2024-01-23 19:06:10 +08:00
// Copyright 2024 Memgraph Ltd.
2023-11-23 18:02:35 +08:00
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
#include "dbms/dbms_handler.hpp"
2024-01-24 20:07:51 +08:00
#include "dbms/coordinator_handlers.hpp"
#include "flags/replication.hpp"
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#include <cstdint>
#include <filesystem>
#include "dbms/constants.hpp"
#include "dbms/global.hpp"
#include "dbms/replication_client.hpp"
#include "spdlog/spdlog.h"
#include "utils/exceptions.hpp"
#include "utils/logging.hpp"
#include "utils/uuid.hpp"
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namespace memgraph::dbms {
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namespace {
constexpr std::string_view kDBPrefix = "database:"; // Key prefix for database durability
constexpr std::string_view kLastCommitedSystemTsKey = "last_commited_system_ts"; // Key for timestamp durability
} // namespace
struct Durability {
enum class DurabilityVersion : uint8_t {
V0 = 0,
struct VersionException : public utils::BasicException {
VersionException() : utils::BasicException("Unsupported durability version!") {}
struct UnknownVersionException : public utils::BasicException {
UnknownVersionException() : utils::BasicException("Unable to parse the durability version!") {}
struct MigrationException : public utils::BasicException {
MigrationException() : utils::BasicException("Failed to migrate to the current durability version!") {}
static DurabilityVersion VersionCheck(std::optional<std::string_view> val) {
if (!val) {
return DurabilityVersion::V0;
if (val == "V1") {
return DurabilityVersion::V1;
throw UnknownVersionException();
static auto GenKey(std::string_view name) -> std::string { return fmt::format("{}{}", kDBPrefix, name); }
static auto GenVal(utils::UUID uuid, std::filesystem::path rel_dir) {
nlohmann::json json;
json["uuid"] = uuid;
json["rel_dir"] = rel_dir;
// TODO: Serialize the configuration
return json.dump();
static void Migrate(kvstore::KVStore *durability, const std::filesystem::path &root) {
const auto ver_val = durability->Get("version");
const auto ver = VersionCheck(ver_val);
std::map<std::string, std::string> to_put;
std::vector<std::string> to_delete;
// Update from V0 to V1
if (ver == DurabilityVersion::V0) {
for (const auto &[key, val] : *durability) {
if (key == "version") continue; // Reserved key
// Generate a UUID
auto const uuid = utils::UUID();
// New json values
auto new_key = GenKey(key);
auto path = root;
if (key != kDefaultDB) { // Special case for non-default DBs
// Move directory to new UUID dir
path = root / kMultiTenantDir / std::string{uuid};
std::filesystem::path old_dir(root / kMultiTenantDir / key);
std::error_code ec;
std::filesystem::rename(old_dir, path, ec);
MG_ASSERT(!ec, "Failed to upgrade durability: cannot move default directory.");
// Generate json and update value
auto new_data = GenVal(uuid, std::filesystem::relative(path, root));
to_put.emplace(std::move(new_key), std::move(new_data));
// Set version
durability->Put("version", "V1");
// Update to the new key-value pairs
if (!durability->PutAndDeleteMultiple(to_put, to_delete)) {
throw MigrationException();
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storage::Config config,
memgraph::utils::Synchronized<memgraph::auth::Auth, memgraph::utils::WritePrioritizedRWLock> *auth,
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bool recovery_on_startup)
: default_config_{std::move(config)}, repl_state_{ReplicationStateRootPath(default_config_)} {
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// TODO: Decouple storage config from dbms config
// TODO: Save individual db configs inside the kvstore and restore from there
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const auto &root = default_config_.durability.storage_directory;
storage::UpdatePaths(default_config_, root);
const auto &db_dir = default_config_.durability.storage_directory / kMultiTenantDir;
// TODO: Unify durability and wal
2023-11-23 18:02:35 +08:00
const auto durability_dir = db_dir / ".durability";
durability_ = std::make_unique<kvstore::KVStore>(durability_dir);
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// Migrate durability
Durability::Migrate(durability_.get(), root);
auto directories = std::set{std::string{kDefaultDB}};
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// Recover previous databases
if (recovery_on_startup) {
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auto it = durability_->begin(std::string(kDBPrefix));
auto end = durability_->end(std::string(kDBPrefix));
for (; it != end; ++it) {
const auto &[key, config_json] = *it;
const auto name = key.substr(kDBPrefix.size());
auto json = nlohmann::json::parse(config_json);
const auto uuid = json.at("uuid").get<utils::UUID>();
const auto rel_dir = json.at("rel_dir").get<std::filesystem::path>();
spdlog::info("Restoring database {} at {}.", name, rel_dir);
auto new_db = New_(name, uuid, rel_dir);
MG_ASSERT(!new_db.HasError(), "Failed while creating database {}.", name);
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spdlog::info("Database {} restored.", name);
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// Read the last timestamp
auto lcst = durability_->Get(kLastCommitedSystemTsKey);
if (lcst) {
last_commited_system_timestamp_ = std::stoul(*lcst);
system_timestamp_ = last_commited_system_timestamp_;
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} else { // Clear databases from the durability list and auth
auto locked_auth = auth->Lock();
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auto it = durability_->begin(std::string{kDBPrefix});
auto end = durability_->end(std::string{kDBPrefix});
for (; it != end; ++it) {
const auto &[key, _] = *it;
const auto name = key.substr(kDBPrefix.size());
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if (name == kDefaultDB) continue;
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// Delete the last timestamp
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// Clean the unused directories
for (const auto &entry : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(db_dir)) {
const auto &name = entry.path().filename().string();
if (entry.is_directory() && !name.empty() && name.front() != '.') {
auto itr = directories.find(name);
if (itr == directories.end()) {
std::error_code dummy;
std::filesystem::remove_all(entry, dummy);
} else {
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// Setup the default DB
// Startup replication state (if recovered at startup)
auto replica = [this](replication::RoleReplicaData const &data) { return StartRpcServer(*this, data); };
// Replication recovery and frequent check start
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auto main = [this](replication::RoleMainData &data) {
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for (auto &client : data.registered_replicas_) {
ForEach([this](DatabaseAccess db) { RecoverReplication(db); });
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for (auto &client : data.registered_replicas_) {
StartReplicaClient(*this, client);
return true;
// Startup proccess for main/replica
MG_ASSERT(std::visit(memgraph::utils::Overloaded{replica, main}, repl_state_.ReplicationData()),
"Replica recovery failure!");
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// Warning
if (default_config_.durability.snapshot_wal_mode == storage::Config::Durability::SnapshotWalMode::DISABLED &&
repl_state_.IsMain()) {
"The instance has the MAIN replication role, but durability logs and snapshots are disabled. Please "
"consider "
"enabling durability by using --storage-snapshot-interval-sec and --storage-wal-enabled flags because "
"without write-ahead logs this instance is not replicating any data.");
2024-01-24 20:07:51 +08:00
// MAIN or REPLICA instance
if (FLAGS_coordinator_server_port) {
MG_ASSERT(coordinator_state_.GetCoordinatorServer().Start(), "Failed to start coordinator server!");
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DbmsHandler::DeleteResult DbmsHandler::TryDelete(std::string_view db_name) {
std::lock_guard<LockT> wr(lock_);
if (db_name == kDefaultDB) {
// MSG cannot delete the default db
return DeleteError::DEFAULT_DB;
// Get DB config for the UUID and disk clean up
const auto conf = db_handler_.GetConfig(db_name);
if (!conf) {
return DeleteError::NON_EXISTENT;
const auto &storage_path = conf->durability.storage_directory;
const auto &uuid = conf->salient.uuid;
// Check if db exists
try {
// Low level handlers
if (!db_handler_.TryDelete(db_name)) {
return DeleteError::USING;
} catch (utils::BasicException &) {
return DeleteError::NON_EXISTENT;
// Remove from durability list
if (durability_) durability_->Delete(Durability::GenKey(db_name));
// Delete disk storage
std::error_code ec;
(void)std::filesystem::remove_all(storage_path, ec);
if (ec) {
spdlog::error(R"(Failed to clean disk while deleting database "{}" stored in {})", db_name, storage_path);
// Success
// Save delta
if (system_transaction_) {
system_transaction_->delta.emplace(SystemTransaction::Delta::drop_database, uuid);
return {};
DbmsHandler::DeleteResult DbmsHandler::Delete(std::string_view db_name) {
auto wr = std::lock_guard(lock_);
return Delete_(db_name);
DbmsHandler::DeleteResult DbmsHandler::Delete(utils::UUID uuid) {
auto wr = std::lock_guard(lock_);
std::string db_name;
try {
const auto db = Get_(uuid);
db_name = db->name();
} catch (const UnknownDatabaseException &) {
return DeleteError::NON_EXISTENT;
return Delete_(db_name);
DbmsHandler::NewResultT DbmsHandler::New_(storage::Config storage_config) {
auto new_db = db_handler_.New(storage_config, repl_state_);
if (new_db.HasValue()) { // Success
// Save delta
if (system_transaction_) {
system_transaction_->delta.emplace(SystemTransaction::Delta::create_database, storage_config.salient);
return new_db.GetValue();
return new_db.GetError();
DbmsHandler::DeleteResult DbmsHandler::Delete_(std::string_view db_name) {
if (db_name == kDefaultDB) {
// MSG cannot delete the default db
return DeleteError::DEFAULT_DB;
const auto storage_path = StorageDir_(db_name);
if (!storage_path) return DeleteError::NON_EXISTENT;
auto db = db_handler_.Get(db_name);
if (!db) return DeleteError::NON_EXISTENT;
// TODO: ATM we assume REPLICA won't have streams,
// this is a best effort approach just in case they do
// there is still subtle data race we stream manipulation
// can occur while we are dropping the database
auto &database = *db->get();
// Remove from durability list
if (durability_) durability_->Delete(Durability::GenKey(db_name));
// Check if db exists
// Low level handlers
db_handler_.DeferDelete(db_name, [storage_path = *storage_path, db_name = std::string{db_name}]() {
// Delete disk storage
std::error_code ec;
(void)std::filesystem::remove_all(storage_path, ec);
if (ec) {
spdlog::error(R"(Failed to clean disk while deleting database "{}" stored in {})", db_name, storage_path);
return {}; // Success
void DbmsHandler::UpdateDurability(const storage::Config &config, std::optional<std::filesystem::path> rel_dir) {
if (!durability_) return;
// Save database in a list of active databases
const auto &key = Durability::GenKey(config.salient.name);
if (rel_dir == std::nullopt)
rel_dir =
std::filesystem::relative(config.durability.storage_directory, default_config_.durability.storage_directory);
const auto &val = Durability::GenVal(config.salient.uuid, *rel_dir);
durability_->Put(key, val);
AllSyncReplicaStatus DbmsHandler::Commit() {
if (system_transaction_ == std::nullopt || system_transaction_->delta == std::nullopt)
return AllSyncReplicaStatus::AllCommitsConfirmed; // Nothing to commit
const auto &delta = *system_transaction_->delta;
auto sync_status = AllSyncReplicaStatus::AllCommitsConfirmed;
// TODO Create a system client that can handle all of this automatically
switch (delta.action) {
using enum SystemTransaction::Delta::Action;
// Replication
auto main_handler = [&](memgraph::replication::RoleMainData &main_data) {
// TODO: data race issue? registered_replicas_ access not protected
// This is sync in any case, as this is the startup
for (auto &client : main_data.registered_replicas_) {
bool completed = SteamAndFinalizeDelta<storage::replication::CreateDatabaseRpc>(
[](const storage::replication::CreateDatabaseRes &response) {
return response.result != storage::replication::CreateDatabaseRes::Result::FAILURE;
std::string(main_data.epoch_.id()), last_commited_system_timestamp_,
system_transaction_->system_timestamp, delta.config);
// TODO: reduce duplicate code
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if (!completed && client.mode_ == replication_coordination_glue::ReplicationMode::SYNC) {
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sync_status = AllSyncReplicaStatus::SomeCommitsUnconfirmed;
// Sync database with REPLICAs
auto replica_handler = [](memgraph::replication::RoleReplicaData &) { /* Nothing to do */ };
std::visit(utils::Overloaded{main_handler, replica_handler}, repl_state_.ReplicationData());
} break;
// Replication
auto main_handler = [&](memgraph::replication::RoleMainData &main_data) {
// TODO: data race issue? registered_replicas_ access not protected
// This is sync in any case, as this is the startup
for (auto &client : main_data.registered_replicas_) {
bool completed = SteamAndFinalizeDelta<storage::replication::DropDatabaseRpc>(
[](const storage::replication::DropDatabaseRes &response) {
return response.result != storage::replication::DropDatabaseRes::Result::FAILURE;
std::string(main_data.epoch_.id()), last_commited_system_timestamp_,
system_transaction_->system_timestamp, delta.uuid);
// TODO: reduce duplicate code
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if (!completed && client.mode_ == replication_coordination_glue::ReplicationMode::SYNC) {
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sync_status = AllSyncReplicaStatus::SomeCommitsUnconfirmed;
auto replica_handler = [](memgraph::replication::RoleReplicaData &) { /* Nothing to do */ };
std::visit(utils::Overloaded{main_handler, replica_handler}, repl_state_.ReplicationData());
} break;
durability_->Put(kLastCommitedSystemTsKey, std::to_string(system_transaction_->system_timestamp));
last_commited_system_timestamp_ = system_transaction_->system_timestamp;
return sync_status;
#else // not MG_ENTERPRISE
AllSyncReplicaStatus DbmsHandler::Commit() {
if (system_transaction_ == std::nullopt || system_transaction_->delta == std::nullopt) {
return AllSyncReplicaStatus::AllCommitsConfirmed; // Nothing to commit
const auto &delta = *system_transaction_->delta;
switch (delta.action) {
using enum SystemTransaction::Delta::Action;
/* Community edition doesn't support multi-tenant replication */
last_commited_system_timestamp_ = system_transaction_->system_timestamp;
return AllSyncReplicaStatus::AllCommitsConfirmed;
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} // namespace memgraph::dbms