190 lines
5.5 KiB
190 lines
5.5 KiB
#include <memory>
#include <thread>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "database/distributed_graph_db.hpp"
#include "database/graph_db.hpp"
#include "distributed_common.hpp"
#include "io/network/endpoint.hpp"
#include "query_plan_common.hpp"
namespace fs = std::experimental::filesystem;
using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals;
class DistributedDynamicWorker : public ::testing::Test {
const std::string kLocal = "";
std::unique_ptr<database::Master> CreateMaster(
std::function<database::Config(database::Config config)> modify_config) {
database::Config master_config;
master_config.master_endpoint = {kLocal, 0};
master_config.durability_directory = GetDurabilityDirectory(0);
// Flag needs to be updated due to props on disk storage.
FLAGS_durability_directory = GetDurabilityDirectory(0);
auto master =
return master;
std::unique_ptr<WorkerInThread> CreateWorker(
io::network::Endpoint master_endpoint, int worker_id,
std::function<database::Config(database::Config config)> modify_config) {
database::Config config;
config.durability_directory = GetDurabilityDirectory(worker_id);
// Flag needs to be updated due to props on disk storage.
FLAGS_durability_directory = GetDurabilityDirectory(worker_id);
config.worker_id = worker_id;
config.master_endpoint = master_endpoint;
config.worker_endpoint = {kLocal, 0};
auto worker = std::make_unique<WorkerInThread>(modify_config(config));
return worker;
fs::path GetDurabilityDirectory(int worker_id) {
if (worker_id == 0) return tmp_dir_ / "master";
return tmp_dir_ / fmt::format("worker{}", worker_id);
void CleanDurability() {
if (fs::exists(tmp_dir_)) fs::remove_all(tmp_dir_);
fs::path tmp_dir_ =
fs::temp_directory_path() / ("MG_test_unit_distributed_worker_addition");
TEST_F(DistributedDynamicWorker, IndexExistsOnNewWorker) {
auto modify_config = [](database::Config config) { return config; };
auto master = CreateMaster(modify_config);
// Lets insert some data and build label property index
auto dba = master->Access();
storage::Label label;
storage::Property property;
label = dba->Label("label");
property = dba->Property("property");
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
auto vertex = dba->InsertVertex();
vertex.PropsSet(property, 1);
auto dba = master->Access();
storage::Label label;
storage::Property property;
label = dba->Label("label");
property = dba->Property("property");
dba->BuildIndex(label, property);
EXPECT_TRUE(dba->LabelPropertyIndexExists(label, property));
EXPECT_EQ(CountIterable(dba->Vertices(label, property, false)), 100);
auto worker1 = CreateWorker(master->endpoint(), 1, modify_config);
// Check that the new worker has that index
auto dba = worker1->db()->Access();
storage::Label label;
storage::Property property;
label = dba->Label("label");
property = dba->Property("property");
EXPECT_TRUE(dba->LabelPropertyIndexExists(label, property));
auto t = std::thread([&]() { master = nullptr; });
worker1 = nullptr;
if (t.joinable()) t.join();
TEST_F(DistributedDynamicWorker, IndexExistsOnNewWorkerAfterRecovery) {
auto modify_config = [](database::Config config) { return config; };
auto durability_config = [](database::Config config) {
config.durability_enabled = true;
config.snapshot_on_exit = true;
return config;
auto recovery_config = [](database::Config config) {
config.recovering_cluster_size = 1;
config.db_recover_on_startup = true;
return config;
auto master = CreateMaster(durability_config);
// Lets insert some data and build label property index
auto dba = master->Access();
storage::Label label;
storage::Property property;
label = dba->Label("label");
property = dba->Property("property");
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
auto vertex = dba->InsertVertex();
vertex.PropsSet(property, 1);
auto dba = master->Access();
storage::Label label;
storage::Property property;
label = dba->Label("label");
property = dba->Property("property");
dba->BuildIndex(label, property);
EXPECT_TRUE(dba->LabelPropertyIndexExists(label, property));
master = nullptr;
auto master = CreateMaster(recovery_config);
// Make sure the index is recovered on master.
auto dba = master->Access();
storage::Label label;
storage::Property property;
label = dba->Label("label");
property = dba->Property("property");
EXPECT_TRUE(dba->LabelPropertyIndexExists(label, property));
auto worker1 = CreateWorker(master->endpoint(), 1, modify_config);
// Check that the new worker has that index.
auto dba = worker1->db()->Access();
storage::Label label;
storage::Property property;
label = dba->Label("label");
property = dba->Property("property");
EXPECT_TRUE(dba->LabelPropertyIndexExists(label, property));
auto t = std::thread([&]() { master = nullptr; });
worker1 = nullptr;
if (t.joinable()) t.join();