From 60d742a2dca2009750c1d83ac0c8423b2b10011d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: antonio2368 <>
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2020 09:02:47 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Jepsen test infrastracture improvements and bank test (#62)

* Define replication config for tests

* Add support for final generator

* Add bank test

* Add host name resolution and basic replication setup

* Add timeout support

* Define helper macros for replication tests

* Add nemesis configuration
 .github/workflows/diff.yaml                  |   1 +
 tests/jepsen/resources/node-config.edn       |   6 +
 tests/jepsen/   |   1 +
 tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/bank.clj    | 167 +++++++++++++++++++
 tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/basic.clj   |   3 +-
 tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/client.clj  |  93 ++++++++++-
 tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/core.clj    | 147 +++++++++++++---
 tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/edn.clj     |   7 +
 tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/nemesis.clj |  49 ++++++
 tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/support.clj |  46 +++--
 10 files changed, 477 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/jepsen/resources/node-config.edn
 create mode 100644 tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/bank.clj
 create mode 100644 tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/edn.clj
 create mode 100644 tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/nemesis.clj

diff --git a/.github/workflows/diff.yaml b/.github/workflows/diff.yaml
index 9175e9c13..fb42dee4f 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/diff.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/diff.yaml
@@ -324,6 +324,7 @@ jobs:
     name: "Release Jepsen Test"
     runs-on: [self-hosted, Linux, X64, Debian10, JepsenControl]
+    continue-on-error: true
       THREADS: 24
diff --git a/tests/jepsen/resources/node-config.edn b/tests/jepsen/resources/node-config.edn
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c6b1bf19e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/jepsen/resources/node-config.edn
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+[{"n1" {:replication-role :main}
+  "n2" {:replication-role :replica :replication-mode :async :port 10000}
+  "n3" {:replication-role :replica :replication-mode :async :port 10000}}
+ {"n1" {:replication-role :main}
+  "n2" {:replication-role :replica :replication-mode :async :port 10000}
+  "n3" {:replication-role :replica :replication-mode :sync :port 10000 :timeout 5}}]
diff --git a/tests/jepsen/ b/tests/jepsen/
index 418284c59..dcc0f98b2 100755
--- a/tests/jepsen/
+++ b/tests/jepsen/
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ case $1 in
         docker exec jepsen-control mkdir -p /jepsen/memgraph
         docker cp "$script_dir/src/." jepsen-control:/jepsen/memgraph/src/
         docker cp "$script_dir/test/." jepsen-control:/jepsen/memgraph/test/
+        docker cp "$script_dir/resources/." jepsen-control:/jepsen/memgraph/resources/
         docker cp "$script_dir/project.clj" jepsen-control:/jepsen/memgraph/project.clj
diff --git a/tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/bank.clj b/tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/bank.clj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9db55106a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/bank.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+  "Bank account test on Memgraph.
+  The test should do random transfers on
+  the main instance while randomly reading
+  the total sum of the all nodes which
+  should be consistent."
+  (:require [neo4j-clj.core :as dbclient]
+            [ :refer [info]]
+            [jepsen [client :as client]
+                    [checker :as checker]
+                    [generator :as gen]]
+            [jepsen.checker.timeline :as timeline]
+            [jepsen.memgraph.client :as c]))
+(def account-num
+  "Number of accounts to be created"
+  5)
+(def starting-balance
+  "Starting balance of each account"
+  400)
+(def max-transfer-amount
+  20)
+(dbclient/defquery create-account
+  "CREATE (n:Account {id: $id, balance: $balance});")
+(dbclient/defquery get-all-accounts
+  "MATCH (n:Account) RETURN n;")
+(dbclient/defquery get-account
+  "MATCH (n:Account {id: $id}) RETURN n;")
+(dbclient/defquery update-balance
+  "MATCH (n:Account {id: $id})
+   SET n.balance = n.balance + $amount
+   RETURN n")
+(defn transfer-money
+  "Transfer money from one account to another by some amount
+  if the account you're transfering money from has enough
+  money."
+  [conn from to amount]
+  (dbclient/with-transaction conn tx
+    (when (-> (get-account tx {:id from}) first :n :balance (>= amount))
+      (do
+        (update-balance tx {:id from :amount (- amount)})
+        (update-balance tx {:id to :amount amount})))))
+(c/replication-client Client []
+  (open! [this test node]
+    (c/replication-open-connection this node node-config))
+  (setup! [this test]
+    (when (= replication-role :main)
+      (c/with-session conn session
+        (do
+          (c/detach-delete-all session)
+          (dotimes [i account-num]
+            (info "Creating account:" i)
+            (create-account session {:id i :balance starting-balance}))))))
+  (invoke! [this test op]
+    (c/replication-invoke-case (:f op)
+      :read (c/with-session conn session
+              (assoc op
+                     :type :ok
+                     :value {:accounts (->> (get-all-accounts session) (map :n) (reduce conj []))
+                             :node node}))
+      :transfer (if (= replication-role :main)
+                  (try
+                    (let [value (:value op)]
+                      (assoc op
+                             :type (if
+                                     (transfer-money
+                                       conn
+                                       (:from value)
+                                       (:to value)
+                                       (:amount value))
+                                     :ok
+                                     :fail)))
+                    (catch Exception e
+                      ; Transaction can fail on serialization errors
+                      (assoc op :type :fail :info (str e))))
+                  (assoc op :type :fail))))
+  (teardown! [this test]
+    (when (= replication-role :main)
+      (c/with-session conn session
+        (c/detach-delete-all session))))
+  (close! [_ est]
+    (dbclient/disconnect conn)))
+(defn read-balances
+  "Read the current state of all accounts"
+  [test process]
+  {:type :invoke, :f :read, :value nil})
+(defn transfer
+  "Transfer money"
+  [test process]
+  {:type :invoke :f :transfer :value {:from   (rand-int account-num)
+                                      :to     (rand-int account-num)
+                                      :amount (rand-int max-transfer-amount)}})
+(def valid-transfer
+  "Filter only valid transfers (where :from and :to are different)"
+  (gen/filter (fn [op] (not= (-> op :value :from) (-> op :value :to))) transfer))
+(defn bank-checker
+  "Balances must all be non-negative and sum to the model's total
+  Each node should have at least one read that returned all accounts.
+  We allow the reads to be empty because the replica can connect to
+  main at some later point, until that point the replica is empty."
+  []
+  (reify checker/Checker
+    (check [this test history opts]
+      (let [ok-reads  (->> history
+                           (filter #(= :ok (:type %)))
+                           (filter #(= :read (:f %))))
+            bad-reads (->> ok-reads
+                           (map (fn [op]
+                                  (let [balances       (->> op :value :accounts (map :balance))
+                                        expected-total (* account-num starting-balance)]
+                                    (cond (and
+                                             (not-empty balances)
+                                             (not=
+                                               expected-total
+                                               (reduce + balances)))
+                                          {:type :wrong-total
+                                           :expected expected-total
+                                           :found (reduce + balances)
+                                           :op op}
+                                          (some neg? balances)
+                                          {:type :negative-value
+                                           :found balances
+                                           :op op}))))
+                           (filter identity)
+                           (into []))
+            empty-nodes (let [all-nodes (->> ok-reads
+                                             (map #(-> % :value :node))
+                                             (reduce conj #{}))]
+                          (->> all-nodes
+                               (filter (fn [node]
+                                        (every?
+                                          empty?
+                                          (->> ok-reads
+                                               (map :value)
+                                               (filter #(= node (:node %)))
+                                               (map :accounts)))))
+                               (filter identity)
+                               (into [])))]
+        {:valid? (and
+                   (empty? bad-reads)
+                   (empty? empty-nodes))
+         :empty-nodes empty-nodes
+         :bad-reads bad-reads}))))
+(defn workload
+  "Basic test workload"
+  [opts]
+  {:client    (Client. nil nil nil (:node-config opts))
+   :checker   (checker/compose
+                {:bank     (bank-checker)
+                 :timeline (timeline/html)})
+   :generator (c/replication-gen (gen/mix [read-balances valid-transfer]))
+   :final-generator (gen/once read-balances)})
diff --git a/tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/basic.clj b/tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/basic.clj
index 626ff742a..dea828a64 100644
--- a/tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/basic.clj
+++ b/tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/basic.clj
@@ -71,5 +71,6 @@
                 {:model (model/cas-register 0)
                  :algorithm :linear})
                :timeline (timeline/html)})
-   :generator (gen/mix [r w cas])})
+   :generator (gen/mix [r w cas])
+   :final-generator (gen/once r)})
diff --git a/tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/client.clj b/tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/client.clj
index d3d5734d1..8f7ce2fb3 100644
--- a/tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/client.clj
+++ b/tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/client.clj
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 (ns jepsen.memgraph.client
   "Neo4j Clojure driver helper functions/macros"
-  (:require [neo4j-clj.core :as dbclient])
+  (:require [neo4j-clj.core :as dbclient]
+            [ :refer [info]]
+            [jepsen [generator :as gen]])
   (:import ( URI)))
 ;; Jepsen related utils.
@@ -21,3 +23,92 @@
   "Open client connection to the node"
   (dbclient/connect (URI. (instance-url node 7687)) "" ""))
+(dbclient/defquery detach-delete-all
+(defn replication-mode-str
+  [node-config]
+  (case (:replication-mode node-config)
+    :async "ASYNC"
+    :sync  (str "SYNC" (when-let [timeout (:timeout node-config)] (str " WITH TIMEOUT " timeout)))))
+(defn create-register-replica-query
+  [name node-config]
+  (dbclient/create-query
+         name
+         " "
+         (replication-mode-str node-config)
+         " TO \""
+         (:ip node-config)
+         ":"
+         (:port node-config)
+         "\"")))
+(defn create-set-replica-role-query
+  [port]
+  (dbclient/create-query
+(defn register-replicas
+  "Register all replicas."
+  [test process]
+  {:type :invoke :f :register :value nil})
+(defn replication-gen
+  "Generator which should be used for replication tests
+  as it adds register replica invoke."
+  [generator]
+  (gen/each-thread(gen/phases (cycle [(gen/once register-replicas)
+                                      (gen/time-limit 5 generator)]))))
+(defmacro replication-client
+  "Create Client for replication tests.
+  Every replication client contains connection, node, replication role and
+  the node config for all nodes.
+  Adding additional fields is also possible."
+  [name [& fields] & specs]
+  (concat `(defrecord ~name [~'conn ~'node ~'replication-role ~'node-config ~@fields]
+             client/Client)
+          specs))
+(defn replication-open-connection
+  "Open a connection to a node using the client.
+  After the connection is opened set the correct
+  replication role of instance."
+  [client node node-config]
+  (let [connection (open node)
+        nc (get node-config node)
+        role (:replication-role nc)]
+    (when (= :replica role)
+      (with-session connection session
+        (try
+          ((create-set-replica-role-query (:port nc)) session)
+          (catch Exception e
+            (info "Already setup the role")))))
+    (assoc client :replication-role role
+                  :conn connection
+                  :node node)))
+(defmacro replication-invoke-case
+  "Call the case method on the op using the defined cases
+  while a handler for :register case is added."
+  [f & cases]
+  (concat (list 'case f
+                :register '(if (= replication-role :main)
+                             (do
+                               (doseq [n (filter #(= (:replication-role (val %))
+                                                     :replica)
+                                                 node-config)]
+                                           (try
+                                             (c/with-session conn session
+                                               ((c/create-register-replica-query
+                                                  (first n)
+                                                  (second n)) session))
+                                           (catch Exception e)))
+                               (assoc op :type :ok))
+                             (assoc op :type :fail)))
+          cases))
diff --git a/tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/core.clj b/tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/core.clj
index 2ff58ebb0..076235581 100644
--- a/tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/core.clj
+++ b/tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/core.clj
@@ -2,67 +2,168 @@
   (:require [ :refer :all]
             [clojure.string :as str]
+            [ :refer [sh]]
             [jepsen [cli :as cli]
-                    [core :as jepsen]
                     [checker :as checker]
-                    [nemesis :as nemesis]
+                    [control :as c]
+                    [core :as jepsen]
                     [generator :as gen]
                     [tests :as tests]]
             [slingshot.slingshot :refer [try+ throw+]]
             [jepsen.memgraph [basic :as basic]
-                             [support :as s]]))
+                             [bank :as bank]
+                             [support :as s]
+                             [nemesis :as nemesis]
+                             [edn :as e]]))
 (def workloads
   "A map of workload names to functions that can take opts and construct
-  {:basic basic/workload})
+   {:bank  bank/workload})
+(def nemesis-configuration
+  "Nemesis configuration"
+  {:interval         5
+   :kill-node        true
+   :partition-halves true})
 (defn memgraph-test
   "Given an options map from the command line runner (e.g. :nodes, :ssh,
   :concurrency, ...), constructs a test map."
-  (let [workload ((get workloads (:workload opts)) opts)]
+  (let [workload ((get workloads (:workload opts)) opts)
+        nemesis  (nemesis/nemesis nemesis-configuration)
+        gen      (->> (:generator workload)
+                      (gen/nemesis (:generator nemesis))
+                      (gen/time-limit (:time-limit opts)))
+        gen      (if-let [final-generator (:final-generator workload)]
+                   (gen/phases gen
+                               (gen/log "Healing cluster.")
+                               (gen/nemesis (:final-generator nemesis))
+                               (gen/log "Waiting for recovery")
+                               (gen/sleep 10)
+                               (gen/clients final-generator))
+                   gen)]
     (merge tests/noop-test
            {:pure-generators true
             :name            (str "test-" (name (:workload opts)))
-            :db              (s/db (:package-url opts) (:local-binary opts))
+            :db              (s/db opts)
             :client          (:client workload)
             :checker         (checker/compose
-                               ;; Fails on a cluster of independent Memgraphs.
-                               {;; :stats      (checker/stats) CAS always fails
-                                ;;                             so enable this
-                                ;;                             if all test have
-                                ;;                             at least 1 ok op
+                               {:stats      (checker/stats)
                                 :exceptions (checker/unhandled-exceptions)
                                 :perf       (checker/perf)
                                 :workload   (:checker workload)})
-            :nemesis         (nemesis/partition-random-halves)
-            :generator       (->> (:generator workload)
-                                  (gen/nemesis
-                                   (cycle [(gen/sleep 5)
-                                           {:type :info, :f :start}
-                                           (gen/sleep 5)
-                                           {:type :info, :f :stop}]))
-                                  (gen/time-limit (:time-limit opts)))})))
+            :nemesis         (:nemesis nemesis)
+            :generator       gen})))
+(defn default-node-configuration
+  "Creates default replication configuration for nodes.
+  All of them are replicas in sync mode."
+  [nodes]
+  (reduce (fn [cur n]
+            (conj cur {n
+                       {:replication-role :replica
+                        :replication-mode :sync
+                        :port             10000
+                        :timeout          10}}))
+          {}
+          nodes))
+(defn resolve-hostname
+  "Resolve hostnames to ip address"
+  [host]
+  (first
+    (re-find
+      #"(\d{1,3}(.\d{1,3}){3})"
+      (:out (sh "getent" "hosts" host)))))
+(defn resolve-all-node-hostnames
+  "Resolve all hostnames in config and assign it to the node"
+  [node-config]
+  (reduce (fn [curr node]
+            (let [k (first node)
+                  v (second node)]
+              (assoc curr
+                     k (assoc v
+                              :ip (resolve-hostname k)))))
+          {}
+          node-config))
+(defn throw-if-key-missing-in-any
+  [map-coll key error-msg]
+  (when-not (every? #(contains? % key) map-coll)
+    (throw (Exception. error-msg))))
+(defn merge-node-configurations
+  "Merge user defined configuration with default configuration.
+  Check if the configuration is valid."
+  [nodes node-configs]
+  (when-not (every? (fn [config]
+                      (= 1
+                         (count
+                             (filter
+                               #(= (:replication-role %) :main)
+                               (vals config)))))
+                    node-configs)
+    (throw (Exception. "Invalid node configuration. There can only be one :main.")))
+  (doseq [node-config node-configs]
+    (let [replica-nodes-configs (filter
+                                  #(= (:replication-role %) :replica)
+                                  (vals node-config))]
+      (throw-if-key-missing-in-any
+        replica-nodes-configs
+        :port
+        (str "Invalid node configuration. "
+             "Every replication node requires "
+             ":port to be defined."))
+      (throw-if-key-missing-in-any
+        replica-nodes-configs
+        :replication-mode
+        (str "Invalid node configuration. "
+             "Every replication node requires "
+             ":replication-mode to be defined."))
+      (throw-if-key-missing-in-any
+        (filter #(= (:replication-mode %) :sync) replica-nodes-configs)
+        :timeout
+        (str "Invalid node confiruation. "
+             "Every SYNC replication node requires "
+             ":timeout to be defined."))))
+  (map (fn [node-config] (resolve-all-node-hostnames
+          (merge
+            (default-node-configuration nodes)
+            node-config)))
+       node-configs))
 (def cli-opts
   "CLI options for tests."
   [[nil "--package-url URL" "What package of Memgraph should we test?"
-    :default nil]
+    :default nil
+    :validate [nil? "Memgraph package-url setup not yet implemented."]]
    [nil "--local-binary PATH" "Ignore package; use this local binary instead."
-    :default "/opt/memgraph/memgraph"]
+    :default "/opt/memgraph/memgraph"
+    :validate [#(and (some? %) (not-empty %)) "local-binary should be defined."]]
    ["-w" "--workload NAME" "Test workload to run"
     :parse-fn keyword
-    :validate [workloads (cli/one-of workloads)]]])
+    :validate [workloads (cli/one-of workloads)]]
+   [nil "--node-configs PATH" "Path to the node configuration file."
+    :parse-fn #(-> % e/load-configuration)]])
 (defn all-tests
   "Takes base CLI options and constructs a sequence of test options."
   (let [counts    (range (:test-count opts))
         workloads (if-let [w (:workload opts)] [w] (keys workloads))
-        test-opts (for [i counts, w workloads]
+        node-configs (if (:node-configs opts)
+                       (merge-node-configurations (:nodes opts) (:node-configs opts))
+                       [(resolve-all-node-hostnames (default-node-configuration (:nodes opts)))])
+        test-opts (for [i counts c node-configs w workloads]
                    (assoc opts
+                          :node-config c
                           :workload w))]
     (map memgraph-test test-opts)))
diff --git a/tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/edn.clj b/tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/edn.clj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..78047fff5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/edn.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+(ns jepsen.memgraph.edn
+  (:require [clojure.edn :as edn]))
+(defn load-configuration
+  "Load a configuration file."
+  [path]
+  (-> path slurp edn/read-string))
diff --git a/tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/nemesis.clj b/tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/nemesis.clj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a129ecf29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/nemesis.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+(ns jepsen.memgraph.nemesis
+  "Memgraph nemesis"
+  (:require [jepsen [nemesis :as nemesis]
+                    [generator :as gen]]
+            [ :as s]))
+(defn node-killer
+  "Responds to :start by killing a random node, and to :stop
+  by resuming them."
+  []
+  (nemesis/node-start-stopper identity
+                              s/stop-node!
+                              s/start-node!))
+(defn full-nemesis
+  "Can kill and restart all processess and initiate network partitions."
+  [opts]
+  (nemesis/compose
+    {{:kill-node    :start
+      :restart-node :stop} (node-killer)
+     {:start-partition-halves :start
+      :stop-partition-halves  :stop} (nemesis/partition-random-halves)}))
+(defn op
+  "Construct a nemesis op"
+  [f]
+  {:type :info :f f})
+(defn full-generator
+  "Construct nemesis generator."
+  [opts]
+  (->> [(when (:kill-node? opts)
+          [(cycle (map op [:kill-node :restart-node]))])
+        (when (:partition-halves? opts)
+          [(cycle (map op [:start-partition-halves :stop-partition-halves]))])]
+       (apply concat)
+       gen/mix
+       (gen/stagger (:interval opts))))
+(defn nemesis
+  "Composite nemesis and generator"
+  [opts]
+  {:nemesis (full-nemesis opts)
+   :generator (full-generator opts)
+   :final-generator
+   (->> [(when (:partition-halves? opts) :stop-partition-halves)
+         (when (:kill-node? opts) :restart-node)]
+        (remove nil?)
+        (map op))})
diff --git a/tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/support.clj b/tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/support.clj
index df8a847ef..4620f15ff 100644
--- a/tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/support.clj
+++ b/tests/jepsen/src/jepsen/memgraph/support.clj
@@ -12,30 +12,40 @@
 (def mgdata (str mgdir "/mg_data"))
 (def mglog  (str mgdir "/memgraph.log"))
 (def mgpid  (str mgdir "/"))
+(defn start-node!
+  [test node]
+  (cu/start-daemon!
+   {:logfile mglog
+    :pidfile mgpid
+    :chdir   mgdir}
+   (:local-binary test)
+   :--storage-recover-on-startup
+   :--storage-wal-enabled
+   :--storage-snapshot-interval-sec 300
+   :--storage-properties-on-edges))
+(defn stop-node!
+  [test node]
+  (cu/stop-daemon! (:local-binary test) mgpid))
 (defn db
   "Manage Memgraph DB on each node."
-  [package-url local-binary]
+  [opts]
   (reify db/DB
     (setup! [_ test node]
-      (c/su (debian/install ['python3 'python3-dev]))
-      (c/su (meh (c/exec :killall :memgraph)))
-      (when-not (nil? package-url)
-        (throw (Exception. "Memgraph package-url setup not yet implemented.")))
-      (when (nil? local-binary)
-        (throw (Exception. "Memgraph local-binary has to be defined.")))
-      (try (c/exec :command :-v local-binary)
-           (catch Exception e
-             (throw (Exception. (str local-binary " is not there.")))))
-      (info node "Memgraph binary is there" local-binary)
-      (cu/start-daemon!
-       {:logfile mglog
-        :pidfile mgpid
-        :chdir   mgdir}
-       local-binary)
-      (Thread/sleep 2000))
+      (let [local-binary (:local-binary opts)]
+        (c/su (debian/install ['python3 'python3-dev]))
+        (c/su (meh (c/exec :killall :memgraph)))
+        (try (c/exec :command :-v local-binary)
+             (catch Exception e
+               (throw (Exception. (str local-binary " is not there.")))))
+        (info node "Memgraph binary is there" local-binary)
+        (start-node! test node)
+        (Thread/sleep 2000)))
     (teardown! [_ test node]
       (info node "Tearing down Memgraph")
-      (when (and local-binary mgpid) (cu/stop-daemon! local-binary mgpid))
+      (stop-node! test node)
        (c/exec :rm :-rf mgdata)
        (c/exec :rm :-rf mglog)))