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2022-11-25 00:45:43 +08:00
* tlx/container/btree.hpp
* Part of tlx -
* Copyright (C) 2008-2017 Timo Bingmann <>
* All rights reserved. Published under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0
#include "core.hpp"
// *** Required Headers from the STL
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <functional>
#include <istream>
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <utility>
namespace tlx {
//! \addtogroup tlx_container
//! \{
//! \defgroup tlx_container_btree B+ Trees
//! B+ tree variants
//! \{
// *** Debugging Macros
#include <iostream>
//! Print out debug information to std::cout if TLX_BTREE_DEBUG is defined.
#define TLX_BTREE_PRINT(x) \
do { \
if (debug) (std::cout << x << std::endl); \
} while (0)
//! Assertion only if TLX_BTREE_DEBUG is defined. This is not used in verify().
#define TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(x) \
do { \
assert(x); \
} while (0)
//! Print out debug information to std::cout if TLX_BTREE_DEBUG is defined.
#define TLX_BTREE_PRINT(x) \
do { \
} while (0)
//! Assertion only if TLX_BTREE_DEBUG is defined. This is not used in verify().
#define TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(x) \
do { \
} while (0)
//! The maximum of a and b. Used in some compile-time formulas.
#define TLX_BTREE_MAX(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (b) : (a))
//! The macro TLX_BTREE_FRIENDS can be used by outside class to access the B+
//! tree internals. This was added for wxBTreeDemo to be able to draw the
//! tree.
#define TLX_BTREE_FRIENDS friend class btree_friend
* Generates default traits for a B+ tree used as a set or map. It estimates
* leaf and inner node sizes by assuming a cache line multiple of 256 bytes.
template <typename Key, typename Value>
struct btree_default_traits {
//! If true, the tree will self verify its invariants after each insert() or
//! erase(). The header must have been compiled with TLX_BTREE_DEBUG
//! defined.
static const bool self_verify = false;
//! If true, the tree will print out debug information and a tree dump
//! during insert() or erase() operation. The header must have been
//! compiled with TLX_BTREE_DEBUG defined and key_type must be std::ostream
//! printable.
static const bool debug = false;
//! Number of slots in each leaf of the tree. Estimated so that each node
//! has a size of about 256 bytes.
static const int leaf_slots = TLX_BTREE_MAX(8, 256 / (sizeof(Value)));
//! Number of slots in each inner node of the tree. Estimated so that each
//! node has a size of about 256 bytes.
static const int inner_slots = TLX_BTREE_MAX(8, 256 / (sizeof(Key) + sizeof(void *)));
//! As of stx-btree-0.9, the code does linear search in find_lower() and
//! find_upper() instead of binary_search, unless the node size is larger
//! than this threshold. See notes at
static const size_t binsearch_threshold = 256;
* Basic class implementing a B+ tree data structure in memory.
* The base implementation of an in-memory B+ tree. It is based on the
* implementation in Cormen's Introduction into Algorithms, Jan Jannink's paper
* and other algorithm resources. Almost all STL-required function calls are
* implemented. The asymptotic time requirements of the STL are not always
* fulfilled in theory, however, in practice this B+ tree performs better than a
* red-black tree and almost always uses less memory. The insertion function
* splits the nodes on the recursion unroll. Erase is largely based on Jannink's
* ideas.
* This class is specialized into btree_set, btree_multiset, btree_map and
* btree_multimap using default template parameters and facade functions.
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename KeyOfValue, typename Compare = std::less<Key>,
typename Traits = btree_default_traits<Key, Value>, bool Duplicates = false,
typename Allocator = std::allocator<Value>>
class BTree {
//! \name Template Parameter Types
//! \{
//! First template parameter: The key type of the B+ tree. This is stored in
//! inner nodes.
typedef Key key_type;
//! Second template parameter: Composition pair of key and data types, or
//! just the key for set containers. This data type is stored in the leaves.
typedef Value value_type;
//! Third template: key extractor class to pull key_type from value_type.
typedef KeyOfValue key_of_value;
//! Fourth template parameter: key_type comparison function object
typedef Compare key_compare;
//! Fifth template parameter: Traits object used to define more parameters
//! of the B+ tree
typedef Traits traits;
//! Sixth template parameter: Allow duplicate keys in the B+ tree. Used to
//! implement multiset and multimap.
static const bool allow_duplicates = Duplicates;
//! Seventh template parameter: STL allocator for tree nodes
typedef Allocator allocator_type;
//! \}
// The macro TLX_BTREE_FRIENDS can be used by outside class to access the B+
// tree internals. This was added for wxBTreeDemo to be able to draw the
// tree.
//! \name Constructed Types
//! \{
//! Typedef of our own type
typedef BTree<key_type, value_type, key_of_value, key_compare, traits, allow_duplicates, allocator_type> Self;
//! Size type used to count keys
typedef size_t size_type;
//! \}
//! \name Static Constant Options and Values of the B+ Tree
//! \{
//! Base B+ tree parameter: The number of key/data slots in each leaf
static const unsigned short leaf_slotmax = traits::leaf_slots;
//! Base B+ tree parameter: The number of key slots in each inner node,
//! this can differ from slots in each leaf.
static const unsigned short inner_slotmax = traits::inner_slots;
//! Computed B+ tree parameter: The minimum number of key/data slots used
//! in a leaf. If fewer slots are used, the leaf will be merged or slots
//! shifted from it's siblings.
static const unsigned short leaf_slotmin = (leaf_slotmax / 2);
//! Computed B+ tree parameter: The minimum number of key slots used
//! in an inner node. If fewer slots are used, the inner node will be
//! merged or slots shifted from it's siblings.
static const unsigned short inner_slotmin = (inner_slotmax / 2);
//! Debug parameter: Enables expensive and thorough checking of the B+ tree
//! invariants after each insert/erase operation.
static const bool self_verify = traits::self_verify;
//! Debug parameter: Prints out lots of debug information about how the
//! algorithms change the tree. Requires the header file to be compiled
//! with TLX_BTREE_DEBUG and the key type must be std::ostream printable.
static const bool debug = traits::debug;
//! \}
//! \name Node Classes for In-Memory Nodes
//! \{
//! The header structure of each node in-memory. This structure is extended
//! by InnerNode or LeafNode.
struct node {
//! Level in the b-tree, if level == 0 -> leaf node
unsigned short level;
//! Number of key slotuse use, so the number of valid children or data
//! pointers
unsigned short slotuse;
//! Delayed initialisation of constructed node.
void initialize(const unsigned short l) {
level = l;
slotuse = 0;
//! True if this is a leaf node.
bool is_leafnode() const { return (level == 0); }
//! Extended structure of a inner node in-memory. Contains only keys and no
//! data items.
struct InnerNode : public node {
//! Define an related allocator for the InnerNode structs.
typedef typename std::allocator_traits<Allocator>::template rebind_alloc<InnerNode> alloc_type;
//! Keys of children or data pointers
key_type slotkey[inner_slotmax]; // NOLINT
//! Pointers to children
node *childid[inner_slotmax + 1]; // NOLINT
//! Set variables to initial values.
void initialize(const unsigned short l) { node::initialize(l); }
//! Return key in slot s
const key_type &key(size_t s) const { return slotkey[s]; }
//! True if the node's slots are full.
bool is_full() const { return (node::slotuse == inner_slotmax); }
//! True if few used entries, less than half full.
bool is_few() const { return (node::slotuse <= inner_slotmin); }
//! True if node has too few entries.
bool is_underflow() const { return (node::slotuse < inner_slotmin); }
//! Extended structure of a leaf node in memory. Contains pairs of keys and
//! data items. Key and data slots are kept together in value_type.
struct LeafNode : public node {
//! Define an related allocator for the LeafNode structs.
typedef typename std::allocator_traits<Allocator>::template rebind_alloc<LeafNode> alloc_type;
//! Double linked list pointers to traverse the leaves
LeafNode *prev_leaf;
//! Double linked list pointers to traverse the leaves
LeafNode *next_leaf;
//! Array of (key, data) pairs
value_type slotdata[leaf_slotmax]; // NOLINT
//! Set variables to initial values
void initialize() {
prev_leaf = next_leaf = nullptr;
//! Return key in slot s.
const key_type &key(size_t s) const { return key_of_value::get(slotdata[s]); }
//! True if the node's slots are full.
bool is_full() const { return (node::slotuse == leaf_slotmax); }
//! True if few used entries, less than half full.
bool is_few() const { return (node::slotuse <= leaf_slotmin); }
//! True if node has too few entries.
bool is_underflow() const { return (node::slotuse < leaf_slotmin); }
//! Set the (key,data) pair in slot. Overloaded function used by
//! bulk_load().
void set_slot(unsigned short slot, const value_type &value) {
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(slot < node::slotuse);
slotdata[slot] = value;
//! \}
//! \name Iterators and Reverse Iterators
//! \{
class iterator;
class const_iterator;
class reverse_iterator;
class const_reverse_iterator;
//! STL-like iterator object for B+ tree items. The iterator points to a
//! specific slot number in a leaf.
class iterator {
// *** Types
//! The key type of the btree. Returned by key().
typedef typename BTree::key_type key_type;
//! The value type of the btree. Returned by operator*().
typedef typename BTree::value_type value_type;
//! Reference to the value_type. STL required.
typedef value_type &reference;
//! Pointer to the value_type. STL required.
typedef value_type *pointer;
//! STL-magic iterator category
typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
//! STL-magic
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
//! Our own type
typedef iterator self;
// *** Members
//! The currently referenced leaf node of the tree
typename BTree::LeafNode *curr_leaf;
//! Current key/data slot referenced
unsigned short curr_slot;
//! Friendly to the const_iterator, so it may access the two data items
//! directly.
friend class const_iterator;
//! Also friendly to the reverse_iterator, so it may access the two
//! data items directly.
friend class reverse_iterator;
//! Also friendly to the const_reverse_iterator, so it may access the
//! two data items directly.
friend class const_reverse_iterator;
//! Also friendly to the base btree class, because erase_iter() needs
//! to read the curr_leaf and curr_slot values directly.
friend class BTree<key_type, value_type, key_of_value, key_compare, traits, allow_duplicates, allocator_type>;
// The macro TLX_BTREE_FRIENDS can be used by outside class to access
// the B+ tree internals. This was added for wxBTreeDemo to be able to
// draw the tree.
// *** Methods
//! Default-Constructor of a mutable iterator
iterator() : curr_leaf(nullptr), curr_slot(0) {}
//! Initializing-Constructor of a mutable iterator
iterator(typename BTree::LeafNode *l, unsigned short s) : curr_leaf(l), curr_slot(s) {}
//! Copy-constructor from a reverse iterator
iterator(const reverse_iterator &it) // NOLINT
: curr_leaf(it.curr_leaf), curr_slot(it.curr_slot) {}
//! Dereference the iterator.
reference operator*() const { return curr_leaf->slotdata[curr_slot]; }
//! Dereference the iterator.
pointer operator->() const { return &curr_leaf->slotdata[curr_slot]; }
//! Key of the current slot.
const key_type &key() const { return curr_leaf->key(curr_slot); }
//! Prefix++ advance the iterator to the next slot.
iterator &operator++() {
if (curr_slot + 1u < curr_leaf->slotuse) {
} else if (curr_leaf->next_leaf != nullptr) {
curr_leaf = curr_leaf->next_leaf;
curr_slot = 0;
} else {
// this is end()
curr_slot = curr_leaf->slotuse;
return *this;
//! Postfix++ advance the iterator to the next slot.
iterator operator++(int) {
iterator tmp = *this; // copy ourselves
if (curr_slot + 1u < curr_leaf->slotuse) {
} else if (curr_leaf->next_leaf != nullptr) {
curr_leaf = curr_leaf->next_leaf;
curr_slot = 0;
} else {
// this is end()
curr_slot = curr_leaf->slotuse;
return tmp;
//! Prefix-- backstep the iterator to the last slot.
iterator &operator--() {
if (curr_slot > 0) {
} else if (curr_leaf->prev_leaf != nullptr) {
curr_leaf = curr_leaf->prev_leaf;
curr_slot = curr_leaf->slotuse - 1;
} else {
// this is begin()
curr_slot = 0;
return *this;
//! Postfix-- backstep the iterator to the last slot.
iterator operator--(int) {
iterator tmp = *this; // copy ourselves
if (curr_slot > 0) {
} else if (curr_leaf->prev_leaf != nullptr) {
curr_leaf = curr_leaf->prev_leaf;
curr_slot = curr_leaf->slotuse - 1;
} else {
// this is begin()
curr_slot = 0;
return tmp;
//! Equality of iterators.
bool operator==(const iterator &x) const { return (x.curr_leaf == curr_leaf) && (x.curr_slot == curr_slot); }
//! Inequality of iterators.
bool operator!=(const iterator &x) const { return (x.curr_leaf != curr_leaf) || (x.curr_slot != curr_slot); }
//! STL-like read-only iterator object for B+ tree items. The iterator
//! points to a specific slot number in a leaf.
class const_iterator {
// *** Types
//! The key type of the btree. Returned by key().
typedef typename BTree::key_type key_type;
//! The value type of the btree. Returned by operator*().
typedef typename BTree::value_type value_type;
//! Reference to the value_type. STL required.
typedef const value_type &reference;
//! Pointer to the value_type. STL required.
typedef const value_type *pointer;
//! STL-magic iterator category
typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
//! STL-magic
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
//! Our own type
typedef const_iterator self;
// *** Members
//! The currently referenced leaf node of the tree
const typename BTree::LeafNode *curr_leaf;
//! Current key/data slot referenced
unsigned short curr_slot;
//! Friendly to the reverse_const_iterator, so it may access the two
//! data items directly
friend class const_reverse_iterator;
// The macro TLX_BTREE_FRIENDS can be used by outside class to access
// the B+ tree internals. This was added for wxBTreeDemo to be able to
// draw the tree.
// *** Methods
//! Default-Constructor of a const iterator
const_iterator() : curr_leaf(nullptr), curr_slot(0) {}
//! Initializing-Constructor of a const iterator
const_iterator(const typename BTree::LeafNode *l, unsigned short s) : curr_leaf(l), curr_slot(s) {}
//! Copy-constructor from a mutable iterator
const_iterator(const iterator &it) // NOLINT
: curr_leaf(it.curr_leaf), curr_slot(it.curr_slot) {}
//! Copy-constructor from a mutable reverse iterator
const_iterator(const reverse_iterator &it) // NOLINT
: curr_leaf(it.curr_leaf), curr_slot(it.curr_slot) {}
//! Copy-constructor from a const reverse iterator
const_iterator(const const_reverse_iterator &it) // NOLINT
: curr_leaf(it.curr_leaf), curr_slot(it.curr_slot) {}
//! Dereference the iterator.
reference operator*() const { return curr_leaf->slotdata[curr_slot]; }
//! Dereference the iterator.
pointer operator->() const { return &curr_leaf->slotdata[curr_slot]; }
//! Key of the current slot.
const key_type &key() const { return curr_leaf->key(curr_slot); }
//! Prefix++ advance the iterator to the next slot.
const_iterator &operator++() {
if (curr_slot + 1u < curr_leaf->slotuse) {
} else if (curr_leaf->next_leaf != nullptr) {
curr_leaf = curr_leaf->next_leaf;
curr_slot = 0;
} else {
// this is end()
curr_slot = curr_leaf->slotuse;
return *this;
//! Postfix++ advance the iterator to the next slot.
const_iterator operator++(int) {
const_iterator tmp = *this; // copy ourselves
if (curr_slot + 1u < curr_leaf->slotuse) {
} else if (curr_leaf->next_leaf != nullptr) {
curr_leaf = curr_leaf->next_leaf;
curr_slot = 0;
} else {
// this is end()
curr_slot = curr_leaf->slotuse;
return tmp;
//! Prefix-- backstep the iterator to the last slot.
const_iterator &operator--() {
if (curr_slot > 0) {
} else if (curr_leaf->prev_leaf != nullptr) {
curr_leaf = curr_leaf->prev_leaf;
curr_slot = curr_leaf->slotuse - 1;
} else {
// this is begin()
curr_slot = 0;
return *this;
//! Postfix-- backstep the iterator to the last slot.
const_iterator operator--(int) {
const_iterator tmp = *this; // copy ourselves
if (curr_slot > 0) {
} else if (curr_leaf->prev_leaf != nullptr) {
curr_leaf = curr_leaf->prev_leaf;
curr_slot = curr_leaf->slotuse - 1;
} else {
// this is begin()
curr_slot = 0;
return tmp;
//! Equality of iterators.
bool operator==(const const_iterator &x) const { return (x.curr_leaf == curr_leaf) && (x.curr_slot == curr_slot); }
//! Inequality of iterators.
bool operator!=(const const_iterator &x) const { return (x.curr_leaf != curr_leaf) || (x.curr_slot != curr_slot); }
//! STL-like mutable reverse iterator object for B+ tree items. The
//! iterator points to a specific slot number in a leaf.
class reverse_iterator {
// *** Types
//! The key type of the btree. Returned by key().
typedef typename BTree::key_type key_type;
//! The value type of the btree. Returned by operator*().
typedef typename BTree::value_type value_type;
//! Reference to the value_type. STL required.
typedef value_type &reference;
//! Pointer to the value_type. STL required.
typedef value_type *pointer;
//! STL-magic iterator category
typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
//! STL-magic
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
//! Our own type
typedef reverse_iterator self;
// *** Members
//! The currently referenced leaf node of the tree
typename BTree::LeafNode *curr_leaf;
//! One slot past the current key/data slot referenced.
unsigned short curr_slot;
//! Friendly to the const_iterator, so it may access the two data items
//! directly
friend class iterator;
//! Also friendly to the const_iterator, so it may access the two data
//! items directly
friend class const_iterator;
//! Also friendly to the const_iterator, so it may access the two data
//! items directly
friend class const_reverse_iterator;
// The macro TLX_BTREE_FRIENDS can be used by outside class to access
// the B+ tree internals. This was added for wxBTreeDemo to be able to
// draw the tree.
// *** Methods
//! Default-Constructor of a reverse iterator
reverse_iterator() : curr_leaf(nullptr), curr_slot(0) {}
//! Initializing-Constructor of a mutable reverse iterator
reverse_iterator(typename BTree::LeafNode *l, unsigned short s) : curr_leaf(l), curr_slot(s) {}
//! Copy-constructor from a mutable iterator
reverse_iterator(const iterator &it) // NOLINT
: curr_leaf(it.curr_leaf), curr_slot(it.curr_slot) {}
//! Dereference the iterator.
reference operator*() const {
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(curr_slot > 0);
return curr_leaf->slotdata[curr_slot - 1];
//! Dereference the iterator.
pointer operator->() const {
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(curr_slot > 0);
return &curr_leaf->slotdata[curr_slot - 1];
//! Key of the current slot.
const key_type &key() const {
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(curr_slot > 0);
return curr_leaf->key(curr_slot - 1);
//! Prefix++ advance the iterator to the next slot.
reverse_iterator &operator++() {
if (curr_slot > 1) {
} else if (curr_leaf->prev_leaf != nullptr) {
curr_leaf = curr_leaf->prev_leaf;
curr_slot = curr_leaf->slotuse;
} else {
// this is begin() == rend()
curr_slot = 0;
return *this;
//! Postfix++ advance the iterator to the next slot.
reverse_iterator operator++(int) {
reverse_iterator tmp = *this; // copy ourselves
if (curr_slot > 1) {
} else if (curr_leaf->prev_leaf != nullptr) {
curr_leaf = curr_leaf->prev_leaf;
curr_slot = curr_leaf->slotuse;
} else {
// this is begin() == rend()
curr_slot = 0;
return tmp;
//! Prefix-- backstep the iterator to the last slot.
reverse_iterator &operator--() {
if (curr_slot < curr_leaf->slotuse) {
} else if (curr_leaf->next_leaf != nullptr) {
curr_leaf = curr_leaf->next_leaf;
curr_slot = 1;
} else {
// this is end() == rbegin()
curr_slot = curr_leaf->slotuse;
return *this;
//! Postfix-- backstep the iterator to the last slot.
reverse_iterator operator--(int) {
reverse_iterator tmp = *this; // copy ourselves
if (curr_slot < curr_leaf->slotuse) {
} else if (curr_leaf->next_leaf != nullptr) {
curr_leaf = curr_leaf->next_leaf;
curr_slot = 1;
} else {
// this is end() == rbegin()
curr_slot = curr_leaf->slotuse;
return tmp;
//! Equality of iterators.
bool operator==(const reverse_iterator &x) const {
return (x.curr_leaf == curr_leaf) && (x.curr_slot == curr_slot);
//! Inequality of iterators.
bool operator!=(const reverse_iterator &x) const {
return (x.curr_leaf != curr_leaf) || (x.curr_slot != curr_slot);
//! STL-like read-only reverse iterator object for B+ tree items. The
//! iterator points to a specific slot number in a leaf.
class const_reverse_iterator {
// *** Types
//! The key type of the btree. Returned by key().
typedef typename BTree::key_type key_type;
//! The value type of the btree. Returned by operator*().
typedef typename BTree::value_type value_type;
//! Reference to the value_type. STL required.
typedef const value_type &reference;
//! Pointer to the value_type. STL required.
typedef const value_type *pointer;
//! STL-magic iterator category
typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
//! STL-magic
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
//! Our own type
typedef const_reverse_iterator self;
// *** Members
//! The currently referenced leaf node of the tree
const typename BTree::LeafNode *curr_leaf;
//! One slot past the current key/data slot referenced.
unsigned short curr_slot;
//! Friendly to the const_iterator, so it may access the two data items
//! directly.
friend class reverse_iterator;
// The macro TLX_BTREE_FRIENDS can be used by outside class to access
// the B+ tree internals. This was added for wxBTreeDemo to be able to
// draw the tree.
// *** Methods
//! Default-Constructor of a const reverse iterator.
const_reverse_iterator() : curr_leaf(nullptr), curr_slot(0) {}
//! Initializing-Constructor of a const reverse iterator.
const_reverse_iterator(const typename BTree::LeafNode *l, unsigned short s) : curr_leaf(l), curr_slot(s) {}
//! Copy-constructor from a mutable iterator.
const_reverse_iterator(const iterator &it) // NOLINT
: curr_leaf(it.curr_leaf), curr_slot(it.curr_slot) {}
//! Copy-constructor from a const iterator.
const_reverse_iterator(const const_iterator &it) // NOLINT
: curr_leaf(it.curr_leaf), curr_slot(it.curr_slot) {}
//! Copy-constructor from a mutable reverse iterator.
const_reverse_iterator(const reverse_iterator &it) // NOLINT
: curr_leaf(it.curr_leaf), curr_slot(it.curr_slot) {}
//! Dereference the iterator.
reference operator*() const {
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(curr_slot > 0);
return curr_leaf->slotdata[curr_slot - 1];
//! Dereference the iterator.
pointer operator->() const {
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(curr_slot > 0);
return &curr_leaf->slotdata[curr_slot - 1];
//! Key of the current slot.
const key_type &key() const {
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(curr_slot > 0);
return curr_leaf->key(curr_slot - 1);
//! Prefix++ advance the iterator to the previous slot.
const_reverse_iterator &operator++() {
if (curr_slot > 1) {
} else if (curr_leaf->prev_leaf != nullptr) {
curr_leaf = curr_leaf->prev_leaf;
curr_slot = curr_leaf->slotuse;
} else {
// this is begin() == rend()
curr_slot = 0;
return *this;
//! Postfix++ advance the iterator to the previous slot.
const_reverse_iterator operator++(int) {
const_reverse_iterator tmp = *this; // copy ourselves
if (curr_slot > 1) {
} else if (curr_leaf->prev_leaf != nullptr) {
curr_leaf = curr_leaf->prev_leaf;
curr_slot = curr_leaf->slotuse;
} else {
// this is begin() == rend()
curr_slot = 0;
return tmp;
//! Prefix-- backstep the iterator to the next slot.
const_reverse_iterator &operator--() {
if (curr_slot < curr_leaf->slotuse) {
} else if (curr_leaf->next_leaf != nullptr) {
curr_leaf = curr_leaf->next_leaf;
curr_slot = 1;
} else {
// this is end() == rbegin()
curr_slot = curr_leaf->slotuse;
return *this;
//! Postfix-- backstep the iterator to the next slot.
const_reverse_iterator operator--(int) {
const_reverse_iterator tmp = *this; // copy ourselves
if (curr_slot < curr_leaf->slotuse) {
} else if (curr_leaf->next_leaf != nullptr) {
curr_leaf = curr_leaf->next_leaf;
curr_slot = 1;
} else {
// this is end() == rbegin()
curr_slot = curr_leaf->slotuse;
return tmp;
//! Equality of iterators.
bool operator==(const const_reverse_iterator &x) const {
return (x.curr_leaf == curr_leaf) && (x.curr_slot == curr_slot);
//! Inequality of iterators.
bool operator!=(const const_reverse_iterator &x) const {
return (x.curr_leaf != curr_leaf) || (x.curr_slot != curr_slot);
//! \}
//! \name Small Statistics Structure
//! \{
* A small struct containing basic statistics about the B+ tree. It can be
* fetched using get_stats().
struct tree_stats {
//! Number of items in the B+ tree
size_type size;
//! Number of leaves in the B+ tree
size_type leaves;
//! Number of inner nodes in the B+ tree
size_type inner_nodes;
//! Base B+ tree parameter: The number of key/data slots in each leaf
static const unsigned short leaf_slots = Self::leaf_slotmax;
//! Base B+ tree parameter: The number of key slots in each inner node.
static const unsigned short inner_slots = Self::inner_slotmax;
//! Zero initialized
tree_stats() : size(0), leaves(0), inner_nodes(0) {}
//! Return the total number of nodes
size_type nodes() const { return inner_nodes + leaves; }
//! Return the average fill of leaves
double avgfill_leaves() const { return static_cast<double>(size) / (leaves * leaf_slots); }
//! \}
//! \name Tree Object Data Members
//! \{
//! Pointer to the B+ tree's root node, either leaf or inner node.
node *root_;
//! Pointer to first leaf in the double linked leaf chain.
LeafNode *head_leaf_;
//! Pointer to last leaf in the double linked leaf chain.
LeafNode *tail_leaf_;
//! Other small statistics about the B+ tree.
tree_stats stats_;
//! Key comparison object. More comparison functions are generated from
//! this < relation.
key_compare key_less_;
//! Memory allocator.
allocator_type allocator_;
//! \}
//! \name Constructors and Destructor
//! \{
//! Default constructor initializing an empty B+ tree with the standard key
//! comparison function.
explicit BTree(const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
: root_(nullptr), head_leaf_(nullptr), tail_leaf_(nullptr), allocator_(alloc) {}
//! Constructor initializing an empty B+ tree with a special key
//! comparison object.
explicit BTree(const key_compare &kcf, const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
: root_(nullptr), head_leaf_(nullptr), tail_leaf_(nullptr), key_less_(kcf), allocator_(alloc) {}
//! Constructor initializing a B+ tree with the range [first,last). The
//! range need not be sorted. To create a B+ tree from a sorted range, use
//! bulk_load().
template <class InputIterator>
BTree(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
: root_(nullptr), head_leaf_(nullptr), tail_leaf_(nullptr), allocator_(alloc) {
insert(first, last);
//! Constructor initializing a B+ tree with the range [first,last) and a
//! special key comparison object. The range need not be sorted. To create
//! a B+ tree from a sorted range, use bulk_load().
template <class InputIterator>
BTree(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const key_compare &kcf, const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
: root_(nullptr), head_leaf_(nullptr), tail_leaf_(nullptr), key_less_(kcf), allocator_(alloc) {
insert(first, last);
//! Frees up all used B+ tree memory pages
~BTree() { clear(); }
//! Fast swapping of two identical B+ tree objects.
void swap(BTree &from) {
std::swap(root_, from.root_);
std::swap(head_leaf_, from.head_leaf_);
std::swap(tail_leaf_, from.tail_leaf_);
std::swap(stats_, from.stats_);
std::swap(key_less_, from.key_less_);
std::swap(allocator_, from.allocator_);
//! \}
//! \name Key and Value Comparison Function Objects
//! \{
//! Function class to compare value_type objects. Required by the STL
class value_compare {
//! Key comparison function from the template parameter
key_compare key_comp;
//! Constructor called from BTree::value_comp()
explicit value_compare(key_compare kc) : key_comp(kc) {}
//! Friendly to the btree class so it may call the constructor
friend class BTree<key_type, value_type, key_of_value, key_compare, traits, allow_duplicates, allocator_type>;
//! Function call "less"-operator resulting in true if x < y.
bool operator()(const value_type &x, const value_type &y) const { return key_comp(x.first, y.first); }
//! Constant access to the key comparison object sorting the B+ tree.
key_compare key_comp() const { return key_less_; }
//! Constant access to a constructed value_type comparison object. Required
//! by the STL.
value_compare value_comp() const { return value_compare(key_less_); }
//! \}
//! \name Convenient Key Comparison Functions Generated From key_less
//! \{
//! True if a < b ? "constructed" from key_less_()
bool key_less(const key_type &a, const key_type &b) const { return key_less_(a, b); }
//! True if a <= b ? constructed from key_less()
bool key_lessequal(const key_type &a, const key_type &b) const { return !key_less_(b, a); }
//! True if a > b ? constructed from key_less()
bool key_greater(const key_type &a, const key_type &b) const { return key_less_(b, a); }
//! True if a >= b ? constructed from key_less()
bool key_greaterequal(const key_type &a, const key_type &b) const { return !key_less_(a, b); }
//! True if a == b ? constructed from key_less(). This requires the <
//! relation to be a total order, otherwise the B+ tree cannot be sorted.
bool key_equal(const key_type &a, const key_type &b) const { return !key_less_(a, b) && !key_less_(b, a); }
//! \}
//! \name Allocators
//! \{
//! Return the base node allocator provided during construction.
allocator_type get_allocator() const { return allocator_; }
//! \}
//! \name Node Object Allocation and Deallocation Functions
//! \{
//! Return an allocator for LeafNode objects.
typename LeafNode::alloc_type leaf_node_allocator() { return typename LeafNode::alloc_type(allocator_); }
//! Return an allocator for InnerNode objects.
typename InnerNode::alloc_type inner_node_allocator() { return typename InnerNode::alloc_type(allocator_); }
//! Allocate and initialize a leaf node
LeafNode *allocate_leaf() {
LeafNode *n = new (leaf_node_allocator().allocate(1)) LeafNode();
return n;
//! Allocate and initialize an inner node
InnerNode *allocate_inner(unsigned short level) {
InnerNode *n = new (inner_node_allocator().allocate(1)) InnerNode();
return n;
//! Correctly free either inner or leaf node, destructs all contained key
//! and value objects.
void free_node(node *n) {
if (n->is_leafnode()) {
LeafNode *ln = static_cast<LeafNode *>(n);
typename LeafNode::alloc_type a(leaf_node_allocator());
std::allocator_traits<typename LeafNode::alloc_type>::destroy(a, ln);
std::allocator_traits<typename LeafNode::alloc_type>::deallocate(a, ln, 1);
} else {
InnerNode *in = static_cast<InnerNode *>(n);
typename InnerNode::alloc_type a(inner_node_allocator());
std::allocator_traits<typename InnerNode::alloc_type>::destroy(a, in);
std::allocator_traits<typename InnerNode::alloc_type>::deallocate(a, in, 1);
//! \}
//! \name Fast Destruction of the B+ Tree
//! \{
//! Frees all key/data pairs and all nodes of the tree.
void clear() {
if (root_) {
root_ = nullptr;
head_leaf_ = tail_leaf_ = nullptr;
stats_ = tree_stats();
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(stats_.size == 0);
//! Recursively free up nodes.
void clear_recursive(node *n) {
if (n->is_leafnode()) {
LeafNode *leafnode = static_cast<LeafNode *>(n);
for (unsigned short slot = 0; slot < leafnode->slotuse; ++slot) {
// data objects are deleted by LeafNode's destructor
} else {
InnerNode *innernode = static_cast<InnerNode *>(n);
for (unsigned short slot = 0; slot < innernode->slotuse + 1; ++slot) {
//! \}
//! \name STL Iterator Construction Functions
//! \{
//! Constructs a read/data-write iterator that points to the first slot in
//! the first leaf of the B+ tree.
iterator begin() { return iterator(head_leaf_, 0); }
//! Constructs a read/data-write iterator that points to the first invalid
//! slot in the last leaf of the B+ tree.
iterator end() { return iterator(tail_leaf_, tail_leaf_ ? tail_leaf_->slotuse : 0); }
//! Constructs a read-only constant iterator that points to the first slot
//! in the first leaf of the B+ tree.
const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(head_leaf_, 0); }
//! Constructs a read-only constant iterator that points to the first
//! invalid slot in the last leaf of the B+ tree.
const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(tail_leaf_, tail_leaf_ ? tail_leaf_->slotuse : 0); }
//! Constructs a read/data-write reverse iterator that points to the first
//! invalid slot in the last leaf of the B+ tree. Uses STL magic.
reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator(end()); }
//! Constructs a read/data-write reverse iterator that points to the first
//! slot in the first leaf of the B+ tree. Uses STL magic.
reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator(begin()); }
//! Constructs a read-only reverse iterator that points to the first
//! invalid slot in the last leaf of the B+ tree. Uses STL magic.
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return const_reverse_iterator(end()); }
//! Constructs a read-only reverse iterator that points to the first slot
//! in the first leaf of the B+ tree. Uses STL magic.
const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return const_reverse_iterator(begin()); }
//! \}
//! \name B+ Tree Node Binary Search Functions
//! \{
//! Searches for the first key in the node n greater or equal to key. Uses
//! binary search with an optional linear self-verification. This is a
//! template function, because the slotkey array is located at different
//! places in LeafNode and InnerNode.
template <typename node_type>
unsigned short find_lower(const node_type *n, const key_type &key) const {
if (sizeof(*n) > traits::binsearch_threshold) {
if (n->slotuse == 0) return 0;
unsigned short lo = 0, hi = n->slotuse;
while (lo < hi) {
unsigned short mid = (lo + hi) >> 1;
if (key_lessequal(key, n->key(mid))) {
hi = mid; // key <= mid
} else {
lo = mid + 1; // key > mid
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("BTree::find_lower: on " << n << " key " << key << " -> " << lo << " / " << hi);
// verify result using simple linear search
if (self_verify) {
unsigned short i = 0;
while (i < n->slotuse && key_less(n->key(i), key)) ++i;
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("BTree::find_lower: testfind: " << i);
return lo;
} else // for nodes <= binsearch_threshold do linear search.
unsigned short lo = 0;
while (lo < n->slotuse && key_less(n->key(lo), key)) ++lo;
return lo;
//! Searches for the first key in the node n greater than key. Uses binary
//! search with an optional linear self-verification. This is a template
//! function, because the slotkey array is located at different places in
//! LeafNode and InnerNode.
template <typename node_type>
unsigned short find_upper(const node_type *n, const key_type &key) const {
if (sizeof(*n) > traits::binsearch_threshold) {
if (n->slotuse == 0) return 0;
unsigned short lo = 0, hi = n->slotuse;
while (lo < hi) {
unsigned short mid = (lo + hi) >> 1;
if (key_less(key, n->key(mid))) {
hi = mid; // key < mid
} else {
lo = mid + 1; // key >= mid
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("BTree::find_upper: on " << n << " key " << key << " -> " << lo << " / " << hi);
// verify result using simple linear search
if (self_verify) {
unsigned short i = 0;
while (i < n->slotuse && key_lessequal(n->key(i), key)) ++i;
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("BTree::find_upper testfind: " << i);
return lo;
} else // for nodes <= binsearch_threshold do linear search.
unsigned short lo = 0;
while (lo < n->slotuse && key_lessequal(n->key(lo), key)) ++lo;
return lo;
//! \}
//! \name Access Functions to the Item Count
//! \{
//! Return the number of key/data pairs in the B+ tree
size_type size() const { return stats_.size; }
//! Returns true if there is at least one key/data pair in the B+ tree
bool empty() const { return (size() == size_type(0)); }
//! Returns the largest possible size of the B+ Tree. This is just a
//! function required by the STL standard, the B+ Tree can hold more items.
size_type max_size() const { return size_type(-1); }
//! Return a const reference to the current statistics.
const struct tree_stats &get_stats() const { return stats_; }
//! \}
//! \name STL Access Functions Querying the Tree by Descending to a Leaf
//! \{
//! Non-STL function checking whether a key is in the B+ tree. The same as
//! (find(k) != end()) or (count() != 0).
bool exists(const key_type &key) const {
const node *n = root_;
if (!n) return false;
while (!n->is_leafnode()) {
const InnerNode *inner = static_cast<const InnerNode *>(n);
unsigned short slot = find_lower(inner, key);
n = inner->childid[slot];
const LeafNode *leaf = static_cast<const LeafNode *>(n);
unsigned short slot = find_lower(leaf, key);
return (slot < leaf->slotuse && key_equal(key, leaf->key(slot)));
//! Tries to locate a key in the B+ tree and returns an iterator to the
//! key/data slot if found. If unsuccessful it returns end().
iterator find(const key_type &key) {
node *n = root_;
if (!n) return end();
while (!n->is_leafnode()) {
const InnerNode *inner = static_cast<const InnerNode *>(n);
unsigned short slot = find_lower(inner, key);
n = inner->childid[slot];
LeafNode *leaf = static_cast<LeafNode *>(n);
unsigned short slot = find_lower(leaf, key);
return (slot < leaf->slotuse && key_equal(key, leaf->key(slot))) ? iterator(leaf, slot) : end();
//! Tries to locate a key in the B+ tree and returns an constant iterator to
//! the key/data slot if found. If unsuccessful it returns end().
const_iterator find(const key_type &key) const {
const node *n = root_;
if (!n) return end();
while (!n->is_leafnode()) {
const InnerNode *inner = static_cast<const InnerNode *>(n);
unsigned short slot = find_lower(inner, key);
n = inner->childid[slot];
const LeafNode *leaf = static_cast<const LeafNode *>(n);
unsigned short slot = find_lower(leaf, key);
return (slot < leaf->slotuse && key_equal(key, leaf->key(slot))) ? const_iterator(leaf, slot) : end();
//! Tries to locate a key in the B+ tree and returns the number of identical
//! key entries found.
size_type count(const key_type &key) const {
const node *n = root_;
if (!n) return 0;
while (!n->is_leafnode()) {
const InnerNode *inner = static_cast<const InnerNode *>(n);
unsigned short slot = find_lower(inner, key);
n = inner->childid[slot];
const LeafNode *leaf = static_cast<const LeafNode *>(n);
unsigned short slot = find_lower(leaf, key);
size_type num = 0;
while (leaf && slot < leaf->slotuse && key_equal(key, leaf->key(slot))) {
if (++slot >= leaf->slotuse) {
leaf = leaf->next_leaf;
slot = 0;
return num;
//! Searches the B+ tree and returns an iterator to the first pair equal to
//! or greater than key, or end() if all keys are smaller.
iterator lower_bound(const key_type &key) {
node *n = root_;
if (!n) return end();
while (!n->is_leafnode()) {
const InnerNode *inner = static_cast<const InnerNode *>(n);
unsigned short slot = find_lower(inner, key);
n = inner->childid[slot];
LeafNode *leaf = static_cast<LeafNode *>(n);
unsigned short slot = find_lower(leaf, key);
return iterator(leaf, slot);
//! Searches the B+ tree and returns a constant iterator to the first pair
//! equal to or greater than key, or end() if all keys are smaller.
const_iterator lower_bound(const key_type &key) const {
const node *n = root_;
if (!n) return end();
while (!n->is_leafnode()) {
const InnerNode *inner = static_cast<const InnerNode *>(n);
unsigned short slot = find_lower(inner, key);
n = inner->childid[slot];
const LeafNode *leaf = static_cast<const LeafNode *>(n);
unsigned short slot = find_lower(leaf, key);
return const_iterator(leaf, slot);
//! Searches the B+ tree and returns an iterator to the first pair greater
//! than key, or end() if all keys are smaller or equal.
iterator upper_bound(const key_type &key) {
node *n = root_;
if (!n) return end();
while (!n->is_leafnode()) {
const InnerNode *inner = static_cast<const InnerNode *>(n);
unsigned short slot = find_upper(inner, key);
n = inner->childid[slot];
LeafNode *leaf = static_cast<LeafNode *>(n);
unsigned short slot = find_upper(leaf, key);
return iterator(leaf, slot);
//! Searches the B+ tree and returns a constant iterator to the first pair
//! greater than key, or end() if all keys are smaller or equal.
const_iterator upper_bound(const key_type &key) const {
const node *n = root_;
if (!n) return end();
while (!n->is_leafnode()) {
const InnerNode *inner = static_cast<const InnerNode *>(n);
unsigned short slot = find_upper(inner, key);
n = inner->childid[slot];
const LeafNode *leaf = static_cast<const LeafNode *>(n);
unsigned short slot = find_upper(leaf, key);
return const_iterator(leaf, slot);
//! Searches the B+ tree and returns both lower_bound() and upper_bound().
std::pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range(const key_type &key) {
return std::pair<iterator, iterator>(lower_bound(key), upper_bound(key));
//! Searches the B+ tree and returns both lower_bound() and upper_bound().
std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range(const key_type &key) const {
return std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator>(lower_bound(key), upper_bound(key));
//! \}
//! \name B+ Tree Object Comparison Functions
//! \{
//! Equality relation of B+ trees of the same type. B+ trees of the same
//! size and equal elements (both key and data) are considered equal. Beware
//! of the random ordering of duplicate keys.
bool operator==(const BTree &other) const {
return (size() == other.size()) && std::equal(begin(), end(), other.begin());
//! Inequality relation. Based on operator==.
bool operator!=(const BTree &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
//! Total ordering relation of B+ trees of the same type. It uses
//! std::lexicographical_compare() for the actual comparison of elements.
bool operator<(const BTree &other) const {
return std::lexicographical_compare(begin(), end(), other.begin(), other.end());
//! Greater relation. Based on operator<.
bool operator>(const BTree &other) const { return other < *this; }
//! Less-equal relation. Based on operator<.
bool operator<=(const BTree &other) const { return !(other < *this); }
//! Greater-equal relation. Based on operator<.
bool operator>=(const BTree &other) const { return !(*this < other); }
//! \}
//! \name Fast Copy: Assign Operator and Copy Constructors
//! \{
//! Assignment operator. All the key/data pairs are copied.
BTree &operator=(const BTree &other) {
if (this != &other) {
key_less_ = other.key_comp();
allocator_ = other.get_allocator();
if (other.size() != 0) {
stats_.leaves = stats_.inner_nodes = 0;
if (other.root_) {
root_ = copy_recursive(other.root_);
stats_ = other.stats_;
if (self_verify) verify();
return *this;
//! Copy constructor. The newly initialized B+ tree object will contain a
//! copy of all key/data pairs.
BTree(const BTree &other)
: root_(nullptr),
allocator_(other.get_allocator()) {
if (size() > 0) {
stats_.leaves = stats_.inner_nodes = 0;
if (other.root_) {
root_ = copy_recursive(other.root_);
if (self_verify) verify();
//! Recursively copy nodes from another B+ tree object
struct node *copy_recursive(const node *n) {
if (n->is_leafnode()) {
const LeafNode *leaf = static_cast<const LeafNode *>(n);
LeafNode *newleaf = allocate_leaf();
newleaf->slotuse = leaf->slotuse;
std::copy(leaf->slotdata, leaf->slotdata + leaf->slotuse, newleaf->slotdata);
if (head_leaf_ == nullptr) {
head_leaf_ = tail_leaf_ = newleaf;
newleaf->prev_leaf = newleaf->next_leaf = nullptr;
} else {
newleaf->prev_leaf = tail_leaf_;
tail_leaf_->next_leaf = newleaf;
tail_leaf_ = newleaf;
return newleaf;
} else {
const InnerNode *inner = static_cast<const InnerNode *>(n);
InnerNode *newinner = allocate_inner(inner->level);
newinner->slotuse = inner->slotuse;
std::copy(inner->slotkey, inner->slotkey + inner->slotuse, newinner->slotkey);
for (unsigned short slot = 0; slot <= inner->slotuse; ++slot) {
newinner->childid[slot] = copy_recursive(inner->childid[slot]);
return newinner;
//! \}
//! \name Public Insertion Functions
//! \{
//! Attempt to insert a key/data pair into the B+ tree. If the tree does not
//! allow duplicate keys, then the insert may fail if it is already present.
std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(const value_type &x) { return insert_start(key_of_value::get(x), x); }
//! Attempt to insert a key/data pair into the B+ tree. The iterator hint is
//! currently ignored by the B+ tree insertion routine.
iterator insert(iterator /* hint */, const value_type &x) { return insert_start(key_of_value::get(x), x).first; }
//! Attempt to insert the range [first,last) of value_type pairs into the B+
//! tree. Each key/data pair is inserted individually; to bulk load the
//! tree, use a constructor with range.
template <typename InputIterator>
void insert(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) {
InputIterator iter = first;
while (iter != last) {
//! \}
//! \name Private Insertion Functions
//! \{
//! Start the insertion descent at the current root and handle root splits.
//! Returns true if the item was inserted
std::pair<iterator, bool> insert_start(const key_type &key, const value_type &value) {
node *newchild = nullptr;
key_type newkey = key_type();
if (root_ == nullptr) {
root_ = head_leaf_ = tail_leaf_ = allocate_leaf();
std::pair<iterator, bool> r = insert_descend(root_, key, value, &newkey, &newchild);
if (newchild) {
// this only occurs if insert_descend() could not insert the key
// into the root node, this mean the root is full and a new root
// needs to be created.
InnerNode *newroot = allocate_inner(root_->level + 1);
newroot->slotkey[0] = newkey;
newroot->childid[0] = root_;
newroot->childid[1] = newchild;
newroot->slotuse = 1;
root_ = newroot;
// increment size if the item was inserted
if (r.second) ++stats_.size;
if (debug) print(std::cout);
if (self_verify) {
return r;
* Insert an item into the B+ tree.
* Descend down the nodes to a leaf, insert the key/data pair in a free
* slot. If the node overflows, then it must be split and the new split node
* inserted into the parent. Unroll / this splitting up to the root.
std::pair<iterator, bool> insert_descend(node *n, const key_type &key, const value_type &value, key_type *splitkey,
node **splitnode) {
if (!n->is_leafnode()) {
InnerNode *inner = static_cast<InnerNode *>(n);
key_type newkey = key_type();
node *newchild = nullptr;
unsigned short slot = find_lower(inner, key);
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("BTree::insert_descend into " << inner->childid[slot]);
std::pair<iterator, bool> r = insert_descend(inner->childid[slot], key, value, &newkey, &newchild);
if (newchild) {
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("BTree::insert_descend newchild"
<< " with key " << newkey << " node " << newchild << " at slot " << slot);
if (inner->is_full()) {
split_inner_node(inner, splitkey, splitnode, slot);
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("BTree::insert_descend done split_inner:"
<< " putslot: " << slot << " putkey: " << newkey << " upkey: " << *splitkey);
if (debug) {
print_node(std::cout, inner);
print_node(std::cout, *splitnode);
// check if insert slot is in the split sibling node
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("BTree::insert_descend switch: " << slot << " > " << inner->slotuse + 1);
if (slot == inner->slotuse + 1 && inner->slotuse < (*splitnode)->slotuse) {
// special case when the insert slot matches the split
// place between the two nodes, then the insert key
// becomes the split key.
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(inner->slotuse + 1 < inner_slotmax);
InnerNode *split = static_cast<InnerNode *>(*splitnode);
// move the split key and it's datum into the left node
inner->slotkey[inner->slotuse] = *splitkey;
inner->childid[inner->slotuse + 1] = split->childid[0];
// set new split key and move corresponding datum into
// right node
split->childid[0] = newchild;
*splitkey = newkey;
return r;
} else if (slot >= inner->slotuse + 1) {
// in case the insert slot is in the newly create split
// node, we reuse the code below.
slot -= inner->slotuse + 1;
inner = static_cast<InnerNode *>(*splitnode);
"BTree::insert_descend switching to "
"splitted node "
<< inner << " slot " << slot);
// move items and put pointer to child node into correct slot
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(slot >= 0 && slot <= inner->slotuse);
std::copy_backward(inner->slotkey + slot, inner->slotkey + inner->slotuse, inner->slotkey + inner->slotuse + 1);
std::copy_backward(inner->childid + slot, inner->childid + inner->slotuse + 1,
inner->childid + inner->slotuse + 2);
inner->slotkey[slot] = newkey;
inner->childid[slot + 1] = newchild;
return r;
} else // n->is_leafnode() == true
LeafNode *leaf = static_cast<LeafNode *>(n);
unsigned short slot = find_lower(leaf, key);
if (!allow_duplicates && slot < leaf->slotuse && key_equal(key, leaf->key(slot))) {
return std::pair<iterator, bool>(iterator(leaf, slot), false);
if (leaf->is_full()) {
split_leaf_node(leaf, splitkey, splitnode);
// check if insert slot is in the split sibling node
if (slot >= leaf->slotuse) {
slot -= leaf->slotuse;
leaf = static_cast<LeafNode *>(*splitnode);
// move items and put data item into correct data slot
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(slot >= 0 && slot <= leaf->slotuse);
std::copy_backward(leaf->slotdata + slot, leaf->slotdata + leaf->slotuse, leaf->slotdata + leaf->slotuse + 1);
leaf->slotdata[slot] = value;
if (splitnode && leaf != *splitnode && slot == leaf->slotuse - 1) {
// special case: the node was split, and the insert is at the
// last slot of the old node. then the splitkey must be updated.
*splitkey = key;
return std::pair<iterator, bool>(iterator(leaf, slot), true);
//! Split up a leaf node into two equally-filled sibling leaves. Returns the
//! new nodes and it's insertion key in the two parameters.
void split_leaf_node(LeafNode *leaf, key_type *out_newkey, node **out_newleaf) {
unsigned short mid = (leaf->slotuse >> 1);
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("BTree::split_leaf_node on " << leaf);
LeafNode *newleaf = allocate_leaf();
newleaf->slotuse = leaf->slotuse - mid;
newleaf->next_leaf = leaf->next_leaf;
if (newleaf->next_leaf == nullptr) {
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(leaf == tail_leaf_);
tail_leaf_ = newleaf;
} else {
newleaf->next_leaf->prev_leaf = newleaf;
std::copy(leaf->slotdata + mid, leaf->slotdata + leaf->slotuse, newleaf->slotdata);
leaf->slotuse = mid;
leaf->next_leaf = newleaf;
newleaf->prev_leaf = leaf;
*out_newkey = leaf->key(leaf->slotuse - 1);
*out_newleaf = newleaf;
//! Split up an inner node into two equally-filled sibling nodes. Returns
//! the new nodes and it's insertion key in the two parameters. Requires the
//! slot of the item will be inserted, so the nodes will be the same size
//! after the insert.
void split_inner_node(InnerNode *inner, key_type *out_newkey, node **out_newinner, unsigned int addslot) {
unsigned short mid = (inner->slotuse >> 1);
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("BTree::split_inner: mid " << mid << " addslot " << addslot);
// if the split is uneven and the overflowing item will be put into the
// larger node, then the smaller split node may underflow
if (addslot <= mid && mid > inner->slotuse - (mid + 1)) mid--;
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("BTree::split_inner: mid " << mid << " addslot " << addslot);
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("BTree::split_inner_node on " << inner << " into two nodes " << mid << " and "
<< inner->slotuse - (mid + 1) << " sized");
InnerNode *newinner = allocate_inner(inner->level);
newinner->slotuse = inner->slotuse - (mid + 1);
std::copy(inner->slotkey + mid + 1, inner->slotkey + inner->slotuse, newinner->slotkey);
std::copy(inner->childid + mid + 1, inner->childid + inner->slotuse + 1, newinner->childid);
inner->slotuse = mid;
*out_newkey = inner->key(mid);
*out_newinner = newinner;
//! \}
//! \name Bulk Loader - Construct Tree from Sorted Sequence
//! \{
//! Bulk load a sorted range. Loads items into leaves and constructs a
//! B-tree above them. The tree must be empty when calling this function.
template <typename Iterator>
void bulk_load(Iterator ibegin, Iterator iend) {
stats_.size = iend - ibegin;
// calculate number of leaves needed, round up.
size_t num_items = iend - ibegin;
size_t num_leaves = (num_items + leaf_slotmax - 1) / leaf_slotmax;
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("BTree::bulk_load, level 0: "
<< stats_.size << " items into " << num_leaves << " leaves with up to "
<< ((iend - ibegin + num_leaves - 1) / num_leaves) << " items per leaf.");
Iterator it = ibegin;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_leaves; ++i) {
// allocate new leaf node
LeafNode *leaf = allocate_leaf();
// copy keys or (key,value) pairs into leaf nodes, uses template
// switch leaf->set_slot().
leaf->slotuse = static_cast<int>(num_items / (num_leaves - i));
for (size_t s = 0; s < leaf->slotuse; ++s, ++it) leaf->set_slot(s, *it);
if (tail_leaf_ != nullptr) {
tail_leaf_->next_leaf = leaf;
leaf->prev_leaf = tail_leaf_;
} else {
head_leaf_ = leaf;
tail_leaf_ = leaf;
num_items -= leaf->slotuse;
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(it == iend && num_items == 0);
// if the btree is so small to fit into one leaf, then we're done.
if (head_leaf_ == tail_leaf_) {
root_ = head_leaf_;
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(stats_.leaves == num_leaves);
// create first level of inner nodes, pointing to the leaves.
size_t num_parents = (num_leaves + (inner_slotmax + 1) - 1) / (inner_slotmax + 1);
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("BTree::bulk_load, level 1: "
<< num_leaves << " leaves in " << num_parents << " inner nodes with up to "
<< ((num_leaves + num_parents - 1) / num_parents) << " leaves per inner node.");
// save inner nodes and maxkey for next level.
typedef std::pair<InnerNode *, const key_type *> nextlevel_type;
nextlevel_type *nextlevel = new nextlevel_type[num_parents];
LeafNode *leaf = head_leaf_;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_parents; ++i) {
// allocate new inner node at level 1
InnerNode *n = allocate_inner(1);
n->slotuse = static_cast<int>(num_leaves / (num_parents - i));
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(n->slotuse > 0);
// this counts keys, but an inner node has keys+1 children.
// copy last key from each leaf and set child
for (unsigned short s = 0; s < n->slotuse; ++s) {
n->slotkey[s] = leaf->key(leaf->slotuse - 1);
n->childid[s] = leaf;
leaf = leaf->next_leaf;
n->childid[n->slotuse] = leaf;
// track max key of any descendant.
nextlevel[i].first = n;
nextlevel[i].second = &leaf->key(leaf->slotuse - 1);
leaf = leaf->next_leaf;
num_leaves -= n->slotuse + 1;
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(leaf == nullptr && num_leaves == 0);
// recursively build inner nodes pointing to inner nodes.
for (int level = 2; num_parents != 1; ++level) {
size_t num_children = num_parents;
num_parents = (num_children + (inner_slotmax + 1) - 1) / (inner_slotmax + 1);
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("BTree::bulk_load, level "
<< level << ": " << num_children << " children in " << num_parents << " inner nodes with up to "
<< ((num_children + num_parents - 1) / num_parents) << " children per inner node.");
size_t inner_index = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_parents; ++i) {
// allocate new inner node at level
InnerNode *n = allocate_inner(level);
n->slotuse = static_cast<int>(num_children / (num_parents - i));
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(n->slotuse > 0);
// this counts keys, but an inner node has keys+1 children.
// copy children and maxkeys from nextlevel
for (unsigned short s = 0; s < n->slotuse; ++s) {
n->slotkey[s] = *nextlevel[inner_index].second;
n->childid[s] = nextlevel[inner_index].first;
n->childid[n->slotuse] = nextlevel[inner_index].first;
// reuse nextlevel array for parents, because we can overwrite
// slots we've already consumed.
nextlevel[i].first = n;
nextlevel[i].second = nextlevel[inner_index].second;
num_children -= n->slotuse + 1;
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(num_children == 0);
root_ = nextlevel[0].first;
delete[] nextlevel;
if (self_verify) verify();
//! \}
//! \name Support Class Encapsulating Deletion Results
//! \{
//! Result flags of recursive deletion.
enum result_flags_t {
//! Deletion successful and no fix-ups necessary.
btree_ok = 0,
//! Deletion not successful because key was not found.
btree_not_found = 1,
//! Deletion successful, the last key was updated so parent slotkeys
//! need updates.
btree_update_lastkey = 2,
//! Deletion successful, children nodes were merged and the parent needs
//! to remove the empty node.
btree_fixmerge = 4
//! B+ tree recursive deletion has much information which is needs to be
//! passed upward.
struct result_t {
//! Merged result flags
result_flags_t flags;
//! The key to be updated at the parent's slot
key_type lastkey;
//! Constructor of a result with a specific flag, this can also be used
//! as for implicit conversion.
result_t(result_flags_t f = btree_ok) // NOLINT
: flags(f), lastkey() {}
//! Constructor with a lastkey value.
result_t(result_flags_t f, const key_type &k) : flags(f), lastkey(k) {}
//! Test if this result object has a given flag set.
bool has(result_flags_t f) const { return (flags & f) != 0; }
//! Merge two results OR-ing the result flags and overwriting lastkeys.
result_t &operator|=(const result_t &other) {
flags = result_flags_t(flags | other.flags);
// we overwrite existing lastkeys on purpose
if (other.has(btree_update_lastkey)) lastkey = other.lastkey;
return *this;
//! \}
//! \name Public Erase Functions
//! \{
//! Erases one (the first) of the key/data pairs associated with the given
//! key.
bool erase_one(const key_type &key) {
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("BTree::erase_one(" << key << ") on btree size " << size());
if (self_verify) verify();
if (!root_) return false;
result_t result = erase_one_descend(key, root_, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, 0);
if (!result.has(btree_not_found)) --stats_.size;
if (debug) print(std::cout);
if (self_verify) verify();
return !result.has(btree_not_found);
//! Erases all the key/data pairs associated with the given key. This is
//! implemented using erase_one().
size_type erase(const key_type &key) {
size_type c = 0;
while (erase_one(key)) {
if (!allow_duplicates) break;
return c;
//! Erase the key/data pair referenced by the iterator.
void erase(iterator iter) {
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("BTree::erase_iter(" << iter.curr_leaf << "," << iter.curr_slot << ") on btree size " << size());
if (self_verify) verify();
if (!root_) return;
result_t result = erase_iter_descend(iter, root_, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, 0);
if (!result.has(btree_not_found)) --stats_.size;
if (debug) print(std::cout);
if (self_verify) verify();
//! Erase all key/data pairs in the range [first,last). This function is
//! currently not implemented by the B+ Tree.
void erase(iterator /* first */, iterator /* last */) { abort(); }
//! \}
//! \name Private Erase Functions
//! \{
* Erase one (the first) key/data pair in the B+ tree matching key.
* Descends down the tree in search of key. During the descent the parent,
* left and right siblings and their parents are computed and passed
* down. Once the key/data pair is found, it is removed from the leaf. If
* the leaf underflows 6 different cases are handled. These cases resolve
* the underflow by shifting key/data pairs from adjacent sibling nodes,
* merging two sibling nodes or trimming the tree.
result_t erase_one_descend(const key_type &key, node *curr, node *left, node *right, InnerNode *left_parent,
InnerNode *right_parent, InnerNode *parent, unsigned int parentslot) {
if (curr->is_leafnode()) {
LeafNode *leaf = static_cast<LeafNode *>(curr);
LeafNode *left_leaf = static_cast<LeafNode *>(left);
LeafNode *right_leaf = static_cast<LeafNode *>(right);
unsigned short slot = find_lower(leaf, key);
if (slot >= leaf->slotuse || !key_equal(key, leaf->key(slot))) {
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("Could not find key " << key << " to erase.");
return btree_not_found;
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("Found key in leaf " << curr << " at slot " << slot);
std::copy(leaf->slotdata + slot + 1, leaf->slotdata + leaf->slotuse, leaf->slotdata + slot);
result_t myres = btree_ok;
// if the last key of the leaf was changed, the parent is notified
// and updates the key of this leaf
if (slot == leaf->slotuse) {
if (parent && parentslot < parent->slotuse) {
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(parent->childid[parentslot] == curr);
parent->slotkey[parentslot] = leaf->key(leaf->slotuse - 1);
} else {
if (leaf->slotuse >= 1) {
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("Scheduling lastkeyupdate: key " << leaf->key(leaf->slotuse - 1));
myres |= result_t(btree_update_lastkey, leaf->key(leaf->slotuse - 1));
} else {
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(leaf == root_);
if (leaf->is_underflow() && !(leaf == root_ && leaf->slotuse >= 1)) {
// determine what to do about the underflow
// case : if this empty leaf is the root, then delete all nodes
// and set root to nullptr.
if (left_leaf == nullptr && right_leaf == nullptr) {
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(leaf == root_);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(leaf->slotuse == 0);
root_ = leaf = nullptr;
head_leaf_ = tail_leaf_ = nullptr;
// will be decremented soon by insert_start()
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(stats_.size == 1);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(stats_.leaves == 0);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(stats_.inner_nodes == 0);
return btree_ok;
// case : if both left and right leaves would underflow in case
// of a shift, then merging is necessary. choose the more local
// merger with our parent
else if ((left_leaf == nullptr || left_leaf->is_few()) && (right_leaf == nullptr || right_leaf->is_few())) {
if (left_parent == parent)
myres |= merge_leaves(left_leaf, leaf, left_parent);
myres |= merge_leaves(leaf, right_leaf, right_parent);
// case : the right leaf has extra data, so balance right with
// current
else if ((left_leaf != nullptr && left_leaf->is_few()) && (right_leaf != nullptr && !right_leaf->is_few())) {
if (right_parent == parent)
myres |= shift_left_leaf(leaf, right_leaf, right_parent, parentslot);
myres |= merge_leaves(left_leaf, leaf, left_parent);
// case : the left leaf has extra data, so balance left with
// current
else if ((left_leaf != nullptr && !left_leaf->is_few()) && (right_leaf != nullptr && right_leaf->is_few())) {
if (left_parent == parent)
shift_right_leaf(left_leaf, leaf, left_parent, parentslot - 1);
myres |= merge_leaves(leaf, right_leaf, right_parent);
// case : both the leaf and right leaves have extra data and our
// parent, choose the leaf with more data
else if (left_parent == right_parent) {
if (left_leaf->slotuse <= right_leaf->slotuse)
myres |= shift_left_leaf(leaf, right_leaf, right_parent, parentslot);
shift_right_leaf(left_leaf, leaf, left_parent, parentslot - 1);
} else {
if (left_parent == parent)
shift_right_leaf(left_leaf, leaf, left_parent, parentslot - 1);
myres |= shift_left_leaf(leaf, right_leaf, right_parent, parentslot);
return myres;
} else // !curr->is_leafnode()
InnerNode *inner = static_cast<InnerNode *>(curr);
InnerNode *left_inner = static_cast<InnerNode *>(left);
InnerNode *right_inner = static_cast<InnerNode *>(right);
node *myleft, *myright;
InnerNode *myleft_parent, *myright_parent;
unsigned short slot = find_lower(inner, key);
if (slot == 0) {
myleft = (left == nullptr) ? nullptr : static_cast<InnerNode *>(left)->childid[left->slotuse - 1];
myleft_parent = left_parent;
} else {
myleft = inner->childid[slot - 1];
myleft_parent = inner;
if (slot == inner->slotuse) {
myright = (right == nullptr) ? nullptr : static_cast<InnerNode *>(right)->childid[0];
myright_parent = right_parent;
} else {
myright = inner->childid[slot + 1];
myright_parent = inner;
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("erase_one_descend into " << inner->childid[slot]);
result_t result =
erase_one_descend(key, inner->childid[slot], myleft, myright, myleft_parent, myright_parent, inner, slot);
result_t myres = btree_ok;
if (result.has(btree_not_found)) {
return result;
if (result.has(btree_update_lastkey)) {
if (parent && parentslot < parent->slotuse) {
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("Fixing lastkeyupdate: key " << result.lastkey << " into parent " << parent
<< " at parentslot " << parentslot);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(parent->childid[parentslot] == curr);
parent->slotkey[parentslot] = result.lastkey;
} else {
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("Forwarding lastkeyupdate: key " << result.lastkey);
myres |= result_t(btree_update_lastkey, result.lastkey);
if (result.has(btree_fixmerge)) {
// either the current node or the next is empty and should be
// removed
if (inner->childid[slot]->slotuse != 0) slot++;
// this is the child slot invalidated by the merge
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(inner->childid[slot]->slotuse == 0);
std::copy(inner->slotkey + slot, inner->slotkey + inner->slotuse, inner->slotkey + slot - 1);
std::copy(inner->childid + slot + 1, inner->childid + inner->slotuse + 1, inner->childid + slot);
if (inner->level == 1) {
// fix split key for children leaves
LeafNode *child = static_cast<LeafNode *>(inner->childid[slot]);
inner->slotkey[slot] = child->key(child->slotuse - 1);
if (inner->is_underflow() && !(inner == root_ && inner->slotuse >= 1)) {
// case: the inner node is the root and has just one child. that
// child becomes the new root
if (left_inner == nullptr && right_inner == nullptr) {
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(inner == root_);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(inner->slotuse == 0);
root_ = inner->childid[0];
inner->slotuse = 0;
return btree_ok;
// case : if both left and right leaves would underflow in case
// of a shift, then merging is necessary. choose the more local
// merger with our parent
else if ((left_inner == nullptr || left_inner->is_few()) && (right_inner == nullptr || right_inner->is_few())) {
if (left_parent == parent)
myres |= merge_inner(left_inner, inner, left_parent, parentslot - 1);
myres |= merge_inner(inner, right_inner, right_parent, parentslot);
// case : the right leaf has extra data, so balance right with
// current
else if ((left_inner != nullptr && left_inner->is_few()) &&
(right_inner != nullptr && !right_inner->is_few())) {
if (right_parent == parent)
shift_left_inner(inner, right_inner, right_parent, parentslot);
myres |= merge_inner(left_inner, inner, left_parent, parentslot - 1);
// case : the left leaf has extra data, so balance left with
// current
else if ((left_inner != nullptr && !left_inner->is_few()) &&
(right_inner != nullptr && right_inner->is_few())) {
if (left_parent == parent)
shift_right_inner(left_inner, inner, left_parent, parentslot - 1);
myres |= merge_inner(inner, right_inner, right_parent, parentslot);
// case : both the leaf and right leaves have extra data and our
// parent, choose the leaf with more data
else if (left_parent == right_parent) {
if (left_inner->slotuse <= right_inner->slotuse)
shift_left_inner(inner, right_inner, right_parent, parentslot);
shift_right_inner(left_inner, inner, left_parent, parentslot - 1);
} else {
if (left_parent == parent)
shift_right_inner(left_inner, inner, left_parent, parentslot - 1);
shift_left_inner(inner, right_inner, right_parent, parentslot);
return myres;
* Erase one key/data pair referenced by an iterator in the B+ tree.
* Descends down the tree in search of an iterator. During the descent the
* parent, left and right siblings and their parents are computed and passed
* down. The difficulty is that the iterator contains only a pointer to a
* LeafNode, which means that this function must do a recursive depth first
* search for that leaf node in the subtree containing all pairs of the same
* key. This subtree can be very large, even the whole tree, though in
* practice it would not make sense to have so many duplicate keys.
* Once the referenced key/data pair is found, it is removed from the leaf
* and the same underflow cases are handled as in erase_one_descend.
result_t erase_iter_descend(const iterator &iter, node *curr, node *left, node *right, InnerNode *left_parent,
InnerNode *right_parent, InnerNode *parent, unsigned int parentslot) {
if (curr->is_leafnode()) {
LeafNode *leaf = static_cast<LeafNode *>(curr);
LeafNode *left_leaf = static_cast<LeafNode *>(left);
LeafNode *right_leaf = static_cast<LeafNode *>(right);
// if this is not the correct leaf, get next step in recursive
// search
if (leaf != iter.curr_leaf) {
return btree_not_found;
if (iter.curr_slot >= leaf->slotuse) {
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("Could not find iterator (" << iter.curr_leaf << "," << iter.curr_slot
<< ") to erase. Invalid leaf node?");
return btree_not_found;
unsigned short slot = iter.curr_slot;
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("Found iterator in leaf " << curr << " at slot " << slot);
std::copy(leaf->slotdata + slot + 1, leaf->slotdata + leaf->slotuse, leaf->slotdata + slot);
result_t myres = btree_ok;
// if the last key of the leaf was changed, the parent is notified
// and updates the key of this leaf
if (slot == leaf->slotuse) {
if (parent && parentslot < parent->slotuse) {
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(parent->childid[parentslot] == curr);
parent->slotkey[parentslot] = leaf->key(leaf->slotuse - 1);
} else {
if (leaf->slotuse >= 1) {
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("Scheduling lastkeyupdate: key " << leaf->key(leaf->slotuse - 1));
myres |= result_t(btree_update_lastkey, leaf->key(leaf->slotuse - 1));
} else {
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(leaf == root_);
if (leaf->is_underflow() && !(leaf == root_ && leaf->slotuse >= 1)) {
// determine what to do about the underflow
// case : if this empty leaf is the root, then delete all nodes
// and set root to nullptr.
if (left_leaf == nullptr && right_leaf == nullptr) {
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(leaf == root_);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(leaf->slotuse == 0);
root_ = leaf = nullptr;
head_leaf_ = tail_leaf_ = nullptr;
// will be decremented soon by insert_start()
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(stats_.size == 1);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(stats_.leaves == 0);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(stats_.inner_nodes == 0);
return btree_ok;
// case : if both left and right leaves would underflow in case
// of a shift, then merging is necessary. choose the more local
// merger with our parent
else if ((left_leaf == nullptr || left_leaf->is_few()) && (right_leaf == nullptr || right_leaf->is_few())) {
if (left_parent == parent)
myres |= merge_leaves(left_leaf, leaf, left_parent);
myres |= merge_leaves(leaf, right_leaf, right_parent);
// case : the right leaf has extra data, so balance right with
// current
else if ((left_leaf != nullptr && left_leaf->is_few()) && (right_leaf != nullptr && !right_leaf->is_few())) {
if (right_parent == parent) {
myres |= shift_left_leaf(leaf, right_leaf, right_parent, parentslot);
} else {
myres |= merge_leaves(left_leaf, leaf, left_parent);
// case : the left leaf has extra data, so balance left with
// current
else if ((left_leaf != nullptr && !left_leaf->is_few()) && (right_leaf != nullptr && right_leaf->is_few())) {
if (left_parent == parent) {
shift_right_leaf(left_leaf, leaf, left_parent, parentslot - 1);
} else {
myres |= merge_leaves(leaf, right_leaf, right_parent);
// case : both the leaf and right leaves have extra data and our
// parent, choose the leaf with more data
else if (left_parent == right_parent) {
if (left_leaf->slotuse <= right_leaf->slotuse) {
myres |= shift_left_leaf(leaf, right_leaf, right_parent, parentslot);
} else {
shift_right_leaf(left_leaf, leaf, left_parent, parentslot - 1);
} else {
if (left_parent == parent) {
shift_right_leaf(left_leaf, leaf, left_parent, parentslot - 1);
} else {
myres |= shift_left_leaf(leaf, right_leaf, right_parent, parentslot);
return myres;
} else // !curr->is_leafnode()
InnerNode *inner = static_cast<InnerNode *>(curr);
InnerNode *left_inner = static_cast<InnerNode *>(left);
InnerNode *right_inner = static_cast<InnerNode *>(right);
// find first slot below which the searched iterator might be
// located.
result_t result;
unsigned short slot = find_lower(inner, iter.key());
while (slot <= inner->slotuse) {
node *myleft, *myright;
InnerNode *myleft_parent, *myright_parent;
if (slot == 0) {
myleft = (left == nullptr) ? nullptr : static_cast<InnerNode *>(left)->childid[left->slotuse - 1];
myleft_parent = left_parent;
} else {
myleft = inner->childid[slot - 1];
myleft_parent = inner;
if (slot == inner->slotuse) {
myright = (right == nullptr) ? nullptr : static_cast<InnerNode *>(right)->childid[0];
myright_parent = right_parent;
} else {
myright = inner->childid[slot + 1];
myright_parent = inner;
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("erase_iter_descend into " << inner->childid[slot]);
result =
erase_iter_descend(iter, inner->childid[slot], myleft, myright, myleft_parent, myright_parent, inner, slot);
if (!result.has(btree_not_found)) break;
// continue recursive search for leaf on next slot
if (slot < inner->slotuse && key_less(inner->slotkey[slot], iter.key())) return btree_not_found;
if (slot > inner->slotuse) return btree_not_found;
result_t myres = btree_ok;
if (result.has(btree_update_lastkey)) {
if (parent && parentslot < parent->slotuse) {
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("Fixing lastkeyupdate: key " << result.lastkey << " into parent " << parent
<< " at parentslot " << parentslot);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(parent->childid[parentslot] == curr);
parent->slotkey[parentslot] = result.lastkey;
} else {
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("Forwarding lastkeyupdate: key " << result.lastkey);
myres |= result_t(btree_update_lastkey, result.lastkey);
if (result.has(btree_fixmerge)) {
// either the current node or the next is empty and should be
// removed
if (inner->childid[slot]->slotuse != 0) slot++;
// this is the child slot invalidated by the merge
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(inner->childid[slot]->slotuse == 0);
std::copy(inner->slotkey + slot, inner->slotkey + inner->slotuse, inner->slotkey + slot - 1);
std::copy(inner->childid + slot + 1, inner->childid + inner->slotuse + 1, inner->childid + slot);
if (inner->level == 1) {
// fix split key for children leaves
LeafNode *child = static_cast<LeafNode *>(inner->childid[slot]);
inner->slotkey[slot] = child->key(child->slotuse - 1);
if (inner->is_underflow() && !(inner == root_ && inner->slotuse >= 1)) {
// case: the inner node is the root and has just one
// child. that child becomes the new root
if (left_inner == nullptr && right_inner == nullptr) {
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(inner == root_);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(inner->slotuse == 0);
root_ = inner->childid[0];
inner->slotuse = 0;
return btree_ok;
// case : if both left and right leaves would underflow in case
// of a shift, then merging is necessary. choose the more local
// merger with our parent
else if ((left_inner == nullptr || left_inner->is_few()) && (right_inner == nullptr || right_inner->is_few())) {
if (left_parent == parent) {
myres |= merge_inner(left_inner, inner, left_parent, parentslot - 1);
} else {
myres |= merge_inner(inner, right_inner, right_parent, parentslot);
// case : the right leaf has extra data, so balance right with
// current
else if ((left_inner != nullptr && left_inner->is_few()) &&
(right_inner != nullptr && !right_inner->is_few())) {
if (right_parent == parent) {
shift_left_inner(inner, right_inner, right_parent, parentslot);
} else {
myres |= merge_inner(left_inner, inner, left_parent, parentslot - 1);
// case : the left leaf has extra data, so balance left with
// current
else if ((left_inner != nullptr && !left_inner->is_few()) &&
(right_inner != nullptr && right_inner->is_few())) {
if (left_parent == parent) {
shift_right_inner(left_inner, inner, left_parent, parentslot - 1);
} else {
myres |= merge_inner(inner, right_inner, right_parent, parentslot);
// case : both the leaf and right leaves have extra data and our
// parent, choose the leaf with more data
else if (left_parent == right_parent) {
if (left_inner->slotuse <= right_inner->slotuse) {
shift_left_inner(inner, right_inner, right_parent, parentslot);
} else {
shift_right_inner(left_inner, inner, left_parent, parentslot - 1);
} else {
if (left_parent == parent) {
shift_right_inner(left_inner, inner, left_parent, parentslot - 1);
} else {
shift_left_inner(inner, right_inner, right_parent, parentslot);
return myres;
//! Merge two leaf nodes. The function moves all key/data pairs from right
//! to left and sets right's slotuse to zero. The right slot is then removed
//! by the calling parent node.
result_t merge_leaves(LeafNode *left, LeafNode *right, InnerNode *parent) {
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("Merge leaf nodes " << left << " and " << right << " with common parent " << parent << ".");
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(left->is_leafnode() && right->is_leafnode());
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(parent->level == 1);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(left->slotuse + right->slotuse < leaf_slotmax);
std::copy(right->slotdata, right->slotdata + right->slotuse, left->slotdata + left->slotuse);
left->slotuse += right->slotuse;
left->next_leaf = right->next_leaf;
if (left->next_leaf)
left->next_leaf->prev_leaf = left;
tail_leaf_ = left;
right->slotuse = 0;
return btree_fixmerge;
//! Merge two inner nodes. The function moves all key/childid pairs from
//! right to left and sets right's slotuse to zero. The right slot is then
//! removed by the calling parent node.
static result_t merge_inner(InnerNode *left, InnerNode *right, InnerNode *parent, unsigned int parentslot) {
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("Merge inner nodes " << left << " and " << right << " with common parent " << parent << ".");
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(left->level == right->level);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(parent->level == left->level + 1);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(parent->childid[parentslot] == left);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(left->slotuse + right->slotuse < inner_slotmax);
if (self_verify) {
// find the left node's slot in the parent's children
unsigned int leftslot = 0;
while (leftslot <= parent->slotuse && parent->childid[leftslot] != left) ++leftslot;
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(leftslot < parent->slotuse);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(parent->childid[leftslot] == left);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(parent->childid[leftslot + 1] == right);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(parentslot == leftslot);
// retrieve the decision key from parent
left->slotkey[left->slotuse] = parent->slotkey[parentslot];
// copy over keys and children from right
std::copy(right->slotkey, right->slotkey + right->slotuse, left->slotkey + left->slotuse);
std::copy(right->childid, right->childid + right->slotuse + 1, left->childid + left->slotuse);
left->slotuse += right->slotuse;
right->slotuse = 0;
return btree_fixmerge;
//! Balance two leaf nodes. The function moves key/data pairs from right to
//! left so that both nodes are equally filled. The parent node is updated
//! if possible.
static result_t shift_left_leaf(LeafNode *left, LeafNode *right, InnerNode *parent, unsigned int parentslot) {
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(left->is_leafnode() && right->is_leafnode());
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(parent->level == 1);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(left->next_leaf == right);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(left == right->prev_leaf);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(left->slotuse < right->slotuse);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(parent->childid[parentslot] == left);
unsigned int shiftnum = (right->slotuse - left->slotuse) >> 1;
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("Shifting (leaf) " << shiftnum << " entries to left " << left << " from right " << right
<< " with common parent " << parent << ".");
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(left->slotuse + shiftnum < leaf_slotmax);
// copy the first items from the right node to the last slot in the left
// node.
std::copy(right->slotdata, right->slotdata + shiftnum, left->slotdata + left->slotuse);
left->slotuse += shiftnum;
// shift all slots in the right node to the left
std::copy(right->slotdata + shiftnum, right->slotdata + right->slotuse, right->slotdata);
right->slotuse -= shiftnum;
// fixup parent
if (parentslot < parent->slotuse) {
parent->slotkey[parentslot] = left->key(left->slotuse - 1);
return btree_ok;
} else { // the update is further up the tree
return result_t(btree_update_lastkey, left->key(left->slotuse - 1));
//! Balance two inner nodes. The function moves key/data pairs from right to
//! left so that both nodes are equally filled. The parent node is updated
//! if possible.
static void shift_left_inner(InnerNode *left, InnerNode *right, InnerNode *parent, unsigned int parentslot) {
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(left->level == right->level);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(parent->level == left->level + 1);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(left->slotuse < right->slotuse);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(parent->childid[parentslot] == left);
unsigned int shiftnum = (right->slotuse - left->slotuse) >> 1;
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("Shifting (inner) " << shiftnum << " entries to left " << left << " from right " << right
<< " with common parent " << parent << ".");
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(left->slotuse + shiftnum < inner_slotmax);
if (self_verify) {
// find the left node's slot in the parent's children and compare to
// parentslot
unsigned int leftslot = 0;
while (leftslot <= parent->slotuse && parent->childid[leftslot] != left) ++leftslot;
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(leftslot < parent->slotuse);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(parent->childid[leftslot] == left);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(parent->childid[leftslot + 1] == right);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(leftslot == parentslot);
// copy the parent's decision slotkey and childid to the first new key
// on the left
left->slotkey[left->slotuse] = parent->slotkey[parentslot];
// copy the other items from the right node to the last slots in the
// left node.
std::copy(right->slotkey, right->slotkey + shiftnum - 1, left->slotkey + left->slotuse);
std::copy(right->childid, right->childid + shiftnum, left->childid + left->slotuse);
left->slotuse += shiftnum - 1;
// fixup parent
parent->slotkey[parentslot] = right->slotkey[shiftnum - 1];
// shift all slots in the right node
std::copy(right->slotkey + shiftnum, right->slotkey + right->slotuse, right->slotkey);
std::copy(right->childid + shiftnum, right->childid + right->slotuse + 1, right->childid);
right->slotuse -= shiftnum;
//! Balance two leaf nodes. The function moves key/data pairs from left to
//! right so that both nodes are equally filled. The parent node is updated
//! if possible.
static void shift_right_leaf(LeafNode *left, LeafNode *right, InnerNode *parent, unsigned int parentslot) {
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(left->is_leafnode() && right->is_leafnode());
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(parent->level == 1);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(left->next_leaf == right);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(left == right->prev_leaf);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(parent->childid[parentslot] == left);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(left->slotuse > right->slotuse);
unsigned int shiftnum = (left->slotuse - right->slotuse) >> 1;
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("Shifting (leaf) " << shiftnum << " entries to right " << right << " from left " << left
<< " with common parent " << parent << ".");
if (self_verify) {
// find the left node's slot in the parent's children
unsigned int leftslot = 0;
while (leftslot <= parent->slotuse && parent->childid[leftslot] != left) ++leftslot;
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(leftslot < parent->slotuse);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(parent->childid[leftslot] == left);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(parent->childid[leftslot + 1] == right);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(leftslot == parentslot);
// shift all slots in the right node
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(right->slotuse + shiftnum < leaf_slotmax);
std::copy_backward(right->slotdata, right->slotdata + right->slotuse, right->slotdata + right->slotuse + shiftnum);
right->slotuse += shiftnum;
// copy the last items from the left node to the first slot in the right
// node.
std::copy(left->slotdata + left->slotuse - shiftnum, left->slotdata + left->slotuse, right->slotdata);
left->slotuse -= shiftnum;
parent->slotkey[parentslot] = left->key(left->slotuse - 1);
//! Balance two inner nodes. The function moves key/data pairs from left to
//! right so that both nodes are equally filled. The parent node is updated
//! if possible.
static void shift_right_inner(InnerNode *left, InnerNode *right, InnerNode *parent, unsigned int parentslot) {
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(left->level == right->level);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(parent->level == left->level + 1);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(left->slotuse > right->slotuse);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(parent->childid[parentslot] == left);
unsigned int shiftnum = (left->slotuse - right->slotuse) >> 1;
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("Shifting (leaf) " << shiftnum << " entries to right " << right << " from left " << left
<< " with common parent " << parent << ".");
if (self_verify) {
// find the left node's slot in the parent's children
unsigned int leftslot = 0;
while (leftslot <= parent->slotuse && parent->childid[leftslot] != left) ++leftslot;
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(leftslot < parent->slotuse);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(parent->childid[leftslot] == left);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(parent->childid[leftslot + 1] == right);
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(leftslot == parentslot);
// shift all slots in the right node
TLX_BTREE_ASSERT(right->slotuse + shiftnum < inner_slotmax);
std::copy_backward(right->slotkey, right->slotkey + right->slotuse, right->slotkey + right->slotuse + shiftnum);
std::copy_backward(right->childid, right->childid + right->slotuse + 1,
right->childid + right->slotuse + 1 + shiftnum);
right->slotuse += shiftnum;
// copy the parent's decision slotkey and childid to the last new key on
// the right
right->slotkey[shiftnum - 1] = parent->slotkey[parentslot];
// copy the remaining last items from the left node to the first slot in
// the right node.
std::copy(left->slotkey + left->slotuse - shiftnum + 1, left->slotkey + left->slotuse, right->slotkey);
std::copy(left->childid + left->slotuse - shiftnum + 1, left->childid + left->slotuse + 1, right->childid);
// copy the first to-be-removed key from the left node to the parent's
// decision slot
parent->slotkey[parentslot] = left->slotkey[left->slotuse - shiftnum];
left->slotuse -= shiftnum;
//! \}
//! \name Debug Printing
//! \{
//! Print out the B+ tree structure with keys onto the given ostream. This
//! function requires that the header is compiled with TLX_BTREE_DEBUG and
//! that key_type is printable via std::ostream.
void print(std::ostream &os) const {
if (root_) {
print_node(os, root_, 0, true);
//! Print out only the leaves via the double linked list.
void print_leaves(std::ostream &os) const {
os << "leaves:" << std::endl;
const LeafNode *n = head_leaf_;
while (n) {
os << " " << n << std::endl;
n = n->next_leaf;
//! Recursively descend down the tree and print out nodes.
static void print_node(std::ostream &os, const node *node, unsigned int depth = 0, bool recursive = false) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < depth; i++) os << " ";
os << "node " << node << " level " << node->level << " slotuse " << node->slotuse << std::endl;
if (node->is_leafnode()) {
const LeafNode *leafnode = static_cast<const LeafNode *>(node);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < depth; i++) os << " ";
os << " leaf prev " << leafnode->prev_leaf << " next " << leafnode->next_leaf << std::endl;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < depth; i++) os << " ";
for (unsigned short slot = 0; slot < leafnode->slotuse; ++slot) {
// os << leafnode->key(slot) << " "
// << "(data: " << leafnode->slotdata[slot] << ") ";
os << leafnode->key(slot) << " ";
os << std::endl;
} else {
const InnerNode *innernode = static_cast<const InnerNode *>(node);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < depth; i++) os << " ";
for (unsigned short slot = 0; slot < innernode->slotuse; ++slot) {
os << "(" << innernode->childid[slot] << ") " << innernode->slotkey[slot] << " ";
os << "(" << innernode->childid[innernode->slotuse] << ")" << std::endl;
if (recursive) {
for (unsigned short slot = 0; slot < innernode->slotuse + 1; ++slot) {
print_node(os, innernode->childid[slot], depth + 1, recursive);
//! \}
//! \name Verification of B+ Tree Invariants
//! \{
//! Run a thorough verification of all B+ tree invariants. The program
//! aborts via tlx_die_unless() if something is wrong.
void verify() const {
key_type minkey, maxkey;
tree_stats vstats;
if (root_) {
verify_node(root_, &minkey, &maxkey, vstats);
tlx_die_unless(vstats.size == stats_.size);
tlx_die_unless(vstats.leaves == stats_.leaves);
tlx_die_unless(vstats.inner_nodes == stats_.inner_nodes);
//! Recursively descend down the tree and verify each node
void verify_node(const node *n, key_type *minkey, key_type *maxkey, tree_stats &vstats) const {
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("verifynode " << n);
if (n->is_leafnode()) {
const LeafNode *leaf = static_cast<const LeafNode *>(n);
tlx_die_unless(leaf == root_ || !leaf->is_underflow());
tlx_die_unless(leaf->slotuse > 0);
for (unsigned short slot = 0; slot < leaf->slotuse - 1; ++slot) {
tlx_die_unless(key_lessequal(leaf->key(slot), leaf->key(slot + 1)));
*minkey = leaf->key(0);
*maxkey = leaf->key(leaf->slotuse - 1);
vstats.size += leaf->slotuse;
} else // !n->is_leafnode()
const InnerNode *inner = static_cast<const InnerNode *>(n);
tlx_die_unless(inner == root_ || !inner->is_underflow());
tlx_die_unless(inner->slotuse > 0);
for (unsigned short slot = 0; slot < inner->slotuse - 1; ++slot) {
tlx_die_unless(key_lessequal(inner->key(slot), inner->key(slot + 1)));
for (unsigned short slot = 0; slot <= inner->slotuse; ++slot) {
const node *subnode = inner->childid[slot];
key_type subminkey = key_type();
key_type submaxkey = key_type();
tlx_die_unless(subnode->level + 1 == inner->level);
verify_node(subnode, &subminkey, &submaxkey, vstats);
TLX_BTREE_PRINT("verify subnode " << subnode << ": " << subminkey << " - " << submaxkey);
if (slot == 0)
*minkey = subminkey;
tlx_die_unless(key_greaterequal(subminkey, inner->key(slot - 1)));
if (slot == inner->slotuse)
*maxkey = submaxkey;
tlx_die_unless(key_equal(inner->key(slot), submaxkey));
if (inner->level == 1 && slot < inner->slotuse) {
// children are leaves and must be linked together in the
// correct order
const LeafNode *leafa = static_cast<const LeafNode *>(inner->childid[slot]);
const LeafNode *leafb = static_cast<const LeafNode *>(inner->childid[slot + 1]);
tlx_die_unless(leafa->next_leaf == leafb);
tlx_die_unless(leafa == leafb->prev_leaf);
if (inner->level == 2 && slot < inner->slotuse) {
// verify leaf links between the adjacent inner nodes
const InnerNode *parenta = static_cast<const InnerNode *>(inner->childid[slot]);
const InnerNode *parentb = static_cast<const InnerNode *>(inner->childid[slot + 1]);
const LeafNode *leafa = static_cast<const LeafNode *>(parenta->childid[parenta->slotuse]);
const LeafNode *leafb = static_cast<const LeafNode *>(parentb->childid[0]);
tlx_die_unless(leafa->next_leaf == leafb);
tlx_die_unless(leafa == leafb->prev_leaf);
//! Verify the double linked list of leaves.
void verify_leaflinks() const {
const LeafNode *n = head_leaf_;
tlx_die_unless(n->level == 0);
tlx_die_unless(!n || n->prev_leaf == nullptr);
unsigned int testcount = 0;
while (n) {
tlx_die_unless(n->level == 0);
tlx_die_unless(n->slotuse > 0);
for (unsigned short slot = 0; slot < n->slotuse - 1; ++slot) {
tlx_die_unless(key_lessequal(n->key(slot), n->key(slot + 1)));
testcount += n->slotuse;
if (n->next_leaf) {
tlx_die_unless(key_lessequal(n->key(n->slotuse - 1), n->next_leaf->key(0)));
tlx_die_unless(n == n->next_leaf->prev_leaf);
} else {
tlx_die_unless(tail_leaf_ == n);
n = n->next_leaf;
tlx_die_unless(testcount == size());
//! \}
//! \}
//! \}
} // namespace tlx