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+# C++ Code Conventions
+This chapter describes code conventions which should be followed when writing
+C++ code.
+## Code Style
+Memgraph uses the Google Style Guide for C++ in most of its code. You should
+follow them whenever writing new code. The style guide can be found
+### Additional Style Conventions
+Code style conventions which are left undefined by Google are specified here.
+#### Template parameter naming
+Template parameter names should start with capital letter 'T' followed by a
+short descriptive name. For example:
+template <typename TKey, typename TValue>
+class KeyValueStore
+## Code Formatting
+You should install `clang-format` and run it on code you change or add. The
+root of Memgraph's project contains the `.clang-format` file, which specifies
+how formatting should behave. Running `clang-format -style=file` in the
+project's root will read the file and behave as expected. For ease of use, you
+should integrate formatting with your favourite editor.
+The code formatting isn't enforced, because sometimes manual formatting may
+produce better results. Though, running `clang-format` is strongly encouraged.
+## Documentation
+Besides following the comment guidelines from [Google Style
+Guide](https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html#Comments), your
+documentation of the public API should be
+[Doxygen](https://github.com/doxygen/doxygen) compatible. For private parts of
+the code or for comments accompanying the implementation, you are free to
+break doxygen compatibility. In both cases, you should write your
+documentation as full sentences, correctly written in English.
+## Doxygen
+To start a Doxygen compatible documentation string, you should open your
+comment with either a JavaDoc style block comment (`/**`) or a line comment
+containing 3 slashes (`///`). Take a look at the 2 examples below.
+### Block Comment
+ * One sentence, brief description.
+ *
+ * Long form description.
+ */
+### Line Comment
+/// One sentence, brief description.
+/// Long form description.
+If you only have a brief description, you may collapse the documentation into
+a single line.
+### Block Comment
+/** Brief description. */
+### Line Comment
+/// Brief description.
+Whichever style you choose, keep it consistent across the whole file.
+Doxygen supports various commands in comments, such as `@file` and `@param`.
+These help Doxygen to render specified things differently or to track them for
+cross referencing. If you want to learn more, take a look at these two links:
+  * http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/manual/docblocks.html
+  * http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/manual/commands.html
+## Examples
+Below are a few examples of documentation from the codebase.
+### Function
+ * Removes whitespace characters from the start and from the end of a string.
+ *
+ * @param s String that is going to be trimmed.
+ *
+ * @return Trimmed string.
+ */
+inline std::string Trim(const std::string &s);
+### Class
+/** Base class for logical operators.
+ *
+ *  Each operator describes an operation, which is to be performed on the
+ *  database. Operators are iterated over using a @c Cursor. Various operators
+ *  can serve as inputs to others and thus a sequence of operations is formed.
+ */
+class LogicalOperator
+    : public ::utils::Visitable<HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor> {
+ public:
+  /** Constructs a @c Cursor which is used to run this operator.
+   *
+   *  @param GraphDbAccessor Used to perform operations on the database.
+   */
+  virtual std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(GraphDbAccessor &db) const = 0;
+  /** Return @c Symbol vector where the results will be stored.
+   *
+   *  Currently, outputs symbols are only generated in @c Produce operator.
+   *  @c Skip, @c Limit and @c OrderBy propagate the symbols from @c Produce (if
+   *  it exists as input operator). In the future, we may want this method to
+   *  return the symbols that will be set in this operator.
+   *
+   *  @param SymbolTable used to find symbols for expressions.
+   *  @return std::vector<Symbol> used for results.
+   */
+  virtual std::vector<Symbol> OutputSymbols(const SymbolTable &) const {
+    return std::vector<Symbol>();
+  }
+  virtual ~LogicalOperator() {}
+### File Header
+/// @file visitor.hpp
+/// This file contains the generic implementation of visitor pattern.
+/// There are 2 approaches to the pattern:
+///   * classic visitor pattern using @c Accept and @c Visit methods, and
+///   * hierarchical visitor which also uses @c PreVisit and @c PostVisit
+///   methods.
+/// Classic Visitor
+/// ===============
+/// Explanation on the classic visitor pattern can be found from many
+/// sources, but here is the link to hopefully most easily accessible
+/// information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visitor_pattern
+/// The idea behind the generic implementation of classic visitor pattern is to
+/// allow returning any type via @c Accept and @c Visit methods. Traversing the
+/// class hierarchy is relegated to the visitor classes. Therefore, visitor
+/// should call @c Accept on children when visiting their parents. To implement
+/// such a visitor refer to @c Visitor and @c Visitable classes.
+/// Hierarchical Visitor
+/// ====================
+/// Unlike the classic visitor, the intent of this design is to allow the
+/// visited structure itself to control the traversal. This way the internal
+/// children structure of classes can remain private. On the other hand,
+/// visitors may want to differentiate visiting composite types from leaf types.
+/// Composite types are those which contain visitable children, unlike the leaf
+/// nodes. Differentiation is accomplished by providing @c PreVisit and @c
+/// PostVisit methods, which should be called inside @c Accept of composite
+/// types. Regular @c Visit is only called inside @c Accept of leaf types.
+/// To implement such a visitor refer to @c CompositeVisitor, @c LeafVisitor and
+/// @c Visitable classes.
+/// Implementation of hierarchical visiting is modelled after:
+/// http://wiki.c2.com/?HierarchicalVisitorPattern
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+# Quick Start
+A short chapter on downloading the Memgraph source, compiling and running.
+## Obtaining the Source Code
+Memgraph uses `git` for source version control. You will need to install `git`
+on your machine before you can download the source code.
+On Debian systems, you can do it inside a terminal with the following
+    sudo apt-get install git
+On ArchLinux or Gentoo, you probably already know what to do.
+After installing `git`, you are now ready to fetch your own copy of Memgraph
+source code. Run the following command:
+    git clone https://phabricator.memgraph.io/diffusion/MG/memgraph.git
+The above will create a `memgraph` directory and put all source code there.
+## Compiling Memgraph
+With the source code, you are now ready to compile Memgraph. Well... Not
+quite. You'll need to download Memgraph's dependencies first.
+In your terminal, position yourself in the obtained memgraph directory.
+    cd memgraph
+### Installing Dependencies
+On Debian systems, all of the dependencies should be setup by running the
+`init` script:
+    ./init -s
+Currently, other systems aren't supported in the `init` script. But you can
+issue the needed steps manually. First run the `init` script.
+    ./init
+The script will output the required packages, which you should be able to
+install via your favorite package manager. For example, `pacman` on ArchLinux.
+After installing the packages, issue the following commands:
+    mkdir -p build
+    ./libs/setups.sh
+### Compiling
+With all of the dependencies installed, you need to configure the build
+system. To do that, execute the following:
+    cd build
+    cmake ..
+If everything went OK, you can now, finally, compile Memgraph.
+    make -j$(nproc)
+### Running
+After the compilation verify that Memgraph works:
+    ./memgraph --version
+To make extra sure, run the unit tests:
+    ctest -R unit -j$(nproc)
+## Problems
+If you have any trouble running the above commands, contact your nearest
+developer who successfully built Memgraph. Ask for help and insist on getting
+this document updated with correct steps!
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+# Memgraph Workflow
+This chapter describes the usual workflow for working on Memgraph.
+## Git
+Memgraph uses [git](https://git-scm.com/) for source version control. If you
+obtained the source, you probably already have it installed. Before you can
+track new changes, you need to setup some basic information.
+First, tell git your name:
+    git config --global user.name "FirstName LastName"
+Then, set your Memgraph email:
+    git config --global user.email "my.email@memgraph.com"
+Finally, make git aware of your favourite editor:
+    git config --global core.editor "vim"
+## Phabricator
+All of the code in Memgraph needs to go through code review before it can be
+accepted in the codebase. This is done through
+[Phabricator](https://phacility.com/phabricator/). The command line tool for
+interfacing with Phabricator is
+[arcanist](https://phacility.com/phabricator/arcanist/). You should already
+have it installed if you followed the steps in [Quick Start](quick-start.md).
+The only required setup is to go in the root of Memgraph's project and run:
+    arc install-certificate
+## Working on Your Feature Branch
+Git has a concept of source code *branches*. The `master` branch contains all
+of the changes which were reviewed and accepted in Memgraph's code base. The
+`master` branch is selected by default.
+### Creating a Branch
+When working on a new feature or fixing a bug, you should create a new branch
+out of the `master` branch. For example, let's say you are adding static type
+checking to the query language compiler. You would create a branch called
+`mg_query_static_typing` with the following command:
+    git branch mg_query_static_typing
+To switch to that branch, type:
+    git checkout mg_query_static_typing
+Since doing these two steps will happen often, you can use a shortcut command:
+    git checkout -b mg_query_static_typing
+Note that a branch is created from the currently selected branch. So, if you
+wish to create another branch from `master` you need to switch to `master`
+The usual convention for naming your branches is `mg_<feature_name>`, you may
+switch underscores ('\_') for hyphens ('-').
+Do take care not to mix the case of your branch names! Certain operating
+systems (like Windows) don't distinguish the casing in git branches. This may
+cause hard to track down issues when trying to switch branches. Therefore, you
+should always name your branches with lowercase letters.
+### Making and Committing Changes
+When you have a branch for your new addition, you can now actually start
+implementing it. After some amount of time, you may have created new files,
+modified others and maybe even deleted unused files. You need to tell git to
+track those changes. This is accomplished with `git add` and `git rm`
+    git add path-to-new-file path-to-modified-file
+    git rm path-to-deleted-file
+To check that everything is correctly tracked, you may use the `git status`
+command. It will also print the name of the currently selected branch.
+If everything seems OK, you should commit these changes to git.
+    git commit
+You will be presented with an editor where you need to type the commit
+message. Writing a good commit message is an art in itself. You should take a
+look at the links below. We try to follow these conventions as much as
+  * [How to Write a Git Commit Message](http://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/)
+  * [A Note About Git Commit Messages](http://tbaggery.com/2008/04/19/a-note-about-git-commit-messages.html)
+  * [stopwritingramblingcommitmessages](http://stopwritingramblingcommitmessages.com/)
+### Sending Changes on a Review
+After finishing your work on your feature branch, you will want to send it on
+code review. This is done through Arcanist. To do that, run the following
+    arc diff
+You will, once again, be presented with an editor where you need to describe
+your whole work. `arc` will by default fill that description with your commit
+messages. The title and summary of your work should also follow the
+conventions of git messages as described above. If you followed the
+guidelines, the message filled by `arc` should be fine.
+In addition to the message, you need to fill the `Reviewers:` line with
+usernames of people who should do the code review.
+You changes will be visible on Phabricator as a so called "diff". You can find
+the default view of active diffs
+### Updating Changes Based on Review
+When you get comments in the code review, you will want to make additional
+modifications to your work. The same workflow as before applies: [Making and
+Committing Changes](#making-and-committing-changes)
+After making those changes, send them back on code review:
+    arc diff
+### Updating From New Master
+Let's say that, while you were working, someone else added some new features
+to the codebase that you would like to use in your current work. To obtain
+those changes you should update your `master` branch:
+    git checkout master
+    git pull origin master
+Now, these changes are on `master`, but you want them in your local branch. To
+do that, use `git rebase`:
+    git checkout mg_query_static_typing
+    git rebase master
+During `git rebase`, you may get reports that some files have conflicting
+changes. If you need help resolving them, don't be afraid to ask around! After
+you've resolved them, mark them as done with `git add` command. You may
+then continue with `git rebase --continue`.
+After the `git rebase` is done, you will now have new changes from `master` on
+your feature branch as if you just created and started working on that branch.
+You may continue with the usual workflow of [Making and Committing
+Changes](#making-and-committing-changes) and [Sending Changes on a
+### Sending Your Changes on Master Branch
+When your changes pass the code review, you are ready to integrate them in the
+`master` branch. To do that, run the following command:
+    arc land
+Arcanist will take care of obtaining the latest changes from `master` and
+merging your changes on top. If the `land` was successful, Arcanist will
+delete your local branch and you will be back on `master`. Continuing from the
+examples above, the deleted branch would be `mg_query_static_typing`.
+This marks the completion of your changes, and you are ready to work on
+something else.
+### Note For People Familiar With Git
+Since Arcanist takes care of merging your git commits and pushing them on
+`master`, you should *never* have to call `git merge` and `git push`. If you
+find yourself typing those commands, check that you are doing the right thing.
+The most common mistake is to use `git merge` instead of `git rebase` for the
+case described in [Updating From New Master](#updating-from-new-master).