339 lines
15 KiB
339 lines
15 KiB
# Copyright 2022 Memgraph Ltd.
# Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
# included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
# License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
# As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
# the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
# by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
# licenses/APL.txt.
import multiprocessing
import sys
import threading
import time
from typing import List
import mgclient
import pytest
from common import connect, execute_and_fetch_all
# Utility functions
# -------------------------
def get_non_show_transaction_id(results):
"""Returns transaction id of the first transaction that is not SHOW TRANSACTIONS;"""
for res in results:
if res[2] != ["SHOW TRANSACTIONS"]:
return res[1]
def show_transactions_test(cursor, expected_num_results: int):
results = execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "SHOW TRANSACTIONS")
assert len(results) == expected_num_results
return results
def process_function(cursor, queries: List[str]):
for query in queries:
cursor.execute(query, {})
except mgclient.DatabaseError:
# Tests
# -------------------------
def test_self_transaction():
"""Tests that simple show transactions work when no other is running."""
cursor = connect().cursor()
results = execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "SHOW TRANSACTIONS")
assert len(results) == 1
def test_admin_has_one_transaction():
"""Creates admin and tests that he sees only one transaction."""
# a_cursor is used for creating admin user, simulates main thread
superadmin_cursor = connect().cursor()
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "CREATE USER admin")
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "GRANT TRANSACTION_MANAGEMENT TO admin")
admin_cursor = connect(username="admin", password="").cursor()
process = multiprocessing.Process(target=show_transactions_test, args=(admin_cursor, 1))
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "DROP USER admin")
def test_user_can_see_its_transaction():
"""Tests that user without privileges can see its own transaction"""
superadmin_cursor = connect().cursor()
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "CREATE USER admin")
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES TO admin")
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "CREATE USER user")
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES FROM user")
user_cursor = connect(username="user", password="").cursor()
process = multiprocessing.Process(target=show_transactions_test, args=(user_cursor, 1))
admin_cursor = connect(username="admin", password="").cursor()
execute_and_fetch_all(admin_cursor, "DROP USER user")
execute_and_fetch_all(admin_cursor, "DROP USER admin")
def test_explicit_transaction_output():
superadmin_cursor = connect().cursor()
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "CREATE USER admin")
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "GRANT TRANSACTION_MANAGEMENT TO admin")
admin_connection = connect(username="admin", password="")
admin_cursor = admin_connection.cursor()
# Admin starts running explicit transaction
process = multiprocessing.Process(
args=(superadmin_cursor, ["BEGIN", "CREATE (n:Person {id_: 1})", "CREATE (n:Person {id_: 2})"]),
show_results = show_transactions_test(admin_cursor, 2)
if show_results[0][2] == ["SHOW TRANSACTIONS"]:
executing_index = 0
executing_index = 1
assert show_results[1 - executing_index][2] == ["CREATE (n:Person {id_: 1})", "CREATE (n:Person {id_: 2})"]
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "ROLLBACK")
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "DROP USER admin")
def test_superadmin_cannot_see_admin_can_see_admin():
"""Tests that superadmin cannot see the transaction created by admin but two admins can see and kill each other's transactions."""
superadmin_cursor = connect().cursor()
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "CREATE USER admin1")
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "GRANT TRANSACTION_MANAGEMENT TO admin1")
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "CREATE USER admin2")
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "GRANT TRANSACTION_MANAGEMENT TO admin2")
# Admin starts running infinite query
admin_connection_1 = connect(username="admin1", password="")
admin_cursor_1 = admin_connection_1.cursor()
admin_connection_2 = connect(username="admin2", password="")
admin_cursor_2 = admin_connection_2.cursor()
process = multiprocessing.Process(
target=process_function, args=(admin_cursor_1, ["CALL infinite_query.long_query() YIELD my_id RETURN my_id"])
# Superadmin shouldn't see the execution of the admin
show_transactions_test(superadmin_cursor, 1)
show_results = show_transactions_test(admin_cursor_2, 2)
# Don't rely on the order of intepreters in Memgraph
if show_results[0][2] == ["SHOW TRANSACTIONS"]:
executing_index = 0
executing_index = 1
assert show_results[executing_index][0] == "admin2"
assert show_results[executing_index][2] == ["SHOW TRANSACTIONS"]
assert show_results[1 - executing_index][0] == "admin1"
assert show_results[1 - executing_index][2] == ["CALL infinite_query.long_query() YIELD my_id RETURN my_id"]
# Kill transaction
long_transaction_id = show_results[1 - executing_index][1]
execute_and_fetch_all(admin_cursor_2, f"TERMINATE TRANSACTIONS '{long_transaction_id}'")
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "DROP USER admin1")
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "DROP USER admin2")
def test_admin_sees_superadmin():
"""Tests that admin created by superadmin can see the superadmin's transaction."""
superadmin_connection = connect()
superadmin_cursor = superadmin_connection.cursor()
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "CREATE USER admin")
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "GRANT TRANSACTION_MANAGEMENT TO admin")
# Admin starts running infinite query
process = multiprocessing.Process(
target=process_function, args=(superadmin_cursor, ["CALL infinite_query.long_query() YIELD my_id RETURN my_id"])
admin_cursor = connect(username="admin", password="").cursor()
show_results = show_transactions_test(admin_cursor, 2)
# show_results_2 = show_transactions_test(admin_cursor, 2)
# Don't rely on the order of intepreters in Memgraph
if show_results[0][2] == ["SHOW TRANSACTIONS"]:
executing_index = 0
executing_index = 1
assert show_results[executing_index][0] == "admin"
assert show_results[executing_index][2] == ["SHOW TRANSACTIONS"]
assert show_results[1 - executing_index][0] == ""
assert show_results[1 - executing_index][2] == ["CALL infinite_query.long_query() YIELD my_id RETURN my_id"]
# Kill transaction
long_transaction_id = show_results[1 - executing_index][1]
execute_and_fetch_all(admin_cursor, f"TERMINATE TRANSACTIONS '{long_transaction_id}'")
execute_and_fetch_all(admin_cursor, "DROP USER admin")
def test_admin_can_see_user_transaction():
"""Tests that admin can see user's transaction and kill it."""
superadmin_cursor = connect().cursor()
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "CREATE USER admin")
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "GRANT TRANSACTION_MANAGEMENT TO admin")
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "CREATE USER user")
# Admin starts running infinite query
admin_connection = connect(username="admin", password="")
admin_cursor = admin_connection.cursor()
user_connection = connect(username="user", password="")
user_cursor = user_connection.cursor()
process = multiprocessing.Process(
target=process_function, args=(user_cursor, ["CALL infinite_query.long_query() YIELD my_id RETURN my_id"])
# Admin should see the user's transaction.
show_results = show_transactions_test(admin_cursor, 2)
# Don't rely on the order of intepreters in Memgraph
if show_results[0][2] == ["SHOW TRANSACTIONS"]:
executing_index = 0
executing_index = 1
assert show_results[executing_index][0] == "admin"
assert show_results[executing_index][2] == ["SHOW TRANSACTIONS"]
assert show_results[1 - executing_index][0] == "user"
assert show_results[1 - executing_index][2] == ["CALL infinite_query.long_query() YIELD my_id RETURN my_id"]
# Kill transaction
long_transaction_id = show_results[1 - executing_index][1]
execute_and_fetch_all(admin_cursor, f"TERMINATE TRANSACTIONS '{long_transaction_id}'")
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "DROP USER admin")
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "DROP USER user")
def test_user_cannot_see_admin_transaction():
"""User cannot see admin's transaction but other admin can and he can kill it."""
# Superadmin creates two admins and one user
superadmin_cursor = connect().cursor()
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "CREATE USER admin1")
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "GRANT TRANSACTION_MANAGEMENT TO admin1")
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "CREATE USER admin2")
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "GRANT TRANSACTION_MANAGEMENT TO admin2")
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "CREATE USER user")
admin_connection_1 = connect(username="admin1", password="")
admin_cursor_1 = admin_connection_1.cursor()
admin_connection_2 = connect(username="admin2", password="")
admin_cursor_2 = admin_connection_2.cursor()
user_connection = connect(username="user", password="")
user_cursor = user_connection.cursor()
# Admin1 starts running long running query
process = multiprocessing.Process(
target=process_function, args=(admin_cursor_1, ["CALL infinite_query.long_query() YIELD my_id RETURN my_id"])
# User should not see the admin's transaction.
show_transactions_test(user_cursor, 1)
# Second admin should see other admin's transactions
show_results = show_transactions_test(admin_cursor_2, 2)
# Don't rely on the order of intepreters in Memgraph
if show_results[0][2] == ["SHOW TRANSACTIONS"]:
executing_index = 0
executing_index = 1
assert show_results[executing_index][0] == "admin2"
assert show_results[executing_index][2] == ["SHOW TRANSACTIONS"]
assert show_results[1 - executing_index][0] == "admin1"
assert show_results[1 - executing_index][2] == ["CALL infinite_query.long_query() YIELD my_id RETURN my_id"]
# Kill transaction
long_transaction_id = show_results[1 - executing_index][1]
execute_and_fetch_all(admin_cursor_2, f"TERMINATE TRANSACTIONS '{long_transaction_id}'")
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "DROP USER admin1")
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "DROP USER admin2")
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "DROP USER user")
def test_killing_non_existing_transaction():
cursor = connect().cursor()
results = execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "TERMINATE TRANSACTIONS '1'")
assert len(results) == 1
assert results[0][0] == "1" # transaction id
assert results[0][1] == False # not killed
def test_killing_multiple_non_existing_transactions():
cursor = connect().cursor()
transactions_id = ["'1'", "'2'", "'3'"]
results = execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, f"TERMINATE TRANSACTIONS {','.join(transactions_id)}")
assert len(results) == 3
for i in range(len(results)):
assert results[i][0] == eval(transactions_id[i]) # transaction id
assert results[i][1] == False # not killed
def test_admin_killing_multiple_non_existing_transactions():
# Starting, superadmin admin
superadmin_cursor = connect().cursor()
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "CREATE USER admin")
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "GRANT TRANSACTION_MANAGEMENT TO admin")
# Connect with admin
admin_cursor = connect(username="admin", password="").cursor()
transactions_id = ["'1'", "'2'", "'3'"]
results = execute_and_fetch_all(admin_cursor, f"TERMINATE TRANSACTIONS {','.join(transactions_id)}")
assert len(results) == 3
for i in range(len(results)):
assert results[i][0] == eval(transactions_id[i]) # transaction id
assert results[i][1] == False # not killed
execute_and_fetch_all(admin_cursor, "DROP USER admin")
def test_user_killing_some_transactions():
"""Tests what happens when user can kill only some of the transactions given."""
superadmin_cursor = connect().cursor()
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "CREATE USER admin")
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES TO admin")
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "CREATE USER user1")
execute_and_fetch_all(superadmin_cursor, "REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES FROM user1")
# Connect with user in two different sessions
admin_cursor = connect(username="admin", password="").cursor()
execute_and_fetch_all(admin_cursor, "CREATE USER user2")
execute_and_fetch_all(admin_cursor, "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES TO user2")
user_connection_1 = connect(username="user1", password="")
user_cursor_1 = user_connection_1.cursor()
user_connection_2 = connect(username="user2", password="")
user_cursor_2 = user_connection_2.cursor()
process_1 = multiprocessing.Process(
target=process_function, args=(user_cursor_1, ["CALL infinite_query.long_query() YIELD my_id RETURN my_id"])
process_2 = multiprocessing.Process(target=process_function, args=(user_cursor_2, ["BEGIN", "MATCH (n) RETURN n"]))
# Create another user1 connections
user_connection_1_copy = connect(username="user1", password="")
user_cursor_1_copy = user_connection_1_copy.cursor()
show_user_1_results = show_transactions_test(user_cursor_1_copy, 2)
if show_user_1_results[0][2] == ["SHOW TRANSACTIONS"]:
execution_index = 0
execution_index = 1
assert show_user_1_results[1 - execution_index][2] == ["CALL infinite_query.long_query() YIELD my_id RETURN my_id"]
# Connect with admin
show_admin_results = show_transactions_test(admin_cursor, 3)
for show_admin_res in show_admin_results:
if show_admin_res[2] != "[SHOW TRANSACTIONS]":
execute_and_fetch_all(admin_cursor, f"TERMINATE TRANSACTIONS '{show_admin_res[1]}'")
if __name__ == "__main__":
sys.exit(pytest.main([__file__, "-rA"]))