LCP: Use named-readtables
Reviewers: teon.banek Reviewed By: teon.banek Subscribers: pullbot Differential Revision:
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
(:use #:cl #:prove))
(in-package #:lcp-test)
(named-readtables:in-readtable lcp:lcp-syntax)
(defun same-type-test (a b)
"Test whether A and B are the same C++ type under LCP::CPP-TYPE=."
@ -2,9 +2,10 @@
:description "LCP: The Lisp C++ Preprocessor"
:version "0.0.1"
:author "Teon Banek <>"
:depends-on ("cl-ppcre")
:depends-on ("cl-ppcre" "named-readtables")
:serial t
:components ((:file "package")
(:file "reader")
(:file "types")
(:file "code-gen")
(:file "slk")
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
;;; C++ code.
(in-package #:lcp)
(named-readtables:in-readtable lcp-syntax)
(defvar +vim-read-only+ "vim: readonly")
(defvar +emacs-read-only+ "-*- buffer-read-only: t; -*-")
@ -9,9 +10,6 @@
(defvar *generating-cpp-impl-p* nil
"T if we are currently writing the .cpp file.")
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\> #'|#>-reader|))
(defun fnv1a64-hash-string (string)
"Produce (UNSIGNED-BYTE 64) hash of the given STRING using FNV-1a algorithm.
@ -1385,7 +1383,8 @@ enums which aren't defined in LCP."
"Read the FILEPATH and return a list of C++ meta information that should be
formatted and output."
(with-open-file (in-stream filepath)
(let ((stream-pos 0))
(let ((*readtable* (named-readtables:find-readtable 'lcp-syntax))
(stream-pos 0))
(loop for form = (read-preserving-whitespace in-stream nil 'eof)
until (eq form 'eof)
@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
(defpackage #:lcp.slk
(:use #:cl)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
(in-package #:lcp)
(defstruct raw-cpp
"Represents a raw character string of C++ code."
(string "" :type string :read-only t))
(defvar +whitespace-chars+
'(#\Newline #\Space #\Return #\Linefeed #\Tab #\Page))
(defun read-expecting (string &optional (stream *standard-input*)
(eof-error-p t) recursivep)
"Tries to read from STREAM a character sequence that matches a possibly empty
STRING and reports whether it was successful.
If EOF-ERROR-P is T and EOF is reached before all of the characters are matched,
an END-OF-FILE error is signalled.
Otherwise, returns 2 values, SUCCESSP and COUNT. SUCCESSP is a boolean denoting
whether it was able to match all of the characters. COUNT is the number of
characters that were read from STREAM, i.e. successfully matched.
If STRING is empty then it is automatically treated as a successful
match (returning T and 0), whether or not STREAM has reached EOF.
RECURSIVEP should be treated as in standard reader functions such as READ."
(loop :for count :from 0
:for c1 :across string
:for c2 := (peek-char nil stream eof-error-p nil recursivep)
:while (and c2 (char= c1 c2))
:do (read-char stream t nil recursivep)
:finally (return (values (= count (length string)) count))))
(defun |#>-reader| (stream sub-char numarg)
"Reads the #>cpp ... cpp<# block into an instance of RAW-CPP.
The block supports string interpolation of variables by using the syntax similar
to shell interpolation. For example, ${variable} will interpolate (be replaced
with) the value of VARIABLE."
(declare (ignore sub-char numarg))
(let ((output
(make-array 0 :element-type 'character :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))
(begin-cpp "cpp")
(end-cpp "cpp<#")
(interpolated-args nil))
(unless (read-expecting begin-cpp stream nil t)
(error "Expected a C++ block to start with \"#>cpp\""))
(flet ((interpolate-argument ()
"Parse argument for interpolation after $."
(when (char= #\$ (peek-char nil stream t nil t))
;; $$ is just $
(vector-push-extend (read-char stream t nil t) output)
(return-from interpolate-argument))
(unless (char= #\{ (peek-char nil stream t nil t))
(error "Expected { after $"))
(read-char stream t nil t) ;; consume {
(let ((form (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable)))
;; Read form to }
(set-macro-character #\} (get-macro-character #\)))
(read-delimited-list #\} stream t))))
(when (and (not *read-suppress*)
(or (null form)
(not (symbolp (car form)))
(cdr form)))
(error "Expected a variable inside ${...}, got ~S" form))
;; Push the variable symbol
(push (car form) interpolated-args))
;; Push the format directive
(vector-push-extend #\~ output)
(vector-push-extend #\A output)))
(do (curr
(pos 0))
((= pos (length end-cpp)))
(setf curr (read-char stream t nil t))
(if (and (< pos (length end-cpp))
(char= (char-downcase curr) (aref end-cpp pos)))
(incf pos)
(setf pos 0))
(if (char= #\$ curr)
(vector-push-extend curr output)))
(end-of-file ()
(error "Missing a closing \"cpp<#\" delimiter for a C++ block"))))
(let ((trimmed-string
(string-trim +whitespace-chars+
(subseq output
0 (- (length output) (length end-cpp))))))
:string ,(if interpolated-args
`(format nil ,trimmed-string ,@(reverse interpolated-args))
(named-readtables:defreadtable lcp-syntax
(:merge :standard)
(:dispatch-macro-char #\# #\> #'|#>-reader|))
@ -4,68 +4,6 @@
(in-package #:lcp)
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defvar +whitespace-chars+ '(#\Newline #\Space #\Return #\Linefeed #\Tab)))
(defstruct raw-cpp
"Represents a raw character string of C++ code."
(string "" :type string :read-only t))
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defun |#>-reader| (stream sub-char numarg)
"Reads the #>cpp ... cpp<# block into `RAW-CPP'.
The block supports string interpolation of variables by using the syntax
similar to shell interpolation. For example, ${variable} will be
interpolated to use the value of VARIABLE."
(declare (ignore sub-char numarg))
(let ((begin-cpp (read stream nil :eof t)))
(unless (and (symbolp begin-cpp) (string= begin-cpp 'cpp))
(error "Expected #>cpp, got '#>~A'" begin-cpp)))
(let ((output (make-array 0 :element-type 'character :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))
(end-cpp "cpp<#")
(flet ((interpolate-argument ()
"Parse argument for interpolation after $."
(when (char= #\$ (peek-char nil stream t nil t))
;; $$ is just $
(vector-push-extend (read-char stream t nil t) output)
(return-from interpolate-argument))
(unless (char= #\{ (peek-char nil stream t nil t))
(error "Expected { after $"))
(read-char stream t nil t) ;; consume {
(let ((form (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable)))
;; Read form to }
(set-macro-character #\} (get-macro-character #\)))
(read-delimited-list #\} stream t))))
(unless (and (not (null form)) (null (cdr form)) (symbolp (car form)))
(error "Expected a variable inside ${..}, got ~A" form))
;; Push the variable symbol
(push (car form) interpolated-args))
;; Push the format directive
(vector-push-extend #\~ output)
(vector-push-extend #\A output)))
(do (curr
(pos 0))
((= pos (length end-cpp)))
(setf curr (read-char stream t nil t))
(if (and (< pos (length end-cpp))
(char= (char-downcase curr) (aref end-cpp pos)))
(incf pos)
(setf pos 0))
(if (char= #\$ curr)
(vector-push-extend curr output)))
(end-of-file () (error "Missing closing '#>cpp .. cpp<#' block"))))
(let ((trimmed-string
(string-trim +whitespace-chars+
(subseq output
0 (- (length output) (length end-cpp))))))
:string ,(if interpolated-args
`(format nil ,trimmed-string ,@(reverse interpolated-args))
(deftype cpp-primitive-type-keywords ()
"List of keywords that specify a primitive type in C++."
`(member :bool :char :int :int16_t :int32_t :int64_t :uint :uint16_t
Reference in New Issue
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