Initial trigger definition ()

* Pull out cypher query parsing logic

* Define trigger structure

* Run triggers before commit

* Use skip list for saving triggers
This commit is contained in:
antonio2368 2021-04-15 10:49:40 +02:00 committed by Antonio Andelic
parent 2a0b0d969f
commit 7e44434cdf
7 changed files with 397 additions and 242 deletions

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ add_custom_target(generate_lcp_query DEPENDS ${generated_lcp_query_files})
@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ set(mg_query_sources
add_library(mg-query STATIC ${mg_query_sources})

View File

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
#include "query/cypher_query_interpreter.hpp"
// NOLINTNEXTLINE (cppcoreguidelines-avoid-non-const-global-variables)
DEFINE_HIDDEN_bool(query_cost_planner, true, "Use the cost-estimating query planner.");
// NOLINTNEXTLINE (cppcoreguidelines-avoid-non-const-global-variables)
DEFINE_VALIDATED_int32(query_plan_cache_ttl, 60, "Time to live for cached query plans, in seconds.",
FLAG_IN_RANGE(0, std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max()));
namespace query {
CachedPlan::CachedPlan(std::unique_ptr<LogicalPlan> plan) : plan_(std::move(plan)) {}
ParsedQuery ParseQuery(const std::string &query_string, const std::map<std::string, storage::PropertyValue> &params,
utils::SkipList<QueryCacheEntry> *cache, utils::SpinLock *antlr_lock) {
// Strip the query for caching purposes. The process of stripping a query
// "normalizes" it by replacing any literals with new parameters. This
// results in just the *structure* of the query being taken into account for
// caching.
frontend::StrippedQuery stripped_query{query_string};
// Copy over the parameters that were introduced during stripping.
Parameters parameters{stripped_query.literals()};
// Check that all user-specified parameters are provided.
for (const auto &param_pair : stripped_query.parameters()) {
auto it = params.find(param_pair.second);
if (it == params.end()) {
throw query::UnprovidedParameterError("Parameter ${} not provided.", param_pair.second);
parameters.Add(param_pair.first, it->second);
// Cache the query's AST if it isn't already.
auto hash = stripped_query.hash();
auto accessor = cache->access();
auto it = accessor.find(hash);
std::unique_ptr<frontend::opencypher::Parser> parser;
// Return a copy of both the AST storage and the query.
CachedQuery result;
bool is_cacheable = true;
auto get_information_from_cache = [&](const auto &cached_query) {
result.ast_storage.properties_ = cached_query.ast_storage.properties_;
result.ast_storage.labels_ = cached_query.ast_storage.labels_;
result.ast_storage.edge_types_ = cached_query.ast_storage.edge_types_;
result.query = cached_query.query->Clone(&result.ast_storage);
result.required_privileges = cached_query.required_privileges;
if (it == accessor.end()) {
std::unique_lock<utils::SpinLock> guard(*antlr_lock);
try {
parser = std::make_unique<frontend::opencypher::Parser>(stripped_query.query());
} catch (const SyntaxException &e) {
// There is a syntax exception in the stripped query. Re-run the parser
// on the original query to get an appropriate error messsage.
parser = std::make_unique<frontend::opencypher::Parser>(query_string);
// If an exception was not thrown here, the stripper messed something
// up.
LOG_FATAL("The stripped query can't be parsed, but the original can.");
// Convert the ANTLR4 parse tree into an AST.
AstStorage ast_storage;
frontend::ParsingContext context{true};
frontend::CypherMainVisitor visitor(context, &ast_storage);
if (visitor.IsCacheable()) {
CachedQuery cached_query{std::move(ast_storage), visitor.query(), query::GetRequiredPrivileges(visitor.query())};
it = accessor.insert({hash, std::move(cached_query)}).first;
} else {
result.ast_storage.properties_ = ast_storage.properties_;
result.ast_storage.labels_ = ast_storage.labels_;
result.ast_storage.edge_types_ = ast_storage.edge_types_;
result.query = visitor.query()->Clone(&result.ast_storage);
result.required_privileges = query::GetRequiredPrivileges(visitor.query());
is_cacheable = false;
} else {
return ParsedQuery{query_string,
std::unique_ptr<LogicalPlan> MakeLogicalPlan(AstStorage ast_storage, CypherQuery *query, const Parameters &parameters,
DbAccessor *db_accessor) {
auto vertex_counts = plan::MakeVertexCountCache(db_accessor);
auto symbol_table = MakeSymbolTable(query);
auto planning_context = plan::MakePlanningContext(&ast_storage, &symbol_table, query, &vertex_counts);
auto [root, cost] = plan::MakeLogicalPlan(&planning_context, parameters, FLAGS_query_cost_planner);
return std::make_unique<SingleNodeLogicalPlan>(std::move(root), cost, std::move(ast_storage),
std::shared_ptr<CachedPlan> CypherQueryToPlan(uint64_t hash, AstStorage ast_storage, CypherQuery *query,
const Parameters &parameters, utils::SkipList<PlanCacheEntry> *plan_cache,
DbAccessor *db_accessor, const bool is_cacheable) {
auto plan_cache_access = plan_cache->access();
auto it = plan_cache_access.find(hash);
if (it != plan_cache_access.end()) {
if (it->second->IsExpired()) {
} else {
return it->second;
auto plan = std::make_shared<CachedPlan>(MakeLogicalPlan(std::move(ast_storage), (query), parameters, db_accessor));
if (is_cacheable) {
plan_cache_access.insert({hash, plan});
return plan;
} // namespace query

View File

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
#pragma once
// "cypher_main_visitor.hpp"
// "planner.hpp" includes json.hpp which uses libc's
// EOF macro while "cypher_main_visitor.hpp" includes
// "antlr4-runtime.h" which contains a static variable
// of the same name, EOF.
// This hides the definition of the macro which causes
// the compilation to fail.
#include "query/plan/planner.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/ast/cypher_main_visitor.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/opencypher/parser.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/semantic/required_privileges.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/semantic/symbol_generator.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/stripped.hpp"
#include "utils/flag_validation.hpp"
#include "utils/timer.hpp"
// NOLINTNEXTLINE (cppcoreguidelines-avoid-non-const-global-variables)
// NOLINTNEXTLINE (cppcoreguidelines-avoid-non-const-global-variables)
namespace query {
// TODO: Maybe this should move to query/plan/planner.
/// Interface for accessing the root operator of a logical plan.
class LogicalPlan {
explicit LogicalPlan() = default;
virtual ~LogicalPlan() = default;
LogicalPlan(const LogicalPlan &) = default;
LogicalPlan &operator=(const LogicalPlan &) = default;
LogicalPlan(LogicalPlan &&) = default;
LogicalPlan &operator=(LogicalPlan &&) = default;
virtual const plan::LogicalOperator &GetRoot() const = 0;
virtual double GetCost() const = 0;
virtual const SymbolTable &GetSymbolTable() const = 0;
virtual const AstStorage &GetAstStorage() const = 0;
class CachedPlan {
explicit CachedPlan(std::unique_ptr<LogicalPlan> plan);
const auto &plan() const { return plan_->GetRoot(); }
double cost() const { return plan_->GetCost(); }
const auto &symbol_table() const { return plan_->GetSymbolTable(); }
const auto &ast_storage() const { return plan_->GetAstStorage(); }
bool IsExpired() const {
// NOLINTNEXTLINE (modernize-use-nullptr)
return cache_timer_.Elapsed() > std::chrono::seconds(FLAGS_query_plan_cache_ttl);
std::unique_ptr<LogicalPlan> plan_;
utils::Timer cache_timer_;
struct CachedQuery {
AstStorage ast_storage;
Query *query;
std::vector<AuthQuery::Privilege> required_privileges;
struct QueryCacheEntry {
bool operator==(const QueryCacheEntry &other) const { return first == other.first; }
bool operator<(const QueryCacheEntry &other) const { return first < other.first; }
bool operator==(const uint64_t &other) const { return first == other; }
bool operator<(const uint64_t &other) const { return first < other; }
uint64_t first;
// TODO: Maybe store the query string here and use it as a key with the hash
// so that we eliminate the risk of hash collisions.
CachedQuery second;
struct PlanCacheEntry {
bool operator==(const PlanCacheEntry &other) const { return first == other.first; }
bool operator<(const PlanCacheEntry &other) const { return first < other.first; }
bool operator==(const uint64_t &other) const { return first == other; }
bool operator<(const uint64_t &other) const { return first < other; }
uint64_t first;
// TODO: Maybe store the query string here and use it as a key with the hash
// so that we eliminate the risk of hash collisions.
std::shared_ptr<CachedPlan> second;
* A container for data related to the parsing of a query.
struct ParsedQuery {
std::string query_string;
std::map<std::string, storage::PropertyValue> user_parameters;
Parameters parameters;
frontend::StrippedQuery stripped_query;
AstStorage ast_storage;
Query *query;
std::vector<AuthQuery::Privilege> required_privileges;
bool is_cacheable{true};
ParsedQuery ParseQuery(const std::string &query_string, const std::map<std::string, storage::PropertyValue> &params,
utils::SkipList<QueryCacheEntry> *cache, utils::SpinLock *antlr_lock);
class SingleNodeLogicalPlan final : public LogicalPlan {
SingleNodeLogicalPlan(std::unique_ptr<plan::LogicalOperator> root, double cost, AstStorage storage,
const SymbolTable &symbol_table)
: root_(std::move(root)), cost_(cost), storage_(std::move(storage)), symbol_table_(symbol_table) {}
const plan::LogicalOperator &GetRoot() const override { return *root_; }
double GetCost() const override { return cost_; }
const SymbolTable &GetSymbolTable() const override { return symbol_table_; }
const AstStorage &GetAstStorage() const override { return storage_; }
std::unique_ptr<plan::LogicalOperator> root_;
double cost_;
AstStorage storage_;
SymbolTable symbol_table_;
* Convert a parsed *Cypher* query's AST into a logical plan.
* The created logical plan will take ownership of the `AstStorage` within
* `ParsedQuery` and might modify it during planning.
std::unique_ptr<LogicalPlan> MakeLogicalPlan(AstStorage ast_storage, CypherQuery *query, const Parameters &parameters,
DbAccessor *db_accessor);
* Return the parsed *Cypher* query's AST cached logical plan, or create and
* cache a fresh one if it doesn't yet exist.
std::shared_ptr<CachedPlan> CypherQueryToPlan(uint64_t hash, AstStorage ast_storage, CypherQuery *query,
const Parameters &parameters, utils::SkipList<PlanCacheEntry> *plan_cache,
DbAccessor *db_accessor, bool is_cacheable = true);
} // namespace query

View File

@ -31,10 +31,6 @@
#include "utils/string.hpp"
#include "utils/tsc.hpp"
DEFINE_HIDDEN_bool(query_cost_planner, true, "Use the cost-estimating query planner.");
DEFINE_VALIDATED_int32(query_plan_cache_ttl, 60, "Time to live for cached query plans, in seconds.",
FLAG_IN_RANGE(0, std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max()));
namespace EventCounter {
extern Event ReadQuery;
extern Event WriteQuery;
@ -62,135 +58,6 @@ void UpdateTypeCount(const plan::ReadWriteTypeChecker::RWType type) {
} // namespace
* A container for data related to the parsing of a query.
struct ParsedQuery {
std::string query_string;
std::map<std::string, storage::PropertyValue> user_parameters;
Parameters parameters;
frontend::StrippedQuery stripped_query;
AstStorage ast_storage;
Query *query;
std::vector<AuthQuery::Privilege> required_privileges;
bool is_cacheable{true};
ParsedQuery ParseQuery(const std::string &query_string, const std::map<std::string, storage::PropertyValue> &params,
utils::SkipList<QueryCacheEntry> *cache, utils::SpinLock *antlr_lock) {
// Strip the query for caching purposes. The process of stripping a query
// "normalizes" it by replacing any literals with new parameters. This
// results in just the *structure* of the query being taken into account for
// caching.
frontend::StrippedQuery stripped_query{query_string};
// Copy over the parameters that were introduced during stripping.
Parameters parameters{stripped_query.literals()};
// Check that all user-specified parameters are provided.
for (const auto &param_pair : stripped_query.parameters()) {
auto it = params.find(param_pair.second);
if (it == params.end()) {
throw query::UnprovidedParameterError("Parameter ${} not provided.", param_pair.second);
parameters.Add(param_pair.first, it->second);
// Cache the query's AST if it isn't already.
auto hash = stripped_query.hash();
auto accessor = cache->access();
auto it = accessor.find(hash);
std::unique_ptr<frontend::opencypher::Parser> parser;
// Return a copy of both the AST storage and the query.
CachedQuery result;
bool is_cacheable = true;
auto get_information_from_cache = [&](const auto &cached_query) {
result.ast_storage.properties_ = cached_query.ast_storage.properties_;
result.ast_storage.labels_ = cached_query.ast_storage.labels_;
result.ast_storage.edge_types_ = cached_query.ast_storage.edge_types_;
result.query = cached_query.query->Clone(&result.ast_storage);
result.required_privileges = cached_query.required_privileges;
if (it == accessor.end()) {
std::unique_lock<utils::SpinLock> guard(*antlr_lock);
try {
parser = std::make_unique<frontend::opencypher::Parser>(stripped_query.query());
} catch (const SyntaxException &e) {
// There is a syntax exception in the stripped query. Re-run the parser
// on the original query to get an appropriate error messsage.
parser = std::make_unique<frontend::opencypher::Parser>(query_string);
// If an exception was not thrown here, the stripper messed something
// up.
LOG_FATAL("The stripped query can't be parsed, but the original can.");
// Convert the ANTLR4 parse tree into an AST.
AstStorage ast_storage;
frontend::ParsingContext context{true};
frontend::CypherMainVisitor visitor(context, &ast_storage);
if (visitor.IsCacheable()) {
CachedQuery cached_query{std::move(ast_storage), visitor.query(), query::GetRequiredPrivileges(visitor.query())};
it = accessor.insert({hash, std::move(cached_query)}).first;
} else {
result.ast_storage.properties_ = ast_storage.properties_;
result.ast_storage.labels_ = ast_storage.labels_;
result.ast_storage.edge_types_ = ast_storage.edge_types_;
result.query = visitor.query()->Clone(&result.ast_storage);
result.required_privileges = query::GetRequiredPrivileges(visitor.query());
is_cacheable = false;
} else {
return ParsedQuery{query_string,
class SingleNodeLogicalPlan final : public LogicalPlan {
SingleNodeLogicalPlan(std::unique_ptr<plan::LogicalOperator> root, double cost, AstStorage storage,
const SymbolTable &symbol_table)
: root_(std::move(root)), cost_(cost), storage_(std::move(storage)), symbol_table_(symbol_table) {}
const plan::LogicalOperator &GetRoot() const override { return *root_; }
double GetCost() const override { return cost_; }
const SymbolTable &GetSymbolTable() const override { return symbol_table_; }
const AstStorage &GetAstStorage() const override { return storage_; }
std::unique_ptr<plan::LogicalOperator> root_;
double cost_;
AstStorage storage_;
SymbolTable symbol_table_;
CachedPlan::CachedPlan(std::unique_ptr<LogicalPlan> plan) : plan_(std::move(plan)) {}
struct Callback {
std::vector<std::string> header;
@ -575,11 +442,6 @@ Callback HandleReplicationQuery(ReplicationQuery *repl_query, ReplQueryHandler *
Interpreter::Interpreter(InterpreterContext *interpreter_context) : interpreter_context_(interpreter_context) {
MG_ASSERT(interpreter_context_, "Interpreter context must not be NULL");
namespace {
// Struct for lazy pulling from a vector
struct PullPlanVector {
explicit PullPlanVector(std::vector<std::vector<TypedValue>> values) : values_(std::move(values)) {}
@ -730,52 +592,13 @@ std::optional<ExecutionContext> PullPlan::Pull(AnyStream *stream, std::optional<
return ctx_;
using RWType = plan::ReadWriteTypeChecker::RWType;
} // namespace
* Convert a parsed *Cypher* query's AST into a logical plan.
* The created logical plan will take ownership of the `AstStorage` within
* `ParsedQuery` and might modify it during planning.
std::unique_ptr<LogicalPlan> MakeLogicalPlan(AstStorage ast_storage, CypherQuery *query, const Parameters &parameters,
DbAccessor *db_accessor) {
auto vertex_counts = plan::MakeVertexCountCache(db_accessor);
auto symbol_table = MakeSymbolTable(query);
auto planning_context = plan::MakePlanningContext(&ast_storage, &symbol_table, query, &vertex_counts);
std::unique_ptr<plan::LogicalOperator> root;
double cost;
std::tie(root, cost) = plan::MakeLogicalPlan(&planning_context, parameters, FLAGS_query_cost_planner);
return std::make_unique<SingleNodeLogicalPlan>(std::move(root), cost, std::move(ast_storage),
Interpreter::Interpreter(InterpreterContext *interpreter_context) : interpreter_context_(interpreter_context) {
MG_ASSERT(interpreter_context_, "Interpreter context must not be NULL");
* Return the parsed *Cypher* query's AST cached logical plan, or create and
* cache a fresh one if it doesn't yet exist.
std::shared_ptr<CachedPlan> CypherQueryToPlan(uint64_t hash, AstStorage ast_storage, CypherQuery *query,
const Parameters &parameters, utils::SkipList<PlanCacheEntry> *plan_cache,
DbAccessor *db_accessor, const bool is_cacheable = true) {
auto plan_cache_access = plan_cache->access();
auto it = plan_cache_access.find(hash);
if (it != plan_cache_access.end()) {
if (it->second->IsExpired()) {
} else {
return it->second;
auto plan = std::make_shared<CachedPlan>(MakeLogicalPlan(std::move(ast_storage), (query), parameters, db_accessor));
if (is_cacheable) {
plan_cache_access.insert({hash, plan});
return plan;
using RWType = plan::ReadWriteTypeChecker::RWType;
PreparedQuery Interpreter::PrepareTransactionQuery(std::string_view query_upper) {
std::function<void()> handler;
@ -1585,6 +1408,7 @@ void Interpreter::Commit() {
// We should document clearly that all results should be pulled to complete
// a query.
if (!db_accessor_) return;
auto maybe_constraint_violation = db_accessor_->Commit();
if (maybe_constraint_violation.HasError()) {
const auto &constraint_violation = maybe_constraint_violation.GetError();
@ -1613,6 +1437,15 @@ void Interpreter::Commit() {
// Run the triggers
for (const auto &trigger : interpreter_context_->triggers.access()) {
utils::MonotonicBufferResource execution_memory{kExecutionMemoryBlockSize};
trigger.Execute(&interpreter_context_->plan_cache, &*execution_db_accessor_, &execution_memory,
*interpreter_context_->tsc_frequency, interpreter_context_->execution_timeout_sec,
execution_db_accessor_ = std::nullopt;
db_accessor_ = std::nullopt;

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include "query/context.hpp"
#include "query/cypher_query_interpreter.hpp"
#include "query/db_accessor.hpp"
#include "query/exceptions.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/ast/ast.hpp"
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@
#include "query/plan/operator.hpp"
#include "query/plan/read_write_type_checker.hpp"
#include "query/stream.hpp"
#include "query/trigger.hpp"
#include "query/typed_value.hpp"
#include "utils/event_counter.hpp"
#include "utils/logging.hpp"
@ -21,9 +23,6 @@
#include "utils/timer.hpp"
#include "utils/tsc.hpp"
namespace EventCounter {
extern const Event FailedQuery;
} // namespace EventCounter
@ -139,64 +138,6 @@ struct PreparedQuery {
plan::ReadWriteTypeChecker::RWType rw_type;
// TODO: Maybe this should move to query/plan/planner.
/// Interface for accessing the root operator of a logical plan.
class LogicalPlan {
virtual ~LogicalPlan() {}
virtual const plan::LogicalOperator &GetRoot() const = 0;
virtual double GetCost() const = 0;
virtual const SymbolTable &GetSymbolTable() const = 0;
virtual const AstStorage &GetAstStorage() const = 0;
class CachedPlan {
explicit CachedPlan(std::unique_ptr<LogicalPlan> plan);
const auto &plan() const { return plan_->GetRoot(); }
double cost() const { return plan_->GetCost(); }
const auto &symbol_table() const { return plan_->GetSymbolTable(); }
const auto &ast_storage() const { return plan_->GetAstStorage(); }
bool IsExpired() const { return cache_timer_.Elapsed() > std::chrono::seconds(FLAGS_query_plan_cache_ttl); };
std::unique_ptr<LogicalPlan> plan_;
utils::Timer cache_timer_;
struct CachedQuery {
AstStorage ast_storage;
Query *query;
std::vector<AuthQuery::Privilege> required_privileges;
struct QueryCacheEntry {
bool operator==(const QueryCacheEntry &other) const { return first == other.first; }
bool operator<(const QueryCacheEntry &other) const { return first < other.first; }
bool operator==(const uint64_t &other) const { return first == other; }
bool operator<(const uint64_t &other) const { return first < other; }
uint64_t first;
// TODO: Maybe store the query string here and use it as a key with the hash
// so that we eliminate the risk of hash collisions.
CachedQuery second;
struct PlanCacheEntry {
bool operator==(const PlanCacheEntry &other) const { return first == other.first; }
bool operator<(const PlanCacheEntry &other) const { return first < other.first; }
bool operator==(const uint64_t &other) const { return first == other; }
bool operator<(const uint64_t &other) const { return first < other; }
uint64_t first;
// TODO: Maybe store the query string here and use it as a key with the hash
// so that we eliminate the risk of hash collisions.
std::shared_ptr<CachedPlan> second;
* Holds data shared between multiple `Interpreter` instances (which might be
* running concurrently).
@ -205,7 +146,10 @@ struct PlanCacheEntry {
* been passed to an `Interpreter` instance.
struct InterpreterContext {
explicit InterpreterContext(storage::Storage *db) : db(db) {}
explicit InterpreterContext(storage::Storage *db) : db(db) {
// auto triggers_acc = triggers.access();
// triggers_acc.insert(Trigger{"Creator", "CREATE (:CREATED)", &ast_cache, &antlr_lock});
storage::Storage *db;
@ -225,6 +169,9 @@ struct InterpreterContext {
utils::SkipList<QueryCacheEntry> ast_cache;
utils::SkipList<PlanCacheEntry> plan_cache;
// use a thread safe container
utils::SkipList<Trigger> triggers;
/// Function that is used to tell all active interpreters that they should stop

src/query/trigger.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
#include "query/trigger.hpp"
#include "query/context.hpp"
#include "query/db_accessor.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/ast/ast.hpp"
#include "query/interpret/frame.hpp"
#include "utils/memory.hpp"
namespace query {
Trigger::Trigger(std::string name, std::string query, utils::SkipList<QueryCacheEntry> *cache,
utils::SpinLock *antlr_lock)
: name_(std::move(name)),
parsed_statements_{ParseQuery(query, {} /* this should contain the predefined parameters */, cache, antlr_lock)} {
void Trigger::Execute(utils::SkipList<PlanCacheEntry> *plan_cache, DbAccessor *dba,
utils::MonotonicBufferResource *execution_memory, const double tsc_frequency,
const double max_execution_time_sec, std::atomic<bool> *is_shutting_down) const {
AstStorage ast_storage;
ast_storage.properties_ = parsed_statements_.ast_storage.properties_;
ast_storage.labels_ = parsed_statements_.ast_storage.labels_;
ast_storage.edge_types_ = parsed_statements_.ast_storage.edge_types_;
auto plan = CypherQueryToPlan(parsed_statements_.stripped_query.hash(), std::move(ast_storage),
utils::Downcast<CypherQuery>(parsed_statements_.query), parsed_statements_.parameters,
plan_cache, dba, parsed_statements_.is_cacheable);
ExecutionContext ctx;
ctx.db_accessor = dba;
ctx.symbol_table = plan->symbol_table();
ctx.evaluation_context.timestamp =
ctx.evaluation_context.parameters = parsed_statements_.parameters; = NamesToProperties(plan->ast_storage().properties_, dba);
ctx.evaluation_context.labels = NamesToLabels(plan->ast_storage().labels_, dba);
ctx.execution_tsc_timer = utils::TSCTimer(tsc_frequency);
ctx.max_execution_time_sec = max_execution_time_sec;
ctx.is_shutting_down = is_shutting_down;
ctx.is_profile_query = false;
// Set up temporary memory for a single Pull. Initial memory comes from the
// stack. 256 KiB should fit on the stack and should be more than enough for a
// single `Pull`.
constexpr size_t stack_size = 256 * 1024;
char stack_data[stack_size];
// We can throw on every query because a simple queries for deleting will use only
// the stack allocated buffer.
// Also, we want to throw only when the query engine requests more memory and not the storage
// so we add the exception to the allocator.
utils::ResourceWithOutOfMemoryException resource_with_exception;
utils::MonotonicBufferResource monotonic_memory(&stack_data[0], stack_size, &resource_with_exception);
// TODO (mferencevic): Tune the parameters accordingly.
utils::PoolResource pool_memory(128, 1024, &monotonic_memory);
ctx.evaluation_context.memory = &pool_memory;
auto cursor = plan->plan().MakeCursor(execution_memory);
Frame frame{plan->symbol_table().max_position(), execution_memory};
while (cursor->Pull(frame, ctx))
} // namespace query

src/query/trigger.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#pragma once
#include "query/cypher_query_interpreter.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/ast/ast.hpp"
namespace query {
struct Trigger {
explicit Trigger(std::string name, std::string query, utils::SkipList<QueryCacheEntry> *cache,
utils::SpinLock *antlr_lock);
void Execute(utils::SkipList<PlanCacheEntry> *plan_cache, DbAccessor *dba,
utils::MonotonicBufferResource *execution_memory, double tsc_frequency, double max_execution_time_sec,
std::atomic<bool> *is_shutting_down) const;
bool operator==(const Trigger &other) const { return name_ == other.name_; }
// NOLINTNEXTLINE (modernize-use-nullptr)
bool operator<(const Trigger &other) const { return name_ < other.name_; }
bool operator==(const std::string &other) const { return name_ == other; }
// NOLINTNEXTLINE (modernize-use-nullptr)
bool operator<(const std::string &other) const { return name_ < other; }
std::string name_;
ParsedQuery parsed_statements_;
} // namespace query