diff --git a/apollo_archives.yaml b/apollo_archives.yaml
index aa9720e8a..b30a0b79c 100644
--- a/apollo_archives.yaml
+++ b/apollo_archives.yaml
@@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
 - name: Binaries
     - build_debug/memgraph
-    - build_debug/memgraph_distributed
     - build_release/memgraph
-    - build_release/memgraph_distributed
     - build_release/tools/src/mg_import_csv
-    - build_release/tools/src/mg_statsd
     - config
   filename: binaries.tar.gz
diff --git a/apollo_build.yaml b/apollo_build.yaml
index 5ed1c488b..576c9d464 100644
--- a/apollo_build.yaml
+++ b/apollo_build.yaml
@@ -31,12 +31,8 @@
     mkdir build_release
     cd build_release
     cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release ..
-    TIMEOUT=1200 make -j$THREADS memgraph memgraph_distributed tools memgraph__macro_benchmark memgraph__stress memgraph__manual__card_fraud_generate_snapshot memgraph__feature_benchmark__kafka__benchmark
-    # Generate distributed card fraud dataset.
-    cd ../tests/distributed/card_fraud
-    ./generate_dataset.sh
-    cd ../../..
+    TIMEOUT=1200 make -j$THREADS memgraph tools memgraph__macro_benchmark memgraph__stress
+    cd ..
     # Checkout to parent commit and initialize.
     cd ../parent
@@ -83,7 +79,3 @@
     mkdir output
     cd output
     cpack -G DEB --config ../CPackConfig.cmake
-    # Generate distributed card fraud dataset.
-    cd ../../tests/distributed/card_fraud
-    ./generate_dataset.sh
diff --git a/libs/CMakeLists.txt b/libs/CMakeLists.txt
index 03d96a4aa..031eb9e77 100644
--- a/libs/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/libs/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -210,30 +210,6 @@ import_external_library(rocksdb STATIC
-# Setup Cap'n Proto
-                    PREFIX ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/capnproto
-                    SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/capnproto
-                    BINARY_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/capnproto
-                    CONFIGURE_COMMAND ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/capnproto/configure
-                                      --prefix=${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/capnproto/local
-                                      --enable-shared=no --silent
-                                      CC=${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} CXX=${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}
-                    BUILD_COMMAND make -j${NPROC} check)
-set(CAPNP_INCLUDE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/capnproto/local/include
-    CACHE FILEPATH "Path to capnproto include directory" FORCE)
-set(CAPNP_LIBRARY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/capnproto/local/lib/libcapnp.a
-    CACHE FILEPATH "Path to capnproto library" FORCE)
-set(KJ_LIBRARY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/capnproto/local/lib/libkj.a
-    CACHE FILEPATH "Path to kj library (used by capnproto)" FORCE)
-import_library(capnp STATIC ${CAPNP_LIBRARY} capnproto-proj)
-import_library(kj STATIC ${KJ_LIBRARY} capnproto-proj)
-set(CAPNP_EXE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/capnproto/local/bin/capnp
-    CACHE FILEPATH "Path to capnproto executable" FORCE)
-set(CAPNP_CXX_EXE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/capnproto/local/bin/capnpc-c++
-    CACHE FILEPATH "Path to capnproto c++ plugin executable" FORCE)
 # Setup librdkafka.
 import_external_library(librdkafka STATIC
diff --git a/libs/setup.sh b/libs/setup.sh
index 147f504a6..d5c4610ef 100755
--- a/libs/setup.sh
+++ b/libs/setup.sh
@@ -125,15 +125,3 @@ clone git://deps.memgraph.io/zlib.git zlib $zlib_tag
 rocksdb_tag="dbd8fa09b823826dd2a30bc119dad7a6fa9a4c6d" # v5.11.3 Mar 12, 2018
 clone git://deps.memgraph.io/rocksdb.git rocksdb $rocksdb_tag
-# Cap'n Proto serialization (and RPC) lib
-wget -nv http://deps.memgraph.io/capnproto-c++-0.6.1.tar.gz -O capnproto.tar.gz
-tar -xzf capnproto.tar.gz
-rm -rf capnproto
-mv capnproto-c++-0.6.1 capnproto
-rm capnproto.tar.gz
-# kafka
-kafka_tag="c319b4e987d0bc4fe4f01cf91419d90b62061655" # Mar 8, 2018
-# git clone https://github.com/edenhill/librdkafka.git
-clone git://deps.memgraph.io/librdkafka.git librdkafka $kafka_tag
diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index 3c6e4fc7f..eaceb78b6 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -4,12 +4,9 @@
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Memgraph Single Node
@@ -24,12 +21,10 @@ set(mg_single_node_sources
-    glue/auth.cpp
-    query/frontend/semantic/required_privileges.cpp
@@ -60,8 +55,8 @@ add_lcp_single_node(query/plan/operator.lcp)
 add_custom_target(generate_lcp_single_node DEPENDS ${generated_lcp_single_node_files})
 set(MG_SINGLE_NODE_LIBS stdc++fs Threads::Threads fmt cppitertools
-    antlr_opencypher_parser_lib dl glog gflags capnp kj
-    mg-utils mg-io mg-integrations-kafka mg-requests mg-communication mg-auth mg-stats)
+    antlr_opencypher_parser_lib dl glog gflags
+    mg-utils mg-io mg-requests mg-communication)
@@ -83,161 +78,6 @@ target_compile_definitions(mg-single-node PUBLIC MG_SINGLE_NODE)
 # END Memgraph Single Node
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Memgraph Distributed
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    database/distributed/distributed_counters.cpp
-    database/distributed/distributed_graph_db.cpp
-    distributed/bfs_rpc_clients.cpp
-    distributed/bfs_subcursor.cpp
-    distributed/cluster_discovery_master.cpp
-    distributed/cluster_discovery_worker.cpp
-    distributed/coordination.cpp
-    distributed/coordination_master.cpp
-    distributed/coordination_worker.cpp
-    distributed/data_manager.cpp
-    distributed/data_rpc_clients.cpp
-    distributed/data_rpc_server.cpp
-    distributed/dgp/partitioner.cpp
-    distributed/dgp/vertex_migrator.cpp
-    distributed/durability_rpc_master.cpp
-    distributed/durability_rpc_worker.cpp
-    distributed/dynamic_worker.cpp
-    distributed/index_rpc_server.cpp
-    distributed/plan_consumer.cpp
-    distributed/plan_dispatcher.cpp
-    distributed/produce_rpc_server.cpp
-    distributed/pull_rpc_clients.cpp
-    distributed/updates_rpc_clients.cpp
-    distributed/updates_rpc_server.cpp
-    query/distributed_interpreter.cpp
-    query/plan/distributed.cpp
-    query/plan/distributed_ops.cpp
-    query/plan/distributed_pretty_print.cpp
-    storage/distributed/concurrent_id_mapper_master.cpp
-    storage/distributed/concurrent_id_mapper_worker.cpp
-    transactions/distributed/engine_master.cpp
-    transactions/distributed/engine_worker.cpp
-    data_structures/concurrent/skiplist_gc.cpp
-    database/distributed/config.cpp
-    database/distributed/graph_db_accessor.cpp
-    durability/distributed/state_delta.cpp
-    durability/distributed/paths.cpp
-    durability/distributed/recovery.cpp
-    durability/distributed/snapshooter.cpp
-    durability/distributed/wal.cpp
-    glue/auth.cpp
-    glue/communication.cpp
-    query/common.cpp
-    query/frontend/ast/ast.cpp
-    query/frontend/ast/cypher_main_visitor.cpp
-    query/frontend/semantic/required_privileges.cpp
-    query/frontend/semantic/symbol_generator.cpp
-    query/frontend/stripped.cpp
-    query/interpret/awesome_memgraph_functions.cpp
-    query/interpreter.cpp
-    query/plan/operator.cpp
-    query/plan/preprocess.cpp
-    query/plan/pretty_print.cpp
-    query/plan/rule_based_planner.cpp
-    query/plan/variable_start_planner.cpp
-    query/repl.cpp
-    query/serialization.cpp
-    query/typed_value.cpp
-    storage/common/property_value.cpp
-    storage/common/property_value_store.cpp
-    storage/distributed/edge_accessor.cpp
-    storage/distributed/record_accessor.cpp
-    storage/distributed/serialization.cpp
-    storage/distributed/vertex_accessor.cpp
-    storage/locking/record_lock.cpp
-    memgraph_init.cpp
-    transactions/distributed/engine_single_node.cpp
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-define_add_capnp(mg_distributed_sources generated_capnp_files)
-define_add_lcp(add_lcp_distributed mg_distributed_sources generated_lcp_distributed_files)
-add_lcp_distributed(database/distributed/counters_rpc_messages.lcp CAPNP_SCHEMA @0x95a2c3ea3871e945)
-add_lcp_distributed(database/distributed/serialization.lcp CAPNP_SCHEMA @0xdea01657b3563887
-                    DEPENDS durability/distributed/state_delta.lcp)
-add_lcp_distributed(distributed/bfs_rpc_messages.lcp CAPNP_SCHEMA @0x8e508640b09b6d2a)
-add_lcp_distributed(distributed/coordination_rpc_messages.lcp CAPNP_SCHEMA @0x93df0c4703cf98fb)
-add_lcp_distributed(distributed/data_rpc_messages.lcp CAPNP_SCHEMA @0xc1c8a341ba37aaf5)
-add_lcp_distributed(distributed/durability_rpc_messages.lcp CAPNP_SCHEMA @0xf5e53bc271e2163d)
-add_lcp_distributed(distributed/index_rpc_messages.lcp CAPNP_SCHEMA @0xa8aab46862945bd6)
-add_lcp_distributed(distributed/plan_rpc_messages.lcp CAPNP_SCHEMA @0xfcbc48dc9f106d28)
-add_lcp_distributed(distributed/pull_produce_rpc_messages.lcp CAPNP_SCHEMA @0xa78a9254a73685bd
-                    DEPENDS transactions/distributed/serialization.lcp)
-add_lcp_distributed(distributed/storage_gc_rpc_messages.lcp CAPNP_SCHEMA @0xd705663dfe36cf81)
-add_lcp_distributed(distributed/token_sharing_rpc_messages.lcp CAPNP_SCHEMA @0x8f295db54ec4caec)
-add_lcp_distributed(distributed/updates_rpc_messages.lcp CAPNP_SCHEMA @0x82d5f38d73c7b53a)
-add_lcp_distributed(distributed/dynamic_worker_rpc_messages.lcp CAPNP_SCHEMA @0x8c53f6c9a0c71b05)
-# distributed_ops.lcp is leading the capnp code generation, so we don't need
-# to generate any capnp for operator.lcp
-add_lcp_distributed(query/frontend/ast/ast_serialization.lcp CAPNP_SCHEMA @0xb107d3d6b4b1600b
-        DEPENDS query/frontend/ast/ast.lcp)
-add_lcp_distributed(query/plan/distributed_ops.lcp CAPNP_SCHEMA @0xe5cae8d045d30c42
-        DEPENDS query/plan/operator.lcp)
-add_lcp_distributed(storage/distributed/concurrent_id_mapper_rpc_messages.lcp CAPNP_SCHEMA @0xa6068dae93d225dd)
-add_lcp_distributed(transactions/distributed/engine_rpc_messages.lcp CAPNP_SCHEMA @0xde02b7c49180cad5
-        DEPENDS transactions/distributed/serialization.lcp)
-add_custom_target(generate_lcp_distributed DEPENDS ${generated_lcp_distributed_files})
-# Registering capnp must come after registering lcp files.
-add_custom_target(generate_capnp DEPENDS generate_lcp_distributed ${generated_capnp_files})
-set(MG_DISTRIBUTED_LIBS stdc++fs Threads::Threads fmt cppitertools
-    antlr_opencypher_parser_lib dl glog gflags capnp kj
-    mg-utils mg-io mg-integrations-kafka mg-requests mg-communication mg-auth mg-stats)
-# STATIC library used by memgraph executables
-add_library(mg-distributed STATIC ${mg_distributed_sources})
-target_link_libraries(mg-distributed ${MG_DISTRIBUTED_LIBS})
-add_dependencies(mg-distributed generate_opencypher_parser)
-add_dependencies(mg-distributed generate_lcp_distributed)
-add_dependencies(mg-distributed generate_capnp)
-target_compile_definitions(mg-distributed PUBLIC MG_DISTRIBUTED)
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# END Memgraph Distributed
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 string(TOLOWER ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} lower_build_type)
 # STATIC library used to store key-value pairs
@@ -311,18 +151,3 @@ install(
                    WORKING_DIRECTORY ${examples})")
 install(DIRECTORY ${examples}/build/ DESTINATION share/memgraph/examples)
-# memgraph distributed main executable
-add_executable(memgraph_distributed memgraph_distributed.cpp)
-target_link_libraries(memgraph_distributed mg-distributed kvstore_lib telemetry_lib)
-set_target_properties(memgraph_distributed PROPERTIES
-                      # Set the executable output name to include version information.
-                      OUTPUT_NAME "memgraph_distributed-${memgraph_VERSION}-${COMMIT_HASH}_${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}"
-                      # Output the executable in main binary dir.
-# Create symlink to the built executable.
-add_custom_command(TARGET memgraph_distributed POST_BUILD
-                   COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink $<TARGET_FILE:memgraph_distributed> ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/memgraph_distributed
-                   BYPRODUCTS ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/memgraph_distributed
-                   COMMENT Creating symlink to memgraph distributed executable)
diff --git a/src/communication/CMakeLists.txt b/src/communication/CMakeLists.txt
index bfc48660b..b537cf6db 100644
--- a/src/communication/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/communication/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -4,24 +4,9 @@ set(communication_src_files
-    init.cpp
-    rpc/client.cpp
-    rpc/protocol.cpp
-    rpc/server.cpp)
-# TODO: Extract data_structures to library
-set(communication_src_files ${communication_src_files}
-    ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/data_structures/concurrent/skiplist_gc.cpp)
-define_add_capnp(communication_src_files communication_capnp_files)
-add_custom_target(generate_communication_capnp DEPENDS ${communication_capnp_files})
+    init.cpp)
 add_library(mg-communication STATIC ${communication_src_files})
 target_link_libraries(mg-communication Threads::Threads mg-utils mg-io fmt glog gflags)
 target_link_libraries(mg-communication ${OPENSSL_LIBRARIES})
 target_include_directories(mg-communication SYSTEM PUBLIC ${OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR})
-target_link_libraries(mg-communication capnp kj)
-add_dependencies(mg-communication generate_communication_capnp)
diff --git a/src/communication/bolt/v1/session.hpp b/src/communication/bolt/v1/session.hpp
index ea38192df..b8f69341c 100644
--- a/src/communication/bolt/v1/session.hpp
+++ b/src/communication/bolt/v1/session.hpp
@@ -60,10 +60,6 @@ class Session {
   /** Aborts currently running query. */
   virtual void Abort() = 0;
-  /** Return `true` if the user was successfully authenticated. */
-  virtual bool Authenticate(const std::string &username,
-                            const std::string &password) = 0;
    * Executes the session after data has been read into the buffer.
    * Goes through the bolt states in order to execute commands from the client.
diff --git a/src/communication/bolt/v1/states/init.hpp b/src/communication/bolt/v1/states/init.hpp
index 473c953f5..fbb924e5e 100644
--- a/src/communication/bolt/v1/states/init.hpp
+++ b/src/communication/bolt/v1/states/init.hpp
@@ -60,38 +60,6 @@ State StateInitRun(Session &session) {
   LOG(INFO) << fmt::format("Client connected '{}'", client_name.ValueString())
             << std::endl;
-  // Get authentication data.
-  std::string username, password;
-  auto &data = metadata.ValueMap();
-  if (!data.count("scheme")) {
-    LOG(WARNING) << "The client didn't supply authentication information!";
-    return State::Close;
-  }
-  if (data["scheme"].ValueString() == "basic") {
-    if (!data.count("principal") || !data.count("credentials")) {
-      LOG(WARNING) << "The client didn't supply authentication information!";
-      return State::Close;
-    }
-    username = data["principal"].ValueString();
-    password = data["credentials"].ValueString();
-  } else if (data["scheme"].ValueString() != "none") {
-    LOG(WARNING) << "Unsupported authentication scheme: "
-                 << data["scheme"].ValueString();
-    return State::Close;
-  }
-  // Authenticate the user.
-  if (!session.Authenticate(username, password)) {
-    if (!session.encoder_.MessageFailure(
-            {{"code", "Memgraph.ClientError.Security.Unauthenticated"},
-             {"message", "Authentication failure"}})) {
-      DLOG(WARNING) << "Couldn't send failure message to the client!";
-    }
-    // Throw an exception to indicate to the network stack that the session
-    // should be closed and cleaned up.
-    throw SessionClosedException("The client is not authenticated!");
-  }
   // Return success.
   if (!session.encoder_.MessageSuccess()) {
     DLOG(WARNING) << "Couldn't send success message to the client!";
diff --git a/src/durability/single_node/recovery.cpp b/src/durability/single_node/recovery.cpp
index 233a68f35..484d0322c 100644
--- a/src/durability/single_node/recovery.cpp
+++ b/src/durability/single_node/recovery.cpp
@@ -65,10 +65,6 @@ bool VersionConsistency(const fs::path &durability_dir) {
   return true;
-bool DistributedVersionConsistency(const int64_t master_version) {
-  return durability::kVersion == master_version;
 bool ContainsDurabilityFiles(const fs::path &durability_dir) {
   for (const auto &durability_type : {kSnapshotDir, kWalDir}) {
     auto recovery_dir = durability_dir / durability_type;
diff --git a/src/durability/single_node/recovery.hpp b/src/durability/single_node/recovery.hpp
index 5124b3272..e71bf9a02 100644
--- a/src/durability/single_node/recovery.hpp
+++ b/src/durability/single_node/recovery.hpp
@@ -74,15 +74,6 @@ bool ReadSnapshotSummary(HashedFileReader &buffer, int64_t &vertex_count,
 bool VersionConsistency(
     const std::experimental::filesystem::path &durability_dir);
- * Checks whether the current memgraph binary (on a worker) is
- * version consistent with the cluster master.
- *
- * @param master_version - Version of the master.
- * @return - True if versions match.
- */
-bool DistributedVersionConsistency(const int64_t master_version);
  * Checks whether the durability directory contains snapshot
  * or write-ahead log file.
diff --git a/src/io/CMakeLists.txt b/src/io/CMakeLists.txt
index e6bd87933..0aa3c631d 100644
--- a/src/io/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/io/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -4,13 +4,5 @@ set(io_src_files
-define_add_capnp(io_src_files io_capnp_files)
-add_custom_target(generate_io_capnp DEPENDS ${io_capnp_files})
 add_library(mg-io STATIC ${io_src_files})
 target_link_libraries(mg-io stdc++fs Threads::Threads fmt glog mg-utils)
-target_link_libraries(mg-io capnp kj)
-add_dependencies(mg-io generate_io_capnp)
diff --git a/src/io/network/endpoint.cpp b/src/io/network/endpoint.cpp
index 5514c13da..42f3d9647 100644
--- a/src/io/network/endpoint.cpp
+++ b/src/io/network/endpoint.cpp
@@ -24,18 +24,6 @@ Endpoint::Endpoint(const std::string &address, uint16_t port)
   CHECK(family_ != 0) << "Not a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address: " << address;
-void Save(const Endpoint &endpoint, capnp::Endpoint::Builder *builder) {
-  builder->setAddress(endpoint.address());
-  builder->setPort(endpoint.port());
-  builder->setFamily(endpoint.family());
-void Load(Endpoint *endpoint, const capnp::Endpoint::Reader &reader) {
-  endpoint->address_ = reader.getAddress();
-  endpoint->port_ = reader.getPort();
-  endpoint->family_ = reader.getFamily();
 bool Endpoint::operator==(const Endpoint &other) const {
   return address_ == other.address_ && port_ == other.port_ &&
          family_ == other.family_;
diff --git a/src/io/network/endpoint.hpp b/src/io/network/endpoint.hpp
index 5e5b4f970..ffc5951e6 100644
--- a/src/io/network/endpoint.hpp
+++ b/src/io/network/endpoint.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
 #include <iostream>
 #include <string>
-#include "io/network/endpoint.capnp.h"
 #include "utils/exceptions.hpp"
 namespace io::network {
@@ -33,8 +32,4 @@ class Endpoint {
   unsigned char family_{0};
-void Save(const Endpoint &endpoint, capnp::Endpoint::Builder *builder);
-void Load(Endpoint *endpoint, const capnp::Endpoint::Reader &reader);
 }  // namespace io::network
diff --git a/src/memgraph.cpp b/src/memgraph.cpp
index 1ba593812..4cc7e3008 100644
--- a/src/memgraph.cpp
+++ b/src/memgraph.cpp
@@ -11,8 +11,6 @@
 #include "communication/server.hpp"
 #include "database/single_node/graph_db.hpp"
-#include "integrations/kafka/exceptions.hpp"
-#include "integrations/kafka/streams.hpp"
 #include "memgraph_init.hpp"
 #include "query/exceptions.hpp"
 #include "telemetry/telemetry.hpp"
@@ -48,25 +46,6 @@ void SingleNodeMain() {
   query::Interpreter interpreter;
   SessionData session_data{&db, &interpreter};
-  integrations::kafka::Streams kafka_streams{
-      std::experimental::filesystem::path(FLAGS_durability_directory) /
-          "streams",
-      [&session_data](
-          const std::string &query,
-          const std::map<std::string, communication::bolt::Value> &params) {
-        KafkaStreamWriter(session_data, query, params);
-      }};
-  try {
-    // Recover possible streams.
-    kafka_streams.Recover();
-  } catch (const integrations::kafka::KafkaStreamException &e) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << e.what();
-  }
-  session_data.interpreter->auth_ = &session_data.auth;
-  session_data.interpreter->kafka_streams_ = &kafka_streams;
   ServerContext context;
   std::string service_name = "Bolt";
   if (FLAGS_key_file != "" && FLAGS_cert_file != "") {
diff --git a/src/memgraph_init.cpp b/src/memgraph_init.cpp
index 3b9a59ef9..29d1a98f4 100644
--- a/src/memgraph_init.cpp
+++ b/src/memgraph_init.cpp
@@ -3,11 +3,9 @@
 #include <glog/logging.h>
 #include "config.hpp"
-#include "glue/auth.hpp"
 #include "glue/communication.hpp"
 #include "query/exceptions.hpp"
 #include "requests/requests.hpp"
-#include "stats/stats.hpp"
 #include "utils/signals.hpp"
 #include "utils/sysinfo/memory.hpp"
 #include "utils/terminate_handler.hpp"
@@ -28,8 +26,7 @@ BoltSession::BoltSession(SessionData *data, const io::network::Endpoint &,
     : communication::bolt::Session<communication::InputStream,
-      transaction_engine_(data->db, data->interpreter),
-      auth_(&data->auth) {}
+      transaction_engine_(data->db, data->interpreter) {}
 using TEncoder =
@@ -42,21 +39,7 @@ std::vector<std::string> BoltSession::Interpret(
   for (const auto &kv : params)
     params_pv.emplace(kv.first, glue::ToPropertyValue(kv.second));
   try {
-    auto result = transaction_engine_.Interpret(query, params_pv);
-    if (user_) {
-      const auto &permissions = user_->GetPermissions();
-      for (const auto &privilege : result.second) {
-        if (permissions.Has(glue::PrivilegeToPermission(privilege)) !=
-            auth::PermissionLevel::GRANT) {
-          transaction_engine_.Abort();
-          throw communication::bolt::ClientError(
-              "You are not authorized to execute this query! Please contact "
-              "your database administrator.");
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return result.first;
+    return transaction_engine_.Interpret(query, params_pv);
   } catch (const query::QueryException &e) {
     // Wrap QueryException into ClientError, because we want to allow the
     // client to fix their query.
@@ -83,13 +66,6 @@ std::map<std::string, communication::bolt::Value> BoltSession::PullAll(
 void BoltSession::Abort() { transaction_engine_.Abort(); }
-bool BoltSession::Authenticate(const std::string &username,
-                               const std::string &password) {
-  if (!auth_->HasUsers()) return true;
-  user_ = auth_->Authenticate(username, password);
-  return !!user_;
 BoltSession::TypedValueResultStream::TypedValueResultStream(TEncoder *encoder)
     : encoder_(encoder) {}
@@ -103,24 +79,6 @@ void BoltSession::TypedValueResultStream::Result(
-void KafkaStreamWriter(
-    SessionData &session_data, const std::string &query,
-    const std::map<std::string, communication::bolt::Value> &params) {
-  auto dba = session_data.db->Access();
-  KafkaResultStream stream;
-  std::map<std::string, PropertyValue> params_pv;
-  for (const auto &kv : params)
-    params_pv.emplace(kv.first, glue::ToPropertyValue(kv.second));
-  try {
-    (*session_data.interpreter)(query, *dba, params_pv, false).PullAll(stream);
-    dba->Commit();
-  } catch (const utils::BasicException &e) {
-    LOG(WARNING) << "[Kafka] query execution failed with an exception: "
-                 << e.what();
-    dba->Abort();
-  }
 // Needed to correctly handle memgraph destruction from a signal handler.
 // Without having some sort of a flag, it is possible that a signal is handled
 // when we are exiting main, inside destructors of database::GraphDb and
@@ -175,9 +133,6 @@ int WithInit(int argc, char **argv,
   // Unhandled exception handler init.
-  stats::InitStatsLogging(get_stats_prefix());
-  utils::OnScopeExit stop_stats([] { stats::StopStatsLogging(); });
   // Initialize the communication library.
diff --git a/src/memgraph_init.hpp b/src/memgraph_init.hpp
index d7032f5e8..10fc9bc18 100644
--- a/src/memgraph_init.hpp
+++ b/src/memgraph_init.hpp
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
 #include <gflags/gflags.h>
-#include "auth/auth.hpp"
 #include "communication/bolt/v1/session.hpp"
 #include "communication/init.hpp"
 #include "communication/session.hpp"
@@ -23,8 +22,6 @@ DECLARE_string(durability_directory);
 struct SessionData {
   database::GraphDb *db{nullptr};
   query::Interpreter *interpreter{nullptr};
-  auth::Auth auth{
-      std::experimental::filesystem::path(FLAGS_durability_directory) / "auth"};
 class BoltSession final
@@ -47,9 +44,6 @@ class BoltSession final
   void Abort() override;
-  bool Authenticate(const std::string &username,
-                    const std::string &password) override;
   /// Wrapper around TEncoder which converts TypedValue to Value
   /// before forwarding the calls to original TEncoder.
@@ -64,8 +58,6 @@ class BoltSession final
   query::TransactionEngine transaction_engine_;
-  auth::Auth *auth_;
-  std::experimental::optional<auth::User> user_;
 /// Class that implements ResultStream API for Kafka.
@@ -77,11 +69,6 @@ class KafkaResultStream {
   void Result(const std::vector<query::TypedValue> &) {}
-/// Writes data streamed from kafka to memgraph.
-void KafkaStreamWriter(
-    SessionData &session_data, const std::string &query,
-    const std::map<std::string, communication::bolt::Value> &params);
 /// Set up signal handlers and register `shutdown` on SIGTERM and SIGINT.
 /// In most cases you don't have to call this. If you are using a custom server
 /// startup function for `WithInit`, then you probably need to use this to
diff --git a/src/query/common.cpp b/src/query/common.cpp
index 5d1261012..15e21e2d1 100644
--- a/src/query/common.cpp
+++ b/src/query/common.cpp
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
 #include "glog/logging.h"
 #include "query/exceptions.hpp"
-#include "utils/serialization.hpp"
 #include "utils/string.hpp"
 namespace query {
diff --git a/src/query/context.hpp b/src/query/context.hpp
index da31175bd..2eb5ca579 100644
--- a/src/query/context.hpp
+++ b/src/query/context.hpp
@@ -5,14 +5,6 @@
 #include "query/frontend/semantic/symbol_table.hpp"
 #include "query/parameters.hpp"
-namespace auth {
-class Auth;
-}  // namespace auth
-namespace integrations::kafka {
-class Streams;
-}  // namespace integrations::kafka
 namespace query {
 struct EvaluationContext {
@@ -36,9 +28,6 @@ class Context {
   bool is_index_created_ = false;
   SymbolTable symbol_table_;
   EvaluationContext evaluation_context_;
-  auth::Auth *auth_ = nullptr;
-  integrations::kafka::Streams *kafka_streams_ = nullptr;
 struct ParsingContext {
diff --git a/src/query/frontend/ast/ast.lcp b/src/query/frontend/ast/ast.lcp
index 04cc8e41a..c1d1c585c 100644
--- a/src/query/frontend/ast/ast.lcp
+++ b/src/query/frontend/ast/ast.lcp
@@ -2175,343 +2175,6 @@ cpp<#
   (:serialize :capnp))
-(lcp:define-class auth-query (clause)
-  ((action "Action" :scope :public)
-   (user "std::string" :scope :public)
-   (role "std::string" :scope :public)
-   (user-or-role "std::string" :scope :public)
-   (password "Expression *" :initval "nullptr" :scope :public
-             :capnp-type "Tree" :capnp-init nil
-             :capnp-save #'save-ast-pointer
-             :capnp-load (load-ast-pointer "Expression *"))
-   (privileges "std::vector<Privilege>" :scope :public
-               :capnp-save (lambda (builder member capnp-name)
-                             #>cpp
-                             for (size_t i = 0; i < ${member}.size(); ++i) {
-                              switch (${member}[i]) {
-                                case AuthQuery::Privilege::CREATE:
-                                  ${builder}.set(i, capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::CREATE);
-                                  break;
-                                case AuthQuery::Privilege::DELETE:
-                                  ${builder}.set(i, capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::DELETE);
-                                  break;
-                                case AuthQuery::Privilege::MATCH:
-                                  ${builder}.set(i, capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::MATCH);
-                                  break;
-                                case AuthQuery::Privilege::MERGE:
-                                  ${builder}.set(i, capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::MERGE);
-                                  break;
-                                case AuthQuery::Privilege::SET:
-                                  ${builder}.set(i, capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::SET);
-                                  break;
-                                case AuthQuery::Privilege::REMOVE:
-                                  ${builder}.set(i, capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::REMOVE);
-                                  break;
-                                case AuthQuery::Privilege::INDEX:
-                                  ${builder}.set(i, capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::INDEX);
-                                  break;
-                                case AuthQuery::Privilege::AUTH:
-                                  ${builder}.set(i, capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::AUTH);
-                                  break;
-                                case AuthQuery::Privilege::STREAM:
-                                  ${builder}.set(i, capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::STREAM);
-                                  break;
-                              }
-                            }
-                            cpp<#)
-               :capnp-load (lambda (reader member capnp-name)
-                             #>cpp
-                             ${member}.resize(${reader}.size());
-                             size_t i = 0;
-                             for (const auto &val : ${reader}) {
-                              switch (val) {
-                                case capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::CREATE:
-                                  ${member}[i] = AuthQuery::Privilege::CREATE;
-                                  break;
-                                case capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::DELETE:
-                                  ${member}[i] = AuthQuery::Privilege::DELETE;
-                                  break;
-                                case capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::MATCH:
-                                  ${member}[i] = AuthQuery::Privilege::MATCH;
-                                  break;
-                                case capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::MERGE:
-                                  ${member}[i] = AuthQuery::Privilege::MERGE;
-                                  break;
-                                case capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::SET:
-                                  ${member}[i] = AuthQuery::Privilege::SET;
-                                  break;
-                                case capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::REMOVE:
-                                  ${member}[i] = AuthQuery::Privilege::REMOVE;
-                                  break;
-                                case capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::INDEX:
-                                  ${member}[i] = AuthQuery::Privilege::INDEX;
-                                  break;
-                                case capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::AUTH:
-                                  ${member}[i] = AuthQuery::Privilege::AUTH;
-                                  break;
-                                case capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::STREAM:
-                                  ${member}[i] = AuthQuery::Privilege::STREAM;
-                                  break;
-                              }
-                              ++i;
-                            }
-                            cpp<#)))
-  (:public
-    (lcp:define-enum action
-                     (create-role drop-role show-roles create-user
-                      set-password drop-user show-users set-role
-                      clear-role grant-privilege deny-privilege
-                      revoke-privilege show-privileges
-                      show-role-for-user show-users-for-role)
-                     (:serialize :capnp))
-    (lcp:define-enum privilege
-                     (create delete match merge set remove index auth stream)
-                     (:serialize :capnp))
-    #>cpp
-    AuthQuery() = default;
-    DEFVISITABLE(TreeVisitor<TypedValue>);
-    DEFVISITABLE(HierarchicalTreeVisitor);
-    AuthQuery *Clone(AstStorage &storage) const override {
-      return storage.Create<AuthQuery>(
-          action_, user_, role_, user_or_role_,
-          password_ ? password_->Clone(storage) : nullptr, privileges_);
-    }
-    cpp<#)
-  (:protected
-    #>cpp
-    explicit AuthQuery(int uid) : Clause(uid) {}
-    explicit AuthQuery(int uid, Action action, std::string user, std::string role,
-                       std::string user_or_role, Expression *password,
-                       std::vector<Privilege> privileges)
-        : Clause(uid),
-          action_(action),
-          user_(user),
-          role_(role),
-          user_or_role_(user_or_role),
-          password_(password),
-          privileges_(privileges) {}
-    cpp<#)
-  (:private
-    #>cpp
-    friend class AstStorage;
-    cpp<#)
-  (:serialize :capnp))
-// Constant that holds all available privileges.
-const std::vector<AuthQuery::Privilege> kPrivilegesAll = {
-    AuthQuery::Privilege::CREATE, AuthQuery::Privilege::DELETE,
-    AuthQuery::Privilege::MATCH,  AuthQuery::Privilege::MERGE,
-    AuthQuery::Privilege::SET,    AuthQuery::Privilege::REMOVE,
-    AuthQuery::Privilege::INDEX,  AuthQuery::Privilege::AUTH,
-    AuthQuery::Privilege::STREAM};
-(lcp:define-class create-stream (clause)
-  ((stream-name "std::string" :scope :public)
-   (stream-uri "Expression *" :scope :public
-               :capnp-type "Tree" :capnp-init nil
-               :capnp-save #'save-ast-pointer
-               :capnp-load (load-ast-pointer "Expression *"))
-   (stream-topic "Expression *" :scope :public
-                 :capnp-type "Tree" :capnp-init nil
-                 :capnp-save #'save-ast-pointer
-                 :capnp-load (load-ast-pointer "Expression *"))
-   (transform-uri "Expression *" :scope :public
-                  :capnp-type "Tree" :capnp-init nil
-                  :capnp-save #'save-ast-pointer
-                  :capnp-load (load-ast-pointer "Expression *"))
-   (batch-interval-in-ms "Expression *" :scope :public
-                         :capnp-type "Tree" :capnp-init nil
-                         :capnp-save #'save-ast-pointer
-                         :capnp-load (load-ast-pointer "Expression *"))
-   (batch-size "Expression *" :scope :public
-               :capnp-type "Tree" :capnp-init nil
-               :capnp-save #'save-ast-pointer
-               :capnp-load (load-ast-pointer "Expression *")))
-  (:public
-    #>cpp
-    CreateStream() = default;
-    DEFVISITABLE(TreeVisitor<TypedValue>);
-    DEFVISITABLE(HierarchicalTreeVisitor);
-    CreateStream *Clone(AstStorage &storage) const override {
-      return storage.Create<CreateStream>(
-          stream_name_, stream_uri_->Clone(storage),
-          stream_topic_->Clone(storage), transform_uri_->Clone(storage),
-          batch_interval_in_ms_ ? batch_interval_in_ms_->Clone(storage) : nullptr,
-          batch_size_ ? batch_size_->Clone(storage) : nullptr);
-    }
-    cpp<#)
-  (:protected
-    #>cpp
-    explicit CreateStream(int uid) : Clause(uid) {}
-    CreateStream(int uid, std::string stream_name, Expression *stream_uri,
-                 Expression *stream_topic, Expression *transform_uri,
-                 Expression *batch_interval_in_ms, Expression *batch_size)
-        : Clause(uid),
-          stream_name_(std::move(stream_name)),
-          stream_uri_(stream_uri),
-          stream_topic_(stream_topic),
-          transform_uri_(transform_uri),
-          batch_interval_in_ms_(batch_interval_in_ms),
-          batch_size_(batch_size) {}
-    cpp<#)
-  (:private
-    #>cpp
-    friend class AstStorage;
-    cpp<#)
-  (:serialize :capnp))
-(lcp:define-class drop-stream (clause)
-  ((stream-name "std::string" :scope :public))
-  (:public
-    #>cpp
-    DropStream() = default;
-    DEFVISITABLE(TreeVisitor<TypedValue>);
-    DEFVISITABLE(HierarchicalTreeVisitor);
-    DropStream *Clone(AstStorage &storage) const override {
-      return storage.Create<DropStream>(stream_name_);
-    }
-    cpp<#)
-  (:protected
-    #>cpp
-    explicit DropStream(int uid) : Clause(uid) {}
-    DropStream(int uid, std::string stream_name)
-        : Clause(uid), stream_name_(std::move(stream_name)) {}
-    cpp<#)
-  (:private
-    #>cpp
-    friend class AstStorage;
-    cpp<#)
-  (:serialize :capnp))
-(lcp:define-class show-streams (clause)
-  ()
-  (:public
-    #>cpp
-    ShowStreams() = default;
-    DEFVISITABLE(TreeVisitor<TypedValue>);
-    DEFVISITABLE(HierarchicalTreeVisitor);
-    ShowStreams *Clone(AstStorage &storage) const override {
-      return storage.Create<ShowStreams>();
-    }
-    cpp<#)
-  (:protected
-    #>cpp
-    explicit ShowStreams(int uid) : Clause(uid) {}
-    cpp<#)
-  (:private
-    #>cpp
-    friend class AstStorage;
-    cpp<#)
-  (:serialize :capnp))
-(lcp:define-class start-stop-stream (clause)
-  ((stream-name "std::string" :scope :public)
-   (is-start :bool :scope :public)
-   (limit-batches "Expression *" :scope :public
-                  :capnp-type "Tree" :capnp-init nil
-                  :capnp-save #'save-ast-pointer
-                  :capnp-load (load-ast-pointer "Expression *")))
-  (:public
-    #>cpp
-    StartStopStream() = default;
-    DEFVISITABLE(TreeVisitor<TypedValue>);
-    DEFVISITABLE(HierarchicalTreeVisitor);
-    StartStopStream *Clone(AstStorage &storage) const override {
-      return storage.Create<StartStopStream>(
-          stream_name_, is_start_,
-          limit_batches_ ? limit_batches_->Clone(storage) : nullptr);
-    }
-    cpp<#)
-  (:protected
-    #>cpp
-    explicit StartStopStream(int uid) : Clause(uid) {}
-    StartStopStream(int uid, std::string stream_name, bool is_start,
-                    Expression *limit_batches)
-        : Clause(uid),
-          stream_name_(std::move(stream_name)),
-          is_start_(is_start),
-          limit_batches_(limit_batches) {}
-    cpp<#)
-  (:private
-    #>cpp
-    friend class AstStorage;
-    cpp<#)
-  (:serialize :capnp))
-(lcp:define-class start-stop-all-streams (clause)
-  ((is-start :bool :scope :public))
-  (:public
-    #>cpp
-    StartStopAllStreams() = default;
-    DEFVISITABLE(TreeVisitor<TypedValue>);
-    DEFVISITABLE(HierarchicalTreeVisitor);
-    StartStopAllStreams *Clone(AstStorage &storage) const override {
-      return storage.Create<StartStopAllStreams>(is_start_);
-    }
-    cpp<#)
-  (:protected
-    #>cpp
-    explicit StartStopAllStreams(int uid) : Clause(uid) {}
-    StartStopAllStreams(int uid, bool is_start)
-        : Clause(uid), is_start_(is_start) {}
-    cpp<#)
-  (:private
-    #>cpp
-    friend class AstStorage;
-    cpp<#)
-  (:serialize :capnp))
-(lcp:define-class test-stream (clause)
-  ((stream-name "std::string" :scope :public)
-   (limit-batches "Expression *" :scope :public
-                  :capnp-type "Tree" :capnp-init nil
-                  :capnp-save #'save-ast-pointer
-                  :capnp-load (load-ast-pointer "Expression *")))
-  (:public
-    #>cpp
-    TestStream() = default;
-    DEFVISITABLE(TreeVisitor<TypedValue>);
-    DEFVISITABLE(HierarchicalTreeVisitor);
-    TestStream *Clone(AstStorage &storage) const override {
-      return storage.Create<TestStream>(
-          stream_name_,
-          limit_batches_ ? limit_batches_->Clone(storage) : nullptr);
-    }
-    cpp<#)
-  (:protected
-    #>cpp
-    explicit TestStream(int uid) : Clause(uid) {}
-    TestStream(int uid, std::string stream_name, Expression *limit_batches)
-        : Clause(uid),
-          stream_name_(std::move(stream_name)),
-          limit_batches_(limit_batches) {}
-    cpp<#)
-  (:private
-    #>cpp
-    friend class AstStorage;
-    cpp<#)
-  (:serialize :capnp))
diff --git a/src/query/frontend/ast/ast_visitor.hpp b/src/query/frontend/ast/ast_visitor.hpp
index 333e11730..fe4f2afdc 100644
--- a/src/query/frontend/ast/ast_visitor.hpp
+++ b/src/query/frontend/ast/ast_visitor.hpp
@@ -62,13 +62,6 @@ class Merge;
 class Unwind;
 class CreateIndex;
 class CreateUniqueIndex;
-class AuthQuery;
-class CreateStream;
-class DropStream;
-class ShowStreams;
-class StartStopStream;
-class StartStopAllStreams;
-class TestStream;
 using TreeCompositeVisitor = ::utils::CompositeVisitor<
     Query, SingleQuery, CypherUnion, NamedExpression, OrOperator, XorOperator,
@@ -84,9 +77,7 @@ using TreeCompositeVisitor = ::utils::CompositeVisitor<
 using TreeLeafVisitor =
     ::utils::LeafVisitor<Identifier, PrimitiveLiteral, ParameterLookup,
-                         CreateIndex, CreateUniqueIndex, AuthQuery,
-                         CreateStream, DropStream, ShowStreams, StartStopStream,
-                         StartStopAllStreams, TestStream>;
+                         CreateIndex, CreateUniqueIndex>;
 class HierarchicalTreeVisitor : public TreeCompositeVisitor,
                                 public TreeLeafVisitor {
@@ -109,8 +100,6 @@ using TreeVisitor = ::utils::Visitor<
     Aggregation, Function, Reduce, Extract, All, Single, ParameterLookup,
     Create, Match, Return, With, Pattern, NodeAtom, EdgeAtom, Delete, Where,
     SetProperty, SetProperties, SetLabels, RemoveProperty, RemoveLabels, Merge,
-    Unwind, Identifier, PrimitiveLiteral, CreateIndex, CreateUniqueIndex,
-    AuthQuery, CreateStream, DropStream, ShowStreams, StartStopStream,
-    StartStopAllStreams, TestStream>;
+    Unwind, Identifier, PrimitiveLiteral, CreateIndex, CreateUniqueIndex>;
 }  // namespace query
diff --git a/src/query/frontend/ast/cypher_main_visitor.cpp b/src/query/frontend/ast/cypher_main_visitor.cpp
index 674dcc73e..1a36f24da 100644
--- a/src/query/frontend/ast/cypher_main_visitor.cpp
+++ b/src/query/frontend/ast/cypher_main_visitor.cpp
@@ -72,40 +72,6 @@ antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitIndexQuery(
   return query_;
-antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitAuthQuery(
-    MemgraphCypher::AuthQueryContext *ctx) {
-  query_ = storage_->Create<Query>();
-  query_->single_query_ = storage_->Create<SingleQuery>();
-  CHECK(ctx->children.size() == 1)
-      << "AuthQuery should have exactly one child!";
-  query_->single_query_->clauses_.push_back(
-      ctx->children[0]->accept(this).as<AuthQuery *>());
-  return query_;
-antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitStreamQuery(
-    MemgraphCypher::StreamQueryContext *ctx) {
-  query_ = storage_->Create<Query>();
-  query_->single_query_ = storage_->Create<SingleQuery>();
-  Clause *clause = nullptr;
-  if (ctx->createStream()) {
-    clause = ctx->createStream()->accept(this).as<CreateStream *>();
-  } else if (ctx->dropStream()) {
-    clause = ctx->dropStream()->accept(this).as<DropStream *>();
-  } else if (ctx->showStreams()) {
-    clause = ctx->showStreams()->accept(this).as<ShowStreams *>();
-  } else if (ctx->startStopStream()) {
-    clause = ctx->startStopStream()->accept(this).as<StartStopStream *>();
-  } else if (ctx->startStopAllStreams()) {
-    clause =
-        ctx->startStopAllStreams()->accept(this).as<StartStopAllStreams *>();
-  } else if (ctx->testStream()) {
-    clause = ctx->testStream()->accept(this).as<TestStream *>();
-  }
-  query_->single_query_->clauses_ = {clause};
-  return query_;
 antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitCypherUnion(
     MemgraphCypher::CypherUnionContext *ctx) {
   bool distinct = !ctx->ALL();
@@ -293,352 +259,6 @@ antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitCreateUniqueIndex(
       dba_->Label(ctx->labelName()->accept(this)), properties);
- * @return std::string
- */
-antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitUserOrRoleName(
-    MemgraphCypher::UserOrRoleNameContext *ctx) {
-  std::string value = ctx->symbolicName()->accept(this).as<std::string>();
-  const std::regex NAME_REGEX("[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+");
-  if (!std::regex_match(value, NAME_REGEX)) {
-    throw SyntaxException("Invalid user or role name.");
-  }
-  return value;
- * @return AuthQuery*
- */
-antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitCreateRole(
-    MemgraphCypher::CreateRoleContext *ctx) {
-  AuthQuery *auth = storage_->Create<AuthQuery>();
-  auth->action_ = AuthQuery::Action::CREATE_ROLE;
-  auth->role_ = ctx->role->accept(this).as<std::string>();
-  return auth;
- * @return AuthQuery*
- */
-antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitDropRole(
-    MemgraphCypher::DropRoleContext *ctx) {
-  AuthQuery *auth = storage_->Create<AuthQuery>();
-  auth->action_ = AuthQuery::Action::DROP_ROLE;
-  auth->role_ = ctx->role->accept(this).as<std::string>();
-  return auth;
- * @return AuthQuery*
- */
-antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitShowRoles(
-    MemgraphCypher::ShowRolesContext *ctx) {
-  AuthQuery *auth = storage_->Create<AuthQuery>();
-  auth->action_ = AuthQuery::Action::SHOW_ROLES;
-  return auth;
- * @return AuthQuery*
- */
-antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitCreateUser(
-    MemgraphCypher::CreateUserContext *ctx) {
-  AuthQuery *auth = storage_->Create<AuthQuery>();
-  auth->action_ = AuthQuery::Action::CREATE_USER;
-  auth->user_ = ctx->user->accept(this).as<std::string>();
-  if (ctx->password) {
-    if (!ctx->password->StringLiteral() && !ctx->literal()->CYPHERNULL()) {
-      throw SyntaxException("Password should be a string literal or null.");
-    }
-    auth->password_ = ctx->password->accept(this);
-  }
-  return auth;
- * @return AuthQuery*
- */
-antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitSetPassword(
-    MemgraphCypher::SetPasswordContext *ctx) {
-  AuthQuery *auth = storage_->Create<AuthQuery>();
-  auth->action_ = AuthQuery::Action::SET_PASSWORD;
-  auth->user_ = ctx->user->accept(this).as<std::string>();
-  if (!ctx->password->StringLiteral() && !ctx->literal()->CYPHERNULL()) {
-    throw SyntaxException("Password should be a string literal or null.");
-  }
-  auth->password_ = ctx->password->accept(this);
-  return auth;
- * @return AuthQuery*
- */
-antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitDropUser(
-    MemgraphCypher::DropUserContext *ctx) {
-  AuthQuery *auth = storage_->Create<AuthQuery>();
-  auth->action_ = AuthQuery::Action::DROP_USER;
-  auth->user_ = ctx->user->accept(this).as<std::string>();
-  return auth;
- * @return AuthQuery*
- */
-antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitShowUsers(
-    MemgraphCypher::ShowUsersContext *ctx) {
-  AuthQuery *auth = storage_->Create<AuthQuery>();
-  auth->action_ = AuthQuery::Action::SHOW_USERS;
-  return auth;
- * @return AuthQuery*
- */
-antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitSetRole(
-    MemgraphCypher::SetRoleContext *ctx) {
-  AuthQuery *auth = storage_->Create<AuthQuery>();
-  auth->action_ = AuthQuery::Action::SET_ROLE;
-  auth->user_ = ctx->user->accept(this).as<std::string>();
-  auth->role_ = ctx->role->accept(this).as<std::string>();
-  return auth;
- * @return AuthQuery*
- */
-antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitClearRole(
-    MemgraphCypher::ClearRoleContext *ctx) {
-  AuthQuery *auth = storage_->Create<AuthQuery>();
-  auth->action_ = AuthQuery::Action::CLEAR_ROLE;
-  auth->user_ = ctx->user->accept(this).as<std::string>();
-  return auth;
- * @return AuthQuery*
- */
-antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitGrantPrivilege(
-    MemgraphCypher::GrantPrivilegeContext *ctx) {
-  AuthQuery *auth = storage_->Create<AuthQuery>();
-  auth->action_ = AuthQuery::Action::GRANT_PRIVILEGE;
-  auth->user_or_role_ = ctx->userOrRole->accept(this).as<std::string>();
-  if (ctx->privilegeList()) {
-    for (auto *privilege : ctx->privilegeList()->privilege()) {
-      auth->privileges_.push_back(privilege->accept(this));
-    }
-  } else {
-    /* grant all privileges */
-    auth->privileges_ = kPrivilegesAll;
-  }
-  return auth;
- * @return AuthQuery*
- */
-antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitDenyPrivilege(
-    MemgraphCypher::DenyPrivilegeContext *ctx) {
-  AuthQuery *auth = storage_->Create<AuthQuery>();
-  auth->action_ = AuthQuery::Action::DENY_PRIVILEGE;
-  auth->user_or_role_ = ctx->userOrRole->accept(this).as<std::string>();
-  if (ctx->privilegeList()) {
-    for (auto *privilege : ctx->privilegeList()->privilege()) {
-      auth->privileges_.push_back(privilege->accept(this));
-    }
-  } else {
-    /* deny all privileges */
-    auth->privileges_ = kPrivilegesAll;
-  }
-  return auth;
- * @return AuthQuery*
- */
-antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitRevokePrivilege(
-    MemgraphCypher::RevokePrivilegeContext *ctx) {
-  AuthQuery *auth = storage_->Create<AuthQuery>();
-  auth->action_ = AuthQuery::Action::REVOKE_PRIVILEGE;
-  auth->user_or_role_ = ctx->userOrRole->accept(this).as<std::string>();
-  if (ctx->privilegeList()) {
-    for (auto *privilege : ctx->privilegeList()->privilege()) {
-      auth->privileges_.push_back(privilege->accept(this));
-    }
-  } else {
-    /* revoke all privileges */
-    auth->privileges_ = kPrivilegesAll;
-  }
-  return auth;
- * @return AuthQuery::Privilege
- */
-antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitPrivilege(
-    MemgraphCypher::PrivilegeContext *ctx) {
-  if (ctx->CREATE()) return AuthQuery::Privilege::CREATE;
-  if (ctx->DELETE()) return AuthQuery::Privilege::DELETE;
-  if (ctx->MATCH()) return AuthQuery::Privilege::MATCH;
-  if (ctx->MERGE()) return AuthQuery::Privilege::MERGE;
-  if (ctx->SET()) return AuthQuery::Privilege::SET;
-  if (ctx->REMOVE()) return AuthQuery::Privilege::REMOVE;
-  if (ctx->INDEX()) return AuthQuery::Privilege::INDEX;
-  if (ctx->AUTH()) return AuthQuery::Privilege::AUTH;
-  if (ctx->STREAM()) return AuthQuery::Privilege::STREAM;
-  LOG(FATAL) << "Should not get here - unknown privilege!";
- * @return AuthQuery*
- */
-antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitShowPrivileges(
-    MemgraphCypher::ShowPrivilegesContext *ctx) {
-  AuthQuery *auth = storage_->Create<AuthQuery>();
-  auth->action_ = AuthQuery::Action::SHOW_PRIVILEGES;
-  auth->user_or_role_ = ctx->userOrRole->accept(this).as<std::string>();
-  return auth;
- * @return AuthQuery*
- */
-antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitShowRoleForUser(
-    MemgraphCypher::ShowRoleForUserContext *ctx) {
-  AuthQuery *auth = storage_->Create<AuthQuery>();
-  auth->action_ = AuthQuery::Action::SHOW_ROLE_FOR_USER;
-  auth->user_ = ctx->user->accept(this).as<std::string>();
-  return auth;
- * @return AuthQuery*
- */
-antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitShowUsersForRole(
-    MemgraphCypher::ShowUsersForRoleContext *ctx) {
-  AuthQuery *auth = storage_->Create<AuthQuery>();
-  auth->action_ = AuthQuery::Action::SHOW_USERS_FOR_ROLE;
-  auth->role_ = ctx->role->accept(this).as<std::string>();
-  return auth;
- * @return CreateStream*
- */
-antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitCreateStream(
-    MemgraphCypher::CreateStreamContext *ctx) {
-  std::string stream_name(ctx->streamName()->getText());
-  if (!ctx->streamUri->StringLiteral()) {
-    throw SyntaxException("Stream URI should be a string literal.");
-  }
-  Expression *stream_uri = ctx->streamUri->accept(this);
-  if (!ctx->streamTopic->StringLiteral()) {
-    throw SyntaxException("Topic should be a string literal.");
-  }
-  Expression *stream_topic = ctx->streamTopic->accept(this);
-  if (!ctx->transformUri->StringLiteral()) {
-    throw SyntaxException("Transform URI should be a string literal.");
-  }
-  Expression *transform_uri = ctx->transformUri->accept(this);
-  Expression *batch_interval_in_ms = nullptr;
-  if (ctx->batchIntervalOption()) {
-    batch_interval_in_ms = ctx->batchIntervalOption()->accept(this);
-  }
-  Expression *batch_size = nullptr;
-  if (ctx->batchSizeOption()) {
-    batch_size = ctx->batchSizeOption()->accept(this);
-  }
-  return storage_->Create<CreateStream>(stream_name, stream_uri, stream_topic,
-                                        transform_uri, batch_interval_in_ms,
-                                        batch_size);
- * @return Expression*
- */
-antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitBatchIntervalOption(
-    MemgraphCypher::BatchIntervalOptionContext *ctx) {
-  if (!ctx->literal()->numberLiteral() ||
-      !ctx->literal()->numberLiteral()->integerLiteral()) {
-    throw SyntaxException("Batch interval should be an integer.");
-  }
-  return ctx->literal()->accept(this);
- * @return Expression*
- */
-antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitBatchSizeOption(
-    MemgraphCypher::BatchSizeOptionContext *ctx) {
-  if (!ctx->literal()->numberLiteral() ||
-      !ctx->literal()->numberLiteral()->integerLiteral()) {
-    throw SyntaxException("Batch size should be an integer.");
-  }
-  return ctx->literal()->accept(this);
- * @return DropStream*
- */
-antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitDropStream(
-    MemgraphCypher::DropStreamContext *ctx) {
-  return storage_->Create<DropStream>(
-      std::string(ctx->streamName()->getText()));
- * @return ShowStreams*
- */
-antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitShowStreams(
-    MemgraphCypher::ShowStreamsContext *ctx) {
-  return storage_->Create<ShowStreams>();
- * @return StartStopStream*
- */
-antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitStartStopStream(
-    MemgraphCypher::StartStopStreamContext *ctx) {
-  std::string stream_name(std::string(ctx->streamName()->getText()));
-  bool is_start = static_cast<bool>(ctx->START());
-  Expression *limit_batches = nullptr;
-  if (ctx->limitBatchesOption()) {
-    if (!is_start) {
-      throw SyntaxException("STOP STREAM can't set batch limit.");
-    }
-    limit_batches = ctx->limitBatchesOption()->accept(this);
-  }
-  return storage_->Create<StartStopStream>(stream_name, is_start,
-                                           limit_batches);
- * @return Expression*
- */
-antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitLimitBatchesOption(
-    MemgraphCypher::LimitBatchesOptionContext *ctx) {
-  if (!ctx->literal()->numberLiteral() ||
-      !ctx->literal()->numberLiteral()->integerLiteral()) {
-    throw SyntaxException("Batch limit should be an integer.");
-  }
-  return ctx->literal()->accept(this);
- * @return StartStopAllStreams*
- */
-antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitStartStopAllStreams(
-    MemgraphCypher::StartStopAllStreamsContext *ctx) {
-  bool is_start = static_cast<bool>(ctx->START());
-  return storage_->Create<StartStopAllStreams>(is_start);
 antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitCypherReturn(
     MemgraphCypher::CypherReturnContext *ctx) {
   auto *return_clause = storage_->Create<Return>();
@@ -649,21 +269,6 @@ antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitCypherReturn(
   return return_clause;
- * @return TestStream*
- */
-antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitTestStream(
-    MemgraphCypher::TestStreamContext *ctx) {
-  std::string stream_name(std::string(ctx->streamName()->getText()));
-  Expression *limit_batches = nullptr;
-  if (ctx->limitBatchesOption()) {
-    limit_batches = ctx->limitBatchesOption()->accept(this);
-  }
-  return storage_->Create<TestStream>(stream_name, limit_batches);
 antlrcpp::Any CypherMainVisitor::visitReturnBody(
     MemgraphCypher::ReturnBodyContext *ctx) {
   ReturnBody body;
diff --git a/src/query/frontend/ast/cypher_main_visitor.hpp b/src/query/frontend/ast/cypher_main_visitor.hpp
index 51f9c2991..2e6818cea 100644
--- a/src/query/frontend/ast/cypher_main_visitor.hpp
+++ b/src/query/frontend/ast/cypher_main_visitor.hpp
@@ -152,17 +152,6 @@ class CypherMainVisitor : public antlropencypher::MemgraphCypherBaseVisitor {
   antlrcpp::Any visitExplainQuery(
       MemgraphCypher::ExplainQueryContext *ctx) override;
-  /**
-   * @return Query*
-   */
-  antlrcpp::Any visitAuthQuery(MemgraphCypher::AuthQueryContext *ctx) override;
-  /**
-   * @return Query*
-   */
-  antlrcpp::Any visitStreamQuery(
-      MemgraphCypher::StreamQueryContext *ctx) override;
    * @return CypherUnion*
@@ -191,28 +180,6 @@ class CypherMainVisitor : public antlropencypher::MemgraphCypherBaseVisitor {
   antlrcpp::Any visitCreate(MemgraphCypher::CreateContext *ctx) override;
-  /**
-   * @return std::string
-   */
-  antlrcpp::Any visitUserOrRoleName(
-      MemgraphCypher::UserOrRoleNameContext *ctx) override;
-  /**
-   * @return AuthQuery*
-   */
-  antlrcpp::Any visitCreateRole(
-      MemgraphCypher::CreateRoleContext *ctx) override;
-  /**
-   * @return AuthQuery*
-   */
-  antlrcpp::Any visitDropRole(MemgraphCypher::DropRoleContext *ctx) override;
-  /**
-   * @return AuthQuery*
-   */
-  antlrcpp::Any visitShowRoles(MemgraphCypher::ShowRolesContext *ctx) override;
    * @return CreateIndex*
@@ -225,124 +192,6 @@ class CypherMainVisitor : public antlropencypher::MemgraphCypherBaseVisitor {
   antlrcpp::Any visitCreateUniqueIndex(
       MemgraphCypher::CreateUniqueIndexContext *ctx) override;
-  /**
-   * @return AuthQuery*
-   */
-  antlrcpp::Any visitCreateUser(
-      MemgraphCypher::CreateUserContext *ctx) override;
-  /**
-   * @return AuthQuery*
-   */
-  antlrcpp::Any visitSetPassword(
-      MemgraphCypher::SetPasswordContext *ctx) override;
-  /**
-   * @return AuthQuery*
-   */
-  antlrcpp::Any visitDropUser(MemgraphCypher::DropUserContext *ctx) override;
-  /**
-   * @return AuthQuery*
-   */
-  antlrcpp::Any visitShowUsers(MemgraphCypher::ShowUsersContext *ctx) override;
-  /**
-   * @return AuthQuery*
-   */
-  antlrcpp::Any visitSetRole(MemgraphCypher::SetRoleContext *ctx) override;
-  /**
-   * @return AuthQuery*
-   */
-  antlrcpp::Any visitClearRole(MemgraphCypher::ClearRoleContext *ctx) override;
-  /**
-   * @return AuthQuery*
-   */
-  antlrcpp::Any visitGrantPrivilege(
-      MemgraphCypher::GrantPrivilegeContext *ctx) override;
-  /**
-   * @return AuthQuery*
-   */
-  antlrcpp::Any visitDenyPrivilege(
-      MemgraphCypher::DenyPrivilegeContext *ctx) override;
-  /**
-   * @return AuthQuery*
-   */
-  antlrcpp::Any visitRevokePrivilege(
-      MemgraphCypher::RevokePrivilegeContext *ctx) override;
-  /**
-   * @return AuthQuery::Privilege
-   */
-  antlrcpp::Any visitPrivilege(MemgraphCypher::PrivilegeContext *ctx) override;
-  /**
-   * @return AuthQuery*
-   */
-  antlrcpp::Any visitShowPrivileges(
-      MemgraphCypher::ShowPrivilegesContext *ctx) override;
-  /**
-   * @return AuthQuery*
-   */
-  antlrcpp::Any visitShowRoleForUser(
-      MemgraphCypher::ShowRoleForUserContext *ctx) override;
-  /**
-   * @return AuthQuery*
-   */
-  antlrcpp::Any visitShowUsersForRole(
-      MemgraphCypher::ShowUsersForRoleContext *ctx) override;
-  /**
-   * @return CreateStream*
-   */
-  antlrcpp::Any visitCreateStream(
-      MemgraphCypher::CreateStreamContext *ctx) override;
-  antlrcpp::Any visitBatchIntervalOption(
-      MemgraphCypher::BatchIntervalOptionContext *ctx) override;
-  antlrcpp::Any visitBatchSizeOption(
-      MemgraphCypher::BatchSizeOptionContext *ctx) override;
-  /**
-   * @return DropStream*
-   */
-  antlrcpp::Any visitDropStream(
-      MemgraphCypher::DropStreamContext *ctx) override;
-  /**
-   * @return ShowStreams*
-   */
-  antlrcpp::Any visitShowStreams(
-      MemgraphCypher::ShowStreamsContext *ctx) override;
-  /**
-   * @return StartStopStream*
-   */
-  antlrcpp::Any visitStartStopStream(
-      MemgraphCypher::StartStopStreamContext *ctx) override;
-  /**
-   * @return StartStopAllStreams*
-   */
-  antlrcpp::Any visitStartStopAllStreams(
-      MemgraphCypher::StartStopAllStreamsContext *ctx) override;
-  antlrcpp::Any visitLimitBatchesOption(
-      MemgraphCypher::LimitBatchesOptionContext *ctx) override;
-  /**
-   * @return TestStream*
-   */
-  antlrcpp::Any visitTestStream(
-      MemgraphCypher::TestStreamContext *ctx) override;
    * @return Return*
diff --git a/src/query/frontend/opencypher/grammar/MemgraphCypher.g4 b/src/query/frontend/opencypher/grammar/MemgraphCypher.g4
index aa3f24551..dbef61ba2 100644
--- a/src/query/frontend/opencypher/grammar/MemgraphCypher.g4
+++ b/src/query/frontend/opencypher/grammar/MemgraphCypher.g4
@@ -5,134 +5,3 @@ parser grammar MemgraphCypher ;
 options { tokenVocab=MemgraphCypherLexer; }
 import Cypher ;
-memgraphCypherKeyword : cypherKeyword
-                      | ALTER
-                      | AUTH
-                      | BATCH
-                      | BATCHES
-                      | CLEAR
-                      | DATA
-                      | DENY
-                      | DROP
-                      | FOR
-                      | FROM
-                      | GRANT
-                      | IDENTIFIED
-                      | INTERVAL
-                      | K_TEST
-                      | KAFKA
-                      | LOAD
-                      | PASSWORD
-                      | PRIVILEGES
-                      | REVOKE
-                      | ROLE
-                      | ROLES
-                      | SIZE
-                      | START
-                      | STOP
-                      | STREAM
-                      | STREAMS
-                      | TO
-                      | TOPIC
-                      | TRANSFORM
-                      | USER
-                      | USERS
-                      ;
-symbolicName : UnescapedSymbolicName
-             | EscapedSymbolicName
-             | memgraphCypherKeyword
-             ;
-query : cypherQuery 
-      | indexQuery
-      | explainQuery
-      | authQuery
-      | streamQuery
-      ;
-authQuery : createRole
-          | dropRole
-          | showRoles
-          | createUser
-          | setPassword
-          | dropUser
-          | showUsers
-          | setRole
-          | clearRole
-          | grantPrivilege
-          | denyPrivilege
-          | revokePrivilege
-          | showPrivileges
-          | showRoleForUser
-          | showUsersForRole
-          ;
-userOrRoleName : symbolicName ;
-createRole : CREATE ROLE role=userOrRoleName ;
-dropRole   : DROP ROLE role=userOrRoleName ;
-showRoles  : SHOW ROLES ;
-createUser : CREATE USER user=userOrRoleName
-             ( IDENTIFIED BY password=literal )? ;
-setPassword : SET PASSWORD FOR user=userOrRoleName TO password=literal;
-dropUser : DROP USER user=userOrRoleName ;
-showUsers : SHOW USERS ;
-setRole : SET ROLE FOR user=userOrRoleName TO role=userOrRoleName;
-clearRole : CLEAR ROLE FOR user=userOrRoleName ;
-grantPrivilege : GRANT ( ALL PRIVILEGES | privileges=privilegeList ) TO userOrRole=userOrRoleName ;
-denyPrivilege : DENY ( ALL PRIVILEGES | privileges=privilegeList ) TO userOrRole=userOrRoleName ;
-revokePrivilege : REVOKE ( ALL PRIVILEGES | privileges=privilegeList ) FROM userOrRole=userOrRoleName ;
-privilege : CREATE | DELETE | MATCH | MERGE | SET
-          | REMOVE | INDEX | AUTH | STREAM ;
-privilegeList : privilege ( ',' privilege )* ;
-showPrivileges : SHOW PRIVILEGES FOR userOrRole=userOrRoleName ;
-showRoleForUser : SHOW ROLE FOR user=userOrRoleName ;
-showUsersForRole : SHOW USERS FOR role=userOrRoleName ;
-streamQuery : createStream
-            | dropStream
-            | showStreams
-            | startStopStream
-            | startStopAllStreams
-            | testStream
-            ;
-streamName : symbolicName ;
-createStream : CREATE STREAM streamName AS LOAD DATA KAFKA
-streamUri=literal WITH TOPIC streamTopic=literal WITH TRANSFORM
-transformUri=literal ( batchIntervalOption )? ( batchSizeOption )? ;
-batchIntervalOption : BATCH INTERVAL literal ;
-batchSizeOption : BATCH SIZE literal ;
-dropStream : DROP STREAM streamName ;
-showStreams : SHOW STREAMS ;
-startStopStream : ( START | STOP ) STREAM streamName ( limitBatchesOption )? ;
-limitBatchesOption : LIMIT limitBatches=literal BATCHES ;
-startStopAllStreams : ( START | STOP ) ALL STREAMS ;
-testStream : K_TEST STREAM streamName ( limitBatchesOption )? ;
diff --git a/src/query/frontend/opencypher/grammar/MemgraphCypherLexer.g4 b/src/query/frontend/opencypher/grammar/MemgraphCypherLexer.g4
index cbb97da34..344be42d5 100644
--- a/src/query/frontend/opencypher/grammar/MemgraphCypherLexer.g4
+++ b/src/query/frontend/opencypher/grammar/MemgraphCypherLexer.g4
@@ -9,36 +9,3 @@
 lexer grammar MemgraphCypherLexer ;
 import CypherLexer ;
-ALTER          : A L T E R ;
-AUTH           : A U T H ;
-BATCH          : B A T C H ;
-BATCHES        : B A T C H E S ;
-CLEAR          : C L E A R ;
-DATA           : D A T A ;
-DENY           : D E N Y ;
-DROP           : D R O P ;
-FOR            : F O R ;
-FROM           : F R O M ;
-GRANT          : G R A N T ;
-GRANTS         : G R A N T S ;
-INTERVAL       : I N T E R V A L ;
-K_TEST         : T E S T ;
-KAFKA          : K A F K A ;
-LOAD           : L O A D ;
-PASSWORD       : P A S S W O R D ;
-REVOKE         : R E V O K E ;
-ROLE           : R O L E ;
-ROLES          : R O L E S ;
-SIZE           : S I Z E ;
-START          : S T A R T ;
-STOP           : S T O P ;
-STREAM         : S T R E A M ;
-STREAMS        : S T R E A M S ;
-TO             : T O ;
-TOPIC          : T O P I C ;
-TRANSFORM      : T R A N S F O R M ;
-USER           : U S E R ;
-USERS          : U S E R S ;
diff --git a/src/query/frontend/semantic/symbol_generator.cpp b/src/query/frontend/semantic/symbol_generator.cpp
index 000b2dde8..b954619eb 100644
--- a/src/query/frontend/semantic/symbol_generator.cpp
+++ b/src/query/frontend/semantic/symbol_generator.cpp
@@ -222,20 +222,6 @@ bool SymbolGenerator::Visit(CreateIndex &) { return true; }
 bool SymbolGenerator::Visit(CreateUniqueIndex &) { return true; }
-bool SymbolGenerator::Visit(AuthQuery &) { return true; }
-bool SymbolGenerator::Visit(CreateStream &) { return true; }
-bool SymbolGenerator::Visit(DropStream &) { return true; }
-bool SymbolGenerator::Visit(ShowStreams &) { return true; }
-bool SymbolGenerator::Visit(StartStopStream &) { return true; }
-bool SymbolGenerator::Visit(StartStopAllStreams &) { return true; }
-bool SymbolGenerator::Visit(TestStream &) { return true; }
 // Expressions
 SymbolGenerator::ReturnType SymbolGenerator::Visit(Identifier &ident) {
diff --git a/src/query/frontend/semantic/symbol_generator.hpp b/src/query/frontend/semantic/symbol_generator.hpp
index b46b30b61..608658f27 100644
--- a/src/query/frontend/semantic/symbol_generator.hpp
+++ b/src/query/frontend/semantic/symbol_generator.hpp
@@ -48,13 +48,6 @@ class SymbolGenerator : public HierarchicalTreeVisitor {
   bool PostVisit(Match &) override;
   bool Visit(CreateIndex &) override;
   bool Visit(CreateUniqueIndex &) override;
-  bool Visit(AuthQuery &) override;
-  bool Visit(CreateStream &) override;
-  bool Visit(DropStream &) override;
-  bool Visit(ShowStreams &) override;
-  bool Visit(StartStopStream &) override;
-  bool Visit(StartStopAllStreams &) override;
-  bool Visit(TestStream &) override;
   // Expressions
   ReturnType Visit(Identifier &) override;
diff --git a/src/query/interpret/eval.hpp b/src/query/interpret/eval.hpp
index a74954310..e2bf2f0cd 100644
--- a/src/query/interpret/eval.hpp
+++ b/src/query/interpret/eval.hpp
@@ -57,13 +57,6 @@ class ExpressionEvaluator : public TreeVisitor<TypedValue> {
-  BLOCK_VISIT(AuthQuery);
-  BLOCK_VISIT(CreateStream);
-  BLOCK_VISIT(DropStream);
-  BLOCK_VISIT(ShowStreams);
-  BLOCK_VISIT(StartStopStream);
-  BLOCK_VISIT(StartStopAllStreams);
-  BLOCK_VISIT(TestStream);
diff --git a/src/query/interpreter.cpp b/src/query/interpreter.cpp
index 888c5f163..5337942be 100644
--- a/src/query/interpreter.cpp
+++ b/src/query/interpreter.cpp
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 #include "query/exceptions.hpp"
 #include "query/frontend/ast/cypher_main_visitor.hpp"
 #include "query/frontend/opencypher/parser.hpp"
-#include "query/frontend/semantic/required_privileges.hpp"
 #include "query/frontend/semantic/symbol_generator.hpp"
 #include "query/plan/planner.hpp"
 #include "query/plan/vertex_count_cache.hpp"
@@ -51,8 +50,6 @@ Interpreter::Results Interpreter::operator()(
   Context ctx(db_accessor);
   ctx.in_explicit_transaction_ = in_explicit_transaction;
-  ctx.auth_ = auth_;
-  ctx.kafka_streams_ = kafka_streams_;
   ctx.evaluation_context_ = evaluation_context;
   ParsingContext parsing_context;
@@ -61,9 +58,6 @@ Interpreter::Results Interpreter::operator()(
   AstStorage ast_storage;
   Query *ast =
       QueryToAst(stripped, parsing_context, &ast_storage, &db_accessor);
-  // TODO: Maybe cache required privileges to improve performance on very simple
-  // queries.
-  auto required_privileges = query::GetRequiredPrivileges(ast);
   auto frontend_time = frontend_timer.Elapsed();
   // Try to get a cached plan. Note that this local shared_ptr might be the only
@@ -114,7 +108,7 @@ Interpreter::Results Interpreter::operator()(
   return Results(std::move(ctx), plan, std::move(cursor), output_symbols,
-                 header, summary, plan_cache_, required_privileges);
+                 header, summary, plan_cache_);
 std::shared_ptr<Interpreter::CachedPlan> Interpreter::AstToPlan(
diff --git a/src/query/interpreter.hpp b/src/query/interpreter.hpp
index 6a2ca555f..531fc15c4 100644
--- a/src/query/interpreter.hpp
+++ b/src/query/interpreter.hpp
@@ -16,14 +16,6 @@
-namespace auth {
-class Auth;
-}  // namespace auth
-namespace integrations::kafka {
-class Streams;
-}  // namespace integrations::kafka
 namespace query {
 // TODO: Maybe this should move to query/plan/planner.
@@ -74,8 +66,7 @@ class Interpreter {
     Results(Context ctx, std::shared_ptr<CachedPlan> plan,
             std::unique_ptr<query::plan::Cursor> cursor,
             std::vector<Symbol> output_symbols, std::vector<std::string> header,
-            std::map<std::string, TypedValue> summary, PlanCacheT &plan_cache,
-            std::vector<AuthQuery::Privilege> privileges)
+            std::map<std::string, TypedValue> summary, PlanCacheT &plan_cache)
         : ctx_(std::move(ctx)),
@@ -83,8 +74,7 @@ class Interpreter {
-          plan_cache_(plan_cache),
-          privileges_(std::move(privileges)) {}
+          plan_cache_(plan_cache) {}
     Results(const Results &) = delete;
@@ -140,10 +130,6 @@ class Interpreter {
     const std::vector<std::string> &header() { return header_; }
     const std::map<std::string, TypedValue> &summary() { return summary_; }
-    const std::vector<AuthQuery::Privilege> &privileges() {
-      return privileges_;
-    }
     Context ctx_;
     std::shared_ptr<CachedPlan> plan_;
@@ -157,8 +143,6 @@ class Interpreter {
     double execution_time_{0};
     // Gets invalidated after if an index has been built.
     PlanCacheT &plan_cache_;
-    std::vector<AuthQuery::Privilege> privileges_;
   Interpreter() = default;
@@ -178,9 +162,6 @@ class Interpreter {
                      const std::map<std::string, PropertyValue> &params,
                      bool in_explicit_transaction);
-  auth::Auth *auth_ = nullptr;
-  integrations::kafka::Streams *kafka_streams_ = nullptr;
   // high level tree -> logical plan
   // AstStorage and SymbolTable may be modified during planning. The created
diff --git a/src/query/plan/cost_estimator.hpp b/src/query/plan/cost_estimator.hpp
index 5971090dc..05d8c76d6 100644
--- a/src/query/plan/cost_estimator.hpp
+++ b/src/query/plan/cost_estimator.hpp
@@ -185,13 +185,6 @@ class CostEstimator : public HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor {
   bool Visit(Once &) override { return true; }
   bool Visit(CreateIndex &) override { return true; }
-  bool Visit(AuthHandler &) override { return true; }
-  bool Visit(CreateStream &) override { return true; }
-  bool Visit(DropStream &) override { return true; }
-  bool Visit(ShowStreams &) override { return true; }
-  bool Visit(StartStopStream &) override { return true; }
-  bool Visit(StartStopAllStreams &) override { return true; }
-  bool Visit(TestStream &) override { return true; }
   // TODO: Cost estimate PullRemote and ProduceRemote?
diff --git a/src/query/plan/operator.cpp b/src/query/plan/operator.cpp
index c6bcd98a7..89566d648 100644
--- a/src/query/plan/operator.cpp
+++ b/src/query/plan/operator.cpp
@@ -13,13 +13,9 @@
 #include "glog/logging.h"
-#include "auth/auth.hpp"
 #include "communication/result_stream_faker.hpp"
 #include "database/graph_db_accessor.hpp"
-#include "glue/auth.hpp"
 #include "glue/communication.hpp"
-#include "integrations/kafka/exceptions.hpp"
-#include "integrations/kafka/streams.hpp"
 #include "query/context.hpp"
 #include "query/exceptions.hpp"
 #include "query/frontend/ast/ast.hpp"
@@ -3247,743 +3243,6 @@ std::unique_ptr<Cursor> Cartesian::MakeCursor(
   return std::make_unique<CartesianCursor>(*this, db);
-AuthHandler::AuthHandler(AuthQuery::Action action, std::string user,
-                         std::string role, std::string user_or_role,
-                         Expression *password,
-                         std::vector<AuthQuery::Privilege> privileges,
-                         Symbol user_symbol, Symbol role_symbol,
-                         Symbol privilege_symbol, Symbol effective_symbol,
-                         Symbol details_symbol)
-    : action_(action),
-      user_(user),
-      role_(role),
-      user_or_role_(user_or_role),
-      password_(password),
-      privileges_(privileges),
-      user_symbol_(user_symbol),
-      role_symbol_(role_symbol),
-      privilege_symbol_(privilege_symbol),
-      effective_symbol_(effective_symbol),
-      details_symbol_(details_symbol) {}
-bool AuthHandler::Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) {
-  return visitor.Visit(*this);
-std::vector<Symbol> AuthHandler::OutputSymbols(const SymbolTable &) const {
-  switch (action_) {
-    case AuthQuery::Action::SHOW_USERS:
-    case AuthQuery::Action::SHOW_USERS_FOR_ROLE:
-      return {user_symbol_};
-    case AuthQuery::Action::SHOW_ROLES:
-    case AuthQuery::Action::SHOW_ROLE_FOR_USER:
-      return {role_symbol_};
-    case AuthQuery::Action::SHOW_PRIVILEGES:
-      return {privilege_symbol_, effective_symbol_, details_symbol_};
-    case AuthQuery::Action::CREATE_USER:
-    case AuthQuery::Action::DROP_USER:
-    case AuthQuery::Action::SET_PASSWORD:
-    case AuthQuery::Action::CREATE_ROLE:
-    case AuthQuery::Action::DROP_ROLE:
-    case AuthQuery::Action::SET_ROLE:
-    case AuthQuery::Action::CLEAR_ROLE:
-    case AuthQuery::Action::GRANT_PRIVILEGE:
-    case AuthQuery::Action::DENY_PRIVILEGE:
-    case AuthQuery::Action::REVOKE_PRIVILEGE:
-      return {};
-  }
-class AuthHandlerCursor : public Cursor {
- public:
-  AuthHandlerCursor(const AuthHandler &self) : self_(self) {}
-  std::vector<auth::Permission> GetAuthPermissions() {
-    std::vector<auth::Permission> ret;
-    for (const auto &privilege : self_.privileges_) {
-      ret.push_back(glue::PrivilegeToPermission(privilege));
-    }
-    return ret;
-  }
-  std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, std::string, std::string>>
-  GetGrantsForAuthUser(const auth::User &user) {
-    std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, std::string, std::string>> ret;
-    const auto &permissions = user.GetPermissions();
-    for (const auto &privilege : kPrivilegesAll) {
-      auto permission = glue::PrivilegeToPermission(privilege);
-      auto effective = permissions.Has(permission);
-      if (permissions.Has(permission) != auth::PermissionLevel::NEUTRAL) {
-        std::vector<std::string> description;
-        auto user_level = user.permissions().Has(permission);
-        if (user_level == auth::PermissionLevel::GRANT) {
-          description.push_back("GRANTED TO USER");
-        } else if (user_level == auth::PermissionLevel::DENY) {
-          description.push_back("DENIED TO USER");
-        }
-        if (user.role()) {
-          auto role_level = user.role()->permissions().Has(permission);
-          if (role_level == auth::PermissionLevel::GRANT) {
-            description.push_back("GRANTED TO ROLE");
-          } else if (role_level == auth::PermissionLevel::DENY) {
-            description.push_back("DENIED TO ROLE");
-          }
-        }
-        ret.push_back({auth::PermissionToString(permission),
-                       auth::PermissionLevelToString(effective),
-                       utils::Join(description, ", ")});
-      }
-    }
-    return ret;
-  }
-  std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, std::string, std::string>>
-  GetGrantsForAuthRole(const auth::Role &role) {
-    std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, std::string, std::string>> ret;
-    const auto &permissions = role.permissions();
-    for (const auto &privilege : kPrivilegesAll) {
-      auto permission = glue::PrivilegeToPermission(privilege);
-      auto effective = permissions.Has(permission);
-      if (effective != auth::PermissionLevel::NEUTRAL) {
-        std::string description;
-        if (effective == auth::PermissionLevel::GRANT) {
-          description = "GRANTED TO ROLE";
-        } else if (effective == auth::PermissionLevel::DENY) {
-          description = "DENIED TO ROLE";
-        }
-        ret.push_back({auth::PermissionToString(permission),
-                       auth::PermissionLevelToString(effective), description});
-      }
-    }
-    return ret;
-  }
-  bool Pull(Frame &frame, Context &ctx) override {
-    if (ctx.in_explicit_transaction_) {
-      throw UserModificationInMulticommandTxException();
-    }
-    ExpressionEvaluator evaluator(&frame, ctx.symbol_table_,
-                                  ctx.evaluation_context_, &ctx.db_accessor_,
-                                  GraphView::OLD);
-    std::experimental::optional<std::string> password;
-    if (self_.password_) {
-      auto password_tv = self_.password_->Accept(evaluator);
-      if (!password_tv.IsString() && !password_tv.IsNull()) {
-        throw QueryRuntimeException(
-            "Expected string or null for password, got {}.",
-            password_tv.type());
-      }
-      if (password_tv.IsString()) {
-        password = password_tv.ValueString();
-      }
-    }
-    auto &auth = *ctx.auth_;
-    switch (self_.action_) {
-      case AuthQuery::Action::CREATE_USER: {
-        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(auth.WithLock());
-        auto user = auth.AddUser(self_.user_, password);
-        if (!user) {
-          throw QueryRuntimeException("User or role '{}' already exists.",
-                                      self_.user_);
-        }
-        return false;
-      }
-      case AuthQuery::Action::DROP_USER: {
-        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(auth.WithLock());
-        auto user = auth.GetUser(self_.user_);
-        if (!user) {
-          throw QueryRuntimeException("User '{}' doesn't exist.", self_.user_);
-        }
-        if (!auth.RemoveUser(self_.user_)) {
-          throw QueryRuntimeException("Couldn't remove user '{}'.",
-                                      self_.user_);
-        }
-        return false;
-      }
-      case AuthQuery::Action::SET_PASSWORD: {
-        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(auth.WithLock());
-        auto user = auth.GetUser(self_.user_);
-        if (!user) {
-          throw QueryRuntimeException("User '{}' doesn't exist.", self_.user_);
-        }
-        user->UpdatePassword(password);
-        auth.SaveUser(*user);
-        return false;
-      }
-      case AuthQuery::Action::CREATE_ROLE: {
-        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(auth.WithLock());
-        auto role = auth.AddRole(self_.role_);
-        if (!role) {
-          throw QueryRuntimeException("User or role '{}' already exists.",
-                                      self_.role_);
-        }
-        return false;
-      }
-      case AuthQuery::Action::DROP_ROLE: {
-        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(auth.WithLock());
-        auto role = auth.GetRole(self_.role_);
-        if (!role) {
-          throw QueryRuntimeException("Role '{}' doesn't exist.", self_.role_);
-        }
-        if (!auth.RemoveRole(self_.role_)) {
-          throw QueryRuntimeException("Couldn't remove role '{}'.",
-                                      self_.role_);
-        }
-        return false;
-      }
-      case AuthQuery::Action::SHOW_USERS: {
-        if (!users_) {
-          std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(auth.WithLock());
-          users_.emplace(auth.AllUsers());
-          users_it_ = users_->begin();
-        }
-        if (users_it_ == users_->end()) return false;
-        frame[self_.user_symbol_] = users_it_->username();
-        users_it_++;
-        return true;
-      }
-      case AuthQuery::Action::SHOW_ROLES: {
-        if (!roles_) {
-          std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(auth.WithLock());
-          roles_.emplace(auth.AllRoles());
-          roles_it_ = roles_->begin();
-        }
-        if (roles_it_ == roles_->end()) return false;
-        frame[self_.role_symbol_] = roles_it_->rolename();
-        roles_it_++;
-        return true;
-      }
-      case AuthQuery::Action::SET_ROLE: {
-        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(auth.WithLock());
-        auto user = auth.GetUser(self_.user_);
-        if (!user) {
-          throw QueryRuntimeException("User '{}' doesn't exist.", self_.user_);
-        }
-        auto role = auth.GetRole(self_.role_);
-        if (!role) {
-          throw QueryRuntimeException("Role '{}' doesn't exist.", self_.role_);
-        }
-        if (user->role()) {
-          throw QueryRuntimeException(
-              "User '{}' is already a member of role '{}'.", self_.user_,
-              user->role()->rolename());
-        }
-        user->SetRole(*role);
-        auth.SaveUser(*user);
-        return false;
-      }
-      case AuthQuery::Action::CLEAR_ROLE: {
-        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(auth.WithLock());
-        auto user = auth.GetUser(self_.user_);
-        if (!user) {
-          throw QueryRuntimeException("User '{}' doesn't exist.", self_.user_);
-        }
-        user->ClearRole();
-        auth.SaveUser(*user);
-        return false;
-      }
-      case AuthQuery::Action::GRANT_PRIVILEGE:
-      case AuthQuery::Action::DENY_PRIVILEGE:
-      case AuthQuery::Action::REVOKE_PRIVILEGE: {
-        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(auth.WithLock());
-        auto user = auth.GetUser(self_.user_or_role_);
-        auto role = auth.GetRole(self_.user_or_role_);
-        if (!user && !role) {
-          throw QueryRuntimeException("User or role '{}' doesn't exist.",
-                                      self_.user_or_role_);
-        }
-        auto permissions = GetAuthPermissions();
-        if (user) {
-          for (const auto &permission : permissions) {
-            // TODO (mferencevic): should we first check that the privilege
-            // is granted/denied/revoked before unconditionally
-            // granting/denying/revoking it?
-            if (self_.action_ == AuthQuery::Action::GRANT_PRIVILEGE) {
-              user->permissions().Grant(permission);
-            } else if (self_.action_ == AuthQuery::Action::DENY_PRIVILEGE) {
-              user->permissions().Deny(permission);
-            } else {
-              user->permissions().Revoke(permission);
-            }
-          }
-          auth.SaveUser(*user);
-        } else {
-          for (const auto &permission : permissions) {
-            // TODO (mferencevic): should we first check that the privilege
-            // is granted/denied/revoked before unconditionally
-            // granting/denying/revoking it?
-            if (self_.action_ == AuthQuery::Action::GRANT_PRIVILEGE) {
-              role->permissions().Grant(permission);
-            } else if (self_.action_ == AuthQuery::Action::DENY_PRIVILEGE) {
-              role->permissions().Deny(permission);
-            } else {
-              role->permissions().Revoke(permission);
-            }
-          }
-          auth.SaveRole(*role);
-        }
-        return false;
-      }
-      case AuthQuery::Action::SHOW_PRIVILEGES: {
-        if (!grants_) {
-          std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(auth.WithLock());
-          auto user = auth.GetUser(self_.user_or_role_);
-          auto role = auth.GetRole(self_.user_or_role_);
-          if (!user && !role) {
-            throw QueryRuntimeException("User or role '{}' doesn't exist.",
-                                        self_.user_or_role_);
-          }
-          if (user) {
-            grants_.emplace(GetGrantsForAuthUser(*user));
-          } else {
-            grants_.emplace(GetGrantsForAuthRole(*role));
-          }
-          grants_it_ = grants_->begin();
-        }
-        if (grants_it_ == grants_->end()) return false;
-        frame[self_.privilege_symbol_] = std::get<0>(*grants_it_);
-        frame[self_.effective_symbol_] = std::get<1>(*grants_it_);
-        frame[self_.details_symbol_] = std::get<2>(*grants_it_);
-        grants_it_++;
-        return true;
-      }
-      case AuthQuery::Action::SHOW_ROLE_FOR_USER: {
-        if (returned_role_for_user_) return false;
-        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(auth.WithLock());
-        auto user = auth.GetUser(self_.user_);
-        if (!user) {
-          throw QueryRuntimeException("User '{}' doesn't exist.", self_.user_);
-        }
-        if (user->role()) {
-          frame[self_.role_symbol_] = user->role()->rolename();
-        } else {
-          frame[self_.role_symbol_] = TypedValue::Null;
-        }
-        returned_role_for_user_ = true;
-        return true;
-      }
-      case AuthQuery::Action::SHOW_USERS_FOR_ROLE: {
-        if (!users_) {
-          std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(auth.WithLock());
-          auto role = auth.GetRole(self_.role_);
-          if (!role) {
-            throw QueryRuntimeException("Role '{}' doesn't exist.",
-                                        self_.role_);
-          }
-          users_.emplace(auth.AllUsersForRole(self_.role_));
-          users_it_ = users_->begin();
-        }
-        if (users_it_ == users_->end()) return false;
-        frame[self_.user_symbol_] = users_it_->username();
-        users_it_++;
-        return true;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  void Shutdown() override {}
-  void Reset() override {
-    LOG(FATAL) << "AuthHandler cursor should never be reset";
-  }
- private:
-  const AuthHandler &self_;
-  std::experimental::optional<std::vector<auth::User>> users_;
-  std::vector<auth::User>::iterator users_it_;
-  std::experimental::optional<std::vector<auth::Role>> roles_;
-  std::vector<auth::Role>::iterator roles_it_;
-  std::experimental::optional<
-      std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, std::string, std::string>>>
-      grants_;
-  std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, std::string, std::string>>::iterator
-      grants_it_;
-  bool returned_role_for_user_{false};
-std::unique_ptr<Cursor> AuthHandler::MakeCursor(
-    database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const {
-  return std::make_unique<AuthHandlerCursor>(*this);
-CreateStream::CreateStream(std::string stream_name, Expression *stream_uri,
-                           Expression *stream_topic, Expression *transform_uri,
-                           Expression *batch_interval_in_ms,
-                           Expression *batch_size)
-    : stream_name_(std::move(stream_name)),
-      stream_uri_(stream_uri),
-      stream_topic_(stream_topic),
-      transform_uri_(transform_uri),
-      batch_interval_in_ms_(batch_interval_in_ms),
-      batch_size_(batch_size) {}
-class CreateStreamCursor : public Cursor {
-  using StreamInfo = integrations::kafka::StreamInfo;
- public:
-  CreateStreamCursor(const CreateStream &self, database::GraphDbAccessor &)
-      : self_(self) {}
-  bool Pull(Frame &frame, Context &ctx) override {
-    if (ctx.in_explicit_transaction_) {
-      throw StreamClauseInMulticommandTxException();
-    }
-    ExpressionEvaluator evaluator(&frame, ctx.symbol_table_,
-                                  ctx.evaluation_context_, &ctx.db_accessor_,
-                                  GraphView::OLD);
-    TypedValue stream_uri = self_.stream_uri_->Accept(evaluator);
-    TypedValue stream_topic = self_.stream_topic_->Accept(evaluator);
-    TypedValue transform_uri = self_.transform_uri_->Accept(evaluator);
-    std::experimental::optional<int64_t> batch_interval_in_ms, batch_size;
-    if (self_.batch_interval_in_ms_) {
-      batch_interval_in_ms =
-          self_.batch_interval_in_ms_->Accept(evaluator).Value<int64_t>();
-    }
-    if (self_.batch_size_) {
-      batch_size = self_.batch_size_->Accept(evaluator).Value<int64_t>();
-    }
-    try {
-      StreamInfo info;
-      info.stream_name = self_.stream_name_;
-      info.stream_uri = stream_uri.Value<std::string>();
-      info.stream_topic = stream_topic.Value<std::string>();
-      info.transform_uri = transform_uri.Value<std::string>();
-      info.batch_interval_in_ms = batch_interval_in_ms;
-      info.batch_size = batch_size;
-      ctx.kafka_streams_->Create(info);
-    } catch (const integrations::kafka::KafkaStreamException &e) {
-      throw QueryRuntimeException(e.what());
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  void Shutdown() override {}
-  void Reset() override { throw utils::NotYetImplemented("Create Stream"); }
- private:
-  const CreateStream &self_;
-std::unique_ptr<Cursor> CreateStream::MakeCursor(
-    database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const {
-  return std::make_unique<CreateStreamCursor>(*this, db);
-DropStream::DropStream(std::string stream_name)
-    : stream_name_(std::move(stream_name)) {}
-class DropStreamCursor : public Cursor {
- public:
-  DropStreamCursor(const DropStream &self, database::GraphDbAccessor &)
-      : self_(self) {}
-  bool Pull(Frame &frame, Context &ctx) override {
-    if (ctx.in_explicit_transaction_) {
-      throw StreamClauseInMulticommandTxException();
-    }
-    try {
-      ctx.kafka_streams_->Drop(self_.stream_name_);
-    } catch (const integrations::kafka::KafkaStreamException &e) {
-      throw QueryRuntimeException(e.what());
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  void Shutdown() override {}
-  void Reset() override { throw utils::NotYetImplemented("Drop Stream"); }
- private:
-  const DropStream &self_;
-std::unique_ptr<Cursor> DropStream::MakeCursor(
-    database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const {
-  return std::make_unique<DropStreamCursor>(*this, db);
-ShowStreams::ShowStreams(Symbol name_symbol, Symbol uri_symbol,
-                         Symbol topic_symbol, Symbol transform_symbol,
-                         Symbol status_symbol)
-    : name_symbol_(name_symbol),
-      uri_symbol_(uri_symbol),
-      topic_symbol_(topic_symbol),
-      transform_symbol_(transform_symbol),
-      status_symbol_(status_symbol) {}
-std::vector<Symbol> ShowStreams::OutputSymbols(const SymbolTable &) const {
-  return {name_symbol_, uri_symbol_, topic_symbol_, transform_symbol_,
-          status_symbol_};
-class ShowStreamsCursor : public Cursor {
- public:
-  ShowStreamsCursor(const ShowStreams &self, database::GraphDbAccessor &)
-      : self_(self) {}
-  bool Pull(Frame &frame, Context &ctx) override {
-    if (ctx.in_explicit_transaction_) {
-      throw StreamClauseInMulticommandTxException();
-    }
-    if (!is_initialized_) {
-      streams_ = ctx.kafka_streams_->Show();
-      streams_it_ = streams_.begin();
-      is_initialized_ = true;
-    }
-    if (streams_it_ == streams_.end()) return false;
-    frame[self_.name_symbol_] = streams_it_->stream_name;
-    frame[self_.uri_symbol_] = streams_it_->stream_uri;
-    frame[self_.topic_symbol_] = streams_it_->stream_topic;
-    frame[self_.transform_symbol_] = streams_it_->transform_uri;
-    frame[self_.status_symbol_] = streams_it_->stream_status;
-    streams_it_++;
-    return true;
-  }
-  void Shutdown() override {}
-  void Reset() override { throw utils::NotYetImplemented("Show Streams"); }
- private:
-  const ShowStreams &self_;
-  bool is_initialized_ = false;
-  using StreamStatus = integrations::kafka::StreamStatus;
-  std::vector<StreamStatus> streams_;
-  std::vector<StreamStatus>::iterator streams_it_ = streams_.begin();
-std::unique_ptr<Cursor> ShowStreams::MakeCursor(
-    database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const {
-  return std::make_unique<ShowStreamsCursor>(*this, db);
-StartStopStream::StartStopStream(std::string stream_name, bool is_start,
-                                 Expression *limit_batches)
-    : stream_name_(stream_name),
-      is_start_(is_start),
-      limit_batches_(limit_batches) {}
-class StartStopStreamCursor : public Cursor {
- public:
-  StartStopStreamCursor(const StartStopStream &self,
-                        database::GraphDbAccessor &)
-      : self_(self) {}
-  bool Pull(Frame &frame, Context &ctx) override {
-    if (ctx.in_explicit_transaction_) {
-      throw StreamClauseInMulticommandTxException();
-    }
-    ExpressionEvaluator evaluator(&frame, ctx.symbol_table_,
-                                  ctx.evaluation_context_, &ctx.db_accessor_,
-                                  GraphView::OLD);
-    std::experimental::optional<int64_t> limit_batches;
-    if (self_.limit_batches_) {
-      limit_batches = self_.limit_batches_->Accept(evaluator).Value<int64_t>();
-    }
-    try {
-      if (self_.is_start_) {
-        ctx.kafka_streams_->Start(self_.stream_name_, limit_batches);
-      } else {
-        ctx.kafka_streams_->Stop(self_.stream_name_);
-      }
-    } catch (const integrations::kafka::KafkaStreamException &e) {
-      throw QueryRuntimeException(e.what());
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  void Shutdown() override {}
-  void Reset() override { throw utils::NotYetImplemented("Start/Stop Stream"); }
- private:
-  const StartStopStream &self_;
-std::unique_ptr<Cursor> StartStopStream::MakeCursor(
-    database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const {
-  return std::make_unique<StartStopStreamCursor>(*this, db);
-StartStopAllStreams::StartStopAllStreams(bool is_start) : is_start_(is_start) {}
-class StartStopAllStreamsCursor : public Cursor {
- public:
-  StartStopAllStreamsCursor(const StartStopAllStreams &self,
-                            database::GraphDbAccessor &)
-      : self_(self) {}
-  bool Pull(Frame &frame, Context &ctx) override {
-    if (ctx.in_explicit_transaction_) {
-      throw StreamClauseInMulticommandTxException();
-    }
-    try {
-      if (self_.is_start_) {
-        ctx.kafka_streams_->StartAll();
-      } else {
-        ctx.kafka_streams_->StopAll();
-      }
-    } catch (const integrations::kafka::KafkaStreamException &e) {
-      throw QueryRuntimeException(e.what());
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  void Shutdown() override {}
-  void Reset() override {
-    throw utils::NotYetImplemented("Start/Stop All Streams");
-  }
- private:
-  const StartStopAllStreams &self_;
-std::unique_ptr<Cursor> StartStopAllStreams::MakeCursor(
-    database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const {
-  return std::make_unique<StartStopAllStreamsCursor>(*this, db);
-TestStream::TestStream(std::string stream_name, Expression *limit_batches,
-                       Symbol query_symbol, Symbol params_symbol)
-    : stream_name_(stream_name),
-      limit_batches_(limit_batches),
-      query_symbol_(query_symbol),
-      params_symbol_(params_symbol) {}
-std::vector<Symbol> TestStream::OutputSymbols(const SymbolTable &) const {
-  return {query_symbol_, params_symbol_};
-class TestStreamCursor : public Cursor {
- public:
-  TestStreamCursor(const TestStream &self, database::GraphDbAccessor &)
-      : self_(self) {}
-  bool Pull(Frame &frame, Context &ctx) override {
-    if (ctx.in_explicit_transaction_) {
-      throw StreamClauseInMulticommandTxException();
-    }
-    if (!is_initialized_) {
-      ExpressionEvaluator evaluator(&frame, ctx.symbol_table_,
-                                    ctx.evaluation_context_, &ctx.db_accessor_,
-                                    GraphView::OLD);
-      std::experimental::optional<int64_t> limit_batches;
-      if (self_.limit_batches_) {
-        limit_batches =
-            self_.limit_batches_->Accept(evaluator).Value<int64_t>();
-      }
-      try {
-        auto results =
-            ctx.kafka_streams_->Test(self_.stream_name_, limit_batches);
-        for (const auto &result : results) {
-          std::map<std::string, query::TypedValue> params_tv;
-          for (const auto &kv : result.second) {
-            params_tv.emplace(kv.first, glue::ToTypedValue(kv.second));
-          }
-          results_.emplace_back(result.first, params_tv);
-        }
-      } catch (const integrations::kafka::KafkaStreamException &e) {
-        throw QueryRuntimeException(e.what());
-      }
-      results_it_ = results_.begin();
-      is_initialized_ = true;
-    }
-    if (results_it_ == results_.end()) return false;
-    frame[self_.query_symbol_] = results_it_->first;
-    frame[self_.params_symbol_] = results_it_->second;
-    results_it_++;
-    return true;
-  }
-  void Shutdown() override {}
-  void Reset() override { throw utils::NotYetImplemented("Test Stream"); }
- private:
-  const TestStream &self_;
-  bool is_initialized_ = false;
-  std::vector<std::pair<std::string, TypedValue>> results_;
-  std::vector<std::pair<std::string, TypedValue>>::iterator results_it_ =
-      results_.begin();
-std::unique_ptr<Cursor> TestStream::MakeCursor(
-    database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const {
-  return std::make_unique<TestStreamCursor>(*this, db);
     const std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> &input, const Symbol &output_symbol,
     const std::function<void(const database::GraphDbAccessor &,
diff --git a/src/query/plan/operator.lcp b/src/query/plan/operator.lcp
index 7bd488c4b..22009747f 100644
--- a/src/query/plan/operator.lcp
+++ b/src/query/plan/operator.lcp
@@ -97,13 +97,6 @@ class Distinct;
 class CreateIndex;
 class Union;
 class Cartesian;
-class AuthHandler;
-class CreateStream;
-class DropStream;
-class ShowStreams;
-class StartStopStream;
-class StartStopAllStreams;
-class TestStream;
 class Explain;
 using LogicalOperatorCompositeVisitor = ::utils::CompositeVisitor<
@@ -116,9 +109,7 @@ using LogicalOperatorCompositeVisitor = ::utils::CompositeVisitor<
     OrderBy, Merge, Optional, Unwind, Distinct, Union, Cartesian, Explain>;
 using LogicalOperatorLeafVisitor =
-    ::utils::LeafVisitor<Once, CreateIndex, AuthHandler, CreateStream,
-                         DropStream, ShowStreams, StartStopStream,
-                         StartStopAllStreams, TestStream>;
+    ::utils::LeafVisitor<Once, CreateIndex>;
  * @brief Base class for hierarhical visitors of @c LogicalOperator class
@@ -2003,137 +1994,6 @@ and returns true, once.")
   (:serialize :capnp))
-(lcp:define-class auth-handler (logical-operator)
-  ((action "AuthQuery::Action" :scope :public
-           :capnp-init nil
-           :capnp-type "Ast.AuthQuery.Action"
-           :capnp-save (lcp:capnp-save-enum "::query::capnp::AuthQuery::Action"
-                                            "AuthQuery::Action"
-                                            '(create-role drop-role show-roles
-                                              create-user set-password
-                                              drop-user show-users set-role
-                                              clear-role grant-privilege
-                                              deny-privilege revoke-privilege
-                                              show-privileges show-role-for-user
-                                              show-users-for-role))
-           :capnp-load (lcp:capnp-load-enum "::query::capnp::AuthQuery::Action"
-                                            "AuthQuery::Action"
-                                            '(create-role drop-role show-roles
-                                              create-user set-password
-                                              drop-user show-users set-role
-                                              clear-role grant-privilege
-                                              deny-privilege revoke-privilege
-                                              show-privileges show-role-for-user
-                                              show-users-for-role)))
-   (user "std::string" :scope :public)
-   (role "std::string" :scope :public)
-   (user-or-role "std::string" :scope :public)
-   (password "Expression *" :scope :public
-             :capnp-type "Ast.Tree" :capnp-init nil
-             :capnp-save #'save-ast-pointer
-             :capnp-load (load-ast-pointer "Expression *"))
-   (privileges "std::vector<AuthQuery::Privilege>" :scope :public
-               :capnp-type "List(Ast.AuthQuery.Privilege)"
-               :capnp-save
-               (lambda (builder member capnp-name)
-                 (declare (ignore capnp-name))
-                 #>cpp
-                 for (size_t i = 0; i < ${member}.size(); ++i) {
-                   switch (${member}[i]) {
-                     case AuthQuery::Privilege::CREATE:
-                       ${builder}.set(i, query::capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::CREATE);
-                       break;
-                     case AuthQuery::Privilege::DELETE:
-                       ${builder}.set(i, query::capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::DELETE);
-                       break;
-                     case AuthQuery::Privilege::MATCH:
-                       ${builder}.set(i, query::capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::MATCH);
-                       break;
-                     case AuthQuery::Privilege::MERGE:
-                       ${builder}.set(i, query::capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::MERGE);
-                       break;
-                     case AuthQuery::Privilege::SET:
-                       ${builder}.set(i, query::capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::SET);
-                       break;
-                     case AuthQuery::Privilege::REMOVE:
-                       ${builder}.set(i, query::capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::REMOVE);
-                       break;
-                     case AuthQuery::Privilege::INDEX:
-                       ${builder}.set(i, query::capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::INDEX);
-                       break;
-                     case AuthQuery::Privilege::AUTH:
-                       ${builder}.set(i, query::capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::AUTH);
-                       break;
-                     case AuthQuery::Privilege::STREAM:
-                       ${builder}.set(i, query::capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::STREAM);
-                       break;
-                   }
-                 }
-                 cpp<#)
-               :capnp-load
-               (lambda (reader member-name capnp-name)
-                 (declare (ignore capnp-name))
-                 #>cpp
-                 for (auto privilege : ${reader}) {
-                   switch (privilege) {
-                     case query::capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::CREATE:
-                       ${member-name}.push_back(AuthQuery::Privilege::CREATE);
-                       break;
-                     case query::capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::DELETE:
-                       ${member-name}.push_back(AuthQuery::Privilege::DELETE);
-                       break;
-                     case query::capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::MATCH:
-                       ${member-name}.push_back(AuthQuery::Privilege::MATCH);
-                       break;
-                     case query::capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::MERGE:
-                       ${member-name}.push_back(AuthQuery::Privilege::MERGE);
-                       break;
-                     case query::capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::SET:
-                       ${member-name}.push_back(AuthQuery::Privilege::SET);
-                       break;
-                     case query::capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::REMOVE:
-                       ${member-name}.push_back(AuthQuery::Privilege::REMOVE);
-                       break;
-                     case query::capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::INDEX:
-                       ${member-name}.push_back(AuthQuery::Privilege::INDEX);
-                       break;
-                     case query::capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::AUTH:
-                       ${member-name}.push_back(AuthQuery::Privilege::AUTH);
-                       break;
-                     case query::capnp::AuthQuery::Privilege::STREAM:
-                       ${member-name}.push_back(AuthQuery::Privilege::STREAM);
-                       break;
-                   }
-                 }
-                 cpp<#))
-   (user-symbol "Symbol" :scope :public)
-   (role-symbol "Symbol" :scope :public)
-   (privilege-symbol "Symbol" :scope :public)
-   (effective-symbol "Symbol" :scope :public)
-   (details-symbol "Symbol" :scope :public))
-  (:public
-    #>cpp
-    AuthHandler() {}
-    AuthHandler(AuthQuery::Action action, std::string user, std::string role,
-                std::string user_or_role, Expression * password,
-                std::vector<AuthQuery::Privilege> privileges,
-                Symbol user_symbol, Symbol role_symbol,
-                Symbol privilege_symbol, Symbol effective_symbol,
-                Symbol details_symbol);
-    bool Accept(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor &visitor) override;
-    std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(database::GraphDbAccessor & db)
-        const override;
-    std::vector<Symbol> OutputSymbols(const SymbolTable &) const override;
-    virtual std::vector<Symbol> ModifiedSymbols(const SymbolTable &)
-        const override { return {}; }
-    bool HasSingleInput() const override;
-    std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input() const override;
-    void set_input(std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>) override;
-    cpp<#)
-  (:serialize :capnp))
 (lcp:define-class unwind (logical-operator)
   ((input "std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>" :scope :public
           :capnp-save #'save-operator-pointer
@@ -2374,196 +2234,6 @@ vectors of symbols used  by each of the inputs.")
   (:serialize :capnp))
-(lcp:define-class create-stream (logical-operator)
-  ((stream-name "std::string" :scope :public)
-    (stream-uri "Expression *"
-             :scope :public
-             :capnp-type "Ast.Tree"
-             :capnp-init nil
-             :capnp-save #'save-ast-pointer
-             :capnp-load (load-ast-pointer "Expression *"))
-    (stream-topic "Expression *"
-             :scope :public
-             :capnp-type "Ast.Tree"
-             :capnp-init nil
-             :capnp-save #'save-ast-pointer
-             :capnp-load (load-ast-pointer "Expression *"))
-    (transform-uri "Expression *"
-             :scope :public
-             :capnp-type "Ast.Tree"
-             :capnp-init nil
-             :capnp-save #'save-ast-pointer
-             :capnp-load (load-ast-pointer "Expression *"))
-    (batch-interval-in-ms "Expression *"
-             :scope :public
-             :capnp-type "Ast.Tree"
-             :capnp-init nil
-             :capnp-save #'save-ast-pointer
-             :capnp-load (load-ast-pointer "Expression *"))
-    (batch-size "Expression *"
-             :scope :public
-             :capnp-type "Ast.Tree"
-             :capnp-init nil
-             :capnp-save #'save-ast-pointer
-             :capnp-load (load-ast-pointer "Expression *")))
-  (:documentation
-   "Creates a new stream with given parameters that imports data.")
-  (:public
-   #>cpp
-   CreateStream() {}
-   CreateStream(std::string stream_name, Expression *stream_uri,
-             Expression *stream_topic, Expression *transform_uri,
-             Expression *batch_interval_in_ms, Expression *batch_size);
-   DEFVISITABLE(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor);
-   std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
-       database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
-   std::vector<Symbol> ModifiedSymbols(const SymbolTable &) const override {
-     return {};
-   }
-   bool HasSingleInput() const override;
-   std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input() const override;
-   void set_input(std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>) override;
-   cpp<#)
-  (:serialize :capnp))
-(lcp:define-class drop-stream (logical-operator)
-  ((stream-name "std::string" :scope :public))
-  (:documentation
-   "Stops and deletes a stream if it exists.")
-  (:public
-   #>cpp
-   DropStream() {}
-   explicit DropStream(std::string stream_name);
-   DEFVISITABLE(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor);
-   std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
-       database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
-   std::vector<Symbol> ModifiedSymbols(const SymbolTable &) const override {
-     return {};
-   }
-   bool HasSingleInput() const override;
-   std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input() const override;
-   void set_input(std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>) override;
-   cpp<#)
-  (:serialize :capnp))
-(lcp:define-class show-streams (logical-operator)
-  ((name-symbol "Symbol" :scope :public)
-   (uri-symbol "Symbol" :scope :public)
-   (topic-symbol "Symbol" :scope :public)
-   (transform-symbol "Symbol" :scope :public)
-   (status-symbol "Symbol" :scope :public))
-  (:documentation
-   "Shows all streams, started and stopped, that were configured.")
-  (:public
-   #>cpp
-   ShowStreams() {}
-   ShowStreams(Symbol name_symbol, Symbol endpoint_symbol, Symbol topic_symbol,
-               Symbol transform_symbol, Symbol status_symbol);
-   DEFVISITABLE(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor);
-   std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
-       database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
-   std::vector<Symbol> OutputSymbols(const SymbolTable &) const override;
-   std::vector<Symbol> ModifiedSymbols(const SymbolTable &) const override {
-     return {};
-   }
-   bool HasSingleInput() const override;
-   std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input() const override;
-   void set_input(std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>) override;
-   cpp<#)
-  (:serialize :capnp))
-(lcp:define-class start-stop-stream (logical-operator)
-  ((stream-name "std::string" :scope :public)
-   (is-start :bool :scope :public)
-   (limit-batches "Expression *"
-             :scope :public
-             :capnp-type "Ast.Tree"
-             :capnp-init nil
-             :capnp-save #'save-ast-pointer
-             :capnp-load (load-ast-pointer "Expression *")))
-  (:documentation
-   "Starts or stops a stream.
-When starting a stream import, it can be limited by number of batches
-If a stream is already running, it wont limit the number of batches that this
-stream is importing.")
-  (:public
-   #>cpp
-   StartStopStream() {}
-   StartStopStream(std::string stream_name, bool is_start,
-                   Expression *limit_batches);
-   DEFVISITABLE(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor);
-   std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
-       database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
-   std::vector<Symbol> ModifiedSymbols(const SymbolTable &) const override {
-     return {};
-   }
-   bool HasSingleInput() const override;
-   std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input() const override;
-   void set_input(std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>) override;
-   cpp<#)
-  (:serialize :capnp))
-(lcp:define-class start-stop-all-streams (logical-operator)
-  ((stream-name "std::string" :scope :public)
-   (is-start :bool :scope :public))
-  (:documentation
-   "Starts or stops all stream.")
-  (:public
-   #>cpp
-   StartStopAllStreams() {}
-   explicit StartStopAllStreams(bool is_start);
-   DEFVISITABLE(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor);
-   std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
-       database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
-   std::vector<Symbol> ModifiedSymbols(const SymbolTable &) const override {
-     return {};
-   }
-   bool HasSingleInput() const override;
-   std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input() const override;
-   void set_input(std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>) override;
-   cpp<#)
-  (:serialize :capnp))
-(lcp:define-class test-stream (logical-operator)
-  ((stream-name "std::string" :scope :public)
-   (limit-batches "Expression *"
-             :scope :public
-             :capnp-type "Ast.Tree"
-             :capnp-init nil
-             :capnp-save #'save-ast-pointer
-             :capnp-load (load-ast-pointer "Expression *"))
-   (query-symbol "Symbol" :scope :public)
-   (params-symbol "Symbol" :scope :public))
-  (:documentation
-   "Test a stream. This will start consuming messages but wont insert anything
-in the db.")
-  (:public
-   #>cpp
-   TestStream() {}
-   TestStream(std::string stream_name, Expression *limit_batches,
-              Symbol query_symbol, Symbol params_symbol);
-   DEFVISITABLE(HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor);
-   std::unique_ptr<Cursor> MakeCursor(
-       database::GraphDbAccessor &db) const override;
-   std::vector<Symbol> OutputSymbols(const SymbolTable &) const override;
-   std::vector<Symbol> ModifiedSymbols(const SymbolTable &) const override {
-     return {};
-   }
-   bool HasSingleInput() const override;
-   std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator> input() const override;
-   void set_input(std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>) override;
-   cpp<#)
-  (:serialize :capnp))
 (lcp:define-class explain (logical-operator)
   ((input "std::shared_ptr<LogicalOperator>" :scope :public
           :capnp-save #'save-operator-pointer
diff --git a/src/query/plan/preprocess.hpp b/src/query/plan/preprocess.hpp
index 0433e43fd..ad069db62 100644
--- a/src/query/plan/preprocess.hpp
+++ b/src/query/plan/preprocess.hpp
@@ -54,13 +54,6 @@ class UsedSymbolsCollector : public HierarchicalTreeVisitor {
   bool Visit(ParameterLookup &) override { return true; }
   bool Visit(query::CreateIndex &) override { return true; }
   bool Visit(query::CreateUniqueIndex &) override { return true; }
-  bool Visit(query::AuthQuery &) override { return true; }
-  bool Visit(query::CreateStream &) override { return true; }
-  bool Visit(query::DropStream &) override { return true; }
-  bool Visit(query::ShowStreams &) override { return true; }
-  bool Visit(query::StartStopStream &) override { return true; }
-  bool Visit(query::StartStopAllStreams &) override { return true; }
-  bool Visit(query::TestStream &) override { return true; }
   std::unordered_set<Symbol> symbols_;
   const SymbolTable &symbol_table_;
diff --git a/src/query/plan/pretty_print.cpp b/src/query/plan/pretty_print.cpp
index eee3d7d30..8214fe1a3 100644
--- a/src/query/plan/pretty_print.cpp
+++ b/src/query/plan/pretty_print.cpp
@@ -148,41 +148,6 @@ bool PlanPrinter::Visit(query::plan::CreateIndex &op) {
   return true;
-bool PlanPrinter::Visit(query::plan::AuthHandler &op) {
-  WithPrintLn([](auto &out) { out << "* AuthHandler"; });
-  return true;
-bool PlanPrinter::Visit(query::plan::CreateStream &op) {
-  WithPrintLn([](auto &out) { out << "* CreateStream"; });
-  return true;
-bool PlanPrinter::Visit(query::plan::DropStream &op) {
-  WithPrintLn([](auto &out) { out << "* DropStream"; });
-  return true;
-bool PlanPrinter::Visit(query::plan::ShowStreams &op) {
-  WithPrintLn([](auto &out) { out << "* ShowStreams"; });
-  return true;
-bool PlanPrinter::Visit(query::plan::StartStopStream &op) {
-  WithPrintLn([](auto &out) { out << "* StartStopStream"; });
-  return true;
-bool PlanPrinter::Visit(query::plan::StartStopAllStreams &op) {
-  WithPrintLn([](auto &out) { out << "* StartStopAllStreams"; });
-  return true;
-bool PlanPrinter::Visit(query::plan::TestStream &op) {
-  WithPrintLn([](auto &out) { out << "* TestStream"; });
-  return true;
 bool PlanPrinter::PreVisit(query::plan::Explain &explain) {
   WithPrintLn([&explain](auto &out) {
     out << "* Explain {" << explain.output_symbol_.name() << "}";
diff --git a/src/query/plan/pretty_print.hpp b/src/query/plan/pretty_print.hpp
index 104cd8216..d8ac32aab 100644
--- a/src/query/plan/pretty_print.hpp
+++ b/src/query/plan/pretty_print.hpp
@@ -79,15 +79,6 @@ class PlanPrinter : public virtual HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor {
   bool Visit(Once &) override;
   bool Visit(CreateIndex &) override;
-  bool Visit(AuthHandler &) override;
-  bool Visit(CreateStream &) override;
-  bool Visit(DropStream &) override;
-  bool Visit(ShowStreams &) override;
-  bool Visit(StartStopStream &) override;
-  bool Visit(StartStopAllStreams &) override;
-  bool Visit(TestStream &) override;
   /// Call fun with output stream. The stream is prefixed with amount of spaces
   /// corresponding to the current depth_.
   template <class TFun>
diff --git a/src/query/plan/rule_based_planner.cpp b/src/query/plan/rule_based_planner.cpp
index d69092340..244b6ee9b 100644
--- a/src/query/plan/rule_based_planner.cpp
+++ b/src/query/plan/rule_based_planner.cpp
@@ -407,41 +407,6 @@ class ReturnBodyContext : public HierarchicalTreeVisitor {
     return true;
-  bool Visit(query::AuthQuery &) override {
-    has_aggregation_.emplace_back(false);
-    return true;
-  }
-  bool Visit(query::CreateStream &) override {
-    has_aggregation_.emplace_back(false);
-    return true;
-  }
-  bool Visit(query::DropStream &) override {
-    has_aggregation_.emplace_back(false);
-    return true;
-  }
-  bool Visit(query::ShowStreams &) override {
-    has_aggregation_.emplace_back(false);
-    return true;
-  }
-  bool Visit(query::StartStopStream &) override {
-    has_aggregation_.emplace_back(false);
-    return true;
-  }
-  bool Visit(query::StartStopAllStreams &) override {
-    has_aggregation_.emplace_back(false);
-    return true;
-  }
-  bool Visit(query::TestStream &) override {
-    has_aggregation_.emplace_back(false);
-    return true;
-  }
   // Creates NamedExpression with an Identifier for each user declared symbol.
   // This should be used when body.all_identifiers is true, to generate
   // expressions for Produce operator.
diff --git a/src/query/plan/rule_based_planner.hpp b/src/query/plan/rule_based_planner.hpp
index 0b1529a1e..a07854228 100644
--- a/src/query/plan/rule_based_planner.hpp
+++ b/src/query/plan/rule_based_planner.hpp
@@ -189,59 +189,6 @@ class RuleBasedPlanner {
           DCHECK(!input_op) << "Unexpected operator before CreateIndex";
           input_op = std::make_unique<plan::CreateIndex>(
               create_index->label_, create_index->properties_, true);
-        } else if (auto *auth_query =
-                       dynamic_cast<query::AuthQuery *>(clause)) {
-          DCHECK(!input_op) << "Unexpected operator before AuthQuery";
-          auto &symbol_table = context.symbol_table;
-          input_op = std::make_unique<plan::AuthHandler>(
-              auth_query->action_, auth_query->user_, auth_query->role_,
-              auth_query->user_or_role_, auth_query->password_,
-              auth_query->privileges_, symbol_table.CreateSymbol("user", false),
-              symbol_table.CreateSymbol("role", false),
-              symbol_table.CreateSymbol("privilege", false),
-              symbol_table.CreateSymbol("effective", false),
-              symbol_table.CreateSymbol("details", false));
-        } else if (auto *create_stream =
-                       dynamic_cast<query::CreateStream *>(clause)) {
-          DCHECK(!input_op) << "Unexpected operator before CreateStream";
-          input_op = std::make_unique<plan::CreateStream>(
-              create_stream->stream_name_, create_stream->stream_uri_,
-              create_stream->stream_topic_, create_stream->transform_uri_,
-              create_stream->batch_interval_in_ms_, create_stream->batch_size_);
-        } else if (auto *drop_stream =
-                       dynamic_cast<query::DropStream *>(clause)) {
-          DCHECK(!input_op) << "Unexpected operator before DropStream";
-          input_op =
-              std::make_unique<plan::DropStream>(drop_stream->stream_name_);
-        } else if (dynamic_cast<query::ShowStreams *>(clause)) {
-          DCHECK(!input_op) << "Unexpected operator before ShowStreams";
-          // Create symbols for ShowStreams results
-          auto &symbol_table = context.symbol_table;
-          input_op = std::make_unique<plan::ShowStreams>(
-              symbol_table.CreateSymbol("name", false),
-              symbol_table.CreateSymbol("uri", false),
-              symbol_table.CreateSymbol("topic", false),
-              symbol_table.CreateSymbol("transform", false),
-              symbol_table.CreateSymbol("status", false));
-        } else if (auto *start_stop_stream =
-                       dynamic_cast<query::StartStopStream *>(clause)) {
-          DCHECK(!input_op) << "Unexpected operator before StartStopStream";
-          input_op = std::make_unique<plan::StartStopStream>(
-              start_stop_stream->stream_name_, start_stop_stream->is_start_,
-              start_stop_stream->limit_batches_);
-        } else if (auto *start_stop_all_streams =
-                       dynamic_cast<query::StartStopAllStreams *>(clause)) {
-          DCHECK(!input_op) << "Unexpected operator before StartStopAllStreams";
-          input_op = std::make_unique<plan::StartStopAllStreams>(
-              start_stop_all_streams->is_start_);
-        } else if (auto *test_stream =
-                       dynamic_cast<query::TestStream *>(clause)) {
-          DCHECK(!input_op) << "Unexpected operator before TestStream";
-          auto &symbol_table = context.symbol_table;
-          input_op = std::make_unique<plan::TestStream>(
-              test_stream->stream_name_, test_stream->limit_batches_,
-              symbol_table.CreateSymbol("query", false),
-              symbol_table.CreateSymbol("params", false));
         } else {
           throw utils::NotYetImplemented("clause conversion to operator(s)");
diff --git a/src/query/transaction_engine.hpp b/src/query/transaction_engine.hpp
index 91fae2987..0dd635c03 100644
--- a/src/query/transaction_engine.hpp
+++ b/src/query/transaction_engine.hpp
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ class TransactionEngine final {
   ~TransactionEngine() { Abort(); }
-  std::pair<std::vector<std::string>, std::vector<query::AuthQuery::Privilege>>
-  Interpret(const std::string &query,
-            const std::map<std::string, PropertyValue> &params) {
+  std::vector<std::string> Interpret(
+      const std::string &query,
+      const std::map<std::string, PropertyValue> &params) {
     // Clear pending results.
     results_ = std::experimental::nullopt;
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class TransactionEngine final {
     try {
       results_.emplace((*interpreter_)(query, *db_accessor_, params,
-      return {results_->header(), results_->privileges()};
+      return results_->header();
     } catch (const utils::BasicException &) {
diff --git a/src/storage/single_node/storage_gc.hpp b/src/storage/single_node/storage_gc.hpp
index e9fb7317e..eed69d931 100644
--- a/src/storage/single_node/storage_gc.hpp
+++ b/src/storage/single_node/storage_gc.hpp
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
 #include "data_structures/concurrent/concurrent_map.hpp"
 #include "mvcc/single_node/version_list.hpp"
-#include "stats/metrics.hpp"
 #include "storage/single_node/deferred_deleter.hpp"
 #include "storage/single_node/edge.hpp"
 #include "storage/single_node/garbage_collector.hpp"
diff --git a/src/utils/CMakeLists.txt b/src/utils/CMakeLists.txt
index d7b334a20..3f93c1419 100644
--- a/src/utils/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/utils/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -7,13 +7,5 @@ set(utils_src_files
-define_add_capnp(utils_src_files utils_capnp_files)
-add_custom_target(generate_utils_capnp DEPENDS ${utils_capnp_files})
 add_library(mg-utils STATIC ${utils_src_files})
 target_link_libraries(mg-utils stdc++fs Threads::Threads fmt glog gflags uuid)
-target_link_libraries(mg-utils capnp kj)
-add_dependencies(mg-utils generate_utils_capnp)
diff --git a/tests/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/CMakeLists.txt
index 82bfddb7e..aa8fe5214 100644
--- a/tests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -27,6 +27,3 @@ add_subdirectory(property_based)
 # integration test binaries
-# feature benchmark test binaries
diff --git a/tests/benchmark/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/benchmark/CMakeLists.txt
index 15b7c222f..ef271f473 100644
--- a/tests/benchmark/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/benchmark/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -51,9 +51,6 @@ target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}edge_storage mg-single-node kvstore_dummy_li
 target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}mvcc mg-single-node kvstore_dummy_lib)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}serialization mg-distributed kvstore_dummy_lib)
 target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}tx_engine mg-single-node kvstore_dummy_lib)
diff --git a/tests/distributed/card_fraud/apollo_runs.py b/tests/distributed/card_fraud/apollo_runs.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 0301f4572..000000000
--- a/tests/distributed/card_fraud/apollo_runs.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-import json
-import os
-import re
-import subprocess
-from card_fraud import NUM_MACHINES, BINARIES
-# paths
-SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
-WORKSPACE_DIR = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, "..", "..", "..", ".."))
-OUTPUT_DIR_REL = os.path.join(os.path.relpath(SCRIPT_DIR, WORKSPACE_DIR), "output")
-# generate runs
-runs = []
-binaries = list(map(lambda x: os.path.join("..", "..", "build_release", x), BINARIES))
-for i in range(NUM_MACHINES):
-    name = "master" if i == 0 else "worker" + str(i)
-    additional = ["master.py"] if i == 0 else []
-    outfile_paths = ["\\./" + OUTPUT_DIR_REL + "/.+"] if i == 0 else []
-    if i == 0:
-        cmd = "master.py"
-        args = "--machines-num {0} --test-suite card_fraud " \
-                "--test card_fraud".format(NUM_MACHINES)
-    else:
-        cmd = "jail_service.py"
-        args = ""
-    runs.append({
-        "name": "distributed__card_fraud__" + name,
-        "cd": "..",
-        "supervisor": cmd,
-        "arguments": args,
-        "infiles": binaries + [
-            "common.py",
-            "jail_service.py",
-            "card_fraud/card_fraud.py",
-            "card_fraud/snapshots/worker_" + str(i),
-        ] + additional,
-        "outfile_paths": outfile_paths,
-        "parallel_run": "distributed__card_fraud",
-        "slave_group": "remote_4c32g",
-        "enable_network": True,
-    })
-print(json.dumps(runs, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
diff --git a/tests/feature_benchmark/apollo_runs.yaml b/tests/feature_benchmark/apollo_runs.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f3e92c8c..000000000
--- a/tests/feature_benchmark/apollo_runs.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-- name: feature_benchmark__kafka
-  cd: kafka
-  commands: ./runner.sh
-  infiles:
-    - runner.sh # runner script
-    - transform.py # transform script
-    - generate.py # dataset generator script
-    - ../../../build_release/tests/feature_benchmark/kafka/kafka.py # kafka script
-    - ../../../build_release/tests/feature_benchmark/kafka/benchmark # benchmark binary
-  enable_network: true
diff --git a/tests/integration/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/integration/CMakeLists.txt
index 15d3e2e86..1f7abaf31 100644
--- a/tests/integration/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/integration/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -6,12 +6,3 @@ add_subdirectory(ssl)
 # transactions test binaries
-# kafka test binaries
-# auth test binaries
-# distributed test binaries
diff --git a/tests/integration/apollo_runs.yaml b/tests/integration/apollo_runs.yaml
index cdb3daf4d..213519bba 100644
--- a/tests/integration/apollo_runs.yaml
+++ b/tests/integration/apollo_runs.yaml
@@ -22,31 +22,3 @@
     - runner.sh # runner script
     - ../../../build_debug/memgraph # memgraph binary
     - ../../../build_debug/tests/integration/transactions/tester # tester binary
-- name: integration__kafka
-  cd: kafka
-  commands: ./runner.sh
-  infiles:
-    - runner.sh # runner script
-    - transform.py # transform script
-    - ../../../build_debug/memgraph # memgraph binary
-    - ../../../build_debug/kafka.py # kafka script
-    - ../../../build_debug/tests/integration/kafka/tester # tester binary
-  enable_network: true
-- name: integration__auth
-  cd: auth
-  commands: TIMEOUT=820 ./runner.py
-  infiles:
-    - runner.py # runner script
-    - ../../../build_debug/memgraph # memgraph binary
-    - ../../../build_debug/tests/integration/auth/checker # checker binary
-    - ../../../build_debug/tests/integration/auth/tester # tester binary
-- name: integration__distributed
-  cd: distributed
-  commands: TIMEOUT=480 ./runner.py
-  infiles:
-    - runner.py # runner script
-    - ../../../build_debug/memgraph_distributed # memgraph distributed binary
-    - ../../../build_debug/tests/integration/distributed/tester # tester binary
diff --git a/tests/macro_benchmark/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/macro_benchmark/CMakeLists.txt
index 593d0f2ec..202f1f462 100644
--- a/tests/macro_benchmark/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/macro_benchmark/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -15,16 +15,16 @@ function(add_macro_benchmark test_cpp)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}pokec_client mg-communication mg-io mg-utils mg-stats json)
+target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}pokec_client mg-communication mg-io mg-utils json)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}graph_500_bfs mg-communication mg-io mg-utils mg-stats json)
+target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}graph_500_bfs mg-communication mg-io mg-utils json)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}bfs_pokec_client mg-communication mg-io mg-utils mg-stats json)
+target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}bfs_pokec_client mg-communication mg-io mg-utils json)
 target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}query_client mg-communication mg-io mg-utils)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}card_fraud_client mg-communication mg-io mg-utils mg-stats json)
+target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}card_fraud_client mg-communication mg-io mg-utils json)
diff --git a/tests/macro_benchmark/clients/card_fraud_client.cpp b/tests/macro_benchmark/clients/card_fraud_client.cpp
index 1de65a906..6d69479dc 100644
--- a/tests/macro_benchmark/clients/card_fraud_client.cpp
+++ b/tests/macro_benchmark/clients/card_fraud_client.cpp
@@ -5,9 +5,6 @@
 #include "gflags/gflags.h"
-#include "communication/rpc/client.hpp"
-#include "stats/stats.hpp"
-#include "stats/stats_rpc_messages.hpp"
 #include "utils/thread/sync.hpp"
 #include "long_running_common.hpp"
@@ -23,14 +20,6 @@ DEFINE_string(config, "", "test config");
 enum class Role { WORKER, ANALYTIC, CLEANUP };
-stats::Gauge &num_vertices = stats::GetGauge("vertices");
-stats::Gauge &num_edges = stats::GetGauge("edges");
-void UpdateStats() {
-  num_vertices.Set(num_pos + num_cards + num_transactions);
-  num_edges.Set(2 * num_transactions);
 int64_t NumNodesWithLabel(Client &client, std::string label) {
   std::string query = fmt::format("MATCH (u :{}) RETURN count(u)", label);
   auto result = ExecuteNTimesTillSuccess(client, query, {}, MAX_RETRIES);
@@ -176,7 +165,6 @@ class CardFraudClient : public TestClient {
         card_id, tx_id, pos_id);
-    UpdateStats();
   int64_t UniformInt(int64_t a, int64_t b) {
@@ -261,7 +249,6 @@ class CardFraudClient : public TestClient {
           num_transactions, num_transactions_db, deleted,
           num_transactions - num_transactions_db);
       num_transactions = num_transactions_db;
-      UpdateStats();
@@ -334,9 +321,6 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
-  stats::InitStatsLogging(
-      fmt::format("client.long_running.{}.{}", FLAGS_group, FLAGS_scenario));
   Endpoint endpoint(FLAGS_address, FLAGS_port);
   ClientContext context(FLAGS_use_ssl);
   Client client(&context);
@@ -384,7 +368,5 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
-  stats::StopStatsLogging();
   return 0;
diff --git a/tests/macro_benchmark/clients/graph_500_bfs.cpp b/tests/macro_benchmark/clients/graph_500_bfs.cpp
index 0e6d80c34..35ddb60aa 100644
--- a/tests/macro_benchmark/clients/graph_500_bfs.cpp
+++ b/tests/macro_benchmark/clients/graph_500_bfs.cpp
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
 #include "gflags/gflags.h"
 #include "long_running_common.hpp"
-#include "stats/stats.hpp"
-#include "stats/stats_rpc_messages.hpp"
 class Graph500BfsClient : public TestClient {
@@ -55,7 +53,5 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
-  stats::StopStatsLogging();
   return 0;
diff --git a/tests/macro_benchmark/clients/long_running_common.hpp b/tests/macro_benchmark/clients/long_running_common.hpp
index d090a3827..94dfb60c4 100644
--- a/tests/macro_benchmark/clients/long_running_common.hpp
+++ b/tests/macro_benchmark/clients/long_running_common.hpp
@@ -14,8 +14,6 @@
 #include "json/json.hpp"
-#include "stats/metrics.hpp"
-#include "stats/stats.hpp"
 #include "utils/timer.hpp"
 #include "common.hpp"
@@ -35,9 +33,9 @@ DEFINE_int32(duration, 30, "Number of seconds to execute benchmark");
 DEFINE_string(group, "unknown", "Test group name");
 DEFINE_string(scenario, "unknown", "Test scenario name");
-auto &executed_queries = stats::GetCounter("executed_queries");
-auto &executed_steps = stats::GetCounter("executed_steps");
-auto &serialization_errors = stats::GetCounter("serialization_errors");
+std::atomic<uint64_t> executed_queries;
+std::atomic<uint64_t> executed_steps;
+std::atomic<uint64_t> serialization_errors;
 class TestClient {
@@ -61,7 +59,7 @@ class TestClient {
     runner_thread_ = std::thread([&] {
       while (keep_running_) {
-        executed_steps.Bump();
+        ++executed_steps;
@@ -84,7 +82,7 @@ class TestClient {
       std::tie(result, retries) =
           ExecuteNTimesTillSuccess(client_, query, params, MAX_RETRIES);
     } catch (const utils::BasicException &e) {
-      serialization_errors.Bump(MAX_RETRIES);
+      serialization_errors += MAX_RETRIES;
       return std::experimental::nullopt;
     auto wall_time = timer.Elapsed();
@@ -98,8 +96,8 @@ class TestClient {
-    executed_queries.Bump();
-    serialization_errors.Bump(retries);
+    ++executed_queries;
+    serialization_errors += retries;
     return result;
@@ -179,16 +177,11 @@ void RunMultithreadedTest(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TestClient>> &clients) {
         auto it = aggregated_query_stats.insert({stat.first, Value(0.0)}).first;
         it->second = (it->second.ValueDouble() * old_count + stat.second) /
                      (old_count + new_count);
-        stats::LogStat(
-            fmt::format("queries.{}.{}", query_stats.first, stat.first),
-            (stat.second / new_count));
-      stats::LogStat(fmt::format("queries.{}.count", query_stats.first),
-                     new_count);
-    out << "{\"num_executed_queries\": " << executed_queries.Value() << ", "
-        << "\"num_executed_steps\": " << executed_steps.Value() << ", "
+    out << "{\"num_executed_queries\": " << executed_queries << ", "
+        << "\"num_executed_steps\": " << executed_steps << ", "
         << "\"elapsed_time\": " << timer.Elapsed().count()
         << ", \"queries\": [";
diff --git a/tests/manual/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/manual/CMakeLists.txt
index 73c5cc0dc..34ce84de3 100644
--- a/tests/manual/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/manual/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -30,30 +30,8 @@ target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}binomial mg-utils)
 target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}bolt_client mg-communication)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}card_fraud_generate_snapshot mg-distributed kvstore_dummy_lib)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}card_fraud_local mg-distributed kvstore_dummy_lib gtest)
-add_manual_test(distributed_query_planner.cpp interactive_planning.cpp)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}distributed_query_planner mg-distributed
-                      kvstore_dummy_lib)
-  target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}distributed_query_planner readline)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}distributed_repl mg-distributed kvstore_dummy_lib gtest readline)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}generate_snapshot mg-distributed kvstore_dummy_lib)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}graph_500_generate_snapshot mg-distributed kvstore_dummy_lib)
 target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}kvstore_console kvstore_lib gflags glog)
diff --git a/tests/qa/apollo_runs.yaml b/tests/qa/apollo_runs.yaml
index 40ecd4f09..9466a2314 100644
--- a/tests/qa/apollo_runs.yaml
+++ b/tests/qa/apollo_runs.yaml
@@ -6,11 +6,3 @@
     - ../../config # directory with config files
   outfile_paths: &OUTFILE_PATHS
     - \./memgraph/tests/qa/\.quality_assurance_status
-- name: quality_assurance_distributed
-  commands: TIMEOUT=300 ./continuous_integration --distributed
-  infiles:
-    - . # current directory
-    - ../../build_debug/memgraph_distributed # memgraph distributed debug binary
-    - ../../config # directory with config files
-  outfile_paths: *OUTFILE_PATHS
diff --git a/tests/unit/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/unit/CMakeLists.txt
index 5861cda24..4271bcd6f 100644
--- a/tests/unit/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/unit/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -22,9 +22,6 @@ endfunction(add_unit_test)
 target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}bolt_encoder mg-single-node kvstore_dummy_lib)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}concurrent_id_mapper_distributed mg-distributed kvstore_dummy_lib)
 target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}concurrent_id_mapper_single_node mg-single-node kvstore_dummy_lib)
@@ -34,9 +31,6 @@ target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}concurrent_map_access mg-single-node kvstore
 target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}concurrent_map mg-single-node kvstore_dummy_lib)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}counters mg-distributed kvstore_dummy_lib)
 target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}cypher_main_visitor mg-single-node kvstore_dummy_lib)
@@ -46,9 +40,6 @@ target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}database_key_index mg-single-node kvstore_du
 target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}database_label_property_index mg-single-node kvstore_dummy_lib)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}database_master mg-distributed kvstore_dummy_lib)
 target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}database_transaction_timeout mg-single-node kvstore_dummy_lib)
@@ -58,64 +49,19 @@ target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}datastructure_union_find mg-single-node kvst
 target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}deferred_deleter mg-single-node kvstore_dummy_lib)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}distributed_coordination mg-distributed kvstore_dummy_lib)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}distributed_data_exchange mg-distributed kvstore_dummy_lib)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}distributed_dgp_vertex_migrator mg-distributed kvstore_dummy_lib)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}distributed_durability mg-distributed kvstore_dummy_lib)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}distributed_dynamic_worker mg-distributed kvstore_dummy_lib)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}distributed_gc mg-distributed kvstore_dummy_lib)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}distributed_graph_db mg-distributed kvstore_dummy_lib)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}distributed_interpretation mg-distributed kvstore_dummy_lib)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}distributed_query_plan mg-distributed kvstore_dummy_lib)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}distributed_reset mg-distributed kvstore_dummy_lib)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}distributed_serialization mg-distributed kvstore_dummy_lib)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}distributed_updates mg-distributed kvstore_dummy_lib)
 # TODO (buda): Replace token sharing with centralized solution and write an appropriate test.
 # add_unit_test(distributed_token_sharing.cpp)
 # target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}distributed_token_sharing memgraph_lib kvstore_dummy_lib)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}bfs_distributed mg-distributed kvstore_dummy_lib)
 target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}bfs_single_node mg-single-node kvstore_dummy_lib)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}distributed_dgp_partitioner mg-distributed kvstore_dummy_lib)
 target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}durability mg-single-node kvstore_dummy_lib)
 target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}dynamic_bitset mg-single-node kvstore_dummy_lib)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}gid mg-distributed kvstore_dummy_lib)
 target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}graph_db_accessor mg-single-node kvstore_dummy_lib)
@@ -131,9 +77,6 @@ target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}interpreter mg-single-node kvstore_dummy_lib
 target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}kvstore kvstore_lib glog)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}metrics mg-single-node kvstore_dummy_lib)
 target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}mvcc mg-single-node kvstore_dummy_lib)
@@ -179,9 +122,6 @@ target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}query_plan_match_filter_return mg-single-nod
 target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}query_plan mg-single-node kvstore_dummy_lib)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}query_required_privileges mg-single-node kvstore_dummy_lib)
 target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}query_semantic mg-single-node kvstore_dummy_lib)
@@ -194,9 +134,6 @@ target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}queue mg-single-node kvstore_dummy_lib)
 target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}record_edge_vertex_accessor mg-single-node kvstore_dummy_lib)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}serialization mg-distributed kvstore_dummy_lib)
 target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}skiplist_access mg-single-node kvstore_dummy_lib)
@@ -218,15 +155,9 @@ target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}state_delta mg-single-node kvstore_dummy_lib
 target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}static_bitset mg-single-node kvstore_dummy_lib)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}storage_address mg-distributed kvstore_dummy_lib)
 target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}stripped mg-single-node kvstore_dummy_lib)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}transaction_engine_distributed mg-distributed kvstore_dummy_lib)
 target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}transaction_engine_single_node mg-single-node kvstore_dummy_lib)
@@ -253,9 +184,6 @@ target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}communication_buffer mg-communication)
 target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}network_timeouts mg-communication)
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}rpc mg-communication)
 # Test data structures
@@ -310,10 +238,6 @@ target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}utils_timestamp mg-utils)
 target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}utils_watchdog mg-utils)
-# Test mg-auth
-target_link_libraries(${test_prefix}auth mg-auth kvstore_lib)
 # Test LCP
diff --git a/tests/unit/bolt_session.cpp b/tests/unit/bolt_session.cpp
index a402959c6..68ce13b23 100644
--- a/tests/unit/bolt_session.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/bolt_session.cpp
@@ -50,11 +50,6 @@ class TestSession : public Session<TestInputStream, TestOutputStream> {
   void Abort() override {}
-  bool Authenticate(const std::string &username,
-                    const std::string &password) override {
-    return true;
-  }
   std::string query_;
diff --git a/tests/unit/cypher_main_visitor.cpp b/tests/unit/cypher_main_visitor.cpp
index f3e09f39d..0b8ff298b 100644
--- a/tests/unit/cypher_main_visitor.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/cypher_main_visitor.cpp
@@ -1894,474 +1894,6 @@ TYPED_TEST(CypherMainVisitorTest, UnionAll) {
-template <typename AstGeneratorT>
-void check_auth_query(std::string input, AuthQuery::Action action,
-                      std::string user, std::string role,
-                      std::string user_or_role,
-                      std::experimental::optional<TypedValue> password,
-                      std::vector<AuthQuery::Privilege> privileges) {
-  AstGeneratorT ast_generator(input);
-  auto *query = ast_generator.query_;
-  ASSERT_TRUE(query->single_query_ &&
-              query->single_query_->clauses_.size() == 1U);
-  auto auth_query =
-      dynamic_cast<AuthQuery *>(query->single_query_->clauses_[0]);
-  EXPECT_EQ(auth_query->action_, action);
-  EXPECT_EQ(auth_query->user_, user);
-  EXPECT_EQ(auth_query->role_, role);
-  EXPECT_EQ(auth_query->user_or_role_, user_or_role);
-  ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<bool>(auth_query->password_),
-            static_cast<bool>(password));
-  if (password) {
-    ast_generator.CheckLiteral(auth_query->password_, *password);
-  }
-  EXPECT_EQ(auth_query->privileges_, privileges);
-TYPED_TEST(CypherMainVisitorTest, UserOrRoleName) {
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("CREATE ROLE `us|er`"), SyntaxException);
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("CREATE ROLE `us er`"), SyntaxException);
-  check_auth_query<TypeParam>("CREATE ROLE `user`",
-                              AuthQuery::Action::CREATE_ROLE, "", "user", "",
-                              {}, {});
-  check_auth_query<TypeParam>("CREATE ROLE us___er",
-                              AuthQuery::Action::CREATE_ROLE, "", "us___er", "",
-                              {}, {});
-  check_auth_query<TypeParam>("CREATE ROLE `us+er`",
-                              AuthQuery::Action::CREATE_ROLE, "", "us+er", "",
-                              {}, {});
-TYPED_TEST(CypherMainVisitorTest, CreateRole) {
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("CREATE ROLE"), SyntaxException);
-  check_auth_query<TypeParam>("CREATE ROLE rola",
-                              AuthQuery::Action::CREATE_ROLE, "", "rola", "",
-                              {}, {});
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("CREATE ROLE lagano rolamo"), SyntaxException);
-TYPED_TEST(CypherMainVisitorTest, DropRole) {
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("DROP ROLE"), SyntaxException);
-  check_auth_query<TypeParam>("DROP ROLE rola", AuthQuery::Action::DROP_ROLE,
-                              "", "rola", "", {}, {});
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("DROP ROLE lagano rolamo"), SyntaxException);
-TYPED_TEST(CypherMainVisitorTest, ShowRoles) {
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("SHOW ROLES ROLES"), SyntaxException);
-  check_auth_query<TypeParam>("SHOW ROLES", AuthQuery::Action::SHOW_ROLES, "",
-                              "", "", {}, {});
-TYPED_TEST(CypherMainVisitorTest, CreateUser) {
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("CREATE USER"), SyntaxException);
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("CREATE USER 123"), SyntaxException);
-  check_auth_query<TypeParam>("CREATE USER user",
-                              AuthQuery::Action::CREATE_USER, "user", "", "",
-                              {}, {});
-  check_auth_query<TypeParam>("CREATE USER user IDENTIFIED BY 'password'",
-                              AuthQuery::Action::CREATE_USER, "user", "", "",
-                              "password", {});
-  check_auth_query<TypeParam>("CREATE USER user IDENTIFIED BY ''",
-                              AuthQuery::Action::CREATE_USER, "user", "", "",
-                              "", {});
-  check_auth_query<TypeParam>("CREATE USER user IDENTIFIED BY null",
-                              AuthQuery::Action::CREATE_USER, "user", "", "",
-                              TypedValue::Null, {});
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("CRATE USER user IDENTIFIED BY password"),
-               SyntaxException);
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("CREATE USER user IDENTIFIED BY 5"), SyntaxException);
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("CREATE USER user IDENTIFIED BY "), SyntaxException);
-TYPED_TEST(CypherMainVisitorTest, SetPassword) {
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("SET PASSWORD FOR"), SyntaxException);
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("SET PASSWORD FOR user "), SyntaxException);
-  check_auth_query<TypeParam>("SET PASSWORD FOR user TO null",
-                              AuthQuery::Action::SET_PASSWORD, "user", "", "",
-                              TypedValue::Null, {});
-  check_auth_query<TypeParam>("SET PASSWORD FOR user TO 'password'",
-                              AuthQuery::Action::SET_PASSWORD, "user", "", "",
-                              "password", {});
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("SET PASSWORD FOR user To 5"), SyntaxException);
-TYPED_TEST(CypherMainVisitorTest, DropUser) {
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("DROP USER"), SyntaxException);
-  check_auth_query<TypeParam>("DROP USER user", AuthQuery::Action::DROP_USER,
-                              "user", "", "", {}, {});
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("DROP USER lagano rolamo"), SyntaxException);
-TYPED_TEST(CypherMainVisitorTest, ShowUsers) {
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("SHOW USERS ROLES"), SyntaxException);
-  check_auth_query<TypeParam>("SHOW USERS", AuthQuery::Action::SHOW_USERS, "",
-                              "", "", {}, {});
-TYPED_TEST(CypherMainVisitorTest, SetRole) {
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("SET ROLE"), SyntaxException);
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("SET ROLE user"), SyntaxException);
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("SET ROLE FOR user"), SyntaxException);
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("SET ROLE FOR user TO"), SyntaxException);
-  check_auth_query<TypeParam>("SET ROLE FOR user TO role",
-                              AuthQuery::Action::SET_ROLE, "user", "role", "",
-                              {}, {});
-  check_auth_query<TypeParam>("SET ROLE FOR user TO null",
-                              AuthQuery::Action::SET_ROLE, "user", "null", "",
-                              {}, {});
-TYPED_TEST(CypherMainVisitorTest, ClearRole) {
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("CLEAR ROLE"), SyntaxException);
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("CLEAR ROLE user"), SyntaxException);
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("CLEAR ROLE FOR user TO"), SyntaxException);
-  check_auth_query<TypeParam>("CLEAR ROLE FOR user",
-                              AuthQuery::Action::CLEAR_ROLE, "user", "", "", {},
-                              {});
-TYPED_TEST(CypherMainVisitorTest, GrantPrivilege) {
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("GRANT"), SyntaxException);
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("GRANT TO user"), SyntaxException);
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("GRANT BLABLA TO user"), SyntaxException);
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("GRANT MATCH, TO user"), SyntaxException);
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("GRANT MATCH, BLABLA TO user"), SyntaxException);
-  check_auth_query<TypeParam>("GRANT MATCH TO user",
-                              AuthQuery::Action::GRANT_PRIVILEGE, "", "",
-                              "user", {}, {AuthQuery::Privilege::MATCH});
-  check_auth_query<TypeParam>(
-      "GRANT MATCH, AUTH TO user", AuthQuery::Action::GRANT_PRIVILEGE, "", "",
-      "user", {}, {AuthQuery::Privilege::MATCH, AuthQuery::Privilege::AUTH});
-TYPED_TEST(CypherMainVisitorTest, DenyPrivilege) {
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("DENY"), SyntaxException);
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("DENY TO user"), SyntaxException);
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("DENY BLABLA TO user"), SyntaxException);
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("DENY MATCH, TO user"), SyntaxException);
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("DENY MATCH, BLABLA TO user"), SyntaxException);
-  check_auth_query<TypeParam>("DENY MATCH TO user",
-                              AuthQuery::Action::DENY_PRIVILEGE, "", "", "user",
-                              {}, {AuthQuery::Privilege::MATCH});
-  check_auth_query<TypeParam>(
-      "DENY MATCH, AUTH TO user", AuthQuery::Action::DENY_PRIVILEGE, "", "",
-      "user", {}, {AuthQuery::Privilege::MATCH, AuthQuery::Privilege::AUTH});
-TYPED_TEST(CypherMainVisitorTest, RevokePrivilege) {
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("REVOKE"), SyntaxException);
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("REVOKE FROM user"), SyntaxException);
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("REVOKE BLABLA FROM user"), SyntaxException);
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("REVOKE MATCH, FROM user"), SyntaxException);
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("REVOKE MATCH, BLABLA FROM user"), SyntaxException);
-  check_auth_query<TypeParam>("REVOKE MATCH FROM user",
-                              AuthQuery::Action::REVOKE_PRIVILEGE, "", "",
-                              "user", {}, {AuthQuery::Privilege::MATCH});
-  check_auth_query<TypeParam>(
-      "REVOKE MATCH, AUTH FROM user", AuthQuery::Action::REVOKE_PRIVILEGE, "",
-      "", "user", {},
-      {AuthQuery::Privilege::MATCH, AuthQuery::Privilege::AUTH});
-  check_auth_query<TypeParam>(
-      "", "", "user", {},
-      {AuthQuery::Privilege::CREATE, AuthQuery::Privilege::DELETE,
-       AuthQuery::Privilege::MATCH, AuthQuery::Privilege::MERGE,
-       AuthQuery::Privilege::SET, AuthQuery::Privilege::REMOVE,
-       AuthQuery::Privilege::INDEX, AuthQuery::Privilege::AUTH,
-       AuthQuery::Privilege::STREAM});
-TYPED_TEST(CypherMainVisitorTest, ShowPrivileges) {
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("SHOW PRIVILEGES FOR"), SyntaxException);
-  check_auth_query<TypeParam>("SHOW PRIVILEGES FOR user",
-                              AuthQuery::Action::SHOW_PRIVILEGES, "", "",
-                              "user", {}, {});
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("SHOW PRIVILEGES FOR user1, user2"), SyntaxException);
-TYPED_TEST(CypherMainVisitorTest, ShowRoleForUser) {
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("SHOW ROLE FOR "), SyntaxException);
-  check_auth_query<TypeParam>("SHOW ROLE FOR user",
-                              AuthQuery::Action::SHOW_ROLE_FOR_USER, "user", "",
-                              "", {}, {});
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("SHOW ROLE FOR user1, user2"), SyntaxException);
-TYPED_TEST(CypherMainVisitorTest, ShowUsersForRole) {
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("SHOW USERS FOR "), SyntaxException);
-  check_auth_query<TypeParam>("SHOW USERS FOR role",
-                              AuthQuery::Action::SHOW_USERS_FOR_ROLE, "",
-                              "role", "", {}, {});
-  ASSERT_THROW(TypeParam("SHOW USERS FOR role1, role2"), SyntaxException);
-TYPED_TEST(CypherMainVisitorTest, CreateStream) {
-  auto check_create_stream =
-      [](std::string input, const std::string &stream_name,
-         const std::string &stream_uri, const std::string &stream_topic,
-         const std::string &transform_uri,
-         std::experimental::optional<int64_t> batch_interval_in_ms,
-         std::experimental::optional<int64_t> batch_size) {
-        TypeParam ast_generator(input);
-        auto *query = ast_generator.query_;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(query->single_query_);
-        auto *single_query = query->single_query_;
-        ASSERT_EQ(single_query->clauses_.size(), 1U);
-        auto *create_stream =
-            dynamic_cast<CreateStream *>(single_query->clauses_[0]);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(create_stream);
-        EXPECT_EQ(create_stream->stream_name_, stream_name);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(create_stream->stream_uri_);
-        ast_generator.CheckLiteral(create_stream->stream_uri_,
-                                   TypedValue(stream_uri));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(create_stream->stream_topic_);
-        ast_generator.CheckLiteral(create_stream->stream_topic_,
-                                   TypedValue(stream_topic));
-        ASSERT_TRUE(create_stream->transform_uri_);
-        ast_generator.CheckLiteral(create_stream->transform_uri_,
-                                   TypedValue(transform_uri));
-        if (batch_interval_in_ms) {
-          ASSERT_TRUE(create_stream->batch_interval_in_ms_);
-          ast_generator.CheckLiteral(create_stream->batch_interval_in_ms_,
-                                     TypedValue(*batch_interval_in_ms));
-        } else {
-          EXPECT_EQ(create_stream->batch_interval_in_ms_, nullptr);
-        }
-        if (batch_size) {
-          ASSERT_TRUE(create_stream->batch_size_);
-          ast_generator.CheckLiteral(create_stream->batch_size_,
-                                     TypedValue(*batch_size));
-        } else {
-          EXPECT_EQ(create_stream->batch_size_, nullptr);
-        }
-      };
-  check_create_stream(
-      "CREATE STREAM stream AS LOAD DATA KAFKA 'localhost' "
-      "WITH TOPIC 'tropika' "
-      "WITH TRANSFORM 'localhost/test.py'",
-      "stream", "localhost", "tropika", "localhost/test.py",
-      std::experimental::nullopt, std::experimental::nullopt);
-  check_create_stream(
-      "CreaTE StreaM stream AS LOad daTA KAFKA 'localhost' "
-      "WitH TopIC 'tropika' "
-      "WITH TRAnsFORM 'localhost/test.py' bAtCH inTErvAL 168",
-      "stream", "localhost", "tropika", "localhost/test.py", 168,
-      std::experimental::nullopt);
-  check_create_stream(
-      "CreaTE StreaM stream AS LOad daTA KAFKA 'localhost' "
-      "WITH TopIC 'tropika' "
-      "WITH TRAnsFORM 'localhost/test.py' bAtCH SizE 17",
-      "stream", "localhost", "tropika", "localhost/test.py",
-      std::experimental::nullopt, 17);
-  check_create_stream(
-      "CreaTE StreaM stream AS LOad daTA KAFKA 'localhost' "
-      "WitH TOPic 'tropika' "
-      "WITH TRAnsFORM 'localhost/test.py' bAtCH inTErvAL 168 Batch SIze 17",
-      "stream", "localhost", "tropika", "localhost/test.py", 168, 17);
-  EXPECT_THROW(check_create_stream(
-                   "CREATE STREAM stream AS LOAD DATA KAFKA 'localhost' "
-                   "WITH TRANSFORM 'localhost/test.py' BATCH INTERVAL 'jedan' ",
-                   "stream", "localhost", "tropika", "localhost/test.py", 168,
-                   std::experimental::nullopt),
-               SyntaxException);
-  EXPECT_THROW(check_create_stream(
-                   "CREATE STREAM stream AS LOAD DATA KAFKA 'localhost' "
-                   "WITH TOPIC 'tropika' "
-                   "WITH TRANSFORM 'localhost/test.py' BATCH SIZE 'jedan' ",
-                   "stream", "localhost", "tropika", "localhost/test.py",
-                   std::experimental::nullopt, 17),
-               SyntaxException);
-  EXPECT_THROW(check_create_stream(
-                   "CREATE STREAM 123 AS LOAD DATA KAFKA 'localhost' "
-                   "WITH TOPIC 'tropika' "
-                   "WITH TRANSFORM 'localhost/test.py' BATCH INTERVAL 168 ",
-                   "stream", "localhost", "tropika", "localhost/test.py", 168,
-                   std::experimental::nullopt),
-               SyntaxException);
-  EXPECT_THROW(check_create_stream(
-                   "CREATE STREAM stream AS LOAD DATA KAFKA localhost "
-                   "WITH TOPIC 'tropika' "
-                   "WITH TRANSFORM 'localhost/test.py'",
-                   "stream", "localhost", "tropika", "localhost/test.py",
-                   std::experimental::nullopt, std::experimental::nullopt),
-               SyntaxException);
-  EXPECT_THROW(check_create_stream(
-                   "CREATE STREAM stream AS LOAD DATA KAFKA 'localhost' "
-                   "WITH TOPIC 2"
-                   "WITH TRANSFORM localhost/test.py BATCH INTERVAL 168 ",
-                   "stream", "localhost", "tropika", "localhost/test.py", 168,
-                   std::experimental::nullopt),
-               SyntaxException);
-  EXPECT_THROW(check_create_stream(
-                   "CREATE STREAM stream AS LOAD DATA KAFKA 'localhost' "
-                   "WITH TOPIC 'tropika'"
-                   "WITH TRANSFORM localhost/test.py BATCH INTERVAL 168 ",
-                   "stream", "localhost", "tropika", "localhost/test.py", 168,
-                   std::experimental::nullopt),
-               SyntaxException);
-TYPED_TEST(CypherMainVisitorTest, DropStream) {
-  auto check_drop_stream = [](std::string input,
-                              const std::string &stream_name) {
-    TypeParam ast_generator(input);
-    auto *query = ast_generator.query_;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(query->single_query_);
-    auto *single_query = query->single_query_;
-    ASSERT_EQ(single_query->clauses_.size(), 1U);
-    auto *drop_stream = dynamic_cast<DropStream *>(single_query->clauses_[0]);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(drop_stream);
-    EXPECT_EQ(drop_stream->stream_name_, stream_name);
-  };
-  check_drop_stream("DRop stREAm stream", "stream");
-  check_drop_stream("DRop stREAm strim", "strim");
-  EXPECT_THROW(check_drop_stream("DROp sTREAM", ""), SyntaxException);
-  EXPECT_THROW(check_drop_stream("DROP STreAM 123", "123"), SyntaxException);
-  EXPECT_THROW(check_drop_stream("DroP STREAM '123'", "123"), SyntaxException);
-TYPED_TEST(CypherMainVisitorTest, ShowStreams) {
-  auto check_show_streams = [](std::string input) {
-    TypeParam ast_generator(input);
-    auto *query = ast_generator.query_;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(query->single_query_);
-    auto *single_query = query->single_query_;
-    ASSERT_EQ(single_query->clauses_.size(), 1U);
-    auto *show_streams = dynamic_cast<ShowStreams *>(single_query->clauses_[0]);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(show_streams);
-  };
-  check_show_streams("SHOW STREAMS");
-  EXPECT_THROW(check_show_streams("SHOW STREAMS lololo"), SyntaxException);
-TYPED_TEST(CypherMainVisitorTest, StartStopStream) {
-  auto check_start_stop_stream =
-      [](std::string input, const std::string &stream_name, bool is_start,
-         std::experimental::optional<int64_t> limit_batches) {
-        TypeParam ast_generator(input);
-        auto *query = ast_generator.query_;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(query->single_query_);
-        auto *single_query = query->single_query_;
-        ASSERT_EQ(single_query->clauses_.size(), 1U);
-        auto *start_stop_stream =
-            dynamic_cast<StartStopStream *>(single_query->clauses_[0]);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(start_stop_stream);
-        EXPECT_EQ(start_stop_stream->stream_name_, stream_name);
-        EXPECT_EQ(start_stop_stream->is_start_, is_start);
-        if (limit_batches) {
-          ASSERT_TRUE(is_start);
-          ASSERT_TRUE(start_stop_stream->limit_batches_);
-          ast_generator.CheckLiteral(start_stop_stream->limit_batches_,
-                                     TypedValue(*limit_batches));
-        } else {
-          EXPECT_EQ(start_stop_stream->limit_batches_, nullptr);
-        }
-      };
-  check_start_stop_stream("stARt STreaM STREAM", "STREAM", true,
-                          std::experimental::nullopt);
-  check_start_stop_stream("stARt STreaM strim", "strim", true,
-                          std::experimental::nullopt);
-  check_start_stop_stream("StARt STreAM strim LimIT 10 BATchES", "strim", true,
-                          10);
-  check_start_stop_stream("StoP StrEAM strim", "strim", false,
-                          std::experimental::nullopt);
-  EXPECT_THROW(check_start_stop_stream("staRT STReaM 'strim'", "strim", true,
-                                       std::experimental::nullopt),
-               SyntaxException);
-  EXPECT_THROW(check_start_stop_stream("sTART STReaM strim LImiT 'dva' BATCheS",
-                                       "strim", true, 2),
-               SyntaxException);
-  EXPECT_THROW(check_start_stop_stream("StoP STreAM 'strim'", "strim", false,
-                                       std::experimental::nullopt),
-               SyntaxException);
-  EXPECT_THROW(check_start_stop_stream("STOp sTREAM strim LIMit 2 baTCHES",
-                                       "strim", false, 2),
-               SyntaxException);
-TYPED_TEST(CypherMainVisitorTest, StartStopAllStreams) {
-  auto check_start_stop_all_streams = [](std::string input, bool is_start) {
-    TypeParam ast_generator(input);
-    auto *query = ast_generator.query_;
-    ASSERT_TRUE(query->single_query_);
-    auto *single_query = query->single_query_;
-    ASSERT_EQ(single_query->clauses_.size(), 1U);
-    auto *start_stop_all_streams =
-        dynamic_cast<StartStopAllStreams *>(single_query->clauses_[0]);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(start_stop_all_streams);
-    EXPECT_EQ(start_stop_all_streams->is_start_, is_start);
-  };
-  check_start_stop_all_streams("STarT AlL StreAMs", true);
-  check_start_stop_all_streams("StoP aLL STrEAMs", false);
-  EXPECT_THROW(check_start_stop_all_streams("StaRT aLL STreAM", true),
-               SyntaxException);
-  EXPECT_THROW(check_start_stop_all_streams("SToP AlL STREaM", false),
-               SyntaxException);
-TYPED_TEST(CypherMainVisitorTest, TestStream) {
-  auto check_test_stream =
-      [](std::string input, const std::string &stream_name,
-         std::experimental::optional<int64_t> limit_batches) {
-        TypeParam ast_generator(input);
-        auto *query = ast_generator.query_;
-        ASSERT_TRUE(query->single_query_);
-        auto *single_query = query->single_query_;
-        ASSERT_EQ(single_query->clauses_.size(), 1U);
-        auto *test_stream =
-            dynamic_cast<TestStream *>(single_query->clauses_[0]);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(test_stream);
-        EXPECT_EQ(test_stream->stream_name_, stream_name);
-        if (limit_batches) {
-          ASSERT_TRUE(test_stream->limit_batches_);
-          ast_generator.CheckLiteral(test_stream->limit_batches_,
-                                     TypedValue(*limit_batches));
-        } else {
-          EXPECT_EQ(test_stream->limit_batches_, nullptr);
-        }
-      };
-  check_test_stream("TesT STreaM strim", "strim", std::experimental::nullopt);
-  check_test_stream("TesT STreaM STREAM", "STREAM", std::experimental::nullopt);
-  check_test_stream("tESt STreAM STREAM LimIT 10 BATchES", "STREAM", 10);
-  check_test_stream("Test StrEAM STREAM", "STREAM", std::experimental::nullopt);
-  EXPECT_THROW(check_test_stream("tEST STReaM 'strim'", "strim",
-                                 std::experimental::nullopt),
-               SyntaxException);
-      check_test_stream("test STReaM strim LImiT 'dva' BATCheS", "strim", 2),
-      SyntaxException);
-  EXPECT_THROW(check_test_stream("test STreAM 'strim'", "strim",
-                                 std::experimental::nullopt),
-               SyntaxException);
 TYPED_TEST(CypherMainVisitorTest, TestExplainRegularQuery) {
     TypeParam ast_generator("RETURN n");
@@ -2378,17 +1910,4 @@ TYPED_TEST(CypherMainVisitorTest, TestExplainExplainQuery) {
-TYPED_TEST(CypherMainVisitorTest, TestExplainAuthQuery) {
-  TypeParam ast_generator("SHOW ROLES");
-  EXPECT_FALSE(ast_generator.query_->explain_);
-  EXPECT_THROW(TypeParam ast_generator("EXPLAIN SHOW ROLES"), SyntaxException);
-TYPED_TEST(CypherMainVisitorTest, TestExplainStreamQuery) {
-  TypeParam ast_generator("SHOW STREAMS");
-  EXPECT_FALSE(ast_generator.query_->explain_);
-  EXPECT_THROW(TypeParam ast_generator("EXPLAIN SHOW STREAMS"),
-               SyntaxException);
 }  // namespace
diff --git a/tests/unit/query_plan.cpp b/tests/unit/query_plan.cpp
index 60eb22fe5..f973d5cec 100644
--- a/tests/unit/query_plan.cpp
+++ b/tests/unit/query_plan.cpp
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@
 #include "query/plan/operator.hpp"
 #include "query/plan/planner.hpp"
-#include <capnp/message.h>
 #include "query_common.hpp"
 namespace query {
@@ -1319,153 +1317,4 @@ TYPED_TEST(TestPlanner, ReturnAsteriskOmitsLambdaSymbols) {
-TYPED_TEST(TestPlanner, AuthQuery) {
-  // Check if everything is properly forwarded from ast node to the operator
-  FakeDbAccessor dba;
-  AstStorage storage;
-  auto *query =
-      QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(AUTH_QUERY(query::AuthQuery::Action::DROP_ROLE, "user",
-                                    "role", "user_or_role", LITERAL("password"),
-                                    std::vector<query::AuthQuery::Privilege>(
-                                        {query::AuthQuery::Privilege::MATCH,
-                                         query::AuthQuery::Privilege::AUTH}))));
-  CheckPlan<TypeParam>(
-      query, storage,
-      ExpectAuthHandler(query::AuthQuery::Action::DROP_ROLE, "user", "role",
-                        "user_or_role", LITERAL("password"),
-                        {query::AuthQuery::Privilege::MATCH,
-                         query::AuthQuery::Privilege::AUTH}));
-TYPED_TEST(TestPlanner, CreateStream) {
-  std::string stream_name("kafka"), stream_uri("localhost:1234"),
-      stream_topic("tropik"), transform_uri("localhost:1234/file.py");
-  int64_t batch_interval_in_ms = 100;
-  int64_t batch_size = 10;
-  {
-    FakeDbAccessor dba;
-    AstStorage storage;
-    auto *query =
-        QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(CREATE_STREAM(stream_name, stream_uri, stream_topic,
-                                         transform_uri, nullptr, nullptr)));
-    auto expected = ExpectCreateStream(
-        stream_name, LITERAL(stream_uri), LITERAL(stream_topic),
-        LITERAL(transform_uri), nullptr, nullptr);
-    CheckPlan<TypeParam>(query, storage, expected);
-  }
-  {
-    FakeDbAccessor dba;
-    AstStorage storage;
-    auto *query = QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(
-        CREATE_STREAM(stream_name, stream_uri, stream_topic, transform_uri,
-                      LITERAL(batch_interval_in_ms), nullptr)));
-    auto expected = ExpectCreateStream(
-        stream_name, LITERAL(stream_uri), LITERAL(stream_topic),
-        LITERAL(transform_uri), LITERAL(batch_interval_in_ms), nullptr);
-    CheckPlan<TypeParam>(query, storage, expected);
-  }
-  {
-    FakeDbAccessor dba;
-    AstStorage storage;
-    auto *query = QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(
-        CREATE_STREAM(stream_name, stream_uri, stream_topic, transform_uri,
-                      nullptr, LITERAL(batch_size))));
-    auto expected = ExpectCreateStream(
-        stream_name, LITERAL(stream_uri), LITERAL(stream_topic),
-        LITERAL(transform_uri), nullptr, LITERAL(batch_size));
-    CheckPlan<TypeParam>(query, storage, expected);
-  }
-  {
-    FakeDbAccessor dba;
-    AstStorage storage;
-    auto *query = QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(
-        CREATE_STREAM(stream_name, stream_uri, stream_topic, transform_uri,
-                      LITERAL(batch_interval_in_ms), LITERAL(batch_size))));
-    auto expected =
-        ExpectCreateStream(stream_name, LITERAL(stream_uri),
-                           LITERAL(stream_topic), LITERAL(transform_uri),
-                           LITERAL(batch_interval_in_ms), LITERAL(batch_size));
-    CheckPlan<TypeParam>(query, storage, expected);
-  }
-TYPED_TEST(TestPlanner, DropStream) {
-  std::string stream_name("kafka");
-  FakeDbAccessor dba;
-  AstStorage storage;
-  auto *query = QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(DROP_STREAM(stream_name)));
-  auto expected = ExpectDropStream(stream_name);
-  CheckPlan<TypeParam>(query, storage, expected);
-TYPED_TEST(TestPlanner, ShowStreams) {
-  FakeDbAccessor dba;
-  AstStorage storage;
-  auto expected = ExpectShowStreams();
-  CheckPlan<TypeParam>(query, storage, expected);
-TYPED_TEST(TestPlanner, StartStopStream) {
-  std::string stream_name("kafka");
-  {
-    FakeDbAccessor dba;
-    AstStorage storage;
-    auto *query = QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(START_STREAM(stream_name, nullptr)));
-    auto expected = ExpectStartStopStream(stream_name, true, nullptr);
-    CheckPlan<TypeParam>(query, storage, expected);
-  }
-  {
-    FakeDbAccessor dba;
-    AstStorage storage;
-    auto limit_batches = LITERAL(10);
-    auto *query = QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(START_STREAM(stream_name, limit_batches)));
-    auto expected = ExpectStartStopStream(stream_name, true, limit_batches);
-    CheckPlan<TypeParam>(query, storage, expected);
-  }
-  {
-    FakeDbAccessor dba;
-    AstStorage storage;
-    auto *query = QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(STOP_STREAM(stream_name)));
-    auto expected = ExpectStartStopStream(stream_name, false, nullptr);
-    CheckPlan<TypeParam>(query, storage, expected);
-  }
-TYPED_TEST(TestPlanner, StartStopAllStreams) {
-  {
-    FakeDbAccessor dba;
-    AstStorage storage;
-    auto expected = ExpectStartStopAllStreams(true);
-    CheckPlan<TypeParam>(query, storage, expected);
-  }
-  {
-    FakeDbAccessor dba;
-    AstStorage storage;
-    auto expected = ExpectStartStopAllStreams(false);
-    CheckPlan<TypeParam>(query, storage, expected);
-  }
-TYPED_TEST(TestPlanner, TestStream) {
-  std::string stream_name("kafka");
-  {
-    FakeDbAccessor dba;
-    AstStorage storage;
-    auto *query = QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(TEST_STREAM(stream_name, nullptr)));
-    auto expected = ExpectTestStream(stream_name, nullptr);
-    CheckPlan<TypeParam>(query, storage, expected);
-  }
-  {
-    FakeDbAccessor dba;
-    AstStorage storage;
-    auto limit_batches = LITERAL(10);
-    auto *query = QUERY(SINGLE_QUERY(TEST_STREAM(stream_name, limit_batches)));
-    auto expected = ExpectTestStream(stream_name, limit_batches);
-    CheckPlan<TypeParam>(query, storage, expected);
-  }
 }  // namespace
diff --git a/tests/unit/query_plan_checker.hpp b/tests/unit/query_plan_checker.hpp
index 282c46b30..56b80b831 100644
--- a/tests/unit/query_plan_checker.hpp
+++ b/tests/unit/query_plan_checker.hpp
@@ -93,15 +93,6 @@ class PlanChecker : public virtual HierarchicalLogicalOperatorVisitor {
     return false;
-  VISIT(AuthHandler);
-  VISIT(CreateStream);
-  VISIT(DropStream);
-  VISIT(ShowStreams);
-  VISIT(StartStopStream);
-  VISIT(StartStopAllStreams);
-  VISIT(TestStream);
 #undef PRE_VISIT
@@ -151,7 +142,6 @@ using ExpectLimit = OpChecker<Limit>;
 using ExpectOrderBy = OpChecker<OrderBy>;
 using ExpectUnwind = OpChecker<Unwind>;
 using ExpectDistinct = OpChecker<Distinct>;
-using ExpectShowStreams = OpChecker<ShowStreams>;
 class ExpectExpandVariable : public OpChecker<ExpandVariable> {
@@ -323,39 +313,6 @@ class ExpectScanAllByLabelPropertyRange
   std::experimental::optional<ScanAllByLabelPropertyRange::Bound> upper_bound_;
-class ExpectAuthHandler : public OpChecker<AuthHandler> {
- public:
-  ExpectAuthHandler(query::AuthQuery::Action action, std::string user,
-                    std::string role, std::string user_or_role,
-                    query::Expression *password,
-                    std::vector<query::AuthQuery::Privilege> privileges)
-      : action_(action),
-        user_(user),
-        role_(role),
-        user_or_role_(user_or_role),
-        password_(password),
-        privileges_(privileges) {}
-  void ExpectOp(AuthHandler &auth_handler, const SymbolTable &) override {
-    EXPECT_EQ(auth_handler.action_, action_);
-    EXPECT_EQ(auth_handler.user_, user_);
-    EXPECT_EQ(auth_handler.role_, role_);
-    EXPECT_EQ(auth_handler.user_or_role_, user_or_role_);
-    // TODO(mtomic): We need to somehow test the password expression.
-    EXPECT_TRUE(password_);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(auth_handler.password_);
-    EXPECT_EQ(auth_handler.privileges_, privileges_);
-  }
- private:
-  query::AuthQuery::Action action_;
-  std::string user_;
-  std::string role_;
-  std::string user_or_role_;
-  query::Expression *password_{nullptr};
-  std::vector<query::AuthQuery::Privilege> privileges_;
 class ExpectCreateIndex : public OpChecker<CreateIndex> {
   ExpectCreateIndex(storage::Label label, storage::Property property)
@@ -393,130 +350,6 @@ class ExpectCartesian : public OpChecker<Cartesian> {
   const std::list<std::unique_ptr<BaseOpChecker>> &right_;
-class ExpectCreateStream : public OpChecker<CreateStream> {
- public:
-  ExpectCreateStream(std::string stream_name, query::Expression *stream_uri,
-                     query::Expression *stream_topic,
-                     query::Expression *transform_uri,
-                     query::Expression *batch_interval_in_ms,
-                     query::Expression *batch_size)
-      : stream_name_(stream_name),
-        stream_uri_(stream_uri),
-        stream_topic_(stream_topic),
-        transform_uri_(transform_uri),
-        batch_interval_in_ms_(batch_interval_in_ms),
-        batch_size_(batch_size) {}
-  void ExpectOp(CreateStream &create_stream, const SymbolTable &) override {
-    EXPECT_EQ(create_stream.stream_name_, stream_name_);
-    // TODO: Proper expression equality
-    EXPECT_EQ(typeid(create_stream.stream_uri_).hash_code(),
-              typeid(stream_uri_).hash_code());
-    EXPECT_EQ(typeid(create_stream.stream_topic_).hash_code(),
-              typeid(stream_topic_).hash_code());
-    EXPECT_EQ(typeid(create_stream.transform_uri_).hash_code(),
-              typeid(transform_uri_).hash_code());
-    if (batch_interval_in_ms_ && create_stream.batch_interval_in_ms_) {
-      EXPECT_EQ(typeid(create_stream.batch_interval_in_ms_).hash_code(),
-                typeid(batch_interval_in_ms_).hash_code());
-    } else {
-      EXPECT_TRUE(batch_interval_in_ms_ == nullptr &&
-                  create_stream.batch_interval_in_ms_ == nullptr);
-    }
-    if (batch_size_ && create_stream.batch_size_) {
-      EXPECT_EQ(typeid(create_stream.batch_size_).hash_code(),
-                typeid(batch_size_).hash_code());
-    } else {
-      EXPECT_TRUE(batch_size_ == nullptr &&
-                  create_stream.batch_size_ == nullptr);
-    }
-  }
- private:
-  std::string stream_name_;
-  query::Expression *stream_uri_;
-  query::Expression *stream_topic_;
-  query::Expression *transform_uri_;
-  query::Expression *batch_interval_in_ms_;
-  query::Expression *batch_size_;
-class ExpectDropStream : public OpChecker<DropStream> {
- public:
-  explicit ExpectDropStream(std::string stream_name)
-      : stream_name_(stream_name) {}
-  void ExpectOp(DropStream &drop_stream, const SymbolTable &) override {
-    EXPECT_EQ(drop_stream.stream_name_, stream_name_);
-  }
- private:
-  std::string stream_name_;
-class ExpectStartStopStream : public OpChecker<StartStopStream> {
- public:
-  ExpectStartStopStream(std::string stream_name, bool is_start,
-                        query::Expression *limit_batches)
-      : stream_name_(stream_name),
-        is_start_(is_start),
-        limit_batches_(limit_batches) {}
-  void ExpectOp(StartStopStream &start_stop_stream,
-                const SymbolTable &) override {
-    EXPECT_EQ(start_stop_stream.stream_name_, stream_name_);
-    EXPECT_EQ(start_stop_stream.is_start_, is_start_);
-    // TODO: Proper expression equality
-    if (limit_batches_ && start_stop_stream.limit_batches_) {
-      EXPECT_EQ(typeid(start_stop_stream.limit_batches_).hash_code(),
-                typeid(limit_batches_).hash_code());
-    } else {
-      EXPECT_TRUE(limit_batches_ == nullptr &&
-                  start_stop_stream.limit_batches_ == nullptr);
-    }
-  }
- private:
-  std::string stream_name_;
-  bool is_start_;
-  query::Expression *limit_batches_;
-class ExpectStartStopAllStreams : public OpChecker<StartStopAllStreams> {
- public:
-  explicit ExpectStartStopAllStreams(bool is_start) : is_start_(is_start) {}
-  void ExpectOp(StartStopAllStreams &start_stop_all_streams,
-                const SymbolTable &) override {
-    EXPECT_EQ(start_stop_all_streams.is_start_, is_start_);
-  }
- private:
-  bool is_start_;
-class ExpectTestStream : public OpChecker<TestStream> {
- public:
-  ExpectTestStream(std::string stream_name, query::Expression *limit_batches)
-      : stream_name_(stream_name), limit_batches_(limit_batches) {}
-  void ExpectOp(TestStream &test_stream, const SymbolTable &) override {
-    EXPECT_EQ(test_stream.stream_name_, stream_name_);
-    // TODO: Proper expression equality
-    if (limit_batches_ && test_stream.limit_batches_) {
-      EXPECT_EQ(typeid(test_stream.limit_batches_).hash_code(),
-                typeid(limit_batches_).hash_code());
-    } else {
-      EXPECT_TRUE(limit_batches_ == nullptr &&
-                  test_stream.limit_batches_ == nullptr);
-    }
-  }
- private:
-  std::string stream_name_;
-  query::Expression *limit_batches_;
 template <class T>
 std::list<std::unique_ptr<BaseOpChecker>> MakeCheckers(T arg) {
   std::list<std::unique_ptr<BaseOpChecker>> l;
diff --git a/tools/src/CMakeLists.txt b/tools/src/CMakeLists.txt
index a1fc382ce..b1b024e04 100644
--- a/tools/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tools/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -2,10 +2,6 @@
 add_executable(mg_import_csv mg_import_csv/main.cpp)
 target_link_libraries(mg_import_csv mg-single-node kvstore_dummy_lib)
-# StatsD Target
-add_executable(mg_statsd mg_statsd/main.cpp)
-target_link_libraries(mg_statsd mg-communication mg-io mg-utils mg-stats)
 # Generate a version.hpp file
 set(VERSION_STRING ${memgraph_VERSION})
 configure_file(../../src/version.hpp.in version.hpp @ONLY)
diff --git a/tools/tests/CMakeLists.txt b/tools/tests/CMakeLists.txt
index 6c1597db6..1d9bf9726 100644
--- a/tools/tests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tools/tests/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -3,9 +3,6 @@ include_directories(SYSTEM ${GTEST_INCLUDE_DIR})
 add_executable(mg_recovery_check mg_recovery_check.cpp)
 target_link_libraries(mg_recovery_check mg-single-node gtest gtest_main kvstore_dummy_lib)
-add_executable(mg_statsd_client statsd/mg_statsd_client.cpp)
-target_link_libraries(mg_statsd_client mg-communication mg-io mg-utils mg-stats)
 # Copy CSV data to CMake build dir
 configure_file(csv/comment_nodes.csv csv/comment_nodes.csv COPYONLY)
 configure_file(csv/comment_nodes_2.csv csv/comment_nodes_2.csv COPYONLY)