Query::Plan::Optional added, MergeCursor slight mod
Reviewers: teon.banek, buda, mislav.bradac Reviewed By: teon.banek Subscribers: pullbot Differential Revision: https://phabricator.memgraph.io/D321
This commit is contained in:
@ -1424,40 +1424,37 @@ Merge::MergeCursor::MergeCursor(Merge &self, GraphDbAccessor &db)
merge_create_cursor_(self.merge_create_->MakeCursor(db)) {}
bool Merge::MergeCursor::Pull(Frame &frame, const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
// the loop is here to go back to input pull
// when the merge_match gets exhausted
while (true) {
if (pull_input_) {
if (input_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table)) {
// after a successful input from the input
// reset merge_match (it's expand iterators maintain state)
// and merge_create (could have a Once at the beginning)
} else
// input is exhausted, we're done
return false;
if (pull_input_) {
if (input_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table)) {
// after a successful input from the input
// reset merge_match (it's expand iterators maintain state)
// and merge_create (could have a Once at the beginning)
} else
// input is exhausted, we're done
return false;
// pull from the merge_match cursor
if (merge_match_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table)) {
// if successful, next Pull from this should not pull_input_
pull_input_ = false;
// pull from the merge_match cursor
if (merge_match_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table)) {
// if successful, next Pull from this should not pull_input_
pull_input_ = false;
return true;
} else {
// failed to Pull from the merge_match cursor
if (pull_input_) {
// if we have just now pulled from the input
// and failed to pull from merge_match, we should create
bool merge_create_pull_result =
merge_create_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table);
debug_assert(merge_create_pull_result, "MergeCreate must never fail");
return true;
} else {
// failed to Pull from the merge_match cursor
if (pull_input_) {
// if we have just now pulled from the input
// and failed to pull from merge_match, we should create
bool merge_create_pull_result =
merge_create_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table);
debug_assert(merge_create_pull_result, "MergeCreate must never fail");
return true;
// we have exhausted merge_match
// so we should pull from input on next pull
pull_input_ = true;
// we have exhausted merge_match_cursor_ after 1 or more successful Pulls
// attempt next input_cursor_ pull
pull_input_ = true;
return Pull(frame, symbol_table);
@ -1465,6 +1462,74 @@ void Merge::MergeCursor::Reset() {
pull_input_ = true;
Optional::Optional(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &optional,
const std::vector<Symbol> &optional_symbols)
: input_(input ? input : std::make_shared<Once>()),
optional_symbols_(optional_symbols) {}
void Optional::Accept(LogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) {
if (visitor.PreVisit(*this)) {
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> Optional::MakeCursor(GraphDbAccessor &db) {
return std::make_unique<OptionalCursor>(*this, db);
Optional::OptionalCursor::OptionalCursor(Optional &self, GraphDbAccessor &db)
: self_(self),
optional_cursor_(self.optional_->MakeCursor(db)) {}
bool Optional::OptionalCursor::Pull(Frame &frame,
const SymbolTable &symbol_table) {
if (pull_input_) {
if (input_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table)) {
// after a successful input from the input
// reset optional_ (it's expand iterators maintain state)
} else
// input is exhausted, we're done
return false;
// pull from the optional_ cursor
if (optional_cursor_->Pull(frame, symbol_table)) {
// if successful, next Pull from this should not pull_input_
pull_input_ = false;
return true;
} else {
// failed to Pull from the merge_match cursor
if (pull_input_) {
// if we have just now pulled from the input
// and failed to pull from optional_ so set the
// optional symbols to Null, ensure next time the
// input gets pulled and return true
for (const Symbol &sym : self_.optional_symbols_)
frame[sym] = TypedValue::Null;
pull_input_ = true;
return true;
// we have exhausted optional_cursor_ after 1 or more successful Pulls
// attempt next input_cursor_ pull
pull_input_ = true;
return Pull(frame, symbol_table);
void Optional::OptionalCursor::Reset() {
pull_input_ = true;
} // namespace query::plan
@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ class Skip;
class Limit;
class OrderBy;
class Merge;
class Optional;
/** @brief Base class for visitors of @c LogicalOperator class hierarchy. */
using LogicalOperatorVisitor =
@ -82,7 +83,8 @@ using LogicalOperatorVisitor =
SetProperty, SetProperties, SetLabels, RemoveProperty,
RemoveLabels, ExpandUniquenessFilter<VertexAccessor>,
ExpandUniquenessFilter<EdgeAccessor>, Accumulate,
AdvanceCommand, Aggregate, Skip, Limit, OrderBy, Merge>;
AdvanceCommand, Aggregate, Skip, Limit, OrderBy, Merge,
/** @brief Base class for logical operators.
@ -1213,5 +1215,45 @@ class Merge : public LogicalOperator {
* Optional operator. Used for optional match. For every
* successful Pull from the input branch a Pull from the optional
* branch is attempted (and Pulled from till exhausted). If zero
* Pulls succeed from the optional branch, the Optional operator
* sets the optional symbols to TypedValue::Null on the Frame
* and returns true, once.
class Optional : public LogicalOperator {
Optional(const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input,
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &optional,
const std::vector<Symbol> &optional_symbols);
void Accept(LogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) override;
std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(GraphDbAccessor &db) override;
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input_;
const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> optional_;
const std::vector<Symbol> optional_symbols_;
class OptionalCursor : public Cursor {
OptionalCursor(Optional &self, GraphDbAccessor &db);
bool Pull(Frame &frame, const SymbolTable &symbol_table) override;
void Reset() override;
const Optional &self_;
const std::unique_ptr<Cursor> input_cursor_;
const std::unique_ptr<Cursor> optional_cursor_;
// indicates if the next Pull from this cursor should
// perform a Pull from the input_cursor_
// this is true when:
// - first pulling from this Cursor
// - previous Pull from this cursor exhausted the optional_cursor_
bool pull_input_{true};
} // namespace plan
} // namespace query
@ -263,6 +263,87 @@ TEST(QueryPlan, Expand) {
EXPECT_EQ(8, test_expand(EdgeAtom::Direction::BOTH, GraphView::OLD));
TEST(QueryPlan, ExpandOptional) {
Dbms dbms;
auto dba = dbms.active();
AstTreeStorage storage;
SymbolTable symbol_table;
// graph (v2 {p: 2})<-[:T]-(v1 {p: 1})-[:T]->(v3 {p: 2})
auto prop = dba->property("p");
auto edge_type = dba->edge_type("T");
auto v1 = dba->insert_vertex();
v1.PropsSet(prop, 1);
auto v2 = dba->insert_vertex();
v2.PropsSet(prop, 2);
dba->insert_edge(v1, v2, edge_type);
auto v3 = dba->insert_vertex();
v3.PropsSet(prop, 2);
dba->insert_edge(v1, v3, edge_type);
// MATCH (n) OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[r]->(m)
auto n = MakeScanAll(storage, symbol_table, "n");
auto r_m = MakeExpand(storage, symbol_table, nullptr, n.sym_,
"r", EdgeAtom::Direction::RIGHT, false, "m", false);
auto optional = std::make_shared<plan::Optional>(n.op_, r_m.op_,
std::vector<Symbol>{r_m.edge_sym_, r_m.node_sym_});
// RETURN n, r, m
auto n_ne = NEXPR("n", IDENT("n"));
symbol_table[*n_ne->expression_] = n.sym_;
symbol_table[*n_ne] = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("n");
auto r_ne = NEXPR("r", IDENT("r"));
symbol_table[*r_ne->expression_] = r_m.edge_sym_;
symbol_table[*r_ne] = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("r");
auto m_ne = NEXPR("m", IDENT("m"));
symbol_table[*m_ne->expression_] = r_m.node_sym_;
symbol_table[*m_ne] = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("m");
auto produce = MakeProduce(optional, n_ne, r_ne, m_ne);
auto results = CollectProduce(produce, symbol_table, *dba).GetResults();
ASSERT_EQ(4, results.size());
int v1_is_n_count = 0;
for (auto &row : results) {
ASSERT_EQ(row[0].type(), TypedValue::Type::Vertex);
VertexAccessor &va = row[0].Value<VertexAccessor>();
auto va_p = va.PropsAt(prop);
ASSERT_EQ(va_p.type(), PropertyValue::Type::Int);
if (va_p.Value<int64_t>() == 1) {
EXPECT_EQ(row[1].type(), TypedValue::Type::Edge);
EXPECT_EQ(row[2].type(), TypedValue::Type::Vertex);
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(row[1].type(), TypedValue::Type::Null);
EXPECT_EQ(row[2].type(), TypedValue::Type::Null);
EXPECT_EQ(2, v1_is_n_count);
TEST(QueryPlan, OptionalMatchEmptyDB) {
Dbms dbms;
auto dba = dbms.active();
AstTreeStorage storage;
SymbolTable symbol_table;
auto n = MakeScanAll(storage, symbol_table, "n");
auto n_ne = NEXPR("n", IDENT("n"));
symbol_table[*n_ne->expression_] = n.sym_;
symbol_table[*n_ne] = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("n");
auto optional = std::make_shared<plan::Optional>(nullptr, n.op_,
auto produce = MakeProduce(optional, n_ne);
auto results = CollectProduce(produce, symbol_table, *dba).GetResults();
ASSERT_EQ(1, results.size());
EXPECT_EQ(results[0][0].type(), TypedValue::Type::Null);
TEST(QueryPlan, ExpandExistingNode) {
Dbms dbms;
auto dba = dbms.active();
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