Split up `process-file` so that looking at the generated code for an LCP form is
easier from the REPL.

`process-lcp`, `generate-hpp` and `generate-cpp` now perform the generation of
C++ code, but take a list of "C++ elements" (the results of LCP forms) as input
and write their output to streams. They do no reading/evaluating of LCP forms of
their own.

`read-lcp` and `read-lcp-file` are used to read and evaluate a stream of LCP
forms. The latter is a specialized version for file streams which also reports
the position of the form within the file when an error happens.

`process-lcp-string` and `process-lcp-file` are convenient wrappers around the
main functionality that take a string (file) and output to strings (files).
Using `read-lcp` and `read-lcp-file` they process LCP forms and pass them off to
`process-lcp` for code generation.

Reviewers: mtomic, teon.banek

Reviewed By: teon.banek

Subscribers: pullbot

Differential Revision:
This commit is contained in:
Lovro Lugovic 2019-05-28 16:30:23 +02:00
parent 21d05e9360
commit 0b2240e6e4
6 changed files with 314 additions and 116 deletions

View File

@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ included in the method declaration."
${returns} ${namespace}${method-name}(${args}) ${const} ${override} ${delete}
;;; C++ elements
(defstruct cpp-list
@ -278,118 +282,257 @@ included in the method declaration."
(append *cpp-impl* (mapcar (lambda (cpp) (cons namespaces cpp))
(defun read-lcp (filepath)
"Read the file FILEPATH and return a list of C++ meta information that should
be formatted and output."
(with-open-file (in-stream filepath)
(let ((*readtable* (named-readtables:find-readtable 'lcp-syntax))
(stream-pos 0))
(loop :for form := (read-preserving-whitespace in-stream nil 'eof)
:until (eq form 'eof)
:for res := (handler-case (eval form)
(error (err)
;; Seek to the start of the stream.
(file-position in-stream 0)
(error "~%~A:~A: error:~2%~A~2%in:~2%~A"
(uiop:native-namestring filepath)
:stop-position (1+ stream-pos))
err form)))
:do (setf stream-pos (file-position in-stream))
:when (typep res '(or raw-cpp cpp-type cpp-list))
:collect res)
(end-of-file ()
;; Seek to the start of the stream.
(file-position in-stream 0)
(error "~%~A:~A:error: READ error, did you forget a closing ')'?"
(uiop:native-namestring filepath)
(count-newlines in-stream :stop-position (1+ stream-pos))))))))
(defun process-lcp (cpp-elements &key cpp hpp lcp-file hpp-file cpp-file slk-serialize-p)
"Process a list of C++ elements.
(defun process-file (lcp-file &key slk-serialize)
"Process a LCP-FILE and write the output to .hpp file in the same directory."
To process a C++ element means to generate code for it and any of the
additional functionalities that have been specified.
A C++ element can be:
- an instance of CPP-CLASS or CPP-ENUM (e.g. returned by DEFINE-CLASS or
DEFINE-ENUM) -- specifies the definition of a C++ class or enum, along with
any additional functionality
- an instance of RAW-CPP -- specifies raw C++ code to include into the generated
- an instance of CPP-LIST -- specifies a list of C++ elements which are
processed recursively
CPP and HPP are streams to which the generated hpp and cpp code will be output.
Note that these can be any streams, not just file streams.
LCP-FILE, HPP-FILE and CPP-FILE are pathname designators that will be used for
the purposes of C++ includes or other such functionality. They can be omitted,
in which case the string \"<UNKNOWN>\" will be used.
SLK-SERIALIZE-P determines whether SLK serialization code is generated."
(generate-hpp cpp-elements hpp
:lcp-file lcp-file
:hpp-file hpp-file
:cpp-file cpp-file
:slk-serialize-p slk-serialize-p)
;; NOTE: Some code may rely on the fact that the .cpp file is generated after
;; the .hpp.
(let ((*generating-cpp-impl-p* t))
(generate-cpp cpp-elements cpp
:lcp-file lcp-file
:hpp-file hpp-file
:cpp-file cpp-file
:slk-serialize-p slk-serialize-p)))
(defun generate-hpp (cpp-elements out &key lcp-file hpp-file cpp-file slk-serialize-p)
"Process a list of C++ elements to generate C++ header file code.
OUT is a stream to write the generated code to.
(declare (ignore hpp-file cpp-file))
(format out "~@{// ~A~%~}" +emacs-read-only+ +vim-read-only+)
(format out "// DO NOT EDIT! Generated using LCP from '~A'~2%"
(or lcp-file "<UNKNOWN>"))
(dolist (res cpp-elements)
(write-line (cpp-code res) out))
(when slk-serialize-p
(append (remove-if (complement #'cpp-class-slk-opts) *cpp-classes*)
(remove-if (complement #'cpp-enum-serializep) *cpp-enums*)))))
;; Append top-level declarations for SLK serialization
(terpri out)
(write-line "// SLK serialization declarations" out)
(write-line "#include \"slk/serialization.hpp\"" out)
(with-namespaced-output (out open-namespace)
(open-namespace '("slk"))
(dolist (type-for-slk types-for-slk)
(ctypecase type-for-slk
(format out "~A;~%" (lcp.slk:save-function-declaration-for-class type-for-slk))
(when (or (cpp-class-super-classes type-for-slk)
(cpp-class-direct-subclasses type-for-slk))
(format out "~A;~%" (lcp.slk:construct-and-load-function-declaration-for-class type-for-slk)))
(unless (cpp-class-abstractp type-for-slk)
(format out "~A;~%" (lcp.slk:load-function-declaration-for-class type-for-slk))))
(format out "~A;~%" (lcp.slk:save-function-declaration-for-enum type-for-slk))
(format out "~A;~%" (lcp.slk:load-function-declaration-for-enum type-for-slk))))))))
(defun generate-cpp (cpp-elements out &key lcp-file hpp-file cpp-file slk-serialize-p)
"Process a list of C++ elements to generate C++ source file code.
OUT is a stream to write the generated code to.
(declare (ignore cpp-elements cpp-file))
(format out "~@{// ~A~%~}" +emacs-read-only+ +vim-read-only+)
(format out "// DO NOT EDIT! Generated using LCP from '~A'~2%"
(or lcp-file "<UNKNOWN>"))
(format out "#include \"~A\"~2%" (or hpp-file "<UNKNOWN>"))
;; First output the C++ code from the user
(with-namespaced-output (out open-namespace)
(dolist (cpp *cpp-impl*)
(destructuring-bind (namespaces . code) cpp
(open-namespace namespaces)
(write-line (cpp-code code) out))))
;; Generate SLK serialization
(when slk-serialize-p
(append (remove-if (complement #'cpp-class-slk-opts) *cpp-classes*)
(remove-if (complement #'cpp-enum-serializep) *cpp-enums*)))))
(write-line "// Autogenerated SLK serialization code" out)
(with-namespaced-output (out open-namespace)
(open-namespace '("slk"))
(dolist (cpp-type types-for-slk)
(ctypecase cpp-type
(format out "// Serialize code for ~A~2%" (cpp-type-name cpp-type))
;; Top level functions
(write-line (lcp.slk:save-function-definition-for-class cpp-type) out)
(when (or (cpp-class-super-classes cpp-type)
(cpp-class-direct-subclasses cpp-type))
(format out "~A;~%" (lcp.slk:construct-and-load-function-definition-for-class cpp-type)))
(unless (cpp-class-abstractp cpp-type)
(write-line (lcp.slk:load-function-definition-for-class cpp-type) out)))
(write-line (lcp.slk:save-function-definition-for-enum cpp-type) out)
(write-line (lcp.slk:load-function-definition-for-enum cpp-type) out)))))))
(defun read-lcp (stream)
"Read and evaluate LCP forms.
Forms are read from the stream STREAM and immediately evaluated, one by one. The
given stream is read until EOF is reached. In the case of a reading error, a
condition of type END-OF-FILE is signaled.
Return a list of results."
(let ((*readtable* (named-readtables:find-readtable 'lcp-syntax)))
(loop :for form := (read-preserving-whitespace stream nil 'eof)
:until (eq form 'eof)
:for res := (eval form)
:when (typep res '(or raw-cpp cpp-type cpp-list))
:collect res)))
(defun read-lcp-file (stream)
"Read and evaluate LCP forms from a file stream.
The behavior is just as in READ-LCP, except that STREAM must be a file stream.
The reported error messages will contain the name of the file and the line
number on which the error ocurred.
In case of a reading error, a condition of type ERROR is signaled reporting the
file and the line number of the erroneous form.
In case of an evaluation error, a condition of type ERROR is signaled reporting
the file and the line number of the erroneous form. Additionally, a restart
named DECLINE will be established around the newly signaled condition which can
be used by a handler to force the signalling of the original error instead.
Return a list of results."
(let ((filepath (pathname stream))
(*readtable* (named-readtables:find-readtable 'lcp-syntax))
(stream-pos 0))
(loop :for form := (read-preserving-whitespace stream nil 'eof)
:until (eq form 'eof)
:for res
:= (decline-case (eval form)
(error (err)
;; Seek to the start of the stream.
(file-position stream 0)
(error "~%~A:~A: error:~2%~A~2%in:~2%~A"
(uiop:native-namestring filepath)
:stop-position (1+ stream-pos))
err form)))
:do (setf stream-pos (file-position stream))
:when (typep res '(or raw-cpp cpp-type cpp-list))
:collect res)
(end-of-file ()
;; Seek to the start of the stream.
(file-position stream 0)
(error "~%~A:~A:error: READ error, did you forget a closing ')'?"
(uiop:native-namestring filepath)
(count-newlines stream :stop-position (1+ stream-pos)))))))
(defun process-lcp-string (string &key slk-serialize-p)
"Process the C++ elements produced by reading and evaluating LCP forms from
the string STRING.
The generated code is returned as two values, both of which are strings. The
strings represent the C++ source file and C++ header file code respectively."
(with-retry-restart (reprocess-lcp-string "Reprocess the LCP string")
(let* (;; Reset globals that influence the evaluation of LCP forms
(*cpp-inner-types* :toplevel)
(*cpp-impl* '())
(*cpp-namespaces* '())
(cpp-elements (with-input-from-string (lcp string)
(read-lcp lcp))))
;; Check for unclosed namespaces in the LCP file
(when *cpp-namespaces*
(error "Unclosed namespaces: ~A" (reverse *cpp-namespaces*)))
;; Process the result
(with-output-to-string (hpp)
(with-output-to-string (cpp)
(process-lcp cpp-elements
:cpp cpp
:hpp hpp
:lcp-file "<PROCESS-LCP-STRING>"
:hpp-file "<PROCESS-LCP-STRING>"
:cpp-file "<PROCESS-LCP-STRING>"
:slk-serialize-p slk-serialize-p)
(return-from process-lcp-string
(values (get-output-stream-string hpp)
(get-output-stream-string cpp))))))
(clean-reprocess-lcp-string ()
:report "Reprocess the LCP string with a clean registry"
(setf *cpp-classes* '()
*cpp-enums* '())
(invoke-restart 'reprocess-lcp-string)))))
(defun process-lcp-file (lcp-file &key slk-serialize-p)
"Process the C++ elements produced by reading and evaluating LCP forms from
the file named by the pathname designator LCP-FILE.
The generated code is written into two files. The files are in the same
directory as the LCP file. C++ source file code is written to
\"<LCP-FILENAME>.lcp.cpp\" while C++ header file code is written to
(multiple-value-bind (filename extension)
(uiop:split-name-type lcp-file)
(assert (string= (string-downcase extension) "lcp"))
(let ((hpp-file (concatenate 'string filename ".hpp"))
;; Unlike hpp, for cpp file use the full path. This allows us to
;; have our own accompanying .cpp files
(cpp-file (concatenate 'string lcp-file ".cpp"))
(serializep slk-serialize)
;; Reset globals
(*cpp-inner-types* nil)
;; Don't reset *cpp-classes* if we want to have support for
;; procesing multiple files.
;; (*cpp-classes* nil)
;; (*cpp-enums* nil)
;; First read and evaluate the whole file, then output the evaluated
;; cpp-code. This allows us to generate code which may rely on
;; evaluation done after the code definition.
(with-open-file (out hpp-file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
(format out "~@{// ~A~%~}" +emacs-read-only+ +vim-read-only+)
(format out "// DO NOT EDIT! Generated using LCP from '~A'~2%"
(file-namestring lcp-file))
(dolist (res (read-lcp lcp-file))
(write-line (cpp-code res) out)))
(when *cpp-namespaces*
(error "Unclosed namespaces: ~A" (reverse *cpp-namespaces*)))
;; Collect types for serialization
(let ((types-for-slk (when serializep
(append (remove-if (complement #'cpp-class-slk-opts) *cpp-classes*)
(remove-if (complement #'cpp-enum-serializep) *cpp-enums*)))))
(when types-for-slk
;; Append top-level declarations for SLK serialization
(with-open-file (out hpp-file :direction :output :if-exists :append)
(terpri out)
(write-line "// SLK serialization declarations" out)
(write-line "#include \"slk/serialization.hpp\"" out)
(with-namespaced-output (out open-namespace)
(open-namespace '("slk"))
(dolist (type-for-slk types-for-slk)
(ctypecase type-for-slk
(format out "~A;~%" (lcp.slk:save-function-declaration-for-class type-for-slk))
(when (or (cpp-class-super-classes type-for-slk)
(cpp-class-direct-subclasses type-for-slk))
(format out "~A;~%" (lcp.slk:construct-and-load-function-declaration-for-class type-for-slk)))
(unless (cpp-class-abstractp type-for-slk)
(format out "~A;~%" (lcp.slk:load-function-declaration-for-class type-for-slk))))
(format out "~A;~%" (lcp.slk:save-function-declaration-for-enum type-for-slk))
(format out "~A;~%" (lcp.slk:load-function-declaration-for-enum type-for-slk))))))))
;; Generate the .cpp file. Note, that some code may rely on the fact
;; that .cpp file is generated after .hpp.
(let ((*generating-cpp-impl-p* t))
(with-open-file (out cpp-file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
(format out "~@{// ~A~%~}" +emacs-read-only+ +vim-read-only+)
(format out "// DO NOT EDIT! Generated using LCP from '~A'~2%"
(file-namestring lcp-file))
(format out "#include \"~A\"~2%" (file-namestring hpp-file))
;; First output the C++ code from the user
(with-namespaced-output (out open-namespace)
(dolist (cpp *cpp-impl*)
(destructuring-bind (namespaces . code) cpp
(open-namespace namespaces)
(write-line (cpp-code code) out))))
;; Generate SLK serialization
(when types-for-slk
(write-line "// Autogenerated SLK serialization code" out)
(with-namespaced-output (out open-namespace)
(open-namespace '("slk"))
(dolist (cpp-type types-for-slk)
(ctypecase cpp-type
(format out "// Serialize code for ~A~2%" (cpp-type-name cpp-type))
;; Top level functions
(write-line (lcp.slk:save-function-definition-for-class cpp-type) out)
(when (or (cpp-class-super-classes cpp-type)
(cpp-class-direct-subclasses cpp-type))
(format out "~A;~%" (lcp.slk:construct-and-load-function-definition-for-class cpp-type)))
(unless (cpp-class-abstractp cpp-type)
(write-line (lcp.slk:load-function-definition-for-class cpp-type) out)))
(write-line (lcp.slk:save-function-definition-for-enum cpp-type) out)
(write-line (lcp.slk:load-function-definition-for-enum cpp-type) out))))))))))))
(cpp-file (concatenate 'string lcp-file ".cpp")))
(with-retry-restart (reprocess-lcp-file "Reprocess the LCP file")
(let* (;; Reset globals that influence the evaluation of LCP forms
(*cpp-inner-types* :toplevel)
(*cpp-impl* '())
(*cpp-namespaces* '())
(cpp-elements (with-open-file (lcp lcp-file)
(read-lcp-file lcp))))
;; Check for unclosed namespaces in the LCP file
(when *cpp-namespaces*
(error "Unclosed namespaces: ~A" (reverse *cpp-namespaces*)))
;; Process the results
(with-open-file (hpp hpp-file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
(with-open-file (cpp cpp-file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
(process-lcp cpp-elements
:cpp cpp
:hpp hpp
:lcp-file lcp-file
:hpp-file hpp-file
:cpp-file cpp-file
:slk-serialize-p slk-serialize-p))))
(clean-reprocess-lcp-file ()
:report "Reprocess the LCP file with a clean registry"
(setf *cpp-classes* '()
*cpp-enums* '())
(invoke-restart 'reprocess-lcp-file)))))))

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
(defpackage #:lcp.slk

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
STRING and reports whether it was successful.
If EOF-ERROR-P is T and EOF is reached before all of the characters are matched,
an END-OF-FILE error is signalled.
an END-OF-FILE error is signaled.
Otherwise, returns 2 values, SUCCESSP and COUNT. SUCCESSP is a boolean denoting
whether it was able to match all of the characters. COUNT is the number of

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
;;; IS-CONDITION which uses HANDLER-CASE to catch *any* condition (any subclass
;;; of CONDITION). This is wrong, because not every condition is an error.
;;; Because of this, Prove used to catch LCP's warnings and would fail because
;;; an LCP error was expected (which would have been signalled).
;;; an LCP error was expected (which would have been signaled).
(in-package #:prove.test)

View File

@ -103,3 +103,58 @@ WARNING has been established. The handler muffles the warning by calling
`(handler-bind ((warning #'muffle-warning))
(defmacro with-retry-restart ((restart format-string
&optional (format-arguments nil format-arguments-p))
&body body)
"Set up a restart as if by WITH-SIMPLE-RESTART, but with retry behavior. The
restart can be used to re-execute BODY an arbitrary number of times. The most
common use case is restarting the execution of some BODY until it succeeds, i.e.
finishes without any errors.
The value produced by the implicit progn BODY is returned."
(alexandria:with-gensyms (block)
`(loop :named ,block :do
(with-simple-restart (,restart
,@(when format-arguments-p format-arguments))
(return-from ,block
(progn ,@body))))))
(defun generate-decline-case-handlers (block clauses)
(loop :for (type lambda-list . body) :in clauses
:for c := (first lambda-list)
:for condition := (or c (gensym (string 'condition)))
:for fbody
:= `(,@(unless c
`((declare (ignore ,condition))))
(with-simple-restart (decline "Decline the condition")
(return-from ,block
(progn ,@body))))
:collect `(lambda (,condition) ,@fbody)))
(defmacro decline-case (form &body clauses)
"Bind a number of condition handlers but allow the handlers to decline the
handling at any time by invoking a special restart. The behavior is a hybrid of
Once a handler has been found, its body is executed without performing a
transfer of control (HANDLER-BIND-like). However, if the execution of the body
finishes normally (without transferring control), control is transferred to the
first form after DECLINE-CASE (HANDLER-CASE-like).
The declining functionality is provided by establishing a restart named DECLINE
around the body of the handler. At any point within the body of the handler,
invoking the restart will decline the handling of the condition, transferring
control back to the signalling function in search of a new handler.
FORM and CLAUSES are as in HANDLER-CASE. The value produced by the form FORM is
returned in case a condition, if any, isn't handled. Otherwise, the value of the
last form within the body of the corresponding handler is returned."
(alexandria:with-gensyms (block)
(let ((types (mapcar #'first clauses))
(handlers (generate-decline-case-handlers block clauses)))
`(block ,block
(handler-bind (,@(mapcar #'list types handlers))

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ fi
if [[ "$2" == "SLK_SERIALIZE" ]]; then
slk_serialize=":slk-serialize t"
slk_serialize=":slk-serialize-p t"
if [[ $debug == "true" ]]; then
@ -37,14 +37,14 @@ if [[ $debug == "true" ]]; then
(load \"${quicklisp_install_dir}/setup.lisp\")
(ql:quickload :lcp :silent t)
(let ((*debugger-hook* #'lcp.debug:lcp-debugger-hook))
(lcp:process-file \"$lcp_file\" $slk_serialize))
(lcp:process-lcp-file \"$lcp_file\" $slk_serialize))
" | sbcl --noinform --noprint
echo \
(load \"${quicklisp_install_dir}/setup.lisp\")
(ql:quickload :lcp :silent t)
(lcp:process-file \"$lcp_file\" $slk_serialize)
(lcp:process-lcp-file \"$lcp_file\" $slk_serialize)
" | sbcl --script