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// Copyright 2017 Memgraph
// Created by Florijan Stamenkovic on 03.02.17.
#pragma once
#include <experimental/optional>
#include "cppitertools/filter.hpp"
#include "cppitertools/imap.hpp"
#include "graph_db.hpp"
#include "storage/edge_accessor.hpp"
#include "storage/vertex_accessor.hpp"
#include "transactions/transaction.hpp"
#include "utils/bound.hpp"
/** Thrown when creating an index which already exists. */
class IndexExistsException : public utils::BasicException {
using utils::BasicException::BasicException;
* An accessor for the database object: exposes functions
* for operating on the database. All the functions in
* this class should be self-sufficient: for example the
* function for creating
* a new Vertex should take care of all the book-keeping around
* the creation.
class GraphDbAccessor {
// We need to make friends with this guys since they need to access private
// methods for updating indices.
friend class RecordAccessor<Vertex>;
friend class RecordAccessor<Edge>;
friend class VertexAccessor;
friend class EdgeAccessor;
* Creates an accessor for the given database.
* @param db The database
GraphDbAccessor(GraphDb &db);
// the GraphDbAccessor can NOT be copied nor moved because
// 1. it ensures transaction cleanup once it's destructed
// 2. it will contain index and side-effect bookkeeping data
// which is unique to the transaction (shared_ptr works but slower)
GraphDbAccessor(const GraphDbAccessor &other) = delete;
GraphDbAccessor(GraphDbAccessor &&other) = delete;
GraphDbAccessor &operator=(const GraphDbAccessor &other) = delete;
GraphDbAccessor &operator=(GraphDbAccessor &&other) = delete;
* Returns the name of the database of this accessor.
const std::string &name() const;
* Creates a new Vertex and returns an accessor to it.
* @return See above.
VertexAccessor insert_vertex();
* Removes the vertex of the given accessor. If the vertex has any outgoing
* or incoming edges, it is not deleted. See `detach_remove_vertex` if you
* want to remove a vertex regardless of connectivity.
* If the vertex has already been deleted by the current transaction+command,
* this function will not do anything and will return true.
* @param vertex_accessor Accessor to vertex.
* @return If or not the vertex was deleted.
bool remove_vertex(VertexAccessor &vertex_accessor);
* Removes the vertex of the given accessor along with all it's outgoing
* and incoming connections.
* @param vertex_accessor Accessor to a vertex.
void detach_remove_vertex(VertexAccessor &vertex_accessor);
* Returns iterable over accessors to all the vertices in the graph
* visible to the current transaction.
* @param current_state If true then the graph state for the
* current transaction+command is returned (insertions, updates and
* deletions performed in the current transaction+command are not
* ignored).
auto vertices(bool current_state) {
// wrap version lists into accessors, which will look for visible versions
auto accessors =
iter::imap([this](auto vlist) { return VertexAccessor(*vlist, *this); },
// filter out the accessors not visible to the current transaction
return iter::filter(
[this, current_state](const VertexAccessor &accessor) {
return (accessor.old_ &&
!(current_state &&
accessor.old_->is_deleted_by(*transaction_))) ||
(current_state && accessor.new_ &&
* Return VertexAccessors which contain the current label for the current
* transaction visibilty.
* @param label - label for which to return VertexAccessors
* @param current_state If true then the graph state for the
* current transaction+command is returned (insertions, updates and
* deletions performed in the current transaction+command are not
* ignored).
* @return iterable collection
auto vertices(const GraphDbTypes::Label &label, bool current_state) {
return iter::imap(
[this, current_state](auto vlist) {
return VertexAccessor(*vlist, *this);
db_.labels_index_.GetVlists(label, *transaction_, current_state));
* Return VertexAccessors which contain the current label and property for the
* given transaction visibility.
* @param label - label for which to return VertexAccessors
* @param property - property for which to return VertexAccessors
* @param current_state If true then the graph state for the
* current transaction+command is returned (insertions, updates and
* deletions performed in the current transaction+command are not
* ignored).
* @return iterable collection
auto vertices(const GraphDbTypes::Label &label,
const GraphDbTypes::Property &property, bool current_state) {
LabelPropertyIndex::Key(label, property)),
"Label+property index doesn't exist.");
return iter::imap([this, current_state](
auto vlist) { return VertexAccessor(*vlist, *this); },
LabelPropertyIndex::Key(label, property),
*transaction_, current_state));
* Return VertexAccessors which contain the current label + property, and
* those properties are equal to this 'value' for the given transaction
* visibility.
* @param label - label for which to return VertexAccessors
* @param property - property for which to return VertexAccessors
* @param value - property value for which to return VertexAccessors
* @param current_state If true then the graph state for the
* current transaction+command is returned (insertions, updates and
* deletions performed in the current transaction+command are not
* ignored).
* @return iterable collection
auto vertices(const GraphDbTypes::Label &label,
const GraphDbTypes::Property &property,
const PropertyValue &value, bool current_state) {
LabelPropertyIndex::Key(label, property)),
"Label+property index doesn't exist.");
debug_assert(value.type() != PropertyValue::Type::Null,
"Can't query index for propery value type null.");
return iter::imap([this, current_state](
auto vlist) { return VertexAccessor(*vlist, *this); },
LabelPropertyIndex::Key(label, property), value,
*transaction_, current_state));
* Return an iterable over VertexAccessors which contain the
* given label and whose property value (for the given property)
* falls within the given (lower, upper) @c Bound.
* The returned iterator will only contain
* vertices/edges whose property value is comparable with the
* given bounds (w.r.t. type). This has implications on Cypher
* query execuction semantics which have not been resovled yet.
* At least one of the bounds must be specified. Bonds can't be
* @c PropertyValue::Null. If both bounds are
* specified, their PropertyValue elments must be of comparable
* types.
* @param label - label for which to return VertexAccessors
* @param property - property for which to return VertexAccessors
* @param lower - Lower bound of the interval.
* @param upper - Upper bound of the interval.
* @param value - property value for which to return VertexAccessors
* @param current_state If true then the graph state for the
* current transaction+command is returned (insertions, updates and
* deletions performed in the current transaction+command are not
* ignored).
* @return iterable collection of record accessors
* satisfy the bounds and are visible to the current transaction.
auto vertices(
const GraphDbTypes::Label &label, const GraphDbTypes::Property &property,
const std::experimental::optional<utils::Bound<PropertyValue>> lower,
const std::experimental::optional<utils::Bound<PropertyValue>> upper,
bool current_state) {
LabelPropertyIndex::Key(label, property)),
"Label+property index doesn't exist.");
return iter::imap([this, current_state](
auto vlist) { return VertexAccessor(*vlist, *this); },
LabelPropertyIndex::Key(label, property), lower,
upper, *transaction_, current_state));
* Creates a new Edge and returns an accessor to it.
* @param from The 'from' vertex.
* @param to The 'to' vertex'
* @param type Edge type.
* @return An accessor to the edge.
EdgeAccessor insert_edge(VertexAccessor &from, VertexAccessor &to,
GraphDbTypes::EdgeType type);
* Removes an edge from the graph.
* @param edge_accessor The accessor to an edge.
void remove_edge(EdgeAccessor &edge_accessor);
* Returns iterable over accessors to all the edges in the graph
* visible to the current transaction.
* @param current_state If true then the graph state for the
* current transaction+command is returned (insertions, updates and
* deletions performed in the current transaction+command are not
* ignored).
auto edges(bool current_state) {
// wrap version lists into accessors, which will look for visible versions
auto accessors =
iter::imap([this](auto vlist) { return EdgeAccessor(*vlist, *this); },
// filter out the accessors not visible to the current transaction
return iter::filter(
[this, current_state](const EdgeAccessor &accessor) {
return (accessor.old_ &&
!(current_state &&
accessor.old_->is_deleted_by(*transaction_))) ||
(current_state && accessor.new_ &&
* Return EdgeAccessors which contain the edge_type for the current
* transaction visibility.
* @param edge_type - edge_type for which to return EdgeAccessors
* @param current_state If true then the graph state for the
* current transaction+command is returned (insertions, updates and
* deletions performed in the current transaction+command are not
* ignored).
* @return iterable collection
auto edges(const GraphDbTypes::EdgeType &edge_type, bool current_state) {
return iter::imap([this, current_state](
auto vlist) { return EdgeAccessor(*vlist, *this); },
db_.edge_types_index_.GetVlists(edge_type, *transaction_,
* Adds an index for the given (label, property) and populates
* it with existing vertices that belong to it.
* You should never call BuildIndex on a GraphDbAccessor
* (transaction) on which new vertices have been inserted or
* existing ones updated. Do it in a new accessor instead.
* Build index throws if an index for the given
* (label, property) already exists (even if it's being built
* by a concurrent transaction and is not yet ready for use).
* @param label - label to build for
* @param property - property to build for
void BuildIndex(const GraphDbTypes::Label &label,
const GraphDbTypes::Property &property) {
const LabelPropertyIndex::Key key(label, property);
if (db_.label_property_index_.CreateIndex(key) == false) {
throw IndexExistsException(
"Index is either being created by another transaction or already "
// Everything that happens after the line above ended will be added to the
// index automatically, but we still have to add to index everything that
// happened earlier. We have to first wait for every transaction that
// happend before, or a bit later than CreateIndex to end.
auto wait_transaction = db_.tx_engine_.Begin();
for (auto id : wait_transaction->snapshot()) {
if (id == transaction_->id_) continue;
while (wait_transaction->engine_.clog().is_active(id))
// TODO reconsider this constant, currently rule-of-thumb chosen
// This transaction surely sees everything that happened before CreateIndex.
auto transaction = db_.tx_engine_.Begin();
for (auto vertex_vlist : db_.vertices_.access()) {
auto vertex_record = vertex_vlist->find(*transaction);
// Check if visible record exists, if it exists apply function on it.
if (vertex_record == nullptr) continue;
// Commit transaction as we finished applying method on newest visible
// records.
// After these two operations we are certain that everything is contained in
// the index under the assumption that this transaction contained no
// vertex/edge insert/update before this method was invoked.
* @brief - Returns true if the given label+property index already exists and
* is ready for use.
bool LabelPropertyIndexExists(const GraphDbTypes::Label &label,
const GraphDbTypes::Property &property) const {
return db_.label_property_index_.IndexExists(
LabelPropertyIndex::Key(label, property));
* @brief - Returns vector of keys of label-property indices.
std::vector<LabelPropertyIndex::Key> GetIndicesKeys() {
return db_.label_property_index_.GetIndicesKeys();
* Return approximate number of all vertices in the database.
* Note that this is always an over-estimate and never an under-estimate.
int64_t vertices_count() const;
* Return approximate number of all edges in the database.
* Note that this is always an over-estimate and never an under-estimate.
int64_t edges_count() const;
* Return approximate number of vertices under indexes with the given label.
* Note that this is always an over-estimate and never an under-estimate.
* @param label - label to check for
* @return number of vertices with the given label
int64_t vertices_count(const GraphDbTypes::Label &label) const;
* Return approximate number of vertices under indexes with the given label
* and property.
* Note that this is always an over-estimate and never an under-estimate.
* @param label - label to check for
* @param property - property to check for
* @return number of vertices with the given label, fails if no such
* label+property index exists.
int64_t vertices_count(const GraphDbTypes::Label &label,
const GraphDbTypes::Property &property) const;
* Returns approximate number of vertices that have the given label
* and the given value for the given property.
* Assumes that an index for that (label, property) exists.
int64_t vertices_count(const GraphDbTypes::Label &label,
const GraphDbTypes::Property &property,
const PropertyValue &value) const;
* Returns approximate number of vertices that have the given label
* and whose vaue is in the range defined by upper and lower @c Bound.
* At least one bound must be specified. Neither can be
* PropertyValue::Null.
* Assumes that an index for that (label, property) exists.
int64_t vertices_count(
const GraphDbTypes::Label &label, const GraphDbTypes::Property &property,
const std::experimental::optional<utils::Bound<PropertyValue>> lower,
const std::experimental::optional<utils::Bound<PropertyValue>> upper)
* Return approximate number of edges under indexes with the given edge_type.
* Note that this is always an over-estimate and never an under-estimate.
* @param edge_type - edge_type to check for
* @return number of edges with the given edge_type
int64_t edges_count(const GraphDbTypes::EdgeType &edge_type) const;
* Obtains the Label for the label's name.
* @return See above.
GraphDbTypes::Label label(const std::string &label_name);
* Obtains the label name (a string) for the given label.
* @param label a Label.
* @return See above.
const std::string &label_name(const GraphDbTypes::Label label) const;
* Obtains the EdgeType for it's name.
* @return See above.
GraphDbTypes::EdgeType edge_type(const std::string &edge_type_name);
* Obtains the edge type name (a string) for the given edge type.
* @param edge_type an EdgeType.
* @return See above.
const std::string &edge_type_name(
const GraphDbTypes::EdgeType edge_type) const;
* Obtains the Property for it's name.
* @return See above.
GraphDbTypes::Property property(const std::string &property_name);
* Obtains the property name (a string) for the given property.
* @param property a Property.
* @return See above.
const std::string &property_name(const GraphDbTypes::Property property) const;
* Advances transaction's command id by 1.
void advance_command();
* Commit transaction.
void commit();
* Abort transaction.
void abort();
* Return true if transaction is hinted to abort.
bool should_abort() const;
* Initializes the record pointers in the given accessor.
* The old_ and new_ pointers need to be initialized
* with appropriate values, and current_ set to old_
* if it exists and to new_ otherwise.
* @return True if accessor is valid after reconstruction.
* This means that at least one record pointer was found
* (either new_ or old_), possibly both.
template <typename TRecord>
bool Reconstruct(RecordAccessor<TRecord> &accessor) {
accessor.vlist_->find_set_old_new(*transaction_, accessor.old_,
accessor.current_ = accessor.old_ ? accessor.old_ : accessor.new_;
return accessor.old_ != nullptr || accessor.new_ != nullptr;
// TODO review: we should never use a record accessor that
// does not have either old_ or new_ (both are null), but
// we can't assert that here because we construct such an accessor
// and filter it out in GraphDbAccessor::[Vertices|Edges]
// any ideas?
* Update accessor record with vlist.
* It is not legal
* to call this function on a Vertex/Edge that has
* been deleted in the current transaction+command.
* @args accessor whose record to update if possible.
template <typename TRecord>
void update(RecordAccessor<TRecord> &accessor) {
// can't update a deleted record if:
// - we only have old_ and it hasn't been deleted
// - we have new_ and it hasn't been deleted
if (!accessor.new_) {
"Can't update a record deleted in the current transaction+command");
} else {
"Can't update a record deleted in the current transaction+command");
if (!accessor.new_) accessor.new_ = accessor.vlist_->update(*transaction_);
* Insert this vertex into corresponding label and label+property (if it
* exists) index.
* @param label - label with which to insert vertex label record
* @param vertex_accessor - vertex_accessor to insert
* @param vertex - vertex record to insert
void update_label_indices(const GraphDbTypes::Label &label,
const VertexAccessor &vertex_accessor,
const Vertex *const vertex);
* Insert this edge into corresponding edge_type index.
* @param edge_type - edge_type index into which to insert record
* @param edge_accessor - edge_accessor to insert
* @param edge - edge record to insert
void update_edge_type_index(const GraphDbTypes::EdgeType &edge_type,
const EdgeAccessor &edge_accessor,
const Edge *const edge);
* Insert this vertex into corresponding any label + 'property' index.
* @param property - vertex will be inserted into indexes which contain this
* property
* @param record_accessor - record_accessor to insert
* @param vertex - vertex to insert
void update_property_index(const GraphDbTypes::Property &property,
const RecordAccessor<Vertex> &record_accessor,
const Vertex *const vertex);
GraphDb &db_;
/** The current transaction */
tx::Transaction *const transaction_;
bool commited_{false};
bool aborted_{false};