2023-04-19 14:21:55 +08:00
# Copyright 2023 Memgraph Ltd.
2023-03-22 04:44:11 +08:00
# Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
# included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
# License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
# As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
# the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
# by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
# licenses/APL.txt.
2023-10-06 16:19:29 +08:00
from abc import ABC
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import helpers
from benchmark_context import BenchmarkContext
# Base dataset class used as a template to create each individual dataset. All
# common logic is handled here.
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# This dataset is used also for disk storage. In that case, we have two dataset files, one for nodes
# and the second one for edges. Managing index file is handled in the same way. If the workload is used
# for disk storage, when calling the get_file() method, the exception will be raised. The user has to use
# get_node_file() or get_edge_file() method to get the correct file path.
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class Workload(ABC):
# Name of the workload/dataset.
NAME = ""
# List of all variants of the workload/dataset that exist.
VARIANTS = ["default"]
# One of the available variants that should be used as the default variant.
# List of local files that should be used to import the dataset.
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# URLs of remote dataset files that should be used to import the dataset, compressed in gz format.
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# Index files
# Number of vertices/edges for each variant.
"default": {"vertices": 0, "edges": 0},
# Indicates whether the dataset has properties on edges.
def __init_subclass__(cls) -> None:
name_prerequisite = "NAME" in cls.__dict__
generator_prerequisite = "dataset_generator" in cls.__dict__
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generator_indexes_prerequisite = "indexes_generator" in cls.__dict__
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custom_import_prerequisite = "custom_import" in cls.__dict__
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basic_import_prerequisite = (
"LOCAL_FILE" in cls.__dict__
or "URL_FILE" in cls.__dict__
or ("URL_FILE_NODES" in cls.__dict__ and "URL_FILE_EDGES" in cls.__dict__)
) and ("LOCAL_INDEX_FILE" in cls.__dict__ or "URL_INDEX_FILE" in cls.__dict__)
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if not name_prerequisite:
raise ValueError(
2023-04-19 14:21:55 +08:00
Can't define a workload class {} without NAME property: NAME = "dataset name"
Name property defines the workload you want to execute, for example: "demo/*/*/*"
2023-03-22 04:44:11 +08:00
if generator_prerequisite and (custom_import_prerequisite or basic_import_prerequisite):
raise ValueError(
2023-04-19 14:21:55 +08:00
The workload class {} cannot have defined dataset import and generate dataset at
the same time.
2023-03-22 04:44:11 +08:00
if not generator_prerequisite and (not custom_import_prerequisite and not basic_import_prerequisite):
raise ValueError(
2023-04-19 14:21:55 +08:00
The workload class {} need to have defined dataset import or dataset generator
2023-03-22 04:44:11 +08:00
2023-04-19 14:21:55 +08:00
if generator_prerequisite and not generator_indexes_prerequisite:
raise ValueError("The workload class {} need to define indexes_generator for generating a dataset. ")
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return super().__init_subclass__()
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def __init__(self, variant: str = None, benchmark_context: BenchmarkContext = None, disk_workload: bool = False):
2023-03-22 04:44:11 +08:00
Accepts a `variant` variable that indicates which variant
of the dataset should be executed
self.benchmark_context = benchmark_context
self._variant = variant
self._vendor = benchmark_context.vendor_name
self._file = None
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self._node_file = None
self._edge_file = None
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self._file_index = None
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self.disk_workload: bool = disk_workload
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if self.NAME == "":
raise ValueError("Give your workload a name, by setting self.NAME")
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self._size = self.SIZES[variant]
if "vertices" in self._size or "edges" in self._size:
self._num_vertices = self._size["vertices"]
self._num_edges = self._size["edges"]
def _validate_variant_argument(self) -> None:
if self._variant is None:
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variant = self.DEFAULT_VARIANT
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if self._variant not in self.VARIANTS:
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raise ValueError("Invalid test variant!")
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if self._variant not in self.SIZES:
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raise ValueError("The variant doesn't have a defined dataset " "size!")
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if not self.disk_workload:
if (self.LOCAL_FILE and self._variant not in self.LOCAL_FILE) and (
self.URL_FILE and self._variant not in self.URL_FILE
raise ValueError("The variant doesn't have a defined URL or LOCAL file path!")
if (self.LOCAL_FILE_NODES and self._variant not in self.LOCAL_FILE_NODES) and (
self.URL_FILE_NODES and self._variant not in self.URL_FILE_NODES
raise ValueError("The variant doesn't have a defined URL or LOCAL file path for nodes!")
if (self.LOCAL_FILE_EDGES and self._variant not in self.LOCAL_FILE_EDGES) and (
self.URL_FILE_EDGES and self._variant not in self.URL_FILE_EDGES
raise ValueError("The variant doesn't have a defined URL or LOCAL file path for edges!")
def _validate_vendor_argument(self) -> None:
2023-03-22 04:44:11 +08:00
if (self.LOCAL_INDEX_FILE and self._vendor not in self.LOCAL_INDEX_FILE) and (
self.URL_INDEX_FILE and self._vendor not in self.URL_INDEX_FILE
raise ValueError("Vendor does not have INDEX for dataset!")
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def _set_local_files(self) -> None:
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if self.disk_workload and self._vendor != "neo4j":
2023-10-06 16:19:29 +08:00
if self.LOCAL_FILE_NODES is not None:
self._local_file_nodes = self.LOCAL_FILE_NODES.get(self._variant, None)
self._local_file_nodes = None
if self.LOCAL_FILE_EDGES is not None:
self._local_file_edges = self.LOCAL_FILE_EDGES.get(self._variant, None)
self._local_file_edges = None
2024-03-21 20:34:59 +08:00
if self.LOCAL_FILE is not None:
self._local_file = self.LOCAL_FILE.get(self._variant, None)
self._local_file = None
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def _set_url_files(self) -> None:
2024-03-21 20:34:59 +08:00
if self.disk_workload and self._vendor != "neo4j":
2023-10-06 16:19:29 +08:00
if self.URL_FILE_NODES is not None:
self._url_file_nodes = self.URL_FILE_NODES.get(self._variant, None)
self._url_file_nodes = None
if self.URL_FILE_EDGES is not None:
self._url_file_edges = self.URL_FILE_EDGES.get(self._variant, None)
self._url_file_edges = None
2024-03-21 20:34:59 +08:00
if self.URL_FILE is not None:
self._url_file = self.URL_FILE.get(self._variant, None)
self._url_file = None
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def _set_local_index_file(self) -> None:
2023-03-22 04:44:11 +08:00
if self.LOCAL_INDEX_FILE is not None:
self._local_index = self.LOCAL_INDEX_FILE.get(self._vendor, None)
self._local_index = None
2023-10-06 16:19:29 +08:00
def _set_url_index_file(self) -> None:
2023-03-22 04:44:11 +08:00
if self.URL_INDEX_FILE is not None:
self._url_index = self.URL_INDEX_FILE.get(self._vendor, None)
self._url_index = None
def prepare(self, directory):
2024-03-21 20:34:59 +08:00
if self.disk_workload and self._vendor != "neo4j":
2023-10-06 16:19:29 +08:00
2024-03-21 20:34:59 +08:00
2023-03-22 04:44:11 +08:00
if self._local_index is not None:
print("Using local index file:", self._local_index)
self._file_index = self._local_index
elif self._url_index is not None:
cached_index, exists = directory.get_file(self._vendor + ".cypher")
if not exists:
print("Downloading index file:", self._url_index)
downloaded_file = helpers.download_file(self._url_index, directory.get_path())
print("Unpacking and caching file:", downloaded_file)
helpers.unpack_gz_and_move_file(downloaded_file, cached_index)
print("Using cached index file:", cached_index)
self._file_index = cached_index
2023-10-06 16:19:29 +08:00
def _prepare_dataset_for_on_disk_workload(self, directory):
def _prepare_nodes_for_on_disk_workload(self, directory):
if self._local_file_nodes is not None:
print("Using local dataset file for nodes:", self._local_file_nodes)
self._node_file = self._local_file_nodes
elif self._url_file_nodes is not None:
cached_input, exists = directory.get_file("dataset_nodes.cypher")
if not exists:
print("Downloading dataset file for nodes:", self._url_file_nodes)
downloaded_file = helpers.download_file(self._url_file_nodes, directory.get_path())
print("Unpacking and caching file for nodes:", downloaded_file)
helpers.unpack_gz_and_move_file(downloaded_file, cached_input)
print("Using cached dataset file for nodes:", cached_input)
self._node_file = cached_input
def _prepare_edges_for_on_disk_workload(self, directory):
if self._local_file_edges is not None:
print("Using local dataset file for edges:", self._local_file_edges)
self._edge_file = self._local_file_edges
elif self._url_file_edges is not None:
cached_input, exists = directory.get_file("dataset_edges.cypher")
if not exists:
print("Downloading dataset file for edges:", self._url_file_edges)
downloaded_file = helpers.download_file(self._url_file_edges, directory.get_path())
print("Unpacking and caching file for edges:", downloaded_file)
helpers.unpack_gz_and_move_file(downloaded_file, cached_input)
print("Using cached dataset file for edges:", cached_input)
self._edge_file = cached_input
def _prepare_dataset_for_in_memory_workload(self, directory):
if self._local_file is not None:
print("Using local dataset file:", self._local_file)
self._file = self._local_file
elif self._url_file is not None:
cached_input, exists = directory.get_file("dataset.cypher")
if not exists:
print("Downloading dataset file:", self._url_file)
downloaded_file = helpers.download_file(self._url_file, directory.get_path())
print("Unpacking and caching file:", downloaded_file)
helpers.unpack_gz_and_move_file(downloaded_file, cached_input)
print("Using cached dataset file:", cached_input)
self._file = cached_input
def is_disk_workload(self):
return self.disk_workload
2023-03-22 04:44:11 +08:00
def get_variant(self):
"""Returns the current variant of the dataset."""
return self._variant
def get_index(self):
"""Get index file, defined by vendor"""
return self._file_index
def get_file(self):
Returns path to the file that contains dataset creation queries.
2023-10-06 16:19:29 +08:00
if self.disk_workload:
raise Exception("get_file method should not be called for disk storage")
2023-03-22 04:44:11 +08:00
return self._file
2023-10-06 16:19:29 +08:00
def get_node_file(self):
"""Returns path to the file that contains dataset creation queries for nodes."""
if not self.disk_workload:
raise Exception("get_node_file method should be called only for disk storage")
return self._node_file
def get_edge_file(self):
"""Returns path to the file that contains dataset creation queries for edges."""
if not self.disk_workload:
raise Exception("get_edge_file method should be called only for disk storage")
return self._edge_file
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def get_size(self):
"""Returns number of vertices/edges for the current variant."""
return self._size
def custom_import(self) -> bool:
print("Workload does not have a custom import")
return False
def dataset_generator(self) -> list:
print("Workload is not auto generated")
return []
# All tests should be query generator functions that output all of the
# queries that should be executed by the runner. The functions should be
# named `benchmark__GROUPNAME__TESTNAME` and should not accept any
# arguments.