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#pragma once
#include <experimental/filesystem>
namespace fs = std::experimental::filesystem;
#include "database/graph_db.hpp"
#include "logging/loggable.hpp"
#include "query/exception/query_engine.hpp"
#include "query/plan_compiler.hpp"
#include "query/plan_generator.hpp"
#include "query/plan_interface.hpp"
#include "query/preprocessor.hpp"
#include "utils/dynamic_lib.hpp"
#include "data_structures/concurrent/concurrent_map.hpp"
// TODO: replace with openCypher and Antlr
#include "query/frontend/cypher.hpp"
// TODO: depricated
#include "query/backend/cpp_old/cypher.hpp"
* Responsible for query execution.
* Current Query Engine arhitecture:
* query -> query_stripper -> [plan_generator] -> [plan_compiler] -> execution
* @tparam Stream the query engine has to be aware of the Stream because Stream
* is passed to the dynamic shared library because that is the way how
* the results should be returned (more optimal then just return
* the whole result set)
template <typename Stream>
class QueryEngine : public Loggable
using QueryPlanLib = DynamicLib<QueryPlanTrait<Stream>>;
using HashT = QueryPreprocessor::HashT;
QueryEngine() : Loggable("QueryEngine") {}
* Reloads query plan (plan_path contains compiled query plan).
* This methdo just calculates stripped query and offloads everything else
* to the LoadCpp method.
* @param query a query for which the plan will be loaded
* @param plan_path a custom made cpp query plan
* @return void
auto ReloadCustom(const std::string &query, const fs::path &plan_path)
auto preprocessed = preprocessor.preprocess(query);
LoadCpp(plan_path, preprocessed.hash);
* Executes query on the database with the stream. If a query plan is cached
* (based on query hash) it will be used.
* @param query a query that is going to be executed
* @param db database againt the query is going to be executed
* @param stream the resuts will be send to the stream
* @return query execution status:
* false if query wasn't executed successfully
* true if query execution was successfull
auto Run(const std::string &query, GraphDbAccessor &db_accessor, Stream &stream)
auto preprocessed = preprocessor.preprocess(query);
auto plan = LoadCypher(preprocessed);
auto result = plan->run(db_accessor, preprocessed.arguments, stream);
if (UNLIKELY(!result))
// info because it might be something like deadlock in which
// case one thread is stopped and user has try again
"Unable to execute query (execution returned false)");
return result;
catch (CypherLexicalError &e)
logger.error("CypherLexicalError: {}", std::string(e.what()));
throw e;
catch (QueryEngineException &e)
logger.error("QueryEngineException: {}", std::string(e.what()));
throw e;
catch (std::exception &e)
throw BasicException(e.what());
catch (...)
throw BasicException("unknown query engine exception");
* Unloads query plan and release the resources (should be automatically).
* @param query a query for which the query plan will be unloaded.
* return bool is the plan unloaded
auto Unload(const std::string &query)
return query_plans.access().remove(preprocessor.preprocess(query).hash);
* Checks is a plan for the query loaded.
* @param query for which a plan existance will be checked
* return bool
auto Loaded(const std::string &query)
auto plans_accessor = query_plans.access();
return plans_accessor.find(preprocessor.preprocess(query).hash) !=
* The number of loaded query plans.
* @return size_t the number of loaded query plans
auto Size() { // TODO: const once whan ConcurrentMap::Accessor becomes const
return query_plans.access().size();
// return query_plans.access().size(); }
* Loads query plan eather from hardcoded folder or from the file that is
* generated in this method.
* @param stripped a stripped query
* @return runnable query plan
auto LoadCypher(const StrippedQuery<HashT> &stripped)
auto plans_accessor = query_plans.access();
// code is already compiled and loaded, just return runnable
// instance
auto query_plan_it = plans_accessor.find(stripped.hash);
if (query_plan_it != plans_accessor.end())
return query_plan_it->second->instance();
// find hardcoded query plan if exists
auto hardcoded_path =
fs::path(CONFIG(config::COMPILE_PATH) + "hardcode/" +
std::to_string(stripped.hash) + ".cpp");
if (fs::exists(hardcoded_path))
return LoadCpp(hardcoded_path, stripped.hash);
// generate query plan
auto generated_path =
fs::path(CONFIG(config::COMPILE_PATH) + std::to_string(stripped.hash) + ".cpp");
plan_generator.generate_plan(stripped.query, stripped.hash,
return LoadCpp(generated_path, stripped.hash);
* Load cpp query plan from a file. Or if plan is already cached from the
* cache.
* @param path_cpp a path to query plan
* @param hash query hash
* @return runnable query plan
auto LoadCpp(const fs::path &path_cpp, const QueryPreprocessor::HashT hash)
auto plans_accessor = query_plans.access();
// code is already compiled and loaded, just return runnable
// instance
auto query_plan_it = plans_accessor.find(hash);
if (query_plan_it != plans_accessor.end())
return query_plan_it->second->instance();
// generate dynamic lib path
// The timestamp has been added here because dlopen
// uses path and returns the same handler for the same path
// and that is a problem because at this point we want brand new
// dynamic lib. That is the tmp solution. The right solution would be
// to deal with this problem in DynamicLib
auto path_so = CONFIG(config::COMPILE_PATH) + std::to_string(hash) +
"_" + (std::string)Timestamp::now() + ".so";
plan_compiler.compile(path_cpp, path_so);
auto query_plan = std::make_unique<QueryPlanLib>(path_so);
// TODO: underlying object has to be live during query execution
// fix that when Antler will be introduced into the database
auto query_plan_instance = query_plan->instance(); // because of move
plans_accessor.insert(hash, std::move(query_plan));
// return an instance of runnable code (PlanInterface)
return query_plan_instance;
QueryPreprocessor preprocessor;
PlanGenerator<cypher::Frontend, CypherBackend<Stream>> plan_generator;
PlanCompiler plan_compiler;
ConcurrentMap<QueryPreprocessor::HashT, std::unique_ptr<QueryPlanLib>>