Make possible to load snapshots with old version
This commit is contained in:
@ -486,6 +486,475 @@ void LoadPartialConnectivity(const std::filesystem::path &path, utils::SkipList<
spdlog::info("Partial connectivities are recovered.");
spdlog::info("Partial connectivities are recovered.");
RecoveredSnapshot LoadSnapshotVersion14(const std::filesystem::path &path, utils::SkipList<Vertex> *vertices,
utils::SkipList<Edge> *edges,
std::deque<std::pair<std::string, uint64_t>> *epoch_history,
NameIdMapper *name_id_mapper, std::atomic<uint64_t> *edge_count,
Config::Items items) {
RecoveryInfo ret;
RecoveredIndicesAndConstraints indices_constraints;
Decoder snapshot;
auto version = snapshot.Initialize(path, kSnapshotMagic);
if (!version) throw RecoveryFailure("Couldn't read snapshot magic and/or version!");
if (*version != 14U) throw RecoveryFailure(fmt::format("Expected snapshot version is 14, but got {}", *version));
// Cleanup of loaded data in case of failure.
bool success = false;
utils::OnScopeExit cleanup([&] {
if (!success) {
// Read snapshot info.
const auto info = ReadSnapshotInfo(path);
spdlog::info("Recovering {} vertices and {} edges.", info.vertices_count, info.edges_count);
// Check for edges.
bool snapshot_has_edges = info.offset_edges != 0;
// Recover mapper.
std::unordered_map<uint64_t, uint64_t> snapshot_id_map;
spdlog::info("Recovering mapper metadata.");
if (!snapshot.SetPosition(info.offset_mapper)) throw RecoveryFailure("Couldn't read data from snapshot!");
auto marker = snapshot.ReadMarker();
if (!marker || *marker != Marker::SECTION_MAPPER) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < *size; ++i) {
auto id = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!id) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto name = snapshot.ReadString();
if (!name) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto my_id = name_id_mapper->NameToId(*name);
snapshot_id_map.emplace(*id, my_id);
SPDLOG_TRACE("Mapping \"{}\"from snapshot id {} to actual id {}.", *name, *id, my_id);
auto get_label_from_id = [&snapshot_id_map](uint64_t snapshot_id) {
auto it = snapshot_id_map.find(snapshot_id);
if (it == snapshot_id_map.end()) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
return LabelId::FromUint(it->second);
auto get_property_from_id = [&snapshot_id_map](uint64_t snapshot_id) {
auto it = snapshot_id_map.find(snapshot_id);
if (it == snapshot_id_map.end()) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
return PropertyId::FromUint(it->second);
auto get_edge_type_from_id = [&snapshot_id_map](uint64_t snapshot_id) {
auto it = snapshot_id_map.find(snapshot_id);
if (it == snapshot_id_map.end()) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
return EdgeTypeId::FromUint(it->second);
// Reset current edge count.
edge_count->store(0, std::memory_order_release);
// Recover edges.
auto edge_acc = edges->access();
uint64_t last_edge_gid = 0;
if (snapshot_has_edges) {
spdlog::info("Recovering {} edges.", info.edges_count);
if (!snapshot.SetPosition(info.offset_edges)) throw RecoveryFailure("Couldn't read data from snapshot!");
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < info.edges_count; ++i) {
const auto marker = snapshot.ReadMarker();
if (!marker || *marker != Marker::SECTION_EDGE) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
if (items.properties_on_edges) {
// Insert edge.
auto gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
if (i > 0 && *gid <= last_edge_gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
last_edge_gid = *gid;
spdlog::debug("Recovering edge {} with properties.", *gid);
auto [it, inserted] = edge_acc.insert(Edge{Gid::FromUint(*gid), nullptr});
if (!inserted) throw RecoveryFailure("The edge must be inserted here!");
// Recover properties.
auto props_size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!props_size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto &props = it->properties;
for (uint64_t j = 0; j < *props_size; ++j) {
auto key = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!key) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto value = snapshot.ReadPropertyValue();
if (!value) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
SPDLOG_TRACE("Recovered property \"{}\" with value \"{}\" for edge {}.",
name_id_mapper->IdToName(*key)), *value, *gid);
props.SetProperty(get_property_from_id(*key), *value);
} else {
// Read edge GID.
auto gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
if (i > 0 && *gid <= last_edge_gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
last_edge_gid = *gid;
spdlog::debug("Ensuring edge {} doesn't have any properties.", *gid);
// Read properties.
auto props_size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!props_size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
if (*props_size != 0)
throw RecoveryFailure(
"The snapshot has properties on edges, but the storage is "
"configured without properties on edges!");
spdlog::info("Edges are recovered.");
// Recover vertices (labels and properties).
if (!snapshot.SetPosition(info.offset_vertices)) throw RecoveryFailure("Couldn't read data from snapshot!");
auto vertex_acc = vertices->access();
uint64_t last_vertex_gid = 0;
spdlog::info("Recovering {} vertices.", info.vertices_count);
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < info.vertices_count; ++i) {
auto marker = snapshot.ReadMarker();
if (!marker || *marker != Marker::SECTION_VERTEX) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
// Insert vertex.
auto gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
if (i > 0 && *gid <= last_vertex_gid) {
throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
last_vertex_gid = *gid;
spdlog::debug("Recovering vertex {}.", *gid);
auto [it, inserted] = vertex_acc.insert(Vertex{Gid::FromUint(*gid), nullptr});
if (!inserted) throw RecoveryFailure("The vertex must be inserted here!");
// Recover labels.
spdlog::trace("Recovering labels for vertex {}.", *gid);
auto labels_size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!labels_size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto &labels = it->labels;
for (uint64_t j = 0; j < *labels_size; ++j) {
auto label = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!label) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
SPDLOG_TRACE("Recovered label \"{}\" for vertex {}.", name_id_mapper->IdToName(*label)),
// Recover properties.
spdlog::trace("Recovering properties for vertex {}.", *gid);
auto props_size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!props_size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto &props = it->properties;
for (uint64_t j = 0; j < *props_size; ++j) {
auto key = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!key) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto value = snapshot.ReadPropertyValue();
if (!value) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
SPDLOG_TRACE("Recovered property \"{}\" with value \"{}\" for vertex {}.",
name_id_mapper->IdToName(*key)), *value, *gid);
props.SetProperty(get_property_from_id(*key), *value);
// Skip in edges.
auto in_size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!in_size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
for (uint64_t j = 0; j < *in_size; ++j) {
auto edge_gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!edge_gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto from_gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!from_gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto edge_type = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!edge_type) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
// Skip out edges.
auto out_size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!out_size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
for (uint64_t j = 0; j < *out_size; ++j) {
auto edge_gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!edge_gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto to_gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!to_gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto edge_type = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!edge_type) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
spdlog::info("Vertices are recovered.");
// Recover vertices (in/out edges).
spdlog::info("Recovering connectivity.");
if (!snapshot.SetPosition(info.offset_vertices)) throw RecoveryFailure("Couldn't read data from snapshot!");
for (auto &vertex : vertex_acc) {
auto marker = snapshot.ReadMarker();
if (!marker || *marker != Marker::SECTION_VERTEX) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
spdlog::trace("Recovering connectivity for vertex {}.", vertex.gid.AsUint());
// Check vertex.
auto gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
if (gid != vertex.gid.AsUint()) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
// Skip labels.
auto labels_size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!labels_size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
for (uint64_t j = 0; j < *labels_size; ++j) {
auto label = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!label) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
// Skip properties.
auto props_size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!props_size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
for (uint64_t j = 0; j < *props_size; ++j) {
auto key = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!key) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto value = snapshot.SkipPropertyValue();
if (!value) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
// Recover in edges.
spdlog::trace("Recovering inbound edges for vertex {}.", vertex.gid.AsUint());
auto in_size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!in_size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
for (uint64_t j = 0; j < *in_size; ++j) {
auto edge_gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!edge_gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
last_edge_gid = std::max(last_edge_gid, *edge_gid);
auto from_gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!from_gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto edge_type = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!edge_type) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto from_vertex = vertex_acc.find(Gid::FromUint(*from_gid));
if (from_vertex == vertex_acc.end()) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid from vertex!");
EdgeRef edge_ref(Gid::FromUint(*edge_gid));
if (items.properties_on_edges) {
if (snapshot_has_edges) {
auto edge = edge_acc.find(Gid::FromUint(*edge_gid));
if (edge == edge_acc.end()) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid edge!");
edge_ref = EdgeRef(&*edge);
} else {
auto [edge, inserted] = edge_acc.insert(Edge{Gid::FromUint(*edge_gid), nullptr});
edge_ref = EdgeRef(&*edge);
SPDLOG_TRACE("Recovered inbound edge {} with label \"{}\" from vertex {}.", *edge_gid,
name_id_mapper->IdToName(*edge_type)), from_vertex->gid.AsUint());
vertex.in_edges.emplace_back(get_edge_type_from_id(*edge_type), &*from_vertex, edge_ref);
// Recover out edges.
spdlog::trace("Recovering outbound edges for vertex {}.", vertex.gid.AsUint());
auto out_size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!out_size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
for (uint64_t j = 0; j < *out_size; ++j) {
auto edge_gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!edge_gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
last_edge_gid = std::max(last_edge_gid, *edge_gid);
auto to_gid = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!to_gid) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto edge_type = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!edge_type) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto to_vertex = vertex_acc.find(Gid::FromUint(*to_gid));
if (to_vertex == vertex_acc.end()) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid to vertex!");
EdgeRef edge_ref(Gid::FromUint(*edge_gid));
if (items.properties_on_edges) {
if (snapshot_has_edges) {
auto edge = edge_acc.find(Gid::FromUint(*edge_gid));
if (edge == edge_acc.end()) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid edge!");
edge_ref = EdgeRef(&*edge);
} else {
auto [edge, inserted] = edge_acc.insert(Edge{Gid::FromUint(*edge_gid), nullptr});
edge_ref = EdgeRef(&*edge);
SPDLOG_TRACE("Recovered outbound edge {} with label \"{}\" to vertex {}.", *edge_gid,
name_id_mapper->IdToName(*edge_type)), to_vertex->gid.AsUint());
vertex.out_edges.emplace_back(get_edge_type_from_id(*edge_type), &*to_vertex, edge_ref);
// Increment edge count. We only increment the count here because the
// information is duplicated in in_edges.
edge_count->fetch_add(*out_size, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
spdlog::info("Connectivity is recovered.");
// Set initial values for edge/vertex ID generators.
ret.next_edge_id = last_edge_gid + 1;
ret.next_vertex_id = last_vertex_gid + 1;
// Recover indices.
spdlog::info("Recovering metadata of indices.");
if (!snapshot.SetPosition(info.offset_indices)) throw RecoveryFailure("Couldn't read data from snapshot!");
auto marker = snapshot.ReadMarker();
if (!marker || *marker != Marker::SECTION_INDICES) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
// Recover label indices.
auto size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
spdlog::info("Recovering metadata of {} label indices.", *size);
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < *size; ++i) {
auto label = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!label) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
AddRecoveredIndexConstraint(&indices_constraints.indices.label, get_label_from_id(*label),
"The label index already exists!");
SPDLOG_TRACE("Recovered metadata of label index for :{}", name_id_mapper->IdToName(*label)));
spdlog::info("Metadata of label indices are recovered.");
// Recover label+property indices.
auto size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
spdlog::info("Recovering metadata of {} label+property indices.", *size);
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < *size; ++i) {
auto label = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!label) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto property = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!property) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
{get_label_from_id(*label), get_property_from_id(*property)},
"The label+property index already exists!");
SPDLOG_TRACE("Recovered metadata of label+property index for :{}({})",
spdlog::info("Metadata of label+property indices are recovered.");
spdlog::info("Metadata of indices are recovered.");
// Recover constraints.
spdlog::info("Recovering metadata of constraints.");
if (!snapshot.SetPosition(info.offset_constraints)) throw RecoveryFailure("Couldn't read data from snapshot!");
auto marker = snapshot.ReadMarker();
if (!marker || *marker != Marker::SECTION_CONSTRAINTS) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
// Recover existence constraints.
auto size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
spdlog::info("Recovering metadata of {} existence constraints.", *size);
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < *size; ++i) {
auto label = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!label) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto property = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!property) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
{get_label_from_id(*label), get_property_from_id(*property)},
"The existence constraint already exists!");
SPDLOG_TRACE("Recovered metadata of existence constraint for :{}({})",
spdlog::info("Metadata of existence constraints are recovered.");
// Recover unique constraints.
// Snapshot version should be checked since unique constraints were
// implemented in later versions of snapshot.
if (*version >= kUniqueConstraintVersion) {
auto size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!size) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
spdlog::info("Recovering metadata of {} unique constraints.", *size);
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < *size; ++i) {
auto label = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!label) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
auto properties_count = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!properties_count) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
std::set<PropertyId> properties;
for (uint64_t j = 0; j < *properties_count; ++j) {
auto property = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!property) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
AddRecoveredIndexConstraint(&indices_constraints.constraints.unique, {get_label_from_id(*label), properties},
"The unique constraint already exists!");
SPDLOG_TRACE("Recovered metadata of unique constraints for :{}",
spdlog::info("Metadata of unique constraints are recovered.");
spdlog::info("Metadata of constraints are recovered.");
spdlog::info("Recovering metadata.");
// Recover epoch history
if (!snapshot.SetPosition(info.offset_epoch_history)) throw RecoveryFailure("Couldn't read data from snapshot!");
const auto marker = snapshot.ReadMarker();
if (!marker || *marker != Marker::SECTION_EPOCH_HISTORY) throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
const auto history_size = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!history_size) {
throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
for (int i = 0; i < *history_size; ++i) {
auto maybe_epoch_id = snapshot.ReadString();
if (!maybe_epoch_id) {
throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
const auto maybe_last_commit_timestamp = snapshot.ReadUint();
if (!maybe_last_commit_timestamp) {
throw RecoveryFailure("Invalid snapshot data!");
epoch_history->emplace_back(std::move(*maybe_epoch_id), *maybe_last_commit_timestamp);
spdlog::info("Metadata recovered.");
// Recover timestamp.
ret.next_timestamp = info.start_timestamp + 1;
// Set success flag (to disable cleanup).
success = true;
return {info, ret, std::move(indices_constraints)};
RecoveredSnapshot LoadSnapshot(const std::filesystem::path &path, utils::SkipList<Vertex> *vertices,
RecoveredSnapshot LoadSnapshot(const std::filesystem::path &path, utils::SkipList<Vertex> *vertices,
utils::SkipList<Edge> *edges,
utils::SkipList<Edge> *edges,
std::deque<std::pair<std::string, uint64_t>> *epoch_history,
std::deque<std::pair<std::string, uint64_t>> *epoch_history,
@ -494,9 +963,13 @@ RecoveredSnapshot LoadSnapshot(const std::filesystem::path &path, utils::SkipLis
RecoveredIndicesAndConstraints indices_constraints;
RecoveredIndicesAndConstraints indices_constraints;
Decoder snapshot;
Decoder snapshot;
auto version = snapshot.Initialize(path, kSnapshotMagic);
const auto version = snapshot.Initialize(path, kSnapshotMagic);
if (!version) throw RecoveryFailure("Couldn't read snapshot magic and/or version!");
if (!version) throw RecoveryFailure("Couldn't read snapshot magic and/or version!");
if (!IsVersionSupported(*version)) throw RecoveryFailure(fmt::format("Invalid snapshot version {}", *version));
if (!IsVersionSupported(*version)) throw RecoveryFailure(fmt::format("Invalid snapshot version {}", *version));
if (*version == 14U) {
return LoadSnapshotVersion14(path, vertices, edges, epoch_history, name_id_mapper, edge_count, config.items);
// Cleanup of loaded data in case of failure.
// Cleanup of loaded data in case of failure.
bool success = false;
bool success = false;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user