372 lines
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372 lines
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#pragma once
#include "data_structures/concurrent/concurrent_map.hpp"
#include "database/graph_db.hpp"
#include "database/graph_db_datatypes.hpp"
#include "database/indexes/index_utils.hpp"
#include "mvcc/version_list.hpp"
#include "storage/edge.hpp"
#include "storage/vertex.hpp"
#include "transactions/transaction.hpp"
#include "utils/total_ordering.hpp"
* @brief Implements LabelPropertyIndex.
class LabelPropertyIndex {
LabelPropertyIndex(const LabelPropertyIndex &other) = delete;
LabelPropertyIndex(LabelPropertyIndex &&other) = delete;
LabelPropertyIndex &operator=(const LabelPropertyIndex &other) = delete;
LabelPropertyIndex &operator=(LabelPropertyIndex &&other) = delete;
* @brief - Clear all indices so that we don't leak memory.
~LabelPropertyIndex() {
for (auto key_indices_pair : indices_.access()) {
// Delete skiplist because we created it with a new operator.
delete key_indices_pair.second;
* @brief - Contain Label + property, to be used as an index key.
class Key : public TotalOrdering<Key> {
const GraphDbTypes::Label label_;
const GraphDbTypes::Property property_;
Key(const GraphDbTypes::Label &label,
const GraphDbTypes::Property &property)
: label_(label), property_(property) {}
// Comparison operators - we need them to keep this sorted inside skiplist.
bool operator<(const Key &other) const {
if (this->label_ != other.label_) return this->label_ < other.label_;
return this->property_ < other.property_;
bool operator==(const Key &other) const {
return this->label_ == other.label_ && this->property_ == other.property_;
* @brief - Creates index with the given key if it doesn't exist. Note that
* you still need to populate the index with existing records.
* @return - True if it created the index, false if it already exists.
bool CreateIndex(const Key &key) {
auto access = indices_.access();
// Avoid creation if it already exists.
auto iter = access.find(key);
if (iter != access.end()) return false;
auto skiplist = new SkipList<IndexEntry>;
auto ret = access.insert(key, skiplist);
// Avoid multithreaded memory leak if we don't delete skiplist and fail the
// insert (some other thread already inserted)
if (ret.second == false) delete skiplist;
return ret.second;
* @brief - Notify that the index has been populated with everything it should
* be populated with, and can be used from this moment forward without missing
* any records.
* @param key - index which finished being populated.
void IndexFinishedBuilding(const Key &key) {
* @brief - Updates all indexes which should contain this vertex.
* @param vlist - pointer to vlist entry to add
* @param vertex - pointer to vertex record entry to add (contained in vlist)
void UpdateOnLabelProperty(mvcc::VersionList<Vertex> *const vlist,
const Vertex *const vertex) {
const auto &labels = vertex->labels_;
for (auto index : indices_.access()) {
// Vertex has the given label
if (std::find(labels.begin(), labels.end(), index.first.label_) ==
auto prop = vertex->properties_.at(index.first.property_);
if (prop.type() != PropertyValue::Type::Null) {
// Property exists and vertex should be added to skiplist.
Insert(*index.second, prop, vlist, vertex);
* @brief - Updates all indexes with `label` and any property in `vertex` that
* exists.
* @param label - indexes with this label might be updated if vertex contains
* the corresponding property.
* @param vlist - pointer to vlist entry to add
* @param vertex - pointer to vertex record entry to add (contained in vlist)
void UpdateOnLabel(const GraphDbTypes::Label &label,
mvcc::VersionList<Vertex> *const vlist,
const Vertex *const vertex) {
for (auto index : indices_.access()) {
if (index.first.label_ != label) continue;
auto prop = vertex->properties_.at(index.first.property_);
if (prop.type() != PropertyValue::Type::Null) {
// Property exists and vertex should be added to skiplist.
Insert(*index.second, prop, vlist, vertex);
* @brief - Updates all indexes with `property` and any label in `vertex` that
* exists.
* @param property - indexes with this property might be updated if vertex
* contains the corresponding label.
* @param vlist - pointer to vlist entry to add
* @param vertex - pointer to vertex record entry to add (contained in vlist)
void UpdateOnProperty(const GraphDbTypes::Property &property,
mvcc::VersionList<Vertex> *const vlist,
const Vertex *const vertex) {
const auto &labels = vertex->labels_;
for (auto index : indices_.access()) {
if (index.first.property_ != property) continue;
if (std::find(labels.begin(), labels.end(), index.first.label_) !=
labels.end()) {
// Label exists and vertex should be added to skiplist.
Insert(*index.second, vertex->properties_.at(property), vlist, vertex);
* @brief - Get all the inserted vlists in key specific storage which still
* have that label and property visible in this transaction.
* @param key - Label+Property to query.
* @param t - current transaction, which determines visibility.
* @param current_state If true then the graph state for the
* current transaction+command is returned (insertions, updates and
* deletions performed in the current transaction+command are not
* ignored).
* @return iterable collection of vlists of vertex records with the requested
* key sorted ascendingly by the property value.
auto GetVlists(const Key &key, const tx::Transaction &t,
bool current_state = false) {
debug_assert(ready_for_use_.access().contains(key), "Index not yet ready.");
return IndexUtils::GetVlists<IndexEntry, Vertex>(
*GetKeyStorage(key), t,
[this, key](const IndexEntry &entry, const Vertex *const vertex) {
return Exists(key, entry.value_, vertex);
* @brief - Check for existance of index.
* @param key - Index key
* @return true if the index with that key exists
bool IndexExists(const Key &key) {
return ready_for_use_.access().contains(key);
* @brief - Return number of items in skiplist associated with the given
* key. This number could be imprecise because of the underlying skiplist
* storage. Use this as a hint, and not as a rule. Fails if index doesn't
* exist.
* Moreover, some transaction probably sees only part of the skiplist since
* not all versions are visible for it. Also, garbage collection might now
* have been run for some time so the index might have accumulated garbage.
* @param key - key to query for.
* @return number of items
size_t Count(const Key &key) {
auto index = GetKeyStorage(key);
permanent_assert(index != nullptr, "Index doesn't exist.");
debug_assert(ready_for_use_.access().contains(key), "Index not yet ready.");
return index->access().size();
* @brief - Removes from the index all entries for which records don't contain
* the given label anymore, or the record was deleted before this transaction
* id.
* @param id - oldest active id, safe to remove everything deleted before this
* id.
void Refresh(const Id &id, tx::Engine &engine) {
return IndexUtils::Refresh<Key, IndexEntry, Vertex>(
indices_, id, engine, [this](const Key &key, const IndexEntry &entry) {
return Exists(key, entry.value_, entry.record_);
* @brief - Contains value, vlist and vertex record to distinguish between
* index entries.
class IndexEntry : public TotalOrdering<IndexEntry> {
IndexEntry(const IndexEntry &entry, const Vertex *new_record)
: IndexEntry(entry.value_, entry.vlist_, new_record) {}
IndexEntry(const PropertyValue &value, mvcc::VersionList<Vertex> *vlist,
const Vertex *record)
: value_(value), vlist_(vlist), record_(record) {}
// Comparision operators - we need them to keep this sorted inside
// skiplist.
bool operator<(const IndexEntry &other) const {
bool this_value_smaller = Cmp(this->value_, other.value_);
if (this_value_smaller || Cmp(other.value_, this->value_))
return this_value_smaller;
if (this->vlist_ != other.vlist_) return this->vlist_ < other.vlist_;
return this->record_ < other.record_;
bool operator==(const IndexEntry &other) const {
return !(*this < other) && !(other < *this);
* @brief - For two property values - orders the records by type and then by
* value. Except for integers and doubles - those are both converted to
* double and then compared.
* @return true if the first property value is smaller( should be before)
* than the second one
static bool Cmp(const PropertyValue &a, const PropertyValue &b) {
if (a.type() != b.type() &&
!(IsCastableToDouble(a) && IsCastableToDouble(b)))
return a.type() < b.type();
if (a.type() == b.type()) {
switch (a.type()) {
case PropertyValue::Type::Null:
return false;
case PropertyValue::Type::String:
return a.Value<std::string>() < b.Value<std::string>();
case PropertyValue::Type::Bool:
return a.Value<bool>() < b.Value<bool>();
case PropertyValue::Type::Int:
return a.Value<int64_t>() < b.Value<int64_t>();
case PropertyValue::Type::Double:
return a.Value<double>() < b.Value<double>();
case PropertyValue::Type::List: {
auto va = a.Value<std::vector<PropertyValue>>();
auto vb = b.Value<std::vector<PropertyValue>>();
if (va.size() != vb.size()) return va.size() < vb.size();
return lexicographical_compare(va.begin(), va.end(), vb.begin(),
vb.end(), Cmp);
permanent_fail("Unimplemented type operator.");
// Types are int and double - convert int to double
return GetDouble(a) < GetDouble(b);
* @brief - Return value casted to double. This is only possible for
* integers and doubles.
static double GetDouble(const PropertyValue &value) {
debug_assert(value.type() == PropertyValue::Type::Int ||
value.type() == PropertyValue::Type::Double,
"Invalid data type.");
if (value.type() == PropertyValue::Type::Int)
return static_cast<double>(value.Value<int64_t>());
return value.Value<double>();
* @brief - Return if this value is castable to double (returns true for
* integers and doubles).
static bool IsCastableToDouble(const PropertyValue &value) {
return value.type() == PropertyValue::Type::Int ||
value.type() == PropertyValue::Type::Double;
* @brief - Check if previous IndexEntry represents the same vlist/value
* pair.
* @return - true if IndexEntries are equal by the vlist/value pair.
bool IsAlreadyChecked(const IndexEntry &previous) const {
return previous.vlist_ == this->vlist_ &&
!Cmp(previous.value_, this->value_) &&
!Cmp(this->value_, previous.value_);
const PropertyValue value_;
mvcc::VersionList<Vertex> *const vlist_{nullptr};
const Vertex *const record_{nullptr};
* @brief - Insert value, vlist, vertex into corresponding index (key) if the
* index exists.
* @param index - into which index to add
* @param value - value which to add
* @param vlist - pointer to vlist entry to add
* @param vertex - pointer to vertex record entry to add (contained in vlist)
void Insert(SkipList<IndexEntry> &index, const PropertyValue &value,
mvcc::VersionList<Vertex> *const vlist,
const Vertex *const vertex) {
index.access().insert(IndexEntry(value, vlist, vertex));
* @brief - Get storage for this key.
* @param key - Label and and property for which to query.
* @return pointer to skiplist of IndexEntries, if none which matches key
* exists return nullptr
SkipList<IndexEntry> *GetKeyStorage(const Key &key) {
auto access = indices_.access();
auto iter = access.find(key);
if (iter == access.end()) return nullptr;
return iter->second;
* @brief - Check if Vertex contains label and property with the given
* value.
* @param key - label and parameter to check for.
* @param value - value of parameter to compare
* @return true if it contains, false otherwise.
bool Exists(const Key &key, const PropertyValue &value,
const Vertex *const v) const {
debug_assert(v != nullptr, "Vertex is nullptr.");
// We have to check for existance of label because the transaction
// might not see the label, or the label was deleted and not yet
// removed from the index.
const auto &labels = v->labels_;
if (std::find(labels.begin(), labels.end(), key.label_) == labels.end())
return false;
auto prop = v->properties_.at(key.property_);
// Property doesn't exists.
if (prop.type() == PropertyValue::Type::Null) return false;
// Property value is the same as expected.
return !IndexEntry::Cmp(prop, value) && !IndexEntry::Cmp(value, prop);
ConcurrentMap<Key, SkipList<IndexEntry> *> indices_;
ConcurrentSet<Key> ready_for_use_;