2024-02-08 17:11:33 +08:00
// Copyright 2024 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
#include "nuraft/coordinator_state_machine.hpp"
namespace memgraph::coordination {
2024-02-27 18:42:02 +08:00
CoordinatorStateMachine::CoordinatorStateMachine(OnRaftCommitCb raft_commit_cb) : raft_commit_cb_(raft_commit_cb) {}
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auto CoordinatorStateMachine::MainExists() const -> bool { return cluster_state_.MainExists(); }
auto CoordinatorStateMachine::IsMain(std::string const &instance_name) const -> bool {
return cluster_state_.IsMain(instance_name);
auto CoordinatorStateMachine::IsReplica(std::string const &instance_name) const -> bool {
return cluster_state_.IsReplica(instance_name);
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auto CoordinatorStateMachine::CreateLog(std::string const &log) -> ptr<buffer> {
ptr<buffer> log_buf = buffer::alloc(sizeof(uint32_t) + log.size());
buffer_serializer bs(log_buf);
return log_buf;
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2024-02-27 18:42:02 +08:00
auto CoordinatorStateMachine::SerializeRegisterInstance(CoordinatorClientConfig const &config) -> ptr<buffer> {
auto const str_log = fmt::format("{}*register", config.ToString());
return CreateLog(str_log);
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2024-02-27 18:42:02 +08:00
auto CoordinatorStateMachine::SerializeUnregisterInstance(std::string_view instance_name) -> ptr<buffer> {
auto const str_log = fmt::format("{}*unregister", instance_name);
return CreateLog(str_log);
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2024-02-27 18:42:02 +08:00
auto CoordinatorStateMachine::SerializeSetInstanceAsMain(std::string_view instance_name) -> ptr<buffer> {
auto const str_log = fmt::format("{}*promote", instance_name);
return CreateLog(str_log);
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2024-02-27 18:42:02 +08:00
auto CoordinatorStateMachine::SerializeSetInstanceAsReplica(std::string_view instance_name) -> ptr<buffer> {
auto const str_log = fmt::format("{}*demote", instance_name);
return CreateLog(str_log);
auto CoordinatorStateMachine::DecodeLog(buffer &data) -> std::pair<TRaftLog, RaftLogAction> {
buffer_serializer bs(data);
auto const log_str = bs.get_str();
auto const sep = log_str.find('*');
auto const action = log_str.substr(sep + 1);
auto const info = log_str.substr(0, sep);
if (action == "register") {
return {CoordinatorClientConfig::FromString(info), RaftLogAction::REGISTER_REPLICATION_INSTANCE};
if (action == "unregister") {
if (action == "promote") {
return {info, RaftLogAction::SET_INSTANCE_AS_MAIN};
if (action == "demote") {
return {info, RaftLogAction::SET_INSTANCE_AS_REPLICA};
throw std::runtime_error("Unknown action");
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2024-02-16 18:08:29 +08:00
auto CoordinatorStateMachine::pre_commit(ulong const /*log_idx*/, buffer & /*data*/) -> ptr<buffer> { return nullptr; }
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auto CoordinatorStateMachine::commit(ulong const log_idx, buffer &data) -> ptr<buffer> {
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// TODO: (andi) think about locking scheme
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buffer_serializer bs(data);
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auto const [parsed_data, log_action] = DecodeLog(data);
cluster_state_.DoAction(parsed_data, log_action);
std::invoke(raft_commit_cb_, parsed_data, log_action);
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last_committed_idx_ = log_idx;
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// TODO: (andi) Don't return nullptr
2024-02-08 17:11:33 +08:00
return nullptr;
auto CoordinatorStateMachine::commit_config(ulong const log_idx, ptr<cluster_config> & /*new_conf*/) -> void {
last_committed_idx_ = log_idx;
auto CoordinatorStateMachine::rollback(ulong const log_idx, buffer &data) -> void {
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// NOTE: Nothing since we don't do anything in pre_commit
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2024-02-16 20:46:05 +08:00
auto CoordinatorStateMachine::read_logical_snp_obj(snapshot &snapshot, void *& /*user_snp_ctx*/, ulong obj_id,
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ptr<buffer> &data_out, bool &is_last_obj) -> int {
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spdlog::info("read logical snapshot object, obj_id: {}", obj_id);
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2024-02-16 20:46:05 +08:00
ptr<SnapshotCtx> ctx = nullptr;
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auto ll = std::lock_guard{snapshots_lock_};
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auto entry = snapshots_.find(snapshot.get_last_log_idx());
if (entry == snapshots_.end()) {
data_out = nullptr;
is_last_obj = true;
return 0;
ctx = entry->second;
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is_last_obj = true;
return 0;
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auto CoordinatorStateMachine::save_logical_snp_obj(snapshot &snapshot, ulong &obj_id, buffer &data, bool is_first_obj,
bool is_last_obj) -> void {
spdlog::info("save logical snapshot object, obj_id: {}, is_first_obj: {}, is_last_obj: {}", obj_id, is_first_obj,
buffer_serializer bs(data);
auto cluster_state = CoordinatorClusterState::Deserialize(data);
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2024-02-19 20:56:04 +08:00
auto ll = std::lock_guard{snapshots_lock_};
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auto entry = snapshots_.find(snapshot.get_last_log_idx());
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DMG_ASSERT(entry != snapshots_.end());
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entry->second->cluster_state_ = cluster_state;
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2024-02-16 20:46:05 +08:00
auto CoordinatorStateMachine::apply_snapshot(snapshot &s) -> bool {
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auto ll = std::lock_guard{snapshots_lock_};
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auto entry = snapshots_.find(s.get_last_log_idx());
if (entry == snapshots_.end()) return false;
cluster_state_ = entry->second->cluster_state_;
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return true;
auto CoordinatorStateMachine::free_user_snp_ctx(void *&user_snp_ctx) -> void {}
auto CoordinatorStateMachine::last_snapshot() -> ptr<snapshot> {
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auto ll = std::lock_guard{snapshots_lock_};
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auto entry = snapshots_.rbegin();
if (entry == snapshots_.rend()) return nullptr;
ptr<SnapshotCtx> ctx = entry->second;
return ctx->snapshot_;
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auto CoordinatorStateMachine::last_commit_index() -> ulong { return last_committed_idx_; }
auto CoordinatorStateMachine::create_snapshot(snapshot &s, async_result<bool>::handler_type &when_done) -> void {
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ptr<buffer> snp_buf = s.serialize();
ptr<snapshot> ss = snapshot::deserialize(*snp_buf);
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ptr<std::exception> except(nullptr);
bool ret = true;
when_done(ret, except);
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auto CoordinatorStateMachine::create_snapshot_internal(ptr<snapshot> snapshot) -> void {
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auto ll = std::lock_guard{snapshots_lock_};
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auto ctx = cs_new<SnapshotCtx>(snapshot, cluster_state_);
snapshots_[snapshot->get_last_log_idx()] = ctx;
constexpr int MAX_SNAPSHOTS = 3;
while (snapshots_.size() > MAX_SNAPSHOTS) {
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auto CoordinatorStateMachine::GetInstances() const -> std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> {
return cluster_state_.GetInstances();
2024-02-08 17:11:33 +08:00
} // namespace memgraph::coordination