diff --git a/src/auth/CMakeLists.txt b/src/auth/CMakeLists.txt
index 4bd867a02..4861cd049 100644
--- a/src/auth/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/auth/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
-    models.cpp)
+    models.cpp
+    module.cpp)
 find_package(Ldap REQUIRED)
+find_package(Seccomp REQUIRED)
 add_library(mg-auth STATIC ${auth_src_files})
 target_link_libraries(mg-auth json libbcrypt glog gflags fmt ldap)
 target_link_libraries(mg-auth mg-utils)
+target_link_libraries(mg-auth ${Seccomp_LIBRARIES})
+target_include_directories(mg-auth SYSTEM PRIVATE ${Seccomp_INCLUDE_DIRS})
diff --git a/src/auth/auth.cpp b/src/auth/auth.cpp
index 62b7c234e..90d371882 100644
--- a/src/auth/auth.cpp
+++ b/src/auth/auth.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 #include "auth/auth.hpp"
 #include <cstring>
+#include <iostream>
 #include <limits>
 #include <utility>
@@ -34,6 +35,31 @@ DEFINE_bool(auth_ldap_create_role, true,
 DEFINE_string(auth_ldap_role_mapping_root_dn, "",
               "Set this value to the DN that contains all role mappings.");
+    auth_module_executable, "",
+    "Absolute path to the auth module executable that should be used.", {
+      if (value.empty()) return true;
+      // Check the file status, following symlinks.
+      auto status = std::filesystem::status(value);
+      if (!std::filesystem::is_regular_file(status)) {
+        std::cerr << "The auth module path doesn't exist or isn't a file!"
+                  << std::endl;
+        return false;
+      }
+      return true;
+    });
+DEFINE_bool(auth_module_create_missing_user, true,
+            "Set to false to disable creation of missing users.");
+DEFINE_bool(auth_module_create_missing_role, true,
+            "Set to false to disable creation of missing roles.");
+    auth_module_manage_roles, true,
+    "Set to false to disable management of roles through the auth module.");
+DEFINE_VALIDATED_int32(auth_module_timeout_ms, 10000,
+                       "Timeout (in milliseconds) used when waiting for a "
+                       "response from the auth module.",
+                       FLAG_IN_RANGE(100, 1800000));
 namespace auth {
 const std::string kUserPrefix = "user:";
@@ -83,7 +109,7 @@ void Init() {
 Auth::Auth(const std::string &storage_directory)
-    : storage_(storage_directory) {}
+    : storage_(storage_directory), module_(FLAGS_auth_module_executable) {}
 /// Converts a `std::string` to a `struct berval`.
 std::pair<std::unique_ptr<char[]>, struct berval> LdapConvertString(
@@ -197,7 +223,78 @@ std::optional<std::string> LdapFindRole(LDAP *ld,
 std::optional<User> Auth::Authenticate(const std::string &username,
                                        const std::string &password) {
-  if (FLAGS_auth_ldap_enabled) {
+  if (module_.IsUsed()) {
+    nlohmann::json params = nlohmann::json::object();
+    params["username"] = username;
+    params["password"] = password;
+    auto ret = module_.Call(params, FLAGS_auth_module_timeout_ms);
+    // Verify response integrity.
+    if (!ret.is_object() || ret.find("authenticated") == ret.end() ||
+        ret.find("role") == ret.end()) {
+      return std::nullopt;
+    }
+    const auto &ret_authenticated = ret.at("authenticated");
+    const auto &ret_role = ret.at("role");
+    if (!ret_authenticated.is_boolean() || !ret_role.is_string()) {
+      return std::nullopt;
+    }
+    auto is_authenticated = ret_authenticated.get<bool>();
+    const auto &rolename = ret_role.get<std::string>();
+    // Authenticate the user.
+    if (!is_authenticated) return std::nullopt;
+    // Find or create the user and return it.
+    auto user = GetUser(username);
+    if (!user) {
+      if (FLAGS_auth_module_create_missing_user) {
+        user = AddUser(username, password);
+        if (!user) {
+          LOG(WARNING) << "Couldn't authenticate user '" << username
+                       << "' using the auth module because the user already "
+                          "exists as a role!";
+          return std::nullopt;
+        }
+      } else {
+        LOG(WARNING)
+            << "Couldn't authenticate user '" << username
+            << "' using the auth module because the user doesn't exist!";
+        return std::nullopt;
+      }
+    } else {
+      user->UpdatePassword(password);
+    }
+    if (FLAGS_auth_module_manage_roles) {
+      if (!rolename.empty()) {
+        auto role = GetRole(rolename);
+        if (!role) {
+          if (FLAGS_auth_module_create_missing_role) {
+            role = AddRole(rolename);
+            if (!role) {
+              LOG(WARNING)
+                  << "Couldn't authenticate user '" << username
+                  << "' using the auth module because the user's role '"
+                  << rolename << "' already exists as a user!";
+              return std::nullopt;
+            }
+            SaveRole(*role);
+          } else {
+            LOG(WARNING) << "Couldn't authenticate user '" << username
+                         << "' using the auth module because the user's role '"
+                         << rolename << "' doesn't exist!";
+            return std::nullopt;
+          }
+        }
+        user->SetRole(*role);
+      } else {
+        user->ClearRole();
+      }
+    }
+    SaveUser(*user);
+    return user;
+  } else if (FLAGS_auth_ldap_enabled) {
     LDAP *ld = nullptr;
     // Initialize the LDAP struct.
diff --git a/src/auth/auth.hpp b/src/auth/auth.hpp
index a04d410a8..ee603f8cc 100644
--- a/src/auth/auth.hpp
+++ b/src/auth/auth.hpp
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 #include "auth/exceptions.hpp"
 #include "auth/models.hpp"
+#include "auth/module.hpp"
 #include "storage/common/kvstore/kvstore.hpp"
 namespace auth {
@@ -23,6 +24,8 @@ void Init();
  * It provides functions for managing Users, Roles and Permissions.
  * NOTE: The functions in this class aren't thread safe. Use the `WithLock` lock
  * if you want to have safe modifications of the storage.
+ * TODO (mferencevic): Disable user/role modification functions when they are
+ * being managed by the auth module.
 class Auth final {
@@ -150,6 +153,7 @@ class Auth final {
   storage::KVStore storage_;
+  auth::Module module_;
   // Even though the `storage::KVStore` class is guaranteed to be thread-safe we
   // use a mutex to lock all operations on the `User` and `Role` storage because
   // some operations on the users and/or roles may require more than one
diff --git a/src/auth/module.cpp b/src/auth/module.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..21777766a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/auth/module.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
+#include "auth/module.hpp"
+#include <cerrno>
+#include <chrono>
+#include <csignal>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <thread>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <libgen.h>
+#include <linux/limits.h>
+#include <poll.h>
+#include <pwd.h>
+#include <sched.h>
+#include <seccomp.h>
+#include <sys/resource.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <fmt/format.h>
+#include <gflags/gflags.h>
+#include <glog/logging.h>
+#include "utils/file.hpp"
+namespace {
+// Constants used for starting and communicating with the target process.
+const int kPipeReadEnd = 0;
+const int kPipeWriteEnd = 1;
+const int kCommunicationToModuleFd = 1000;
+const int kCommunicationFromModuleFd = 1001;
+const int kTerminateTimeoutSec = 5;
+// Helper functions.
+std::filesystem::path GetTemporaryPath(pid_t pid) {
+  return std::filesystem::temp_directory_path() / "memgraph" /
+         fmt::format("auth_module_{}", pid);
+std::string GetEnvironmentVariable(const std::string &name) {
+  char *value = secure_getenv(name.c_str());
+  if (value == nullptr) {
+    return fmt::format("{}=", name);
+  }
+  return fmt::format("{}={}", name, value);
+// char** wrapper used for C library calls.
+const int kCharppMaxElements = 20;
+class CharPP final {
+ public:
+  CharPP() { memset(data_, 0, sizeof(char *) * kCharppMaxElements); }
+  ~CharPP() {
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < size_; ++i) {
+      free(data_[i]);
+    }
+  }
+  CharPP(const CharPP &) = delete;
+  CharPP(CharPP &&) = delete;
+  CharPP &operator=(const CharPP &) = delete;
+  CharPP &operator=(CharPP &&) = delete;
+  void Add(const char *value) {
+    if (size_ == kCharppMaxElements) return;
+    int len = strlen(value);
+    char *item = static_cast<char *>(malloc(sizeof(char) * (len + 1)));
+    if (item == nullptr) return;
+    memcpy(item, value, len);
+    item[len] = 0;
+    data_[size_++] = item;
+  }
+  void Add(const std::string &value) { Add(value.c_str()); }
+  char **Get() { return data_; }
+ private:
+  char *data_[kCharppMaxElements];
+  size_t size_{0};
+// Security functions and constants.
+const std::vector<int> kSeccompSyscallsBlacklist = {
+    SCMP_SYS(mknod),
+    SCMP_SYS(mount),
+    SCMP_SYS(setuid),
+    SCMP_SYS(stime),
+    SCMP_SYS(ptrace),
+    SCMP_SYS(setgid),
+    SCMP_SYS(acct),
+    SCMP_SYS(umount),
+    SCMP_SYS(setpgid),
+    SCMP_SYS(chroot),
+    SCMP_SYS(setreuid),
+    SCMP_SYS(setregid),
+    SCMP_SYS(sethostname),
+    SCMP_SYS(settimeofday),
+    SCMP_SYS(setgroups),
+    SCMP_SYS(swapon),
+    SCMP_SYS(reboot),
+    SCMP_SYS(setpriority),
+    SCMP_SYS(ioperm),
+    SCMP_SYS(syslog),
+    SCMP_SYS(iopl),
+    SCMP_SYS(vhangup),
+    SCMP_SYS(vm86old),
+    SCMP_SYS(swapoff),
+    SCMP_SYS(setdomainname),
+    SCMP_SYS(adjtimex),
+    SCMP_SYS(init_module),
+    SCMP_SYS(delete_module),
+    SCMP_SYS(setfsuid),
+    SCMP_SYS(setfsgid),
+    SCMP_SYS(setresuid),
+    SCMP_SYS(vm86),
+    SCMP_SYS(setresgid),
+    SCMP_SYS(capset),
+    SCMP_SYS(setreuid),
+    SCMP_SYS(setregid),
+    SCMP_SYS(setgroups),
+    SCMP_SYS(setresuid),
+    SCMP_SYS(setresgid),
+    SCMP_SYS(setuid),
+    SCMP_SYS(setgid),
+    SCMP_SYS(setfsuid),
+    SCMP_SYS(setfsgid),
+    SCMP_SYS(pivot_root),
+    SCMP_SYS(sched_setaffinity),
+    SCMP_SYS(clock_settime),
+    SCMP_SYS(kexec_load),
+    SCMP_SYS(mknodat),
+    SCMP_SYS(unshare),
+    SCMP_SYS(seccomp),
+bool SetupSeccomp() {
+  // Initialize the seccomp context.
+  scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
+  ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_ALLOW);
+  if (ctx == nullptr) return false;
+  // Add all general blacklist rules.
+  for (auto syscall_num : kSeccompSyscallsBlacklist) {
+    if (seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_KILL, syscall_num, 0) != 0) {
+      seccomp_release(ctx);
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  // Load the context for the current process.
+  auto ret = seccomp_load(ctx);
+  // Free the context and return success/failure.
+  seccomp_release(ctx);
+  return ret == 0;
+bool SetLimit(int resource, rlim_t n) {
+  struct rlimit limit;
+  limit.rlim_cur = limit.rlim_max = n;
+  return setrlimit(resource, &limit) == 0;
+// Target function used to start the module process.
+int Target(void *arg) {
+  // NOTE: (D)LOG shouldn't be used here because it wasn't initialized in this
+  // process and something really bad could happen.
+  // Get a pointer to the passed arguments.
+  auto *ta = reinterpret_cast<auth::TargetArguments *>(arg);
+  // Redirect `stdin` to `/dev/null`.
+  int fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC);
+  if (fd == -1) {
+    return EXIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  if (dup2(fd, STDIN_FILENO) != STDIN_FILENO) {
+    return EXIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  // Create the working directory.
+  std::filesystem::path working_path = GetTemporaryPath(getpid());
+  utils::DeleteDir(working_path);
+  if (!utils::EnsureDir(working_path)) {
+    return EXIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  // Change the current directory to the working directory.
+  if (chdir(working_path.c_str()) != 0) {
+    return EXIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  // Create the executable CharPP object.
+  CharPP exe;
+  exe.Add(ta->module_executable_path);
+  // Create the environment CharPP object.
+  CharPP env;
+  env.Add(GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH"));
+  env.Add(GetEnvironmentVariable("USER"));
+  env.Add(GetEnvironmentVariable("LANG"));
+  env.Add(GetEnvironmentVariable("LANGUAGE"));
+  env.Add(GetEnvironmentVariable("HOME"));
+  // Connect the communication input pipe.
+  if (dup2(ta->pipe_to_module, kCommunicationToModuleFd) !=
+      kCommunicationToModuleFd) {
+    return EXIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  // Connect the communication output pipe.
+  if (dup2(ta->pipe_from_module, kCommunicationFromModuleFd) !=
+      kCommunicationFromModuleFd) {
+    return EXIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  // Set process limits.
+  // Disable core dumps.
+  if (!SetLimit(RLIMIT_CORE, 0)) {
+    return EXIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  // Ignore SIGINT.
+  struct sigaction action;
+  // `sa_sigaction` must be cleared before `sa_handler` is set because on some
+  // platforms the two are a union.
+  action.sa_sigaction = nullptr;
+  action.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
+  sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask);
+  action.sa_flags = 0;
+  if (sigaction(SIGINT, &action, nullptr) != 0) {
+    return EXIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  // Setup seccomp.
+  if (!SetupSeccomp()) {
+    return EXIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  execve(*exe.Get(), exe.Get(), env.Get());
+  return EXIT_FAILURE;
+// Function used to send data to the started process.
+/// The data that is being sent to the module process is always a newline
+/// terminated JSON encoded string.
+bool PutData(int fd, const nlohmann::json &data, int timeout_millisec) {
+  std::string encoded;
+  try {
+    encoded = data.dump();
+  } catch (const nlohmann::json::type_error &) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (encoded.empty()) return false;
+  if (*encoded.rbegin() != '\n') {
+    encoded.push_back('\n');
+  }
+  size_t put = 0;
+  while (put < encoded.size()) {
+    struct pollfd desc;
+    desc.fd = fd;
+    desc.events = POLLOUT;
+    desc.revents = 0;
+    if (poll(&desc, 1, timeout_millisec) <= 0) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    int ret = write(fd, encoded.data() + put, encoded.size() - put);
+    if (ret > 0) {
+      put += ret;
+    } else if (ret == 0 || errno != EINTR) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+// Function used to get data from the started process.
+/// The data that is being received from the module process is always a newline
+/// terminated JSON encoded string. The JSON encoded string must be in a single
+/// line and all newline characters may only appear encoded as a part of a
+/// character string.
+nlohmann::json GetData(int fd, int timeout_millisec) {
+  std::string data;
+  while (true) {
+    struct pollfd desc;
+    desc.fd = fd;
+    desc.events = POLLIN;
+    desc.revents = 0;
+    if (poll(&desc, 1, timeout_millisec) <= 0) {
+      return {};
+    }
+    char ch;
+    int ret = read(fd, &ch, 1);
+    if (ret > 0) {
+      data += ch;
+      if (ch == '\n') break;
+    } else if (ret == 0 || errno != EINTR) {
+      return {};
+    }
+  }
+  try {
+    return nlohmann::json::parse(data);
+  } catch (const nlohmann::json::parse_error &) {
+    return {};
+  }
+}  // namespace
+namespace auth {
+Module::Module(const std::string &module_executable_path)
+    : module_executable_path_(module_executable_path) {}
+bool Module::Startup() {
+  // Check whether the process is alive.
+  if (pid_ != -1 && waitpid(pid_, &status_, WNOHANG | WUNTRACED) == 0) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  // Cleanup leftover state.
+  Shutdown();
+  // Setup communication pipes.
+  if (pipe2(pipe_to_module_, O_CLOEXEC) != 0) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't create communication pipe from the database to "
+                  "the auth module!";
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (pipe2(pipe_from_module_, O_CLOEXEC) != 0) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't create communication pipe from the auth module to "
+                  "the database!";
+    close(pipe_to_module_[kPipeReadEnd]);
+    close(pipe_to_module_[kPipeWriteEnd]);
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Find the top of the stack.
+  uint8_t *stack_top = stack_.get() + kStackSizeBytes;
+  // Set the target arguments.
+  target_arguments_->module_executable_path = module_executable_path_;
+  target_arguments_->pipe_to_module = pipe_to_module_[kPipeReadEnd];
+  target_arguments_->pipe_from_module = pipe_from_module_[kPipeWriteEnd];
+  // Create the process.
+  pid_ = clone(Target, stack_top, CLONE_VFORK, target_arguments_.get());
+  if (pid_ == -1) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't start the auth module process!";
+    close(pipe_to_module_[kPipeReadEnd]);
+    close(pipe_to_module_[kPipeWriteEnd]);
+    close(pipe_from_module_[kPipeReadEnd]);
+    close(pipe_from_module_[kPipeWriteEnd]);
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Close pipes that won't be used from the master process.
+  close(pipe_to_module_[kPipeReadEnd]);
+  close(pipe_from_module_[kPipeWriteEnd]);
+  return true;
+nlohmann::json Module::Call(const nlohmann::json &params,
+                            int timeout_millisec) {
+  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(lock_);
+  if (!params.is_object()) return {};
+  // Ensure that the module is up and running.
+  if (!Startup()) return {};
+  // Put the request to the module process.
+  if (!PutData(pipe_to_module_[kPipeWriteEnd], params, timeout_millisec)) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't send data to the auth module process!";
+    return {};
+  }
+  // Get the response from the module process.
+  auto ret = GetData(pipe_from_module_[kPipeReadEnd], timeout_millisec);
+  if (ret.is_null()) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't receive data from the auth module process!";
+    return {};
+  }
+  if (!ret.is_object()) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Data received from the auth module is of wrong type!";
+    return {};
+  }
+  return ret;
+bool Module::IsUsed() { return !module_executable_path_.empty(); }
+void Module::Shutdown() {
+  if (pid_ == -1) return;
+  // Try to terminate the process gracefully in `kTerminateTimeoutSec`.
+  std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100));
+  for (int i = 0; i < kTerminateTimeoutSec * 10; ++i) {
+    LOG(INFO) << "Terminating the auth module process with pid " << pid_;
+    kill(pid_, SIGTERM);
+    std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100));
+    int ret = waitpid(pid_, &status_, WNOHANG | WUNTRACED);
+    if (ret == pid_ || ret == -1) {
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  // If the process is still alive, kill it and wait for it to die.
+  if (waitpid(pid_, &status_, WNOHANG | WUNTRACED) == 0) {
+    LOG(WARNING) << "Killing the auth module process with pid " << pid_;
+    kill(pid_, SIGKILL);
+    waitpid(pid_, &status_, 0);
+  }
+  // Delete the working directory.
+  utils::DeleteDir(GetTemporaryPath(pid_));
+  // Close leftover open pipes.
+  // We have to be careful to close only the leftover open pipes (the
+  // pipe_to_module WriteEnd and pipe_from_module ReadEnd), the other two ends
+  // were closed in the function that created them because they aren't used from
+  // the master process (they are only used from the module process).
+  close(pipe_to_module_[kPipeWriteEnd]);
+  close(pipe_from_module_[kPipeReadEnd]);
+  // Reset variables.
+  pid_ = -1;
+  status_ = 0;
+  pipe_to_module_[kPipeReadEnd] = -1;
+  pipe_to_module_[kPipeWriteEnd] = -1;
+  pipe_from_module_[kPipeReadEnd] = -1;
+  pipe_from_module_[kPipeWriteEnd] = -1;
+Module::~Module() { Shutdown(); }
+}  // namespace auth
diff --git a/src/auth/module.hpp b/src/auth/module.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6932d7a62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/auth/module.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+/// @file
+#pragma once
+#include <filesystem>
+#include <map>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <string>
+#include <json/json.hpp>
+namespace auth {
+struct TargetArguments {
+  std::filesystem::path module_executable_path;
+  int pipe_to_module{-1};
+  int pipe_from_module{-1};
+/// Wrapper around the module executable.
+class Module final {
+ private:
+  const int kStackSizeBytes = 262144;
+ public:
+  explicit Module(const std::string &module_executable_path);
+  Module(const Module &) = delete;
+  Module(Module &&) = delete;
+  Module &operator=(const Module &) = delete;
+  Module &operator=(Module &&) = delete;
+  /// Call the function in the module with the specified parameters and return
+  /// the response.
+  ///
+  /// @param parameters dict used to call the module function
+  /// @param timeout_millisec timeout in ms used for communication with the
+  ///                         module
+  /// @return dict retuned by module function
+  nlohmann::json Call(const nlohmann::json &params, int timeout_millisec);
+  /// This function returns a boolean value indicating whether the module has a
+  /// specified executable path and can thus be used.
+  ///
+  /// @return boolean indicating whether the module can be used
+  bool IsUsed();
+  ~Module();
+ private:
+  bool Startup();
+  void Shutdown();
+  std::string module_executable_path_;
+  std::mutex lock_;
+  pid_t pid_{-1};
+  int status_{0};
+  // The stack used for the `clone` system call must be heap allocated.
+  std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> stack_{new uint8_t[kStackSizeBytes]};
+  // The target arguments passed to the new process must be heap allocated.
+  std::unique_ptr<TargetArguments> target_arguments_{new TargetArguments()};
+  int pipe_to_module_[2] = {-1, -1};
+  int pipe_from_module_[2] = {-1, -1};
+}  // namespace auth
diff --git a/src/auth/reference_modules/example.py b/src/auth/reference_modules/example.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d40f34892
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/auth/reference_modules/example.py
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import json
+import io
+def authenticate(username, password):
+    return {"authenticated": True, "role": ""}
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    input_stream = io.FileIO(1000, mode="r")
+    output_stream = io.FileIO(1001, mode="w")
+    while True:
+        params = json.loads(input_stream.readline().decode("ascii"))
+        ret = authenticate(**params)
+        output_stream.write((json.dumps(ret) + "\n").encode("ascii"))