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2024-01-05 03:48:34 +08:00
// Copyright 2024 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
#pragma once
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "storage/v2/indices/label_index_stats.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/inmemory/label_index.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/inmemory/label_property_index.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/inmemory/replication/recovery.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/replication/replication_client.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/storage.hpp"
#include "replication/config.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/inmemory/replication/recovery.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/replication/enums.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/replication/replication_storage_state.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/replication/rpc.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/replication/serialization.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/transaction.hpp"
#include "utils/memory.hpp"
#include "utils/resource_lock.hpp"
#include "utils/synchronized.hpp"
2023-11-06 19:50:49 +08:00
namespace memgraph::dbms {
class InMemoryReplicationHandlers;
namespace memgraph::storage {
// The storage is based on this paper:
// The paper implements a fully serializable storage, in our implementation we
// only implement snapshot isolation for transactions.
class InMemoryStorage final : public Storage {
2023-11-06 19:50:49 +08:00
friend class memgraph::dbms::InMemoryReplicationHandlers;
friend class ReplicationStorageClient;
friend std::vector<RecoveryStep> GetRecoverySteps(uint64_t replica_commit,
utils::FileRetainer::FileLocker *file_locker,
const InMemoryStorage *storage);
friend class InMemoryLabelIndex;
friend class InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex;
2023-11-07 18:37:54 +08:00
enum class CreateSnapshotError : uint8_t { DisabledForReplica, ReachedMaxNumTries };
/// @throw std::system_error
/// @throw std::bad_alloc
explicit InMemoryStorage(Config config = Config());
InMemoryStorage(const InMemoryStorage &) = delete;
InMemoryStorage(InMemoryStorage &&) = delete;
InMemoryStorage &operator=(const InMemoryStorage &) = delete;
InMemoryStorage &operator=(InMemoryStorage &&) = delete;
~InMemoryStorage() override;
class InMemoryAccessor : public Storage::Accessor {
friend class InMemoryStorage;
explicit InMemoryAccessor(auto tag, InMemoryStorage *storage, IsolationLevel isolation_level,
StorageMode storage_mode, memgraph::replication::ReplicationRole replication_role);
InMemoryAccessor(const InMemoryAccessor &) = delete;
InMemoryAccessor &operator=(const InMemoryAccessor &) = delete;
InMemoryAccessor &operator=(InMemoryAccessor &&other) = delete;
// NOTE: After the accessor is moved, all objects derived from it (accessors
// and iterators) are *invalid*. You have to get all derived objects again.
InMemoryAccessor(InMemoryAccessor &&other) noexcept;
~InMemoryAccessor() override;
/// @throw std::bad_alloc
VertexAccessor CreateVertex() override;
std::optional<VertexAccessor> FindVertex(Gid gid, View view) override;
VerticesIterable Vertices(View view) override {
auto *mem_storage = static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_);
return VerticesIterable(AllVerticesIterable(mem_storage->vertices_.access(), storage_, &transaction_, view));
VerticesIterable Vertices(LabelId label, View view) override;
VerticesIterable Vertices(LabelId label, PropertyId property, View view) override;
VerticesIterable Vertices(LabelId label, PropertyId property, const PropertyValue &value, View view) override;
VerticesIterable Vertices(LabelId label, PropertyId property,
const std::optional<utils::Bound<PropertyValue>> &lower_bound,
const std::optional<utils::Bound<PropertyValue>> &upper_bound, View view) override;
/// Return approximate number of all vertices in the database.
/// Note that this is always an over-estimate and never an under-estimate.
uint64_t ApproximateVertexCount() const override {
auto *mem_storage = static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_);
return mem_storage->vertices_.size();
/// Return approximate number of vertices with the given label.
/// Note that this is always an over-estimate and never an under-estimate.
uint64_t ApproximateVertexCount(LabelId label) const override {
return static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_)->indices_.label_index_->ApproximateVertexCount(label);
/// Return approximate number of vertices with the given label and property.
/// Note that this is always an over-estimate and never an under-estimate.
uint64_t ApproximateVertexCount(LabelId label, PropertyId property) const override {
return static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_)->indices_.label_property_index_->ApproximateVertexCount(label,
/// Return approximate number of vertices with the given label and the given
/// value for the given property. Note that this is always an over-estimate
/// and never an under-estimate.
uint64_t ApproximateVertexCount(LabelId label, PropertyId property, const PropertyValue &value) const override {
return static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_)->indices_.label_property_index_->ApproximateVertexCount(
label, property, value);
/// Return approximate number of vertices with the given label and value for
/// the given property in the range defined by provided upper and lower
/// bounds.
uint64_t ApproximateVertexCount(LabelId label, PropertyId property,
const std::optional<utils::Bound<PropertyValue>> &lower,
const std::optional<utils::Bound<PropertyValue>> &upper) const override {
return static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_)->indices_.label_property_index_->ApproximateVertexCount(
label, property, lower, upper);
template <typename TResult, typename TIndex, typename TIndexKey>
std::optional<TResult> GetIndexStatsForIndex(TIndex *index, TIndexKey &&key) const {
return index->GetIndexStats(key);
std::optional<storage::LabelIndexStats> GetIndexStats(const storage::LabelId &label) const override {
return GetIndexStatsForIndex<storage::LabelIndexStats>(
static_cast<InMemoryLabelIndex *>(storage_->indices_.label_index_.get()), label);
std::optional<storage::LabelPropertyIndexStats> GetIndexStats(const storage::LabelId &label,
const storage::PropertyId &property) const override {
return GetIndexStatsForIndex<storage::LabelPropertyIndexStats>(
static_cast<InMemoryLabelPropertyIndex *>(storage_->indices_.label_property_index_.get()),
std::make_pair(label, property));
template <typename TIndex, typename TIndexKey, typename TIndexStats>
void SetIndexStatsForIndex(TIndex *index, TIndexKey &&key, TIndexStats &stats) const {
index->SetIndexStats(key, stats);
void SetIndexStats(const storage::LabelId &label, const LabelIndexStats &stats) override;
void SetIndexStats(const storage::LabelId &label, const storage::PropertyId &property,
const LabelPropertyIndexStats &stats) override;
template <typename TResult, typename TIndex>
TResult DeleteIndexStatsForIndex(TIndex *index, const storage::LabelId &label) {
return index->DeleteIndexStats(label);
std::vector<std::pair<LabelId, PropertyId>> DeleteLabelPropertyIndexStats(const storage::LabelId &label) override;
bool DeleteLabelIndexStats(const storage::LabelId &label) override;
2023-09-11 00:53:03 +08:00
Result<std::optional<std::pair<std::vector<VertexAccessor>, std::vector<EdgeAccessor>>>> DetachDelete(
std::vector<VertexAccessor *> nodes, std::vector<EdgeAccessor *> edges, bool detach) override;
/// @throw std::bad_alloc
Result<EdgeAccessor> CreateEdge(VertexAccessor *from, VertexAccessor *to, EdgeTypeId edge_type) override;
std::optional<EdgeAccessor> FindEdge(Gid gid, View view, EdgeTypeId edge_type, VertexAccessor *from_vertex,
VertexAccessor *to_vertex) override;
Result<EdgeAccessor> EdgeSetFrom(EdgeAccessor *edge, VertexAccessor *new_from) override;
Result<EdgeAccessor> EdgeSetTo(EdgeAccessor *edge, VertexAccessor *new_to) override;
2023-10-24 23:12:09 +08:00
Result<EdgeAccessor> EdgeChangeType(EdgeAccessor *edge, EdgeTypeId new_edge_type) override;
bool LabelIndexExists(LabelId label) const override {
return static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_)->indices_.label_index_->IndexExists(label);
bool LabelPropertyIndexExists(LabelId label, PropertyId property) const override {
return static_cast<InMemoryStorage *>(storage_)->indices_.label_property_index_->IndexExists(label, property);
IndicesInfo ListAllIndices() const override;
ConstraintsInfo ListAllConstraints() const override;
/// Returns void if the transaction has been committed.
/// Returns `StorageDataManipulationError` if an error occures. Error can be:
/// * `ReplicationError`: there is at least one SYNC replica that has not confirmed receiving the transaction.
/// * `ConstraintViolation`: the changes made by this transaction violate an existence or unique constraint. In this
/// case the transaction is automatically aborted.
/// @throw std::bad_alloc
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-default-arguments)
2023-11-06 19:50:49 +08:00
utils::BasicResult<StorageManipulationError, void> Commit(std::optional<uint64_t> desired_commit_timestamp = {},
bool is_main = true) override;
/// @throw std::bad_alloc
void Abort() override;
void FinalizeTransaction() override;
/// Create an index.
/// Returns void if the index has been created.
/// Returns `StorageIndexDefinitionError` if an error occures. Error can be:
/// * `IndexDefinitionError`: the index already exists.
/// * `ReplicationError`: there is at least one SYNC replica that has not confirmed receiving the transaction.
/// @throw std::bad_alloc
utils::BasicResult<StorageIndexDefinitionError, void> CreateIndex(LabelId label) override;
/// Create an index.
/// Returns void if the index has been created.
/// Returns `StorageIndexDefinitionError` if an error occures. Error can be:
/// * `ReplicationError`: there is at least one SYNC replica that has not confirmed receiving the transaction.
/// * `IndexDefinitionError`: the index already exists.
/// @throw std::bad_alloc
utils::BasicResult<StorageIndexDefinitionError, void> CreateIndex(LabelId label, PropertyId property) override;
/// Drop an existing index.
/// Returns void if the index has been dropped.
/// Returns `StorageIndexDefinitionError` if an error occures. Error can be:
/// * `ReplicationError`: there is at least one SYNC replica that has not confirmed receiving the transaction.
/// * `IndexDefinitionError`: the index does not exist.
utils::BasicResult<StorageIndexDefinitionError, void> DropIndex(LabelId label) override;
/// Drop an existing index.
/// Returns void if the index has been dropped.
/// Returns `StorageIndexDefinitionError` if an error occures. Error can be:
/// * `ReplicationError`: there is at least one SYNC replica that has not confirmed receiving the transaction.
/// * `IndexDefinitionError`: the index does not exist.
utils::BasicResult<StorageIndexDefinitionError, void> DropIndex(LabelId label, PropertyId property) override;
/// Returns void if the existence constraint has been created.
/// Returns `StorageExistenceConstraintDefinitionError` if an error occures. Error can be:
/// * `ReplicationError`: there is at least one SYNC replica that has not confirmed receiving the transaction.
/// * `ConstraintViolation`: there is already a vertex existing that would break this new constraint.
/// * `ConstraintDefinitionError`: the constraint already exists.
/// @throw std::bad_alloc
/// @throw std::length_error
utils::BasicResult<StorageExistenceConstraintDefinitionError, void> CreateExistenceConstraint(
LabelId label, PropertyId property) override;
/// Drop an existing existence constraint.
/// Returns void if the existence constraint has been dropped.
/// Returns `StorageExistenceConstraintDroppingError` if an error occures. Error can be:
/// * `ReplicationError`: there is at least one SYNC replica that has not confirmed receiving the transaction.
/// * `ConstraintDefinitionError`: the constraint did not exists.
utils::BasicResult<StorageExistenceConstraintDroppingError, void> DropExistenceConstraint(
LabelId label, PropertyId property) override;
/// Create an unique constraint.
/// Returns `StorageUniqueConstraintDefinitionError` if an error occures. Error can be:
/// * `ReplicationError`: there is at least one SYNC replica that has not confirmed receiving the transaction.
/// * `ConstraintViolation`: there are already vertices violating the constraint.
/// Returns `UniqueConstraints::CreationStatus` otherwise. Value can be:
/// * `SUCCESS` if the constraint was successfully created,
/// * `ALREADY_EXISTS` if the constraint already existed,
/// * `EMPTY_PROPERTIES` if the property set is empty, or
/// * `PROPERTIES_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED` if the property set exceeds the limit of maximum number of properties.
/// @throw std::bad_alloc
utils::BasicResult<StorageUniqueConstraintDefinitionError, UniqueConstraints::CreationStatus>
CreateUniqueConstraint(LabelId label, const std::set<PropertyId> &properties) override;
/// Removes an existing unique constraint.
/// Returns `StorageUniqueConstraintDroppingError` if an error occures. Error can be:
/// * `ReplicationError`: there is at least one SYNC replica that has not confirmed receiving the transaction.
/// Returns `UniqueConstraints::DeletionStatus` otherwise. Value can be:
/// * `SUCCESS` if constraint was successfully removed,
/// * `NOT_FOUND` if the specified constraint was not found,
/// * `EMPTY_PROPERTIES` if the property set is empty, or
/// * `PROPERTIES_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED` if the property set exceeds the limit of maximum number of properties.
UniqueConstraints::DeletionStatus DropUniqueConstraint(LabelId label,
const std::set<PropertyId> &properties) override;
// TODO Better naming
/// @throw std::bad_alloc
VertexAccessor CreateVertexEx(storage::Gid gid);
/// @throw std::bad_alloc
Result<EdgeAccessor> CreateEdgeEx(VertexAccessor *from, VertexAccessor *to, EdgeTypeId edge_type, storage::Gid gid);
Config::Items config_;
class ReplicationAccessor final : public InMemoryAccessor {
explicit ReplicationAccessor(InMemoryAccessor &&inmem) : InMemoryAccessor(std::move(inmem)) {}
/// @throw std::bad_alloc
VertexAccessor CreateVertexEx(storage::Gid gid) { return InMemoryAccessor::CreateVertexEx(gid); }
/// @throw std::bad_alloc
Result<EdgeAccessor> CreateEdgeEx(VertexAccessor *from, VertexAccessor *to, EdgeTypeId edge_type,
storage::Gid gid) {
return InMemoryAccessor::CreateEdgeEx(from, to, edge_type, gid);
const Transaction &GetTransaction() const { return transaction_; }
Transaction &GetTransaction() { return transaction_; }
2023-11-06 19:50:49 +08:00
using Storage::Access;
std::unique_ptr<Accessor> Access(memgraph::replication::ReplicationRole replication_role,
std::optional<IsolationLevel> override_isolation_level) override;
2023-11-06 19:50:49 +08:00
using Storage::UniqueAccess;
std::unique_ptr<Accessor> UniqueAccess(memgraph::replication::ReplicationRole replication_role,
std::optional<IsolationLevel> override_isolation_level) override;
void FreeMemory(std::unique_lock<utils::ResourceLock> main_guard) override;
utils::FileRetainer::FileLockerAccessor::ret_type IsPathLocked();
utils::FileRetainer::FileLockerAccessor::ret_type LockPath();
utils::FileRetainer::FileLockerAccessor::ret_type UnlockPath();
utils::BasicResult<InMemoryStorage::CreateSnapshotError> CreateSnapshot(
memgraph::replication::ReplicationRole replication_role);
2023-11-07 18:37:54 +08:00
void CreateSnapshotHandler(std::function<utils::BasicResult<InMemoryStorage::CreateSnapshotError>()> cb);
Transaction CreateTransaction(IsolationLevel isolation_level, StorageMode storage_mode,
memgraph::replication::ReplicationRole replication_role) override;
2023-11-07 18:37:54 +08:00
void SetStorageMode(StorageMode storage_mode);
const durability::Recovery &GetRecovery() const noexcept { return recovery_; }
/// The force parameter determines the behaviour of the garbage collector.
/// If it's set to true, it will behave as a global operation, i.e. it can't
/// be part of a transaction, and no other transaction can be active at the same time.
/// This allows it to delete immediately vertices without worrying that some other
/// transaction is possibly using it. If there are active transactions when this method
/// is called with force set to true, it will fallback to the same method with the force
/// set to false.
/// If it's set to false, it will execute in parallel with other transactions, ensuring
/// that no object in use can be deleted.
/// @throw std::system_error
/// @throw std::bad_alloc
template <bool force>
void CollectGarbage(std::unique_lock<utils::ResourceLock> main_guard = {});
bool InitializeWalFile(memgraph::replication::ReplicationEpoch &epoch);
void FinalizeWalFile();
2023-10-16 20:16:00 +08:00
StorageInfo GetBaseInfo(bool force_directory) override;
StorageInfo GetInfo(bool force_directory, memgraph::replication::ReplicationRole replication_role) override;
2023-10-16 20:16:00 +08:00
/// Return true in all cases excepted if any sync replicas have not sent confirmation.
[[nodiscard]] bool AppendToWalDataManipulation(const Transaction &transaction, uint64_t final_commit_timestamp);
/// Return true in all cases excepted if any sync replicas have not sent confirmation.
[[nodiscard]] bool AppendToWalDataDefinition(const Transaction &transaction, uint64_t final_commit_timestamp);
/// Return true in all cases excepted if any sync replicas have not sent confirmation.
void AppendToWalDataDefinition(durability::StorageMetadataOperation operation, LabelId label,
uint64_t final_commit_timestamp);
/// Return true in all cases excepted if any sync replicas have not sent confirmation.
void AppendToWalDataDefinition(durability::StorageMetadataOperation operation, LabelId label,
const std::set<PropertyId> &properties, uint64_t final_commit_timestamp);
/// Return true in all cases excepted if any sync replicas have not sent confirmation.
void AppendToWalDataDefinition(durability::StorageMetadataOperation operation, LabelId label, LabelIndexStats stats,
uint64_t final_commit_timestamp);
/// Return true in all cases excepted if any sync replicas have not sent confirmation.
void AppendToWalDataDefinition(durability::StorageMetadataOperation operation, LabelId label,
const std::set<PropertyId> &properties, LabelPropertyIndexStats property_stats,
uint64_t final_commit_timestamp);
/// Return true in all cases excepted if any sync replicas have not sent confirmation.
void AppendToWalDataDefinition(durability::StorageMetadataOperation operation, LabelId label,
const std::set<PropertyId> &properties, LabelIndexStats stats,
LabelPropertyIndexStats property_stats, uint64_t final_commit_timestamp);
uint64_t CommitTimestamp(std::optional<uint64_t> desired_commit_timestamp = {});
2023-11-06 19:50:49 +08:00
void PrepareForNewEpoch() override;
// Main object storage
utils::SkipList<storage::Vertex> vertices_;
utils::SkipList<storage::Edge> edges_;
// Durability
durability::Recovery recovery_;
std::filesystem::path lock_file_path_;
utils::OutputFile lock_file_handle_;
utils::Scheduler snapshot_runner_;
utils::SpinLock snapshot_lock_;
// UUID used to distinguish snapshots and to link snapshots to WALs
std::string uuid_;
// Sequence number used to keep track of the chain of WALs.
uint64_t wal_seq_num_{0};
std::optional<durability::WalFile> wal_file_;
uint64_t wal_unsynced_transactions_{0};
utils::FileRetainer file_retainer_;
// Global locker that is used for clients file locking
utils::FileRetainer::FileLocker global_locker_;
// TODO: This isn't really a commit log, it doesn't even care if a
// transaction commited or aborted. We could probably combine this with
// `timestamp_` in a sensible unit, something like TransactionClock or
// whatever.
std::optional<CommitLog> commit_log_;
utils::Scheduler gc_runner_;
std::mutex gc_lock_;
using BondPmrLd = Bond<utils::pmr::list<Delta>>;
2023-10-25 05:41:21 +08:00
struct GCDeltas {
GCDeltas(uint64_t mark_timestamp, BondPmrLd deltas, std::unique_ptr<std::atomic<uint64_t>> commit_timestamp)
: mark_timestamp_{mark_timestamp}, deltas_{std::move(deltas)}, commit_timestamp_{std::move(commit_timestamp)} {}
GCDeltas(GCDeltas &&) = default;
GCDeltas &operator=(GCDeltas &&) = default;
uint64_t mark_timestamp_{}; //!< a timestamp no active transaction currently has
BondPmrLd deltas_; //!< the deltas that need cleaning
std::unique_ptr<std::atomic<uint64_t>> commit_timestamp_{}; //!< the timestamp the deltas are pointing at
// Ownership of linked deltas is transferred to committed_transactions_ once transaction is commited
utils::Synchronized<std::list<GCDeltas>, utils::SpinLock> committed_transactions_{};
// Ownership of unlinked deltas is transferred to garabage_undo_buffers once transaction is commited/aborted
utils::Synchronized<std::list<GCDeltas>, utils::SpinLock> garbage_undo_buffers_{};
// Vertices that are logically deleted but still have to be removed from
// indices before removing them from the main storage.
utils::Synchronized<std::list<Gid>, utils::SpinLock> deleted_vertices_;
// Edges that are logically deleted and wait to be removed from the main
// storage.
utils::Synchronized<std::list<Gid>, utils::SpinLock> deleted_edges_;
// Flags to inform CollectGarbage that it needs to do the more expensive full scans
std::atomic<bool> gc_full_scan_vertices_delete_ = false;
std::atomic<bool> gc_full_scan_edges_delete_ = false;
2023-11-06 19:50:49 +08:00
// Moved the create snapshot to a user defined handler so we can remove the global replication state from the storage
2023-11-07 18:37:54 +08:00
std::function<void()> create_snapshot_handler{};
} // namespace memgraph::storage