
1994 lines
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# Copyright 2022 Memgraph Ltd.
# Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
# included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
# License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
# As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
# the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
# by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
# licenses/APL.txt.
import os
import random
import sys
import tempfile
import interactive_mg_runner
import mgclient
import pytest
from common import execute_and_fetch_all
from mg_utils import mg_sleep_and_assert
interactive_mg_runner.SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
interactive_mg_runner.PROJECT_DIR = os.path.normpath(
os.path.join(interactive_mg_runner.SCRIPT_DIR, "..", "..", "..", "..")
interactive_mg_runner.BUILD_DIR = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(interactive_mg_runner.PROJECT_DIR, "build"))
interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_BINARY = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(interactive_mg_runner.BUILD_DIR, "memgraph"))
"replica_1": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7688", "--log-level=TRACE"],
"log_file": "replica1.log",
"setup_queries": ["SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10001;"],
"replica_2": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7689", "--log-level=TRACE"],
"log_file": "replica2.log",
"setup_queries": ["SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10002;"],
"replica_3": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7690", "--log-level=TRACE"],
"log_file": "replica3.log",
"setup_queries": ["SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10003;"],
"replica_4": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7691", "--log-level=TRACE"],
"log_file": "replica4.log",
"setup_queries": ["SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10004;"],
"main": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7687", "--log-level=TRACE"],
"log_file": "main.log",
"setup_queries": [
def test_show_replicas(connection):
# Goal of this test is to check the SHOW REPLICAS command.
# 0/ We start all replicas manually: we want to be able to kill them ourselves without relying on external tooling to kill processes.
# 1/ We check that all replicas have the correct state: they should all be ready.
# 2/ We drop one replica. It should not appear anymore in the SHOW REPLICAS command.
# 3/ We kill another replica. It should become invalid in the SHOW REPLICAS command.
# 0/
cursor = connection(7687, "main").cursor()
# 1/
actual_data = set(execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "SHOW REPLICAS;"))
actual_column_names = { for x in cursor.description}
assert actual_column_names == EXPECTED_COLUMN_NAMES
expected_data = {
("replica_1", "", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"),
("replica_2", "", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"),
("replica_3", "", "async", 0, 0, "ready"),
("replica_4", "", "async", 0, 0, "ready"),
assert actual_data == expected_data
# 2/
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "DROP REPLICA replica_2")
actual_data = set(execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "SHOW REPLICAS;"))
expected_data = {
("replica_1", "", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"),
("replica_3", "", "async", 0, 0, "ready"),
("replica_4", "", "async", 0, 0, "ready"),
assert actual_data == expected_data
# 3/
interactive_mg_runner.kill(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION, "replica_1")
interactive_mg_runner.kill(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION, "replica_3")
interactive_mg_runner.stop(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION, "replica_4")
# We leave some time for the main to realise the replicas are down.
def retrieve_data():
return set(execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "SHOW REPLICAS;"))
expected_data = {
("replica_1", "", "sync", 0, 0, "invalid"),
("replica_3", "", "async", 0, 0, "invalid"),
("replica_4", "", "async", 0, 0, "invalid"),
actual_data = mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
assert actual_data == expected_data
def test_drop_replicas(connection):
# Goal of this test is to check the DROP REPLICAS command.
# 0/ Manually start main and all replicas
# 1/ Check status of the replicas
# 2/ Kill replica 3
# 3/ Drop replica 3 and check status
# 4/ Stop replica 4
# 5/ Drop replica 4 and check status
# 6/ Kill replica 1
# 7/ Drop replica 1 and check status
# 8/ Stop replica 2
# 9/ Drop replica 2 and check status
# 10/ Restart all replicas
# 11/ Register them
# 12/ Drop all and check status
def retrieve_data():
return set(execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "SHOW REPLICAS;"))
# 0/
cursor = connection(7687, "main").cursor()
# 1/
actual_data = set(execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "SHOW REPLICAS;"))
actual_column_names = { for x in cursor.description}
assert actual_column_names == EXPECTED_COLUMN_NAMES
expected_data = {
("replica_1", "", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"),
("replica_2", "", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"),
("replica_3", "", "async", 0, 0, "ready"),
("replica_4", "", "async", 0, 0, "ready"),
mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
# 2/
interactive_mg_runner.kill(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION, "replica_3")
expected_data = {
("replica_1", "", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"),
("replica_2", "", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"),
("replica_3", "", "async", 0, 0, "invalid"),
("replica_4", "", "async", 0, 0, "ready"),
mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
# 3/
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "DROP REPLICA replica_3")
expected_data = {
("replica_1", "", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"),
("replica_2", "", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"),
("replica_4", "", "async", 0, 0, "ready"),
mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
# 4/
interactive_mg_runner.stop(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION, "replica_4")
expected_data = {
("replica_1", "", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"),
("replica_2", "", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"),
("replica_4", "", "async", 0, 0, "invalid"),
mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
# 5/
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "DROP REPLICA replica_4")
expected_data = {
("replica_1", "", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"),
("replica_2", "", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"),
mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
# 6/
interactive_mg_runner.kill(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION, "replica_1")
expected_data = {
("replica_1", "", "sync", 0, 0, "invalid"),
("replica_2", "", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"),
mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
# 7/
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "DROP REPLICA replica_1")
expected_data = {
("replica_2", "", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"),
mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
# 8/
interactive_mg_runner.stop(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION, "replica_2")
expected_data = {
("replica_2", "", "sync", 0, 0, "invalid"),
mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
# 9/
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "DROP REPLICA replica_2")
expected_data = set()
mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
# 10/
interactive_mg_runner.start(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION, "replica_1")
interactive_mg_runner.start(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION, "replica_2")
interactive_mg_runner.start(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION, "replica_3")
interactive_mg_runner.start(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION, "replica_4")
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "REGISTER REPLICA replica_1 SYNC TO '';")
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "REGISTER REPLICA replica_2 SYNC TO '';")
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "REGISTER REPLICA replica_3 ASYNC TO '';")
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "REGISTER REPLICA replica_4 ASYNC TO '';")
# 11/
expected_data = {
("replica_1", "", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"),
("replica_2", "", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"),
("replica_3", "", "async", 0, 0, "ready"),
("replica_4", "", "async", 0, 0, "ready"),
mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
# 12/
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "DROP REPLICA replica_1")
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "DROP REPLICA replica_2")
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "DROP REPLICA replica_3")
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "DROP REPLICA replica_4")
expected_data = set()
mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
def test_basic_recovery(recover_data_on_startup, connection):
# Goal of this test is to check the recovery of main.
# 0/ We start all replicas manually: we want to be able to kill them ourselves without relying on external tooling to kill processes.
# 1/ We check that all replicas have the correct state: they should all be ready.
# 2/ We kill main.
# 3/ We re-start main.
# 4/ We check that all replicas have the correct state: they should all be ready.
# 5/ Drop one replica.
# 6/ We add some data to main, then kill it and restart.
# 7/ We check that all replicas but one have the expected data.
# 8/ We kill another replica.
# 9/ We add some data to main.
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
# 10/ We re-add the two replicas dropped/killed and check the data.
# 11/ We kill another replica.
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
# 12/ Add some more data to main. It must still occur but exception is expected since one replica is down.
# 13/ Restart the replica
# 14/ Check the states of replicas.
# 15/ Add some data again.
# 16/ Check the data is added to all replicas.
# 0/
data_directory = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
"replica_1": {
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
"args": [
"log_file": "replica1.log",
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
# Need to set it up manually
"setup_queries": [],
"data_directory": f"{}/replica_1",
"replica_2": {
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
"args": [
"log_file": "replica2.log",
"setup_queries": ["SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10002;"],
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
"data_directory": f"{}/replica_2",
"replica_3": {
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
"args": [
"log_file": "replica3.log",
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
# We restart this replica so we set replication role manually,
# On restart we would set replication role again, we want to get it from data
"setup_queries": [],
"data_directory": f"{}/replica_3",
"replica_4": {
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
"args": [
"log_file": "replica4.log",
"setup_queries": ["SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10004;"],
"main": {
"args": [
"log_file": "main.log",
"setup_queries": [],
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
"data_directory": f"{}/main",
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
replica_1_cursor = connection(7688, "replica_1").cursor()
execute_and_fetch_all(replica_1_cursor, "SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10001;")
replica_3_cursor = connection(7690, "replica_3").cursor()
execute_and_fetch_all(replica_3_cursor, "SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10003;")
cursor = connection(7687, "main").cursor()
# We want to execute manually and not via the configuration, otherwise re-starting main would also execute these registration.
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "REGISTER REPLICA replica_1 SYNC TO '';")
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "REGISTER REPLICA replica_2 SYNC TO '';")
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "REGISTER REPLICA replica_3 ASYNC TO '';")
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "REGISTER REPLICA replica_4 ASYNC TO '';")
# 1/
expected_data = {
("replica_1", "", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"),
("replica_2", "", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"),
("replica_3", "", "async", 0, 0, "ready"),
("replica_4", "", "async", 0, 0, "ready"),
actual_data = set(execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "SHOW REPLICAS;"))
assert actual_data == expected_data
def check_roles():
assert "main" == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("SHOW REPLICATION ROLE;")[0][0]
for index in range(1, 4):
assert (
== interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES[f"replica_{index}"].query("SHOW REPLICATION ROLE;")[0][0]
# 2/
interactive_mg_runner.kill(CONFIGURATION, "main")
# 3/
interactive_mg_runner.start(CONFIGURATION, "main")
cursor = connection(7687, "main").cursor()
# 4/
def retrieve_data():
return set(execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "SHOW REPLICAS;"))
actual_data = mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
assert actual_data == expected_data
# 5/
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "DROP REPLICA replica_2;")
# 6/
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "CREATE (p1:Number {name:'Magic', value:42})")
interactive_mg_runner.kill(CONFIGURATION, "main")
interactive_mg_runner.start(CONFIGURATION, "main")
cursor = connection(7687, "main").cursor()
# 7/
QUERY_TO_CHECK = "MATCH (node) return node;"
res_from_main = execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert len(res_from_main) == 1
for index in (1, 3, 4):
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES[f"replica_{index}"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
expected_data = {
("replica_1", "", "sync", 2, 0, "ready"),
("replica_3", "", "async", 2, 0, "ready"),
("replica_4", "", "async", 2, 0, "ready"),
actual_data = set(execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "SHOW REPLICAS;"))
assert actual_data == expected_data
# Replica_2 was dropped, we check it does not have the data from main.
assert len(interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["replica_2"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)) == 0
# 8/
interactive_mg_runner.kill(CONFIGURATION, "replica_3")
# 9/
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "CREATE (p1:Number {name:'Magic_again', value:43})")
res_from_main = execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert len(res_from_main) == 2
# 10/
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "REGISTER REPLICA replica_2 SYNC TO '';")
interactive_mg_runner.start(CONFIGURATION, "replica_3")
expected_data = {
("replica_1", "", "sync", 6, 0, "ready"),
("replica_2", "", "sync", 6, 0, "ready"),
("replica_3", "", "async", 6, 0, "ready"),
("replica_4", "", "async", 6, 0, "ready"),
actual_data = mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
assert actual_data == expected_data
for index in (1, 2, 3, 4):
assert interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES[f"replica_{index}"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK) == res_from_main
# 11/
interactive_mg_runner.kill(CONFIGURATION, "replica_1")
expected_data = {
("replica_1", "", "sync", 0, 0, "invalid"),
("replica_2", "", "sync", 6, 0, "ready"),
("replica_3", "", "async", 6, 0, "ready"),
("replica_4", "", "async", 6, 0, "ready"),
actual_data = mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
assert actual_data == expected_data
# 12/
with pytest.raises(mgclient.DatabaseError):
"CREATE (p1:Number {name:'Magic_again_again', value:44})"
expected_data = {
("replica_1", "", "sync", 0, 0, "invalid"),
("replica_2", "", "sync", 9, 0, "ready"),
("replica_3", "", "async", 9, 0, "ready"),
("replica_4", "", "async", 9, 0, "ready"),
actual_data = mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
assert actual_data == expected_data
# 13/
interactive_mg_runner.start(CONFIGURATION, "replica_1")
# 14/
expected_data = {
("replica_1", "", "sync", 9, 0, "ready"),
("replica_2", "", "sync", 9, 0, "ready"),
("replica_3", "", "async", 9, 0, "ready"),
("replica_4", "", "async", 9, 0, "ready"),
actual_data = mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
print("actual=", actual_data)
assert actual_data == expected_data
res_from_main = execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert len(res_from_main) == 3
for index in (1, 2, 3, 4):
assert interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES[f"replica_{index}"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK) == res_from_main
# 15/
"CREATE (p1:Number {name:'Magic_again_again_again', value:45})"
# 16/
expected_data = {
("replica_1", "", "sync", 12, 0, "ready"),
("replica_2", "", "sync", 12, 0, "ready"),
("replica_3", "", "async", 12, 0, "ready"),
("replica_4", "", "async", 12, 0, "ready"),
actual_data = set(execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "SHOW REPLICAS;"))
assert actual_data == expected_data
res_from_main = execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert len(res_from_main) == 4
for index in (1, 2, 3, 4):
assert interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES[f"replica_{index}"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK) == res_from_main
def test_replication_role_recovery(connection):
# Goal of this test is to check the recovery of main and replica role.
# 0/ We start all replicas manually: we want to be able to kill them ourselves without relying on external tooling to kill processes.
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
# 1/ We check that all replicas have the correct state: they should all be ready.
# 2/ We kill main.
# 3/ We re-start main. We check that main indeed has the role main and replicas still have the correct state.
# 4/ We kill the replica.
# 5/ We observed that the replica result is in invalid state.
# 6/ We start the replica again. We observe that indeed the replica has the replica state.
# 7/ We observe that main has the replica ready.
# 8/ We kill the replica again.
# 9/ We add data to main.
# 10/ We start the replica again. We observe that the replica has the same
# data as main because it synced and added lost data.
# 0/
data_directory = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
"replica": {
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
"args": [
"log_file": "replica.log",
"data_directory": f"{}/replica",
"main": {
"args": [
"log_file": "main.log",
"setup_queries": [],
"data_directory": f"{}/main",
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
replica_cursor = connection(7688, "replica").cursor()
execute_and_fetch_all(replica_cursor, "SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10001;")
cursor = connection(7687, "main").cursor()
# We want to execute manually and not via the configuration, otherwise re-starting main would also execute these registration.
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "REGISTER REPLICA replica SYNC TO '';")
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
# 1/
expected_data = {
("replica", "", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"),
actual_data = set(execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "SHOW REPLICAS;"))
assert actual_data == expected_data
def check_roles():
assert "main" == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("SHOW REPLICATION ROLE;")[0][0]
assert "replica" == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["replica"].query("SHOW REPLICATION ROLE;")[0][0]
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
# 2/
interactive_mg_runner.kill(CONFIGURATION, "main")
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
# 3/
interactive_mg_runner.start(CONFIGURATION, "main")
cursor = connection(7687, "main").cursor()
def retrieve_data():
return set(execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "SHOW REPLICAS;"))
actual_data = mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
assert actual_data == expected_data
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
# 4/
interactive_mg_runner.kill(CONFIGURATION, "replica")
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
# 5/
expected_data = {
("replica", "", "sync", 0, 0, "invalid"),
actual_data = mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
assert actual_data == expected_data
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
# 6/
interactive_mg_runner.start(CONFIGURATION, "replica")
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
# 7/
expected_data = {
("replica", "", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"),
actual_data = mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
assert actual_data == expected_data
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
# 8/
interactive_mg_runner.kill(CONFIGURATION, "replica")
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
# 9/
with pytest.raises(mgclient.DatabaseError):
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "CREATE (n:First)")
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
# 10/
interactive_mg_runner.start(CONFIGURATION, "replica")
expected_data = {
("replica", "", "sync", 2, 0, "ready"),
actual_data = mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
assert actual_data == expected_data
QUERY_TO_CHECK = "MATCH (node) return node;"
res_from_main = execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert len(res_from_main) == 1
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["replica"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
def test_conflict_at_startup(connection):
# Goal of this test is to check starting up several instance with different replicas' configuration directory works as expected.
# main_1 and main_2 have different directory.
data_directory1 = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
data_directory2 = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
"main_1": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7687", "--log-level=TRACE"],
"log_file": "main1.log",
"setup_queries": [],
"data_directory": f"{}",
"main_2": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7688", "--log-level=TRACE"],
"log_file": "main2.log",
"setup_queries": [],
"data_directory": f"{}",
cursor_1 = connection(7687, "main_1").cursor()
cursor_2 = connection(7688, "main_2").cursor()
assert execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_1, "SHOW REPLICATION ROLE;")[0][0] == "main"
assert execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_2, "SHOW REPLICATION ROLE;")[0][0] == "main"
def test_basic_recovery_when_replica_is_kill_when_main_is_down():
# Goal of this test is to check the recovery of main.
# 0/ We start all replicas manually: we want to be able to kill them ourselves without relying on external tooling to kill processes.
# 1/ We check that all replicas have the correct state: they should all be ready.
# 2/ We kill main then kill a replica.
# 3/ We re-start main: it should be able to restart.
# 4/ Check status of replica: replica_2 is invalid.
data_directory = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
"replica_1": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7688", "--log-level=TRACE", "--replication-restore-state-on-startup=true"],
"log_file": "replica1.log",
"setup_queries": ["SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10001;"],
"replica_2": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7689", "--log-level=TRACE", "--replication-restore-state-on-startup=true"],
"log_file": "replica2.log",
"setup_queries": ["SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10002;"],
"main": {
"args": [
"log_file": "main.log",
"setup_queries": [],
"data_directory": f"{}",
# We want to execute manually and not via the configuration, otherwise re-starting main would also execute these registration.
interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("REGISTER REPLICA replica_1 SYNC TO '';")
interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("REGISTER REPLICA replica_2 SYNC TO '';")
# 1/
expected_data = {
("replica_1", "", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"),
("replica_2", "", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"),
actual_data = set(interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("SHOW REPLICAS;"))
assert actual_data == expected_data
def check_roles():
assert "main" == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("SHOW REPLICATION ROLE;")[0][0]
for index in range(1, 2):
assert (
== interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES[f"replica_{index}"].query("SHOW REPLICATION ROLE;")[0][0]
# 2/
interactive_mg_runner.kill(CONFIGURATION, "main")
interactive_mg_runner.kill(CONFIGURATION, "replica_2")
# 3/
interactive_mg_runner.start(CONFIGURATION, "main")
# 4/
expected_data = {
("replica_1", "", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"),
("replica_2", "", "sync", 0, 0, "invalid"),
actual_data = set(interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("SHOW REPLICAS;"))
assert actual_data == expected_data
def test_async_replication_when_main_is_killed():
# Goal of the test is to check that when main is randomly killed:
# -the ASYNC replica always contains a valid subset of data of main.
# We run the test 20 times, it should never fail.
# 0/ Start main and replicas.
# 1/ Register replicas.
# 2/ Insert data in main, and randomly kill it.
# 3/ Check that the ASYNC replica has a valid subset.
for test_repetition in range(20):
# 0/
data_directory_main = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
data_directory_replica = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
"async_replica": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7688", "--log-level=TRACE"],
"log_file": "async_replica.log",
"setup_queries": ["SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10001;"],
"data_directory": f"{}",
"main": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7687", "--log-level=TRACE", "--storage-recover-on-startup=true"],
"log_file": "main.log",
"setup_queries": [],
"data_directory": f"{}",
# 1/
"REGISTER REPLICA async_replica ASYNC TO '';"
# 2/
# First make sure that anything has been replicated
for index in range(0, 5):
interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(f"CREATE (p:Number {{name:{index}}})")
expected_data = [("async_replica", "", "async", "ready")]
def retrieve_data():
replicas = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("SHOW REPLICAS;")
return [
(replica_name, ip, mode, status)
for replica_name, ip, mode, timestamp, timestamp_behind_main, status in replicas
actual_data = mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
assert actual_data == expected_data
for index in range(5, 50):
interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(f"CREATE (p:Number {{name:{index}}})")
if random.randint(0, 100) > 95:
main_killed = f"Main was killed at index={index}"
interactive_mg_runner.kill(CONFIGURATION, "main")
# 3/
# short explaination:
# res_from_async_replica is an arithmetic sequence with:
# -first term 0
# -common difference 1
# So we check its properties. If properties are fullfilled, it means the ASYNC replicas received a correct subset of messages
# from main in the correct order.
# In other word: res_from_async_replica is as [0, 1, ..., n-1, n] where values are consecutive integers. $
# It should have the two properties:
# -list is sorted
# -the sum of all elements is equal to nOfTerms * (firstTerm + lastTerm) / 2
res_from_async_replica = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["async_replica"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)[0][0]
assert res_from_async_replica == sorted(res_from_async_replica), main_killed
total_sum = sum(res_from_async_replica)
expected_sum = len(res_from_async_replica) * (res_from_async_replica[0] + res_from_async_replica[-1]) / 2
assert total_sum == expected_sum, main_killed
def test_sync_replication_when_main_is_killed():
# Goal of the test is to check that when main is randomly killed:
# -the SYNC replica always contains the exact data that was in main.
# We run the test 20 times, it should never fail.
# 0/ Start main and replica.
# 1/ Register replica.
# 2/ Insert data in main, and randomly kill it.
# 3/ Check that the SYNC replica has exactly the same data than main.
for test_repetition in range(20):
# 0/
data_directory_main = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
data_directory_replica = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
"sync_replica": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7688", "--log-level=TRACE"],
"log_file": "sync_replica.log",
"setup_queries": ["SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10001;"],
"data_directory": f"{}",
"main": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7687", "--log-level=TRACE", "--storage-recover-on-startup=true"],
"log_file": "main.log",
"setup_queries": [],
"data_directory": f"{}",
# 1/
"REGISTER REPLICA sync_replica SYNC TO '';"
# 2/
last_result_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)[0][0]
for index in range(50):
interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(f"CREATE (p:Number {{name:{index}}})")
last_result_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)[0][0]
if random.randint(0, 100) > 95:
main_killed = f"Main was killed at index={index}"
interactive_mg_runner.kill(CONFIGURATION, "main")
# 3/
# The SYNC replica should have exactly the same data than main.
res_from_sync_replica = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)[0][0]
assert last_result_from_main == res_from_sync_replica, main_killed
def test_attempt_to_write_data_on_main_when_async_replica_is_down():
# Goal of this test is to check that main can write new data if an async replica is down.
# 0/ Start main and async replicas.
# 1/ Check status of replicas.
# 2/ Add some nodes to main and check it is propagated to the async_replicas.
# 3/ Kill an async replica.
# 4/ Try to add some data to main.
# 5/ Check the status of replicas.
# 6/ Check that the data was added to main and remaining replica.
"async_replica1": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7688", "--log-level=TRACE"],
"log_file": "async_replica1.log",
"setup_queries": ["SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10001;"],
"async_replica2": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7689", "--log-level=TRACE"],
"log_file": "async_replica2.log",
"setup_queries": ["SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10002;"],
"main": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7687", "--log-level=TRACE", "--storage-recover-on-startup=true"],
"log_file": "main.log",
"setup_queries": [
"REGISTER REPLICA async_replica1 ASYNC TO '';",
"REGISTER REPLICA async_replica2 ASYNC TO '';",
# 0/
# 1/
expected_data = {
("async_replica1", "", "async", 0, 0, "ready"),
("async_replica2", "", "async", 0, 0, "ready"),
actual_data = set(interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("SHOW REPLICAS;"))
assert actual_data == expected_data
# 2/
interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("CREATE (p:Number {name:1});")
QUERY_TO_CHECK = "MATCH (node) return node;"
res_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert len(res_from_main) == 1
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["async_replica1"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["async_replica2"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
# 3/
interactive_mg_runner.kill(CONFIGURATION, "async_replica1")
# 4/
interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("CREATE (p:Number {name:2});")
# 5/
expected_data = [
("async_replica1", "async", 0, "invalid"),
("async_replica2", "async", 0, "ready"),
def retrieve_data():
replicas = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("SHOW REPLICAS;")
return [
(replica_name, mode, timestamp_behind_main, status)
for replica_name, ip, mode, timestamp, timestamp_behind_main, status in replicas
actual_data = mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
assert actual_data == expected_data
# 6/
res_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert len(res_from_main) == 2
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["async_replica2"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
def test_attempt_to_write_data_on_main_when_sync_replica_is_down(connection):
# Goal of this test is to check that main cannot write new data if a sync replica is down.
# 0/ Start main and sync replicas.
# 1/ Check status of replicas.
# 2/ Add some nodes to main and check it is propagated to the sync_replicas.
# 3/ Kill a sync replica.
# 4/ Add some data to main. It should be added to main and replica2
# 5/ Check the status of replicas.
# 6/ Restart the replica that was killed and check that it is up to date with main.
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
data_directory = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
"sync_replica1": {
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
"args": [
"log_file": "sync_replica1.log",
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
# We restart this replica so we want to set role manually
"setup_queries": [],
"data_directory": f"{}/sync_replica1",
"sync_replica2": {
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7689", "--log-level", "TRACE"],
"log_file": "sync_replica2.log",
"setup_queries": ["SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10002;"],
"main": {
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7687", "--log-level=TRACE", "--storage-recover-on-startup", "true"],
"log_file": "main.log",
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
# need to do it manually
"setup_queries": [],
"data_directory": f"{}/main",
# 0/
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
sync_replica1_cursor = connection(7688, "sync_replica1_cursor").cursor()
execute_and_fetch_all(sync_replica1_cursor, "SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10001;")
main_cursor = connection(7687, "main").cursor()
execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "REGISTER REPLICA sync_replica1 SYNC TO '';")
execute_and_fetch_all(main_cursor, "REGISTER REPLICA sync_replica2 SYNC TO '';")
# 1/
expected_data = {
("sync_replica1", "", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"),
("sync_replica2", "", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"),
actual_data = set(interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("SHOW REPLICAS;"))
assert actual_data == expected_data
# 2/
interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("CREATE (p:Number {name:1});")
QUERY_TO_CHECK = "MATCH (node) return node;"
res_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert len(res_from_main) == 1
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica1"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica2"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
# 3/
interactive_mg_runner.kill(CONFIGURATION, "sync_replica1")
expected_data = [
("sync_replica1", "sync", 0, "invalid"),
("sync_replica2", "sync", 0, "ready"),
def retrieve_data():
replicas = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("SHOW REPLICAS;")
return [
(replica_name, mode, timestamp_behind_main, status)
for replica_name, ip, mode, timestamp, timestamp_behind_main, status in replicas
actual_data = mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
assert actual_data == expected_data
# 4/
with pytest.raises(mgclient.DatabaseError):
interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("CREATE (p:Number {name:2});")
res_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert len(res_from_main) == 2
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica2"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
# 5/
expected_data = {
("sync_replica1", "", "sync", 0, 0, "invalid"),
("sync_replica2", "", "sync", 5, 0, "ready"),
res_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
actual_data = set(interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("SHOW REPLICAS;"))
assert actual_data == expected_data
# 6/
interactive_mg_runner.start(CONFIGURATION, "sync_replica1")
expected_data = [
("sync_replica1", "sync", 0, "ready"),
("sync_replica2", "sync", 0, "ready"),
actual_data = mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
assert actual_data == expected_data
res_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert len(res_from_main) == 2
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica1"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica2"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
def test_attempt_to_create_indexes_on_main_when_async_replica_is_down():
# Goal of this test is to check that main can create new indexes/constraints if an async replica is down.
# 0/ Start main and async replicas.
# 1/ Check status of replicas.
# 2/ Add some indexes to main and check it is propagated to the async_replicas.
# 3/ Kill an async replica.
# 4/ Try to add some more indexes to main.
# 5/ Check the status of replicas.
# 6/ Check that the indexes were added to main and remaining replica.
"async_replica1": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7688", "--log-level=TRACE"],
"log_file": "async_replica1.log",
"setup_queries": ["SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10001;"],
"async_replica2": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7689", "--log-level=TRACE"],
"log_file": "async_replica2.log",
"setup_queries": ["SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10002;"],
"main": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7687", "--log-level=TRACE", "--storage-recover-on-startup=true"],
"log_file": "main.log",
"setup_queries": [
"REGISTER REPLICA async_replica1 ASYNC TO '';",
"REGISTER REPLICA async_replica2 ASYNC TO '';",
# 0/
# 1/
expected_data = {
("async_replica1", "", "async", 0, 0, "ready"),
("async_replica2", "", "async", 0, 0, "ready"),
actual_data = set(interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("SHOW REPLICAS;"))
assert actual_data == expected_data
# 2/
interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("CREATE INDEX ON :Number(value);")
res_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert len(res_from_main) == 1
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["async_replica1"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["async_replica2"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
# 3/
interactive_mg_runner.kill(CONFIGURATION, "async_replica1")
# 4/
interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("CREATE INDEX ON :Number(value2);")
# 5/
expected_data = [
("async_replica1", "async", 0, "invalid"),
("async_replica2", "async", 0, "ready"),
def retrieve_data():
replicas = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("SHOW REPLICAS;")
return [
(replica_name, mode, timestamp_behind_main, status)
for replica_name, ip, mode, timestamp, timestamp_behind_main, status in replicas
actual_data = mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
assert actual_data == expected_data
# 6/
res_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert len(res_from_main) == 2
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["async_replica2"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
def test_attempt_to_create_indexes_on_main_when_sync_replica_is_down(connection):
# Goal of this test is to check creation of new indexes/constraints when a sync replica is down.
# 0/ Start main and sync replicas.
# 1/ Check status of replicas.
# 2/ Add some indexes to main and check it is propagated to the sync_replicas.
# 3/ Kill a sync replica.
# 4/ Add some more indexes to main. It should be added to main and replica2
# 5/ Check the status of replicas.
# 6/ Restart the replica that was killed and check that it is up to date with main.
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
data_directory = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
"sync_replica1": {
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
"args": [
"log_file": "sync_replica1.log",
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
"setup_queries": [],
"data_directory": f"{}/sync_replica1",
"sync_replica2": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7689", "--log-level=TRACE"],
"log_file": "sync_replica2.log",
"setup_queries": ["SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10002;"],
"main": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7687", "--log-level=TRACE", "--storage-recover-on-startup=true"],
"log_file": "main.log",
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
# Need to do it manually
"setup_queries": [],
# 0/
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
sync_replica1_cursor = connection(7688, "sync_replica1").cursor()
execute_and_fetch_all(sync_replica1_cursor, "SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10001;")
cursor = connection(7687, "main").cursor()
# We want to execute manually and not via the configuration, as we are setting replica manually because
# of restart. Restart on replica would set role again.
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "REGISTER REPLICA sync_replica1 SYNC TO '';")
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "REGISTER REPLICA sync_replica2 SYNC TO '';")
# 1/
expected_data = {
("sync_replica1", "", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"),
("sync_replica2", "", "sync", 0, 0, "ready"),
actual_data = set(interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("SHOW REPLICAS;"))
assert actual_data == expected_data
# 2/
interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("CREATE INDEX ON :Number(value);")
res_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert len(res_from_main) == 1
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica1"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica2"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
# 3/
interactive_mg_runner.kill(CONFIGURATION, "sync_replica1")
expected_data = [
("sync_replica1", "sync", 0, "invalid"),
("sync_replica2", "sync", 0, "ready"),
def retrieve_data():
replicas = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("SHOW REPLICAS;")
return [
(replica_name, mode, timestamp_behind_main, status)
for replica_name, ip, mode, timestamp, timestamp_behind_main, status in replicas
actual_data = mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
assert actual_data == expected_data
# 4/
with pytest.raises(mgclient.DatabaseError):
interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("CREATE INDEX ON :Number(value2);")
res_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert len(res_from_main) == 2
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica2"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
# 5/
expected_data = {
("sync_replica1", "", "sync", 0, 0, "invalid"),
2023-10-28 00:13:05 +08:00
("sync_replica2", "", "sync", 6, 0, "ready"),
res_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica2"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
actual_data = set(interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("SHOW REPLICAS;"))
assert actual_data == expected_data
# 6/
interactive_mg_runner.start(CONFIGURATION, "sync_replica1")
expected_data = [
("sync_replica1", "sync", 0, "ready"),
("sync_replica2", "sync", 0, "ready"),
actual_data = mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
assert actual_data == expected_data
res_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert len(res_from_main) == 2
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica1"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica2"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
def test_trigger_on_create_before_commit_with_offline_sync_replica(connection):
# 0/ Start all.
# 1/ Create the trigger
# 2/ Create a node. We expect two nodes created (our Not_Magic and the Magic created by trigger).
# 3/ Check the nodes
# 4/ We remove all nodes.
# 5/ Kill a replica and check that it's offline.
# 6/ Create new node.
# 7/ Check that we have two nodes.
# 8/ Re-start the replica and check it's online and that it has two nodes.
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
data_directory = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
"sync_replica1": {
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
"args": [
"log_file": "sync_replica1.log",
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
# Need to do it manually since we kill this replica
"setup_queries": [],
"data_directory": f"{}/sync_replica1",
"sync_replica2": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7689", "--log-level=TRACE"],
"log_file": "sync_replica2.log",
"setup_queries": ["SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10002;"],
"main": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7687", "--log-level=TRACE", "--storage-recover-on-startup=true"],
"log_file": "main.log",
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
# Need to do it manually since we kill replica
"setup_queries": [],
# 0/
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
sync_replica1_cursor = connection(7688, "sync_replica1").cursor()
execute_and_fetch_all(sync_replica1_cursor, "SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10001;")
cursor = connection(7687, "main").cursor()
# We want to execute manually and not via the configuration, as we are setting replica manually because
# of restart. Restart on replica would set role again.
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "REGISTER REPLICA sync_replica1 SYNC TO '';")
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "REGISTER REPLICA sync_replica2 SYNC TO '';")
# 1/
CREATE TRIGGER exampleTrigger
CREATE (p:Number {name:'Node_created_by_trigger'});
res_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("SHOW TRIGGERS;")
assert len(res_from_main) == 1, f"Incorect result: {res_from_main}"
# 2/
QUERY_CREATE_NODE = "CREATE (p:Number {name:'Not_Magic'})"
# 3/
QUERY_TO_CHECK = "MATCH (node) return node;"
res_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert len(res_from_main) == 2, f"Incorect result: {res_from_main}"
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica1"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica2"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
# 4/
interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n;")
# 5/
interactive_mg_runner.kill(CONFIGURATION, "sync_replica1")
expected_data = [
("sync_replica1", "sync", 0, "invalid"),
("sync_replica2", "sync", 0, "ready"),
def retrieve_data():
replicas = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("SHOW REPLICAS;")
return [
(replica_name, mode, timestamp_behind_main, status)
for replica_name, ip, mode, timestamp, timestamp_behind_main, status in replicas
actual_data = mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
assert actual_data == expected_data
# 6/
with pytest.raises(mgclient.DatabaseError):
# 7/
res_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert len(res_from_main) == 2
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica2"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
# 8/
interactive_mg_runner.start(CONFIGURATION, "sync_replica1")
expected_data = [
("sync_replica1", "sync", 0, "ready"),
("sync_replica2", "sync", 0, "ready"),
actual_data = mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
assert actual_data == expected_data
res_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert len(res_from_main) == 2
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica1"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica2"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
def test_trigger_on_update_before_commit_with_offline_sync_replica(connection):
# 0/ Start all.
# 1/ Create the trigger
# 2/ Create a node.
# 3/ Update the node: we expect another node to be created
# 4/ Check the nodes
# 5/ We remove all nodes and create new node again.
# 6/ Kill a replica and check that it's offline.
# 7/ Update the node.
# 8/ Check that we have two nodes.
# 9/ Re-start the replica and check it's online and that it has two nodes.
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
data_directory = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
"sync_replica1": {
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
"args": [
"log_file": "sync_replica1.log",
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
# Need to do it manually
"setup_queries": [],
"data_directory": f"{}/sync_replica1",
"sync_replica2": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7689", "--log-level=TRACE"],
"log_file": "sync_replica2.log",
"setup_queries": ["SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10002;"],
"main": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7687", "--log-level=TRACE", "--storage-recover-on-startup=true"],
"log_file": "main.log",
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
"setup_queries": [],
# 0/
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
sync_replica1_cursor = connection(7688, "sync_replica1").cursor()
execute_and_fetch_all(sync_replica1_cursor, "SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10001;")
cursor = connection(7687, "main").cursor()
# We want to execute manually and not via the configuration, as we are setting replica manually because
# of restart. Restart on replica would set role again.
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "REGISTER REPLICA sync_replica1 SYNC TO '';")
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "REGISTER REPLICA sync_replica2 SYNC TO '';")
# 1/
CREATE TRIGGER exampleTrigger
CREATE (p:Number {name:'Node_created_by_trigger'});
res_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("SHOW TRIGGERS;")
assert len(res_from_main) == 1, f"Incorect result: {res_from_main}"
# 2/
QUERY_CREATE_NODE = "CREATE (p:Number {name:'Not_Magic', value:0})"
# 3/
QUERY_TO_UPDATE = "MATCH (node:Number {name:'Not_Magic'}) SET node.value=1 return node;"
# 4/
QUERY_TO_CHECK = "MATCH (node) return node;"
res_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert len(res_from_main) == 2, f"Incorect result: {res_from_main}"
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica1"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica2"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
# 5/
interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n;")
# 6/
interactive_mg_runner.kill(CONFIGURATION, "sync_replica1")
expected_data = [
("sync_replica1", "sync", 0, "invalid"),
("sync_replica2", "sync", 0, "ready"),
def retrieve_data():
replicas = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("SHOW REPLICAS;")
return [
(replica_name, mode, timestamp_behind_main, status)
for replica_name, ip, mode, timestamp, timestamp_behind_main, status in replicas
actual_data = mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
assert actual_data == expected_data
# 7/
with pytest.raises(mgclient.DatabaseError):
# 8/
res_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert len(res_from_main) == 2
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica2"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
# 9/
interactive_mg_runner.start(CONFIGURATION, "sync_replica1")
expected_data = [
("sync_replica1", "sync", 0, "ready"),
("sync_replica2", "sync", 0, "ready"),
actual_data = mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
assert actual_data == expected_data
res_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert len(res_from_main) == 2
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica1"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica2"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
def test_trigger_on_delete_before_commit_with_offline_sync_replica(connection):
# 0/ Start all.
# 1/ Create the trigger
# 2/ Create a node.
# 3/ Delete the node: we expect another node to be created
# 4/ Check that we have one node.
# 5/ We remove all triggers and all nodes and create new trigger and node again.
# 6/ Kill a replica and check that it's offline.
# 7/ Delete the node.
# 8/ Check that we have one node.
# 9/ Re-start the replica and check it's online and that it has one node, and the correct one.
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
data_directory = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
"sync_replica1": {
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
"args": [
"log_file": "sync_replica1.log",
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
# we need to set it manually
"setup_queries": [],
"data_directory": f"{}/sync_replica1",
"sync_replica2": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7689", "--log-level=TRACE"],
"log_file": "sync_replica2.log",
"setup_queries": ["SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10002;"],
"main": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7687", "--log-level=TRACE", "--storage-recover-on-startup=true"],
"log_file": "main.log",
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
"setup_queries": [],
# 0/
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
sync_replica1_cursor = connection(7688, "sync_replica1").cursor()
execute_and_fetch_all(sync_replica1_cursor, "SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10001;")
cursor = connection(7687, "main").cursor()
# We want to execute manually and not via the configuration, as we are setting replica manually because
# of restart. Restart on replica would set role again.
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "REGISTER REPLICA sync_replica1 SYNC TO '';")
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "REGISTER REPLICA sync_replica2 SYNC TO '';")
# 1/
CREATE TRIGGER exampleTrigger
CREATE (p:Number {name:'Node_created_by_trigger'});
res_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("SHOW TRIGGERS;")
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
assert len(res_from_main) == 1, f"Incorrect result: {res_from_main}"
# 2/
QUERY_CREATE_NODE = "CREATE (p:Number {name:'Not_Magic', value:0})"
# 3/
# 4/
QUERY_TO_CHECK = "MATCH (node) return node;"
res_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
assert len(res_from_main) == 1, f"Incorrect result: {res_from_main}"
assert res_from_main[0][0].properties["name"] == "Node_created_by_trigger"
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica1"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica2"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
# 5/
interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("DROP TRIGGER exampleTrigger;")
interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n;")
# 6/
interactive_mg_runner.kill(CONFIGURATION, "sync_replica1")
expected_data = [
("sync_replica1", "sync", 0, "invalid"),
("sync_replica2", "sync", 0, "ready"),
def retrieve_data():
replicas = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("SHOW REPLICAS;")
return [
(replica_name, mode, timestamp_behind_main, status)
for replica_name, ip, mode, timestamp, timestamp_behind_main, status in replicas
actual_data = mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
assert actual_data == expected_data
# 7/
with pytest.raises(mgclient.DatabaseError):
# 8/
res_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert len(res_from_main) == 1, f"Incorect result: {res_from_main}"
assert res_from_main[0][0].properties["name"] == "Node_created_by_trigger"
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica2"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
# 9/
interactive_mg_runner.start(CONFIGURATION, "sync_replica1")
expected_data = [
("sync_replica1", "sync", 0, "ready"),
("sync_replica2", "sync", 0, "ready"),
actual_data = mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
assert actual_data == expected_data
res_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert len(res_from_main) == 1
assert res_from_main[0][0].properties["name"] == "Node_created_by_trigger"
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica1"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica2"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
def test_trigger_on_create_before_and_after_commit_with_offline_sync_replica(connection):
# 0/ Start all.
# 1/ Create the triggers
# 2/ Create a node. We expect three nodes created (1 node created + the two created by triggers).
# 3/ Check the nodes
# 4/ We remove all nodes.
# 5/ Kill a replica and check that it's offline.
# 6/ Create new node.
# 7/ Check that we have three nodes.
# 8/ Re-start the replica and check it's online and that it has three nodes.
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
data_directory = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
"sync_replica1": {
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
"args": [
"log_file": "sync_replica1.log",
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
# we need to set it manually
"setup_queries": [],
"data_directory": f"{}/sync_replica1",
"sync_replica2": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7689", "--log-level=TRACE"],
"log_file": "sync_replica2.log",
"setup_queries": ["SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10002;"],
"main": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7687", "--log-level=TRACE", "--storage-recover-on-startup=true"],
"log_file": "main.log",
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
"setup_queries": [],
# 0/
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
sync_replica1_cursor = connection(7688, "sync_replica1").cursor()
execute_and_fetch_all(sync_replica1_cursor, "SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10001;")
cursor = connection(7687, "main").cursor()
# We want to execute manually and not via the configuration, as we are setting replica manually because
# of restart. Restart on replica would set role again.
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "REGISTER REPLICA sync_replica1 SYNC TO '';")
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "REGISTER REPLICA sync_replica2 SYNC TO '';")
# 1/
CREATE TRIGGER exampleTriggerBefore
CREATE (p:Number {name:'Node_created_by_trigger_before'});
CREATE TRIGGER exampleTriggerAfter
CREATE (p:Number {name:'Node_created_by_trigger_after'});
res_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("SHOW TRIGGERS;")
assert len(res_from_main) == 2, f"Incorect result: {res_from_main}"
# 2/
QUERY_CREATE_NODE = "CREATE (p:Number {name:'Not_Magic'})"
# 3/
QUERY_TO_CHECK = "MATCH (node) return node;"
res_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert len(res_from_main) == 3, f"Incorect result: {res_from_main}"
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica1"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica2"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
# 4/
interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n;")
# 5/
interactive_mg_runner.kill(CONFIGURATION, "sync_replica1")
expected_data = [
("sync_replica1", "sync", 0, "invalid"),
("sync_replica2", "sync", 0, "ready"),
def retrieve_data():
replicas = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("SHOW REPLICAS;")
return [
(replica_name, mode, timestamp_behind_main, status)
for replica_name, ip, mode, timestamp, timestamp_behind_main, status in replicas
actual_data = mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
assert actual_data == expected_data
# 6/
with pytest.raises(mgclient.DatabaseError):
# 7/
res_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert len(res_from_main) == 3
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica2"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
# 8/
interactive_mg_runner.start(CONFIGURATION, "sync_replica1")
expected_data = [
("sync_replica1", "sync", 0, "ready"),
("sync_replica2", "sync", 0, "ready"),
actual_data = mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
assert actual_data == expected_data
res_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert len(res_from_main) == 3
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica1"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica2"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
def test_triggers_on_create_before_commit_with_offline_sync_replica(connection):
# 0/ Start all.
# 1/ Create the two triggers
# 2/ Create a node. We expect three nodes.
# 3/ Check the nodes
# 4/ We remove all nodes.
# 5/ Kill a replica and check that it's offline.
# 6/ Create new node.
# 7/ Check that we have three nodes.
# 8/ Re-start the replica and check it's online and that it has two nodes.
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
data_directory = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
"sync_replica1": {
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
"args": [
"log_file": "sync_replica1.log",
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
# we need to set it manually
"setup_queries": [],
"data_directory": f"{}/sync_replica1",
"sync_replica2": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7689", "--log-level=TRACE"],
"log_file": "sync_replica2.log",
"setup_queries": ["SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10002;"],
"main": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7687", "--log-level=TRACE", "--storage-recover-on-startup=true"],
"log_file": "main.log",
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
"setup_queries": [],
# 0/
2024-02-12 23:42:57 +08:00
sync_replica1_cursor = connection(7688, "sync_replica1").cursor()
execute_and_fetch_all(sync_replica1_cursor, "SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10001;")
cursor = connection(7687, "main").cursor()
# We want to execute manually and not via the configuration, as we are setting replica manually because
# of restart. Restart on replica would set role again.
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "REGISTER REPLICA sync_replica1 SYNC TO '';")
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "REGISTER REPLICA sync_replica2 SYNC TO '';")
# 1/
CREATE TRIGGER exampleTriggerFirst
CREATE (p:Number {name:'Node_created_by_trigger_first'});
CREATE TRIGGER exampleTriggerSecond
CREATE (p:Number {name:'Node_created_by_trigger_second'});
res_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("SHOW TRIGGERS;")
assert len(res_from_main) == 2, f"Incorect result: {res_from_main}"
# 2/
QUERY_CREATE_NODE = "CREATE (p:Number {name:'Not_Magic'})"
# 3/
QUERY_TO_CHECK = "MATCH (node) return node;"
res_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert len(res_from_main) == 3, f"Incorect result: {res_from_main}"
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica1"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica2"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
# 4/
interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n;")
# 5/
interactive_mg_runner.kill(CONFIGURATION, "sync_replica1")
expected_data = [
("sync_replica1", "sync", 0, "invalid"),
("sync_replica2", "sync", 0, "ready"),
def retrieve_data():
replicas = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("SHOW REPLICAS;")
return [
(replica_name, mode, timestamp_behind_main, status)
for replica_name, ip, mode, timestamp, timestamp_behind_main, status in replicas
actual_data = mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
assert actual_data == expected_data
# 6/
with pytest.raises(mgclient.DatabaseError):
# 7/
def get_number_of_nodes():
return len(interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK))
mg_sleep_and_assert(3, get_number_of_nodes)
res_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert len(res_from_main) == 3
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica2"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
# 8/
interactive_mg_runner.start(CONFIGURATION, "sync_replica1")
expected_data = [
("sync_replica1", "sync", 0, "ready"),
("sync_replica2", "sync", 0, "ready"),
actual_data = mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
assert actual_data == expected_data
res_from_main = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert len(res_from_main) == 3
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica1"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
assert res_from_main == interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["sync_replica2"].query(QUERY_TO_CHECK)
def test_replication_not_messed_up_by_CreateSnapshot(connection):
# Goal of this test is to check the replica can not run CreateSnapshot
# 1/ CREATE SNAPSHOT should raise a DatabaseError
cursor = connection(7688, "replica_1").cursor()
# 1/
with pytest.raises(mgclient.DatabaseError):
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "CREATE SNAPSHOT;")
def test_replication_not_messed_up_by_ShowIndexInfo(connection):
# Goal of this test is to check the replicas timestamp and hence ability to recieve MAINs writes
# is uneffected by SHOW INDEX INFO
# 1/ Run SHOW INDEX INFO; multiple times on REPLICA
# 2/ Send a write from MAIN
# 3/ Check REPLICA processed the write
"replica_1": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7688", "--log-level=TRACE"],
"log_file": "replica1.log",
"setup_queries": ["SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT 10001;"],
"main": {
"args": ["--bolt-port", "7687", "--log-level=TRACE"],
"log_file": "main.log",
"setup_queries": [
cursor = connection(7688, "replica_1").cursor()
# 1/
# This query use to incorrectly change REPLICA storage timestamp
# run this multiple times to try and get into error case of MAIN timestamp < REPLICA timestamp
for _ in range(20):
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "SHOW INDEX INFO;")
cursor = connection(7687, "main").cursor()
# 2/
execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "CREATE ();")
def retrieve_data():
replicas = interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES["main"].query("SHOW REPLICAS;")
return replicas
expected_data = [
("replica_1", "", "async", 2, 0, "ready"),
actual_data = mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, retrieve_data)
assert actual_data == expected_data
# 3/
cursor = connection(7688, "replica_1").cursor()
result = execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "MATCH () RETURN count(*);")
assert len(result) == 1
assert result[0][0] == 1 # The one node was replicated from MAIN to REPLICA
if __name__ == "__main__":
sys.exit(pytest.main([__file__, "-rA"]))