2023-10-16 20:16:00 +08:00
// Copyright 2023 Memgraph Ltd.
2021-10-26 14:53:56 +08:00
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
2018-06-20 19:46:54 +08:00
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
2023-10-16 20:16:00 +08:00
#include "dbms/dbms_handler.hpp"
#include "glue/auth_checker.hpp"
#include "glue/auth_handler.hpp"
2018-07-06 15:28:05 +08:00
#include "requests/requests.hpp"
2023-10-16 20:16:00 +08:00
#include "storage/v2/config.hpp"
2018-06-20 19:46:54 +08:00
#include "telemetry/telemetry.hpp"
2022-11-04 22:23:43 +08:00
#include "utils/system_info.hpp"
#include "utils/uuid.hpp"
2018-06-20 19:46:54 +08:00
2021-02-18 22:32:43 +08:00
DEFINE_string(endpoint, "", "Endpoint that should be used for the test.");
2018-06-20 19:46:54 +08:00
DEFINE_int64(interval, 1, "Interval used for reporting telemetry in seconds.");
DEFINE_int64(duration, 10, "Duration of the test in seconds.");
2021-02-18 22:32:43 +08:00
DEFINE_string(storage_directory, "", "Path to the storage directory where to save telemetry data.");
2023-10-16 20:16:00 +08:00
DEFINE_string(root_directory, "", "Path to the database durability root dir.");
2018-06-20 19:46:54 +08:00
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
2023-10-16 20:16:00 +08:00
// Memgraph backend
std::filesystem::path data_directory{std::filesystem::temp_directory_path() / "MG_telemetry_integration_test"};
memgraph::utils::Synchronized<memgraph::auth::Auth, memgraph::utils::WritePrioritizedRWLock> auth_{data_directory /
memgraph::glue::AuthQueryHandler auth_handler(&auth_, "");
memgraph::glue::AuthChecker auth_checker(&auth_);
memgraph::storage::Config db_config;
memgraph::storage::UpdatePaths(db_config, data_directory);
memgraph::dbms::DbmsHandler dbms_handler(db_config, &auth_, false, false);
memgraph::query::InterpreterContext interpreter_context_({}, &dbms_handler, &auth_handler, &auth_checker);
memgraph::utils::Gatekeeper<memgraph::dbms::Database> db_gatekeeper{db_config};
memgraph::query::InterpreterContext interpreter_context_({}, nullptr, &auth_handler, &auth_checker);
2022-02-22 20:33:45 +08:00
2022-11-04 22:23:43 +08:00
memgraph::telemetry::Telemetry telemetry(FLAGS_endpoint, FLAGS_storage_directory, memgraph::utils::GenerateUUID(),
2023-10-16 20:16:00 +08:00
memgraph::utils::GetMachineId(), false, FLAGS_root_directory,
std::chrono::seconds(FLAGS_interval), 1);
2018-06-20 19:46:54 +08:00
2023-10-16 20:16:00 +08:00
// User defined collector
2018-06-20 19:46:54 +08:00
uint64_t counter = 0;
2023-10-16 20:16:00 +08:00
telemetry.AddCollector("test", [&counter]() -> nlohmann::json {
2018-06-20 19:46:54 +08:00
return {{"vertices", counter}, {"edges", counter}};
2023-10-16 20:16:00 +08:00
// Memgraph specific collectors
telemetry.AddStorageCollector(dbms_handler, auth_);
telemetry.AddStorageCollector(db_gatekeeper, auth_);
2018-06-20 19:46:54 +08:00
return 0;