195 lines
6.5 KiB
195 lines
6.5 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import collections
import dpkt
import json
import operator
import socket
import struct
import tabulate
# helpers
def format_endpoint(addr, port):
return "{}:{}".format(socket.inet_ntoa(addr), port)
class Connection:
# uint32_t channel_size
# uint32_t message_number, uint32_t message_size
# 8: boost archive string size
# 22: boost archive fixed string "serialization::archive"
# 17: boost archive magic bytes
BOOST_OFFSET = 8 + 22 + 17
def __init__(self):
self._handshake_done = False
self._channel = ""
self._data = bytes()
self._message = bytes()
self._ts = []
self._header_format_len = struct.calcsize(self.HEADER_FORMAT)
self._message_format_len = struct.calcsize(self.MESSAGE_FORMAT)
self._last = None
self._stats = collections.defaultdict(lambda:
{"duration": [], "size": []})
def _extract_channel(self):
if len(self._data) < self._header_format_len:
return False
chan_len = struct.unpack_from(self.HEADER_FORMAT, self._data)[0]
if len(self._data) < self._header_format_len + chan_len:
return False
self._channel = self._data[self._header_format_len:].decode("utf-8")
self._data = bytes()
return True
def _extract_message(self):
if len(self._data) < self._message_format_len:
return False
msg_num, msg_len = struct.unpack_from("IH", self._data)
if len(self._data) < self._message_format_len + msg_len:
return False
self._message = self._data[self._message_format_len:]
self._data = bytes()
return True
def add_data(self, data, ts):
self._data += data
if not self._handshake_done:
if not self._extract_channel():
self._handshake_done = True
self._ts = []
if not self._extract_message():
message_type_size = struct.unpack_from("Q", self._message,
message_type = struct.unpack_from("{}s".format(message_type_size),
self._message, self.BOOST_OFFSET + 8)[0].decode("utf-8")
if self._last is None:
self._last = (message_type, self._ts[0])
req_type, req_ts = self._last
duration = self._ts[-1] - req_ts
self._stats[(req_type, message_type)]["duration"].append(duration)
self._stats[(req_type, message_type)]["size"].append(
self._last = None
self._ts = []
def get_stats(self):
return self._stats
class Server:
def __init__(self):
self._conns = collections.defaultdict(lambda: Connection())
def add_data(self, addr, data, ts):
self._conns[addr].add_data(data, ts)
def print_stats(self, machine_names, title, sort_by):
stats = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(
lambda: {"duration": [], "size": []}))
for addr, conn in self._conns.items():
ip, port = addr.split(":")
for rpc, connstats in conn.get_stats().items():
stats[ip][rpc]["duration"] += connstats["duration"]
stats[ip][rpc]["size"] += connstats["size"]
table = []
headers = ["RPC ({})".format(title), "Client", "Count", "Tmin (ms)",
"Tavg (ms)", "Tmax (ms)", "Ttot (s)", "Smin (B)",
"Savg (B)", "Smax (B)", "Stot (kiB)"]
sort_keys = ["rpc", "client", "count", "tmin", "tavg", "tmax", "ttot",
"smin", "savg", "smax", "stot"]
for client in sorted(stats.keys()):
rpcs = stats[client]
for rpc, connstats in rpcs.items():
durs = connstats["duration"]
sizes = connstats["size"]
durs_sum = sum(durs)
sizes_sum = sum(sizes)
table.append(["{} / {}".format(*rpc), machine_names[client],
len(durs), min(durs) * 1000,
durs_sum / len(durs) * 1000,
max(durs) * 1000, durs_sum, min(sizes),
int(sizes_sum / len(sizes)), max(sizes),
sizes_sum / 1024])
for sort_field in sort_by.split(","):
reverse = True if sort_field.endswith("-") else False
sort_field.rstrip("+-"))), reverse=reverse)
print(tabulate.tabulate(table, headers=headers, tablefmt="psql",
# process logic
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate RPC statistics from "
"network traffic capture.")
parser.add_argument("--sort-by", default="tavg+,count-,client+",
help="comma separated list of fields which should be used to sort "
"the data; each field can be suffixed with + or - to indicate "
"ascending or descending order; available fields: rpc, client, "
"count, min, avg, max, total")
parser.add_argument("capfile", help="network traffic capture file")
parser.add_argument("conffile", help="cluster config file")
args = parser.parse_args()
config = json.load(open(args.conffile))
last_worker = 0
machine_names = {}
server_addresses = []
for machine in config["workload_machines"]:
name = machine["type"]
if name == "worker":
last_worker += 1
name += str(last_worker)
machine_names["{address}".format(**machine)] = name
servers = collections.defaultdict(Server)
for ts, pkt in dpkt.pcap.Reader(open(args.capfile, "rb")):
eth = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(pkt)
if eth.type != dpkt.ethernet.ETH_TYPE_IP:
ip = eth.data
if ip.p != dpkt.ip.IP_PROTO_TCP:
tcp = ip.data
src = format_endpoint(ip.src, tcp.sport)
dst = format_endpoint(ip.dst, tcp.dport)
if src not in server_addresses and dst not in server_addresses:
if len(tcp.data) == 0:
server = dst if dst in server_addresses else src
client = dst if dst not in server_addresses else src
servers[server].add_data(client, tcp.data, ts)
for server in sorted(servers.keys()):