Add tests for symbol generation in CREATE clause

Add tests for symbol generation in CREATE clause and correctly (hopefully)
check symbols in create clause and properties.

Reviewers: florijan, mislav.bradac, buda

Reviewed By: mislav.bradac

Subscribers: pullbot

Differential Revision:
This commit is contained in:
Teon Banek 2017-03-17 09:57:20 +01:00
parent dd56acf375
commit 5e6aaf231d
4 changed files with 331 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -26,6 +26,18 @@ class SemanticException : public BasicException {
SemanticException() : BasicException("") {}
class UnboundVariableError : public SemanticException {
UnboundVariableError(const std::string &name)
: SemanticException("Unbound variable: " + name) {}
class RedeclareVariableError : public SemanticException {
RedeclareVariableError(const std::string& name)
: SemanticException("Redeclaring variable: " + name) {}
class CppCodeGeneratorException : public StacktraceException {
using StacktraceException::StacktraceException;

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@ -82,8 +82,12 @@ class NamedExpression : public Tree {
class PatternAtom : public Tree {
friend class AstTreeStorage;
Identifier* identifier_ = nullptr;
PatternAtom(int uid) : Tree(uid) {}
PatternAtom(int uid, Identifier *identifier)
: Tree(uid), identifier_(identifier) {}
class NodeAtom : public PatternAtom {
@ -95,14 +99,11 @@ class NodeAtom : public PatternAtom {
Identifier* identifier_ = nullptr;
std::vector<GraphDb::Label> labels_;
std::map<GraphDb::Property, Expression*> properties_;
NodeAtom(int uid) : PatternAtom(uid) {}
NodeAtom(int uid, Identifier *identifier) :
PatternAtom(uid), identifier_(identifier) {}
using PatternAtom::PatternAtom;
class EdgeAtom : public PatternAtom {
@ -117,11 +118,10 @@ class EdgeAtom : public PatternAtom {
Direction direction_ = Direction::BOTH;
Identifier* identifier_ = nullptr;
std::vector<GraphDb::EdgeType> types_;
EdgeAtom(int uid) : PatternAtom(uid) {}
using PatternAtom::PatternAtom;
class Clause : public Tree {
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ class Query : public Tree {
class Create : public Clause {
Create(int uid) : Clause(uid) {}
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Pattern>> patterns_;
std::vector<Pattern*> patterns_;
void Accept(TreeVisitorBase &visitor) override {
for (auto &pattern : patterns_) {

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@ -8,13 +8,20 @@ namespace query {
class SymbolGenerator : public TreeVisitorBase {
SymbolGenerator(SymbolTable& symbol_table) : symbol_table_(symbol_table) {}
SymbolGenerator(SymbolTable &symbol_table) : symbol_table_(symbol_table) {}
using TreeVisitorBase::Visit;
using TreeVisitorBase::PostVisit;
// Clauses
void PostVisit(Return& ret) override {
void Visit(Create &create) override {
scope_.in_create = true;
void PostVisit(Create &create) override {
scope_.in_create = false;
void PostVisit(Return &ret) override {
for (auto &named_expr : ret.named_expressions_) {
// Named expressions establish bindings for expressions which come after
// return, but not for the expressions contained inside.
@ -23,47 +30,92 @@ class SymbolGenerator : public TreeVisitorBase {
// Expressions
void Visit(Identifier& ident) override {
void Visit(Identifier &ident) override {
Symbol symbol;
if (scope_.in_pattern) {
// Patterns can bind new symbols or reference already bound. But there
// are the following special cases:
// 1) Expressions in property maps `{prop_name: expr}` can only reference
// bound variables.
// 2) Patterns used to create nodes and edges cannot redeclare already
// established bindings. Declaration only happens in single node
// patterns and in edge patterns. OpenCypher example,
// `MATCH (n) CREATE (n)` should throw an error that `n` is already
// declared. While `MATCH (n) CREATE (n) -[:R]-> (n)` is allowed,
// since `n` now references the bound node instead of declaring it.
// Additionally, we will support edge referencing in pattern:
// `MATCH (n) - [r] -> (n) - [r] -> (n) RETURN r`, which would
// usually raise redeclaration of `r`.
if (scope_.in_property_map && !HasSymbol(ident.name_)) {
// Case 1)
throw UnboundVariableError(ident.name_);
} else if ((scope_.in_create_node || scope_.in_create_edge) &&
HasSymbol(ident.name_)) {
// Case 2)
throw RedeclareVariableError(ident.name_);
symbol = GetOrCreateSymbol(ident.name_);
} else {
// Everything else references a bound symbol.
if (!HasSymbol(ident.name_))
// TODO: Special exception for type check
throw SemanticException("Unbound identifier: " + ident.name_);
throw UnboundVariableError(ident.name_);
symbol = scope_.variables[ident.name_];
symbol_table_[ident] = symbol;
// Pattern and its subparts.
void Visit(Pattern& pattern) override {
void Visit(Pattern &pattern) override {
scope_.in_pattern = true;
if (scope_.in_create && pattern.atoms_.size() == 1) {
"Expected a single NodeAtom in Pattern");
scope_.in_create_node = true;
void PostVisit(Pattern& pattern) override {
void PostVisit(Pattern &pattern) override {
scope_.in_pattern = false;
scope_.in_create_node = false;
void Visit(NodeAtom &node_atom) override {
scope_.in_property_map = true;
for (auto kv : node_atom.properties_) {
scope_.in_property_map = false;
void Visit(EdgeAtom &edge_atom) override {
if (scope_.in_create) {
scope_.in_create_edge = true;
void PostVisit(EdgeAtom &edge_atom) override {
scope_.in_create_edge = false;
struct Scope {
Scope() : in_pattern(false) {}
bool in_pattern;
bool in_pattern{false};
bool in_create{false};
bool in_create_node{false};
bool in_create_edge{false};
bool in_property_map{false};
std::map<std::string, Symbol> variables;
bool HasSymbol(const std::string& name)
bool HasSymbol(const std::string &name) {
return scope_.variables.find(name) != scope_.variables.end();
Symbol CreateSymbol(const std::string &name)
Symbol CreateSymbol(const std::string &name) {
auto symbol = symbol_table_.CreateSymbol(name);
scope_.variables[name] = symbol;
return symbol;
Symbol GetOrCreateSymbol(const std::string& name)
Symbol GetOrCreateSymbol(const std::string &name) {
auto search = scope_.variables.find(name);
if (search != scope_.variables.end()) {
return search->second;
@ -71,7 +123,7 @@ class SymbolGenerator : public TreeVisitorBase {
return CreateSymbol(name);
SymbolTable& symbol_table_;
SymbolTable &symbol_table_;
Scope scope_;

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@ -11,15 +11,35 @@ using namespace query;
namespace {
// Returns a `(name1) -[name2]- (name3) ...` pattern.
auto GetPattern(AstTreeStorage &storage, std::vector<std::string> names) {
bool is_node{true};
auto pattern = storage.Create<Pattern>();
for (auto &name : names) {
PatternAtom *atom;
auto identifier = storage.Create<Identifier>(name);
if (is_node) {
atom = storage.Create<NodeAtom>(identifier);
} else {
atom = storage.Create<EdgeAtom>(identifier);
is_node = !is_node;
return pattern;
// Returns a `MATCH (node)` clause.
auto GetMatchNode(AstTreeStorage &storage, const std::string &node_name) {
auto match = storage.Create<Match>();
match->patterns_.emplace_back(GetPattern(storage, {node_name}));
return match;
// Build a simple AST which describes:
// MATCH (node_atom_1) RETURN node_atom_1 AS node_atom_1
Query *MatchNodeReturn(AstTreeStorage &storage) {
auto node_atom = storage.Create<NodeAtom>();
node_atom->identifier_ = storage.Create<Identifier>("node_atom_1");
auto pattern = storage.Create<Pattern>();
auto match = storage.Create<Match>();
auto match = GetMatchNode(storage, "node_atom_1");
auto query = storage.query();
@ -36,12 +56,7 @@ Query *MatchNodeReturn(AstTreeStorage &storage) {
// This is treated as an unbound variable.
// MATCH (node_atom_1) RETURN node_atom_1 AS n, n AS n
Query *MatchUnboundMultiReturn(AstTreeStorage &storage) {
auto node_atom = storage.Create<NodeAtom>();
node_atom->identifier_ = storage.Create<Identifier>("node_atom_1");
auto pattern = storage.Create<Pattern>();
auto match = storage.Create<Match>();
auto match = GetMatchNode(storage, "node_atom_1");
auto query = storage.query();
@ -60,12 +75,7 @@ Query *MatchUnboundMultiReturn(AstTreeStorage &storage) {
// AST with unbound variable in return: MATCH (n) RETURN x AS x
Query *MatchNodeUnboundReturn(AstTreeStorage &storage) {
auto node_atom = storage.Create<NodeAtom>();
node_atom->identifier_ = storage.Create<Identifier>("n");
auto pattern = storage.Create<Pattern>();
auto match = storage.Create<Match>();
auto match = GetMatchNode(storage, "n");
auto query = storage.query();
@ -78,6 +88,123 @@ Query *MatchNodeUnboundReturn(AstTreeStorage &storage) {
return query;
// AST with match pattern referencing an edge multiple times:
// MATCH (n) -[r]-> (n) -[r]-> (n) RETURN r AS r
// This usually throws a redeclaration error, but we support it.
Query *MatchSameEdge(AstTreeStorage &storage) {
auto match = storage.Create<Match>();
match->patterns_.emplace_back(GetPattern(storage, {"n", "r", "n", "r", "n"}));
auto query = storage.query();
auto named_expr = storage.Create<NamedExpression>();
named_expr->name_ = "r";
named_expr->expression_ = storage.Create<Identifier>("r");
auto ret = storage.Create<Return>();
return query;
std::string prop_name = "prop";
// AST with unbound variable in create: CREATE ({prop: x})
Query *CreatePropertyUnbound(AstTreeStorage &storage) {
auto prop_expr = storage.Create<Identifier>("x");
auto node_atom = storage.Create<NodeAtom>();
node_atom->identifier_ = storage.Create<Identifier>("anon");
node_atom->properties_[&prop_name] = prop_expr;
auto pattern = storage.Create<Pattern>();
auto create = storage.Create<Create>();
auto query = storage.query();
return query;
// Simple AST returning a created node: CREATE (n) RETURN n
Query *CreateNodeReturn(AstTreeStorage &storage) {
auto node_atom = storage.Create<NodeAtom>();
node_atom->identifier_ = storage.Create<Identifier>("n");
auto pattern = storage.Create<Pattern>();
auto create = storage.Create<Create>();
auto query = storage.query();
auto named_expr = storage.Create<NamedExpression>();
named_expr->name_ = "n";
named_expr->expression_ = storage.Create<Identifier>("n");
auto ret = storage.Create<Return>();
return query;
// AST with redeclaring a variable when creating nodes: CREATE (n), (n)
Query *CreateRedeclareNode(AstTreeStorage &storage) {
auto create = storage.Create<Create>();
for (int patterns = 0; patterns < 2; ++patterns) {
auto pattern = storage.Create<Pattern>();
auto node_atom = storage.Create<NodeAtom>();
node_atom->identifier_ = storage.Create<Identifier>("n");
auto query = storage.query();
return query;
// AST with redeclaring a variable when creating nodes with multiple creates:
// CREATE (n) CREATE (n)
Query *MultiCreateRedeclareNode(AstTreeStorage &storage) {
auto query = storage.query();
for (int creates = 0; creates < 2; ++creates) {
auto pattern = storage.Create<Pattern>();
auto node_atom = storage.Create<NodeAtom>();
node_atom->identifier_ = storage.Create<Identifier>("n");
auto create = storage.Create<Create>();
return query;
// AST with redeclaring a match node variable in create: MATCH (n) CREATE (n)
Query *MatchCreateRedeclareNode(AstTreeStorage &storage) {
auto match = GetMatchNode(storage, "n");
auto query = storage.query();
auto node_atom_2 = storage.Create<NodeAtom>();
node_atom_2->identifier_ = storage.Create<Identifier>("n");
auto pattern_2 = storage.Create<Pattern>();
auto create = storage.Create<Create>();
return query;
// AST with redeclaring a match edge variable in create:
// MATCH (n) -[r]-> (m) CREATE (n) -[r] -> (l)
Query *MatchCreateRedeclareEdge(AstTreeStorage &storage) {
auto match = storage.Create<Match>();
match->patterns_.emplace_back(GetPattern(storage, {"n", "r", "m"}));
auto query = storage.query();
auto create = storage.Create<Create>();
create->patterns_.emplace_back(GetPattern(storage, {"n", "r", "l"}));
return query;
TEST(TestSymbolGenerator, MatchNodeReturn) {
SymbolTable symbol_table;
AstTreeStorage storage;
@ -104,7 +231,7 @@ TEST(TestSymbolGenerator, MatchUnboundMultiReturn) {
AstTreeStorage storage;
auto query_ast = MatchUnboundMultiReturn(storage);
SymbolGenerator symbol_generator(symbol_table);
EXPECT_THROW(query_ast->Accept(symbol_generator), SemanticException);
EXPECT_THROW(query_ast->Accept(symbol_generator), UnboundVariableError);
TEST(TestSymbolGenerator, MatchNodeUnboundReturn) {
@ -112,6 +239,103 @@ TEST(TestSymbolGenerator, MatchNodeUnboundReturn) {
AstTreeStorage storage;
auto query_ast = MatchNodeUnboundReturn(storage);
SymbolGenerator symbol_generator(symbol_table);
EXPECT_THROW(query_ast->Accept(symbol_generator), SemanticException);
EXPECT_THROW(query_ast->Accept(symbol_generator), UnboundVariableError);
TEST(TestSymbolGenerator, MatchSameEdge) {
SymbolTable symbol_table;
AstTreeStorage storage;
auto query_ast = MatchSameEdge(storage);
SymbolGenerator symbol_generator(symbol_table);
EXPECT_EQ(symbol_table.max_position(), 3);
auto match = dynamic_cast<Match*>(query_ast->clauses_[0]);
auto pattern = match->patterns_[0];
std::vector<Symbol> node_symbols;
std::vector<Symbol> edge_symbols;
bool is_node{true};
for (auto &atom : pattern->atoms_) {
auto symbol = symbol_table[*atom->identifier_];
if (is_node) {
} else {
is_node = !is_node;
auto &node_symbol = node_symbols.front();
for (auto &symbol : node_symbols) {
EXPECT_EQ(node_symbol, symbol);
auto &edge_symbol = edge_symbols.front();
for (auto &symbol : edge_symbols) {
EXPECT_EQ(edge_symbol, symbol);
auto ret = dynamic_cast<Return*>(query_ast->clauses_[1]);
auto named_expr = ret->named_expressions_[0];
auto ret_symbol = symbol_table[*named_expr->expression_];
EXPECT_EQ(edge_symbol, ret_symbol);
TEST(TestSymbolGenerator, CreatePropertyUnbound) {
SymbolTable symbol_table;
AstTreeStorage storage;
auto query_ast = CreatePropertyUnbound(storage);
SymbolGenerator symbol_generator(symbol_table);
EXPECT_THROW(query_ast->Accept(symbol_generator), UnboundVariableError);
TEST(TestSymbolGenerator, CreateNodeReturn) {
SymbolTable symbol_table;
AstTreeStorage storage;
auto query_ast = CreateNodeReturn(storage);
SymbolGenerator symbol_generator(symbol_table);
EXPECT_EQ(symbol_table.max_position(), 2);
auto create = dynamic_cast<Create*>(query_ast->clauses_[0]);
auto pattern = create->patterns_[0];
auto node_atom = dynamic_cast<NodeAtom*>(pattern->atoms_[0]);
auto node_sym = symbol_table[*node_atom->identifier_];
EXPECT_EQ(node_sym.name_, "n");
auto ret = dynamic_cast<Return*>(query_ast->clauses_[1]);
auto named_expr = ret->named_expressions_[0];
auto column_sym = symbol_table[*named_expr];
EXPECT_EQ(node_sym.name_, column_sym.name_);
EXPECT_NE(node_sym, column_sym);
auto ret_sym = symbol_table[*named_expr->expression_];
EXPECT_EQ(node_sym, ret_sym);
TEST(TestSymbolGenerator, CreateRedeclareNode) {
SymbolTable symbol_table;
AstTreeStorage storage;
auto query_ast = CreateRedeclareNode(storage);
SymbolGenerator symbol_generator(symbol_table);
EXPECT_THROW(query_ast->Accept(symbol_generator), RedeclareVariableError);
TEST(TestSymbolGenerator, MultiCreateRedeclareNode) {
SymbolTable symbol_table;
AstTreeStorage storage;
auto query_ast = MultiCreateRedeclareNode(storage);
SymbolGenerator symbol_generator(symbol_table);
EXPECT_THROW(query_ast->Accept(symbol_generator), RedeclareVariableError);
TEST(TestSymbolGenerator, MatchCreateRedeclareNode) {
SymbolTable symbol_table;
AstTreeStorage storage;
auto query_ast = MatchCreateRedeclareNode(storage);
SymbolGenerator symbol_generator(symbol_table);
EXPECT_THROW(query_ast->Accept(symbol_generator), RedeclareVariableError);
TEST(TestSymbolGenerator, MatchCreateRedeclareEdge) {
SymbolTable symbol_table;
AstTreeStorage storage;
auto query_ast = MatchCreateRedeclareEdge(storage);
SymbolGenerator symbol_generator(symbol_table);
EXPECT_THROW(query_ast->Accept(symbol_generator), RedeclareVariableError);