
234 lines
9.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#pragma once
#include <ctime>
#include <limits>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "database/graph_db_accessor.hpp"
#include "query/context.hpp"
#include "query/exceptions.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/ast/cypher_main_visitor.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/opencypher/parser.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/semantic/symbol_generator.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/stripped.hpp"
#include "query/interpret/frame.hpp"
#include "query/plan/operator.hpp"
#include "threading/sync/spinlock.hpp"
#include "utils/timer.hpp"
namespace query {
class Interpreter {
class CachedPlan {
CachedPlan(std::unique_ptr<plan::LogicalOperator> plan, double cost,
SymbolTable symbol_table, AstTreeStorage storage)
: plan_(std::move(plan)),
ast_storage_(std::move(storage)) {}
const auto &plan() const { return *plan_; }
double cost() const { return cost_; }
const auto &symbol_table() const { return symbol_table_; }
bool IsExpired() const {
auto elapsed = cache_timer_.Elapsed();
return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(elapsed) >
std::unique_ptr<plan::LogicalOperator> plan_;
double cost_;
SymbolTable symbol_table_;
AstTreeStorage ast_storage_;
utils::Timer cache_timer_;
Interpreter() {}
template <typename Stream>
void Interpret(const std::string &query, GraphDbAccessor &db_accessor,
Stream &stream,
const std::map<std::string, TypedValue> &params) {
utils::Timer frontend_timer;
Context ctx(db_accessor);
ctx.is_query_cached_ = true;
std::map<std::string, TypedValue> summary;
// query -> stripped query
StrippedQuery stripped(query);
// Update context with provided parameters.
ctx.parameters_ = stripped.literals();
for (const auto &param_pair : stripped.parameters()) {
auto param_it = params.find(param_pair.second);
if (param_it == params.end()) {
throw query::UnprovidedParameterError(
fmt::format("Parameter$ {} not provided", param_pair.second));
ctx.parameters_.Add(param_pair.first, param_it->second);
std::shared_ptr<CachedPlan> cached_plan;
std::experimental::optional<AstTreeStorage> ast_storage;
// Check if we have a cached logical plan ready, so that we can skip the
// whole query -> AST -> logical_plan process.
auto plan_cache_accessor = plan_cache_.access();
auto plan_cache_it = plan_cache_accessor.find(stripped.hash());
if (plan_cache_it != plan_cache_accessor.end() &&
plan_cache_it->second->IsExpired()) {
// Remove the expired plan.
plan_cache_it = plan_cache_accessor.end();
if (plan_cache_it == plan_cache_accessor.end()) {
// We didn't find a cached plan or it was expired.
// stripped query -> high level tree
ast_storage = QueryToAst(stripped, ctx);
} else {
cached_plan = plan_cache_it->second;
auto frontend_time = frontend_timer.Elapsed();
utils::Timer planning_timer;
auto fill_symbol_table = [](auto &ast_storage, auto &symbol_table) {
SymbolGenerator symbol_generator(symbol_table);
// If the plan is not stored in the cache, `tmp_logical_plan` owns the newly
// generated plan. Otherwise, it is empty and `cached_plan` owns the plan.
// In all cases, `logical_plan` references the plan to be used.
std::unique_ptr<plan::LogicalOperator> tmp_logical_plan;
const plan::LogicalOperator *logical_plan = nullptr;
double query_plan_cost_estimation = 0.0;
if (FLAGS_query_plan_cache) {
if (!cached_plan) {
debug_assert(ast_storage, "AST is required to generate a plan");
fill_symbol_table(*ast_storage, ctx.symbol_table_);
std::tie(tmp_logical_plan, query_plan_cost_estimation) =
MakeLogicalPlan(*ast_storage, db_accessor, ctx);
// Cache the generated plan.
auto plan_cache_accessor = plan_cache_.access();
auto plan_cache_it =
std::move(tmp_logical_plan), query_plan_cost_estimation,
ctx.symbol_table_, std::move(*ast_storage)))
cached_plan = plan_cache_it->second;
query_plan_cost_estimation = cached_plan->cost();
ctx.symbol_table_ = cached_plan->symbol_table();
logical_plan = &cached_plan->plan();
} else {
debug_assert(ast_storage, "Without plan caching, AST must be generated.");
fill_symbol_table(*ast_storage, ctx.symbol_table_);
std::tie(tmp_logical_plan, query_plan_cost_estimation) =
MakeLogicalPlan(*ast_storage, db_accessor, ctx);
logical_plan = tmp_logical_plan.get();
// Below this point, ast_storage should not be used. Other than not allowing
// modifications, the ast_storage may have moved to a cache.
// generate frame based on symbol table max_position
Frame frame(ctx.symbol_table_.max_position());
auto planning_time = planning_timer.Elapsed();
utils::Timer execution_timer;
std::vector<std::string> header;
std::vector<Symbol> output_symbols(
if (!output_symbols.empty()) {
// Since we have output symbols, this means that the query contains RETURN
// clause, so stream out the results.
// generate header
for (const auto &symbol : output_symbols) {
// When the symbol is aliased or expanded from '*' (inside RETURN or
// WITH), then there is no token position, so use symbol name.
// Otherwise, find the name from stripped query.
// stream out results
auto cursor = logical_plan->MakeCursor(db_accessor);
while (cursor->Pull(frame, ctx)) {
std::vector<TypedValue> values;
for (const auto &symbol : output_symbols)
} else if (dynamic_cast<const plan::CreateNode *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::CreateExpand *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::SetProperty *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::SetProperties *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::SetLabels *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::RemoveProperty *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::RemoveLabels *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::Delete *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::Merge *>(logical_plan) ||
dynamic_cast<const plan::CreateIndex *>(logical_plan)) {
auto cursor = logical_plan->MakeCursor(db_accessor);
while (cursor->Pull(frame, ctx)) continue;
} else {
throw QueryRuntimeException("Unknown top level LogicalOperator");
auto execution_time = execution_timer.Elapsed();
summary["parsing_time"] = frontend_time.count();
summary["planning_time"] = planning_time.count();
summary["plan_execution_time"] = execution_time.count();
summary["cost_estimate"] = query_plan_cost_estimation;
// TODO: set summary['type'] based on transaction metadata
// the type can't be determined based only on top level LogicalOp
// (for example MATCH DELETE RETURN will have Produce as it's top)
// for now always use "rw" because something must be set, but it doesn't
// have to be correct (for Bolt clients)
summary["type"] = "rw";
DLOG(INFO) << "Executed '" << query << "', params: " << params
<< ", summary: " << summary;
// stripped query -> high level tree
AstTreeStorage QueryToAst(const StrippedQuery &stripped, Context &ctx);
// high level tree -> (logical plan, plan cost)
// AstTreeStorage and SymbolTable may be modified during planning.
std::pair<std::unique_ptr<plan::LogicalOperator>, double> MakeLogicalPlan(
AstTreeStorage &, const GraphDbAccessor &, Context &);
ConcurrentMap<HashType, AstTreeStorage> ast_cache_;
ConcurrentMap<HashType, std::shared_ptr<CachedPlan>> plan_cache_;
// Antlr has singleton instance that is shared between threads. It is
// protected by locks inside of antlr. Unfortunately, they are not protected
// in a very good way. Once we have antlr version without race conditions we
// can remove this lock. This will probably never happen since antlr
// developers introduce more bugs in each version. Fortunately, we have cache
// so this lock probably won't impact performance much...
SpinLock antlr_lock_;
} // namespace query