @@ mgp_error mgp_proc_add_deprecated_result(mgp_proc *proc, const char *name, mgp_t
int mgp_must_abort(mgp_graph *graph) {
return memgraph::query::MustAbort(*graph->ctx) ? 1 : 0;
auto const reason = memgraph::query::MustAbort(*graph->ctx);
// NOTE: deliberately decoupled to avoid accidental ABI breaks
switch (reason) {
case memgraph::query::AbortReason::TERMINATED:
return 1;
case memgraph::query::AbortReason::SHUTDOWN:
return 2;
case memgraph::query::AbortReason::TIMEOUT:
return 3;
case memgraph::query::AbortReason::NO_ABORT:
return 0;
namespace memgraph::query::procedure {
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ void Trigger::Execute(DbAccessor *dba, utils::MonotonicBufferResource *execution
ctx.evaluation_context.parameters = parsed_statements_.parameters;
|||| = NamesToProperties(plan.ast_storage().properties_, dba);
ctx.evaluation_context.labels = NamesToLabels(plan.ast_storage().labels_, dba);
ctx.timer = utils::AsyncTimer(max_execution_time_sec);
ctx.timer = (max_execution_time_sec > 0.0) ? std::make_shared<utils::AsyncTimer>(max_execution_time_sec) : nullptr;
ctx.is_shutting_down = is_shutting_down;
ctx.transaction_status = transaction_status;
ctx.is_profile_query = false;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
move into e2e when ts-node based runner has been setup
To run
npm install
npm run test:auto
npm run test:explicit
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
import { Driver, RxSession, Session } from "neo4j-driver";
import { finalize } from "rxjs";
var neo4j = require("neo4j-driver");
const driver: Driver = neo4j.driver("bolt://localhost:7687");
async function setup() {
const session: Session = driver.session();
try {
await'MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n');
await'UNWIND RANGE(1, 100) AS x CREATE ()');
} finally {
() => {
const session: RxSession = driver.rxSession({ defaultAccessMode: 'READ' });
.run("MATCH (), (), (), () RETURN 42 AS thing;", // NOTE: A long query
{ timeout: 50 } // NOTE: with a short timeout
.pipe(finalize(() => {
next: record => { },
complete: () => {'complete'); process.exit(1); }, // UNEXPECTED
error: msg => console.error('Error:', msg.message), // NOTE: expected to error with server side timeout
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
import { Driver, Session } from "neo4j-driver";
import { EMPTY } from "rxjs"
import { catchError, finalize, map, mergeMap, concatWith } from "rxjs/operators"
const neo4j = require("neo4j-driver");
const driver: Driver = neo4j.driver("bolt://localhost:7687");
async function setup() {
const session: Session = driver.session();
try {
await'MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n');
await'UNWIND RANGE(1, 100) AS x CREATE ()');
} finally {
setup().then(() => {
const rxSession = driver.rxSession({ defaultAccessMode: 'READ' });
.beginTransaction({ timeout: 50 }) // NOTE: a short timeout
mergeMap(tx =>
.run('MATCH (),(),(),() RETURN 42 AS thing;') // NOTE: a long query
catchError(err => { tx.rollback(); throw err; }),
concatWith(EMPTY.pipe(finalize(() => tx.commit())))
finalize(() => { rxSession.close(); driver.close() })
next: record => { },
complete: () => {'complete'); process.exit(1); }, // UNEXPECTED
error: msg => console.error('Error:', msg.message), // NOTE: expected to error with server side timeout
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"scripts": {
"test:explicit": "ts-node explicit-transaction.ts",
"test:auto": "ts-node auto-transaction.ts"
"dependencies": {
"neo4j-driver": "^5.9.2",
"rxjs": "^7.8.1"
"devDependencies": {
"ts-node": "^10.0.0"
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include "bolt_common.hpp"
#include "communication/bolt/v1/session.hpp"
#include "communication/exceptions.hpp"
#include "query/exceptions.hpp"
#include "utils/logging.hpp"
using memgraph::communication::bolt::ClientError;
@ -42,8 +43,11 @@ class TestSession : public Session<TestInputStream, TestOutputStream> {
std::pair<std::vector<std::string>, std::optional<int>> Interpret(
const std::string &query, const std::map<std::string, Value> ¶ms,
const std::map<std::string, Value> &metadata) override {
if (!metadata.empty()) md_ = metadata;
const std::map<std::string, Value> &extra) override {
if (extra.contains("tx_metadata")) {
auto const &metadata ="tx_metadata").ValueMap();
if (!metadata.empty()) md_ = metadata;
if (query == kQueryReturn42 || query == kQueryEmpty || query == kQueryReturnMultiple) {
query_ = query;
return {{"result_name"}, {}};
@ -60,6 +64,9 @@ class TestSession : public Session<TestInputStream, TestOutputStream> {
std::map<std::string, Value> Pull(TEncoder *encoder, std::optional<int> n, std::optional<int> qid) override {
if (should_abort_) {
throw memgraph::query::HintedAbortError(memgraph::query::AbortReason::TERMINATED);
if (query_ == kQueryReturn42) {
return {};
@ -91,7 +98,12 @@ class TestSession : public Session<TestInputStream, TestOutputStream> {
std::map<std::string, Value> Discard(std::optional<int>, std::optional<int>) override { return {}; }
void BeginTransaction(const std::map<std::string, Value> &metadata) override { md_ = metadata; }
void BeginTransaction(const std::map<std::string, Value> &extra) override {
if (extra.contains("tx_metadata")) {
auto const &metadata ="tx_metadata").ValueMap();
if (!metadata.empty()) md_ = metadata;
void CommitTransaction() override { md_.clear(); }
void RollbackTransaction() override { md_.clear(); }
@ -101,9 +113,12 @@ class TestSession : public Session<TestInputStream, TestOutputStream> {
std::optional<std::string> GetServerNameForInit() override { return std::nullopt; }
void TestHook_ShouldAbort() { should_abort_ = true; }
std::string query_;
std::map<std::string, Value> md_;
bool should_abort_ = false;
// TODO: This could be done in fixture.
@ -171,9 +186,22 @@ inline constexpr uint8_t handshake_req[] = {0x60, 0x60, 0xb0, 0x17, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
inline constexpr uint8_t handshake_resp[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x04};
inline constexpr uint8_t route[]{0xb3, 0x66, 0xa0, 0x90, 0xc0};
const std::string extra_w_metadata =
constexpr std::string_view extra_w_metadata =
"\xa2" // Map size 2
"\x8b\x74\x78\x5f\x6d\x65\x74\x61\x64\x61\x74\x61" // "tx_metadata"
"\xa2" // Map size 2
"\x83\x73\x74\x72" // "str"
"\x83\x61\x68\x61" // "aha"
"\x83\x6e\x75\x6d" // "num"
"\x7b" // 123
"\x8a\x74\x78\x5f\x74\x69\x6d\x65\x6f\x75\x74" // "tx_timeout"
"\xc9\x07\xd0"; // INT_16 2000
constexpr std::string_view extra_w_127ms_timeout =
"\xa1" // Map size 1
"\x8a\x74\x78\x5F\x74\x69\x6D\x65\x6F\x75\x74" // String size 10 "tx_timeout"
"\x7f"; // Integer 127 (representing 127ms)
inline constexpr uint8_t commit[] = {0xb0, 0x12};
} // namespace v4_3
@ -248,7 +276,7 @@ void ExecuteInit(TestInputStream &input_stream, TestSession &session, std::vecto
// Write bolt encoded run request
void WriteRunRequest(TestInputStream &input_stream, const char *str, const bool is_v4 = false,
const std::string &extra = "\xA0") {
std::string_view extra = "\xA0") {
// write chunk header
auto len = strlen(str);
WriteChunkHeader(input_stream, (3 + is_v4 * extra.size()) + 2 + len + 1);
@ -1165,3 +1193,32 @@ TEST(BoltSession, PassMetadata) {
EXPECT_NE(find_str, end(output));
TEST(BoltSession, PartialStream) {
// v4+
ExecuteHandshake(input_stream, session, output, v4_3::handshake_req, v4_3::handshake_resp);
ExecuteInit(input_stream, session, output, true);
WriteRunRequest(input_stream, kQueryReturnMultiple, true, v4_3::extra_w_127ms_timeout);
ASSERT_EQ(session.state_, State::Result);
ExecuteCommand(input_stream, session, v4::pull_one_req, sizeof(v4::pull_one_req));
ASSERT_EQ(session.state_, State::Result);
constexpr std::array<uint8_t, 10> md_has_more_true{0x88, 0x68, 0x61, 0x73, 0x5F, 0x6D, 0x6F, 0x72, 0x65, 0xC3};
auto find_has_more = std::search(cbegin(output), cend(output), cbegin(md_has_more_true), cend(md_has_more_true));
EXPECT_NE(find_has_more, cend(output));
session.TestHook_ShouldAbort(); // pretend the 127ms timeout was hit
ExecuteCommand(input_stream, session, v4::pull_one_req, sizeof(v4::pull_one_req));
auto const error_msg = std::u8string_view{u8"Transaction was asked to abort by another user."};
auto const find_msg = std::search(cbegin(output), cend(output), cbegin(error_msg), cend(error_msg));
EXPECT_NE(find_msg, cend(output));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user