391 lines
13 KiB
391 lines
13 KiB
// Copyright 2023 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <concepts>
#include <cstdint>
#include <filesystem>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <optional>
#include <ostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <system_error>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "auth/auth.hpp"
#include "constants.hpp"
#include "dbms/database_handler.hpp"
#include "global.hpp"
#include "query/config.hpp"
#include "query/interpreter_context.hpp"
#include "spdlog/spdlog.h"
#include "storage/v2/durability/durability.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/durability/paths.hpp"
#include "utils/exceptions.hpp"
#include "utils/file.hpp"
#include "utils/logging.hpp"
#include "utils/result.hpp"
#include "utils/rw_lock.hpp"
#include "utils/synchronized.hpp"
#include "utils/uuid.hpp"
namespace memgraph::dbms {
using DeleteResult = utils::BasicResult<DeleteError>;
* @brief Multi-database session contexts handler.
class DbmsHandler {
using LockT = utils::RWLock;
using NewResultT = utils::BasicResult<NewError, DatabaseAccess>;
struct Statistics {
uint64_t num_vertex; //!< Sum of vertexes in every database
uint64_t num_edges; //!< Sum of edges in every database
uint64_t num_databases; //! number of isolated databases
* @brief Initialize the handler.
* @param configs storage and interpreter configurations
* @param auth pointer to the global authenticator
* @param recovery_on_startup restore databases (and its content) and authentication data
* @param delete_on_drop when dropping delete any associated directories on disk
DbmsHandler(storage::Config config, auto *auth, bool recovery_on_startup, bool delete_on_drop)
: lock_{utils::RWLock::Priority::READ}, default_config_{std::move(config)}, delete_on_drop_(delete_on_drop) {
// TODO: Decouple storage config from dbms config
// TODO: Save individual db configs inside the kvstore and restore from there
storage::UpdatePaths(*default_config_, default_config_->durability.storage_directory / "databases");
const auto &db_dir = default_config_->durability.storage_directory;
const auto durability_dir = db_dir / ".durability";
durability_ = std::make_unique<kvstore::KVStore>(durability_dir);
// Generate the default database
MG_ASSERT(!NewDefault_().HasError(), "Failed while creating the default DB.");
// Recover previous databases
if (recovery_on_startup) {
for (const auto &[name, _] : *durability_) {
if (name == kDefaultDB) continue; // Already set
spdlog::info("Restoring database {}.", name);
MG_ASSERT(!New_(name).HasError(), "Failed while creating database {}.", name);
spdlog::info("Database {} restored.", name);
} else { // Clear databases from the durability list and auth
auto locked_auth = auth->Lock();
for (const auto &[name, _] : *durability_) {
if (name == kDefaultDB) continue;
* @brief Create a new Database associated with the "name" database
* @param name name of the database
* @return NewResultT context on success, error on failure
NewResultT New(const std::string &name) {
std::lock_guard<LockT> wr(lock_);
return New_(name, name);
* @brief Get the context associated with the "name" database
* @param name
* @return DatabaseAccess
* @throw UnknownDatabaseException if database not found
DatabaseAccess Get(std::string_view name) {
std::shared_lock<LockT> rd(lock_);
return Get_(name);
* @brief Delete database.
* @param db_name database name
* @return DeleteResult error on failure
DeleteResult Delete(const std::string &db_name) {
std::lock_guard<LockT> wr(lock_);
if (db_name == kDefaultDB) {
// MSG cannot delete the default db
return DeleteError::DEFAULT_DB;
const auto storage_path = StorageDir_(db_name);
if (!storage_path) return DeleteError::NON_EXISTENT;
// Check if db exists
try {
// Low level handlers
if (!db_handler_.Delete(db_name)) {
return DeleteError::USING;
} catch (utils::BasicException &) {
return DeleteError::NON_EXISTENT;
// Remove from durability list
if (durability_) durability_->Delete(db_name);
// Delete disk storage
if (delete_on_drop_) {
std::error_code ec;
(void)std::filesystem::remove_all(*storage_path, ec);
if (ec) {
spdlog::error("Failed to clean disk while deleting database \"{}\".", db_name);
return DeleteError::DISK_FAIL;
// Delete from defunct_dbs_ (in case a second delete call was successful)
return {}; // Success
* @brief Return all active databases.
* @return std::vector<std::string>
std::vector<std::string> All() const {
std::shared_lock<LockT> rd(lock_);
return db_handler_.All();
* @brief Return the number of vertex across all databases.
* @return uint64_t
Statistics Info() {
// TODO: Handle overflow?
uint64_t nv = 0;
uint64_t ne = 0;
std::shared_lock<LockT> rd(lock_);
const uint64_t ndb = std::distance(db_handler_.cbegin(), db_handler_.cend());
for (auto &[_, db_gk] : db_handler_) {
auto db_acc_opt = db_gk.access();
if (!db_acc_opt) continue;
auto &db_acc = *db_acc_opt;
const auto &info = db_acc->GetInfo();
nv += info.vertex_count;
ne += info.edge_count;
return {nv, ne, ndb};
* @brief Restore triggers for all currently defined databases.
* @note: Triggers can execute query procedures, so we need to reload the modules first and then the triggers
* @param ic global InterpreterContext
void RestoreTriggers(query::InterpreterContext *ic) {
std::lock_guard<LockT> wr(lock_);
for (auto &[_, db_gk] : db_handler_) {
auto db_acc_opt = db_gk.access();
if (!db_acc_opt) continue;
auto &db_acc = *db_acc_opt;
spdlog::debug("Restoring trigger for database \"{}\"", db_acc->id());
auto storage_accessor = db_acc->Access();
auto dba = memgraph::query::DbAccessor{storage_accessor.get()};
db_acc->trigger_store()->RestoreTriggers(&ic->ast_cache, &dba, ic->config.query, ic->auth_checker);
* @brief Restore streams of all currently defined databases.
* @note: Stream transformations are using modules, they have to be restored after the query modules are loaded.
* @param ic global InterpreterContext
void RestoreStreams(query::InterpreterContext *ic) {
std::lock_guard<LockT> wr(lock_);
for (auto &[_, db_gk] : db_handler_) {
auto db_acc = db_gk.access();
if (!db_acc) continue;
auto *db = db_acc->get();
spdlog::debug("Restoring streams for database \"{}\"", db->id());
db->streams()->RestoreStreams(*db_acc, ic);
* @brief return the storage directory of the associated database
* @param name Database name
* @return std::optional<std::filesystem::path>
std::optional<std::filesystem::path> StorageDir_(const std::string &name) {
const auto conf = db_handler_.GetConfig(name);
if (conf) {
return conf->durability.storage_directory;
spdlog::debug("Failed to find storage dir for database \"{}\"", name);
return {};
* @brief Create a new Database associated with the "name" database
* @param name name of the database
* @return NewResultT context on success, error on failure
NewResultT New_(const std::string &name) { return New_(name, name); }
* @brief Create a new Database associated with the "name" database
* @param name name of the database
* @param storage_subdir undelying RocksDB directory
* @return NewResultT context on success, error on failure
NewResultT New_(const std::string &name, std::filesystem::path storage_subdir) {
if (default_config_) {
auto config_copy = *default_config_;
storage::UpdatePaths(config_copy, default_config_->durability.storage_directory / storage_subdir);
return New_(name, config_copy);
spdlog::info("Trying to generate session context without any configurations.");
return NewError::NO_CONFIGS;
* @brief Create a new Database associated with the "name" database
* @param name name of the database
* @param storage_config storage configuration
* @return NewResultT context on success, error on failure
NewResultT New_(const std::string &name, storage::Config &storage_config) {
if (defunct_dbs_.contains(name)) {
spdlog::warn("Failed to generate database due to the unknown state of the previously defunct database \"{}\".",
return NewError::DEFUNCT;
auto new_db = db_handler_.New(name, storage_config);
if (new_db.HasValue()) {
// Success
if (durability_) durability_->Put(name, "ok"); // TODO: Serialize the configuration?
return new_db.GetValue();
return new_db.GetError();
* @brief Create a new Database associated with the default database
* @return NewResultT context on success, error on failure
NewResultT NewDefault_() {
// Create the default DB in the root (this is how it was done pre multi-tenancy)
auto res = New_(kDefaultDB, "..");
if (res.HasValue()) {
// For back-compatibility...
// Recreate the dbms layout for the default db and symlink to the root
const auto dir = StorageDir_(kDefaultDB);
MG_ASSERT(dir, "Failed to find storage path.");
const auto main_dir = *dir / "databases" / kDefaultDB;
if (!std::filesystem::exists(main_dir)) {
// Force link on-disk directories
const auto conf = db_handler_.GetConfig(kDefaultDB);
MG_ASSERT(conf, "No configuration for the default database.");
const auto &tmp_conf = conf->disk;
std::vector<std::filesystem::path> to_link{
tmp_conf.main_storage_directory, tmp_conf.label_index_directory,
tmp_conf.label_property_index_directory, tmp_conf.unique_constraints_directory,
tmp_conf.name_id_mapper_directory, tmp_conf.id_name_mapper_directory,
tmp_conf.durability_directory, tmp_conf.wal_directory,
// Add in-memory paths
// Some directories are redundant (skip those)
const std::vector<std::string> skip{".lock", "audit_log", "auth", "databases", "internal_modules", "settings"};
for (auto const &item : std::filesystem::directory_iterator{*dir}) {
const auto dir_name = std::filesystem::relative(item.path(), item.path().parent_path());
if (std::find(skip.begin(), skip.end(), dir_name) != skip.end()) continue;
// Symlink to root dir
for (auto const &item : to_link) {
const auto dir_name = std::filesystem::relative(item, item.parent_path());
const auto link = main_dir / dir_name;
const auto to = std::filesystem::relative(item, main_dir);
if (!std::filesystem::is_symlink(link) && !std::filesystem::exists(link)) {
std::filesystem::create_directory_symlink(to, link);
} else { // Check existing link
std::error_code ec;
const auto test_link = std::filesystem::read_symlink(link, ec);
if (ec || test_link != to) {
"Memgraph storage directory incompatible with new version.\n"
"Please use a clean directory or remove \"{}\" and try again.",
return res;
* @brief Get the DatabaseAccess for the database associated with the "name"
* @param name
* @return DatabaseAccess
* @throw UnknownDatabaseException if trying to get unknown database
DatabaseAccess Get_(std::string_view name) {
auto db = db_handler_.Get(name);
if (db) {
return *db;
throw UnknownDatabaseException("Tried to retrieve an unknown database \"{}\".", name);
// Should storage objects ever be deleted?
mutable LockT lock_; //!< protective lock
DatabaseHandler db_handler_; //!< multi-tenancy storage handler
std::optional<storage::Config> default_config_; //!< Storage configuration used when creating new databases
std::unique_ptr<kvstore::KVStore> durability_; //!< list of active dbs (pointer so we can postpone its creation)
std::set<std::string> defunct_dbs_; //!< Databases that are in an unknown state due to various failures
bool delete_on_drop_; //!< Flag defining if dropping storage also deletes its directory
} // namespace memgraph::dbms