
406 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#pragma once
#include <optional>
#include <shared_mutex>
#include "storage/v2/commit_log.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/config.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/constraints.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/durability.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/edge.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/edge_accessor.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/indices.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/mvcc.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/name_id_mapper.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/result.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/transaction.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/vertex.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/vertex_accessor.hpp"
#include "utils/rw_lock.hpp"
#include "utils/scheduler.hpp"
#include "utils/skip_list.hpp"
#include "utils/synchronized.hpp"
namespace storage {
// The storage is based on this paper:
// The paper implements a fully serializable storage, in our implementation we
// only implement snapshot isolation for transactions.
/// Iterable for iterating through all vertices of a Storage.
/// An instance of this will be usually be wrapped inside VerticesIterable for
/// generic, public use.
class AllVerticesIterable final {
utils::SkipList<Vertex>::Accessor vertices_accessor_;
Transaction *transaction_;
View view_;
Indices *indices_;
Config::Items config_;
class Iterator final {
AllVerticesIterable *self_;
utils::SkipList<Vertex>::Iterator it_;
Iterator(AllVerticesIterable *self, utils::SkipList<Vertex>::Iterator it);
VertexAccessor operator*() const;
Iterator &operator++();
bool operator==(const Iterator &other) const {
return self_ == other.self_ && it_ == other.it_;
bool operator!=(const Iterator &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
AllVerticesIterable(utils::SkipList<Vertex>::Accessor vertices_accessor,
Transaction *transaction, View view, Indices *indices,
Config::Items config)
: vertices_accessor_(std::move(vertices_accessor)),
config_(config) {}
Iterator begin() { return Iterator(this, vertices_accessor_.begin()); }
Iterator end() { return Iterator(this, vertices_accessor_.end()); }
/// Generic access to different kinds of vertex iterations.
/// This class should be the primary type used by the client code to iterate
/// over vertices inside a Storage instance.
class VerticesIterable final {
enum class Type { ALL, BY_LABEL, BY_LABEL_PROPERTY };
Type type_;
union {
AllVerticesIterable all_vertices_;
LabelIndex::Iterable vertices_by_label_;
LabelPropertyIndex::Iterable vertices_by_label_property_;
explicit VerticesIterable(AllVerticesIterable);
explicit VerticesIterable(LabelIndex::Iterable);
explicit VerticesIterable(LabelPropertyIndex::Iterable);
VerticesIterable(const VerticesIterable &) = delete;
VerticesIterable &operator=(const VerticesIterable &) = delete;
VerticesIterable(VerticesIterable &&) noexcept;
VerticesIterable &operator=(VerticesIterable &&) noexcept;
class Iterator final {
Type type_;
union {
AllVerticesIterable::Iterator all_it_;
LabelIndex::Iterable::Iterator by_label_it_;
LabelPropertyIndex::Iterable::Iterator by_label_property_it_;
void Destroy() noexcept;
explicit Iterator(AllVerticesIterable::Iterator);
explicit Iterator(LabelIndex::Iterable::Iterator);
explicit Iterator(LabelPropertyIndex::Iterable::Iterator);
Iterator(const Iterator &);
Iterator &operator=(const Iterator &);
Iterator(Iterator &&) noexcept;
Iterator &operator=(Iterator &&) noexcept;
VertexAccessor operator*() const;
/// @throw std::bad_alloc raised in
/// LabelPropertyIndex::Iterable::Iterator::operator++
Iterator &operator++();
bool operator==(const Iterator &other) const;
bool operator!=(const Iterator &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
Iterator begin();
Iterator end();
/// Structure used to return information about existing indices in the storage.
struct IndicesInfo {
std::vector<LabelId> label;
std::vector<std::pair<LabelId, PropertyId>> label_property;
/// Structure used to return information about existing constraints in the
/// storage.
struct ConstraintsInfo {
std::vector<std::pair<LabelId, PropertyId>> existence;
class Storage final {
/// @throw std::system_error
/// @throw std::bad_alloc
explicit Storage(Config config = Config());
class Accessor final {
friend class Storage;
explicit Accessor(Storage *storage);
Accessor(const Accessor &) = delete;
Accessor &operator=(const Accessor &) = delete;
Accessor &operator=(Accessor &&other) = delete;
// NOTE: After the accessor is moved, all objects derived from it (accessors
// and iterators) are *invalid*. You have to get all derived objects again.
Accessor(Accessor &&other) noexcept;
/// @throw std::bad_alloc
VertexAccessor CreateVertex();
std::optional<VertexAccessor> FindVertex(Gid gid, View view);
VerticesIterable Vertices(View view) {
return VerticesIterable(
AllVerticesIterable(storage_->vertices_.access(), &transaction_, view,
&storage_->indices_, storage_->config_.items));
VerticesIterable Vertices(LabelId label, View view);
/// @throw std::bad_alloc raised in Index::Vertices
VerticesIterable Vertices(LabelId label, PropertyId property, View view);
/// @throw std::bad_alloc raised in Index::Vertices
VerticesIterable Vertices(LabelId label, PropertyId property,
const PropertyValue &value, View view);
/// @throw std::bad_alloc raised in Index::Vertices
VerticesIterable Vertices(
LabelId label, PropertyId property,
const std::optional<utils::Bound<PropertyValue>> &lower_bound,
const std::optional<utils::Bound<PropertyValue>> &upper_bound,
View view);
/// Return approximate number of all vertices in the database.
/// Note that this is always an over-estimate and never an under-estimate.
int64_t ApproximateVertexCount() const {
return storage_->vertices_.size();
/// Return approximate number of vertices with the given label.
/// Note that this is always an over-estimate and never an under-estimate.
int64_t ApproximateVertexCount(LabelId label) const {
return storage_->indices_.label_index.ApproximateVertexCount(label);
/// Return approximate number of vertices with the given label and property.
/// Note that this is always an over-estimate and never an under-estimate.
int64_t ApproximateVertexCount(LabelId label, PropertyId property) const {
return storage_->indices_.label_property_index.ApproximateVertexCount(
label, property);
/// Return approximate number of vertices with the given label and the given
/// value for the given property. Note that this is always an over-estimate
/// and never an under-estimate.
int64_t ApproximateVertexCount(LabelId label, PropertyId property,
const PropertyValue &value) const {
return storage_->indices_.label_property_index.ApproximateVertexCount(
label, property, value);
/// Return approximate number of vertices with the given label and value for
/// the given property in the range defined by provided upper and lower
/// bounds.
int64_t ApproximateVertexCount(
LabelId label, PropertyId property,
const std::optional<utils::Bound<PropertyValue>> &lower,
const std::optional<utils::Bound<PropertyValue>> &upper) const {
return storage_->indices_.label_property_index.ApproximateVertexCount(
label, property, lower, upper);
/// @throw std::bad_alloc
Result<bool> DeleteVertex(VertexAccessor *vertex);
/// @throw std::bad_alloc
Result<bool> DetachDeleteVertex(VertexAccessor *vertex);
/// @throw std::bad_alloc
Result<EdgeAccessor> CreateEdge(VertexAccessor *from, VertexAccessor *to,
EdgeTypeId edge_type);
/// @throw std::bad_alloc
Result<bool> DeleteEdge(EdgeAccessor *edge);
const std::string &LabelToName(LabelId label) const;
const std::string &PropertyToName(PropertyId property) const;
const std::string &EdgeTypeToName(EdgeTypeId edge_type) const;
/// @throw std::bad_alloc if unable to insert a new mapping
LabelId NameToLabel(const std::string &name);
/// @throw std::bad_alloc if unable to insert a new mapping
PropertyId NameToProperty(const std::string &name);
/// @throw std::bad_alloc if unable to insert a new mapping
EdgeTypeId NameToEdgeType(const std::string &name);
void AdvanceCommand();
/// Commit returns `ExistenceConstraintViolation` if the changes made by
/// this transaction violate an existence constraint. In that case the
/// transaction is automatically aborted. Otherwise, void is returned.
/// @throw std::bad_alloc
utils::BasicResult<ExistenceConstraintViolation, void> Commit();
/// @throw std::bad_alloc
void Abort();
Storage *storage_;
std::shared_lock<utils::RWLock> storage_guard_;
Transaction transaction_;
bool is_transaction_active_;
Config::Items config_;
Accessor Access() { return Accessor{this}; }
const std::string &LabelToName(LabelId label) const;
const std::string &PropertyToName(PropertyId property) const;
const std::string &EdgeTypeToName(EdgeTypeId edge_type) const;
/// @throw std::bad_alloc if unable to insert a new mapping
LabelId NameToLabel(const std::string &name);
/// @throw std::bad_alloc if unable to insert a new mapping
PropertyId NameToProperty(const std::string &name);
/// @throw std::bad_alloc if unable to insert a new mapping
EdgeTypeId NameToEdgeType(const std::string &name);
/// @throw std::bad_alloc
bool CreateIndex(LabelId label);
/// @throw std::bad_alloc
bool CreateIndex(LabelId label, PropertyId property);
bool DropIndex(LabelId label);
bool DropIndex(LabelId label, PropertyId property);
bool LabelIndexExists(LabelId label) const {
return indices_.label_index.IndexExists(label);
bool LabelPropertyIndexExists(LabelId label, PropertyId property) const {
return indices_.label_property_index.IndexExists(label, property);
IndicesInfo ListAllIndices() const {
return {indices_.label_index.ListIndices(),
/// Creates a unique constraint`. Returns true if the constraint was
/// successfuly added, false if it already exists and an
/// `ExistenceConstraintViolation` if there is an existing vertex violating
/// the constraint.
/// @throw std::bad_alloc
/// @throw std::length_error
utils::BasicResult<ExistenceConstraintViolation, bool>
CreateExistenceConstraint(LabelId label, PropertyId property);
/// Removes a unique constraint. Returns true if the constraint was removed,
/// and false if it doesn't exist.
bool DropExistenceConstraint(LabelId label, PropertyId property);
ConstraintsInfo ListAllConstraints() const {
return {ListExistenceConstraints(constraints_)};
Transaction CreateTransaction();
/// @throw std::system_error
/// @throw std::bad_alloc
void CollectGarbage();
// Main storage lock.
// Accessors take a shared lock when starting, so it is possible to block
// creation of new accessors by taking a unique lock. This is used when doing
// operations on storage that affect the global state, for example index
// creation.
utils::RWLock main_lock_{utils::RWLock::Priority::WRITE};
// Main object storage
utils::SkipList<storage::Vertex> vertices_;
utils::SkipList<storage::Edge> edges_;
std::atomic<uint64_t> vertex_id_{0};
std::atomic<uint64_t> edge_id_{0};
NameIdMapper name_id_mapper_;
Indices indices_;
Constraints constraints_;
// Transaction engine
utils::SpinLock engine_lock_;
uint64_t timestamp_{kTimestampInitialId};
uint64_t transaction_id_{kTransactionInitialId};
// TODO: This isn't really a commit log, it doesn't even care if a
// transaction commited or aborted. We could probably combine this with
// `timestamp_` in a sensible unit, something like TransactionClock or
// whatever.
CommitLog commit_log_;
utils::Synchronized<std::list<Transaction>, utils::SpinLock>
Config config_;
utils::Scheduler gc_runner_;
std::mutex gc_lock_;
// Undo buffers that were unlinked and now are waiting to be freed.
utils::Synchronized<std::list<std::pair<uint64_t, std::list<Delta>>>,
// Vertices that are logically deleted but still have to be removed from
// indices before removing them from the main storage.
utils::Synchronized<std::list<Gid>, utils::SpinLock> deleted_vertices_;
// Vertices that are logically deleted and removed from indices and now wait
// to be removed from the main storage.
std::list<std::pair<uint64_t, Gid>> garbage_vertices_;
// Edges that are logically deleted and wait to be removed from the main
// storage.
utils::Synchronized<std::list<Gid>, utils::SpinLock> deleted_edges_;
Durability durability_;
} // namespace storage