
370 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#pragma once
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include "database/graph_db.hpp"
#include "database/graph_db_accessor.hpp"
#include "query/context.hpp"
#include "query/db_accessor.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/ast/ast.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/ast/cypher_main_visitor.hpp"
#include "query/frontend/stripped.hpp"
#include "query/interpret/frame.hpp"
#include "query/plan/operator.hpp"
#include "utils/likely.hpp"
#include "utils/memory.hpp"
#include "utils/skip_list.hpp"
#include "utils/spin_lock.hpp"
#include "utils/timer.hpp"
#include "utils/tsc.hpp"
namespace auth {
class Auth;
} // namespace auth
namespace query {
static constexpr size_t kExecutionMemoryBlockSize = 1U * 1024U * 1024U;
// TODO: Maybe this should move to query/plan/planner.
/// Interface for accessing the root operator of a logical plan.
class LogicalPlan {
virtual ~LogicalPlan() {}
virtual const plan::LogicalOperator &GetRoot() const = 0;
virtual double GetCost() const = 0;
virtual const SymbolTable &GetSymbolTable() const = 0;
virtual const AstStorage &GetAstStorage() const = 0;
class CachedPlan {
explicit CachedPlan(std::unique_ptr<LogicalPlan> plan);
const auto &plan() const { return plan_->GetRoot(); }
double cost() const { return plan_->GetCost(); }
const auto &symbol_table() const { return plan_->GetSymbolTable(); }
const auto &ast_storage() const { return plan_->GetAstStorage(); }
bool IsExpired() const {
return cache_timer_.Elapsed() >
std::unique_ptr<LogicalPlan> plan_;
utils::Timer cache_timer_;
struct CachedQuery {
AstStorage ast_storage;
Query *query;
std::vector<AuthQuery::Privilege> required_privileges;
struct QueryCacheEntry {
bool operator==(const QueryCacheEntry &other) const {
return first == other.first;
bool operator<(const QueryCacheEntry &other) const {
return first < other.first;
bool operator==(const HashType &other) const { return first == other; }
bool operator<(const HashType &other) const { return first < other; }
HashType first;
// TODO: Maybe store the query string here and use it as a key with the hash
// so that we eliminate the risk of hash collisions.
CachedQuery second;
struct PlanCacheEntry {
bool operator==(const PlanCacheEntry &other) const {
return first == other.first;
bool operator<(const PlanCacheEntry &other) const {
return first < other.first;
bool operator==(const HashType &other) const { return first == other; }
bool operator<(const HashType &other) const { return first < other; }
HashType first;
// TODO: Maybe store the query string here and use it as a key with the hash
// so that we eliminate the risk of hash collisions.
std::shared_ptr<CachedPlan> second;
* Holds data shared between multiple `Interpreter` instances (which might be
* running concurrently).
* Users should initialize the context but should not modify it after it has
* been passed to an `Interpreter` instance.
struct InterpreterContext {
explicit InterpreterContext(storage::Storage *db)
explicit InterpreterContext(database::GraphDb *db)
: db(db) {
CHECK(db) << "Storage must not be NULL";
storage::Storage *db;
database::GraphDb *db;
// Antlr has singleton instance that is shared between threads. It is
// protected by locks inside of antlr. Unfortunately, they are not protected
// in a very good way. Once we have antlr version without race conditions we
// can remove this lock. This will probably never happen since antlr
// developers introduce more bugs in each version. Fortunately, we have
// cache so this lock probably won't impact performance much...
utils::SpinLock antlr_lock;
bool is_tsc_available{utils::CheckAvailableTSC()};
auth::Auth *auth{nullptr};
utils::SkipList<QueryCacheEntry> ast_cache;
utils::SkipList<PlanCacheEntry> plan_cache;
class Interpreter {
* Encapsulates all what's necessary for the interpretation of a query
* into a single object that can be pulled (into the given Stream).
class Results {
friend Interpreter;
Results(DbAccessor *db_accessor, const query::Parameters &parameters,
std::shared_ptr<CachedPlan> plan,
std::vector<Symbol> output_symbols, std::vector<std::string> header,
std::map<std::string, TypedValue> summary,
std::vector<AuthQuery::Privilege> privileges,
utils::MemoryResource *execution_memory,
bool is_profile_query = false, bool should_abort_query = false)
: ctx_{db_accessor},
frame_(plan_->symbol_table().max_position(), execution_memory),
should_abort_query_(should_abort_query) {
ctx_.is_profile_query = is_profile_query;
ctx_.symbol_table = plan_->symbol_table();
ctx_.evaluation_context.timestamp =
ctx_.evaluation_context.parameters = parameters; =
NamesToProperties(plan_->ast_storage().properties_, db_accessor);
ctx_.evaluation_context.labels =
NamesToLabels(plan_->ast_storage().labels_, db_accessor);
Results(const Results &) = delete;
Results(Results &&) = default;
Results &operator=(const Results &) = delete;
Results &operator=(Results &&) = default;
* Make the interpreter perform a single Pull. Results (if they exists) are
* pushed into the given stream. On first Pull the header is written to the
* stream, on last the summary.
* @param stream - The stream to push the header, results and summary into.
* @return - If this Results is eligible for another Pull. If Pulling
* after `false` has been returned, the behavior is undefined.
* @tparam TStream - Stream type.
template <typename TStream>
bool Pull(TStream &stream) {
utils::Timer timer;
// Setup temporary memory for a single Pull. Initial memory should come
// from stack, 256 KiB should fit on the stack and should be more than
// enough for a single Pull.
constexpr size_t stack_size = 256 * 1024;
char stack_data[stack_size];
utils::MonotonicBufferResource monotonic_memory(&stack_data[0], stack_size);
// TODO (mferencevic): Tune the parameters accordingly.
utils::PoolResource pool_memory(128, 1024, &monotonic_memory);
ctx_.evaluation_context.memory = &pool_memory;
// We can now Pull a result.
bool return_value = cursor_->Pull(frame_, ctx_);
if (return_value && !output_symbols_.empty()) {
// TODO: The streamed values should also probably use the above memory.
std::vector<TypedValue> values;
for (const auto &symbol : output_symbols_) {
execution_time_ += timer.Elapsed().count();
if (!return_value) {
summary_["plan_execution_time"] = execution_time_;
if (ctx_.is_profile_query) {
summary_["profile"] =
ProfilingStatsToJson(ctx_.stats, ctx_.profile_execution_time)
return return_value;
/** Calls Pull() until exhausted. */
template <typename TStream>
void PullAll(TStream &stream) {
while (Pull(stream)) continue;
const std::vector<std::string> &header() const & { return header_; }
std::vector<std::string> &&header() && { return std::move(header_); }
const std::map<std::string, TypedValue> &summary() const & {
return summary_;
std::map<std::string, TypedValue> &&summary() && {
return std::move(summary_);
const std::vector<AuthQuery::Privilege> &privileges() {
return privileges_;
bool ShouldAbortQuery() const { return should_abort_query_; }
ExecutionContext ctx_;
std::shared_ptr<CachedPlan> plan_;
query::plan::UniqueCursorPtr cursor_;
Frame frame_;
std::vector<Symbol> output_symbols_;
std::vector<std::string> header_;
std::map<std::string, TypedValue> summary_;
double execution_time_{0};
std::vector<AuthQuery::Privilege> privileges_;
bool should_abort_query_;
explicit Interpreter(InterpreterContext *interpreter_context);
Interpreter(const Interpreter &) = delete;
Interpreter &operator=(const Interpreter &) = delete;
Interpreter(Interpreter &&) = delete;
Interpreter &operator=(Interpreter &&) = delete;
virtual ~Interpreter() { Abort(); }
std::pair<std::vector<std::string>, std::vector<query::AuthQuery::Privilege>>
Interpret(const std::string &query,
const std::map<std::string, PropertyValue> &params);
* Generates an Results object for the parameters. The resulting object
* can be Pulled with its results written to an arbitrary stream.
virtual Results Prepare(const std::string &query,
const std::map<std::string, PropertyValue> &params,
DbAccessor *db_accessor);
template <typename TStream>
std::map<std::string, TypedValue> PullAll(TStream *result_stream) {
// If we don't have any results (eg. a transaction command preceeded),
// return an empty summary.
if (UNLIKELY(!results_)) return {};
// Stream all results and return the summary.
try {
// Make a copy of the summary because the `Commit` call will destroy the
// `results_` object.
auto summary = results_->summary();
if (!in_explicit_transaction_) {
if (results_->ShouldAbortQuery()) {
} else {
return summary;
} catch (const query::HintedAbortError &) {
throw utils::BasicException("Transaction was asked to abort.");
} catch (const utils::BasicException &) {
void Abort();
// high level tree -> logical plan
// AstStorage and SymbolTable may be modified during planning. The created
// LogicalPlan must take ownership of AstStorage and SymbolTable.
virtual std::unique_ptr<LogicalPlan> MakeLogicalPlan(CypherQuery *,
const Parameters &,
DbAccessor *);
virtual void PrettyPrintPlan(const DbAccessor &,
const plan::LogicalOperator *, std::ostream *);
virtual std::string PlanToJson(const DbAccessor &,
const plan::LogicalOperator *);
InterpreterContext *interpreter_context_;
std::optional<storage::Storage::Accessor> db_accessor_;
std::optional<database::GraphDbAccessor> db_accessor_;
std::optional<DbAccessor> execution_db_accessor_;
// The `query::Interpreter::Results` object MUST be destroyed before the
// `database::GraphDbAccessor` is destroyed because the `Results` object holds
// references to the `GraphDb` object and will crash the database when
// destructed if you are not careful.
std::optional<Results> results_;
bool in_explicit_transaction_{false};
bool expect_rollback_{false};
utils::MonotonicBufferResource execution_memory_{kExecutionMemoryBlockSize};
void Commit();
void AdvanceCommand();
void AbortCommand();
// high level tree -> CachedPlan
std::shared_ptr<CachedPlan> CypherQueryToPlan(HashType query_hash,
CypherQuery *query,
AstStorage ast_storage,
const Parameters &parameters,
DbAccessor *db_accessor);
} // namespace query